def check_run(program_code, program='', reload_time=30, sound_error=True): # This def checks API and get the value of 'program_code'. # if program_code is True, def returns # else, def stucks untill program_code comes as True. message_pasted = False length_of_last_message = 0 length_of_last_message_MAX = 0 while True: try: run = connect_api( code=program_code, program=program ) # Mostly returns True or False Boolean up to what you set on API if run != True: # run only if "run" is True. run = None except Exception as e: run = None if run: if message_pasted: # If there was "False calistir" and 'count down' printed, # paste space as much as pasted text before. # Because after pyinstaller execution, print flush prints in bad view. message = 'Program is working now.' length_of_new_message = len(message) if length_of_last_message - length_of_new_message > 0: message = message + ' ' * (length_of_last_message_MAX - length_of_new_message) print("\r%s" % message, flush=True, end="") print() print('-' * 40) print() # Continue to run main program (RETURN DEF) break else: if not message_pasted: print() print('-' * 10) print() if sound_error: Progress.sound_notify() message_pasted = True now = time.time() time.sleep(0.01) message = '' while time.time() - now < reload_time: remaining_time = int(reload_time - (time.time() - now)) net_time_string = Progress.time_definition(remaining_time) message = '--> An error occurred while running program. Trying again in %s.' % net_time_string print("\r%s" % message, flush=True, end="") time.sleep(1) length_of_last_message = len(message) if length_of_last_message_MAX < length_of_last_message: length_of_last_message_MAX = length_of_last_message
def captcha_solve(browser, cost_file='costs.txt', ANTICAPTCHA_KEY=None, save_cost=True, captcha_sound=True, domain=None): if not ANTICAPTCHA_KEY: ANTICAPTCHA_KEY = os.getenv('ANTICAPTCHA_KEY') if not domain: domain = browser.current_url xpath = '//*[@id = "g-recaptcha-response"]' try: browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) # Captcha found in page exist_captcha = True except: # Captcha CAN NOT found in page exist_captcha = False user_answer = None cost = 0 start_time = time.time() if exist_captcha: if captcha_sound: Progress.sound_notify_times(times=1) print('--> reCAPTCHA solving. It might take some time, please wait...') key = '' try: SITE_KEY = None try: # TRY normal captcha box xpath = '//*[contains(@class,"g-recaptcha")]' captcha_box = browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) SITE_KEY = captcha_box.get_attribute('data-sitekey') if not SITE_KEY: raise Exception except: # Normal captcha box COULD NOT BE FOUND. Find site key from new generation of reCAPTCHA xpath = '//iframe[contains(@role, "presentation")]' captcha_box = browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) captcha_src = captcha_box.get_attribute('src') if 'k=' in captcha_src and '&' in captcha_src: captcha_src_list = captcha_src.split('&') for i in captcha_src_list: if i.startswith('k='): SITE_KEY = i.replace('k=', '') break if not SITE_KEY: raise Exception user_answer = NoCaptchaTaskProxyless.NoCaptchaTaskProxyless( anticaptcha_key=ANTICAPTCHA_KEY).captcha_handler( websiteURL=domain, websiteKey=SITE_KEY) if 'errorDescription' in user_answer: raise Exception key = user_answer['solution']['gRecaptchaResponse'] try: cost = user_answer['cost'] cost = float(cost) except: cost = 0 # Code worked untill here so there is no error. error_captcha = False except Exception as e: error_captcha = True message = '--> An error occurred while solving reCAPTCHA. Processing is in progress.' if 'errorDescription' in user_answer: message_from_system = user_answer['errorDescription'] message = message + '\n' + str(message_from_system) Progress.exit_app(e=e, message=message, exit_all=False) if not error_captcha: if 'endTime' in user_answer and 'createTime' in user_answer: end_time = user_answer['endTime'] create_time = user_answer['createTime'] pass_time = end_time - create_time else: pass_time = time.time() - start_time print('\nCalculation time: %s' % Progress.time_definition(pass_time)) print('reCAPTCHA solved. Price: $%s' % cost) if save_cost: if cost != 0 and isinstance(cost, (int, float)): read_record = File.read_records_to_list(txt_file=cost_file, file_not_found_error=False, exit_all=False) try: balance = float(read_record[0]) except: balance = 0 balance += cost File.save_records_list(txt_file=cost_file, records_list=[balance], overwrite=True, exit_all=False) # ADD SOLUTION TO THE PAGE. try: browser.execute_script('document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML = "%s"' % key) except: pass return exist_captcha
def internet_connection(timeout=4, reload_time=30, wait_for_network=True, sound_error=True): user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.108 Safari/537.36' header = {"User-Agent": user_agent} url_list = [ # '', # '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] message_pasted = False length_of_last_message = 0 length_of_last_message_MAX = 0 while True: try: url = random.choice(url_list) network = True response = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=header) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception except: # There is no internet connection. network = False if not wait_for_network and network: # if there is internet connection OR def overwritten to not wait for network, RETURN return network if network: if message_pasted: # If there was "False network" and 'count down' printed, # paste space as much as pasted text before. # Because after pyinstaller execution, print flush, prints in bad view. message = 'Connection established.' length_of_new_message = len(message) if length_of_last_message - length_of_new_message > 0: message = message + ' ' * (length_of_last_message_MAX - length_of_new_message) print("\r%s" % message, flush=True, end="") print() print() print('-' * 40) print() # Continue to run main program (RETURN DEF) break else: if not message_pasted: print() print('-' * 10) print() if sound_error: Progress.sound_notify() message_pasted = True print(url) # DEBUG now = time.time() time.sleep(0.01) message = '' while time.time() - now < reload_time: remaining_time = int(reload_time - (time.time() - now)) net_time_string = Progress.time_definition(remaining_time) message = '--> Error on internet connection. Trying again in %s.' % net_time_string print("\r%s" % message, flush=True, end="") time.sleep(1) length_of_last_message = len(message) if length_of_last_message_MAX < length_of_last_message: length_of_last_message_MAX = length_of_last_message
def connect_api(https=True, domain=None, endpoint='api/external_program/', code='all', program='', inform_user_periodically=False, show_error=False, sound_error=False, exit_all=False, extra_data={}): if not domain: domain = os.getenv("domain") start = time.time() time.sleep(0.01) x = 0 db_settings_dict = {} if https: url_first = 'https' else: url_first = 'http' user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.108 Safari/537.36' while True: try: x += 1 url = '%s://%s/%s' % (url_first, domain, endpoint) # Define, if needed (User-Agent, Accept, Referer etc.) headers = { "User-Agent": user_agent, # 'accept': '*/*', # 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', # 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,tr;q=0.8,pl;q=0.7', } if endpoint == 'api/external_program/': data = { 'key': code, 'program': program, } data.update(extra_data) else: data = {} response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=10) response.encoding = 'UTF-8' response = response.json() # My API returns a dictionary which have 'ayar' and 'parametre' in keys. if code == 'all': if endpoint == 'api/external_program/': for setting in response: parameter = setting['parametre'] parameter = String.from_string_to_type( parameter.lower, 'try_all') db_settings_dict[setting['ayar']] = parameter else: db_settings_dict = response return db_settings_dict else: if len(response) and response: response = String.from_string_to_type(response, 'try_all') return response except Exception as e: if inform_user_periodically: if x % 2 == 0: message = '\nAn error occurred while running, trying again...' print() print('-' * 40) print(message) print() if x >= 3: end = time.time() passed_time = end - start message = 'An error occurred while running program. Please try again.\n' \ '(Trying time: %s)' % Progress.time_definition(passed_time) if sound_error: Progress.sound_notify() if show_error: Progress.exit_app(message=message, exit_all=exit_all) print() else: if exit_all: Progress.exit_app(exit_all=exit_all) break