def Faststainsep(I_obj,I,nstains,lamb,level,background_correction): s=I.shape ndimsI = len(s) if ndimsI!=3: print ("Input Image I should be 3-dimensional!") sys.exit(0) rows = s[0] cols = s[1] num_patches=20 patchsize=100 #Estimate stain color bases + acceleration Wi,i0=Wfast(I_obj,nstains,lamb,num_patches,patchsize,level) if background_correction: print ("Background intensity:",i0) else: i0 = np.array([255.,255.,255.]) print ("Background correction disabled, default background intensity assumed") #Beer-Lambert tranformation V,VforW=BLtrans(I,i0) #V=WH see in paper Hiv=np.transpose(,np.transpose(V))) #Pseudo-inverse Hiv[Hiv<0]=0 Hi=np.reshape(Hiv,(rows,cols,nstains)) #calculate the color image for each stain sepstains = [] for i in range(nstains): vdAS = np.reshape(Hiv[:,i],(rows*cols,1))*np.reshape(Wi[:,i],(1,3)) sepstains.append(np.uint8(i0*np.reshape(np.exp(-vdAS), (rows, cols, 3)))) return Wi,Hi,Hiv,sepstains
def run_batch_colornorm(filenames, nstains, lamb, output_direc, img_level, background_correction=True, config=None): if config is None: config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False) g_1 = tf.Graph() with g_1.as_default(): Wis1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) Img1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, None, 3)) src_i_0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) s = tf.shape(Img1) Img_vecd = tf.reshape(tf.minimum(Img1, src_i_0), [s[0] * s[1], s[2]]) V = tf.log(src_i_0 + 1.0) - tf.log(Img_vecd + 1.0) Wi_inv = tf.transpose(tf.py_func(np.linalg.pinv, [Wis1], tf.float32)) Hiv1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(V, Wi_inv)) Wit1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) Hiv2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) sav_name = tf.placeholder(tf.string) tar_i_0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) normfac = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) shape = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) Hsonorm = Hiv2 * normfac source_norm = tf.cast( tar_i_0 * tf.exp( (-1) * tf.reshape(tf.matmul(Hsonorm, Wit1), shape)), tf.uint8) enc = tf.image.encode_png(source_norm) fwrite = tf.write_file(sav_name, enc) session1 = tf.Session(graph=g_1, config=config) file_no = 0 print "To be normalized:", filenames[1:], "using", filenames[0] for filename in filenames: display_separator() if background_correction: correc = "back-correc" else: correc = "no-back-correc" base_t = os.path.basename(filenames[0]) #target.svs fname_t = os.path.splitext(base_t)[0] #target base_s = os.path.basename(filename) #source.svs fname_s = os.path.splitext(base_s)[0] #source f_form = os.path.splitext(base_s)[1] #.svs s = output_direc + base_s.replace( ".", "_") + " (using " + base_t.replace( ".", "_") + " " + correc + ").png" # s=output_direc+base_s.replace(".", "_")+" (no-norm using "+base_t.replace(".", "_")+").png" #s=output_direc+fname_s+"_normalized.png" tic = time.time() print I = openslide.open_slide(filename) if img_level >= I.level_count: print "Level", img_level, "unavailable for image, proceeding with level 0" level = 0 else: level = img_level xdim, ydim = I.level_dimensions[level] ds = I.level_downsamples[level] if file_no == 0: print "Target Stain Separation in progress:", filename, str( xdim) + str("x") + str(ydim) else: print "Source Stain Separation in progress:", filename, str( xdim) + str("x") + str(ydim) print "\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t Time: 0" #parameters for W estimation num_patches = 20 patchsize = 1000 #length of side of square i0_default = np.array([255., 255., 255.], dtype=np.float32) Wi, i0 = Wfast(I, nstains, lamb, num_patches, patchsize, level, background_correction) if i0 is None: print "No white background detected" i0 = i0_default if not background_correction: print "Background correction disabled, default background intensity assumed" i0 = i0_default if Wi is None: print "Color Basis Matrix Estimation failed...image normalization skipped" continue print "W estimated", print "\t \t \t \t \t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) Wi = Wi.astype(np.float32) if file_no == 0: print "Target Color Basis Matrix:" print Wi Wi_target = np.transpose(Wi) tar_i0 = i0 print "Target Image Background white intensity:", i0 else: print "Source Color Basis Matrix:" print Wi print "Source Image Background white intensity:", i0 _max = 2000 print if (xdim * ydim) <= (_max * _max): print "Small image processing..." img = np.asarray(I.read_region((0, 0), level, (xdim, ydim)), dtype=np.float32)[:, :, :3] Hiv =, feed_dict={ Img1: img, Wis1: Wi, src_i_0: i0 }) # Hta_Rmax = np.percentile(Hiv,q=99.,axis=0) H_Rmax = np.ones((nstains, ), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(nstains): t = Hiv[:, i] H_Rmax[i] = np.percentile(t[t > 0], q=99., axis=0) if file_no == 0: file_no += 1 Hta_Rmax = np.copy(H_Rmax) print "Target H calculated", print "\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Total Time:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) display_separator() continue print "Color Normalization in progress..." norm_fac = np.divide(Hta_Rmax, H_Rmax).astype(np.float32), feed_dict={ shape: np.array(img.shape), Wit1: Wi_target, Hiv2: Hiv, sav_name: s, tar_i_0: tar_i0, normfac: norm_fac }) print "File written to:", s print "\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t Total Time:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) display_separator() else: _maxtf = 3000 x_max = xdim y_max = min(max(int(_maxtf * _maxtf / x_max), 1), ydim) print "Large image processing..." if file_no == 0: Hivt = np.memmap('H_target', dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(xdim * ydim, 2)) else: Hivs = np.memmap('H_source', dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(xdim * ydim, 2)) sourcenorm = np.memmap('wsi', dtype='uint8', mode='w+', shape=(ydim, xdim, 3)) x_tl = range(0, xdim, x_max) y_tl = range(0, ydim, y_max) print "WSI divided into", str(len(x_tl)) + "x" + str(len(y_tl)) count = 0 print "Patch-wise H calculation in progress..." ind = 0 perc = [] for x in x_tl: for y in y_tl: count += 1 xx = min(x_max, xdim - x) yy = min(y_max, ydim - y) print "Processing:", count, " patch size", str( xx) + "x" + str(yy), print "\t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) img = np.asarray(I.read_region((int(ds * x), int(ds * y)), level, (xx, yy)), dtype=np.float32)[:, :, :3] Hiv =, feed_dict={ Img1: img, Wis1: Wi, src_i_0: i0 }) if file_no == 0: Hivt[ind:ind + len(Hiv), :] = Hiv _Hta_Rmax = np.ones((nstains, ), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(nstains): t = Hiv[:, i] _Hta_Rmax[i] = np.percentile(t[t > 0], q=99., axis=0) perc.append([_Hta_Rmax[0], _Hta_Rmax[1]]) ind += len(Hiv) continue else: Hivs[ind:ind + len(Hiv), :] = Hiv _Hso_Rmax = np.ones((nstains, ), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(nstains): t = Hiv[:, i] _Hso_Rmax[i] = np.percentile(t[t > 0], q=99., axis=0) perc.append([_Hso_Rmax[0], _Hso_Rmax[1]]) ind += len(Hiv) if file_no == 0: print "Target H calculated", Hta_Rmax = np.percentile(np.array(perc), 50, axis=0) file_no += 1 del Hivt print "\t \t \t \t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) ind = 0 continue print "Source H calculated", print "\t \t \t \t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) Hso_Rmax = np.percentile(np.array(perc), 50, axis=0) print "H Percentile calculated", print "\t \t \t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) _normfac = np.divide(Hta_Rmax, Hso_Rmax).astype(np.float32) print "Color Normalization in progress..." count = 0 ind = 0 np_max = 1000 x_max = xdim y_max = min(max(int(np_max * np_max / x_max), 1), ydim) x_tl = range(0, xdim, x_max) y_tl = range(0, ydim, y_max) print "Patch-wise color normalization in progress..." total = len(x_tl) * len(y_tl) prev_progress = 0 for x in x_tl: for y in y_tl: count += 1 xx = min(x_max, xdim - x) yy = min(y_max, ydim - y) pix = xx * yy sh = np.array([yy, xx, 3]) #Back projection into spatial intensity space (Inverse Beer-Lambert space) sourcenorm[y:y + yy, x:x + xx, :3] = source_norm, feed_dict={ Hiv2: np.array(Hivs[ind:ind + pix, :]), Wit1: Wi_target, normfac: _normfac, shape: sh, tar_i_0: tar_i0 }) ind += pix percent = 5 * int(count * 20 / total) #nearest 5 percent if percent > prev_progress and percent < 100: print str(percent) + " percent complete...", print "\t \t \t \t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) prev_progress = percent print "Color Normalization complete!", print "\t \t \t \t Time since processing started:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) p = time.time() - tic s = output_direc + base_s.replace( ".", "_") + " (using " + base_t.replace( ".", "_") + " " + correc + ").png" print "Saving normalized image..." cv2.imwrite(s, cv2.cvtColor(sourcenorm, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) del sourcenorm print "File written to:", s print "\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t Total Time:", round( time.time() - tic, 3) display_separator() file_no += 1 if os.path.exists("H_target"): os.remove("H_target") if os.path.exists("H_source"): os.remove("H_source") if os.path.exists("wsi"): os.remove("wsi") session1.close()