def _format_fromdb(self, f_dic): f_host = f_dic.get('host') or input('host( ') or "" f_port = int(f_dic.get('port') or input('port(27017): ') or '27017') f_user = f_dic.get('user') or input('user(root): ') or "root" f_pwd = f_dic.get('password') or input( 'password(123456): ') or '123456' f_source = f_dic.get('source') or input('source(admin): ') or 'admin' self.fromdb_client = pymongo.MongoClient( self._format_uri(f_host, f_port, f_user, f_pwd, f_source)) f_db = f_dic.get('db') or self._show_dbs(db=self.fromdb_client) self.fromdb = self.fromdb_client[f_db] f_col = f_dic.get('from_collection') or self._show_clos(db=self.fromdb) self.fromdb_collection = f_col self.fromdb_set = self.fromdb[self.fromdb_collection] con = f_dic.get('condition') or self._get_filer( self.fromdb_set, self.fromdb_collection) self.condition = con self.fromdb_str = f"{f_host}.{f_db}.{f_col}" dic = { 'host': f_host, 'port': f_port, 'user': f_user, 'password': f_pwd, 'source': f_source, 'db': f_db, 'from_collection': f_col, 'condition': con, "fromdb_str": self.fromdb_str } dic.update(self._get_head_tail(f_dic)) printer(f"copy data from: [ {self.fromdb_str} ]") return dic
def add_new(): add_new_tmp_n = input("Add a new spider's name: ") add_new_tmp_k = input("and its redis start urls' key: ") add_new_tmp = [add_new_tmp_n, add_new_tmp_k] if not any(add_new_tmp): printer("Wrong input!") raise KeyboardInterrupt return add_new_tmp
def _get_from_mos(self): printer('setting source data:', fill_with='*', alignment='m') if os.path.exists(self.default_mos_path): with open(self.default_mos_path, 'r') as rf: mos_raw = json.loads( n_lis = self._show_fromdb_servers( mos_raw.get('from') if mos_raw else []) else: n_lis = [self._format_fromdb({})] return n_lis
def _get_to_mos(self): printer('push data to:', fill_with='*', alignment='m') if os.path.exists(self.default_mos_path): with open(self.default_mos_path, 'r') as rf: mos_raw = json.loads( n_lis = self._show_todb_servers( mos_raw.get('to') if mos_raw else []) else: n_lis = [self._format_todb({})] return n_lis
def _get_filer(self, db_set, collection): sel = input( 'input condition dict(empty to show all keys, or input "a" to push all urls): ' ) if sel.lower() == 'a': return {} if not sel: doc = db_set.find_one() doc = dict(doc) if doc else dict() keys_lis = self._get_key_path(doc) printer(f'keys in [ {collection} ]:', fill_with='*', alignment='m') for i, name in enumerate(keys_lis): printer(f" * : {name}") printer(fill_with='*') sel = input( "input condition dict(such as {'%s': 'condition_value'}), input 'a' to push all urls: " % keys_lis[-1]) if sel == 'a': return {} try: sel = json.loads(sel) except: printer('wrong input, make sure it is a json format') time.sleep(1) return self._get_filer(db_set, collection) return sel
def _format_todb(self, t_dic): t_host = t_dic.get('host') or input('host( ') or '' t_port = int(t_dic.get('port') or input('port(6379): ') or '6379') t_db = int(t_dic.get('db') or input('db(0): ') or '0') self.to_redis_key, new_spider_names_dic = self._ready_spider_redis_key( t_dic) self.todb_client = redis_cli(t_host, t_port, t_db) self.tdb_str = f"{t_host}:{t_port}.{t_db}" dic = { 'host': t_host, 'port': t_port, 'db': str(t_db), 'spiders': new_spider_names_dic, 'todb_str': self.tdb_str } printer(f"push data to: [ {self.tdb_str} ]") return dic
def main_process(self): self.f_mos_lis = self._get_from_mos() self.f_mos = self.f_mos_lis[0] self.t_mos_lis = self._get_to_mos() self.t_mos = self.t_mos_lis[0] self._save_mos(self.f_mos_lis, self.t_mos_lis) from_data = self.fromdb_set.find(self.condition) from_count = self.fromdb_set.count_documents(self.condition) url_head = self.f_mos.get('url_head', '') url_tail = self.f_mos.get('url_tail', '') adder_sep = self.f_mos.get('adder_sep', '>') in_db_urls = { x.decode() for x in self.todb_client.lrange(self.to_redis_key, 0, -1) if isinstance(x, bytes) } printer('start push ...') time.sleep(0.1) t = tqdm(total=from_count) count = 0 for d in from_data: url_head = self._format_urls_adder(url_head, d) url_tail = self._format_urls_adder(url_tail, d) url = d.get('url') url_lis = [url_head, url, url_tail] p_url = adder_sep.join([x for x in url_lis if x]) if p_url not in in_db_urls: self.todb_client.rpush(self.to_redis_key, p_url) count += 1 t.update() t.close() time.sleep(0.1) printer('process done') printer(f'push done! total: [ {from_count} ], success: [ {count} ]')
def _ready_spider_redis_key(self, t_dic=None): def add_new(): add_new_tmp_n = input("Add a new spider's name: ") add_new_tmp_k = input("and its redis start urls' key: ") add_new_tmp = [add_new_tmp_n, add_new_tmp_k] if not any(add_new_tmp): printer("Wrong input!") raise KeyboardInterrupt return add_new_tmp if t_dic: name_dic = t_dic.get('spiders', {}) new_dic = name_dic if name_dic: names = [] keys = [] tmp = [[names.append(k), keys.append(v)] for k, v in name_dic.items()] del tmp printer("spiders redis keys:", fill_with='*', alignment='m') for i, name in enumerate(names): printer(f"[ {i} ]: {name} >> {keys[i]}") printer("[ a ]: add a new one") printer(fill_with='*') sel = input("chose the num of the spider's name: ") if sel == 'a': add_new_lis = add_new() new_dic.update({add_new_lis[0]: add_new_lis[1]}) return [add_new_lis[1], new_dic] elif sel.isdigit() and int(sel) in [ x for x in range(len(names)) ]: return [keys[int(sel)], new_dic] else: printer("Wrong input!") raise KeyboardInterrupt else: add_new_lis = add_new() new_dic = {add_new_lis[0]: add_new_lis[1]} return [add_new_lis[1], new_dic]
def _show_todb_servers(self, t_lis): t_dic = {} n_lis = [] if t_lis: printer("select server: ") for i, f_dic in enumerate(t_lis): printer(f"[ {i} ]: {f_dic.get('todb_str')}") printer("[ n ]: add a new redis server") printer("empty to exit") printer(fill_with='*') sel = input("insert a num or a letter: ") if sel and sel.isdigit(): t_dic = t_lis[int(sel)] elif sel: t_dic = {} else: raise KeyboardInterrupt t_dic = self._format_todb(t_dic=t_dic) n_lis.append(t_dic) tmp = [n_lis.append(x) for x in t_lis if x not in n_lis] del tmp n_lis = [x for x in n_lis if x] return n_lis
def _show_clos(self, db): sel = input('collection(empty to show all): ') if sel: return sel names = db.list_collection_names(include_system_collections=False) printer("collection names:", fill_with='*', alignment='m') for i, name in enumerate(names): printer(f"[ {i} ]: {name}") printer(fill_with='*') sel = input("chose the num of the collection's name: ") sel = re.findall(r'\d+', sel) sel = int(sel[0]) if sel else None if sel not in [x for x in range(len(names))]: printer("Wrong input!") raise KeyboardInterrupt return names[sel]
def _show_fromdb_servers(self, f_lis): f_dic = {} n_lis = [] if f_lis: printer("from servers: ") for i, f_dic in enumerate(f_lis): printer(f"[ {i} ]: {f_dic.get('fromdb_str')}") printer("[ n ]: add a new server") printer("empty to exit") printer(fill_with='*') sel = input("insert a num or a letter: ") if sel and sel.isdigit(): f_dic = f_lis[int(sel)] elif sel: f_dic = {} else: raise KeyboardInterrupt f_dic = self._format_fromdb(f_dic=f_dic) n_lis.append(f_dic) tmp = [n_lis.append(x) for x in f_lis if x not in n_lis] del tmp n_lis = [x for x in n_lis if x] return n_lis
def _show_dbs(self, db): sel = input('db(empty to show all): ') if sel: return sel db_names = db.list_database_names() printer("database names:", fill_with='*', alignment='m') for i, name in enumerate(db_names): printer(f"[ {i} ]: {name}") printer(fill_with='*') sel = input("chose the num of the database's name: ") if sel: return db_names[int(sel)] else: sys.exit(0)
def end(self): self.fromdb_client.close() self.todb_client.close() printer('system exits')
def _get_head_tail_str(self, HoT): printer(f"add to url's {HoT}", fill_with='*', alignment='m') add_str = '' sel = input("from source data(s), or fixed characters(f)?: ").lower() if sel == 's': add_str = "**-source-**" printer("from which keys?: ") keys_lis = self._get_key_path(self.fromdb_set.find_one()) for i, name in enumerate(keys_lis): printer(f" [ {i} ] : {name}") printer(' [ i ] : the key is not on the list above') printer(fill_with='*') k_sel = input("input a num or letter: ") if k_sel.lower() == 'i': note = """Note: Define the keys of a multi-layer dictionary by points, example: \n a dictionary like {"a0": {"b0": 123}}, you should input "a0.b0" to get the "b0" key.""" printer(note, length_ctrl=False) c_sel = input("customize key: ") add_str += c_sel if k_sel and k_sel.isdigit() and int(k_sel) in { x for x in range(len(keys_lis)) }: add_str += keys_lis[int(k_sel)] elif sel == 'f': add_str = input("input characters to add to all urls: ") if add_str: add_str = "**-fixed-**" + add_str return add_str