def testMonteCarlo1(self):
        print("====== MonteCarlo 1 ===================")

        N = 100
        ran = numpy.random
        noise = ran.standard_normal(N)
        x = numpy.arange(N, dtype=float) - 3
        nn = 0.1
        for k in range(5):
            y = noise * nn

            m = PolynomialModel(0)
            ftr = Fitter(x, m)
            par =
            std = ftr.getStandardDeviations()
            chisq = ftr.chisq

            mc = MonteCarlo(x, m, ftr.covariance)
            mc.mcycles = 1000
            lmce = ftr.monteCarloError(monteCarlo=mc)

            print("noise  : ", fmt(nn),
            print("params : ", fmt(par, format="%8.5f"))
            print("stdevs : ", fmt(std, format="%8.5f"))
            print("scale  : ", fmt(ftr.scale, format="%8.5f"), fmt(nn))
            print("chisq  : ", fmt(chisq, format="%8.5f"),
                  fmt(mc._eigenvalues, format="%8.5f"),
                  fmt(mc._eigenvectors, format="%8.5f"))
            print("covar  : ", fmt(ftr.covariance, format="%8.5f"))
            print("mcerr  : ", fmt(lmce[0], format="%8.5f"))
            self.assertTrue(abs(std[0] - lmce[0]) < 0.1 * std[0])
            self.assertTrue(par[0] < 0.05 * nn)
            nn *= 10
    def test5( self, plot=None ) :
        print( "====test5============================" )
        nn = 10
        x = numpy.linspace( 0, 2, nn, dtype=float )
        ym = 0.3 + 0.5 * x
        nf = 0.1
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        noise = numpy.random.randn( nn )

        y = ym + nf * noise
        limits = [-1,2]

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )

        s = 0.0
        s2 = 0.0
        mr = 10
        for k in range( mr ) :
            dis = GaussErrorDistribution( x, y, scale=0.5 )
            ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y, distribution=dis, verbose=0, seed=k )

            yfit = ns.sample()
            par2 = ns.parameters
            logz2 = ns.logZ
            dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
            s += logz2
            s2 += logz2 * logz2
            print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ), "  logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

        logz = s / mr
        dlz = math.sqrt( s2 / mr - logz * logz )

        print( "Average  ", fmt( logz ), " +- ", fmt( dlz ) )
    def test2_1( self, plot=False ) :
        print( "====test2_1============================" )
        nn = 100
        x = numpy.arange( nn, dtype=float ) / 50
        ym = 0.2 + 0.5 * x
        nf = 0.1
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        noise = numpy.random.randn( nn )

        y = ym + nf * noise
        limits = [-1,2]

        pm = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        bf = Fitter( x, pm )

        pars = y )
        logz0 = bf.getLogZ( limits=limits )
        logl0 = bf.logLikelihood
        print( "pars  ", fmt( pars ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( bf.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz0 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl0 ) )

        errdis = GaussErrorDistribution ( x, y )

        logz1, logl1 = plotErrdis2d( errdis, pm, limits=limits, max=0,
                    plot=plot )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( pars[0], pars[1], 'k.' )

        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz1 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl1 ) )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )
        ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y, verbose=0 )

        yfit = ns.sample()

        par2 = ns.parameters
        logz2 = ns.logZ
        dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
        print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( ns.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

        self.assertTrue( abs( logz2 - logz0 ) < dlz2 )
#        print( logz0 - logz1, logz0 - logz2 )

        samples = ns.samples
        parevo =samples.getParameterEvolution()
        llevo = samples.getLogLikelihoodEvolution()
        lwevo = samples.getLogWeightEvolution()

        assertAAE( numpy.sum( numpy.exp( lwevo ) ), 1.0 )

        if plot :
    def normalizetest( self, fitter ) :

        p = numpy.asarray( [2.0, 1.3] )
        x = numpy.asarray( [1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0] )
        numpy.random.seed( 12345 )
        y = p[0] + p[1] * x + 0.5 * numpy.random.randn( 5 )

        m = PolynomialModel( 1 )

        ftr = fitter( x, m )
        print( "=============================================================" )
        print( str( ftr ) )
        print( fmt( x ) )
        print( fmt( y ) )

        par = y )
        print( fmt( p ) )
        print( fmt( par ) )

        conpr = numpy.asarray( [1.0,0.0] )
        for w in [0,1,10,100,1000] :
            m2 = m.copy()
            ftr = fitter( x, m2 )

            ftr.normalize( conpr, p[0], weight=w )
            par = y )
            print( fmt( w ), fmt( par ), fmt( ftr.chisq ) )

        self.assertTrue( abs( p[0] - par[0] ) < 1e-3 )

        print( fmt( ftr.hessian ) )
 def doVerbose(self, name, chisq, par, force=False):
     if self.verbose > 1 and (self.iter % 100 == 0 or force):
         mx = 5 if self.verbose < 4 else None if self.verbose == 4 else self.verbose
         print("%6d    %-8.8s " % (self.iter, name),
               ("%6.1f" % (self.temp) if
                (self.temp > 0) else ""), " %8.1f  " % chisq,
               fmt(par, max=mx))
    def histo(self, x, pr, fun=None):

        num_bins = 50
        # the histogram of the data
        n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x,
        # add a 'best fit' line
        if fun is not None:
            plt.plot(fun[0], fun[1], 'r--')
        plt.title('Histogram of ' + str(pr))

        # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel
    def test2(self):
        print("===== formatter test2 ===========================")

        arr = numpy.asarray([k for k in range(36)], dtype=float)
        arr = arr.reshape((3, 12))

        print(fmt(arr, max=None))
        print(fmt(arr, max=None))
        fmtinit(linelength=80, format={"float64": " %7.2f"})
        print(fmt(arr, max=None))

        print("arr", fmt(arr, indent=4, format=" %7.2f"))
        print(fmt(arr, max=2))
        alist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(alist, list))
        print(fmt(3), fmt(3.4))
    def test1(self):
        print("===== formatter test1 ===========================")

        arr = numpy.asarray([k for k in range(120)], dtype=float)
        arr = arr.reshape((3, 40))

        print(fmt(arr, max=None))
        print("arr", fmt(arr[1], indent=4, format=" %7.2f", max=20))
        print(fmt(arr.reshape((3, 4, 10)), max=2))
        alist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(alist, list))
        print(fmt(3), fmt(3.4))
    def dofit(self, ns, pp):
        yfit = ns.sample()

        par = ns.parameters
        std = ns.standardDeviations
        mlp = ns.samples.maxLikelihoodParameters
        scale = ns.scale
        scdev = ns.stdevScale
        print("truth  ", fmt(pp))
        print("par    ", fmt(par))
        print("st dev ", fmt(std))
        print("ML par ", fmt(mlp))
        print("scale  ", fmt(scale), " +- ", fmt(scdev))
    def sample(self, keep=None):
        Sample the posterior and return the weighted average result of the

        The more sensible result of this method is a SampleList which contains
        samples taken from the posterior distribution.

        keep : None or dict of {int:float}
            Dictionary of indices (int) to be kept at a fixed value (float)
            Hyperparameters follow model parameters
            The values will override those at initialization.
            They are only used in this call of fit.

        if keep is None:
            keep = self.keep
        fitlist = self.makeFitlist(keep=keep)

        for eng in self.engines:
            eng.walkers = self.walkers

        self.distribution.ncalls = 0  #  reset number of calls


        if self.verbose >= 1:
            print("Fit", ("all" if keep is None else fitlist), "parameters of")
            print(" ", self.model._toString("  "))
            print("Using a", self.distribution, "with")
            np = self.model.npchain
            for name, hyp in zip(self.distribution.PARNAMES,
                print("  %-7.7s   " % name, end="")
                if np in fitlist:
                    print("  (fixed)  ", hyp.hypar)
#                    print( "%7.2f  (fixed)" % hyp.hypar )
                np += 1
            print("Moving the walkers with")
            for eng in self.engines:
                print(" ", eng)

        if self.verbose >= 2:
            print("Iteration   logZ        H     LowL     npar    parameters")

        explorer = Explorer(self)

        self.logZ = -sys.float_info.max = 0

        logWidth = math.log(1.0 -
                            math.exp((-1.0 * self.discard) / self.ensemble))

        if self.optionalRestart():
            logWidth -= self.iteration * (1.0 * self.discard) / self.ensemble

        while self.iteration < self.getMaxIter():

            #  find worst walker(s) in ensemble
            worst = self.findWorst()
            worstLogW = logWidth + self.walkers[worst[-1]].logL

            # Keep posterior samples
            self.storeSamples(worst, worstLogW - math.log(self.discard))

            # Update Evidence Z and Information H
            logZnew = numpy.logaddexp(self.logZ, worstLogW)

   = (math.exp(worstLogW - logZnew) * self.lowLhood +
                         math.exp(self.logZ - logZnew) *
                         ( + self.logZ) - logZnew)
            self.logZ = logZnew

            if self.verbose >= 3 or (self.verbose >= 2
                                     and self.iteration % 100 == 0):
                kw = worst[0]
                pl = self.walkers[kw].parlist[self.walkers[kw].fitIndex]
                np = len(pl)
                    "%8d %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %6d " %
                    (self.iteration, self.logZ,, self.lowLhood, np),

                self.plotResult(worst[0], self.iteration)

            self.samples.weed(self.maxsize)  # remove overflow in samplelist


            # Explore the copied walker(s)
            explorer.explore(worst, self.lowLhood, fitlist)

            # Shrink the interval
            logWidth -= (1.0 * self.discard) / self.ensemble
            self.iteration += 1


        # End of Sampling

        # Calculate weighted average and stdevs for the parameters;
        self.samples.LogZ = self.logZ =

        # put the info into the model
        self.model.parameters = self.samples.parameters
        self.model.stdevs = self.samples.stdevs

        if self.verbose >= 1:

        return self.samples.average(self.xdata)
    def test1(self, plot=False):
        nn = 10000
        x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, nn, dtype=float)
        ym = 0.0 * x
        nf = 0.01

        model = PolynomialModel(0)
        model.parameters = 0.0
        noise = numpy.random.randn(nn)

        errdis = GaussErrorDistribution(x, ym)
        for k in range(5):
            noise = numpy.random.randn(nn)
            y = ym + nf * noise
   = y
            print(fmt(k), fmt(nf), fmt(errdis.getScale(model)))
            nf *= 10
        parlist = [0.0, 1.0]
        if plot:
            self.ploterrdis(noise, errdis, model, parlist)

        nf = 0.01
        errdis = LaplaceErrorDistribution(x, ym)
        for k in range(5):
            noise = numpy.random.laplace(size=nn)
            y = ym + nf * noise
   = y
            print(fmt(k), fmt(nf), fmt(errdis.getScale(model)))
            nf *= 10

        nf = 0.01
        errdis = CauchyErrorDistribution(x, ym)
        cp = CauchyPrior()
        for k in range(5):
            noise = numpy.random.rand(nn)
            noise = cp.unit2Domain(noise)
            y = ym + nf * noise
   = y
            print(fmt(k), fmt(nf), fmt(errdis.getScale(model)))
            nf *= 10

        nf = 0.01
        errdis = GenGaussErrorDistribution(x, ym, power=1)
        print(errdis, "  power=1")
        for k in range(5):
            noise = numpy.random.laplace(size=nn)
            y = ym + nf * noise
   = y
            print(fmt(k), fmt(nf), fmt(errdis.getScale(model)))
            nf *= 10

        nf = 0.01
        errdis = GenGaussErrorDistribution(x, ym, power=2)
        print(errdis, "  power=2")
        for k in range(5):
            noise = numpy.random.randn(nn)
            y = ym + nf * noise
   = y
            print(fmt(k), fmt(nf), fmt(errdis.getScale(model)))
            nf *= 10

        nf = 0.01
        power = 10
        errdis = GenGaussErrorDistribution(x, ym, power=power)
        print(errdis, "  power=%d" % power)
        for k in range(5):
            noise = 2 * numpy.random.rand(nn) - 1.0
            y = ym + nf * noise
   = y
            print(fmt(k), fmt(nf), fmt(errdis.getScale(model)))
            nf *= 10

        parlist = [0.0, 1.0, power]
        if plot:
            self.ploterrdis(noise, errdis, model, parlist)
    def test1(self, plot=False):

        c0 = 3.2
        c1 = -0.1
        c2 = 0.3
        c3 = 1.1
        c4 = 2.1
        y = (self.x - c1) / c2
        y = c0 * numpy.exp(-y * y) + self.noise

        print("Testing Nonlinear Fitters: LevenbergMarquardt (lm)")
        modl1 = GaussModel()

        amfit = CurveFitter(self.x, modl1)

        print([c0, c1, c2, c3, c4])

        par1 =


        modl2 = GaussModel()
        z = y + c4 * self.x + c3

        modl2.parameters = numpy.append(par1, [0, 0])
        lmfit = CurveFitter(self.x, modl2)

        par2 =

        print("chisq1 = ", amfit.chisq, "  chisq2 = ", lmfit.chisq)

        self.assertTrue(self.eq(par2[0], par1[0], 0.1))
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(par2[1], par1[1], 0.1))
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(abs(par2[2]), abs(par1[2]), 0.1))
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(par2[0], c0,
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(par2[1], c1,
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(abs(par2[2]), c2,
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(par2[3], c3,
        self.assertTrue(self.eq(par2[4], c4,
        if plot:
            xx = numpy.linspace(-1, +1, 1001)
            plt.plot(self.x, y, 'k+')
            plt.plot(xx, modl1.result(xx), 'k-')
            plt.plot(self.x, z, 'r+')
            plt.plot(xx, modl2.result(xx), 'r-')

        print(fmt(, max=None))

        print("Testing LevenbergMarquardt (normalized)")
        modl1 = GaussModel()

        amfit = CurveFitter(self.x, modl1)

        conpr1 = numpy.asarray([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        amfit.normalize(conpr1, c0, weight=10.0)

        print([c0, c1, c2])

        par3 =

        print(fmt(, max=None))

    def test7( self, plot=False ) :
        print( "====test7  Poisson ================" )

        nn = 100
        x = numpy.linspace( 0, 10, nn, dtype=float )
        ym = 1.9 + 2.2 * x
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        y = numpy.random.poisson( ym, size=nn )

        limits = [0,4]

        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, ym, 'k-' )
            plt.plot( x, y, 'r.' )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )

        bf = AmoebaFitter( x, model, errdis="poisson" )

        pars = y, tolerance=1e-20 )
        print( "pars  ", fmt( pars ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( bf.stdevs ) )
        logz0 = bf.getLogZ( limits=limits )
        logl0 = bf.logLikelihood
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz0 ), "   logl  ", fmt( logl0 ) )

        errdis = PoissonErrorDistribution( x, y )
        logz1, logl1 = plotErrdis2d( errdis, model, limits=limits, max=0,
                    plot=plot )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( pars[0], pars[1], 'k.' )

        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz1 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl1 ) )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )
        ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y, distribution='poisson', verbose=0 )

        yfit = ns.sample()

        par2 = ns.parameters
        logz2 = ns.logZ
        dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
        samples = ns.samples

        print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ), fmt( samples.maxLikelihoodParameters ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( ns.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

        self.assertTrue( abs( logz2 - logz1 ) < dlz2 )

        parevo =samples.getParameterEvolution()
        llevo = samples.getLogLikelihoodEvolution()
        lwevo = samples.getLogWeightEvolution()

        assertAAE( numpy.sum( numpy.exp( lwevo ) ), 1.0 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( parevo[:,0], parevo[:,1], 'k,' )
def stdFittertest(myfitter,

    numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
    tc = unittest.TestCase()

    ## make data
    x = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, npt, dtype=float)
    m = SincModel()
    p = [3.0, 1.0, 2.0]
    ym = m.result(x, p)
    y = ym + noise * numpy.random.randn(npt)

    knots = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, 13, dtype=float)
    lmdl = BSplinesModel(knots)

    lftr = Fitter(x, lmdl)
    lpar =
    lchi = lftr.chisq
    lfit = lmdl(x)

    mdl = BSplinesModel(knots)
    ftr = myfitter(x,

    print("###############  Test ", ftr,
          '  ###################################')

    par =, **options)
    chi = ftr.chisq
    yfit = mdl(x)

    print("lpar ", fmt(lpar, indent=4))
    print("lstd ", fmt(lftr.stdevs, indent=4))
    print("lchi ", fmt(lchi), "  scale ", fmt(lftr.scale))

    print("par   ", fmt(par, indent=4))
    print("std   ", fmt(ftr.stdevs, indent=4))
    print("chi   ", fmt(chi), "  scale ", fmt(ftr.scale), "  iter ",

    lmce = ftr.monteCarloError(x)

    #    tc.assertTrue( abs( lchi - chi ) < noise )
    #    tc.assertTrue( numpy.all( numpy.abs( yfit - lfit ) < 2 * lmce ) )

    if plot:
        plt.plot(x, ym, 'k-')
        plt.plot(x, y, 'k*')
        plt.plot(x, lfit, 'g-')
        plt.plot(x, yfit, 'r-')
        plt.plot(x, yfit - lmce, 'm-')
        plt.plot(x, yfit + lmce, 'm-')
    def test1( self, plot=False ) :
        print( "====test1============================" )
        nn = 100
        x = numpy.zeros( nn, dtype=float )
        ym = 0.2 + 0.5 * x
        nf = 1.0
        nf = 0.1
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        noise = numpy.random.randn( nn )

        y = ym + nf * noise
        limits = [-2,2]

        pm = PolynomialModel( 0 )
        bf = Fitter( x, pm )

        pars = y )
        logz0 = bf.getLogZ( limits=limits )
        logl0 = bf.logLikelihood
        print( "pars  ", fmt( pars ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( bf.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz0 ) )
        print( "logl  ", fmt( logl0 ) )

        errdis = GaussErrorDistribution ( x, y )

        logz1, maxll = plotErrdis( errdis, pm, limits=limits,
                                    max=0, plot=plot )

        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz1 ) )

        model = PolynomialModel( 0 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )
        ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y )

        yfit = ns.sample()

        par2 = ns.parameters
        stdv = ns.stdevs
        logz2 = ns.logZ
        dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
        print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( stdv ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

        self.assertTrue( abs( logz2 - logz0 ) < dlz2 )

        samples = ns.samples
        parevo =samples.getParameterEvolution()
        llevo = samples.getLogLikelihoodEvolution()
        lwevo = samples.getLogWeightEvolution()

        assertAAE( numpy.sum( numpy.exp( lwevo ) ), 1.0 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( parevo, numpy.exp( llevo ), 'r,' )

            mxl = numpy.exp( numpy.max( llevo ) ) * 1.2
            plt.plot( [pars,pars], [0.0,mxl], 'b-' )
            plt.plot( [par2,par2], [0.0,mxl], 'r-' )
            plt.plot( [par2,par2]+stdv, [0.0,mxl], 'g-' )
            plt.plot( [par2,par2]-stdv, [0.0,mxl], 'g-' )

    def test1( self, plot=False ):

        x,y,p1 = self.makeData()

        print( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" )
        print( "Testing Nonlinear Fitters: LevenbergMarquardt (lm)" )
        print( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" )
        modl1 = GaussModel( )

        amfit = LMFitter( x, modl1 )

        print( fmt( p1 ) )
        par1 = y )

        print( fmt( par1 ) )
        assertAAE( par1, p1, 1 )

        x,z,p2 = self.makeData( bg=True )

        modl2 = GaussModel( )
        modl2.addModel( PolynomialModel(1) )

        modl2.parameters = numpy.append( par1, [0,0] )
        lmfit = LMFitter( x, modl2 )

        par2 = z )
        print( fmt( p2 ) )
        print( fmt( par2 ) )

        print( "chisq1 = ", amfit.chisq, "  chisq2 = ", lmfit.chisq )

        assertAAE( par2, p2, 1 )

        if plot :
            xx = numpy.linspace( -1, +1, 1001 )
            plt.plot( x, y, 'k+' )
            plt.plot( xx, modl1.result( xx ), 'k-' )
            plt.plot( x, z, 'r+' )
            plt.plot( xx, modl2.result( xx ), 'r-' )

        print( fmt( amfit.hessian ) )
        print( fmt([-4:,:], max=None ) )

        print( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" )
        print( "Testing LevenbergMarquardt (normalized)" )
        print( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" )
        modl1 = GaussModel( )

        bmfit = LMFitter( x, modl1 )

        conpr1 = numpy.asarray( [1.0,0.0,0.0] )

        bmfit.normalize( conpr1, p1[0], weight=10.0 )

        print( "Normweight = ", bmfit.normweight )

        print( fmt( p1 ) )

        par3 = y )
        print( fmt( par1 ) )
        print( fmt( par3 ) )
        print( fmt( amfit.chisq ), fmt( bmfit.chisq ) )

        hes1 = amfit.getHessian( params=par3 )
        hes3 = bmfit.getHessian( params=par3 )
        print( fmt( hes1 ) )
        print( fmt( hes3 ) )

        f = bmfit.normweight
        for h1,h3 in zip( hes1.flat, hes3.flat ) :
            self.assertTrue( abs( h1 + f - h3 ) < 1e-8 )
            f = 0.0

        if plot :
            plt.plot( xx, modl1.result( xx ), 'g-' )
    def test4( self, plot=False ) :
        print( "====test4============================" )

        nn = 100
        x = numpy.arange( nn, dtype=float ) / 50
        ym = 0.4 + 0.0 * x
        nf = 0.5
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        noise = numpy.random.randn( nn )

        y = ym + nf * noise
        limits = [0,1]
        nslim  = [0.1,1.0]

        pm = PolynomialModel( 0 )
        bf = Fitter( x, pm )

        pars = y )
        scale = bf.scale
        logz0 = bf.getLogZ( limits=limits, noiseLimits=nslim )
        logl0 = bf.logLikelihood
        print( "pars  ", fmt( pars ), "  scale  ", fmt( scale ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( bf.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz0 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl0 ) )

        if plot :
            plt.figure( "model" )
            plotFit( x, data=y, model=pm, ftr=bf, truth=ym, show=False )

        errdis = GaussErrorDistribution ( x, y )

        logz1, logl1 = plotErrdis2d( errdis, pm, limits=limits, nslim=nslim,
                        plot=plot )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( pars[0], scale, 'k.' )

        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz1 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl1 ) )

        model = PolynomialModel( 0 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )

        dis = GaussErrorDistribution( x, y )
        dis.setLimits( nslim )
        ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y, distribution=dis, verbose=0 )

        yfit = ns.sample()
        par2 = ns.parameters
        scl2 = ns.scale
        logz2 = ns.logZ
        dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
        print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ), "  scale  ", fmt( scl2 ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( ns.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

        self.assertTrue( abs( logz2 - logz1 ) < 2 * dlz2 )

        samples = ns.samples
        parevo =samples.getParameterEvolution()
        scevo =samples.getScaleEvolution()
        llevo = samples.getLogLikelihoodEvolution()
        lwevo = samples.getLogWeightEvolution()

        assertAAE( numpy.sum( numpy.exp( lwevo ) ), 1.0 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( parevo[:,0], scevo, 'k,' )

            plt.figure( "model" )			# grab again
            err = samples.monteCarloError( x )
            plt.plot( x, yfit + err, 'b-' )
            plt.plot( x, yfit - err, 'b-' )

    def test3( self, plot=False ) :
        print( "====test3============================" )
        nn = 10
        x = numpy.linspace( 0, 2, nn, dtype=float )
        ym = 0.3 + 0.5 * x
        nf = 0.1
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        noise = numpy.random.randn( nn )

        y = ym + nf * noise
        limits = [-1,2]

        pm = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        bf = Fitter( x, pm, fixedScale=0.5 )

        pars = y )
        logz0 = bf.getLogZ( limits=limits )
        logl0 = bf.logLikelihood
        print( "pars  ", fmt( pars ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( bf.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz0 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl0 ) )

        if plot :
            plt.figure( "model" )
            plotFit( x, data=y, model=pm, ftr=bf, truth=ym, show=False )

        errdis = GaussErrorDistribution ( x, y, scale=0.5 )

        logz1, logl1 = plotErrdis2d( errdis, pm, limits=limits, max=0,
                        plot=plot )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( pars[0], pars[1], 'k.' )

        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz1 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl1 ) )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )

        dis = GaussErrorDistribution( x, y, scale=0.5 )
        ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y, distribution=dis, verbose=0 )

        yfit = ns.sample()
        par2 = ns.parameters
        logz2 = ns.logZ
        dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
        print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( ns.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

#        print( logz0 - logz1, logz0 - logz2 )
        self.assertTrue( abs( logz2 - logz0 ) < dlz2 )

        samples = ns.samples
        parevo =samples.getParameterEvolution()
        llevo = samples.getLogLikelihoodEvolution()
        lwevo = samples.getLogWeightEvolution()

        assertAAE( numpy.sum( numpy.exp( lwevo ) ), 1.0 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( parevo[:,0], parevo[:,1], 'k,' )

            plt.figure( "model" )			# grab again
            err = samples.monteCarloError( x )
            plt.plot( x, yfit + err, 'b-' )
            plt.plot( x, yfit - err, 'b-' )

    def test1( self, plot=False ):
        """     #   test slope fit  """

        print( "\n   Robust fitter Test 1  \n" )

        ndata = 101
        aa = 5.0            #  average offset
        bb = 2.0            #  slope
        ss = 0.3            #  noise Normal distr.

        x = numpy.linspace( -1, +1, ndata, dtype=float )
        numpy.random.seed( 12345 )
        y = aa + bb * x + ss * numpy.random.randn( ndata )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        fitter = Fitter( x, model )

        print( "Testing Straight Line fit" )

        par = y )
        std = fitter.stdevs
        chisq = fitter.chisq
        print( "truth   " + fmt( aa ) + fmt( bb ) )
        print( "params  " + fmt( par ) )
        print( "stdevs  " + fmt( std ) )
        print( "chisq   " + fmt( chisq ) )
        assertAAE( par, numpy.asarray( [aa, bb] ), 2 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, y, 'k.' )
            plt.plot( x, model( x ), 'k-' )

        # make some outliers
        ko = [10*k+4 for k in range( 10 )]
        ko = numpy.asarray( ko )
        y[ko] += numpy.linspace( -5, 2, 10 )

        romod = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        altfit = Fitter( x, romod )
        alt = y )
        ast = altfit.stdevs
        altch = altfit.chisq
        print( "params  " + fmt( alt ) )
        print( "stdevs  " + fmt( ast ) )
        print( "chisq   " + fmt( altch ) )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, romod( x ), 'b-' )

        rf = RobustShell( altfit )
        Tools.printclass( rf )

        alt = y )
        ast = altfit.stdevs
        altch = altfit.chisq
        print( rf )
        print( "params  " + fmt( alt ) )
        print( "stdevs  " + fmt( ast ) )
        print( "chisq   " + fmt( altch ) + fmt( rf.scale ) )
        print( "weight  " + fmt( rf.weights[ko], max=None ) )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, romod( x ), 'g-' )
            plt.plot( x, rf.weights, 'g-' )
        assertAAE( par, alt, 1 )
        assertAAE( std, ast, 1 )

        rf = RobustShell( altfit, kernel=Cosine(), domain=4.0 )
        alt = y )
        ast = altfit.stdevs
        altch = altfit.chisq
        print( rf )
        print( "params  " + fmt( alt ) )
        print( "stdevs  " + fmt( ast ) )
        print( "chisq   " + fmt( altch ) + fmt( rf.scale ) )
        print( "weight  " + fmt( rf.weights[ko], max=None ) )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, romod( x ), 'r-' )
            plt.plot( x, rf.weights, 'r-' )
        assertAAE( par, alt, 1 )
        assertAAE( std, ast, 1 )

        rf = RobustShell( altfit, kernel=Huber, domain=1.0 )
#        rf.setNoiseScale( 0.3 )
        alt = y )
        ast = altfit.stdevs
        altch = altfit.chisq
        print( rf )
        print( "params  " + fmt( alt ) )
        print( "stdevs  " + fmt( ast ) )
        print( "chisq   " + fmt( altch ) + fmt( rf.scale ) )
        print( "weight  " + fmt( rf.weights[ko], max=None ) )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, romod( x ), 'c-' )
            plt.plot( x, rf.weights, 'c-' )
        assertAAE( par, alt, 1 )
        assertAAE( std, ast, 1 )

        rf = RobustShell( altfit, kernel=Uniform )
        alt = y )
        ast = altfit.stdevs
        altch = altfit.chisq
        print( rf )
        print( "params  " + fmt( alt ) )
        print( "stdevs  " + fmt( ast ) )
        print( "chisq   " + fmt( altch ) + fmt( rf.scale ) )
        print( "weight  " + fmt( rf.weights[ko], max=None ) )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, romod( x ), 'm-' )
            plt.plot( x, rf.weights, 'm-' )
        assertAAE( par, alt, 1 )
        assertAAE( std, ast, 1 )
    def test2( self, plot=False ):

        ndata = 101
        c0 = 3.2
        c1 = -0.1
        c2 = 0.3
        c3 = 1.1
        c4 = 2.1
        ss = 0.2

        x = numpy.linspace( -1, +1, ndata, dtype=float )
        y = ( x - c1 ) / c2
        numpy.random.seed( 12345 )
        y = c0 * numpy.exp( -0.5 * y * y ) + x * c3 + c4 + ss * numpy.random.randn( ndata )

        print( "Testing Nonlinear Fitters with RobustShell." )

        print( fmt( [c0,c1,c2,c4,c3] ) )

        modl2 = GaussModel( )
        modl2 += PolynomialModel( 1 )

#        lmfit = CurveFitter( x, modl2 )
        lmfit = LevenbergMarquardtFitter( x, modl2 )
        par2 = y )
        std2 = lmfit.stdevs
        print( fmt( par2, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( std2, max=5 ) )

        # make some outliers
        ko = [10*k+4 for k in range( 10 )]
        ko = numpy.asarray( ko )
        y[ko] += numpy.linspace( -5, 2, 10 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, y, 'k.' )
            plt.plot( x, modl2( x ), 'k-' )

#        lmfit = CurveFitter( x, modl2 )
        lmfit = LevenbergMarquardtFitter( x, modl2 )
#        lmfit.setParameters( initpar2 )
        rf = RobustShell( lmfit )
#        rf.setVerbose( 1 )
        print( str( rf ) )
        par1 = y )
        std1 = rf.stdevs
        print( fmt( par1, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( std1, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( par2, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( rf.weights[ko], max=20 ) )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, modl2( x ), 'g-' )
            plt.plot( x, rf.weights, 'g-' )
        assertAAE( par2, par1, 1 )
        assertAAE( std2, std1, 1 )

#        lmfit = CurveFitter( x, modl2 )
        lmfit = LevenbergMarquardtFitter( x, modl2 )
#        lmfit.setParameters( initpar2 )
        rf = RobustShell( lmfit, onesided="negative" )
#        rf.setVerbose( 1 )
        print( rf )
        par3 = y )
        std3 = rf.stdevs
        print( fmt( par3, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( std3, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( par2, max=5 ) )
        print( fmt( rf.weights[ko], max=20 ) )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, modl2( x ), 'r-' )
            plt.plot( x, rf.weights, 'r-' )
        assertAAE( par2, par3, 1 )
        assertAAE( std2, std3, 1 )
 def report( self, verbose, param, chi, more=None, force=False ) :
     if verbose > 1 and ( self.iter % 100 == 0 or force ) :
         mr = "" if more is None else fmt( more, format='   %6.1f ' )
         mx = 5 if verbose < 4 else None if verbose == 4 else verbose
         print( fmt( self.iter, format='%6d' ), mr, fmt( chi, format="%8.1f " ),
                fmt( param, max=mx ) )
    def test6_1( self, plot=False ) :
        print( "====test6_1  Laplace ================" )

        nn = 20
        x = numpy.linspace( 0, 2, nn, dtype=float )
        ym = 0.3 + 0.5 * x
        nf = 0.9
        numpy.random.seed( 2345 )
        noise = numpy.random.laplace( size=nn )

        y = ym + nf * noise
        limits = [-1,2]

        if plot :
            plt.plot( x, ym, 'k-' )
            plt.plot( x, y, 'r.' )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )

        bf = AmoebaFitter( x, model, errdis="laplace" )

        pars = y, tolerance=1e-20 )
        print( "pars  ", fmt( pars ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( bf.stdevs ) )
        logz0 = bf.getLogZ( limits=limits )
        logl0 = bf.logLikelihood
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz0 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl0 ) )

        errdis = LaplaceErrorDistribution( x, y, scale=nf )
        logz1, logl1 = plotErrdis2d( errdis, model, limits=limits, max=0,
                        plot=plot )
        if plot :
            plt.plot( pars[0], pars[1], 'k.' )

        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz1 ), "   logL  ", fmt( logl1 ) )

        model = PolynomialModel( 1 )
        model.setLimits( lowLimits=limits[0], highLimits=limits[1] )
        ns = NestedSampler( x, model, y, distribution='laplace', verbose=0 )

        yfit = ns.sample()

        par2 = ns.parameters
        logz2 = ns.logZ
        dlz2 = ns.logZprecision
        print( "pars  ", fmt( par2 ) )
        print( "stdv  ", fmt( ns.stdevs ) )
        print( "logZ  ", fmt( logz2 ), " +- ", fmt( dlz2 ) )

        self.assertTrue( abs( logz2 - logz0 ) < 5 * dlz2 )

        samples = ns.samples
        parevo =samples.getParameterEvolution()
        llevo = samples.getLogLikelihoodEvolution()
        lwevo = samples.getLogWeightEvolution()

        assertAAE( numpy.sum( numpy.exp( lwevo ) ), 1.0 )

        if plot :
            plt.plot( parevo[:,0], parevo[:,1], 'k,' )