    def getPackagePath2(self, name, var, force=False):
        """ Return a path to the package for specified environment variable.
        For example: _getPackagePath('x','LD_LIBRARY_PATH') returns a LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the package (if defined).
        The value may be a string or a list of strings - in the later case the individual path components will
        be separated by colons (':').
        If the path is not defined (see getPackagePath()) then return an empty string.
        import os
        path, tarball = self.getPackagePath(name, force)
        if path and var in self.packages[name]:
            from Ganga.Utility.util import isStringLike

            ppath = self.packages[name][var]

            if isStringLike(ppath):
                ppath = [ppath]

            return ':'.join(map(lambda p: os.path.join(path, p), ppath))

# for p in ppath:
##                 result += os.path.join(path,p)
# return result
            return ''
    def __makeList__(self, element):

        if isStringLike(element):
            myList = [element]
        elif canLoopOver(element):
            myList = element
            myList = [element]
        return myList
    def __makeList__(self,element):

        if isStringLike(element):
            myList = [element]
        elif canLoopOver(element):
            myList = element
            myList = [element]
        return myList
    def __defaultSubtitle__(self, titleAttr):
        """ compose the subtitle according to the given titleAttr. """

        if isStringLike(titleAttr):  ## a string
            return titleAttr
        elif canLoopOver(titleAttr):  ## a list
            return self.__defaultSubtitle__(titleAttr[0])
        elif inspect.isfunction(
                titleAttr):  ## other things: function, object ...
            return 'user function %s' % titleAttr.__name__
    def __defaultSubtitle__(self,titleAttr):

        """ compose the subtitle according to the given titleAttr. """

        if isStringLike(titleAttr):  ## a string
            return titleAttr
        elif canLoopOver(titleAttr): ## a list
            return self.__defaultSubtitle__(titleAttr[0])
        elif inspect.isfunction(titleAttr): ## other things: function, object ...
            return 'user function %s' % titleAttr.__name__
def __makeJobInfo__(job, attrNameList):
    '''make complete jobinfo according to the given list of job attributs'''

    jobInfo = []
    for attrName in attrNameList:
            if isStringLike(attrName):
                attrValue, attrClass = __getJobAttribute__(job, attrName)
                attrValue, attrClass = attrName(job), None
        except Exception as x:
            logger.warning('Ignoring job %d: %s' % (job.id, str(x)))

    return jobInfo
def __makeJobInfo__(job,attrNameList):

    '''make complete jobinfo according to the given list of job attributs'''

    jobInfo = []
    for attrName in attrNameList:
            if isStringLike(attrName):
                attrValue, attrClass = __getJobAttribute__(job,attrName)
                attrValue, attrClass = attrName(job), None
        except Exception as x:
            logger.warning('Ignoring job %d: %s'%(job.id,str(x)))

    return jobInfo 
    def getPackagePath2(self, name, var, force=False):
        """ Return a path to the package for specified environment variable.
        For example: _getPackagePath('x','LD_LIBRARY_PATH') returns a LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the package (if defined).
        The value may be a string or a list of strings - in the later case the individual path components will
        be separated by colons (':').
        If the path is not defined (see getPackagePath()) then return an empty string.
        import os
        path, tarball = self.getPackagePath(name, force)
        if path and var in self.packages[name]:
            from Ganga.Utility.util import isStringLike

            ppath = self.packages[name][var]

            if isStringLike(ppath):
                ppath = [ppath]

            return ':'.join(map(lambda p: os.path.join(path, p), ppath))

# for p in ppath:
##                 result += os.path.join(path,p)
# return result
            return ''
    def histogram(self, jobs, attr, **keywords):
        The plotter's interface for generating one or multiple histograms in one chart.

            >>> plotter.histogram(jobs,attr,**keywords)

            Generate a histogram catogorized by the attr among the given jobs.

        required arguments:
            jobs: A GANGA's job table

            attr: A string or a user defined function, the corresponding value of which
                  will be extracted from the given jobs to generate the histogram.

        optional arguments:
            colormap: A list of values representing the colors that will be picked to
                      paint the histogram bars. The supported description of color can be found
                      at http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/matplotlib.pylab.html#-colors

           normalize: Sets if doing histogram normalization. Default is "False"

             numbins: Sets the number of bins in the histogram. Default is 50

               title: A string specifying the title of the histogram.

              xlabel: A string specifying the xlabel of the histogram.

               label: A string specifying the lable of the histogram displayed on the legend.

                xmin: A number specifying the lower bound of the histogram range.
                xmax: A number specifying the upper bound of the histogram range.

              output: A name of file where the pie chart plot will be exported. The format
                      is auto-determinated by the extension of the given name.

            dataproc: An user-defined function which will be applied to process the value
                      of attr before plotting the histogram.

                deep: Sets if looping over all the subjob levels. Default is "True"

        # default keyword arguments
        subtitle = self.__defaultSubtitle__(attr)  # default subtitle
        xlabel = self.__defaultSubtitle__(attr)  # default xlabel
        label = self.__defaultSubtitle__(attr)  # default label
        colormap = None  # colormap
        output = None  # the output file of the picture
        attrext = None  # trigger the build-in data processing function
        dataproc = None  # function for data processing (cannot work together with 'attrext')
        deep = True  # deep looping over all the subjob levels
        normalize = False  # histogram normalization
        numbins = 50  # number of bins in the histogram
        xmin = -1  # lower bound of the histogram
        xmax = -1  # upper bound of the histogram

        # update keyword arguments with the given values
        if 'title' in keywords: subtitle = keywords['title']
        if 'colormap' in keywords: colormap = keywords['colormap']
        if 'xlabel' in keywords: xlabel = keywords['xlabel']
        if 'label' in keywords: label = keywords['label']
        if 'output' in keywords: output = keywords['output']
        if 'dataproc' in keywords: dataproc = keywords['dataproc']
        if 'deep' in keywords: deep = keywords['deep']
        if 'normalize' in keywords: normalize = keywords['normalize']
        if 'numbins' in keywords: numbins = keywords['numbins']
        if 'xmin' in keywords: xmin = keywords['xmin']
        if 'xmax' in keywords: xmax = keywords['xmax']

        jlist = []
        for j in jobs:

        attr_spec = self.__makeList__(attr)

        logger.debug('attribute specification: %s' % repr(attr_spec))

        # special build-in dataprocs for the CE-based pie chart
        dataproc = self.__setDataProcessor__(attr, attrext, dataproc)
        dataTable = getJobInfoTable(jlist, attr_spec, deep)

        logger.debug('internal data table: %s' % repr(dataTable))

        # make the plot title
        title = __makePlotTitle__(len(dataTable[1:]), deep, subtitle)

        pltColIdList = range(len(dataTable[0]))

        if not canLoopOver(dataproc):
            dataproc = len(dataTable[0]) * [dataproc]
        elif len(dataproc) != len(dataTable[0]):
                'dataproc requires a list with %d elements, %d are given' %
                (len(dataTable[0]), len(dataproc)))
            return False

        if (not canLoopOver(label)) or (isStringLike(label)):
            label = len(dataTable[0]) * [label]
        elif len(label) != len(dataTable[0]):
                'label requires a list with %d elements, %d are given' %
                (len(dataTable[0]), len(label)))
            return False

        # make the plot
        self.__makeMultiHistograms__(dataTable,pltColIdList=pltColIdList,pltDataProcList=dataproc,pltLabelList=label, \
                                     pltTitle=title,pltNumBins=numbins,pltRange=(xmin,xmax), pltXLabel=xlabel, \
                                     pltColorMap=colormap,pltNormalize=normalize, \
    def histogram(self,jobs,attr,**keywords):

        The plotter's interface for generating one or multiple histograms in one chart.

            >>> plotter.histogram(jobs,attr,**keywords)

            Generate a histogram catogorized by the attr among the given jobs.

        required arguments:
            jobs: A GANGA's job table

            attr: A string or a user defined function, the corresponding value of which
                  will be extracted from the given jobs to generate the histogram.

        optional arguments:
            colormap: A list of values representing the colors that will be picked to
                      paint the histogram bars. The supported description of color can be found
                      at http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/matplotlib.pylab.html#-colors

           normalize: Sets if doing histogram normalization. Default is "False"

             numbins: Sets the number of bins in the histogram. Default is 50

               title: A string specifying the title of the histogram.

              xlabel: A string specifying the xlabel of the histogram.

               label: A string specifying the lable of the histogram displayed on the legend.

                xmin: A number specifying the lower bound of the histogram range.
                xmax: A number specifying the upper bound of the histogram range.

              output: A name of file where the pie chart plot will be exported. The format
                      is auto-determinated by the extension of the given name.

            dataproc: An user-defined function which will be applied to process the value
                      of attr before plotting the histogram.

                deep: Sets if looping over all the subjob levels. Default is "True"

        # default keyword arguments
        subtitle  = self.__defaultSubtitle__(attr)       # default subtitle
        xlabel    = self.__defaultSubtitle__(attr)       # default xlabel
        label     = self.__defaultSubtitle__(attr)       # default label
        colormap  = None        # colormap
        output    = None        # the output file of the picture
        attrext   = None        # trigger the build-in data processing function
        dataproc  = None        # function for data processing (cannot work together with 'attrext')
        deep      = True        # deep looping over all the subjob levels
        normalize = False       # histogram normalization
        numbins   = 50          # number of bins in the histogram
        xmin      = -1          # lower bound of the histogram 
        xmax      = -1          # upper bound of the histogram

        # update keyword arguments with the given values
        if 'title' in keywords:    subtitle  = keywords['title']
        if 'colormap' in keywords: colormap  = keywords['colormap']
        if 'xlabel' in keywords:    xlabel   = keywords['xlabel']
        if 'label' in keywords:     label    = keywords['label']
        if 'output' in keywords:   output    = keywords['output']
        if 'dataproc' in keywords: dataproc  = keywords['dataproc']
        if 'deep' in keywords:       deep    = keywords['deep']
        if 'normalize' in keywords: normalize= keywords['normalize']
        if 'numbins' in keywords:   numbins  = keywords['numbins']
        if 'xmin' in keywords:      xmin     = keywords['xmin']
        if 'xmax' in keywords:      xmax     = keywords['xmax']

        jlist = []
        for j in jobs:

        attr_spec = self.__makeList__(attr)

        logger.debug('attribute specification: %s' % repr(attr_spec))

        # special build-in dataprocs for the CE-based pie chart
        dataproc  = self.__setDataProcessor__(attr,attrext,dataproc)
        dataTable = getJobInfoTable(jlist,attr_spec,deep)

        logger.debug('internal data table: %s' % repr(dataTable))

        # make the plot title
        title = __makePlotTitle__(len(dataTable[1:]),deep,subtitle)

        pltColIdList = range(len(dataTable[0]))

        if not canLoopOver(dataproc):
            dataproc = len( dataTable[0] ) * [dataproc]
        elif len(dataproc) != len(dataTable[0]):
            logger.error('dataproc requires a list with %d elements, %d are given' % (len(dataTable[0]),len(dataproc)) )
            return False

        if (not canLoopOver(label)) or (isStringLike(label)):
            label = len( dataTable[0] ) * [label]
        elif len(label) != len(dataTable[0]):
            logger.error('label requires a list with %d elements, %d are given' % (len(dataTable[0]), len(label)) )
            return False

        # make the plot
        self.__makeMultiHistograms__(dataTable,pltColIdList=pltColIdList,pltDataProcList=dataproc,pltLabelList=label, \
                                     pltTitle=title,pltNumBins=numbins,pltRange=(xmin,xmax), pltXLabel=xlabel, \
                                     pltColorMap=colormap,pltNormalize=normalize, \