def infer(graph, rules): """ returns new graph of inferred statements. Plain rete api seems to alter rules.formulae and rules.rules, but this function does not alter the incoming rules object, so you can cache it. """ # based on fuxi/tools/ target = Graph() tokenSet = generateTokenSet(graph) with _dontChangeRulesStore(rules): network = ReteNetwork(rules, inferredTarget=target) network.feedFactsToAdd(tokenSet) return target
def setUp(self): from FuXi.Rete.RuleStore import N3RuleStore from FuXi.Rete import ReteNetwork from FuXi.Rete.Util import generateTokenSet self.testGraph = Graph() self.ruleStore = N3RuleStore() self.ruleGraph = Graph(self.ruleStore) self.ruleGraph.parse(StringIO(testN3), format='n3') self.testGraph.parse(StringIO(testN3), format='n3') self.closureDeltaGraph = Graph() = ReteNetwork(self.ruleStore, initialWorkingMemory=generateTokenSet( self.testGraph), inferredTarget=self.closureDeltaGraph, nsMap={})
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--stdin', type="choice", choices = ['xml', 'trix', 'n3', 'nt', 'rdfa'], help = 'Parse RDF from STDIN (useful for piping) with given format') parser.add_option('-x', '--xml', action='append', help = 'Append to the list of RDF/XML documents to parse') parser.add_option('-t', '--trix', action='append', help = 'Append to the list of TriX documents to parse') parser.add_option('-n', '--n3', action='append', help = 'Append to the list of N3 documents to parse') parser.add_option('--nt', action='append', help = 'Append to the list of NT documents to parse') parser.add_option('-a', '--rdfa', action='append', help = 'Append to the list of RDFa documents to parse') parser.add_option('-o', '--output', type="choice", choices = ['n3', 'xml', 'pretty-xml', 'TriX', 'turtle', 'nt'], help = 'Format of the final serialized RDF graph') parser.add_option('-m', '--ns', action='append', help = 'Register a namespace binding (QName prefix to a base URI)') parser.add_option('-r', '--rules', action='append', help = 'Append to the list of fact files to use to perform reasoning') parser.add_option('-i', '--inferred', help = 'URI to use for the graph containing any inferred triples') parser.set_defaults( xml=[], trix=[], n3=[], nt=[], rdfa=[], ns=[], output='n3' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() store = plugin.get(RDFLIB_STORE,Store)() namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) for prefixDef in options.ns: prefix, uri = prefixDef.split('=') namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) factGraph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) for graphRef in options.xml: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='xml') for graphRef in options.trix: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='trix') for graphRef in options.n3: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='n3') for graphRef in options.nt: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='nt') for graphRef in options.rdfa: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='rdfa') if options.stdin: factGraph.parse(sys.stdin, format=options.stdin) if options.inferred and len(options.rules) > 0: inferredURI = URIRef(options.inferred) ruleStore = N3RuleStore() ruleGraph = Graph(ruleStore) for ruleFile in options.rules: ruleGraph.parse(ruleFile, format='n3') tokenSet = generateTokenSet(factGraph) deltaGraph = Graph(, identifier=inferredURI) network = ReteNetwork(ruleStore, inferredTarget=deltaGraph) network.feedFactsToAdd(tokenSet) print factGraph.serialize(destination=None, format=options.output, base=None) store.rollback()
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '--stdin', type="choice", choices=['xml', 'trix', 'n3', 'nt', 'rdfa'], help='Parse RDF from STDIN (useful for piping) with given format') parser.add_option('-x', '--xml', action='append', help='Append to the list of RDF/XML documents to parse') parser.add_option('-t', '--trix', action='append', help='Append to the list of TriX documents to parse') parser.add_option('-n', '--n3', action='append', help='Append to the list of N3 documents to parse') parser.add_option('--nt', action='append', help='Append to the list of NT documents to parse') parser.add_option('-a', '--rdfa', action='append', help='Append to the list of RDFa documents to parse') parser.add_option( '-o', '--output', type="choice", choices=['n3', 'xml', 'pretty-xml', 'TriX', 'turtle', 'nt'], help='Format of the final serialized RDF graph') parser.add_option( '-m', '--ns', action='append', help='Register a namespace binding (QName prefix to a base URI)') parser.add_option( '-r', '--rules', action='append', help='Append to the list of fact files to use to perform reasoning') parser.add_option( '-i', '--inferred', help='URI to use for the graph containing any inferred triples') parser.set_defaults(xml=[], trix=[], n3=[], nt=[], rdfa=[], ns=[], output='n3') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() store = plugin.get(RDFLIB_STORE, Store)() namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) for prefixDef in options.ns: prefix, uri = prefixDef.split('=') namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) factGraph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) for graphRef in options.xml: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='xml') for graphRef in options.trix: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='trix') for graphRef in options.n3: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='n3') for graphRef in options.nt: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='nt') for graphRef in options.rdfa: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='rdfa') if options.stdin: factGraph.parse(sys.stdin, format=options.stdin) if options.inferred and len(options.rules) > 0: inferredURI = URIRef(options.inferred) ruleStore = N3RuleStore() ruleGraph = Graph(ruleStore) for ruleFile in options.rules: ruleGraph.parse(ruleFile, format='n3') tokenSet = generateTokenSet(factGraph) deltaGraph = Graph(, identifier=inferredURI) network = ReteNetwork(ruleStore, inferredTarget=deltaGraph) network.feedFactsToAdd(tokenSet) print factGraph.serialize(destination=None, format=options.output, base=None) store.rollback()