    def calculateComplexDerefOpAddress(complexDerefOp, registerMap):

        match = re.match("((?:\\-?0x[0-9a-f]+)?)\\(%([a-z0-9]+),%([a-z0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)", complexDerefOp)
        if match != None:
            offset = 0L
            if len(match.group(1)) > 0:
                offset = long(match.group(1), 16)

            regA = RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue(match.group(2), registerMap)
            regB = RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue(match.group(3), registerMap)

            mult = long(match.group(4), 16)

            # If we're missing any of the two register values, return None
            if regA == None or regB == None:
                if regA == None:
                    return (None, "Missing value for register %s" % match.group(2))
                    return (None, "Missing value for register %s" % match.group(3))

            if RegisterHelper.getBitWidth(registerMap) == 32:
                val = int32(uint32(regA)) + int32(uint32(offset)) + (int32(uint32(regB)) * int32(uint32(mult)))
                # Assume 64 bit width
                val = int64(uint64(regA)) + int64(uint64(offset)) + (int64(uint64(regB)) * int64(uint64(mult)))
            return (long(val), None)

        return (None, "Unknown failure.")
    def calculateComplexDerefOpAddress(complexDerefOp, registerMap):

        match = re.match(
        if match != None:
            offset = 0L
            if len(match.group(1)) > 0:
                offset = long(match.group(1), 16)

            regA = RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue(match.group(2), registerMap)
            regB = RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue(match.group(3), registerMap)

            mult = long(match.group(4), 16)

            # If we're missing any of the two register values, return None
            if regA == None or regB == None:
                if regA == None:
                    return (None,
                            "Missing value for register %s" % match.group(2))
                    return (None,
                            "Missing value for register %s" % match.group(3))

            if RegisterHelper.getBitWidth(registerMap) == 32:
                val = int32(uint32(regA)) + int32(uint32(offset)) + (
                    int32(uint32(regB)) * int32(uint32(mult)))
                # Assume 64 bit width
                val = int64(uint64(regA)) + int64(uint64(offset)) + (
                    int64(uint64(regB)) * int64(uint64(mult)))
            return (long(val), None)

        return (None, "Unknown failure.")
 def runTest(self):
     registerMap = { "rax" : 0xfffffffffffffe00L, "rbx" : 0x7ffff79a7640L }
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("rax", registerMap), 0xfffffffffffffe00L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("eax", registerMap), 0xfffffe00L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("ax", registerMap), 0xfe00L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("ah", registerMap), 0xfeL)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("al", registerMap), 0x0L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("rbx", registerMap), 0x7ffff79a7640L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("ebx", registerMap), 0xf79a7640L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("bx", registerMap), 0x7640L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("bh", registerMap), 0x76L)
     self.assertEqual(RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue("bl", registerMap), 0x40L)
    def calculateCrashAddress(crashInstruction, registerMap):
        Calculate the crash address given the crash instruction and register contents

        @type crashInstruction: string
        @param crashInstruction: Crash instruction string as provided by GDB
        @type registerMap: Map from string to long
        @param registerMap: Map of register names to values

        @rtype: long
        @return The calculated crash address

        On error, a string containing the failure message is returned instead.

        if (len(crashInstruction) == 0):
            # GDB shows us no instruction, so the memory at the instruction
            # pointer address must be inaccessible and we should assume
            # that this caused our crash.
            return RegisterHelper.getInstructionPointer(registerMap)

        parts = crashInstruction.split(None, 1)

        if len(parts) == 1:
            # Single instruction without any operands?
            # Only accept those that we explicitly know so far.

            instruction = parts[0]

            if instruction == "ret":
                # If ret is crashing, it's most likely due to the stack pointer
                # pointing somewhere where it shouldn't point, so use that as
                # the crash address.
                return RegisterHelper.getStackPointer(registerMap)
            elif instruction == "ud2":
                # ud2 - Raise invalid opcode exception
                # We treat this like invalid instruction
                return RegisterHelper.getInstructionPointer(registerMap)
                raise RuntimeError("Unsupported non-operand instruction: %s" % instruction)

        if len(parts) != 2:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to split instruction and operands apart: %s" % crashInstruction)

        instruction = parts[0]
        operands = parts[1]

        if not re.match("[a-z\\.]+", instruction):
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid instruction: %s" % instruction)

        parts = operands.split(",")

        # We now have four possibilities:
        # 1. Length of parts is 1, that means we have one operand
        # 2. Length of parts is 2, that means we have two simple operands
        # 3. Length of parts is 4 and
        #  a) First part contains '(' but not ')', meaning the first operand is complex
        #  b) First part contains no '(' or ')', meaning the last operand is complex
        #    e.g. mov    %ecx,0x500094(%r15,%rdx,4)
        #  4. Length of parts is 3, just one complex operand.
        #   e.g. shrb   -0x69(%rdx,%rbx,8)

        # When we fail, try storing a reason here
        failureReason = "Unknown failure."

        if RegisterHelper.isX86Compatible(registerMap):
            if len(parts) == 1:
                if instruction == "callq" or instruction == "call" or instruction == "push" or instruction == "pop":
                    return RegisterHelper.getStackPointer(registerMap)
                    failureReason = "Unsupported single-operand instruction."
            elif len(parts) == 2:
                failureReason = "Unknown failure with two-operand instruction."
                derefOp = None
                if "(" in parts[0] and ")" in parts[0]:
                    derefOp = parts[0]

                if "(" in parts[1] and ")" in parts[1]:
                    if derefOp != None:
                        if ":(" in parts[1]:
                            # This can be an instruction using multiple segments, like:
                            #   movsq  %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
                            #  (gdb) p $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault.si_addr
                            #    $1 = (void *) 0x7ff846e64d28
                            #    (gdb) x /i $pc
                            #    => 0x876b40 <js::ArgumentsObject::create<CopyFrameArgs>(JSContext*, JS::HandleScript, JS::HandleFunction, unsigned int, CopyFrameArgs&)+528>:   movsq  %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
                            #    (gdb) info reg $ds
                            #    ds             0x0      0
                            #    (gdb) info reg $es
                            #    es             0x0      0
                            #    (gdb) info reg $rsi
                            #    rsi            0x7ff846e64d28   140704318115112
                            #    (gdb) info reg $rdi
                            #    rdi            0x7fff27fac030   140733864132656
                            # We don't support this right now, so return None.
                            return None

                        raise RuntimeError("Instruction operands have multiple loads? %s" % crashInstruction)

                    derefOp = parts[1]

                if derefOp != None:
                    match = re.match("((?:\\-?0x[0-9a-f]+)?)\\(%([a-z0-9]+)\\)", derefOp)
                    if match != None:
                        offset = 0L
                        if len(match.group(1)):
                            offset = long(match.group(1), 16)

                        val = RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue(match.group(2), registerMap)

                        # If we don't have the value, return None
                        if val == None:
                            failureReason = "Missing value for register %s " % match.group(2)
                            if RegisterHelper.getBitWidth(registerMap) == 32:
                                return long(int32(uint32(offset)) + int32(uint32(val)))
                                # Assume 64 bit width
                                return long(int64(uint64(offset)) + int64(uint64(val)))
                    failureReason = "Failed to decode two-operand instruction: No dereference operation or hardcoded address detected."
                    # We might still be reading from/writing to a hardcoded address.
                    # Note that it's not possible to have two hardcoded addresses
                    # in one instruction, one operand must be a register or immediate
                    # constant (denoted by leading $). In some cases, like a movabs
                    # instruction, the immediate constant however is dereferenced
                    # and is the first operator. So we first check parts[1] then
                    # parts[0] in case it's a dereferencing operation.

                    for x in (parts[1], parts[0]):
                        result = re.match("\\$?(\\-?0x[0-9a-f]+)", x)
                        if result != None:
                            return long(result.group(1), 16)
            elif len(parts) == 3:
                # Example instruction: shrb   -0x69(%rdx,%rbx,8)
                if "(" in parts[0] and ")" in parts[2]:
                    complexDerefOp = parts[0] + "," + parts[1] + "," + parts[2]

                    (result, reason) = GDBCrashInfo.calculateComplexDerefOpAddress(complexDerefOp, registerMap)

                    if result == None:
                        failureReason = reason
                        return result
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected instruction pattern: %s" % crashInstruction)
            elif len(parts) == 4:
                if "(" in parts[0] and not ")" in parts[0]:
                    complexDerefOp = parts[0] + "," + parts[1] + "," + parts[2]
                elif not "(" in parts[0] and not ")" in parts[0]:
                    complexDerefOp = parts[1] + "," + parts[2] + "," + parts[3]

                (result, reason) = GDBCrashInfo.calculateComplexDerefOpAddress(complexDerefOp, registerMap)

                if result == None:
                    failureReason = reason
                    return result
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected length after splitting operands of this instruction: %s" % crashInstruction)
            failureReason = "Architecture is not supported."

        print("Unable to calculate crash address from instruction: %s " % crashInstruction, file=sys.stderr)
        print("Reason: %s" % failureReason, file=sys.stderr)
        return failureReason
    def calculateCrashAddress(crashInstruction, registerMap):
        Calculate the crash address given the crash instruction and register contents

        @type crashInstruction: string
        @param crashInstruction: Crash instruction string as provided by GDB
        @type registerMap: Map from string to long
        @param registerMap: Map of register names to values

        @rtype: long
        @return The calculated crash address

        On error, a string containing the failure message is returned instead.

        if (len(crashInstruction) == 0):
            # GDB shows us no instruction, so the memory at the instruction
            # pointer address must be inaccessible and we should assume
            # that this caused our crash.
            return RegisterHelper.getInstructionPointer(registerMap)

        parts = crashInstruction.split(None, 1)

        if len(parts) != 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to split instruction and operands apart: %s" %

        instruction = parts[0]
        operands = parts[1]

        if not re.match("[a-z\\.]+", instruction):
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid instruction: %s" % instruction)

        parts = operands.split(",")

        # We now have four possibilities:
        # 1. Length of parts is 1, that means we have one operand
        # 2. Length of parts is 2, that means we have two simple operands
        # 3. Length of parts is 4 and
        #  a) First part contains '(' but not ')', meaning the first operand is complex
        #  b) First part contains no '(' or ')', meaning the last operand is complex
        #    e.g. mov    %ecx,0x500094(%r15,%rdx,4)
        #  4. Length of parts is 3, just one complex operand.
        #   e.g. shrb   -0x69(%rdx,%rbx,8)

        # When we fail, try storing a reason here
        failureReason = "Unknown failure."

        if RegisterHelper.isX86Compatible(registerMap):
            if len(parts) == 1:
                if instruction == "callq" or instruction == "push" or instruction == "pop":
                    return RegisterHelper.getStackPointer(registerMap)
                    failureReason = "Unsupported single-operand instruction."
            elif len(parts) == 2:
                failureReason = "Unknown failure with two-operand instruction."
                derefOp = None
                if "(" in parts[0] and ")" in parts[0]:
                    derefOp = parts[0]

                if "(" in parts[1] and ")" in parts[1]:
                    if derefOp != None:
                        if ":(" in parts[1]:
                            # This can be an instruction using multiple segments, like:
                            #   movsq  %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
                            #  (gdb) p $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault.si_addr
                            #    $1 = (void *) 0x7ff846e64d28
                            #    (gdb) x /i $pc
                            #    => 0x876b40 <js::ArgumentsObject::create<CopyFrameArgs>(JSContext*, JS::HandleScript, JS::HandleFunction, unsigned int, CopyFrameArgs&)+528>:   movsq  %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
                            #    (gdb) info reg $ds
                            #    ds             0x0      0
                            #    (gdb) info reg $es
                            #    es             0x0      0
                            #    (gdb) info reg $rsi
                            #    rsi            0x7ff846e64d28   140704318115112
                            #    (gdb) info reg $rdi
                            #    rdi            0x7fff27fac030   140733864132656
                            # We don't support this right now, so return None.
                            return None

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Instruction operands have multiple loads? %s" %

                    derefOp = parts[1]

                if derefOp != None:
                    match = re.match(
                        "((?:\\-?0x[0-9a-f]+)?)\\(%([a-z0-9]+)\\)", derefOp)
                    if match != None:
                        offset = 0L
                        if len(match.group(1)):
                            offset = long(match.group(1), 16)

                        val = RegisterHelper.getRegisterValue(
                            match.group(2), registerMap)

                        # If we don't have the value, return None
                        if val == None:
                            failureReason = "Missing value for register %s " % match.group(
                            if RegisterHelper.getBitWidth(registerMap) == 32:
                                return long(
                                    int32(uint32(offset)) + int32(uint32(val)))
                                # Assume 64 bit width
                                return long(
                                    int64(uint64(offset)) + int64(uint64(val)))
                    failureReason = "Failed to decode two-operand instruction: No dereference operation or hardcoded address detected."
                    # We might still be reading from/writing to a hardcoded address.
                    # Note that it's not possible to have two hardcoded addresses
                    # in one instruction, one operand must be a register or immediate
                    # constant (denoted by leading $). In some cases, like a movabs
                    # instruction, the immediate constant however is dereferenced
                    # and is the first operator. So we first check parts[1] then
                    # parts[0] in case it's a dereferencing operation.

                    for x in (parts[1], parts[0]):
                        result = re.match("\\$?(\\-?0x[0-9a-f]+)", x)
                        if result != None:
                            return long(result.group(1), 16)
            elif len(parts) == 3:
                # Example instruction: shrb   -0x69(%rdx,%rbx,8)
                if "(" in parts[0] and ")" in parts[2]:
                    complexDerefOp = parts[0] + "," + parts[1] + "," + parts[2]

                     reason) = GDBCrashInfo.calculateComplexDerefOpAddress(
                         complexDerefOp, registerMap)

                    if result == None:
                        failureReason = reason
                        return result
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected instruction pattern: %s" %
            elif len(parts) == 4:
                if "(" in parts[0] and not ")" in parts[0]:
                    complexDerefOp = parts[0] + "," + parts[1] + "," + parts[2]
                elif not "(" in parts[0] and not ")" in parts[0]:
                    complexDerefOp = parts[1] + "," + parts[2] + "," + parts[3]

                (result, reason) = GDBCrashInfo.calculateComplexDerefOpAddress(
                    complexDerefOp, registerMap)

                if result == None:
                    failureReason = reason
                    return result
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Unexpected length after splitting operands of this instruction: %s"
                    % crashInstruction)
            failureReason = "Architecture is not supported."

        print("Unable to calculate crash address from instruction: %s " %
        print("Reason: %s" % failureReason, file=sys.stderr)
        return failureReason