class TestHarness:

    def buildAndRun(argv, app_name, moose_dir):
        harness = TestHarness(argv, moose_dir, app_name=app_name)

    def __init__(self, argv, moose_dir, app_name=None):
        os.environ['MOOSE_DIR'] = moose_dir
        os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.join(moose_dir, 'python') + ':' + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')

        if app_name:
            rootdir, app_name, args, root_params = '.', app_name, [], HitNode(hitnode=hit.parse('',''))
            rootdir, app_name, args, root_params = findTestRoot(start=os.getcwd())

        orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
        argv = argv[:1] + args + argv[1:]

        self.factory = Factory()

        self.app_name = app_name

        self.root_params = root_params

        # Build a Warehouse to hold the MooseObjects
        self.warehouse = Warehouse()

        # Get dependant applications and load dynamic tester plugins
        # If applications have new testers, we expect to find them in <app_dir>/scripts/TestHarness/testers
        dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))]
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(moose_dir, 'framework', 'scripts'))   # For find_dep_apps.py

        # Use the find_dep_apps script to get the dependant applications for an app
        import find_dep_apps
        depend_app_dirs = find_dep_apps.findDepApps(app_name, use_current_only=True)
        dirs.extend([os.path.join(my_dir, 'scripts', 'TestHarness') for my_dir in depend_app_dirs.split('\n')])

        # Finally load the plugins!
        self.factory.loadPlugins(dirs, 'testers', "IS_TESTER")

        self._infiles = ['tests', 'speedtests']
        self.parse_errors = []
        self.test_table = []
        self.num_passed = 0
        self.num_failed = 0
        self.num_skipped = 0
        self.num_pending = 0
        self.host_name = gethostname()
        self.moose_dir = moose_dir
        self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
        self.run_tests_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
        self.results_storage = '.previous_test_results.json'
        self.code = '2d2d6769726c2d6d6f6465'
        self.error_code = 0x0
        self.keyboard_talk = True
        # Assume libmesh is a peer directory to MOOSE if not defined
        if os.environ.has_key("LIBMESH_DIR"):
            self.libmesh_dir = os.environ['LIBMESH_DIR']
            self.libmesh_dir = os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'libmesh', 'installed')
        self.file = None

        # Failed Tests file object
        self.writeFailedTest = None

        # Parse arguments

        checks = {}
        checks['platform'] = util.getPlatforms()
        checks['submodules'] = util.getInitializedSubmodules(self.run_tests_dir)
        checks['exe_objects'] = None # This gets calculated on demand
        checks['registered_apps'] = None # This gets extracted on demand

        # The TestHarness doesn't strictly require the existence of libMesh in order to run. Here we allow the user
        # to select whether they want to probe for libMesh configuration options.
        if self.options.skip_config_checks:
            checks['compiler'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['library_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_ids'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['vtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['tecplot'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_debug'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['curl'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['threading'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['superlu'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['parmetis'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['chaco'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['party'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['ptscotch'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_id'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['cxx11'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['asio'] =  set(['ALL'])
            checks['boost'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['fparser_jit'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['compiler'] = util.getCompilers(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version'] = util.getPetscVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_version_release')
            checks['slepc_version'] = util.getSlepcVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['library_mode'] = util.getSharedOption(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['mesh_mode'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'mesh_mode')
            checks['dtk'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'dtk')
            checks['unique_ids'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_ids')
            checks['vtk'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'vtk')
            checks['tecplot'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'tecplot')
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'dof_id_bytes')
            checks['petsc_debug'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_debug')
            checks['curl'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'curl')
            checks['threading'] =  util.getLibMeshThreadingModel(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['superlu'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'superlu')
            checks['parmetis'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'parmetis')
            checks['chaco'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'chaco')
            checks['party'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'party')
            checks['ptscotch'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'ptscotch')
            checks['slepc'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'slepc')
            checks['unique_id'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_id')
            checks['cxx11'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'cxx11')
            checks['asio'] =  util.getIfAsioExists(self.moose_dir)
            checks['boost'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'boost')
            checks['fparser_jit'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'fparser_jit')

        # Override the MESH_MODE option if using the '--distributed-mesh'
        # or (deprecated) '--parallel-mesh' option.
        if (self.options.parallel_mesh == True or self.options.distributed_mesh == True) or \
              (self.options.cli_args != None and \
               (self.options.cli_args.find('--parallel-mesh') != -1 or self.options.cli_args.find('--distributed-mesh') != -1)):

            option_set = set(['ALL', 'DISTRIBUTED'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = option_set

        method = set(['ALL', self.options.method.upper()])
        checks['method'] = method

        # This is so we can easily pass checks around to any scheduler plugin
        self.options._checks = checks

        self.initialize(argv, app_name)


    Recursively walks the current tree looking for tests to run
    Error codes:
    0x0  - Success
    0x80 - TestHarness error
    def findAndRunTests(self, find_only=False):
        self.error_code = 0x0
        self.start_time = clock()
        launched_tests = []
        if self.options.input_file_name != '':
            self._infiles = self.options.input_file_name.split(',')

        if self.options.spec_file and os.path.isdir(self.options.spec_file):
            search_dir = self.options.spec_file

        elif self.options.spec_file and os.path.isfile(self.options.spec_file):
            search_dir = os.path.dirname(self.options.spec_file)
            self._infiles = [os.path.basename(self.options.spec_file)]

            search_dir = os.getcwd()

            testroot_params = {}
            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(search_dir, followlinks=True):
                # Prune submdule paths when searching for tests

                dir_name = os.path.basename(dirpath)
                if (self.base_dir != dirpath and os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, '.git'))) or dir_name in [".git", ".svn"]:
                    dirnames[:] = []
                    filenames[:] = []

                if self.options.use_subdir_exe and testroot_params and not dirpath.startswith(testroot_params["testroot_dir"]):
                    # Reset the params when we go outside the current testroot base directory
                    testroot_params = {}

                # walk into directories that aren't contrib directories
                if "contrib" not in os.path.relpath(dirpath, os.getcwd()):
                    for file in filenames:
                        if self.options.use_subdir_exe and file == "testroot":
                            # Rely on the fact that os.walk does a depth first traversal.
                            # Any directories below this one will use the executable specified
                            # in this testroot file unless it is overridden.
                            app_name, args, root_params = readTestRoot(os.path.join(dirpath, file))
                            full_app_name = app_name + "-" + self.options.method
                            testroot_params["executable"] = os.path.join(dirpath, full_app_name)
                            testroot_params["testroot_dir"] = dirpath
                            caveats = [full_app_name]
                            if args:
                                caveats.append("Ignoring args %s" % args)
                            testroot_params["caveats"] = caveats
                            testroot_params["root_params"] = root_params

                        # See if there were other arguments (test names) passed on the command line
                        if file in self._infiles \
                               and os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, file)) not in launched_tests:

                            if self.notMySpecFile(dirpath, file):

                            saved_cwd = os.getcwd()

                            # Get the testers for this test
                            testers = self.createTesters(dirpath, file, find_only, testroot_params)

                            # Schedule the testers for immediate execution

                            # record these launched test to prevent this test from launching again
                            # due to os.walk following symbolic links
                            launched_tests.append(os.path.join(dirpath, file))


            # Wait for all the tests to complete

            # TODO: this DOES NOT WORK WITH MAX FAILES (max failes is considered a scheduler error at the moment)
            if not self.scheduler.schedulerError():

            # flags for the TestHarness start at the high bit
            if self.num_failed or self.scheduler.schedulerError():
                self.error_code = self.error_code | 0x80

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Attempt to kill jobs currently running


    def keyboard_interrupt(self):
        """ Control how keyboard interrupt displays """
        if self.keyboard_talk:
            # Prevent multiple keyboard interrupt messages
            self.keyboard_talk = False
            print('\nExiting due to keyboard interrupt...')

   # Create and return list of tester objects. A tester is created by providing
    # abspath to basename (dirpath), and the test file in queustion (file)
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only, testroot_params={}):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        parser.parse(file, testroot_params.get("root_params", self.root_params))

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:

            # Initialize the status system for each tester object immediately after creation

            self.augmentParameters(file, tester, testroot_params)
            if testroot_params.get("caveats"):
                # Show what executable we are using if using a different testroot file

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers

    def notMySpecFile(self, dirpath, filename):
        """ true if dirpath/filename does not match supplied --spec-file """
        if (self.options.spec_file
            and os.path.isfile(self.options.spec_file)
            and os.path.join(dirpath, filename) != self.options.spec_file):
            return True

    def augmentParameters(self, filename, tester, testroot_params={}):
        params = tester.parameters()

        # We are going to do some formatting of the path that is printed
        # Case 1.  If the test directory (normally matches the input_file_name) comes first,
        #          we will simply remove it from the path
        # Case 2.  If the test directory is somewhere in the middle then we should preserve
        #          the leading part of the path
        test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
        relative_path = test_dir.replace(self.run_tests_dir, '')
        first_directory = relative_path.split(os.path.sep)[1] # Get first directory
        for infile in self._infiles:
            if infile in relative_path:
                relative_path = relative_path.replace('/' + infile + '/', ':')
        relative_path = re.sub('^[/:]*', '', relative_path)  # Trim slashes and colons
        formatted_name = relative_path + '.' + tester.name()

        params['test_name'] = formatted_name
        params['test_dir'] = test_dir
        params['relative_path'] = relative_path
        params['executable'] = testroot_params.get("executable", self.executable)
        params['hostname'] = self.host_name
        params['moose_dir'] = self.moose_dir
        params['base_dir'] = self.base_dir
        params['first_directory'] = first_directory
        params['root_params'] = testroot_params.get("root_params", self.root_params)

        if params.isValid('prereq'):
            if type(params['prereq']) != list:
                print("Option 'prereq' needs to be of type list in " + params['test_name'])
            params['prereq'] = [relative_path.replace('/tests/', '') + '.' + item for item in params['prereq']]

        # Double the alloted time for tests when running with the valgrind option

        # When running in valgrind mode, we end up with a ton of output for each failed
        # test.  Therefore, we limit the number of fails...
        if self.options.valgrind_mode and self.num_failed > self.options.valgrind_max_fails:
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, 'Max Fails Exceeded')
        elif self.num_failed > self.options.max_fails:
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, 'Max Fails Exceeded')
        elif tester.parameters().isValid('have_errors') and tester.parameters()['have_errors']:
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, 'Parser Error')

    # This method splits a lists of tests into two pieces each, the first piece will run the test for
    # approx. half the number of timesteps and will write out a restart file.  The second test will
    # then complete the run using the MOOSE recover option.
    def appendRecoverableTests(self, testers):
        new_tests = []

        for part1 in testers:
            if part1.parameters()['recover'] == True and not part1.parameters()['check_input']:
                # Clone the test specs
                part2 = copy.deepcopy(part1)

                # Part 1:
                part1_params = part1.parameters()
                part1_params['test_name'] += '_part1'
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpr':
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpa':
                part1_params['skip_checks'] = True

                # Part 2:
                part2_params = part2.parameters()
                part2_params['delete_output_before_running'] = False
                part2_params['cli_args'].append('--recover --recoversuffix ' + self.options.recoversuffix)


            elif part1.parameters()['recover'] == True and part1.parameters()['check_input']:

        return testers

    def checkExpectError(self, output, expect_error):
        if re.search(expect_error, output, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) == None:
            return False
            return True

    def printOutput(self, job):
        """ Method to print a testers output to the screen """
        tester = job.getTester()
        output = ''
        # Print what ever status the tester has at the time
        if self.options.verbose or (tester.isFail() and not self.options.quiet):
            output = 'Working Directory: ' + tester.getTestDir() + '\nRunning command: ' + tester.getCommand(self.options) + '\n'
            output += job.getOutput()
            output = output.replace('\r', '\n')  # replace the carriage returns with newlines
            lines = output.split('\n')

            # Obtain color based on test status
            color = tester.getColor()

            if output != '':
                test_name = util.colorText(tester.getTestName()  + ": ", color, colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code)
                output = test_name + ("\n" + test_name).join(lines)
        return output

    def normalizeStatus(self, job):
        """ Determine when to use a job status as opposed to tester status """
        tester = job.getTester()
        message = job.getStatusMessage()
        if job.isFail():
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, message)

        elif (job.isSkip()
              and not tester.isSilent()
              and not tester.isDeleted()
              and not tester.isFail()):
            tester.setStatus(tester.skip, message)

        return tester

    def handleJobStatus(self, job):
        """ Method to handle a job status """
        tester = job.getTester()
        if not tester.isSilent():
            # Print results and perform any desired post job processing
            if job.isFinished():
                tester = self.normalizeStatus(job)

                # perform printing of application output if so desired

                # Print status with caveats
                print(util.formatResult(job, self.options, caveats=True))

                timing = job.getTiming()

                # Save these results for 'Final Test Result' summary
                self.test_table.append( (job, tester.getStatus().status, timing) )

                self.postRun(tester.specs, timing)

                if tester.isSkip():
                    self.num_skipped += 1
                elif tester.isPass():
                    self.num_passed += 1
                elif tester.isFail():
                    self.num_failed += 1
                    self.num_pending += 1

            # Just print current status without saving results
                print(util.formatResult(job, self.options, result='RUNNING', caveats=False))

    # Print final results, close open files, and exit with the correct error code
    def cleanup(self):
        # Not interesting in printing any final results if we are cleaning up old queue manager runs
        if self.options.queue_cleanup:
            except OSError:

        # Print the results table again if a bunch of output was spewed to the screen between
        # tests as they were running
        if len(self.parse_errors) > 0:
            print('\n\nParser Errors:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS)))
            for err in self.parse_errors:
                print(util.colorText(err, 'RED', html=True, colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code))

        if (self.options.verbose or (self.num_failed != 0 and not self.options.quiet)) and not self.options.dry_run:
            print('\n\nFinal Test Results:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS)))
            for (job, result, timing) in sorted(self.test_table, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
                print(util.formatResult(job, self.options, caveats=True))

        time = clock() - self.start_time

        print('-' * (util.TERM_COLS))

        # Mask off TestHarness error codes to report parser errors
        fatal_error = ''
        if self.error_code:
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL TEST HARNESS ERROR</r>'
        if len(self.parse_errors) > 0:
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL PARSER ERROR</r>'
            self.error_code = 1

        # Alert the user to their session file
        if self.options.queueing:
            print('Your session file is %s' % self.results_storage)

        # Print a different footer when performing a dry run
        if self.options.dry_run:
            print('Processed %d tests in %.1f seconds.' % (self.num_passed+self.num_skipped, time))
            summary = '<b>%d would run</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d would be skipped</b>'
            summary += fatal_error
            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

            print('Ran %d tests in %.1f seconds.' % (self.num_passed+self.num_failed, time))

            if self.num_passed:
                summary = '<g>%d passed</g>'
                summary = '<b>%d passed</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d skipped</b>'
            if self.num_pending:
                summary += ', <c>%d pending</c>'
                summary += ', <b>%d pending</b>'
            if self.num_failed:
                summary += ', <r>%d FAILED</r>'
                summary += ', <b>%d failed</b>'
            if self.scheduler.maxFailures():
                summary += '\n<r>MAX FAILURES REACHED</r>'

            summary += fatal_error

            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped, self.num_pending, self.num_failed),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

            # Perform any write-to-disc operations

    def writeResults(self):
        """ Don't update the results file when using the --failed-tests argument """
        if self.options.failed_tests:

        """ write test results to disc in some fashion the user has requested """
        all_jobs = self.scheduler.retrieveJobs()

        # Record the input file name that was used
        self.options.results_storage['INPUT_FILE_NAME'] = self.options.input_file_name

        # Write some useful data to our results_storage
        for job in all_jobs:
            tester = job.getTester()

            # If queueing, do not store silent results in session file
            if tester.isSilent() and self.options.queueing:

            # Create empty key based on TestDir, or re-inialize with existing data so we can append to it
            self.options.results_storage[tester.getTestDir()] = self.options.results_storage.get(tester.getTestDir(), {})
            self.options.results_storage[tester.getTestDir()][tester.getTestName()] = {'NAME'      : job.getTestNameShort(),
                                                                                       'LONG_NAME' : tester.getTestName(),
                                                                                       'TIMING'    : job.getTiming(),
                                                                                       'STATUS'    : tester.getStatus().status,
                                                                                       'FAIL'      : tester.isFail(),
                                                                                       'COLOR'     : tester.getStatus().color,
                                                                                       'CAVEATS'   : list(tester.getCaveats()),
                                                                                       'OUTPUT'    : job.getOutput(),
                                                                                       'COMMAND'   : tester.getCommand(self.options)}

            # Additional data to store (overwrites any previous matching keys)

        if self.options.output_dir:
            self.results_storage = os.path.join(self.options.output_dir, self.results_storage)

        if self.options.results_storage:
                with open(self.results_storage, 'w') as data_file:
                    json.dump(self.options.results_storage, data_file, indent=2)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                print('\nERROR: Unable to write results due to unicode decode/encode error')

                # write to a plain file to aid in reproducing error
                with open(self.results_storage + '.unicode_error' , 'w') as f:

            except IOError:
                print('\nERROR: Unable to write results due to permissions')

            # Write one file, with verbose information (--file)
            if self.options.file:
                with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.options.file), 'w') as f:
                    for job in all_jobs:
                        tester = job.getTester()

                        # Do not write information about silent tests
                        if tester.isSilent():

                        formated_results = util.formatResult( job, self.options, result=job.getOutput(), color=False)
                        f.write(formated_results + '\n')

            # Write a separate file for each test with verbose information (--sep-files, --sep-files-ok, --sep-files-fail)
            if ((self.options.ok_files and self.num_passed)
                or (self.options.fail_files and self.num_failed)):
                for job in all_jobs:
                    tester = job.getTester()

                    if self.options.output_dir:
                        output_dir = self.options.output_dir
                        output_dir = tester.getTestDir()

                    # Yes, by design test dir will be apart of the output file name
                    output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '.'.join([os.path.basename(tester.getTestDir()),

                    formated_results = util.formatResult(job, self.options, result=job.getOutput(), color=False)

                    # Passing tests
                    if self.options.ok_files and tester.isPass():
                        with open(output_file, 'w') as f:

                    # Failing tests
                    if self.options.fail_files and tester.isFail():
                        with open(output_file, 'w') as f:

        except IOError:
            print('Permission error while writing results to disc')
            print('Error while writing results to disc')

    def initialize(self, argv, app_name):
        # Load the scheduler plugins
        self.factory.loadPlugins([os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'python', 'TestHarness')], 'schedulers', "IS_SCHEDULER")

        self.options.queueing = False
        if self.options.pbs:
            # The results .json file will be this new session file
            self.original_storage = self.results_storage
            self.results_storage = os.path.abspath(self.options.pbs)
            self.options.queueing = True
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunPBS'

        # The default scheduler plugin
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunParallel'

        # Augment the Scheduler params with plugin params
        plugin_params = self.factory.validParams(scheduler_plugin)

        # Set Scheduler specific params based on some provided options.arguments
        plugin_params['max_processes'] = self.options.jobs
        plugin_params['average_load'] = self.options.load

        # Create the scheduler
        self.scheduler = self.factory.create(scheduler_plugin, self, plugin_params)

        ## Save executable-under-test name to self.executable
        self.executable = os.getcwd() + '/' + app_name + '-' + self.options.method

        # Save the output dir since the current working directory changes during tests
        self.output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), self.options.output_dir)

        # Create the output dir if they ask for it. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
        if self.options.output_dir:
            except OSError as ex:
                if ex.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass
                else: raise

        # Use a previous results file, or declare the variable
        self.options.results_storage = {}
        if self.useExistingStorage():
            with open(self.results_storage, 'r') as f:
                    self.options.results_storage = json.load(f)

                    # Adhere to previous input file syntax, or set the default
                    self.options.input_file_name = self.options.results_storage.get('INPUT_FILE_NAME', 'tests')

                except ValueError:
                    # This is a hidden file, controled by the TestHarness. So we probably shouldn't error
                    # and exit. Perhaps a warning instead, and create a new file? Down the road, when
                    # we use this file for PBS etc, this should probably result in an exception.
                    print('INFO: Previous %s file is damaged. Creating a new one...' % (self.results_storage))

    def useExistingStorage(self):
        """ reasons for returning bool if we should use a previous results_storage file """
        if (os.path.exists(self.results_storage)
            and (self.options.failed_tests or self.options.pbs)):
            return True

    ## Parse command line options and assign them to self.options
    def parseCLArgs(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tool used to test MOOSE based applications')
        parser.add_argument('--opt', action='store_const', dest='method', const='opt', help='test the app_name-opt binary')
        parser.add_argument('--dbg', action='store_const', dest='method', const='dbg', help='test the app_name-dbg binary')
        parser.add_argument('--devel', action='store_const', dest='method', const='devel', help='test the app_name-devel binary')
        parser.add_argument('--oprof', action='store_const', dest='method', const='oprof', help='test the app_name-oprof binary')
        parser.add_argument('--pro', action='store_const', dest='method', const='pro', help='test the app_name-pro binary')
        parser.add_argument('--run', type=str, default='', dest='run', help='only run tests of the specified of tag(s)')
        parser.add_argument('--ignore', nargs='?', action='store', metavar='caveat', dest='ignored_caveats', const='all', type=str, help='ignore specified caveats when checking if a test should run: (--ignore "method compiler") Using --ignore with out a conditional will ignore all caveats')
        parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', nargs='?', metavar='int', action='store', type=int, dest='jobs', const=1, help='run test binaries in parallel')
        parser.add_argument('-e', action='store_true', dest='extra_info', help='Display "extra" information including all caveats and deleted tests')
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--no-color', action='store_false', dest='colored', help='Do not show colored output')
        parser.add_argument('--color-first-directory', action='store_true', dest='color_first_directory', help='Color first directory')
        parser.add_argument('--heavy', action='store_true', dest='heavy_tests', help='Run tests marked with HEAVY : True')
        parser.add_argument('--all-tests', action='store_true', dest='all_tests', help='Run normal tests and tests marked with HEAVY : True')
        parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', action='store', type=str, dest='group', default='ALL', help='Run only tests in the named group')
        parser.add_argument('--not_group', action='store', type=str, dest='not_group', help='Run only tests NOT in the named group')
        parser.add_argument('--dbfile', nargs='?', action='store', dest='dbFile', help='Location to timings data base file. If not set, assumes $HOME/timingDB/timing.sqlite')
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--load-average', action='store', type=float, dest='load', help='Do not run additional tests if the load average is at least LOAD')
        parser.add_argument('-t', '--timing', action='store_true', dest='timing', help='Report Timing information for passing tests')
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale', action='store_true', dest='scaling', help='Scale problems that have SCALE_REFINE set')
        parser.add_argument('-i', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, dest='input_file_name', default='', help='The test specification file to look for')
        parser.add_argument('--libmesh_dir', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, dest='libmesh_dir', help='Currently only needed for bitten code coverage')
        parser.add_argument('--skip-config-checks', action='store_true', dest='skip_config_checks', help='Skip configuration checks (all tests will run regardless of restrictions)')
        parser.add_argument('--parallel', '-p', nargs='?', action='store', type=int, dest='parallel', const=1, help='Number of processors to use when running mpiexec')
        parser.add_argument('--n-threads', nargs=1, action='store', type=int, dest='nthreads', default=1, help='Number of threads to use when running mpiexec')
        parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', dest='debug_harness', help='Turn on Test Harness debugging')
        parser.add_argument('--recover', action='store_true', dest='enable_recover', help='Run a test in recover mode')
        parser.add_argument('--recoversuffix', action='store', type=str, default='cpr', dest='recoversuffix', help='Set the file suffix for recover mode')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind', action='store_const', dest='valgrind_mode', const='NORMAL', help='Run normal valgrind tests')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind-heavy', action='store_const', dest='valgrind_mode', const='HEAVY', help='Run heavy valgrind tests')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind-max-fails', nargs=1, type=int, dest='valgrind_max_fails', default=5, help='The number of valgrind tests allowed to fail before any additional valgrind tests will run')
        parser.add_argument('--max-fails', nargs=1, type=int, dest='max_fails', default=50, help='The number of tests allowed to fail before any additional tests will run')
        parser.add_argument('--re', action='store', type=str, dest='reg_exp', help='Run tests that match --re=regular_expression')
        parser.add_argument('--failed-tests', action='store_true', dest='failed_tests', help='Run tests that previously failed')
        parser.add_argument('--check-input', action='store_true', dest='check_input', help='Run check_input (syntax) tests only')
        parser.add_argument('--no-check-input', action='store_true', dest='no_check_input', help='Do not run check_input (syntax) tests')
        parser.add_argument('--spec-file', action='store', type=str, dest='spec_file', help='Supply a path to the tests spec file to run the tests found therein. Or supply a path to a directory in which the TestHarness will search for tests. You can further alter which tests spec files are found through the use of -i and --re')

        # Options that pass straight through to the executable
        parser.add_argument('--parallel-mesh', action='store_true', dest='parallel_mesh', help='Deprecated, use --distributed-mesh instead')
        parser.add_argument('--distributed-mesh', action='store_true', dest='distributed_mesh', help='Pass "--distributed-mesh" to executable')
        parser.add_argument('--error', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with warnings as errors (Pass "--error" to executable)')
        parser.add_argument('--error-unused', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with errors on unused parameters (Pass "--error-unused" to executable)')
        parser.add_argument('--error-deprecated', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with errors on deprecations')

        # Option to use for passing unwrapped options to the executable
        parser.add_argument('--cli-args', nargs='?', type=str, dest='cli_args', help='Append the following list of arguments to the command line (Encapsulate the command in quotes)')

        parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', help="Pass --dry-run to print commands to run, but don't actually run them")
        parser.add_argument('--use-subdir-exe', action="store_true", help='If there are sub directories that contain a new testroot, use that for running tests under that directory.')

        outputgroup = parser.add_argument_group('Output Options', 'These options control the output of the test harness. The sep-files options write output to files named test_name.TEST_RESULT.txt. All file output will overwrite old files')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='show the output of every test')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', help='only show the result of every test, don\'t show test output even if it fails')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--no-report', action='store_false', dest='report_skipped', help='do not report skipped tests')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--show-directory', action='store_true', dest='show_directory', help='Print test directory path in out messages')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', nargs=1, metavar='directory', dest='output_dir', default='', help='Save all output files in the directory, and create it if necessary')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-f', '--file', nargs=1, action='store', dest='file', help='Write verbose output of each test to FILE and quiet output to terminal')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-x', '--sep-files', action='store_true', dest='sep_files', help='Write the output of each test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal. This is equivalant to \'--sep-files-fail --sep-files-ok\'')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--sep-files-ok', action='store_true', dest='ok_files', help='Write the output of each passed test to a separate file')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-a', '--sep-files-fail', action='store_true', dest='fail_files', help='Write the output of each FAILED test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal.')
        outputgroup.add_argument("--testharness-unittest", action="store_true", help="Run the TestHarness unittests that test the TestHarness.")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--yaml", action="store_true", dest="yaml", help="Dump the parameters for the testers in Yaml Format")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--dump", action="store_true", dest="dump", help="Dump the parameters for the testers in GetPot Format")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--no-trimmed-output", action="store_true", dest="no_trimmed_output", help="Do not trim the output")

        queuegroup = parser.add_argument_group('Queue Options', 'Options controlling which queue manager to use')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='session_name', help='Launch tests using PBS as your scheduler. You must supply a name to identify this session with')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-pre-source', nargs=1, action="store", dest='queue_source_command', metavar='source file', help='Source specified file before launching tests')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-project', nargs=1, action='store', dest='queue_project', type=str, default='moose', metavar='project', help='Identify your job(s) with this project (default:  moose)')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-queue', nargs=1, action='store', dest='queue_queue', type=str, metavar='queue', help='Submit jobs to the specified queue')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-cleanup', nargs=1, action="store", metavar='session_name', help='Clean up files generated by supplied session_name')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-project', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, default='moose', metavar='project', help='Deprecated. Use --pbs-project')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-queue', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, metavar='queue', help='Deprecated. Use --pbs-queue')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-cleanup', action="store_true", help='Deprecated. Use --pbs-cleanup')

        code = True
        if self.code.decode('hex') in argv:
            del argv[argv.index(self.code.decode('hex'))]
            code = False
        self.options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
        self.options.code = code

        self.options.runtags = [tag for tag in self.options.run.split(',') if tag != '']

        # Convert all list based options of length one to scalars
        for key, value in vars(self.options).items():
            if type(value) == list and len(value) == 1:
                setattr(self.options, key, value[0])


    ## Called after options are parsed from the command line
    # Exit if options don't make any sense, print warnings if they are merely weird
    def checkAndUpdateCLArgs(self):
        # Support deprecated cleanup method for now
        if self.options.pbs_cleanup:
            self.options.pbs = self.options.pbs_cleanup
            self.options.queue_cleanup = True

        opts = self.options
        if opts.output_dir and not (opts.file or opts.sep_files or opts.fail_files or opts.ok_files):
            print('WARNING: --output-dir is specified but no output files will be saved, use -f or a --sep-files option')
        if opts.group == opts.not_group:
            print('ERROR: The group and not_group options cannot specify the same group')
        if opts.valgrind_mode and opts.nthreads > 1:
            print('ERROR: --threads can not be used with --valgrind')
        if opts.check_input and opts.no_check_input:
            print('ERROR: --check-input and --no-check-input can not be used together')
        if opts.check_input and opts.enable_recover:
            print('ERROR: --check-input and --recover can not be used together')
        if opts.spec_file and not os.path.exists(opts.spec_file):
            print('ERROR: --spec-file supplied but path does not exist')
        if opts.failed_tests and opts.pbs:
            print('ERROR: --failed-tests and --pbs can not be used simultaneously')
        if opts.queue_cleanup and not opts.pbs:
            print('ERROR: --queue-cleanup can not be used without additional queue options')
        if opts.queue_source_command and not os.path.exists(opts.queue_source_command):
            print('ERROR: pre-source supplied but path does not exist')

        # Flatten input_file_name from ['tests', 'speedtests'] to just tests if none supplied
        # We can not support running two spec files during one launch into a third party queue manager.
        # This is because Jobs created by spec files, have no way of accessing other jobs created by
        # other spec files. They only know about the jobs a single spec file generates.
        # NOTE: Which means, tests and speedtests running simultaneously currently have a chance to
        # clobber each others output during normal operation!?
        if opts.pbs and not opts.input_file_name:
            self.options.input_file_name = 'tests'

        # Update any keys from the environment as necessary
        if not self.options.method:
            if os.environ.has_key('METHOD'):
                self.options.method = os.environ['METHOD']
                self.options.method = 'opt'

        if not self.options.valgrind_mode:
            self.options.valgrind_mode = ''

        # Update libmesh_dir to reflect arguments
        if opts.libmesh_dir:
            self.libmesh_dir = opts.libmesh_dir

        # When running heavy tests, we'll make sure we use --no-report
        if opts.heavy_tests:
            self.options.report_skipped = False

        # User wants to write all output, so unify the options involved
        if opts.sep_files:
            opts.ok_files = True
            opts.fail_files = True
            opts.quiet = True

        # User wants only failed files, so unify the options involved
        elif opts.fail_files:
            opts.quiet = True

    def postRun(self, specs, timing):

    def preRun(self):
        if self.options.yaml:
        elif self.options.dump:

    def getOptions(self):
        return self.options
class TestHarness:
    def buildAndRun(argv, app_name, moose_dir):
        harness = TestHarness(argv, moose_dir, app_name=app_name)

    def __init__(self, argv, moose_dir, app_name=None):
        os.environ['MOOSE_DIR'] = moose_dir
        os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.join(
            moose_dir, 'python') + ':' + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')

        if app_name:
            rootdir, app_name, args, root_params = '.', app_name, [], HitNode(
                hitnode=hit.parse('', ''))
            rootdir, app_name, args, root_params = findTestRoot(

        orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
        argv = argv[:1] + args + argv[1:]

        self.factory = Factory()

        self.app_name = app_name

        self.root_params = root_params

        # Build a Warehouse to hold the MooseObjects
        self.warehouse = Warehouse()

        # Get dependant applications and load dynamic tester plugins
        # If applications have new testers, we expect to find them in <app_dir>/scripts/TestHarness/testers
        dirs = [
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(moose_dir, 'framework',
                                     'scripts'))  # For find_dep_apps.py

        # Use the find_dep_apps script to get the dependant applications for an app
        import find_dep_apps
        depend_app_dirs = find_dep_apps.findDepApps(app_name,
            os.path.join(my_dir, 'scripts', 'TestHarness')
            for my_dir in depend_app_dirs.split('\n')

        # Finally load the plugins!
        self.factory.loadPlugins(dirs, 'testers', "IS_TESTER")

        self._infiles = ['tests', 'speedtests']
        self.parse_errors = []
        self.test_table = []
        self.num_passed = 0
        self.num_failed = 0
        self.num_skipped = 0
        self.num_pending = 0
        self.host_name = gethostname()
        self.moose_dir = moose_dir
        self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
        self.run_tests_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
        self.code = '2d2d6769726c2d6d6f6465'
        self.error_code = 0x0
        # Assume libmesh is a peer directory to MOOSE if not defined
        if os.environ.has_key("LIBMESH_DIR"):
            self.libmesh_dir = os.environ['LIBMESH_DIR']
            self.libmesh_dir = os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'libmesh',
        self.file = None

        # Failed Tests file object
        self.writeFailedTest = None

        # Parse arguments

        checks = {}
        checks['platform'] = util.getPlatforms()
        checks['submodules'] = util.getInitializedSubmodules(
        checks['exe_objects'] = None  # This gets calculated on demand

        # The TestHarness doesn't strictly require the existence of libMesh in order to run. Here we allow the user
        # to select whether they want to probe for libMesh configuration options.
        if self.options.skip_config_checks:
            checks['compiler'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['library_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_ids'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['vtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['tecplot'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_debug'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['curl'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['tbb'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['superlu'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_id'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['cxx11'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['asio'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['boost'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['compiler'] = util.getCompilers(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version'] = util.getPetscVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_version_release')
            checks['slepc_version'] = util.getSlepcVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['library_mode'] = util.getSharedOption(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['mesh_mode'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'mesh_mode')
            checks['dtk'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'dtk')
            checks['unique_ids'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_ids')
            checks['vtk'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'vtk')
            checks['tecplot'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'tecplot')
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'dof_id_bytes')
            checks['petsc_debug'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_debug')
            checks['curl'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'curl')
            checks['tbb'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'tbb')
            checks['superlu'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'superlu')
            checks['slepc'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'slepc')
            checks['unique_id'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_id')
            checks['cxx11'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'cxx11')
            checks['asio'] = util.getIfAsioExists(self.moose_dir)
            checks['boost'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(
                self.libmesh_dir, 'boost')

        # Override the MESH_MODE option if using the '--distributed-mesh'
        # or (deprecated) '--parallel-mesh' option.
        if (self.options.parallel_mesh == True or self.options.distributed_mesh == True) or \
              (self.options.cli_args != None and \
               (self.options.cli_args.find('--parallel-mesh') != -1 or self.options.cli_args.find('--distributed-mesh') != -1)):

            option_set = set(['ALL', 'DISTRIBUTED'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = option_set

        method = set(['ALL', self.options.method.upper()])
        checks['method'] = method

        # This is so we can easily pass checks around to any scheduler plugin
        self.options._checks = checks

        self.initialize(argv, app_name)


    Recursively walks the current tree looking for tests to run
    Error codes:
    0x0  - Success
    0x80 - TestHarness error

    def findAndRunTests(self, find_only=False):
        self.error_code = 0x0
        self.start_time = clock()
        launched_tests = []
        if self.options.input_file_name != '':
            self._infiles = self.options.input_file_name.split(',')

            self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.base_dir,
                # Prune submdule paths when searching for tests

                dir_name = os.path.basename(dirpath)
                if (self.base_dir != dirpath
                        and os.path.exists(os.path.join(
                            dirpath, '.git'))) or dir_name in [".git", ".svn"]:
                    dirnames[:] = []
                    filenames[:] = []

                # walk into directories that aren't contrib directories
                if "contrib" not in os.path.relpath(dirpath, os.getcwd()):
                    for file in filenames:
                        # See if there were other arguments (test names) passed on the command line
                        if file in self._infiles \
                               and os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, file)) not in launched_tests:

                            if self.prunePath(file):

                            saved_cwd = os.getcwd()

                            # Get the testers for this test
                            testers = self.createTesters(
                                dirpath, file, find_only)

                            # Some 'test' files generate empty tests. Such as an entirely commented out
                            # test block:
                            # [Tests]
                            #   # [./test]
                            #   # [../]
                            # []
                            # We do not want to send an empty list of testers to the scheduler.
                            if len(testers):
                                # Schedule the testers for immediate execution

                            # record these launched test to prevent this test from launching again
                            # due to os.walk following symbolic links
                            launched_tests.append(os.path.join(dirpath, file))


            # Wait for all the tests to complete

            if not self.scheduler.schedulerError():

            # flags for the TestHarness start at the high bit
            if self.num_failed or self.scheduler.schedulerError():
                self.error_code = self.error_code | 0x80

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Attempt to kill jobs currently running

            if self.writeFailedTest != None:
            print('\nExiting due to keyboard interrupt...')


# Create and return list of tester objects. A tester is created by providing
# abspath to basename (dirpath), and the test file in queustion (file)

    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        parser.parse(file, self.root_params)

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:
            self.augmentParameters(file, tester)

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers

    def prunePath(self, filename):
        test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))

        # Filter tests that we want to run
        # Under the new format, we will filter based on directory not filename since it is fixed
        prune = True
        if len(self.tests) == 0:
            prune = False  # No filter
            for item in self.tests:
                if test_dir.find(item) > -1:
                    prune = False

        # Return the inverse of will_run to indicate that this path should be pruned
        return prune

    def augmentParameters(self, filename, tester):
        params = tester.parameters()

        # We are going to do some formatting of the path that is printed
        # Case 1.  If the test directory (normally matches the input_file_name) comes first,
        #          we will simply remove it from the path
        # Case 2.  If the test directory is somewhere in the middle then we should preserve
        #          the leading part of the path
        test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
        relative_path = test_dir.replace(self.run_tests_dir, '')
        first_directory = relative_path.split(
            os.path.sep)[1]  # Get first directory
        for infile in self._infiles:
            if infile in relative_path:
                relative_path = relative_path.replace('/' + infile + '/', ':')
        relative_path = re.sub('^[/:]*', '',
                               relative_path)  # Trim slashes and colons
        formatted_name = relative_path + '.' + tester.name()

        params['test_name'] = formatted_name
        params['test_dir'] = test_dir
        params['relative_path'] = relative_path
        params['executable'] = self.executable
        params['hostname'] = self.host_name
        params['moose_dir'] = self.moose_dir
        params['base_dir'] = self.base_dir
        params['first_directory'] = first_directory
        params['root_params'] = self.root_params

        if params.isValid('prereq'):
            if type(params['prereq']) != list:
                print("Option 'prereq' needs to be of type list in " +
            params['prereq'] = [
                relative_path.replace('/tests/', '') + '.' + item
                for item in params['prereq']

        # Double the alloted time for tests when running with the valgrind option

        # When running in valgrind mode, we end up with a ton of output for each failed
        # test.  Therefore, we limit the number of fails...
        if self.options.valgrind_mode and self.num_failed > self.options.valgrind_max_fails:
            tester.setStatus('Max Fails Exceeded', tester.bucket_fail)
        elif self.num_failed > self.options.max_fails:
            tester.setStatus('Max Fails Exceeded', tester.bucket_fail)
        elif tester.parameters().isValid(
                'have_errors') and tester.parameters()['have_errors']:
            tester.setStatus('Parser Error', tester.bucket_fail)

    # This method splits a lists of tests into two pieces each, the first piece will run the test for
    # approx. half the number of timesteps and will write out a restart file.  The second test will
    # then complete the run using the MOOSE recover option.
    def appendRecoverableTests(self, testers):
        new_tests = []

        for part1 in testers:
            if part1.parameters(
            )['recover'] == True and not part1.parameters()['check_input']:
                # Clone the test specs
                part2 = copy.deepcopy(part1)

                # Part 1:
                part1_params = part1.parameters()
                part1_params['test_name'] += '_part1'
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpr':
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpa':
                part1_params['skip_checks'] = True

                # Part 2:
                part2_params = part2.parameters()
                part2_params['delete_output_before_running'] = False
                part2_params['cli_args'].append('--recover --recoversuffix ' +


            elif part1.parameters()['recover'] == True and part1.parameters(
                part1.setStatus('SYNTAX ONLY TEST', part1.bucket_silent)

        return testers

    def checkExpectError(self, output, expect_error):
        if re.search(expect_error, output, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) == None:
            return False
            return True

    # Method contianing logic on whether or not we should print results of given tester
    def canPrint(self, tester):
        if tester.isSkipped() and self.options.report_skipped is False:
            return False

        elif tester.isSilent() or (tester.isDeleted()
                                   and not self.options.extra_info):
            return False

        return True

    # Format the caveats contained in tester so they are easy to read when printed
    def formatCaveats(self, tester):
        # PASS and DRY_RUN fall into this catagory
        if tester.didPass():
            result = tester.success_message
            if self.options.extra_info:
                for check in self.options._checks.keys():
                    if tester.specs.isValid(
                            check) and not 'ALL' in tester.specs[check]:

        # FAIL, DIFF and DELETED fall into this catagory
        elif tester.didFail() or tester.didDiff() or tester.isDeleted():
            result = 'FAILED (%s)' % tester.getStatusMessage()

        # Silent tests have no results
        elif tester.isSilent():
            result = ''

        # Some other finished status... skipped, queued, etc
            result = tester.getStatusMessage()

        return result

    # Print and return formatted current tester status output
    def printResult(self, tester_data):
        """ Method to print a testers status to the screen """
        tester = tester_data.getTester()
        formatted_results = None

        # Print what ever status the tester has at the time
        if self.canPrint(tester):
            if self.options.verbose or (tester.didFail()
                                        and not self.options.quiet):
                output = 'Working Directory: ' + tester.getTestDir(
                ) + '\nRunning command: ' + tester.getCommand(
                    self.options) + '\n'

                output += tester_data.getOutput()
                output = output.replace(
                    '\r', '\n')  # replace the carriage returns with newlines
                lines = output.split('\n')

                # Obtain color based on test status
                color = tester.getColor()

                if output != '':
                    test_name = util.colorText(tester.getTestName() + ": ",
                    output = test_name + ("\n" + test_name).join(lines)

            formatted_results = self.formatCaveats(tester)
                util.formatResult(tester_data, formatted_results,
        return formatted_results

    def handleTestStatus(self, tester_data):
        """ Method to handle a testers status """
        tester = tester_data.getTester()

        # print and store those results
        result = self.printResult(tester_data)

        # Test is finished and had some results to print
        if tester.isFinished() and self.canPrint(tester):
            timing = tester_data.getTiming()

            # Store these results to a table we will use when we print final results
            self.test_table.append((tester_data, result, timing))

            self.postRun(tester.specs, timing)
            # Tally the results of this test to be used in our Final Test Results footer
            if tester.isSkipped():
                self.num_skipped += 1
            elif tester.didPass():
                self.num_passed += 1
            elif tester.isQueued() or tester.isWaiting():
                self.num_pending += 1
                self.num_failed += 1

            # Write results to a file if asked to do so
            if not tester.isSkipped():
                if not tester.didPass() and not self.options.failed_tests:
                    self.writeFailedTest.write(tester.getTestName() + '\n')

                if self.options.file:
                            tester_data, result, self.options, color=False) +

                if self.options.sep_files or (self.options.fail_files
                                              and not tester.didPass()) or (
                                                  and tester.didPass()):
                    fname = os.path.join(
                        tester.getTestName().split('/')[-1] + '.' +
                        result[:6] + '.txt')
                    f = open(fname, 'w')
                                          color=False) + '\n')

    # Print final results, close open files, and exit with the correct error code
    def cleanup(self):
        # Print the results table again if a bunch of output was spewed to the screen between
        # tests as they were running
        if len(self.parse_errors) > 0:
            print('\n\nParser Errors:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS)))
            for err in self.parse_errors:

        if (self.options.verbose or
            (self.num_failed != 0
             and not self.options.quiet)) and not self.options.dry_run:
            print('\n\nFinal Test Results:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS)))
            for (tester_data, result, timing) in sorted(self.test_table,
                                                        key=lambda x: x[1],
                print(util.formatResult(tester_data, result, self.options))

        time = clock() - self.start_time

        print('-' * (util.TERM_COLS))

        # Mask off TestHarness error codes to report parser errors
        fatal_error = ''
        if self.error_code:
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL TEST HARNESS ERROR</r>'
        if len(self.parse_errors) > 0:
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL PARSER ERROR</r>'
            self.error_code = 1

        # Alert the user to their session file
        if self.options.queueing:
            print 'Your session file is %s' % self.options.session_file

        # Print a different footer when performing a dry run
        if self.options.dry_run:
            print('Processed %d tests in %.1f seconds' %
                  (self.num_passed + self.num_skipped, time))
            summary = '<b>%d would run</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d would be skipped</b>'
            summary += fatal_error
            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

            print('Ran %d tests in %.1f seconds' %
                  (self.num_passed + self.num_failed, time))

            if self.num_passed:
                summary = '<g>%d passed</g>'
                summary = '<b>%d passed</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d skipped</b>'
            if self.num_pending:
                summary += ', <c>%d pending</c>'
                summary += ', <b>%d pending</b>'
            if self.num_failed:
                summary += ', <r>%d FAILED</r>'
                summary += ', <b>%d failed</b>'
            summary += fatal_error

            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped, self.num_pending, self.num_failed),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

        if self.file:

        # Close the failed_tests file
        if self.writeFailedTest != None:

    def initialize(self, argv, app_name):
        # Load the scheduler plugins
            [os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'python', 'TestHarness')],
            'schedulers', "IS_SCHEDULER")

        # Set a global queueing flag
        self.options.queueing = False

        if self.options.pbs:
            self.options.queueing = True
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunPBS'

            # Unify the queueing file
            self.options.session_file = self.options.pbs

        # User is wanting to clean up old queue sessions
        elif self.options.queue_cleanup:
            scheduler_plugin = 'QueueManager'
            self.options.session_file = self.options.queue_cleanup

        # The default scheduler plugin
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunParallel'

        # Augment the Scheduler params with plugin params
        plugin_params = self.factory.validParams(scheduler_plugin)

        # Set Scheduler specific params based on some provided options.arguments
        plugin_params['max_processes'] = self.options.jobs
        plugin_params['average_load'] = self.options.load

        # Create the scheduler
        self.scheduler = self.factory.create(scheduler_plugin, self,

        ## Save executable-under-test name to self.executable
        self.executable = os.getcwd(
        ) + '/' + app_name + '-' + self.options.method

        # Save the output dir since the current working directory changes during tests
        self.output_dir = os.path.join(

        # Create the output dir if they ask for it. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
        if self.options.output_dir:
            except OSError as ex:
                if ex.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass
                else: raise

        # Open the file to redirect output to and set the quiet option for file output
        if self.options.file:
            self.file = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.options.file),
        if self.options.file or self.options.fail_files or self.options.sep_files:
            self.options.quiet = True

    ## Parse command line options and assign them to self.options
    def parseCLArgs(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description='A tool used to test MOOSE based applications')
        parser.add_argument('test_name', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
                            help='test the app_name-opt binary')
                            help='test the app_name-dbg binary')
                            help='test the app_name-devel binary')
                            help='test the app_name-oprof binary')
                            help='test the app_name-pro binary')
                            help='only run tests of the specified of tag(s)')
            'ignore specified caveats when checking if a test should run: (--ignore "method compiler") Using --ignore with out a conditional will ignore all caveats'
                            help='run test binaries in parallel')
            'Display "extra" information including all caveats and deleted tests'
                            help='Do not show colored output')
                            help='Color first directory')
                            help='Run tests marked with HEAVY : True')
            help='Run normal tests and tests marked with HEAVY : True')
                            help='Run only tests in the named group')
                            help='Run only tests NOT in the named group')
            'Location to timings data base file. If not set, assumes $HOME/timingDB/timing.sqlite'
            'Do not run additional tests if the load average is at least LOAD')
                            help='Report Timing information for passing tests')
                            help='Scale problems that have SCALE_REFINE set')
            'The default test specification file to look for (default="tests").'
            help='Currently only needed for bitten code coverage')
            'Skip configuration checks (all tests will run regardless of restrictions)'
            help='Number of processors to use when running mpiexec')
            help='Number of threads to use when running mpiexec')
                            help='Turn on Test Harness debugging')
                            help='Run a test in recover mode')
                            help='Set the file suffix for recover mode')
                            help='Run normal valgrind tests')
                            help='Run heavy valgrind tests')
            'The number of valgrind tests allowed to fail before any additional valgrind tests will run'
            'The number of tests allowed to fail before any additional tests will run'
            help='Run tests that match --re=regular_expression')
                            help='Run tests that previously failed')
                            help='Run check_input (syntax) tests only')
                            help='Do not run check_input (syntax) tests')

        # Options that pass straight through to the executable
                            help='Deprecated, use --distributed-mesh instead')
                            help='Pass "--distributed-mesh" to executable')
            'Run the tests with warnings as errors (Pass "--error" to executable)'
            'Run the tests with errors on unused parameters (Pass "--error-unused" to executable)'
                            help='Run the tests with errors on deprecations')

        # Option to use for passing unwrapped options to the executable
            'Append the following list of arguments to the command line (Encapsulate the command in quotes)'

            "Pass --dry-run to print commands to run, but don't actually run them"

        outputgroup = parser.add_argument_group(
            'Output Options',
            'These options control the output of the test harness. The sep-files options write output to files named test_name.TEST_RESULT.txt. All file output will overwrite old files'
                                 help='show the output of every test')
            'only show the result of every test, don\'t show test output even if it fails'
                                 help='do not report skipped tests')
            help='Print test directory path in out messages')
            'Save all output files in the directory, and create it if necessary'
            'Write verbose output of each test to FILE and quiet output to terminal'
            'Write the output of each test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal. This is equivalant to \'--sep-files-fail --sep-files-ok\''
            help='Write the output of each passed test to a separate file')
            'Write the output of each FAILED test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal.'
            help="Run the TestHarness unittests that test the TestHarness.")
            help="Dump the parameters for the testers in Yaml Format")
            help="Dump the parameters for the testers in GetPot Format")
                                 help="Do not trim the output")

        queuegroup = parser.add_argument_group(
            'Queue Options', 'Options controlling which queue manager to use')
            'Use PBS as your scheduler. Optional: Supply a name to identify this session with. If session exists, the scheduler will instead display the results of that session.'
            help='Identify your PBS job with this project (default:  moose)')
            help='Clean up directories/files created by session')

        code = True
        if self.code.decode('hex') in argv:
            del argv[argv.index(self.code.decode('hex'))]
            code = False
        self.options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
        self.tests = self.options.test_name
        self.options.code = code

        self.options.runtags = [
            tag for tag in self.options.run.split(',') if tag != ''

        # Convert all list based options of length one to scalars
        for key, value in vars(self.options).items():
            if type(value) == list and len(value) == 1:
                setattr(self.options, key, value[0])

        # If attempting to test only failed_tests, open the .failed_tests file and create a list object
        # otherwise, open the failed_tests file object for writing (clobber).
        failed_tests_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.failed_tests')
        if self.options.failed_tests:
            with open(failed_tests_file, 'r') as tmp_failed_tests:
                self.options._test_list = tmp_failed_tests.read().split('\n')
            self.writeFailedTest = open(failed_tests_file, 'w')


    ## Called after options are parsed from the command line
    # Exit if options don't make any sense, print warnings if they are merely weird
    def checkAndUpdateCLArgs(self):
        opts = self.options
        if opts.output_dir and not (opts.file or opts.sep_files
                                    or opts.fail_files or opts.ok_files):
                'WARNING: --output-dir is specified but no output files will be saved, use -f or a --sep-files option'
        if opts.group == opts.not_group:
                'ERROR: The group and not_group options cannot specify the same group'
        if opts.valgrind_mode and (opts.parallel > 1 or opts.nthreads > 1):
                'ERROR: --parallel and/or --threads can not be used with --valgrind'
        if opts.queue_cleanup and opts.pbs:
            print('ERROR: --queue-cleanup and --pbs can not be used together')
        if opts.check_input and opts.no_check_input:
                'ERROR: --check-input and --no-check-input can not be used together'
        if opts.check_input and opts.enable_recover:
                'ERROR: --check-input and --recover can not be used together')

        # Update any keys from the environment as necessary
        if not self.options.method:
            if os.environ.has_key('METHOD'):
                self.options.method = os.environ['METHOD']
                self.options.method = 'opt'

        if not self.options.valgrind_mode:
            self.options.valgrind_mode = ''

        # Update libmesh_dir to reflect arguments
        if opts.libmesh_dir:
            self.libmesh_dir = opts.libmesh_dir

        # When running heavy tests, we'll make sure we use --no-report
        if opts.heavy_tests:
            self.options.report_skipped = False

    def postRun(self, specs, timing):

    def preRun(self):
        if self.options.yaml:
        elif self.options.dump:
        elif self.options.queue_cleanup:

    def getOptions(self):
        return self.options
class TestHarness:

    def buildAndRun(argv, app_name, moose_dir):
        if '--store-timing' in argv:
            harness = TestTimer(argv, app_name, moose_dir)
            harness = TestHarness(argv, app_name, moose_dir)



    def __init__(self, argv, app_name, moose_dir):
        self.factory = Factory()

        # Build a Warehouse to hold the MooseObjects
        self.warehouse = Warehouse()

        # Get dependant applications and load dynamic tester plugins
        # If applications have new testers, we expect to find them in <app_dir>/scripts/TestHarness/testers
        dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))]
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(moose_dir, 'framework', 'scripts'))   # For find_dep_apps.py

        # Use the find_dep_apps script to get the dependant applications for an app
        import find_dep_apps
        depend_app_dirs = find_dep_apps.findDepApps(app_name, use_current_only=True)
        dirs.extend([os.path.join(my_dir, 'scripts', 'TestHarness') for my_dir in depend_app_dirs.split('\n')])

        # Finally load the plugins!
        self.factory.loadPlugins(dirs, 'testers', "IS_TESTER")

        self.test_table = []
        self.num_passed = 0
        self.num_failed = 0
        self.num_skipped = 0
        self.num_pending = 0
        self.host_name = gethostname()
        self.moose_dir = moose_dir
        self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
        self.run_tests_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
        self.code = '2d2d6769726c2d6d6f6465'
        self.error_code = 0x0
        # Assume libmesh is a peer directory to MOOSE if not defined
        if os.environ.has_key("LIBMESH_DIR"):
            self.libmesh_dir = os.environ['LIBMESH_DIR']
            self.libmesh_dir = os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'libmesh', 'installed')
        self.file = None

        # Failed Tests file object
        self.writeFailedTest = None

        # Parse arguments

        checks = {}
        checks['platform'] = util.getPlatforms()
        checks['submodules'] = util.getInitializedSubmodules(self.run_tests_dir)
        checks['exe_objects'] = None # This gets calculated on demand

        # The TestHarness doesn't strictly require the existence of libMesh in order to run. Here we allow the user
        # to select whether they want to probe for libMesh configuration options.
        if self.options.skip_config_checks:
            checks['compiler'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['library_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_ids'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['vtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['tecplot'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_debug'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['curl'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['tbb'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['superlu'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_id'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['cxx11'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['asio'] =  set(['ALL'])
            checks['boost'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['compiler'] = util.getCompilers(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version'] = util.getPetscVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_version_release')
            checks['slepc_version'] = util.getSlepcVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['library_mode'] = util.getSharedOption(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['mesh_mode'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'mesh_mode')
            checks['dtk'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'dtk')
            checks['unique_ids'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_ids')
            checks['vtk'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'vtk')
            checks['tecplot'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'tecplot')
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'dof_id_bytes')
            checks['petsc_debug'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_debug')
            checks['curl'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'curl')
            checks['tbb'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'tbb')
            checks['superlu'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'superlu')
            checks['slepc'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'slepc')
            checks['unique_id'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_id')
            checks['cxx11'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'cxx11')
            checks['asio'] =  util.getIfAsioExists(self.moose_dir)
            checks['boost'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'boost')

        # Override the MESH_MODE option if using the '--distributed-mesh'
        # or (deprecated) '--parallel-mesh' option.
        if (self.options.parallel_mesh == True or self.options.distributed_mesh == True) or \
              (self.options.cli_args != None and \
               (self.options.cli_args.find('--parallel-mesh') != -1 or self.options.cli_args.find('--distributed-mesh') != -1)):

            option_set = set(['ALL', 'PARALLEL'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = option_set

        method = set(['ALL', self.options.method.upper()])
        checks['method'] = method

        # This is so we can easily pass checks around to any scheduler plugin
        self.options._checks = checks

        self.initialize(argv, app_name)

    Recursively walks the current tree looking for tests to run
    Error codes:
    0x0  - Success
    0x7F - Parser error (any flag in this range)
    0x80 - TestHarness error
    def findAndRunTests(self, find_only=False):
        self.error_code = 0x0
        self.start_time = clock()
        launched_tests = []

            self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.base_dir, followlinks=True):
                # Prune submdule paths when searching for tests
                if self.base_dir != dirpath and os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, '.git')):
                    dirnames[:] = []

                # walk into directories that aren't contrib directories
                if "contrib" not in os.path.relpath(dirpath, os.getcwd()):
                    for file in filenames:
                        # See if there were other arguments (test names) passed on the command line
                        if file == self.options.input_file_name \
                               and os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, file)) not in launched_tests:

                            if self.prunePath(file):

                            saved_cwd = os.getcwd()

                            # Get the testers for this test
                            testers = self.createTesters(dirpath, file, find_only)

                            # Some 'test' files generate empty tests. Such as an entirely commented out
                            # test block:
                            # [Tests]
                            #   # [./test]
                            #   # [../]
                            # []
                            # We do not want to send an empty list of testers to the scheduler.
                            if len(testers):
                                # Schedule the testers for immediate execution

                            # record these launched test to prevent this test from launching again
                            # due to os.walk following symbolic links
                            launched_tests.append(os.path.join(dirpath, file))


            # Wait for all the tests to complete


            # Flags for the parser start at the low bit, flags for the TestHarness start at the high bit
            if self.num_failed:
                self.error_code = self.error_code | 0x80

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Attempt to kill jobs currently running

            if self.writeFailedTest != None:
            print('\nExiting due to keyboard interrupt...')


   # Create and return list of tester objects. A tester is created by providing
    # abspath to basename (dirpath), and the test file in queustion (file)
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        self.error_code = self.error_code | parser.parse(file)

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:
            self.augmentParameters(file, tester)

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers

    def prunePath(self, filename):
        test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))

        # Filter tests that we want to run
        # Under the new format, we will filter based on directory not filename since it is fixed
        prune = True
        if len(self.tests) == 0:
            prune = False # No filter
            for item in self.tests:
                if test_dir.find(item) > -1:
                    prune = False

        # Return the inverse of will_run to indicate that this path should be pruned
        return prune

    def augmentParameters(self, filename, tester):
        params = tester.parameters()

        # We are going to do some formatting of the path that is printed
        # Case 1.  If the test directory (normally matches the input_file_name) comes first,
        #          we will simply remove it from the path
        # Case 2.  If the test directory is somewhere in the middle then we should preserve
        #          the leading part of the path
        test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
        relative_path = test_dir.replace(self.run_tests_dir, '')
        first_directory = relative_path.split(os.path.sep)[1] # Get first directory
        relative_path = relative_path.replace('/' + self.options.input_file_name + '/', ':')
        relative_path = re.sub('^[/:]*', '', relative_path)  # Trim slashes and colons
        formatted_name = relative_path + '.' + tester.name()

        params['test_name'] = formatted_name
        params['test_dir'] = test_dir
        params['relative_path'] = relative_path
        params['executable'] = self.executable
        params['hostname'] = self.host_name
        params['moose_dir'] = self.moose_dir
        params['base_dir'] = self.base_dir
        params['first_directory'] = first_directory

        if params.isValid('prereq'):
            if type(params['prereq']) != list:
                print("Option 'prereq' needs to be of type list in " + params['test_name'])
            params['prereq'] = [relative_path.replace('/tests/', '') + '.' + item for item in params['prereq']]

        # Double the alloted time for tests when running with the valgrind option

        # When running in valgrind mode, we end up with a ton of output for each failed
        # test.  Therefore, we limit the number of fails...
        if self.options.valgrind_mode and self.num_failed > self.options.valgrind_max_fails:
            tester.setStatus('Max Fails Exceeded', tester.bucket_fail)
        elif self.num_failed > self.options.max_fails:
            tester.setStatus('Max Fails Exceeded', tester.bucket_fail)
        elif tester.parameters().isValid('error_code'):
            tester.setStatus('Parser Error', tester.bucket_skip)

    # This method splits a lists of tests into two pieces each, the first piece will run the test for
    # approx. half the number of timesteps and will write out a restart file.  The second test will
    # then complete the run using the MOOSE recover option.
    def appendRecoverableTests(self, testers):
        new_tests = []

        for part1 in testers:
            if part1.parameters()['recover'] == True:
                # Clone the test specs
                part2 = copy.deepcopy(part1)

                # Part 1:
                part1_params = part1.parameters()
                part1_params['test_name'] += '_part1'
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpr':
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpa':
                part1_params['skip_checks'] = True

                # Part 2:
                part2_params = part2.parameters()
                part2_params['delete_output_before_running'] = False
                part2_params['cli_args'].append('--recover --recoversuffix ' + self.options.recoversuffix)
                part2_params.addParam('caveats', ['recover'], "")


        return testers

    def checkExpectError(self, output, expect_error):
        if re.search(expect_error, output, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) == None:
            return False
            return True

    # Format the status message to make any caveats easy to read when they are printed
    def formatCaveats(self, tester):
        caveats = []
        result = ''

        if tester.specs.isValid('caveats'):
            caveats = tester.specs['caveats']

        # PASS and DRY_RUN fall into this catagory
        if tester.didPass():
            if self.options.extra_info:
                checks = ['platform', 'compiler', 'petsc_version', 'mesh_mode', 'method', 'library_mode', 'dtk', 'unique_ids']
                for check in checks:
                    if not 'ALL' in tester.specs[check]:
                        caveats.append(', '.join(tester.specs[check]))
            if len(caveats):
                result = '[' + ', '.join(caveats).upper() + '] ' + tester.getSuccessMessage()
                result = tester.getSuccessMessage()

        # FAIL, DIFF and DELETED fall into this catagory
        elif tester.didFail() or tester.didDiff() or tester.isDeleted():
            result = 'FAILED (%s)' % tester.getStatusMessage()

        elif tester.isSkipped():
            # Include caveats in skipped messages? Usefull to know when a scaled long "RUNNING..." test completes
            # but Exodiff is instructed to 'SKIP' on scaled tests.
            if len(caveats):
                result = '[' + ', '.join(caveats).upper() + '] skipped (' + tester.getStatusMessage() + ')'
                result = 'skipped (' + tester.getStatusMessage() + ')'
            result = tester.getStatusMessage()
        return result

    # Print and return formatted current tester status output
    def printResult(self, tester_data):
        """ Method to print a testers status to the screen """
        tester = tester_data.getTester()

        # The test has no status to print
        if tester.isSilent() or (tester.isDeleted() and not self.options.extra_info):
            caveat_formatted_results = None
        # Print what ever status the tester has at the time
            if self.options.verbose or (tester.didFail() and not self.options.quiet):
                output = 'Working Directory: ' + tester.getTestDir() + '\nRunning command: ' + tester.getCommand(self.options) + '\n'

                output += tester_data.getOutput()
                output = output.replace('\r', '\n')  # replace the carriage returns with newlines
                lines = output.split('\n')

                # Obtain color based on test status
                color = tester.getColor()

                if output != '':
                    test_name = util.colorText(tester.getTestName()  + ": ", color, colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code)
                    output = test_name + ("\n" + test_name).join(lines)

            caveat_formatted_results = self.formatCaveats(tester)
            print(util.formatResult(tester_data, caveat_formatted_results, self.options))
        return caveat_formatted_results

    def handleTestStatus(self, tester_data):
        """ Method to handle a testers status """
        tester = tester_data.getTester()

        # print and store those results
        result = self.printResult(tester_data)

        # Test is finished and had some results to print
        if result and tester.isFinished():
            timing = tester_data.getTiming()

            # Store these results to a table we will use when we print final results
            self.test_table.append( (tester_data, result, timing) )

            self.postRun(tester.specs, timing)
            # Tally the results of this test to be used in our Final Test Results footer
            if tester.isSkipped():
                self.num_skipped += 1
            elif tester.didPass():
                self.num_passed += 1
            elif tester.isQueued() or tester.isWaiting():
                self.num_pending += 1
                self.num_failed += 1

            # Write results to a file if asked to do so
            if not tester.isSkipped():
                if not tester.didPass() and not self.options.failed_tests:
                    self.writeFailedTest.write(tester.getTestName() + '\n')

                if self.options.file:
                    self.file.write(util.formatResult( tester_data, result, self.options, color=False) + '\n')

                if self.options.sep_files or (self.options.fail_files and not tester.didPass()) or (self.options.ok_files and tester.didPass()):
                    fname = os.path.join(tester.getTestDir(), tester.getTestName().split('/')[-1] + '.' + result[:6] + '.txt')
                    f = open(fname, 'w')
                    f.write(util.formatResult( tester_data, tester_data.getOutput(), self.options, color=False) + '\n')

    # Print final results, close open files, and exit with the correct error code
    def cleanup(self):
        # Print the results table again if a bunch of output was spewed to the screen between
        # tests as they were running
        if (self.options.verbose or (self.num_failed != 0 and not self.options.quiet)) and not self.options.dry_run:
            print('\n\nFinal Test Results:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS-1)))
            for (tester_data, result, timing) in sorted(self.test_table, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
                print(util.formatResult(tester_data, result, self.options))

        time = clock() - self.start_time

        print('-' * (util.TERM_COLS-1))

        # Mask off TestHarness error codes to report parser errors
        fatal_error = ''
        if self.error_code & Parser.getErrorCodeMask():
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL PARSER ERROR</r>'
        if self.error_code & ~Parser.getErrorCodeMask():
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL TEST HARNESS ERROR</r>'

        # Alert the user to their session file
        if self.options.queueing:
            print 'Your session file is %s' % self.options.session_file

        # Print a different footer when performing a dry run
        if self.options.dry_run:
            print('Processed %d tests in %.1f seconds' % (self.num_passed+self.num_skipped, time))
            summary = '<b>%d would run</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d would be skipped</b>'
            summary += fatal_error
            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

            print('Ran %d tests in %.1f seconds' % (self.num_passed+self.num_failed, time))

            if self.num_passed:
                summary = '<g>%d passed</g>'
                summary = '<b>%d passed</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d skipped</b>'
            if self.num_pending:
                summary += ', <c>%d pending</c>'
                summary += ', <b>%d pending</b>'
            if self.num_failed:
                summary += ', <r>%d FAILED</r>'
                summary += ', <b>%d failed</b>'
            summary += fatal_error

            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped, self.num_pending, self.num_failed),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

        if self.file:

        # Close the failed_tests file
        if self.writeFailedTest != None:

    def initialize(self, argv, app_name):
        # Load the scheduler plugins
        self.factory.loadPlugins([os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'python', 'TestHarness')], 'schedulers', "IS_SCHEDULER")

        # Set a global queueing flag
        self.options.queueing = False

        if self.options.pbs:
            self.options.queueing = True
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunPBS'

            # Unify the queueing file
            self.options.session_file = self.options.pbs

        # User is wanting to clean up old queue sessions
        elif self.options.queue_cleanup:
            scheduler_plugin = 'QueueManager'
            self.options.session_file = self.options.queue_cleanup

        # The default scheduler plugin
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunParallel'

        # Augment the Scheduler params with plugin params
        plugin_params = self.factory.validParams(scheduler_plugin)

        # Set Scheduler specific params based on some provided options.arguments
        plugin_params['max_processes'] = self.options.jobs
        plugin_params['average_load'] = self.options.load

        # Create the scheduler
        self.scheduler = self.factory.create(scheduler_plugin, self, plugin_params)

        ## Save executable-under-test name to self.executable
        self.executable = os.getcwd() + '/' + app_name + '-' + self.options.method

        # Save the output dir since the current working directory changes during tests
        self.output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), self.options.output_dir)

        # Create the output dir if they ask for it. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
        if self.options.output_dir:
            except OSError as ex:
                if ex.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass
                else: raise

        # Open the file to redirect output to and set the quiet option for file output
        if self.options.file:
            self.file = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.options.file), 'w')
        if self.options.file or self.options.fail_files or self.options.sep_files:
            self.options.quiet = True

    ## Parse command line options and assign them to self.options
    def parseCLArgs(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tool used to test MOOSE based applications')
        parser.add_argument('test_name', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
        parser.add_argument('--opt', action='store_const', dest='method', const='opt', help='test the app_name-opt binary')
        parser.add_argument('--dbg', action='store_const', dest='method', const='dbg', help='test the app_name-dbg binary')
        parser.add_argument('--devel', action='store_const', dest='method', const='devel', help='test the app_name-devel binary')
        parser.add_argument('--oprof', action='store_const', dest='method', const='oprof', help='test the app_name-oprof binary')
        parser.add_argument('--pro', action='store_const', dest='method', const='pro', help='test the app_name-pro binary')
        parser.add_argument('--ignore', nargs='?', action='store', metavar='caveat', dest='ignored_caveats', const='all', type=str, help='ignore specified caveats when checking if a test should run: (--ignore "method compiler") Using --ignore with out a conditional will ignore all caveats')
        parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', nargs='?', metavar='int', action='store', type=int, dest='jobs', const=1, help='run test binaries in parallel')
        parser.add_argument('-e', action='store_true', dest='extra_info', help='Display "extra" information including all caveats and deleted tests')
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--no-color', action='store_false', dest='colored', help='Do not show colored output')
        parser.add_argument('--color-first-directory', action='store_true', dest='color_first_directory', help='Color first directory')
        parser.add_argument('--heavy', action='store_true', dest='heavy_tests', help='Run tests marked with HEAVY : True')
        parser.add_argument('--all-tests', action='store_true', dest='all_tests', help='Run normal tests and tests marked with HEAVY : True')
        parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', action='store', type=str, dest='group', default='ALL', help='Run only tests in the named group')
        parser.add_argument('--not_group', action='store', type=str, dest='not_group', help='Run only tests NOT in the named group')
        parser.add_argument('--dbfile', nargs='?', action='store', dest='dbFile', help='Location to timings data base file. If not set, assumes $HOME/timingDB/timing.sqlite')
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--load-average', action='store', type=float, dest='load', help='Do not run additional tests if the load average is at least LOAD')
        parser.add_argument('-t', '--timing', action='store_true', dest='timing', help='Report Timing information for passing tests')
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale', action='store_true', dest='scaling', help='Scale problems that have SCALE_REFINE set')
        parser.add_argument('-i', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, dest='input_file_name', default='tests', help='The default test specification file to look for (default="tests").')
        parser.add_argument('--libmesh_dir', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, dest='libmesh_dir', help='Currently only needed for bitten code coverage')
        parser.add_argument('--skip-config-checks', action='store_true', dest='skip_config_checks', help='Skip configuration checks (all tests will run regardless of restrictions)')
        parser.add_argument('--parallel', '-p', nargs='?', action='store', type=int, dest='parallel', const=1, help='Number of processors to use when running mpiexec')
        parser.add_argument('--n-threads', nargs=1, action='store', type=int, dest='nthreads', default=1, help='Number of threads to use when running mpiexec')
        parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', dest='debug_harness', help='Turn on Test Harness debugging')
        parser.add_argument('--recover', action='store_true', dest='enable_recover', help='Run a test in recover mode')
        parser.add_argument('--recoversuffix', action='store', type=str, default='cpr', dest='recoversuffix', help='Set the file suffix for recover mode')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind', action='store_const', dest='valgrind_mode', const='NORMAL', help='Run normal valgrind tests')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind-heavy', action='store_const', dest='valgrind_mode', const='HEAVY', help='Run heavy valgrind tests')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind-max-fails', nargs=1, type=int, dest='valgrind_max_fails', default=5, help='The number of valgrind tests allowed to fail before any additional valgrind tests will run')
        parser.add_argument('--max-fails', nargs=1, type=int, dest='max_fails', default=50, help='The number of tests allowed to fail before any additional tests will run')
        parser.add_argument('--re', action='store', type=str, dest='reg_exp', help='Run tests that match --re=regular_expression')
        parser.add_argument('--failed-tests', action='store_true', dest='failed_tests', help='Run tests that previously failed')
        parser.add_argument('--check-input', action='store_true', dest='check_input', help='Run check_input (syntax) tests only')

        # Options that pass straight through to the executable
        parser.add_argument('--parallel-mesh', action='store_true', dest='parallel_mesh', help='Deprecated, use --distributed-mesh instead')
        parser.add_argument('--distributed-mesh', action='store_true', dest='distributed_mesh', help='Pass "--distributed-mesh" to executable')
        parser.add_argument('--error', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with warnings as errors (Pass "--error" to executable)')
        parser.add_argument('--error-unused', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with errors on unused parameters (Pass "--error-unused" to executable)')

        # Option to use for passing unwrapped options to the executable
        parser.add_argument('--cli-args', nargs='?', type=str, dest='cli_args', help='Append the following list of arguments to the command line (Encapsulate the command in quotes)')

        parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', help="Pass --dry-run to print commands to run, but don't actually run them")

        outputgroup = parser.add_argument_group('Output Options', 'These options control the output of the test harness. The sep-files options write output to files named test_name.TEST_RESULT.txt. All file output will overwrite old files')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='show the output of every test')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', help='only show the result of every test, don\'t show test output even if it fails')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--no-report', action='store_false', dest='report_skipped', help='do not report skipped tests')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--show-directory', action='store_true', dest='show_directory', help='Print test directory path in out messages')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', nargs=1, metavar='directory', dest='output_dir', default='', help='Save all output files in the directory, and create it if necessary')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-f', '--file', nargs=1, action='store', dest='file', help='Write verbose output of each test to FILE and quiet output to terminal')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-x', '--sep-files', action='store_true', dest='sep_files', help='Write the output of each test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal. This is equivalant to \'--sep-files-fail --sep-files-ok\'')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--sep-files-ok', action='store_true', dest='ok_files', help='Write the output of each passed test to a separate file')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-a', '--sep-files-fail', action='store_true', dest='fail_files', help='Write the output of each FAILED test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal.')
        outputgroup.add_argument("--store-timing", action="store_true", dest="store_time", help="Store timing in the SQL database: $HOME/timingDB/timing.sqlite A parent directory (timingDB) must exist.")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--testharness-unittest", action="store_true", help="Run the TestHarness unittests that test the TestHarness.")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--revision", nargs=1, action="store", type=str, dest="revision", help="The current revision being tested. Required when using --store-timing.")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--yaml", action="store_true", dest="yaml", help="Dump the parameters for the testers in Yaml Format")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--dump", action="store_true", dest="dump", help="Dump the parameters for the testers in GetPot Format")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--no-trimmed-output", action="store_true", dest="no_trimmed_output", help="Do not trim the output")

        queuegroup = parser.add_argument_group('Queue Options', 'Options controlling which queue manager to use')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs', nargs='?', action='store', type=str, metavar='session_name', const='generate', help='Use PBS as your scheduler. Optional: Supply a name to identify this session with. If session exists, the scheduler will instead display the results of that session.')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-project', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, default='moose', metavar='project', help='Identify your PBS job with this project (default:  moose)')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-cleanup', nargs=1, metavar='session_name', help='Clean up directories/files created by session')

        code = True
        if self.code.decode('hex') in argv:
            del argv[argv.index(self.code.decode('hex'))]
            code = False
        self.options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
        self.tests = self.options.test_name
        self.options.code = code

        # Convert all list based options of length one to scalars
        for key, value in vars(self.options).items():
            if type(value) == list and len(value) == 1:
                setattr(self.options, key, value[0])

        # If attempting to test only failed_tests, open the .failed_tests file and create a list object
        # otherwise, open the failed_tests file object for writing (clobber).
        failed_tests_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.failed_tests')
        if self.options.failed_tests:
            with open(failed_tests_file, 'r') as tmp_failed_tests:
                self.options._test_list = tmp_failed_tests.read().split('\n')
            self.writeFailedTest = open(failed_tests_file, 'w')


    ## Called after options are parsed from the command line
    # Exit if options don't make any sense, print warnings if they are merely weird
    def checkAndUpdateCLArgs(self):
        opts = self.options
        if opts.output_dir and not (opts.file or opts.sep_files or opts.fail_files or opts.ok_files):
            print('WARNING: --output-dir is specified but no output files will be saved, use -f or a --sep-files option')
        if opts.group == opts.not_group:
            print('ERROR: The group and not_group options cannot specify the same group')
        if opts.store_time and not (opts.revision):
            print('ERROR: --store-timing is specified but no revision')
        if opts.store_time:
            # timing returns Active Time, while store_timing returns Solve Time.
            # Thus we need to turn off timing.
            opts.timing = False
            opts.scaling = True
        if opts.valgrind_mode and (opts.parallel > 1 or opts.nthreads > 1):
            print('ERROR: --parallel and/or --threads can not be used with --valgrind')
        if opts.queue_cleanup and opts.pbs:
            print('ERROR: --queue-cleanup and --pbs can not be used together')

        # Update any keys from the environment as necessary
        if not self.options.method:
            if os.environ.has_key('METHOD'):
                self.options.method = os.environ['METHOD']
                self.options.method = 'opt'

        if not self.options.valgrind_mode:
            self.options.valgrind_mode = ''

        # Update libmesh_dir to reflect arguments
        if opts.libmesh_dir:
            self.libmesh_dir = opts.libmesh_dir

        # When running heavy tests, we'll make sure we use --no-report
        if opts.heavy_tests:
            self.options.report_skipped = False

    def postRun(self, specs, timing):

    def preRun(self):
        if self.options.yaml:
        elif self.options.dump:
        elif self.options.queue_cleanup:

    def getOptions(self):
        return self.options
class TestHarness:

    def buildAndRun(argv, app_name, moose_dir):
        harness = TestHarness(argv, moose_dir, app_name=app_name)

    def __init__(self, argv, moose_dir, app_name=None):
        os.environ['MOOSE_DIR'] = moose_dir
        os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.join(moose_dir, 'python') + ':' + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')

        if app_name:
            rootdir, app_name, args, root_params = '.', app_name, [], HitNode(hitnode=hit.parse('',''))
            rootdir, app_name, args, root_params = findTestRoot(start=os.getcwd())

        orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
        argv = argv[:1] + args + argv[1:]

        self.factory = Factory()

        self.app_name = app_name

        self.root_params = root_params

        # Build a Warehouse to hold the MooseObjects
        self.warehouse = Warehouse()

        # Get dependant applications and load dynamic tester plugins
        # If applications have new testers, we expect to find them in <app_dir>/scripts/TestHarness/testers
        dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))]
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(moose_dir, 'framework', 'scripts'))   # For find_dep_apps.py

        # Use the find_dep_apps script to get the dependant applications for an app
        import find_dep_apps
        depend_app_dirs = find_dep_apps.findDepApps(app_name, use_current_only=True)
        dirs.extend([os.path.join(my_dir, 'scripts', 'TestHarness') for my_dir in depend_app_dirs.split('\n')])

        # Finally load the plugins!
        self.factory.loadPlugins(dirs, 'testers', "IS_TESTER")

        self._infiles = ['tests', 'speedtests']
        self.parse_errors = []
        self.test_table = []
        self.num_passed = 0
        self.num_failed = 0
        self.num_skipped = 0
        self.num_pending = 0
        self.host_name = gethostname()
        self.moose_dir = moose_dir
        self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
        self.run_tests_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
        self.results_storage = '.previous_test_results.json'
        self.code = b'2d2d6769726c2d6d6f6465'
        self.error_code = 0x0
        self.keyboard_talk = True
        # Assume libmesh is a peer directory to MOOSE if not defined
        if "LIBMESH_DIR" in os.environ:
            self.libmesh_dir = os.environ['LIBMESH_DIR']
            self.libmesh_dir = os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'libmesh', 'installed')
        self.file = None

        # Failed Tests file object
        self.writeFailedTest = None

        # Parse arguments

        checks = {}
        checks['platform'] = util.getPlatforms()
        checks['submodules'] = util.getInitializedSubmodules(self.run_tests_dir)
        checks['exe_objects'] = None # This gets calculated on demand
        checks['registered_apps'] = None # This gets extracted on demand

        # The TestHarness doesn't strictly require the existence of libMesh in order to run. Here we allow the user
        # to select whether they want to probe for libMesh configuration options.
        if self.options.skip_config_checks:
            checks['compiler'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc_version'] = 'N/A'
            checks['library_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['ad_mode'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_ids'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['vtk'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['tecplot'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['petsc_debug'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['curl'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['threading'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['superlu'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['parmetis'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['chaco'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['party'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['ptscotch'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['slepc'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['unique_id'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['cxx11'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['asio'] =  set(['ALL'])
            checks['boost'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['fparser_jit'] = set(['ALL'])
            checks['compiler'] = util.getCompilers(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version'] = util.getPetscVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['petsc_version_release'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_version_release')
            checks['slepc_version'] = util.getSlepcVersion(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['library_mode'] = util.getSharedOption(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['mesh_mode'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'mesh_mode')
            checks['ad_mode'] = util.getMooseConfigOption(self.moose_dir, 'ad_mode')
            checks['dtk'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'dtk')
            checks['unique_ids'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_ids')
            checks['vtk'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'vtk')
            checks['tecplot'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'tecplot')
            checks['dof_id_bytes'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'dof_id_bytes')
            checks['petsc_debug'] = util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'petsc_debug')
            checks['curl'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'curl')
            checks['threading'] =  util.getLibMeshThreadingModel(self.libmesh_dir)
            checks['superlu'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'superlu')
            checks['parmetis'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'parmetis')
            checks['chaco'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'chaco')
            checks['party'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'party')
            checks['ptscotch'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'ptscotch')
            checks['slepc'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'slepc')
            checks['unique_id'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'unique_id')
            checks['cxx11'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'cxx11')
            checks['asio'] =  util.getIfAsioExists(self.moose_dir)
            checks['boost'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'boost')
            checks['fparser_jit'] =  util.getLibMeshConfigOption(self.libmesh_dir, 'fparser_jit')

        # Override the MESH_MODE option if using the '--distributed-mesh'
        # or (deprecated) '--parallel-mesh' option.
        if (self.options.parallel_mesh == True or self.options.distributed_mesh == True) or \
              (self.options.cli_args != None and \
               (self.options.cli_args.find('--parallel-mesh') != -1 or self.options.cli_args.find('--distributed-mesh') != -1)):

            option_set = set(['ALL', 'DISTRIBUTED'])
            checks['mesh_mode'] = option_set

        method = set(['ALL', self.options.method.upper()])
        checks['method'] = method

        # This is so we can easily pass checks around to any scheduler plugin
        self.options._checks = checks

        self.initialize(argv, app_name)


    Recursively walks the current tree looking for tests to run
    Error codes:
    0x0       - Success
    0x01-0x7F - Recoverable errors
    0x80-0xFF - Unrecoverable TestHarness errors
    def findAndRunTests(self, find_only=False):
        self.error_code = 0x0
        self.start_time = clock()
        launched_tests = []
        if self.options.input_file_name != '':
            self._infiles = self.options.input_file_name.split(',')

        if self.options.spec_file and os.path.isdir(self.options.spec_file):
            search_dir = self.options.spec_file

        elif self.options.spec_file and os.path.isfile(self.options.spec_file):
            search_dir = os.path.dirname(self.options.spec_file)
            self._infiles = [os.path.basename(self.options.spec_file)]

            search_dir = os.getcwd()

            testroot_params = {}
            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(search_dir, followlinks=True):
                # Prune submdule paths when searching for tests

                dir_name = os.path.basename(dirpath)
                if (search_dir != dirpath and os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, '.git'))) or dir_name in [".git", ".svn"]:
                    dirnames[:] = []
                    filenames[:] = []

                if self.options.use_subdir_exe and testroot_params and not dirpath.startswith(testroot_params["testroot_dir"]):
                    # Reset the params when we go outside the current testroot base directory
                    testroot_params = {}

                # walk into directories that aren't contrib directories
                if "contrib" not in os.path.relpath(dirpath, os.getcwd()):
                    for file in filenames:
                        if self.options.use_subdir_exe and file == "testroot":
                            # Rely on the fact that os.walk does a depth first traversal.
                            # Any directories below this one will use the executable specified
                            # in this testroot file unless it is overridden.
                            app_name, args, root_params = readTestRoot(os.path.join(dirpath, file))
                            full_app_name = app_name + "-" + self.options.method
                            testroot_params["executable"] = os.path.join(dirpath, full_app_name)
                            testroot_params["testroot_dir"] = dirpath
                            caveats = [full_app_name]
                            if args:
                                caveats.append("Ignoring args %s" % args)
                            testroot_params["caveats"] = caveats
                            testroot_params["root_params"] = root_params

                        # See if there were other arguments (test names) passed on the command line
                        if file in self._infiles \
                               and os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, file)) not in launched_tests:

                            if self.notMySpecFile(dirpath, file):

                            saved_cwd = os.getcwd()

                            # Get the testers for this test
                            testers = self.createTesters(dirpath, file, find_only, testroot_params)

                            # Schedule the testers for immediate execution

                            # record these launched test to prevent this test from launching again
                            # due to os.walk following symbolic links
                            launched_tests.append(os.path.join(dirpath, file))


            # Wait for all the tests to complete

            # TODO: this DOES NOT WORK WITH MAX FAILES (max failes is considered a scheduler error at the moment)
            if not self.scheduler.schedulerError():

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Attempt to kill jobs currently running


    def keyboard_interrupt(self):
        """ Control how keyboard interrupt displays """
        if self.keyboard_talk:
            # Prevent multiple keyboard interrupt messages
            self.keyboard_talk = False
            print('\nExiting due to keyboard interrupt...')

   # Create and return list of tester objects. A tester is created by providing
    # abspath to basename (dirpath), and the test file in queustion (file)
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only, testroot_params={}):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        parser.parse(file, testroot_params.get("root_params", self.root_params))

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:

            self.augmentParameters(file, tester, testroot_params)
            if testroot_params.get("caveats"):
                # Show what executable we are using if using a different testroot file

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers

    def notMySpecFile(self, dirpath, filename):
        """ true if dirpath/filename does not match supplied --spec-file """
        if (self.options.spec_file
            and os.path.isfile(self.options.spec_file)
            and os.path.join(dirpath, filename) != self.options.spec_file):
            return True

    def augmentParameters(self, filename, tester, testroot_params={}):
        params = tester.parameters()

        # We are going to do some formatting of the path that is printed
        # Case 1.  If the test directory (normally matches the input_file_name) comes first,
        #          we will simply remove it from the path
        # Case 2.  If the test directory is somewhere in the middle then we should preserve
        #          the leading part of the path
        test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
        relative_path = test_dir.replace(self.run_tests_dir, '')
        first_directory = relative_path.split(os.path.sep)[1] # Get first directory
        for infile in self._infiles:
            if infile in relative_path:
                relative_path = relative_path.replace('/' + infile + '/', ':')
        relative_path = re.sub('^[/:]*', '', relative_path)  # Trim slashes and colons
        relative_hitpath = os.path.join(*params['hit_path'].split(os.sep)[1:])  # Trim root node "[Tests]"
        formatted_name = relative_path + '.' + relative_hitpath

        params['test_name'] = formatted_name
        params['test_dir'] = test_dir
        params['relative_path'] = relative_path
        params['executable'] = testroot_params.get("executable", self.executable)
        params['hostname'] = self.host_name
        params['moose_dir'] = self.moose_dir
        params['base_dir'] = self.base_dir
        params['first_directory'] = first_directory
        params['root_params'] = testroot_params.get("root_params", self.root_params)

        if params.isValid('prereq'):
            if type(params['prereq']) != list:
                print(("Option 'prereq' needs to be of type list in " + params['test_name']))
            params['prereq'] = [relative_path.replace('/tests/', '') + '.' + item for item in params['prereq']]

        # Double the alloted time for tests when running with the valgrind option

        # When running in valgrind mode, we end up with a ton of output for each failed
        # test.  Therefore, we limit the number of fails...
        if self.options.valgrind_mode and self.num_failed > self.options.valgrind_max_fails:
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, 'Max Fails Exceeded')
        elif self.num_failed > self.options.max_fails:
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, 'Max Fails Exceeded')
        elif tester.parameters().isValid('have_errors') and tester.parameters()['have_errors']:
            tester.setStatus(tester.fail, 'Parser Error')

    # This method splits a lists of tests into two pieces each, the first piece will run the test for
    # approx. half the number of timesteps and will write out a restart file.  The second test will
    # then complete the run using the MOOSE recover option.
    def appendRecoverableTests(self, testers):
        new_tests = []

        for part1 in testers:
            if part1.parameters()['recover'] == True and not part1.parameters()['check_input']:
                # Clone the test specs
                part2 = copy.deepcopy(part1)

                # Part 1:
                part1_params = part1.parameters()
                part1_params['test_name'] += '_part1'
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpr':
                if self.options.recoversuffix == 'cpa':
                part1_params['skip_checks'] = True

                # Part 2:
                part2_params = part2.parameters()
                part2_params['delete_output_before_running'] = False
                part2_params['cli_args'].append('--recover --recoversuffix ' + self.options.recoversuffix)


            elif part1.parameters()['recover'] == True and part1.parameters()['check_input']:

        return testers

    def checkExpectError(self, output, expect_error):
        if re.search(expect_error, output, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) == None:
            return False
            return True

    def printOutput(self, job, color):
        """ Method to print a testers output to the screen """
        output = ''
        # Print what ever status the tester has at the time
        if self.options.verbose or (job.isFail() and not self.options.quiet):
            output = 'Working Directory: ' + job.getTestDir() + '\nRunning command: ' + job.getCommand() + '\n'
            output += util.trimOutput(job, self.options)
            output = output.replace('\r', '\n')  # replace the carriage returns with newlines
            lines = output.split('\n')

            if output != '':
                test_name = util.colorText(job.getTestName()  + ": ", color, colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code)
                output = test_name + ("\n" + test_name).join(lines)
        return output

    def handleJobStatus(self, job):
        The Scheduler is calling back the TestHarness to inform us of a status change.
        The job may or may not be finished yet (RUNNING), or failing, passing, etc.
        if not job.isSilent():
            # Print results and perform any desired post job processing
            if job.isFinished():
                status, message, color, exit_code = job.getJointStatus()
                self.error_code = self.error_code | exit_code

                # perform printing of application output if so desired
                self.printOutput(job, color)

                # Print status with caveats
                print((util.formatResult(job, self.options, caveats=True)))

                timing = job.getTiming()

                # Save these results for 'Final Test Result' summary
                self.test_table.append( (job, exit_code, timing) )

                self.postRun(job.specs, timing)

                if job.isSkip():
                    self.num_skipped += 1
                elif job.isPass():
                    self.num_passed += 1
                elif job.isFail():
                    self.num_failed += 1
                    self.num_pending += 1

            # Just print current status without saving results
                print((util.formatResult(job, self.options, result='RUNNING', caveats=False)))

    # Print final results, close open files, and exit with the correct error code
    def cleanup(self):
        # Not interesting in printing any final results if we are cleaning up old queue manager runs
        if self.options.queue_cleanup:
            except OSError:

        # Print the results table again if a bunch of output was spewed to the screen between
        # tests as they were running
        if len(self.parse_errors) > 0:
            print(('\n\nParser Errors:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS))))
            for err in self.parse_errors:
                print((util.colorText(err, 'RED', html=True, colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code)))

        if (self.options.verbose or (self.num_failed != 0 and not self.options.quiet)) and not self.options.dry_run:
            print(('\n\nFinal Test Results:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS))))
            for (job, exit_code, timing) in sorted(self.test_table, key=lambda x: x[1]):
                print((util.formatResult(job, self.options, caveats=True)))

        time = clock() - self.start_time

        print(('-' * (util.TERM_COLS)))

        # Mask off TestHarness error codes to report parser errors
        fatal_error = ''
        if len(self.parse_errors) > 0:
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL PARSER ERROR</r>'
            self.error_code = self.error_code | 0x80

        # Alert the user to their session file
        if self.options.queueing:
            print(('Your session file is %s' % self.results_storage))

        # Print a different footer when performing a dry run
        if self.options.dry_run:
            print(('Processed %d tests in %.1f seconds.' % (self.num_passed+self.num_skipped, time)))
            summary = '<b>%d would run</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d would be skipped</b>'
            summary += fatal_error
            print((util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code )))

            print(('Ran %d tests in %.1f seconds.' % (self.num_passed+self.num_failed, time)))

            if self.num_passed:
                summary = '<g>%d passed</g>'
                summary = '<b>%d passed</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d skipped</b>'
            if self.num_pending:
                summary += ', <c>%d pending</c>'
                summary += ', <b>%d pending</b>'
            if self.num_failed:
                summary += ', <r>%d FAILED</r>'
                summary += ', <b>%d failed</b>'
            if self.scheduler.maxFailures():
                self.error_code = self.error_code | 0x80
                summary += '\n<r>MAX FAILURES REACHED</r>'

            summary += fatal_error

            print((util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped, self.num_pending, self.num_failed),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code )))

            # Perform any write-to-disc operations

    def writeResults(self):
        """ Don't update the results file when using the --failed-tests argument """
        if self.options.failed_tests:

        """ write test results to disc in some fashion the user has requested """
        all_jobs = self.scheduler.retrieveJobs()

        # Gather and print the jobs with race conditions after the jobs are finished
        # and only run when running --diag.
        if self.options.pedantic_checks:
            checker = RaceChecker.RaceChecker(all_jobs)
            if checker.findRacePartners():
                # Print the unique racer conditions and adjust our error code.
                self.error_code = checker.printUniqueRacerSets()
                print("There are no race conditions.")

        # Record the input file name that was used
        self.options.results_storage['INPUT_FILE_NAME'] = self.options.input_file_name

        # Write some useful data to our results_storage
        for job_group in all_jobs:
            for job in job_group:
                # If queueing, do not store silent results in session file
                if job.isSilent() and self.options.queueing:

                status, message, message_color, exit_code = job.getJointStatus()

                # Create empty key based on TestDir, or re-inialize with existing data so we can append to it
                self.options.results_storage[job.getTestDir()] = self.options.results_storage.get(job.getTestDir(), {})
                self.options.results_storage[job.getTestDir()][job.getTestName()] = {'NAME'           : job.getTestNameShort(),
                                                                                     'LONG_NAME'      : job.getTestName(),
                                                                                     'TIMING'         : job.getTiming(),
                                                                                     'STATUS'         : status,
                                                                                     'STATUS_MESSAGE' : message,
                                                                                     'FAIL'           : job.isFail(),
                                                                                     'COLOR'          : message_color,
                                                                                     'CAVEATS'        : list(job.getCaveats()),
                                                                                     'OUTPUT'         : job.getOutput(),
                                                                                     'COMMAND'        : job.getCommand()}

                # Additional data to store (overwrites any previous matching keys)

        if self.options.output_dir:
            self.results_storage = os.path.join(self.options.output_dir, self.results_storage)

        if self.options.results_storage:
                with open(self.results_storage, 'w') as data_file:
                    json.dump(self.options.results_storage, data_file, indent=2)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                print('\nERROR: Unable to write results due to unicode decode/encode error')

                # write to a plain file to aid in reproducing error
                with open(self.results_storage + '.unicode_error' , 'w') as f:

            except IOError:
                print('\nERROR: Unable to write results due to permissions')

            # Write one file, with verbose information (--file)
            if self.options.file:
                with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.options.file), 'w') as f:
                    for job_group in all_jobs:
                        for job in job_group:
                            # Do not write information about silent tests
                            if job.isSilent():

                            formated_results = util.formatResult( job, self.options, result=job.getOutput(), color=False)
                            f.write(formated_results + '\n')

            # Write a separate file for each test with verbose information (--sep-files, --sep-files-ok, --sep-files-fail)
            if ((self.options.ok_files and self.num_passed)
                or (self.options.fail_files and self.num_failed)):
                for job_group in all_jobs:
                    for job in job_group:
                        status, message, message_color, exit_code = job.getJointStatus()

                        if self.options.output_dir:
                            output_dir = self.options.output_dir
                            output_dir = job.getTestDir()

                        # Yes, by design test dir will be apart of the output file name
                        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '.'.join([os.path.basename(job.getTestDir()),

                        formated_results = util.formatResult(job, self.options, result=job.getOutput(), color=False)

                        # Passing tests
                        if self.options.ok_files and job.isPass():
                            with open(output_file, 'w') as f:

                        # Failing tests
                        if self.options.fail_files and job.isFail():
                            with open(output_file, 'w') as f:

        except IOError:
            print('Permission error while writing results to disc')
            print('Error while writing results to disc')

    def initialize(self, argv, app_name):
        # Load the scheduler plugins
        self.factory.loadPlugins([os.path.join(self.moose_dir, 'python', 'TestHarness')], 'schedulers', "IS_SCHEDULER")

        self.options.queueing = False
        if self.options.pbs:
            # The results .json file will be this new session file
            self.original_storage = self.results_storage
            self.results_storage = os.path.abspath(self.options.pbs)
            self.options.queueing = True
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunPBS'

        # The default scheduler plugin
            scheduler_plugin = 'RunParallel'

        # Augment the Scheduler params with plugin params
        plugin_params = self.factory.validParams(scheduler_plugin)

        # Set Scheduler specific params based on some provided options.arguments
        plugin_params['max_processes'] = self.options.jobs
        plugin_params['average_load'] = self.options.load

        # Create the scheduler
        self.scheduler = self.factory.create(scheduler_plugin, self, plugin_params)

        ## Save executable-under-test name to self.executable
        self.executable = os.getcwd() + '/' + app_name + '-' + self.options.method

        # Save the output dir since the current working directory changes during tests
        self.output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), self.options.output_dir)

        # Create the output dir if they ask for it. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
        if self.options.output_dir:
            except OSError as ex:
                if ex.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass
                else: raise

        # Use a previous results file, or declare the variable
        self.options.results_storage = {}
        if self.useExistingStorage():
            with open(self.results_storage, 'r') as f:
                    self.options.results_storage = json.load(f)

                    # Adhere to previous input file syntax, or set the default
                    _input_file_name = 'tests'
                    if self.options.input_file_name:
                        _input_file_name = self.options.input_file_name
                    self.options.input_file_name = self.options.results_storage.get('INPUT_FILE_NAME', _input_file_name)

                except ValueError:
                    # This is a hidden file, controled by the TestHarness. So we probably shouldn't error
                    # and exit. Perhaps a warning instead, and create a new file? Down the road, when
                    # we use this file for PBS etc, this should probably result in an exception.
                    print(('INFO: Previous %s file is damaged. Creating a new one...' % (self.results_storage)))

    def useExistingStorage(self):
        """ reasons for returning bool if we should use a previous results_storage file """
        if (os.path.exists(self.results_storage)
            and (self.options.failed_tests or self.options.pbs)):
            return True

    ## Parse command line options and assign them to self.options
    def parseCLArgs(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tool used to test MOOSE based applications')
        parser.add_argument('--opt', action='store_const', dest='method', const='opt', help='test the app_name-opt binary')
        parser.add_argument('--dbg', action='store_const', dest='method', const='dbg', help='test the app_name-dbg binary')
        parser.add_argument('--devel', action='store_const', dest='method', const='devel', help='test the app_name-devel binary')
        parser.add_argument('--oprof', action='store_const', dest='method', const='oprof', help='test the app_name-oprof binary')
        parser.add_argument('--pro', action='store_const', dest='method', const='pro', help='test the app_name-pro binary')
        parser.add_argument('--run', type=str, default='', dest='run', help='only run tests of the specified of tag(s)')
        parser.add_argument('--ignore', nargs='?', action='store', metavar='caveat', dest='ignored_caveats', const='all', type=str, help='ignore specified caveats when checking if a test should run: (--ignore "method compiler") Using --ignore with out a conditional will ignore all caveats')
        parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', nargs='?', metavar='int', action='store', type=int, dest='jobs', const=1, help='run test binaries in parallel')
        parser.add_argument('-e', action='store_true', dest='extra_info', help='Display "extra" information including all caveats and deleted tests')
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--no-color', action='store_false', dest='colored', help='Do not show colored output')
        parser.add_argument('--color-first-directory', action='store_true', dest='color_first_directory', help='Color first directory')
        parser.add_argument('--heavy', action='store_true', dest='heavy_tests', help='Run tests marked with HEAVY : True')
        parser.add_argument('--all-tests', action='store_true', dest='all_tests', help='Run normal tests and tests marked with HEAVY : True')
        parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', action='store', type=str, dest='group', default='ALL', help='Run only tests in the named group')
        parser.add_argument('--not_group', action='store', type=str, dest='not_group', help='Run only tests NOT in the named group')
        parser.add_argument('--dbfile', nargs='?', action='store', dest='dbFile', help='Location to timings data base file. If not set, assumes $HOME/timingDB/timing.sqlite')
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--load-average', action='store', type=float, dest='load', help='Do not run additional tests if the load average is at least LOAD')
        parser.add_argument('-t', '--timing', action='store_true', dest='timing', help='Report Timing information for passing tests')
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale', action='store_true', dest='scaling', help='Scale problems that have SCALE_REFINE set')
        parser.add_argument('-i', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, dest='input_file_name', default='', help='The test specification file to look for')
        parser.add_argument('--libmesh_dir', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, dest='libmesh_dir', help='Currently only needed for bitten code coverage')
        parser.add_argument('--skip-config-checks', action='store_true', dest='skip_config_checks', help='Skip configuration checks (all tests will run regardless of restrictions)')
        parser.add_argument('--parallel', '-p', nargs='?', action='store', type=int, dest='parallel', const=1, help='Number of processors to use when running mpiexec')
        parser.add_argument('--n-threads', nargs=1, action='store', type=int, dest='nthreads', default=1, help='Number of threads to use when running mpiexec')
        parser.add_argument('--recover', action='store_true', dest='enable_recover', help='Run a test in recover mode')
        parser.add_argument('--recoversuffix', action='store', type=str, default='cpr', dest='recoversuffix', help='Set the file suffix for recover mode')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind', action='store_const', dest='valgrind_mode', const='NORMAL', help='Run normal valgrind tests')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind-heavy', action='store_const', dest='valgrind_mode', const='HEAVY', help='Run heavy valgrind tests')
        parser.add_argument('--valgrind-max-fails', nargs=1, type=int, dest='valgrind_max_fails', default=5, help='The number of valgrind tests allowed to fail before any additional valgrind tests will run')
        parser.add_argument('--max-fails', nargs=1, type=int, dest='max_fails', default=50, help='The number of tests allowed to fail before any additional tests will run')
        parser.add_argument('--re', action='store', type=str, dest='reg_exp', help='Run tests that match --re=regular_expression')
        parser.add_argument('--failed-tests', action='store_true', dest='failed_tests', help='Run tests that previously failed')
        parser.add_argument('--check-input', action='store_true', dest='check_input', help='Run check_input (syntax) tests only')
        parser.add_argument('--no-check-input', action='store_true', dest='no_check_input', help='Do not run check_input (syntax) tests')
        parser.add_argument('--spec-file', action='store', type=str, dest='spec_file', help='Supply a path to the tests spec file to run the tests found therein. Or supply a path to a directory in which the TestHarness will search for tests. You can further alter which tests spec files are found through the use of -i and --re')
        parser.add_argument('-d', '--pedantic-checks', action='store_true', dest='pedantic_checks', help="Run pedantic checks of the Testers' file writes looking for race conditions.")

        # Options that pass straight through to the executable
        parser.add_argument('--parallel-mesh', action='store_true', dest='parallel_mesh', help='Deprecated, use --distributed-mesh instead')
        parser.add_argument('--distributed-mesh', action='store_true', dest='distributed_mesh', help='Pass "--distributed-mesh" to executable')
        parser.add_argument('--error', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with warnings as errors (Pass "--error" to executable)')
        parser.add_argument('--error-unused', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with errors on unused parameters (Pass "--error-unused" to executable)')
        parser.add_argument('--error-deprecated', action='store_true', help='Run the tests with errors on deprecations')

        # Option to use for passing unwrapped options to the executable
        parser.add_argument('--cli-args', nargs='?', type=str, dest='cli_args', help='Append the following list of arguments to the command line (Encapsulate the command in quotes)')

        parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', help="Pass --dry-run to print commands to run, but don't actually run them")
        parser.add_argument('--use-subdir-exe', action="store_true", help='If there are sub directories that contain a new testroot, use that for running tests under that directory.')

        outputgroup = parser.add_argument_group('Output Options', 'These options control the output of the test harness. The sep-files options write output to files named test_name.TEST_RESULT.txt. All file output will overwrite old files')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='show the output of every test')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', help='only show the result of every test, don\'t show test output even if it fails')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--no-report', action='store_false', dest='report_skipped', help='do not report skipped tests')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--show-directory', action='store_true', dest='show_directory', help='Print test directory path in out messages')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', nargs=1, metavar='directory', dest='output_dir', default='', help='Save all output files in the directory, and create it if necessary')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-f', '--file', nargs=1, action='store', dest='file', help='Write verbose output of each test to FILE and quiet output to terminal')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-x', '--sep-files', action='store_true', dest='sep_files', help='Write the output of each test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal. This is equivalant to \'--sep-files-fail --sep-files-ok\'')
        outputgroup.add_argument('--sep-files-ok', action='store_true', dest='ok_files', help='Write the output of each passed test to a separate file')
        outputgroup.add_argument('-a', '--sep-files-fail', action='store_true', dest='fail_files', help='Write the output of each FAILED test to a separate file. Only quiet output to terminal.')
        outputgroup.add_argument("--testharness-unittest", action="store_true", help="Run the TestHarness unittests that test the TestHarness.")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--yaml", action="store_true", dest="yaml", help="Dump the parameters for the testers in Yaml Format")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--dump", action="store_true", dest="dump", help="Dump the parameters for the testers in GetPot Format")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--no-trimmed-output", action="store_true", dest="no_trimmed_output", help="Do not trim the output")
        outputgroup.add_argument("--no-trimmed-output-on-error", action="store_true", dest="no_trimmed_output_on_error", help="Do not trim output for tests which cause an error")

        queuegroup = parser.add_argument_group('Queue Options', 'Options controlling which queue manager to use')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='session_name', help='Launch tests using PBS as your scheduler. You must supply a name to identify this session with')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-pre-source', nargs=1, action="store", dest='queue_source_command', metavar='source file', help='Source specified file before launching tests')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-project', nargs=1, action='store', dest='queue_project', type=str, default='moose', metavar='project', help='Identify your job(s) with this project (default:  moose)')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-queue', nargs=1, action='store', dest='queue_queue', type=str, metavar='queue', help='Submit jobs to the specified queue')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--pbs-cleanup', nargs=1, action="store", metavar='session_name', help='Clean up files generated by supplied session_name')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-project', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, default='moose', metavar='project', help='Deprecated. Use --pbs-project')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-queue', nargs=1, action='store', type=str, metavar='queue', help='Deprecated. Use --pbs-queue')
        queuegroup.add_argument('--queue-cleanup', action="store_true", help='Deprecated. Use --pbs-cleanup')

        code = True
        if self.code.decode() in argv:
            del argv[argv.index(self.code.decode())]
            code = False
        self.options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
        self.options.code = code

        self.options.runtags = [tag for tag in self.options.run.split(',') if tag != '']

        # Convert all list based options of length one to scalars
        for key, value in list(vars(self.options).items()):
            if type(value) == list and len(value) == 1:
                setattr(self.options, key, value[0])


    ## Called after options are parsed from the command line
    # Exit if options don't make any sense, print warnings if they are merely weird
    def checkAndUpdateCLArgs(self):
        # Support deprecated cleanup method for now
        if self.options.pbs_cleanup:
            self.options.pbs = self.options.pbs_cleanup
            self.options.queue_cleanup = True

        opts = self.options
        if opts.output_dir and not (opts.file or opts.sep_files or opts.fail_files or opts.ok_files):
            print('WARNING: --output-dir is specified but no output files will be saved, use -f or a --sep-files option')
        if opts.group == opts.not_group:
            print('ERROR: The group and not_group options cannot specify the same group')
        if opts.valgrind_mode and opts.nthreads > 1:
            print('ERROR: --threads can not be used with --valgrind')
        if opts.check_input and opts.no_check_input:
            print('ERROR: --check-input and --no-check-input can not be used together')
        if opts.check_input and opts.enable_recover:
            print('ERROR: --check-input and --recover can not be used together')
        if opts.spec_file and not os.path.exists(opts.spec_file):
            print('ERROR: --spec-file supplied but path does not exist')
        if opts.failed_tests and opts.pbs:
            print('ERROR: --failed-tests and --pbs can not be used simultaneously')
        if opts.queue_cleanup and not opts.pbs:
            print('ERROR: --queue-cleanup can not be used without additional queue options')
        if opts.queue_source_command and not os.path.exists(opts.queue_source_command):
            print('ERROR: pre-source supplied but path does not exist')
        if opts.failed_tests and not os.path.exists(self.results_storage):
            print('ERROR: --failed-tests could not detect a previous run')
        if opts.pbs and opts.pedantic_checks:
            print('ERROR: --pbs and --pedantic-checks  can not be used simultaneously')

        # Flatten input_file_name from ['tests', 'speedtests'] to just tests if none supplied
        # We can not support running two spec files during one launch into a third party queue manager.
        # This is because Jobs created by spec files, have no way of accessing other jobs created by
        # other spec files. They only know about the jobs a single spec file generates.
        # NOTE: Which means, tests and speedtests running simultaneously currently have a chance to
        # clobber each others output during normal operation!?
        if opts.pbs and not opts.input_file_name:
            self.options.input_file_name = 'tests'

        # Update any keys from the environment as necessary
        if not self.options.method:
            if 'METHOD' in os.environ:
                self.options.method = os.environ['METHOD']
                self.options.method = 'opt'

        if not self.options.valgrind_mode:
            self.options.valgrind_mode = ''

        # Update libmesh_dir to reflect arguments
        if opts.libmesh_dir:
            self.libmesh_dir = opts.libmesh_dir

        # When running heavy tests, we'll make sure we use --no-report
        if opts.heavy_tests:
            self.options.report_skipped = False

        # User wants to write all output, so unify the options involved
        if opts.sep_files:
            opts.ok_files = True
            opts.fail_files = True
            opts.quiet = True

        # User wants only failed files, so unify the options involved
        elif opts.fail_files:
            opts.quiet = True

    def postRun(self, specs, timing):

    def preRun(self):
        if self.options.yaml:
        elif self.options.dump:

    def getOptions(self):
        return self.options