class QLearningAgent(FlappyBirdAgent): ''' Q-Learning Agent. ''' def __init__(self, actions, probFlap=0.5, rounding=None): ''' Initializes the agent. Args: actions (list): Possible action values. probFlap (float): The probability of flapping when choosing the next action randomly. rounding (int): The level of discretization. ''' super().__init__(actions) self.probFlap = probFlap self.qValues = defaultdict(float) self.env = FlappyBirdNormal(gym.make('FlappyBird-v0'), rounding=rounding) def act(self, state): ''' Returns the next action for the current state. Args: state (str): The current state. Returns: int: 0 or 1. ''' def randomAct(): if random.random() < self.probFlap: return 0 return 1 if random.random() < self.epsilon: return randomAct() qValues = [ self.qValues.get((state, action), 0) for action in self.actions ] if qValues[0] < qValues[1]: return 1 elif qValues[0] > qValues[1]: return 0 else: return randomAct() def saveQValues(self): ''' Saves the Q-values. ''' toSave = { key[0] + ' action ' + str(key[1]): self.qValues[key] for key in self.qValues } with open('qValues.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(toSave, fp) def loadQValues(self): ''' Loads the Q-values. ''' def parseKey(key): state = key[:-9] action = int(key[-1]) return (state, action) with open('qValues.json') as fp: toLoad = json.load(fp) self.qValues = {parseKey(key): toLoad[key] for key in toLoad} def train(self, order='forward', numIters=20000, epsilon=0.1, discount=1, eta=0.9, epsilonDecay=False, etaDecay=False, evalPerIters=250, numItersEval=1000): ''' Trains the agent. Args: order (str): The order of updates, 'forward' or 'backward'. numIters (int): The number of training iterations. epsilon (float): The epsilon value. discount (float): The discount factor. eta (float): The eta value. epsilonDecay (bool): Whether to use epsilon decay. etaDecay (bool): Whether to use eta decay. evalPerIters (int): The number of iterations between two evaluation calls. numItersEval (int): The number of evaluation iterations. ''' self.epsilon = epsilon self.initialEpsilon = epsilon = discount self.eta = eta self.epsilonDecay = epsilonDecay self.etaDecay = etaDecay self.evalPerIters = evalPerIters self.numItersEval = numItersEval self.env.seed(random.randint(0, 100)) done = False maxScore = 0 maxReward = 0 for i in range(numIters): if i % 50 == 0 or i == numIters - 1: print("Iter: ", i) self.epsilon = self.initialEpsilon / (i + 1) if self.epsilonDecay \ else self.initialEpsilon score = 0 totalReward = 0 ob = self.env.reset() gameIter = [] state = self.env.getGameState() while True: action = self.act(state) nextState, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) gameIter.append((state, action, reward, nextState)) state = nextState # self.env.render() # Uncomment it to display graphics. totalReward += reward if reward >= 1: score += 1 if done: break if score > maxScore: maxScore = score if totalReward > maxReward: maxReward = totalReward if order == 'forward': for (state, action, reward, nextState) in gameIter: self.updateQ(state, action, reward, nextState) else: for (state, action, reward, nextState) in gameIter[::-1]: self.updateQ(state, action, reward, nextState) if self.etaDecay: self.eta *= (i + 1) / (i + 2) if (i + 1) % self.evalPerIters == 0: if ((i + 1) == 2500): output = self.test(numIters=60) elif ((i + 1) == 5000): output = self.test(numIters=60) elif (i == 9999): output = self.test(numIters=self.numItersEval) else: output = self.test(numIters=self.numItersEval, awa=False) self.saveOutput(output, i + 1) self.saveQValues() self.env.close() print("Max Score Train: ", maxScore) print("Max Reward Train: ", maxReward) print() def test(self, numIters=20000, awa=True): ''' Evaluates the agent. Args: numIters (int): The number of evaluation iterations. Returns: dict: A set of scores. ''' self.epsilon = 0 self.env.seed(0) done = False maxScore = 0 maxReward = 0 output = defaultdict(int) for i in range(numIters): score = 0 totalReward = 0 ob = self.env.reset() state = self.env.getGameState() while True: action = self.act(state) state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) if (awa): self.env.render() # Uncomment it to display graphics. totalReward += reward if reward >= 1: score += 1 if done: break output[score] += 1 if score > maxScore: maxScore = score if totalReward > maxReward: maxReward = totalReward self.env.close() print("Max Score Test: ", maxScore) print("Max Reward Test: ", maxReward) print() return output def updateQ(self, state, action, reward, nextState): ''' Updates the Q-values based on an observation. Args: state, nextState (str): Two states. action (int): 0 or 1. reward (int): The reward value. ''' nextQValues = [ self.qValues.get((nextState, nextAction), 0) for nextAction in self.actions ] nextValue = max(nextQValues) self.qValues[(state, action)] = (1 - self.eta) * self.qValues.get((state, action), 0) \ + self.eta * (reward + * nextValue) def saveOutput(self, output, iter): ''' Saves the scores. Args: output (dict): A set of scores. iter (int): Current iteration. ''' if not os.path.isdir('scores'): os.mkdir('scores') with open('./scores/scores_{}.json'.format(iter), 'w') as fp: json.dump(output, fp)
class BaselineAgent(FlappyBirdAgent): ''' Baseline Agent with a random policy. ''' def __init__(self, actions, probFlap=0.5): ''' Initializes the agent. Args: actions (list): Possible action values. probFlap (float): The probability of flapping when choosing the next action randomly. ''' super().__init__(actions) self.probFlap = probFlap self.env = FlappyBirdNormal(gym.make('FlappyBird-v0')) def act(self, state): ''' Returns the next action for the current state. Args: state (list): The current state. Returns: int: 0 or 1. ''' if random.random() < self.probFlap: return 0 return 1 def train(self, numIters=20000, evalPerIters=250, numItersEval=1000): ''' Trains the agent. Args: numIters (int): The number of training iterations. evalPerIters (int): The number of iterations between two evaluation calls. numItersEval (int): The number of evaluation iterations. ''' print("No training needed!") self.evalPerIters = evalPerIters self.numItersEval = numItersEval for i in range(numIters): if i % 50 == 0 or i == numIters - 1: print("Iter: ", i) if (i + 1) % self.evalPerIters == 0: if ((i + 1) == 2500): output = self.test(numIters=self.numItersEval) elif ((i + 1) == 5000): output = self.test(numIters=self.numItersEval) elif (i == 9999): output = self.test(numIters=self.numItersEval) else: output = self.test(numIters=self.numItersEval, awa=False) self.saveOutput(output, i + 1) def test(self, numIters=2000, awa=True): ''' Evaluates the agent. Args: numIters (int): The number of evaluation iterations. Returns: dict: A set of scores. ''' self.env.seed(0) done = False maxScore = 0 maxReward = 0 output = defaultdict(int) counter = 0 for i in range(numIters): score = 0 totalReward = 0 ob = self.env.reset() state = self.env.getGameState() while True: action = self.act(state) state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) if (awa): self.env.render() # Uncomment it to display graphics. totalReward += reward if reward >= 1: score += 1 counter += 1 if done: break break output[score] += 1 if score > maxScore: maxScore = score if totalReward > maxReward: maxReward = totalReward self.env.close() print("Max Score Test: ", maxScore) print("Max Reward Test: ", maxReward) print() return output def saveOutput(self, output, iter): ''' Saves the scores. Args: output (dict): A set of scores. iter (int): Current iteration. ''' if not os.path.isdir('scores'): os.mkdir('scores') with open('./scores/scores_{}.json'.format(iter), 'w') as fp: json.dump(output, fp)