def m_mniOpenClick( self, event ): ''' Browse for a file to open ''' # Open the File Open dialog, grab the file name, and decide which # mode to open the file as: create (and parse) or edit self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('') fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self,'Choose a file', 'Open file', wx.EmptyString, '*.*', wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Create an EpubBook instance and process the file = EpubBook(fdlg.GetPath(), self.m_statusBar, self.m_cbxCoverImage) # Collect the temp folders for later disposal self.tempdirs.append( # Add the file list to the tree control self.populateTree(, # Enable buttons and menus self.m_mniAddImages.Enable() self.m_mniRebuildContent.Enable() self.m_mniAddToLibrary.Enable()
class MainFrame( gui.MainFrameBase ): tempdirs = [] lastSearchPos = -1 matchObj = None def __init__( self, parent ): gui.MainFrameBase.__init__( self, parent ) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onCloseWindow) def m_mniOpenClick( self, event ): ''' Browse for a file to open ''' # Open the File Open dialog, grab the file name, and decide which # mode to open the file as: create (and parse) or edit self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('') fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self,'Choose a file', 'Open file', wx.EmptyString, '*.*', wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Create an EpubBook instance and process the file = EpubBook(fdlg.GetPath(), self.m_statusBar, self.m_cbxCoverImage) # Collect the temp folders for later disposal self.tempdirs.append( # Add the file list to the tree control self.populateTree(, # Enable buttons and menus self.m_mniAddImages.Enable() self.m_mniRebuildContent.Enable() self.m_mniAddToLibrary.Enable() def m_mniSaveClick( self, event ): ''' Save a file ''' # Save a file to disk self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('') if self.curFileName <> '': f = open(self.curFileName, 'w') f.write(self.m_txtMain.GetValue()) f.close() self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('File saved.') def m_mniSaveEpubClick( self, event ): ''' Save the EPUB to disk ''' fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self,'Choose a file', 'Save file', + '.epub', '*.epub', wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: saveEpubAs = fdlg.GetPath() # No epub file ext, then add one if os.path.splitext(saveEpubAs)[1].lower() != '.epub': saveEpubAs += '.epub' # Use a static method to create and save the EPUB EpubProcessor.createArchive(, saveEpubAs) self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('EPUB successfully saved.') def m_mniExitClick( self, event ): ''' Clean up all temp folders and then Exit ''' try: self.removeAllTempDirs() finally: self.Close(True) def m_mniReformatClick( self, event ): ''' Use pretty print to reformat xml-valid files ''' self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('') # Grab the file text and send it to the slightly # modified xmlpp to prettify body = self.m_txtMain.GetValue() body = xmlpp.get_pprint(body) self.m_txtMain.SetValue(body) def m_mniAddImagesClick( self, event ): ''' Add images ''' self.addImages() def m_mniRebuildContentClick( self, event ): ''' Rebuild the EPUB content files ''' self.rebuild() def m_mniAddToLibraryClick( self, event ): def m_mniAboutClick( self, event ): ''' Simple about dialog ''' wx.MessageBox('EPUB Studio by Doug Thompson.','EPUB Studio') def m_btnAddCoverTagClick( self, event ): ''' Add a Cover Tag to the OPF file ''' if self.m_cbxCoverImage.GetStringSelection() <> '': ### TODO: Implement functionality pass def rebuild(self): ''' Rebuild the EPUB structure and details ''' self.populateTree(, def addImages(self): ''' Add images to the OPF ''' self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('') fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self,'Choose one or more image files', 'Open file(s)', wx.EmptyString, '*.jpg', wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Re-populate the tree with the updated file list self.populateTree(, def m_treeFilesSelChanged( self, event ): ''' Simplified text editor functionality ''' self.m_statusBar.SetStatusText('') # Grab the filename and make sure it is not an image # If not an image, then load the file and display filename = self.getItemPyData(event.GetItem()).directory extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] imgs = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.bmp'] self.m_txtMain.Value = '' self.curFileName = '' if os.path.isfile(filename): if extension.lower() not in imgs: self.curFileName = filename contents = open(filename, 'r').read() self.m_txtMain.Value = contents else: self.m_txtMain.Value = 'Not a valid text file' def m_btnDeleteClick( self, event ): ''' Delete a selected file ''' # Grab the filename and make sure it is not an image # If not an image, then load the file and display if len(self.curFileName) > 0: os.remove(self.curFileName) self.populateTree(, def populateTree(self, root, rootDisplay): ''' Build the EPUB file structure tree ''' # Clear tree and prepare for data self.m_treeFiles.DeleteAllItems() rootEntry = self.m_treeFiles.AddRoot(rootDisplay) self.m_treeFiles.SetPyData(rootEntry, Directory(os.path.join(root, root))) # Loop through each file and add filenames and sub-folders ids = {root : rootEntry} for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root): for dirname in dirnames: fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) ids[fullpath] = self.m_treeFiles.AppendItem(ids[dirpath], dirname) self.m_treeFiles.SetPyData(ids[fullpath], Directory(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname))) for filename in sorted(filenames): child = self.m_treeFiles.AppendItem(ids[dirpath], filename) self.m_treeFiles.SetPyData(child, Directory(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))) self.m_treeFiles.ExpandAll() ''' Tree support functions ''' def getItemText(self, item): # Get the text of an item if item: return self.m_treeFiles.GetItemText(item) else: return '' def getItemPyData(self, item): # Get the data of an item if item: return self.m_treeFiles.GetPyData(item) else: return '' def onCloseWindow(self, event): ''' Clean up all temp folders and then Exit ''' try: self.removeAllTempDirs() finally: self.Destroy() def removeAllTempDirs(self): ''' Recursively remove files and folders ''' for dir in self.tempdirs: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(dir) self.tempdirs = [] ''' Rudimentary Find/Replace features ''' def m_mniFindClick( self, event ): self.Find() def m_btnFindClick( self, event ): self.Find() def m_mniReplaceClick( self, event ): self.Replace() def m_btnReplaceClick( self, event ): self.Replace() def Find(self): ''' Find text functions supporting Regular Expressions ''' editor = self.m_txtMain self.matchObj = None if editor != None: # Grab the text, the find text, and the find methods textToSearch = editor.GetValue() findText = self.m_txtFind.GetValue() searchDown = True ### TODO: support wholeWord functionality wholeWord = self.m_chkWholeWord.GetValue() matchCase = self.m_chkMatchCase.GetValue() useRegEx = self.m_chkRegEx.GetValue() # Get the caret position to start searching caret = editor.GetInsertionPoint() if self.lastSearchPos == caret: caret += 1 # Make sure the caret values are within bounds if caret < 0: caret = 0 if caret > len(textToSearch): caret = len(textToSearch) -1 # Reset find variables to walk-thru text in the correct # search direction findPos = -1 findLength = len(findText) if searchDown: if useRegEx: # Compile the RegEx and collect matches regex = re.compile(findText) match =, caret) if match <> None: # Get the text extent info for the current match self.matchObj = match findPos = match.start(0) findLength = match.end(0) - match.start(0) else: # Match without RegEx # If not matching case, the set to lower case... not sure # if this is the best option, but seems to be okay if matchCase: findPos = textToSearch.find(findText, caret) else: findPos = textToSearch.lower().find(findText.lower(), caret) # If there is a chunk found, then highlight it if findPos >= 0: editor.SetSelection(findPos, findPos + findLength) self.m_txtMain.SetFocus() self.lastSearchPos = findPos else: # Search up (not fully implemented) ### TODO: finish implementing the functionality findPos = textToSearch[:caret].rfind(findText) if findPos >= 0: editor.SetSelection(findPos, findPos + len(findText)) self.m_txtMain.SetFocus() self.lastSearchPos = findPos def Replace(self): ''' Replace functionality ''' # Grab the text, the find text, and the replace options findText = self.m_txtFind.GetValue() replaceText = self.m_txtReplace.GetValue() selectedText = self.m_txtMain.GetSelection() textToSearch = self.m_txtMain.GetValue() useRegEx = self.m_chkRegEx.GetValue() # Make sure something has bee found first. if (selectedText[0] <> selectedText[1]) & (self.lastSearchPos > -1): if useRegEx: # Get the groups to replace and do the replace with the matched replace text replaceGroups = len(self.matchObj.groups()) if replaceText.find('\\' + str(replaceGroups)) >= 0: newReplaceText = replaceText for i in xrange(replaceGroups): newReplaceText = newReplaceText.replace('\\' + str(i+1), textToSearch = textToSearch[:selectedText[0]] + newReplaceText + textToSearch[selectedText[1]:] self.m_txtMain.SetValue(textToSearch) self.m_txtMain.SetInsertionPoint(self.lastSearchPos) else: # Replace the selected text with the replace text textToSearch = textToSearch[:selectedText[0]] + replaceText + textToSearch[selectedText[1]:] self.m_txtMain.SetValue(textToSearch) self.m_txtMain.SetInsertionPoint(self.lastSearchPos) self.Find()