def main(dbtype):
    dbPool = PyDBPool(dbtype)

    # 数据预处理
    # 通过 Complain_OTT 更新(插入) properties_db_area/properties_db_OTT

    # 通过 Complain_User 更新(插入) properties_db_cs

    # 获取所有工单号
    complainTaskIDList = getComplainTaskID(dbPool)

    # 处理单条工单
    for taskId in complainTaskIDList:
        taskId = taskId[0]
        print('taskId = ', taskId)
        updateComplainTask(taskId, dbPool)
from ExcelProject.PyDBPool import PyDBPool

dbpool = PyDBPool('mssql')

num = dbpool.update(
    "update manager_task_detail set cellquestion = '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。333' WHERE TASK_DETAIL_ID = 1"


# print(re)
# print('type1 =',re[0][0])
# print('type2 = ',re[0][1])
# if re[0][1] is None:
#     print("None")
# elif re[0][1] == '':
#     print('NULL')
# else:
#     print('other')

# 测试set

# reasonSuggestMerge = [{('疑似邻区存在隐性故障', '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致'): ['2017-03-26:10']},
#                       {('邻区干扰影响切换', '建议进行负载均衡参数调整'): ['2017-03-26:08']},
#                       {('疑似邻区存在隐性故障', '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致'): ['2017-03-26:05,17,22']},
#                       {('疑似邻区存在隐性故障', '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致'): ['2017-03-28:16,17,18']},
#                       {('疑似邻区存在隐性故障', '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致'): ['2017-03-26:11']},
#                       {('疑似邻区存在隐性故障', '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致'): ['2017-03-28:12']},
#                       {('互调干扰', '建议处理同频单向邻区'): ['2017-03-26:03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10']}]
# -*- coding:utf-8  -*-

from ExcelProject.PyDBPool import PyDBPool

# 初始化数据库连接池对象
dbpool = PyDBPool('mysql')

@updateMtdByHour()  按小时更新工单信息manager_task_detail
@task_detail_id     传入的工单id参数


def updateMtdByHour(task_detail_id):
    if task_detail_id is None:

    updateMtdInitSql = "update ROSAS.manager_task_detail set type3 = '%s' where task_detail_id = %d and reply= '0' and type1 = 'XN' and ifnull(type3,'') = ''" % (
        '高掉线小区', task_detail_id)

    if dbpool.update(updateMtdInitSql) > 0:

    mtd = dbpool.select(
        "select * from ROSAS.manager_task_detail where TASK_DETAIL_ID = %d" % (task_detail_id))
    if len(mtd) == 0:
def updateMtdByDay(task_detail_id, dbtype):
    # 初始化数据库连接池对象
    dbpool = PyDBPool(dbtype)

    if task_detail_id is None:

    # 查询指定工单号的工单记录,如果不存在该记录 跳过
    mtd = dbpool.select(
        "select * from manager_task_detail where task_detail_id = %d and type1 != '%s'"
        % (task_detail_id, 'XN'))
    print("mtd:", mtd)
    if len(mtd) == 0: return
    ttime = mtd[0][2]
    print("ttime:", ttime)

    result2 = dbpool.select(
        "SELECT * FROM DATA_DATE where ttime='%s' AND thour = '23'" % (ttime))
    print("result2", result2)
    if len(result2) == 0: return

    # 取出当前工单号中的日期和时间
    list_date = []
    list_hour = []
    fault_datehour = mtd[0][36]
    dates = fault_datehour.split(';')
    for y in dates:
        dates = y.split(':')[0]
        hours = y.split(':')[1:]

        # print(hours)

        # list_hour.append(hours)

    print('fault_datehour:', fault_datehour)

    print("list_date:", list_date)  # list_date: ['2017-03-25', '2017-03-26']
    # print("list_hour:", list_hour)  # list_hour: [['00,01,03,04,05,06,07,12,15'], ['04,05,06,07']]

    # 从属性数据库PROPERTIES_DB取出相关数据

    defCellname = mtd[0][4]
    print("defCellname:", defCellname)

    tablePropertiesDb = dbpool.select(
        "select pd.DEF_CELLNAME,pd.TYPE1,pd.TYPE3,pd.TTIME,pd.FAULT_DESCRIPTION,pd.LABEL,pd.THOUR,pd.LEVEL_R,pd.FAULT_OBJECT FROM PROPERTIES_DB as pd where pd.DEF_CELLNAME = '%s' and pd.TTIME in (%s) "
        % ((defCellname), (','.join((map(lambda x: repr(x), list_date))))))

    print("tablePropertiesDb:", tablePropertiesDb)

    # 去除result3中不符合条件的记录

    # todo 取出记录
    mtdType1 = mtd[0][13]
    mtdType3 = mtd[0][15]

    print('mtdType1:', mtdType1)

    if dbtype == 'mysql':
        tableImportReason = dbpool.select(
            "select * from import_reason as ir where ir.type1 = '%s' and INSTR(ir.representation,'%s') > 0"
            % (mtdType1, mtdType3))
        tableImportReason = dbpool.select(
            "select * from import_reason as ir where ir.type1 = '%s' and charindex(ir.representation,'%s') > 0"
            % (mtdType1, mtdType3))

    print("tableImportReason:", tableImportReason)

    reasonSuggest = []
    for x in tablePropertiesDb:
        pdType3 = x[2]
        pdLevelR = x[7]
        for y in tableImportReason:
            irReason = y[1]
            irLevelR = y[2]
            irImportantreason = y[4]

            if (pdType3 == irReason) and (pdLevelR == irLevelR) and (
                    irImportantreason != 0):
                rs = []


                # print('x = ', x)
                # print('y = ', y)


    print("reasonSuggest", reasonSuggest)

    reasonSuggestMatch = []

    # 按priority升序排列 取top5 并去重

    reasonSuggestMatch = list(set(sorted(reasonSuggest,
                                         key=lambda x: x[2])))[0:5]

    print("reasonSuggestMatch:", reasonSuggestMatch)

    #  即把相同的suggest,reason记录里面日期和小时合并到一起

    # reasonSuggestMatch = [('2017-03-26', '21', 376, '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致', '疑似邻区存在隐性故障', 1),
    #                       ('2017-03-26', '05,17,22', 376, '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致', '疑似邻区存在隐性故障', 1),
    #                       ('2017-03-26', '09,14,15', 376, '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致', '疑似邻区存在隐性故障', 1),
    #                       ('2017-03-26', '08', 458, '建议进行负载均衡参数调整', '邻区干扰影响切换', 1),
    #                       ('2017-03-26', '10', 376, '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致', '疑似邻区存在隐性故障', 1)]

    reasonSuggestMerge = []

    for i in reasonSuggestMatch:
        rsm = dict()

        ttime = i[0]

        if i[1].find(":") > 0:
            thour = str(i[1][0:-1])
            thour = i[1]

        suggest = i[3]
        reason = i[4]

        rs = (reason, suggest)
        if rs not in rsm:
            date_list = []
            date_list.append(ttime + ':' + thour)
            rsm[rs] = date_list
            rsm[rs].append(';' + ttime + ':' + thour)

    reasonSuggestMergeDate = getMergeDate(reasonSuggestMerge)
    print('reasonSuggestMergeDate', reasonSuggestMergeDate)

    # mtd保存cellquestion IS NULL AND  cellproject IS NULL为空的工单

    # 更新 mtd的变量里面的内容

    # 关联  reasonSuggestMerge 和 mtd  更新原因,建议,Type_pro
    # 将更新后的内容保存到newMtd集合中

    # reasonSuggestMergeDate = {('互调干扰', '建议处理同频单向邻区'): ['2017-03-26:03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10'],
    #                           ('疑似邻区存在隐性故障', '低空大气波导效应、天线挂高过高、发射功率过大等原因导致'): ['2017-03-26:05,17,22,11,21'],
    #                           ('邻区干扰影响切换', '建议进行负载均衡参数调整'): ['2017-03-26:08']}

    newMtd = []
    # 关联两个临时表, 更新原因, 建议, Type_pro

    # 如果 reasonSuggestMergeDate 是空

    if len(reasonSuggestMergeDate) == 0:
        for x in reasonSuggestMergeDate.keys():
            reason = x[0]
            suggest = x[1]

            # print("reason = ", reason)
            # print("suggest = ", suggest)

            for i in mtd:
                # cellQuestion = reason  #i[26]
                # cellProject =  suggest  #i[27]
                # cellSuggest = '小区关键问题原因是:' + reason + '\r优化建议方案:' + suggest

                singleMtd = list(i)
                # print("singleMtd = ",list(i))

                singleMtd[26] = reason  # i[26]
                singleMtd[27] = suggest  # i[27]
                singleMtd[24] = '小区关键问题原因是:' + reason + '\r优化建议方案:' + suggest


        print('newMtd :', newMtd)
        print('newMtd的长度 = ', len(newMtd))

    # 室分性能,室分劣化 cellquestion IS NULL 更新
    # type1 13
    # type3 15

    # cellquestion 27
    # cellproject 28
    # cellsuggest 25

    # picell- pi378 393
    # picell-ttime 12
    # picell- def_cellname 5

    # todo 上面newMtd中的cellquestion没有空数据!!! 上面对其中的cellquestion已经进行了赋值
    # 但是  如果不满足赋值条件,则直接进入下面的程序!!!

    mtdSF = []
    for i in mtd:  # 如何上面的更新不满足更新条件 则 mtdSF =  mtd
        type1 = i[13]
        cellquestion = i[27]
        # print('type1 = %s, cellquestion = %s' % (type1, cellquestion))
        # print("taskid = '%s', type1 = '%s'"%( i[0],i[13]))
        print('type1 = ', type1)
        print('cellquestion = ', cellquestion)
        if type1 in ('SFXN', 'SFLH') and cellquestion == '':

    print('mtdSF = ', mtdSF)

    if dbtype == 'mysql':
        tablePiCell = dbpool.select(
            "select * from PI_CELL  where (PI55 + PI56) = 0 and pi378 >=0 limit 10;"
        tablePiCell = dbpool.select(
            "SELECT top 10 * FROM pi_cell WHERE (CONVERT(FLOAT, pi55) + CONVERT(FLOAT, pi56)) = 0 AND CONVERT(FLOAT, pi378) >= 0"

    print('tablePiCell', tablePiCell)
    print('tablePiCell length = ', len(tablePiCell))

    # 室分性能, 室分劣化
    # cellquestion
    # IS
    # NULL
    # 更新  更新后的变量存入 newmtdCell
    newMtdCell = []
    for x in tablePiCell:
        x = list(x)
        pi378 = float(x[393])
        # print('pi378:', float(pi378))
        xttime = x[12]
        xdefCellname = x[5]

        # print('tablePiCell-xttime = ',xttime)
        # print('tablePiCell-xdefCellname = ',xdefCellname)
        for y in mtdSF:
            y = list(y)
            yttime = y[2]
            ydefCellname = y[4]
            # print('mtdSF-yttime = ', yttime)
            # print('mtdSF-ydefCellname = ', ydefCellname)

            if xttime == yttime and xdefCellname == ydefCellname:
                # todo
                # 更新操作 cellquestion cellproject cellsuggest
                if pi378 > 0:
                    y[27] = '可能设备隐性故障或设备遭破坏'
                    y[28] = '现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。'
                    y[25] = '小区关键问题原因是:可能设备隐性故障或设备遭破坏。\r优化建议方案:现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。'
                    y[27] = '小区无用户'
                    y[28] = '现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。'
                    y[25] = '小区关键问题原因是:小区无用户。\r优化建议方案:现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。'


    print('newMtdCell :', newMtdCell)

    # newMtdCell = [(6, None, '2017-03-26', None, '1-19905-1-130', '29', '北部新区海州国际公寓灯杆F-HLHB', '重庆', '其它', 'null', 'null',
    #               None, None, 'SFXN', '自动', '高掉线小区', '问题符合高掉线小区筛选规则', '3', 'admin', '07', '', 3, 13, None, '',
    #               '小区关键问题原因是:互调干扰,发生时间:2017-03-26:03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,关联系数:0.4\\r\\r优化建议方案:GSM900:2f1、f1+f2,DCS1800:2f1-f140且自身互调性能较差\\r',
    #               None, '', '建议排查周边存在电信联通FDD使用2024MHz频段,自身接收机性能较差;设备故障;周边存在干扰器开启等\\r', None, None, None, None, None,
    #               None, None, '2017-03-25:00,01,03,04,05,06,07,12,15;2017-03-26:04,05,06,07', None, None, None, None,
    #               None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)]

    # 系统未发现原因的更新 todo
    # type1 13
    # type3 15

    # cellquestion 27
    # cellproject 28
    # cellsuggest 25
    newMtdCellNoReason = []

    for i in newMtdCell:

        print('newMtdCell= ', i)
        i = list(i)

        type3 = i[15]
        type1 = i[13]
        print('type3 = ', type3)
        print('type1 = ', type1)

        # cellquestion
        if type3 in ('严重弱覆盖小区', '近端弱覆盖小区'):

            i[27] = '疑似小区天线挂高过低,机械下倾角过大或者小区覆盖方向存在阻挡。'
        elif type3 in ('远端弱覆盖小区', '过覆盖', '下行严重弱覆盖小区', '下行弱覆盖小区'):
            i[27] = '疑似小区天线挂高过高,机械下倾角过小或者小区站间距过大。'
        elif type3 == '室分弱覆盖小区':
            i[27] = '疑似室分分布系统故障或分布不合理。'

        elif type3 in ('重叠覆盖且高质差宏站小区', '重叠覆盖'):
            i[27] = '疑似小区或邻区工参不合理。'

        elif type1 == 'MR':
            i[27] == '系统并未发现影响小区覆盖的原因。'
            i[27] = '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。'

        # cellproject
        if type3 in ('严重弱覆盖小区', '近端弱覆盖小区'):
            i[28] = '疑似小区天线挂高过低,机械下倾角过大或者小区覆盖方向存在阻挡。'
        elif type3 in ('远端弱覆盖小区', '过覆盖', '下行严重弱覆盖小区', '下行弱覆盖小区'):
            i[28] = '疑似小区天线挂高过高,机械下倾角过小或者小区站间距过大。'
        elif type3 == '室分弱覆盖小区':
            i[28] = '疑似室分分布系统故障或分布不合理。'

        elif type3 in ('重叠覆盖且高质差宏站小区', '重叠覆盖'):
            i[28] = '疑似小区或邻区工参不合理。'

        elif type1 == 'MR':
            i[28] == '请到现场排查是否存在阻挡、站高和下倾角是否合理或其他原因导致。'
            i[28] = '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。'

        # cellsuggest
        if type3 in ('严重弱覆盖小区', '近端弱覆盖小区'):
            i[25] = '疑似小区天线挂高过低,机械下倾角过大或者小区覆盖方向存在阻挡。'
        elif type3 in ('远端弱覆盖小区', '过覆盖', '下行严重弱覆盖小区', '下行弱覆盖小区'):
            i[25] = '疑似小区天线挂高过高,机械下倾角过小或者小区站间距过大。'
        elif type3 == '室分弱覆盖小区':
            i[25] = '小区关键问题原因是:疑似室分分布系统故障或分布不合理。\r优化建议方案:现场测试基站是否存在故障,室内分布否合理。'

        elif type3 in ('重叠覆盖且高质差宏站小区', '重叠覆盖'):
            i[25] = '小区关键问题原因是:疑似小区或邻区工参不合理。\r优化建议方案:现场测试基站工程参数是否合理。'

        elif type1 == 'MR':
            i[25] == '小区关键问题原因是:系统并未发现影响小区覆盖的原因。\r优化建议方案:请到现场排查是否存在阻挡、站高和下倾角是否合理或其他原因导致。'
            i[25] = '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。'

    print('newMtdCellNoReason :', newMtdCellNoReason)

    # 更新白名单  默认为空吗 ?
    mtdWhilte = []

    lteLhxqWhite = dbpool.select("select * from lte_lhxq_white;")
    print("白名单列表: ", lteLhxqWhite)
    if len(lteLhxqWhite) != 0:
        for i in lteLhxqWhite:
            idefCellname = i[2]

            for j in newMtdCellNoReason:
                jdefCellnameChinese = j[6]
                if jdefCellnameChinese == idefCellname:
                    # 更新 cellproject = cellproject + '\r本小区属于白名单小区,建议不下派工单。'
                    j[28] = j[28] + '\r本小区属于白名单小区,建议不下派工单。'
        mtdWhilte = newMtdCellNoReason

    print('mtdWhilte = ', mtdWhilte)

    # 以下所有语句是更新更具体的建议cellproject

    # 接下来两次更新白名单

    # 第一次
    # 查询 table

    mtdWhilteOnce = []

    print("tablePropertiesDb length = ", len(tablePropertiesDb))
    for y in tablePropertiesDb:
        ydefCellname = y[0]
        yttime = y[3]
        ytype3 = y[2]
        yfaultDescription = y[4]
        for x in mtdWhilte:
            xdefCellname = x[4]
            xttime = x[2]
            xtype3 = x[15]
            xcellquestion = x[27]

            if xdefCellname == ydefCellname and xttime == yttime and ytype3 == '相关小区故障' and '相关小区故障' in xcellquestion:
                # 更新cellproject
                x[28] = x[28].replace('建议处理相关小区故障', '建议处理' + yfaultDescription)

    if len(mtdWhilteOnce) == 0:
        mtdWhilteOnce = mtdWhilte

    print('mtdWhilteOnce: ', mtdWhilteOnce)

    # 第二次更新

    mtdWhilteTwice = []

    tablePropertiesDbByType = dbpool.select(
        "select DEF_CELLNAME,TTIME,FAULT_OBJECT from PROPERTIES_DB where TYPE1 = '%s' and TYPE3='%s'"
        % ('MR', '覆盖方向需调整'))  # 大约80行

    for x in tablePropertiesDbByType:
        xfaultObject = x[2]
        xdefCellname = x[0]
        xttime = x[1]

        for y in mtdWhilteOnce:
            yttime = y[2]
            ydefCellname = y[4]
            ycellquestion = y[27]

            if xdefCellname == ydefCellname and xttime == yttime and '覆盖方向需调整' in ycellquestion:
                ycellproject = y[28]
                if ('建议调整方向角' in ycellproject):
                    re = '建议处理相关小区故障'
                    re = '建议处理' + xfaultObject

                y[28] = y[28].replace('覆盖方向需调整', re)


    if len(mtdWhilteTwice) == 0:
        mtdWhilteTwice = mtdWhilteOnce

    print("mtdWhilteTwice: ", mtdWhilteTwice)

    # mtdWhilteTwice = [(6, None, '2017-03-26', None, '1-19905-1-130', '29', '北部新区海州国际公寓灯杆F-HLHB', '重庆', '其它', 'null',
    #                   'null', None, None, 'SFXN', '自动', '高掉线小区', '问题符合高掉线小区筛选规则', '3', 'admin', '07', '', 3, 13, None,
    #                   '',
    #                   '小区关键问题原因是:互调干扰,发生时间:2017-03-26:03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,关联系数:0.4\\r\\r优化建议方案:GSM900:2f1、f1+f2,DCS1800:2f1-f140且自身互调性能较差\\r',
    #                   None, '', '建议排查周边存在电信联通FDD使用2024MHz频段,自身接收机性能较差;设备故障;周边存在干扰器开启等\\r', None, None, None, None, None,
    #                   None, None, '2017-03-25:00,01,03,04,05,06,07,12,15;2017-03-26:04,05,06,07', None, None, None,
    #                   None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)]

    # 将上述所有对数据的操作更新到 manager_task_detail

    # 租后更新的是detail表中的四个字段  cellquestion cellproject cellsuggest type_pro
def updateMtdByDay(task_detail_id, dbtype):
    # 初始化数据库连接池对象
    dbpool = PyDBPool(dbtype)

    # 查询manager_task_detail表
    mtd, ttime, list_date, defCellname, mtdType1, mtdType3 = getSingleMtdInfo(
        task_detail_id, dbpool)

    # mtd =  [(1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #        'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #        '小区关键问题原因是:X2接口故障告警\\r阻塞干扰\\r\\r优化建议方案:建议处理X2接口故障告警故障\\r建议检查基站硬件\\现场扫频\\r', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #        '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #        '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #        None, None, None)]

    # 模拟满足mtdSF的数据,
    # type1 in ('SFLH','SFLX')  cellquestion = ''
    # def_cellchiese
    # type3 相关小区故障
    mtd = [(
        1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171',
        '衡阳衡东县大托HLD3900256532PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '', 'SFXN', '自动',
        '相关小区故障', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
        '', '', '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '',
        '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None,
        None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None,

    # 从小区属性表PROPERTIES_DB取出关联数据
    tablePropertiesDb = getTablePropertiesDb(dbpool, dbtype, defCellname,

    # 从工单,原因表import_reason取出关联数据
    tableImportReason = getTableImportReason(dbpool, dbtype, mtdType1,

    # tablePropertiesDb 和 tableImportReason 集合关联,保存满足条件的变量
    # 元素样式 ('2017-03-26', '11', 400, '建议降低小区的发射功率', '室分功率参数不合理', 1)
    reasonSuggest = getReasonSuggest(tablePropertiesDb, tableImportReason)
    if len(reasonSuggest) == 0: return

    # reasonSuggest[('2016-02-01', '19,20,21,22,23', 20, '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障', '外部干扰', 1), (
    # '2016-02-02', '00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22', 20,
    # '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障', '外部干扰', 1), (
    #               '2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 116, '建议处理【衍生告警】华为GSM同一基站同时产生多条射频类告警故障', 'X2接口故障告警', 1), (
    #               '2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 108, '', 'X2接口故障告警', 1), (
    #               '2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 84, '建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障', 'X2接口故障告警', 1), (
    #               '2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 91, '建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障', 'X2接口故障告警', 1)]

    # 按priority升序排列 取top5 并去重
    reasonSuggestMatch = sorted(list(set(reasonSuggest)),
                                key=lambda x: x[2])[0:5]

    # reasonSuggestMatch = [('2016-02-02', '00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22', 20,
    #                        '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障', '外部干扰', 1),
    #                       ('2016-02-01', '19,20,21,22,23', 20, '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障', '外部干扰', 1),
    #                       ('2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 84, '建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障', 'X2接口故障告警', 1),
    #                       ('2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 108, '', 'X2接口故障告警', 1),
    #                       ('2016-02-02', 'AllDay', 116, '建议处理【衍生告警】华为GSM同一基站同时产生多条射频类告警故障', 'X2接口故障告警', 1)]

    print("reasonSuggestMatch:", reasonSuggestMatch)

    # 把相同的suggest,reason记录里面日期和小时合并到一起

    reasonSuggestMergeDate = getReasonSuggestMergeDate(reasonSuggestMatch)
    print('reasonSuggestMergeDate = ', reasonSuggestMergeDate)

    # reasonSuggestMergeDate = {('外部干扰', '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障'): [
    #     '2016-02-02:00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22;2016-02-01:19,20,21,22,23'],
    #                           ('X2接口故障告警', '建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障'): ['2016-02-02:AllDay'],
    #                           ('X2接口故障告警', '建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障'): ['2016-02-02:AllDay'],
    #                           ('X2接口故障告警', ''): ['2016-02-02:AllDay']}

    # 模拟满足mtdSF条件的数据  cellquestion = ''
    # reasonSuggestMergeDate = {('', '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障'): [
    #     '2016-02-02:00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22;2016-02-01:19,20,21,22,23'],
    #     ('', '建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障'): ['2016-02-02:AllDay'],
    #     ('', '建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障'): ['2016-02-02:AllDay'],
    #     ('X2接口故障告警', ''): ['2016-02-02:AllDay']}

    # mtd保存cellquestion IS NULL AND  cellproject IS NULL为空的工单
    # 更新 mtd的变量里面的内容
    # 关联  reasonSuggestMerge 和 mtd  更新原因,建议,Type_pro 将更新后的内容保存到newMtd集合中
    # 关联两个临时表, 更新原因, 建议, Type_pro
    newMtd = getNewMtd(reasonSuggestMergeDate, mtd)

    # newMtd: [
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:\r优化建议方案:建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障', '', '', '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障',
    #      '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None,
    #      None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:\r优化建议方案:建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障', '', '', '建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障',
    #      '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None,
    #      None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:\r优化建议方案:建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障', '', '', '建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障',
    #      '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None,
    #      None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:X2接口故障告警\r优化建议方案:', '', 'X2接口故障告警', '', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None]]

    # 室分性能,室分劣化 cellquestion IS NULL 更新
    # type1 13
    # type3 15

    # cellquestion 27
    # cellproject 28
    # cellsuggest 25

    # picell- pi378 393
    # picell-ttime 12
    # picell- def_cellname 5

    # 过滤newMtd中的数据 取出type1 in ('SFXN','SFLH') and cellquestion is null 的记录 放入新集合mtdSF
    mtdSF = getMtdSF(newMtd)

    # type1 in ('SFXN','SFLH')  cellquesion = ''
    # mtdSF = [
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:\r优化建议方案:建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障', '', '', '建议处理【衍生告警】LTE基站BASE STATION FAULTY故障',
    #      '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None,
    #      None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:\r优化建议方案:建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障', '', '', '建议处理【衍生告警】诺西LTE同一网元同时产生多条小区类告警故障',
    #      '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None,
    #      None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:\r优化建议方案:建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障', '', '', '建议处理【衍生告警】普天TD同一网元同时产生多条RRU告警故障',
    #      '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None,
    #      None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None, None, None, None]]

    # 查询PI_CELL小区性能表 取出全部数据(这里仅取10条做测试)
    tablePiCell = getTablePiCell(dbpool, dbtype)

    # 工单记录中的def_cellname与PI_CELL中的def_cellname的样式不一样? 关联不到数据!
    #                 ttime          def_cellname                                       pi378
    # tablePiCell = [('2015-12-05', 'oss1-YUYXYjunyuejiudianEL-R6601467726PT-1-4677261', '0.0'),
    #                ('2015-12-04', 'oss1-YUYPJsandunxiaodongcunEL-R6601258755PT-1-2587551', '0.0'),
    #                ('2015-12-04', 'oss1-YUYMLgaotiechezhanEL-R6601258476PT-1-2584762', '0.0'),
    #                ('2015-12-05', 'oss1-YUYPJxianchonghuanghuacunEL-R6601774667PT-1-7746671', '0.0'),
    #                ('2015-12-05', 'oss1-YUYjinghuwanEL-R6601467499PT-1-4674992', '0.0')]

    # 模拟合适的tablePiCell数据  日期改为'2016-02-02' 小区名改为'1-20799-1-133'

    newTableCell = []
    for t in tablePiCell:
        t = list(t)
        t[0] = '2016-02-02'
        t[1] = '1-20799-1-133'

    tablePiCell = newTableCell
    print('NewtablePiCell = ', tablePiCell)

    # NewtablePiCell = [['2016-02-02', '1-20799-1-133', '0.0']]

    # 室分性能,室分劣化
    newMtdCell = []
    if len(mtdSF) == 0:
        mtdSF = newMtd
    newMtdCell = getNewMtdCell(
        tablePiCell, mtdSF)  # cellquestion cellproject cellsuggest 更新后 数据都一致!

    # newMtdCell = [
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:小区无用户。\r优化建议方案:现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。', '', '小区无用户', '现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '',
    #      '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None,
    #      None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:小区无用户。\r优化建议方案:现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。', '', '小区无用户', '现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '',
    #      '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None,
    #      None, '5.07', None, None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:小区无用户。\r优化建议方案:现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。', '', '小区无用户', '现场测试并对室分设备进行检查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '',
    #      '', '', '', '', '', '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None,
    #      None, '5.07', None, None, None, None]]

    # 系统未发现原因的更新 todo
    newMtdCellNoReason = []
    if len(newMtdCell) == 0:
        newMtdCell = mtdSF
    newMtdCellNoReason = getNewMtdCellNoReason(newMtdCell)

    # newMtdCellNoReason = [
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #      '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #      '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳市区雁北监狱HLD3900256417PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #      '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None]]

    # 查询白名单
    tableMtdWhite = getTableMtdWhite(dbpool, dbtype)
    # 白名单列表 = [('衡阳衡东县京珠高速雁城服务区HLD3900776297PT-23',), ('长沙浏关口杨溪湖(共电信)HL-D3900983086PT-132',),
    #          ('衡阳衡东县大托HLD3900256532PT-3',)]

    # 更新白名单(关联mtd 更新工单记录中的cellproject字段内容)
    updateMtdWhite = []
    if len(newMtdCellNoReason) == 0:
        newMtdCellNoReason = newMtdCell
    updateMtdWhite = getUpdateupdateMtdWhite(tableMtdWhite, newMtdCellNoReason)

    # updateMtdWhite = [
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳衡东县大托HLD3900256532PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #      '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。\r本小区属于白名单小区,建议不下派工单。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳衡东县大托HLD3900256532PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #      '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。\r本小区属于白名单小区,建议不下派工单。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None],
    #     [1, None, '2016-02-02', '', '1-20799-1-133', '171', '衡阳衡东县大托HLD3900256532PT-3', '衡阳', '石鼓区', '', '', '', '',
    #      'SFXN', '自动', 'CSFB指标', '问题符合低接入最差小区筛选规则', '0', 'admin', '22', '', 3, 16, '', '',
    #      '小区关键问题原因是:系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。\r优化建议方案:需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。', '', '系统未发现影响小区性能的原因。',
    #      '需继续观察指标,或现场测试及对基站硬件进行排查。\r本小区属于白名单小区,建议不下派工单。', '9102890920160310165244ms2', '', '', '', '', '', '',
    #      '2016-02-01:13,23;2016-02-02:22', None, None, None, None, None, None, '·ñ', None, None, None, '5.07', None,
    #      None, None, None]]

    # 以下所有语句是更新更具体的建议cellproject, 接下来两次更新白名单   两次更新应该是或的关系!
    # 第一次  关联条件  xdefCellname == ydefCellname and xttime == yttime and ytype3 == '相关小区故障' and '相关小区故障' in xcellquestion:
    updateMtdWhiteOnce = []
    if len(updateMtdWhite) == 0:
        updateMtdWhite = newMtdCellNoReason
    updateMtdWhiteOnce = getUpdateMtdWhiteOnce(tablePropertiesDb,

    # 查询PROPERTIES_DB  根据type3 筛选 小区属性表 PROPERTIES_DB
    tablePropertiesDbByType = getTablePropertiesDbByType(dbpool, dbtype)

    # 第二次更新
    # 第二次 关联条件 xdefCellname == ydefCellname and xttime == yttime and '覆盖方向需调整' in ycellquestion:
    updateMtdWhiteTwice = []
    if len(updateMtdWhiteOnce) == 0:
        updateMtdWhiteOnce = updateMtdWhite
    updateMtdWhiteTwice = getUpdateMtdWhiteTwice(tablePropertiesDbByType,

    # updateMtdWhiteTwice = [(6, None, '2017-03-26', None, '1-19905-1-130', '29', '北部新区海州国际公寓灯杆F-HLHB', '重庆', '其它', 'null',
    #                   'null', None, None, 'SFXN', '自动', '高掉线小区', '问题符合高掉线小区筛选规则', '3', 'admin', '07', '', 3, 13, None,
    #                   '',
    #                   '小区关键问题原因是:互调干扰,发生时间:2017-03-26:03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,关联系数:0.4\\r\\r优化建议方案:GSM900:2f1、f1+f2,DCS1800:2f1-f140且自身互调性能较差\\r',
    #                   None, '', '建议排查周边存在电信联通FDD使用2024MHz频段,自身接收机性能较差;设备故障;周边存在干扰器开启等\\r', None, None, None, None, None,
    #                   None, None, '2017-03-25:00,01,03,04,05,06,07,12,15;2017-03-26:04,05,06,07', None, None, None,
    #                   None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)]

    # 将上述所有对数据的操作更新到 manager_task_detail ,更新的是detail表中的四个字段  cellquestion cellproject cellsuggest type_pro

    if len(updateMtdWhiteTwice) == 0:
        updateMtdWhiteTwice = updateMtdWhiteOnce

    print("mtdFinally = ", updateMtdWhiteTwice)
    print("mtdFinally Length = ", len(updateMtdWhiteTwice))
    updateMtd(dbpool, updateMtdWhiteTwice)
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

from ExcelProject.PyDBPool import PyDBPool

dbpool = PyDBPool()

emp_sample = []

sql = "select empno,sal from emp where sal is not NULL"
result = dbpool.select(sql)

# print(result)

for row in result:
    emp = []

    empno = row[0]
    sal = row[1]


# print("empno = %s,sal=%.2f" % (empno, sal))

# print(emp_sample)
# print(emp_sample[:, 0])

# 对员工工资进行聚类