# The number of observations within the data are obtained using the function
# :func:`~FDApy.irregular_functional.IrregularFunctional.n_obs`.

# Get the number of observations for the object

# The number of sampling points per observation is given by the function
# :func:`~FDApy.irregular_functional.IrregularFunctional.n_points`.

# Retrieve the mean number of sampling points for the object

# The dimension of the data is given by the function
# :func:`~FDApy.irregular_functional.IrregularFunctional.n_dim`.

# Get the dimension of the domain of the observations

# The extraction of observations is also easily done.

# Extract observations from the object

# Finally, we can plot the data.

_ = plot(cd4)
# Print out an univariate functional data object.

# Print univariate functional data

# Print out a multivariate functional data object.

# Print multivariate functional data

# We can plot the data.

# Plot the univariate functional data
_ = plot(temperature)

# The attributs of the univariate functional data classes can easily be
# accessed.

# The sampling points of the data can easily be accessed.

# Accessing the argvals of the object

# The number of observations within the data are obtained using the function
# :func:`~FDApy.univariate_functional.UnivariateFunctional.n_obs`.
from FDApy.visualization.plot import plot
from FDApy.misc.loader import read_csv

# Load the data into Pandas dataframe
temperature = read_csv('./data/canadian_temperature_daily.csv', index_col=0)

# Perform a univariate functional PCA and explore the results.

# Perform a univariate FPCA on dailyTemp.
fpca = UFPCA(n_components=0.99)

# Plot the results of the FPCA (eigenfunctions)
_ = plot(fpca.eigenfunctions)

# Compute the scores of the dailyTemp data into the eigenfunctions basis using
# numerical integration.

# Compute scores
temperature_proj = fpca.transform(temperature, method='NumInt')

# Plot the projection of the data onto the eigenfunctions
_ = pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(pd.DataFrame(temperature_proj), diagonal='kde')

# Then, we can test if the reconstruction of the data is good.

# Test if the reconstruction is good.
from FDApy.representation.simulation import Brownian
from FDApy.visualization.plot import plot

# Generate some data as Fractional Brownian motion.

# Simulate some fractional brownian motions.
brownian = Brownian(name='standard')
brownian.new(n_obs=1000, argvals=np.linspace(0, 1, 301))

# Plot some simulations
_ = plot(brownian.noisy_data)

# Now, we will smooth the data according the methodology from (add ref).

# Smooth the data
data_smooth = brownian.noisy_data.smooth(points=0.5, neighborhood=14)

# Plot of the smoothing data
_ = plot(data_smooth)

# In order to look more precisely at the smoothing results, let's plot one
# individual curve, along its noisy and smoothed version.
# License: MIT

# shinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2

import numpy as np

from FDApy.representation.simulation import Brownian, KarhunenLoeve
from FDApy.visualization.plot import plot

# Now, we will simulate some curves data using the Karhunen-Loève expansion.
kl = KarhunenLoeve(name='bsplines', n_functions=5)
kl.new(n_obs=100, argvals=np.linspace(0, 1, 301))

_ = plot(kl.data)

# We can also add some noise to the data.
# First, we consider homoscedastic noise. Thus, we add realizations of the
# random variable :math:`\varepsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)` to the
# data.

# Add some noise to the simulation.

# Plot the noisy simulations
_ = plot(kl.noisy_data)
temperature = read_csv('./data/canadian_temperature_daily.csv', index_col=0)

# Create multivariate functional data for the Canadian weather data.
canadWeather = MultivariateFunctionalData([precipitation, temperature])

# Perform a multivariate functional PCA and explore the results.

# Perform multivariate FPCA
mfpca = MFPCA(n_components=[0.99, 0.95])
mfpca.fit(canadWeather, method='NumInt')

# Plot the results of the FPCA (eigenfunctions)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
_ = plot(mfpca.basis[0], ax=ax1)
_ = plot(mfpca.basis[1], ax=ax2)

# Compute the scores of the dailyTemp data into the eigenfunctions basis using
# numerical integration.

# Compute the scores
canadWeather_proj = mfpca.transform(canadWeather)

# Plot the projection of the data onto the eigenfunctions
_ = pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(pd.DataFrame(canadWeather_proj), diagonal='kde')

# Then, we can test if the reconstruction of the data is good.