def full_test(args):
    # args = ["full_test",
    #         "./certs/signed_certs/5001cert",
    #         "./certs/signed_certs/5001pk",
    #         "bitpoints.10.Thu_Oct_19_19_17_39_2017",
    #         "./certs/signed_certs/6001cert"
    #     ]
    from getpass import getpass
    certPath, keyFile, bpsFile, fakeCertPath = args[1:5]
    cert = loadCertFromFile(certPath)
    key = loadPrivateKeyFromPemFile(keyFile)
    fakeCert = loadCertFromFile(fakeCertPath)
    with open(bpsFile, "rb") as f:
        bps = BitPoint.deserializeAll(f)
    passwd = getpass()
    fakePass = "******"
    accountPEM = "Fady'sPEM"

    path = os.path.dirname("./test_bankcore_db/")
    # Overwrite directory if it already exists
    if os.path.exists(path):
        print("Previous test db found. Deleting and recreating folder")
        from shutil import rmtree

    # create a db with a wrong key/cert combination
        Ledger.InitializeDb(path, fakeCert, key, passwd)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Wrong combination of cert and key caught correctly! (%s)" % e)

    # Create a db
    Ledger.InitializeDb(path, cert, key, passwd)

    # Attempt to load bank with wrong password
        Ledger(path, cert, fakePass)
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Wrong password for this bank caught correctly! (%s)" % e)

    # Attempt to load bank with wrong cert
        Ledger(path, fakeCert, passwd)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Wrong certificate for this bank caught correctly! (%s)" % e)

    # Correctly load bank
    bank = Ledger(path, cert, passwd)

    # Check initial accounts are there
    assert (set(bank.getAccounts()) == set(Ledger.INITIAL_ACCOUNTS))

    # Add an account (SHOULD BE Public Key PEM BYTES)
    result = bank.createAccount(accountPEM)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))

    # Check the new account is there
    assert (accountPEM in bank.getAccounts())

    # Try to create a new account with the same PEM
    # (returns a LedgerOperationFailure object)
    result = bank.createAccount(accountPEM)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationFailure))

    # Try to transfer money INTO non-existent account
    result = bank.transfer("VAULT", "Non-existentPEM", 1)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationFailure))

    # Try to transfer money FROM non-existent account
    result = bank.transfer("Non-existentPEM", "VAULT", 2)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationFailure))

    # All accounts should still be 0
    for account in bank.getAccounts():
        assert (bank.getBalance(account) == 0)

    # Transfer to and from valid accounts
    result = bank.transfer("VAULT", accountPEM, 3)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))
    assert (bank.getBalance(accountPEM) == 3)
    assert (bank.getBalance("VAULT") == -3)

    # Reload bank from file and check it correctly saved all changes
    bank = Ledger(path, cert, passwd)
    assert (set(bank.getAccounts()) == set(Ledger.INITIAL_ACCOUNTS +
    assert (bank.getBalance(accountPEM) == 3)
    assert (bank.getBalance("VAULT") == -3)

    # Transfer to and from valid accounts
    result = bank.transfer("VAULT", accountPEM, 5)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))

    # Register a mint cert (in this case we'll just use the same one...)
    result = bank.registerMintCert(certPath)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))

    # With that cert, we can deposit some BitPoints minted by that cert
    result = bank.depositCash("VAULT", bps)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))

    # Withdraw BitPoints
    result = bank.withdrawCash(accountPEM, 2)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))

    # Create a receipt
    result = bank.generateReceipt(accountPEM, 0)
    assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))
    receiptData, signatureData = result.value()[0], result.value()[1]
    receipt = pickle.loads(receiptData)
    print("Receipt:", receipt.toHumanReadableString())

    # Verify the receipt
    verifier = RSA_SIGNATURE_MAC(cert.public_key())
        verifier.verify(signatureData, SHA(receiptData).digest())
        print("Receipt is signed by the bank.")
    except AssertionError:
        print("Receipt is forged")

    # Try to withdraw more BitPoints than the bank has
    result = bank.withdrawCash("VAULT", 9999999999)
        assert (isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess))
        raise (Exception("Over-withdrawal not caught!!!"))
    except AssertionError as e:
        print("Over-withdrawal caught correctly! (%s)" % result.msg())

    # Test LedgerLineSearch
    filter = lambda ledgerLine: ledgerLine.partOfTransaction("CIRCULATION")
    matches = bank.searchLedger(filter)
    assert (set(matches) == {2, 3})

    # Test getLedgerLine
    ledgerLine = bank.getLedgerLine(1)
    assert (ledgerLine.getTransactionAmount("VAULT") == -5)
    assert (ledgerLine.getTransactionAmount(accountPEM) == 5)

    # Debug output
    filter = lambda ledgerLine: True
    allLines = bank.searchLedger(filter)
    for line in allLines:
        print("Ledger line ", line, ":\n",

    print("Full test completed successfully!")

    # In case we're in the REPL and want to keep playing
    return bank
def main(args):
    if args[0] == "create":
        cert, key, filename = args[1:4]
        with open(cert) as f:
            cert = X509Certificate.loadPEM(f.read())
        with open(key) as f:
            key = RSA.importKey(f.read())
        passwd = getpass.getpass("Create mint password: "******"Re-enter mint password: "******"Passwords do not match")
        PrintingPress.CreateBankVault(filename, cert, key, passwd)
    elif args[0] == "mint":
        if len(args) == 1 or args[1].lower() in ["--help", "-h", "help"]:
            sys.exit("mint <amount> <cert> <filename> [<output_dir>]\n" +
                     "  amount can be of the form <amount>:<denomination>")
        amount, cert, filename = args[1:4]
        if len(args) > 4:
            outputDir = args[4]
            outputDir = None
        with open(cert) as f:
            cert = X509Certificate.loadPEM(f.read())
        if ":" in amount:
            amount, denominations = amount.split(":")
            denominations = amount
        amount = int(amount)
        denominations = int(denominations)
        passwd = getpass.getpass("Mint password: "******"Minting %d of %d bitpoints" % (
                (total + denominations), amount)
            mint.mintBitPoints(denominations, serializer)
            total += denominations
    elif args[0] == "info":
        filename = args[1]
        if len(args) > 2:
            sampleSize = args[2]
            sampleSize = None
        bitpoints = []
        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            bitpoints = BitPoint.deserializeAll(f)
        print "Deserialized", len(bitpoints), "bitpoints"
        if sampleSize == None:
            sample = []
        elif sampleSize.lower() == "all":
            sample = bitpoints
            start, stop = sampleSize.split(":")
            start = int(start.strip())
            stop = int(stop.strip())
            sample = bitpoints[start:stop]
        for bp in sample:
            print bp
    elif args[0] == "validate":
        filename, issuingCert = args[1:3]
        bitpoints = []
        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            bitpoints = BitPoint.deserializeAll(f)
        with open(issuingCert) as f:
            cert = X509Certificate.loadPEM(f.read())
        verifier = BitPointVerifier(cert)
        for bp in bitpoints:
            isValid, reason = verifier.verify(bp)
            if isValid:
                print bp.serialNumber(), "is valid"
                print bp.serialNumber(), "is NOT valid:", reason
def main(BankCoreModule, args):
    from getpass import getpass
    from Exchange import BitPoint
    if args[0] == "create":
        cert, key, path = args[1:4]
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        key = loadPrivateKeyFromPemFile(key)
        passwd = getpass()
        BankCoreModule.Ledger.InitializeDb(path, cert, key, passwd)
    elif args[0] == "vault_deposit":
        cert, path, bpFile = args[1:4]
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        passwd = getpass()
        bank = BankCoreModule.Ledger(path, cert, passwd)
        with open(bpFile, "rb") as f:
            bps = BitPoint.deserializeAll(f)
        print("depositing", len(bps), "bit points")
        result = bank.depositCash("VAULT", bps)
        if not result.succeeded():
            print("Deposit failed", result.msg())
            print("Vault balance", bank.getBalance("VAULT"))
    elif args[0] == "balances":
        cert, path = args[1:3]
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        passwd = getpass()
        bank = BankCoreModule.Ledger(path, cert, passwd)
        for account in bank.getAccounts():
            print("%s balance" % account, bank.getBalance(account))
    elif args[0] == "register_mint":
        bankcertpath, path, mintcertpath = args[1:4]
        passwd = getpass()
        bankcert = loadCertFromFile(bankcertpath)
        bank = Ledger(path, bankcert, passwd)
        result = bank.registerMintCert(mintcertpath)
        if not isinstance(result, LedgerOperationSuccess):
            print("Could not load certificate", result.msg())
            print("Mint cert registration successful?")
    elif args[0] == "create_account":
        accountName, cert, path = args[1:4]
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        passwd = getpass()
        bank = BankCoreModule.Ledger(path, cert, passwd)
    elif args[0] == "transfer":
        fromAccount, toAccount, amount, cert, path = args[1:6]
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        passwd = getpass()
        bank = BankCoreModule.Ledger(path, cert, passwd)
        amount = int(amount)
        result = bank.transfer(fromAccount, toAccount, amount)
        if not result.succeeded():
            print("Failed: ", result.msg())
        for account in [fromAccount, toAccount]:
            print("%s balance" % account, bank.getBalance(account))
    elif args[0] == "correct":
        cert, path = args[1:3]
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        passwd = getpass()
        bank = BankCoreModule.Ledger(path, cert, passwd)
        for account in bank.getAccounts():
            if account == "VAULT": continue
            bank.transfer("VAULT", account, 100)
    elif args[0] == "display_receipt":
        receiptFile, sigFile, cert = args[1:4]
        with open(receiptFile) as f:
            receiptData = f.read()
        with open(sigFile) as f:
            sigData = f.read()
        cert = loadCertFromFile(cert)
        verifier = RSA_SIGNATURE_MAC(cert.public_key())
        receipt = pickle.loads(receiptData)
        print("Receipt:", receipt.toHumanReadableString())
        if verifier.verify(sigData, SHA(receiptData).digest()):
            print("Receipt is signed by the bank.")
            print("Receipt is forged")
    elif args[0] == "test":