def find_centroids(streamlines,th,max_clus, folder_name='', vol_weighted = True, weight_by = '1.5_2_AxPasi5'):
    from dipy.segment.clustering import QuickBundles
    ''' parameters:
        streamlines: ArraySequence of streamlines
        th: float for max dist from a streamline to the centroids.
            Above this value a new centroid is created as long as the number of centroids < max clus.
        max_clus: int of max number of clusters

        centroids: a list of streamilnes centroid representation
        s_list: a list of lists. 
            Each inner list is the group of streamlines cooresponds to a single centroid.
    qb = QuickBundles(th,max_nb_clusters=max_clus)
    qbmap = qb.cluster(streamlines)
    centroids = qbmap.centroids
    s_list = []
    for i in qbmap.clusters:

    if vol_weighted:
        bvec_file = load_dwi_files(folder_name)[6]
        vec_vols = weight_clus_by_vol_img(weight_by,s_list, folder_name, bvec_file)
        return centroids, s_list, vec_vols

        return centroids, s_list
        m_weighted[pair[1] - 1, pair[0] - 1] = mean_path_vol

    return m_clean, m_weighted

if __name__ == '__main__':
    subj = all_subj_folders
    names = all_subj_names
    index_to_text_file = r'C:\Users\Admin\my_scripts\aal\megaatlas\megaatlascortex2nii.txt'
    fig_types = ['cc_1d', 'genu_1d', 'body_1d', 'splenium_1d']
    weight_by = '1.5_2_AxPasi5'
    a = True
    for s, n in zip(subj, names):
        for fig_type in fig_types:
            main_folder = r'C:\Users\Admin\my_scripts\Ax3D_Pack\V6\after_file_prep' + s
            gtab, data, affine, labels, white_matter, nii_file, bvec_file = load_dwi_files(
            labels_headers, idx, m, grouping, h = load_fibers(
                main_folder, n, index_to_text_file, fig_type, nii_file)
            #if os.path.exists(os.path.join(main_folder, 'non-weighted('+fig_type+', MegaAtlas).png')):
            #if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(main_folder, 'non-weighted(' + fig_type + ', MegaAtlas).png')):
            if a:
                clean_grouping, m_clean, clean_streamlines, m_weighted = create_empty_vars(
                weight_by_data, affine = extract_weighted_data(
                    bvec_file, weight_by)
                clean_grouping, clean_streamlines = clean_non_cc(
                    grouping, idx, clean_grouping, clean_streamlines)
                m_clean, m_weighted = cleaned_tracts_to_mat(
                    clean_grouping, m_clean, weight_by_data, affine,
    for i,s in enumerate(s_list):
        mean_vol_per_tract = weighting_streamlines(folder_name,s,bvec_file,show=False,weight_by=weight_by)
        vec_vols[i] = np.nanmean(mean_vol_per_tract)

    return vec_vols

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main_folder = subj_folder

    for n,s in zip(all_subj_names[1::],all_subj_folders[1::]):
        folder_name = main_folder+s
        dir_name = folder_name + '\streamlines'
        sft_target = load_trk(f'{dir_name}{n}_wholebrain_3d.trk', "same", bbox_valid_check=False)
        streamlines = sft_target.streamlines
        bvec_file = load_dwi_files(folder_name)[6]

        index_to_text_file = r'C:\Users\hila\data\megaatlas\megaatlas2nii.txt'
        idx = nodes_labels_mega(index_to_text_file)[1]
        lab_labels_index, affine = nodes_by_index_mega(folder_name)
        m, grouping = utils.connectivity_matrix(streamlines, affine, lab_labels_index,
        mat_file = f'{folder_name}\weighted_mega_wholebrain_4d_labmask.npy'
        con_mat = np.load(mat_file)
        id = np.argsort(idx)
        con_mat = con_mat[id]
        con_mat = con_mat[:, id]

        vec_vols = []
        s_list = []