def findUniqueAddr(existFilepath, existSheetname): excelResult = excel.excelRead(existFilepath, existSheetname) temp_addr0 = '' temp_addr1 = '' temp_addr2 = '' temp_addr3 = '' insertList = [] for row in excelResult[1:]: insertListTemp = [] addr0 = str(row[0].value) addr1 = str(int(row[1].value)) addr2 = str(int(row[2].value)) addr3 = str(row[3].value) if (addr0 + addr1 + addr2 + addr3) != (temp_addr0 + temp_addr1 + temp_addr2 + temp_addr3): insertListTemp.append(addr0) insertListTemp.append(addr1) insertListTemp.append(addr2) insertListTemp.append(addr3) insertList.append(insertListTemp) temp_addr0 = addr0 temp_addr1 = addr1 temp_addr2 = addr2 temp_addr3 = addr3 return insertList
def findUniqueAddr(existFilepath, existSheetname): excelResult = excel.excelRead(existFilepath, existSheetname) temp_addr0 = '' temp_addr1 = '' temp_addr2 = '' temp_addr3 = '' insertList = [] for row in excelResult[1:]: insertListTemp = [] addr0 = str(row[0].value) addr1 = str(int(row[1].value)) addr2 = str(int(row[2].value)) addr3 = str(row[3].value) if (addr0+addr1+addr2+addr3) != (temp_addr0+temp_addr1+temp_addr2+temp_addr3) : insertListTemp.append(addr0) insertListTemp.append(addr1) insertListTemp.append(addr2) insertListTemp.append(addr3) insertList.append(insertListTemp) temp_addr0 = addr0 temp_addr1 = addr1 temp_addr2 = addr2 temp_addr3 = addr3 return insertList
def findUniqueAddr2(existFilepath, existSheetname, inputList): excelResult = excel.excelRead(existFilepath, existSheetname) temp_addr0 = '' temp_addr1 = '' temp_addr2 = '' temp_addr3 = '' insertList = [] for inputRow in inputList: temp_addr0 = inputRow[0] temp_addr1 = str(inputRow[1]) temp_addr2 = str(inputRow[2]) temp_addr3 = inputRow[3] insertListTemp = [] index = 0 for existingRow in excelResult: index += 1 addr0 = str(existingRow[0].value) addr1 = str(int(existingRow[1].value)) addr2 = str(int(existingRow[2].value)) addr3 = str(existingRow[3].value) if (addr0 + addr1 + addr2 + addr3) == (temp_addr0 + temp_addr1 + temp_addr2 + temp_addr3): break if index == len(excelResult): insertListTemp.append(temp_addr0) insertListTemp.append(temp_addr1) insertListTemp.append(temp_addr2) insertListTemp.append(temp_addr3) insertList.append(insertListTemp) return insertList
def findUniqueAddr2(existFilepath, existSheetname, inputList): excelResult = excel.excelRead(existFilepath, existSheetname) temp_addr0 = '' temp_addr1 = '' temp_addr2 = '' temp_addr3 = '' insertList = [] for inputRow in inputList: temp_addr0 = inputRow[0] temp_addr1 = str(inputRow[1]) temp_addr2 = str(inputRow[2]) temp_addr3 = inputRow[3] insertListTemp = [] index = 0 for existingRow in excelResult: index+=1 addr0 = str(existingRow[0].value) addr1 = str(int(existingRow[1].value)) addr2 = str(int(existingRow[2].value)) addr3 = str(existingRow[3].value) if (addr0+addr1+addr2+addr3) == (temp_addr0+temp_addr1+temp_addr2+temp_addr3) : break if index == len(excelResult): insertListTemp.append(temp_addr0) insertListTemp.append(temp_addr1) insertListTemp.append(temp_addr2) insertListTemp.append(temp_addr3) insertList.append(insertListTemp) return insertList
import math if __name__ == '__main__': ## Read excel file## # filename 1 - previous year including logged UnitPrice # filename 2 - current year filename1 = "SaleApartment201303" filepath1 = filename1 + ".xlsx" sheetname1 = filename1 filename2 = "SaleApartment201403" filepath2 = filename2 + ".xlsx" sheetname2 = filename2 preVar = excel.excelRead(filepath1, sheetname1) curVar = excel.excelRead(filepath2, sheetname2) # structure of the variable reading excel sheet # 1st row - field name list - preVar[0] (list format) # 2nd row ~ - values ## Setting neighborhood condition bandwidth = 2000.0 # setting bandwidth (maximum distance) mindist = -1.0 # setting minimum distance to avoid identical apartment complex itself knn = 10 # the maximum number of neighbors lagVar = [] # initialize lag variable list (final column) for curValue in curVar[1:]: # 2nd row ~ curX = float(curValue[0].value) # X coordinate of current year data
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Aug 23, 2015 @author: Administrator """ import FileIO.Excel as excel filepath = "Seoul_Building_all_point2.xlsx" sheetname = "Seoul_Building_all_point2" excelSeoul = excel.excelRead(filepath, sheetname) seoul11740 = [] seoul11710 = [] seoul11680 = [] seoul11650 = [] seoul11620 = [] seoul11590 = [] seoul11560 = [] seoul11545 = [] seoul11530 = [] seoul11500 = [] seoul11470 = [] seoul11440 = [] seoul11410 = [] seoul11380 = [] seoul11350 = [] seoul11320 = [] seoul11305 = []
''' Created on Jun 1, 2015 @author: Bumsub ''' import FileIO.Excel as excel import Web.APIs.Geocoding as geocode if __name__ == '__main__': result = excel.excelRead("Texas.xlsx", "Sheet1") #print(type(str(result[0][1].value))) #print(str(result[0][1].value)) geocodingResult = geocode.geocodeList(result) #print(geocodingResult) excel.excelWriteOnExistingFile("Texas.xlsx", "Sheet1", "I", geocodingResult) print("Success")
# # print len(uniqueAddr2) # if len(uniqueAddr2) != 0: # excel.excelWriteOnExistingFile2(filenameDic, sheetnameDic, uniqueAddr2) # print('saved successfully in Dictionary') # ##Part 2 - #3 Geocoding - AddressMatching project ## Part 3 #4 - Matching excel file and BD_MGT_SN in Dictionary filenameMat = '201503SaleApartment.xlsx' sheetnameMat = 'Seoul' matResult = excel.excelRead(filenameMat, sheetnameMat) #4-1 - EMD code matching filenameEMD = 'Seoul_EMD_code.xlsx' sheetnameEMD = 'Seoul_EMD_code' resultEMD = excel.excelRead(filenameEMD, sheetnameEMD) emdMatList = [] for addrMat in matResult[1:]: tempEMD = '-1' addrStrip = str(addrMat[0].value).strip() for rowEMD in resultEMD: rowEMDStr = str(rowEMD[1].value)
''' Created on 2016. 7. 17. @author: Administrator ''' import FileIO.Excel as excel if __name__ == '__main__': result = excel.excelRead("200603SaleApartment.xlsx", "Seoul", fromRow=4) print len(result) excel.excelWriteOnExistingFile("test.xlsx", "Sheet1", 'A', result, woFirst=0) # print type(result[0][0]) # print type(result[1][0])
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on Aug 23, 2015 @author: Administrator ''' import FileIO.Excel as excel filepath = 'Seoul_Building_all_point2.xlsx' sheetname = 'Seoul_Building_all_point2' excelSeoul = excel.excelRead(filepath, sheetname) seoul11740 = [] seoul11710 = [] seoul11680 = [] seoul11650 = [] seoul11620 = [] seoul11590 = [] seoul11560 = [] seoul11545 = [] seoul11530 = [] seoul11500 = [] seoul11470 = [] seoul11440 = [] seoul11410 = [] seoul11380 = [] seoul11350 = [] seoul11320 = [] seoul11305 = [] seoul11290 = []
# # index1 += 1 # # else: # locationEQB = seoul.findEQBInfo(addr1, matchingResult[1]) # dicRow.append(locationEQB[0]) # dicRow.append(locationEQB[1]) # # index2 += 1 # # newDic.append(dicRow) # # # print("index1= "+str(index1)) # print("index2= "+str(index2)) # # # newFilename = filename+'_result.xlsx' # newSheetname = 'Sheet2' # excel.excelWriteNewFile(newFilename, newSheetname, newDic) ## Part 2 - Geocoding with google filenameRem = 'Dictionary_result.xlsx' sheetnameRem = 'Sheet1' remainDic = excel.excelRead(filenameRem, sheetnameRem) geocodingResult = geocode.geocodeList(remainDic) excel.excelWriteOnExistingFile(filenameRem, sheetnameRem, "H", geocodingResult)
# addr2.append(tempEMD) # # print len(uniqueAddr2) # if len(uniqueAddr2) != 0: # excel.excelWriteOnExistingFile2(filenameDic, sheetnameDic, uniqueAddr2) # print('saved successfully in Dictionary') # ##Part 2 - #3 Geocoding - AddressMatching project ## Part 3 #4 - Matching excel file and BD_MGT_SN in Dictionary filenameMat = '201503SaleApartment.xlsx' sheetnameMat = 'Seoul' matResult = excel.excelRead(filenameMat, sheetnameMat) #4-1 - EMD code matching filenameEMD = 'Seoul_EMD_code.xlsx' sheetnameEMD = 'Seoul_EMD_code' resultEMD = excel.excelRead(filenameEMD, sheetnameEMD) emdMatList = [] for addrMat in matResult[1:]: tempEMD = '-1' addrStrip = str(addrMat[0].value).strip() for rowEMD in resultEMD: rowEMDStr = str(rowEMD[1].value)
import math if __name__ == '__main__': ## Read excel file## # filename 1 - previous year including logged UnitPrice # filename 2 - current year filename1 = "SaleApartment201303" filepath1 = filename1+".xlsx" sheetname1 = filename1 filename2 = "SaleApartment201403" filepath2 = filename2+".xlsx" sheetname2 = filename2 preVar = excel.excelRead(filepath1, sheetname1) curVar = excel.excelRead(filepath2, sheetname2) # structure of the variable reading excel sheet # 1st row - field name list - preVar[0] (list format) # 2nd row ~ - values ## Setting neighborhood condition bandwidth = 2000.0 # setting bandwidth (maximum distance) mindist = -1.0 # setting minimum distance to avoid identical apartment complex itself knn = 10 # the maximum number of neighbors lagVar = [] # initialize lag variable list (final column) for curValue in curVar[1:]: # 2nd row ~ curX = float(curValue[0].value) # X coordinate of current year data
# dicRow.append(matchingResult[3]) # # index1 += 1 # # else: # locationEQB = seoul.findEQBInfo(addr1, matchingResult[1]) # dicRow.append(locationEQB[0]) # dicRow.append(locationEQB[1]) # # index2 += 1 # # newDic.append(dicRow) # # # print("index1= "+str(index1)) # print("index2= "+str(index2)) # # # newFilename = filename+'_result.xlsx' # newSheetname = 'Sheet2' # excel.excelWriteNewFile(newFilename, newSheetname, newDic) ## Part 2 - Geocoding with google filenameRem = 'Dictionary_result.xlsx' sheetnameRem = 'Sheet1' remainDic = excel.excelRead(filenameRem, sheetnameRem) geocodingResult = geocode.geocodeList(remainDic) excel.excelWriteOnExistingFile(filenameRem, sheetnameRem, "H", geocodingResult)