class measurement_model(object):
    '''Instantiate this bad boy to make precipitation measurements'''
    def __init__(self,
                 GLD_root = 'alex/array/home/Vaisala/feed_data/GLD',
        self.m = precip_model(database, multiple_bands)
        self.RES_DT = self.m.db[self.m.db.keys()[0]]['RES_DT']
        self.RES_FINT = self.m.db[self.m.db.keys()[0]]['RES_FINT']
        self.td = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 5 + self.RES_FINT) # Maximum previous time to examine flashes in. 
                                                                  # Ideally 2*self.RES_INT to assure we don't miss anything.
        # Lightning database
        self.gld = GLD_file_tools(GLD_root, prefix='GLD')
        # Column indices
        self.lat_ind = 7;
        self.lon_ind = 8;
        self.mag_ind = 9;
    def get_measurement(self, in_time, coordinates, mode='continuous', bands=None):
        ''' Take a flux measurement at a given time and location, with a given sensor setting'''
        # Get flashes within timeframe:
        flashes, flash_times = self.gld.load_flashes(in_time, self.td)
        if flashes is None:
            print "No flashes found at ", in_time
            return 0.0

        flashes = flashes[:,(self.lat_ind, self.lon_ind, self.mag_ind, self.mag_ind)]
        flash_coords = transform_coords(flashes[:,0], flashes[:,1], np.zeros_like(flashes[:,0]), 'geographic', 'geomagnetic')
        flashes[:,:2] = flash_coords[:,:2]
        flashes[:,3] = [(in_time - s).microseconds*1e-6 + (in_time - s).seconds for s in flash_times]

        print "total flashes: ", np.shape(flashes)[0]
        # So! No we have an array of relevant flashes -- lat, lon, mag, time offset.
        # Let's model the flux at the satellite.
        flux = 0

        time_sampling_vector = np.linspace(-self.RES_FINT,0,np.round(self.RES_FINT/self.RES_DT))
        if mode=='continuous':
            for f in flashes:
                #print td.seconds - f[3]   
                flux += np.sum( self.m.get_precip_at(f[0], coordinates.lat(), time_sampling_vector + f[3]) *
                          self.m.get_longitude_scaling(f[0], f[1], coordinates.lon(), I0=f[2]) * self.RES_DT )

        if mode=='banded':
            for f in flashes:
                flux += np.sum(( np.array([self.m.get_multiband_precip_at(f[0],
                    coordinates.lat(), energy,
                    time_sampling_vector + f[3]) for energy in bands]) *
                    self.m.get_longitude_scaling(f[0], f[1], coordinates.lon(), I0=f[2]) * self.RES_DT ))
# #            
        return flux
class GLD_server_instance(object):
  def __init__(self):
    # -------------------------------
    # Parameters!
    # -------------------------------
    self.GLD_root  = 'alex/array/home/Vaisala/feed_data/GLD';
    self.NLDN_root = 'alex/array/home/Vaisala/feed_data/NLDN';
    #tail_len = 20000;
    self.window_delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1);
    self.lat_lim = [-200, 200]
    self.lon_lim = [-100, 100]
    # list of Satellite objects
    self.sats = []

    # Firebird TLEs
    # self.FB4_line1 = "1 40378U 15003C   15100.58013485  .00011386  00000-0  58112-3 0  9991";
    # self.FB4_line2 = "2 40378  99.1244 121.5989 0163653 114.5990 247.2373 15.05957022 10376";

    # self.FB3_line1 = "1 40377U 15003B   15107.62395886  .00014462  00000-0  73378-3 0  9999";
    # self.FB3_line2 = "2 40377 099.1226 129.9288 0163094 091.7149 270.2788 15.06141595 11435";

    # Retrieved 10.20.2015
    # self.FB4_line1 = "1 40378U 15003C   15293.75287141  .00010129  00000-0  48835-3 0  9990";
    # self.FB4_line2 = "2 40378  99.1043 350.5299 0153633 201.4233 158.0516 15.09095095 39471";

    # self.FB3_line1 = "1 40377U 15003B   15293.75560501  .00010189  00000-0  49167-3 0  9998";
    # self.FB3_line2 = "2 40377  99.1045 350.5247 0153380 201.4540 158.0211 15.09095594 39471";

    # Get the freshest of TLEs:
    with open('fb3.tle','r') as file:
      self.FB3_line1 = file.readline()
      self.FB3_line2 = file.readline()
    with open('fb4.tle','r') as file:
      self.FB4_line1 = file.readline()
      self.FB4_line2 = file.readline()

    self.lat_ind = 7;
    self.lon_ind = 8;
    self.mag_ind = 9;

    self.G = GLD_file_tools(self.GLD_root, prefix='GLD')
    self.N = GLD_file_tools(self.NLDN_root,prefix='NLDN')
    #self.time_in = datetime.datetime(2015,3,26,12,00,00)

    self.do_GLD = True
    self.do_NLDN = True
    self.do_sats = True
    self.return_JSON = True

    # Satellite initialization
    #sat = Firebird(FB4_line1, FB4_line2, "Firebird 4")
    if (self.do_sats):
      # self.Firebird_4 = Satellite(self.FB4_line1, self.FB4_line2, "Firebird 4")
      # self.Firebird_3 = Satellite(self.FB3_line1, self.FB3_line2, "Firebird 3")
      self.sats.append(Satellite(self.FB4_line1, self.FB4_line2, "Firebird 4"))
      self.sats.append(Satellite(self.FB3_line1, self.FB3_line2, "Firebird 3"))

    self.plottime = None

  def interpret(self,message):
    ''' Received a message! What do?? '''
    msg_obj = json.loads(message)

    # print msg_obj
    if 'enables' in msg_obj:
      self.do_GLD = msg_obj["enables"]["GLD"]
      self.do_NLDN =msg_obj["enables"]["NLDN"]
      self.do_sats =msg_obj["enables"]["Sats"]

    if 'persist' in msg_obj:
      self.window_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(msg_obj["persist"]))

    if 'time' in msg_obj:
      rec_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(msg_obj["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") 
      print "Request time: ", rec_time
      self.plottime = rec_time   # Set time to compute at
      return self.build_json_at(rec_time)

#      self.window_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(lines[1]))

  def build_json_at(self,time_in):
    geo_json = []

    # ------ Satellites --------
    if self.do_sats:
      for sat in self.sats:
        # self.Firebird_4.compute(self.plottime)
        # self.Firebird_3.compute(self.plottime)
      if self.return_JSON:
        for sat in self.sats: #[self.Firebird_3, self.Firebird_4]:
          print sat.coords
          geo_json.extend( [ {"type": "Feature",
                      "name": "Satellite",
                      "satname": sat.name,
                          "geometry": {
                              "type": "Point",
                              "coordinates": sat.coords,
                              }, "time":self.plottime.isoformat()
                            } ] )

    # ----- GLD ----------------
    if self.do_GLD:
      new_flashes, new_times = self.G.load_flashes(time_in, self.window_delta)

      if new_flashes is not None:

        # if self.do_sats:

        #   bb_fb4,_,_ = check_flyover(self.Firebird_4, new_flashes, new_times, td = self.window_delta,
        #           lat_lim = self.lat_lim, lon_lim = self.lon_lim, JSON = self.return_JSON)
        #   bb_fb3,_,_ = check_flyover(self.Firebird_3, new_flashes, new_times, td = self.window_delta,
        #           lat_lim = self.lat_lim, lon_lim = self.lon_lim,  JSON =self.return_JSON)

        #   if self.return_JSON:
        #     geo_json.extend(bb_fb4)
        #     geo_json.extend(bb_fb3)
        # bb = []
        if self.do_sats:
          for sat in self.sats:
            bb_tmp,_,_ = check_flyover(sat, new_flashes, new_times, td = self.window_delta,
                      lat_lim = self.lat_lim, lon_lim = self.lon_lim, JSON = self.return_JSON)

            if self.return_JSON:
        if self.return_JSON:

          # print new_flashes

          radii = np.round(np.log2(abs(new_flashes[:,self.mag_ind])))

          # Create record for flashes
          gld_json = [ {"type": "Feature",
                        "name": "GLD",
                          "geometry": {
                              "type": "Point",
                              "coordinates": [lon,lat],
                              }, "radius": radius,
                                 "kA": kA,
                                 "time": dt.isoformat()}
                          for lon,lat,radius,kA,dt in zip(new_flashes[:,self.lon_ind],
                                                          radii, new_flashes[:,self.mag_ind], new_times) ]
          # print geo_json

    # -------- NLDN ----------
    if self.do_NLDN:
      new_flashes, new_times = self.N.load_flashes(time_in, self.window_delta)
      if new_flashes is not None:
        if self.return_JSON:
          radii = np.round(np.log2(abs(new_flashes[:,self.mag_ind])))
              # Create record for flashes
          nldn_json = [ {"type": "Feature",
                        "name": "NLDN",
                          "geometry": {
                              "type": "Point",
                              "coordinates": [lon,lat],
                              }, "radius": radius,
                                 "kA": kA,
                                 "time": dt.isoformat()}
                          for lon,lat,radius,kA,dt in zip(new_flashes[:,self.lon_ind],
                                                          radii, new_flashes[:,self.mag_ind], new_times) ]

    if self.return_JSON:
      return json.dumps(geo_json, ensure_ascii = True).encode('utf8')  

  def log_sightings(self, fb3_file=None, fb4_file=None, JSON=False):

    new_flashes, new_times = self.G.load_flashes(self.plottime, self.window_delta)

    if new_flashes is not None:
      for sat in self.sats:

      if fb3_file is not None:
        check_flyover(self.Firebird_3, new_flashes, new_times, td = self.window_delta,
                  lat_lim = self.lat_lim, lon_lim = self.lon_lim, logfile=fb3_file)

      if fb4_file is not None:
        check_flyover(self.Firebird_4, new_flashes, new_times, td = self.window_delta,
                  lat_lim = self.lat_lim, lon_lim = self.lon_lim, logfile=fb4_file)

# Input time
inTime = "2015-11-01T00:25:00"
td = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 30) # Maximum time back to check for lightning (pulse can be up to a minute! But how patient are we, really)
plottime = datetime.datetime.strptime(inTime,  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

print plottime

# Get satellite location

# Get flashes within timeframe:
flashes, flash_times = gld.load_flashes(plottime, td)
lats = [f[lat_ind] for f in flashes]
lons = [f[lon_ind] for f in flashes]

flash_coords = coordinate_structure(lats, lons, np.zeros(np.size(lats)),'geographic')
# flash_coords.transform_to('geomagnetic')

# (Use these to make a nice grid)
lats = np.linspace(-90,90,90)
lons = np.linspace(-180,180,90)
flash_coords = coordinate_structure(lats, lons, [0],'geomagnetic')

print "%g flashes (pre-filter)" % flash_coords.len()
atten_factors = longitude_scaling(flash_coords, sat.coords)
mask = atten_factors < 24