def bootstrap(reg_slice, interactive_session, my_interface=None):
    Create local subsystems. In the future this procedure should be enhanced to connect to remote subsystems.
    FIXME: this procedure should be moved to the Runtime package.

    This function will change the default value of autostart of the monitoring, depending if the session is interactive or batch.
    The autostart value may be overriden in the config file, so warn if it differs from the default.
    from Ganga.Core.MonitoringComponent.Local_GangaMC_Service import JobRegistry_Monitor, config
    from Ganga.Utility.logging import getLogger

    logger = getLogger()

    from Ganga.Core.GangaThread import GangaThreadPool

    # start the internal services coordinator
    from Ganga.Core.InternalServices import Coordinator

    # backend-specific setup (e.g. Remote: setup any remote ssh pipes)
    # for j in reg_slice:
    #    if hasattr(j,'status') and j.status in ['submitted','running']:
    #        if hasattr(j,'backend'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have backend either
    #            if hasattr(j.backend,'setup'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have setup() method
    #                j.backend.setup()


    # Set the shutdown policy depending on whether we're interactive or not
    if config['forced_shutdown_policy'] in ['interactive', 'batch']:
        GangaThreadPool.shutdown_policy = config['forced_shutdown_policy']
        if interactive_session:
            GangaThreadPool.shutdown_policy = 'interactive'
            GangaThreadPool.shutdown_policy = 'batch'

    # export to GPI moved to Runtime bootstrap

    autostart_default = interactive_session
    config.overrideDefaultValue('autostart', bool(autostart_default))

    if config['autostart'] is not autostart_default:
        msg = 'monitoring loop %s (the default setting for %s session is %s)'
        val = {
            True: ('enabled', 'batch', 'disabled'),
            False: ('disabled', 'interactive', 'enabled')
        logger.warning(msg % val[config['autostart']])

    if config['autostart']:

    if not my_interface:
        import Ganga.GPI
        my_interface = Ganga.GPI
    from Ganga.Runtime.GPIexport import exportToInterface
    exportToInterface(my_interface, 'runMonitoring',
                      monitoring_component.runMonitoring, 'Functions')
def bootstrap(reg_slice, interactive_session, my_interface=None):
    Create local subsystems. In the future this procedure should be enhanced to connect to remote subsystems.
    FIXME: this procedure should be moved to the Runtime package.

    This function will change the default value of autostart of the monitoring, depending if the session is interactive or batch.
    The autostart value may be overriden in the config file, so warn if it differs from the default.
    from Ganga.Core.MonitoringComponent.Local_GangaMC_Service import JobRegistry_Monitor, config
    from Ganga.Utility.logging import getLogger

    logger = getLogger()

    from Ganga.Core.GangaThread import GangaThreadPool

    # start the internal services coordinator
    from Ganga.Core.InternalServices import Coordinator


    # backend-specific setup (e.g. Remote: setup any remote ssh pipes)
    # for j in reg_slice:
    #    if hasattr(j,'status') and j.status in ['submitted','running']:
    #        if hasattr(j,'backend'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have backend either
    #            if hasattr(j.backend,'setup'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have setup() method
    #                j.backend.setup()


    # Set the shutdown policy depending on whether we're interactive or not
    if config["forced_shutdown_policy"] in ["interactive", "batch"]:
        GangaThreadPool.shutdown_policy = config["forced_shutdown_policy"]
        if interactive_session:
            GangaThreadPool.shutdown_policy = "interactive"
            GangaThreadPool.shutdown_policy = "batch"

    # export to GPI moved to Runtime bootstrap

    autostart_default = interactive_session
    config.overrideDefaultValue("autostart", bool(autostart_default))

    if config["autostart"] is not autostart_default:
        msg = "monitoring loop %s (the default setting for %s session is %s)"
        val = {True: ("enabled", "batch", "disabled"), False: ("disabled", "interactive", "enabled")}
        logger.warning(msg % val[config["autostart"]])

    if config["autostart"]:

    if not my_interface:
        import Ganga.GPI

        my_interface = Ganga.GPI
    from Ganga.Runtime.GPIexport import exportToInterface

    exportToInterface(my_interface, "runMonitoring", monitoring_component.runMonitoring, "Functions")
def bootstrap(reg, interactive_session):
    Create local subsystems. In the future this procedure should be enhanced to connect to remote subsystems.
    FIXME: this procedure should be moved to the Runtime package.

    This function will change the default value of autostart of the monitoring, depending if the session is interactive or batch.
    The autostart value may be overriden in the config file, so warn if it differs from the default.
    from Ganga.Core.MonitoringComponent.Local_GangaMC_Service import JobRegistry_Monitor, config
    from Ganga.Utility.logging import getLogger

    logger = getLogger()

    from Ganga.Core.GangaThread import GangaThreadPool

    # start the internal services coordinator
    from Ganga.Core.InternalServices import Coordinator

    # backend-specific setup (e.g. Remote: setup any remote ssh pipes)
    # for j in reg:
    #    if hasattr(j,'status') and j.status in ['submitted','running']:
    #        if hasattr(j,'backend'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have backend either
    #            if hasattr(j.backend,'setup'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have setup() method
    #                j.backend.setup()


    # register the MC shutdown hook


    # export to GPI
    from Ganga.Runtime.GPIexport import exportToGPI
        'runMonitoring', monitoring_component.runMonitoring, 'Functions')

    autostart_default = interactive_session
    config.overrideDefaultValue('autostart', bool(autostart_default))

    if config['autostart'] is not autostart_default:
        msg = 'monitoring loop %s (the default setting for %s session is %s)'
        val = {True: ('enabled', 'batch', 'disabled'),
               False: ('disabled', 'interactive', 'enabled')}
        logger.warning(msg % val[config['autostart']])

    if config['autostart']:
def bootstrap(reg, interactive_session):
    Create local subsystems. In the future this procedure should be enhanced to connect to remote subsystems.
    FIXME: this procedure should be moved to the Runtime package.

    This function will change the default value of autostart of the monitoring, depending if the session is interactive or batch.
    The autostart value may be overriden in the config file, so warn if it differs from the default.
    from Ganga.Core.MonitoringComponent.Local_GangaMC_Service import JobRegistry_Monitor, config

    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_policy', 'session_type',
                     'If there are remaining background activities at exit such as monitoring, output download Ganga will attempt to wait for the activities to complete. You may select if a user is prompted to answer if he wants to force shutdown ("interactive") or if the system waits on a timeout without questions ("timeout"). The default is "session_type" which will do interactive shutdown for CLI and timeout for scripts.')

    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_timeout', 60,
                     "Timeout in seconds for forced Ganga shutdown in batch mode.")
    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_prompt_time', 10,
                     "User will get the prompt every N seconds, as specified by this parameter.")
    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_first_prompt_time', 5,
                     "User will get the FIRST prompt after N seconds, as specified by this parameter. This parameter also defines the time that Ganga will wait before shutting down, if there are only non-critical threads alive, in both interactive and batch mode.")

    from Ganga.Utility.logging import getLogger

    logger = getLogger()

    from Ganga.Core.GangaThread import GangaThreadPool

    # start the internal services coordinator
    from Ganga.Core.InternalServices import Coordinator

    # backend-specific setup (e.g. Remote: setup any remote ssh pipes)
    # for j in reg:
    #    if hasattr(j,'status') and j.status in ['submitted','running']:
    #        if hasattr(j,'backend'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have backend either
    #            if hasattr(j.backend,'setup'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have setup() method
    #                j.backend.setup()

    # start the monitoring loop
    global monitoring_component
    monitoring_component = JobRegistry_Monitor(reg)

    # register the MC shutdown hook


    # export to GPI
    from Ganga.Runtime.GPIexport import exportToGPI
        'runMonitoring', monitoring_component.runMonitoring, 'Functions')

    autostart_default = interactive_session
    config.overrideDefaultValue('autostart', bool(autostart_default))

    if config['autostart'] is not autostart_default:
        msg = 'monitoring loop %s (the default setting for %s session is %s)'
        val = {True: ('enabled', 'batch', 'disabled'),
               False: ('disabled', 'interactive', 'enabled')}
        logger.warning(msg % val[config['autostart']])

    if config['autostart']:
def bootstrap(reg, interactive_session):
    Create local subsystems. In the future this procedure should be enhanced to connect to remote subsystems.
    FIXME: this procedure should be moved to the Runtime package.

    This function will change the default value of autostart of the monitoring, depending if the session is interactive or batch.
    The autostart value may be overriden in the config file, so warn if it differs from the default.
    from Ganga.Core.MonitoringComponent.Local_GangaMC_Service import JobRegistry_Monitor, config

    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_policy','session_type','If there are remaining background activities at exit such as monitoring, output download Ganga will attempt to wait for the activities to complete. You may select if a user is prompted to answer if he wants to force shutdown ("interactive") or if the system waits on a timeout without questions ("timeout"). The default is "session_type" which will do interactive shutdown for CLI and timeout for scripts.')

    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_timeout',60,"Timeout in seconds for forced Ganga shutdown in batch mode.")
    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_prompt_time',10,"User will get the prompt every N seconds, as specified by this parameter.")
    config.addOption('forced_shutdown_first_prompt_time',5,"User will get the FIRST prompt after N seconds, as specified by this parameter. This parameter also defines the time that Ganga will wait before shutting down, if there are only non-critical threads alive, in both interactive and batch mode.")

    from Ganga.Utility.logging import getLogger

    logger = getLogger()

    from Ganga.Core.GangaThread import GangaThreadPool

    # create generic Ganga thread pool
    thread_pool = GangaThreadPool.getInstance()

    #start the internal services coordinator    
    from Ganga.Core.InternalServices import Coordinator,ShutdownManager
    #load the shutdown manager    

    # backend-specific setup (e.g. Remote: setup any remote ssh pipes)
    for j in reg:
        if hasattr(j,'status') and j.status in ['submitted','running']:
            if hasattr(j,'backend'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have backend either
                if hasattr(j.backend,'setup'): # protect: EmptyGangaObject does not have setup() method
    #start the monitoring loop
    global monitoring_component
    monitoring_component = JobRegistry_Monitor( reg )
    #register the MC shutdown hook
    import atexit

    def should_wait_interactive_cb(t_total, critical_thread_ids, non_critical_thread_ids):
        global t_last
        if t_last is None:
            t_last = -time.time()
        # if there are critical threads then prompt user or wait depending on configuration 
        if critical_thread_ids:
            if ((t_last<0 and time.time()+t_last > config['forced_shutdown_first_prompt_time']) or 
               (t_last>0 and time.time()-t_last > config['forced_shutdown_prompt_time'])):
                msg = """Job status update or output download still in progress (shutdown not completed after %d seconds).
%d background thread(s) still running: %s.
Do you want to force the exit (y/[n])? """ % (t_total, len(critical_thread_ids), critical_thread_ids) 
                resp = raw_input(msg) 
                t_last = time.time()
                return resp.lower() != 'y'
                return True
        # if there are non-critical threads then wait or shutdown depending on configuration
        elif non_critical_thread_ids:
            if t_total < config['forced_shutdown_first_prompt_time']:
                return True
                return False
        # if there are no threads then shutdown
            return False

    def should_wait_batch_cb(t_total, critical_thread_ids, non_critical_thread_ids):
        # if there are critical threads then wait or shutdown depending on configuration
        if critical_thread_ids:
            if t_total < config['forced_shutdown_timeout']:
                return True
                logger.warning('Shutdown was forced after waiting for %d seconds for background activities to finish (monitoring, output download, etc). This may result in some jobs being corrupted.',t_total)
                return False
        # if there are non-critical threads then wait or shutdown depending on configuration
        elif non_critical_thread_ids:
            if t_total < config['forced_shutdown_first_prompt_time']:
                return True
                return False
        # if there are no threads then shutdown
            return False

    #register the exit function with the highest priority (==0)    
    #atexit.register((0,monitoring_component.stop), fail_cb=mc_fail_cb,max_retries=config['max_shutdown_retries'])

    #select the shutdown method based on configuration and/or session type
    forced_shutdown_policy = config['forced_shutdown_policy']

    if forced_shutdown_policy == 'interactive':
        should_wait_cb = should_wait_interactive_cb
        if forced_shutdown_policy == 'batch':
            should_wait_cb = should_wait_batch_cb
            if interactive_session:
                should_wait_cb = should_wait_interactive_cb
                should_wait_cb = should_wait_batch_cb

    atexit.register((0,thread_pool.shutdown), should_wait_cb=should_wait_cb)

    #export to GPI
    from Ganga.Runtime.GPIexport import exportToGPI

    autostart_default = interactive_session

    if config['autostart'] is not autostart_default:
        msg = 'monitoring loop %s (the default setting for %s session is %s)'
        val = { True : ('enabled', 'batch', 'disabled'), 
                False: ('disabled', 'interactive', 'enabled')}

    if config['autostart']:        

    import time
    class Stuck(GangaThread.GangaThread):
        def __init__(self):
        def run(self):
            i = 0
            while i < 10:
                #print '*'*30,i
                i += 1
        def stop(self):
            print "I was asked to stop..."