class TemperatureReader:
	def __init__(self, tempReadFile, tempSaveDirectory, tempSaveFilename, interval):
		self.temperatureReadFile = tempReadFile
		self.temperatureSaveFile = os.path.join(tempSaveDirectory,tempSaveFilename)
		self.sampleInterval = interval
		self.isRecording = False
		self.recordingLoopActive = False
		self.threadsStarted = False
		self.nextTimer = None
		self.tempLogger = FileOperations(tempSaveDirectory, tempSaveFilename)
	#starts recording temperature at specified interval
	def startRecording(self):
		self.recordingLoopActive = True
		if(self.threadsStarted == False):
			threading.Timer(0, self.sampleTemperatureWithInterval, ()).start()
			self.threadsStarted = True
	#requests recording thread to stop+pi-
	def stopRecording(self):
		self.recordingLoopActive = False
	#used to force the thread to stop recording if there was an error in recording data
	def resetIsRecording(self):
		self.isRecording = False
	#this method is called by timer threads to record data at the specified interval
	def sampleTemperatureWithInterval(self):
		#launching next timer thread to record temp after specified interval
		self.nextTimer = threading.Timer(self.sampleInterval, self.sampleTemperatureWithInterval, ())
		if(self.recordingLoopActive == True and self.storage.hasSpace()):
			self.isRecording = True
			#line below ensures that, even when there is an error recording temperature, isRecording won't stay on
			#The pi has 10 seconds to record temperature
			threading.Timer(10, self.resetIsRecording, ()).start()
				temperature = self.readTemperature()
				timestamp = TimeUtils.getTimestamp()
				output = "%s %s\n" % (timestamp, temperature)
				#adding temperature to temperature file
				self.logger.log("[TemperatureReader] Recorded temperature")
			except Exception as e:
				self.logger.logError("TemperatureReader", "Error reading temperature", e)
			self.isRecording = False
	#parses system file to get temperature in Celcuis
	def readTemperature(self):
		with open(self.temperatureReadFile, 'r') as temperatureFile:
			text = temperatureFile.read()
			secondLine = text.split('\n')[1]
			temperatureData = secondLine.split(' ')[9]
			temperature = float(temperatureData[2:])
			return temperature/1000
	#cancels any timers that are waiting to excecute. Used when quitting the program
	def quit(self):
		if self.nextTimer != None:
	def setLogger(self, logger):
		self.logger = logger
	def setStorage(self, storage):
		self.storage = storage
class DistanceReader:
    def __init__(self, distReadFile, distSaveDirectory, distSaveFilename,
                 interval, length):
        self.distanceReadFile = distReadFile
        self.distanceSaveFile = os.path.join(distSaveDirectory,
        self.sampleInterval = interval
        self.isRecording = False
        self.sampleLength = length
        self.recordingLoopActive = False
        self.threadsStarted = False
        self.nextTimer = None
        self.distLogger = FileOperations(distSaveDirectory, distSaveFilename)

    #starts recording distance at specified interval
    def startRecording(self):
        self.recordingLoopActive = True
        if (self.threadsStarted == False):
            threading.Timer(0, self.sampleDistanceWithInterval, ()).start()
            self.threadsStarted = True

    #requests recording thread to stop+pi-
    def stopRecording(self):
        self.recordingLoopActive = False

    #used to force the thread to stop recording if there was an error in recording data
    def resetIsRecording(self):
        self.isRecording = False

    #this method is called by timer threads to record data at the specified interval
    def sampleDistanceWithInterval(self):
        #launching next timer thread to record temp after specified interval
        self.nextTimer = threading.Timer(self.sampleInterval,
                                         self.sampleDistanceWithInterval, ())
        if (self.recordingLoopActive == True and self.storage.hasSpace()):
            self.isRecording = True
            #line below ensures that, even when there is an error recording distance, isRecording won't stay on
            #The pi has 10 seconds to record temperature
            threading.Timer(self.sampleLength + 15, self.resetIsRecording,
            timestamp = getTimestamp()
                self.logger.log("[DistanceSensor] started recording distance")
                end_time = time.time() + self.sampleLength
                while time.time() < end_time:
                    distance = self.readDistance()
                    timestamp = TimeUtils.getTimestamp()
                    output = "%s %f\n" % (timestamp, distance)
                self.logger.log("[DistacneReaader] recorded distance")
            except Exception as e:
                                     "Error reading distance", e)
            self.isRecording = False

    #this method is to take input and output from the sensor and return the measured distance to measure_average
    def measure(self):
        GPIO.output(24, True)
        GPIO.output(24, False)
        start = time.time()

        while GPIO.input(23) == 0:
            start = time.time()

        while GPIO.input(23) == 1:
            stop = time.time()

        elapsed = stop - start
        distance = (elapsed * 34300) / 2
        return distance

    #this method returns average of distance to readDistance (this method is for accuracy)
    def measure_average(self):

        distance1 = self.measure()
        distance2 = self.measure()
        distance = distance1 + distance2
        distance = distance / 2
        return distance

    #this method is reading the distance
    def readDistance(self):
        with open(self.distanceReadFile, 'r') as distanceFile:
            while True:
                distance = self.measure_average()
                return distance

    #cancels any timers that are waiting to excecute. Used when quitting the program
    def quit(self):
        if self.nextTimer != None:

    def setLogger(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger

    def setStorage(self, storage):
        self.storage = storage