__author__ = 'Gregorio Manabat III' import sys import pygame import Game_Stuff.utilities.grid as grid_class import Game_Stuff.utilities.colors as colors import Game_Stuff.utilities.doodles as doodles pygame.init() # set up the window bitmap = grid_class.Grid(width=100, height=100, scale=4, fill_function=(lambda x, y: colors.WHITE)) pygame.display.set_caption('drawing grid') clock = pygame.time.Clock() # run the game loop bitmap.redraw() while True: pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit()
__author__ = 'Gregorio Manabat III' import sys import random import pygame import Game_Stuff.utilities.colors as colors import Game_Stuff.utilities.grid as grid_class pygame.init() # set up the window grid = grid_class.Grid( width=100, height=100, scale=1, fill_function=(lambda x, y: [colors.random_color(), 0, 0])) pygame.display.set_caption('Sifting Colors') pixels = pygame.PixelArray(grid.DISPLAY_SURFACE) width = grid.width height = grid.height array = grid.grid def generate_values(up, right): for x in range(width): for y in range(height): pixel = array[x][y] pixel[1] = sum(pixel[0][c] * up[c] for c in range(3))
from Game_Stuff.utilities import colors __author__ = 'Gregorio Manabat III' import sys import copy import pygame import Game_Stuff.utilities.colors as colors import Game_Stuff.utilities.grid as the_grid pygame.init() # set up the window grid = the_grid.Grid(width=100, height=80, scale=7, fill_function=(lambda x, y: colors.random_color())) pygame.display.set_caption('Blur') bitmap_newframe = [[[] for x in range(grid.height)] for x in range(grid.width)] def update(): blur() def blur(): for x in range(grid.width): for y in range(grid.height): color = [0, 0, 0] for a in [-1, 0, 1]: for b in [-1, 0, 1]: square = grid.grid[(x+a) % grid.width][(y+b) % grid.height] for c in [0,1,2]:
__author__ = 'Gregorio Manabat III' import sys import random import pygame import Game_Stuff.utilities.grid as grid_class pygame.init() # initialize fonts myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("consolas", 24) grid = grid_class.Grid(width=512, height=256, scale=3, fill_function=(lambda x, y: 0)) random_init = True def init(): if random_init: for u in range(grid.width): grid.grid[u][0] = round(random.random()) else: for u in range(grid.width): grid.grid[u][0] = 0 grid.grid[int(grid.width / 2)][0] = 1 pygame.display.set_caption('Elementary Cellular Automaton')
import Game_Stuff.utilities.doodles as doodles pygame.init() def fill(x, y): if (x * y % 2 == 0 or x + y & 4 == 2) and round(random.random()) == 0: return random.choice(['Wall']) else: return "Empty" # set up the window info_Object = pygame.display.Info() the_grid = grid_python.Grid(width=int(info_Object.current_w / 8), height=int(info_Object.current_h / 8), scale=5, fill_function=fill) pygame.display.set_caption('Maze Solver') show_directions = True ship_list = [] for i in range(100): the_grid.grid[random.randrange(the_grid.width)][random.randrange( the_grid.height)] = 'End' the_grid.grid[int(the_grid.width / 2)][int(the_grid.height / 2)] = 'End' # run the game loop clock = pygame.time.Clock()
import pygame import Game_Stuff.utilities.colors as colors import Game_Stuff.utilities.grid as array_grid pygame.init() COLORS = [colors.random_color() for i in range(4)] def function(x, y): return random.choice(COLORS) the_grid = array_grid.Grid(width=100, height=100, scale=6, fill_function=function) # set up the window pygame.display.set_caption('Flood it') # set up the colors the_grid.redraw() def colour_checker(x, y, colour): value_to_fill = the_grid.grid[x][y] if not value_to_fill == colour: need_check = set() need_check.add((x, y)) while len(need_check) > 0: new_check = []
from Game_Stuff.utilities import colors __author__ = 'Gregorio Manabat III' import sys import random import pygame import Game_Stuff.utilities.colors as colors import Game_Stuff.utilities.grid as the_grid pygame.init() grid = the_grid.Grid(width=50, height=40, scale=10) pygame.display.set_caption('Traffic Simulator') cargen = set() traffic = [] density = 0.3 for i in range(int(grid.width * grid.height * density)): cargen.add((random.randrange(grid.width), random.randrange(grid.height))) for blank_car in cargen: traffic.append([blank_car[0], blank_car[1], round(random.random())]) def update(): for car in traffic: if car[2] == 0: