def __handle_access_violation(t, v, tb): if t != gmExceptions.AccessDenied: return False _log2.error('access permissions violation detected') wx.EndBusyCursor() gmLog2.flush() txt = u' ' + v.errmsg if v.source is not None: txt += _('\n Source: %s') % v.source if v.code is not None: txt += _('\n Code: %s') % v.code if v.details is not None: txt += _('\n Details (first 250 characters):\n%s\n%s\n%s') % ( u_box_horiz_single * 50, v.details[:250], u_box_horiz_single * 50 ) gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error ( aTitle = _('Access violation'), aMessage = _( 'You do not have access to this part of GNUmed.\n' '\n' '%s' ) % txt ) return True
def __handle_access_violation(t, v, tb): if t != gmExceptions.AccessDenied: return False _log.error('access permissions violation detected') wx.EndBusyCursor() gmLog2.flush() txt = ' ' + v.errmsg if v.source is not None: txt += _('\n Source: %s') % v.source if v.code is not None: txt += _('\n Code: %s') % v.code if v.details is not None: txt += _('\n Details (first 250 characters):\n%s\n%s\n%s') % ( u_box_horiz_single * 50, v.details[:250], u_box_horiz_single * 50 ) gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error ( aTitle = _('Access violation'), aMessage = _( 'You do not have access to this part of GNUmed.\n' '\n' '%s' ) % txt ) return True
def handle_uncaught_exception_wx(t, v, tb): _log2.debug('unhandled exception caught:', exc_info = (t, v, tb)) if __handle_ctrl_c(t, v, tb): return if __handle_exceptions_on_shutdown(t, v, tb): return if __ignore_dead_objects_from_async(t, v, tb): return if __handle_import_error(t, v, tb): return if __handle_access_violation(t, v, tb): return # other exceptions _cfg = gmCfg2.gmCfgData() if _cfg.get(option = 'debug') is False: _log2.error('enabling debug mode') _cfg.set_option(option = 'debug', value = True) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _log2.debug('unhandled exception caught:', exc_info = (t, v, tb)) if __handle_lost_db_connection(t, v, tb): return gmLog2.log_stack_trace(None, t, v, tb) # only do this here or else we can invalidate the stack trace # by Windows throwing an exception ... |-( # careful: MSW does reference counting on Begin/End* :-( wx.EndBusyCursor() name = os.path.basename(_logfile_name) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) new_name = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join ( '~', '.gnumed', 'error_logs', '%s_%s%s' % (name,'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), ext) )) dlg = cUnhandledExceptionDlg(parent = None, id = -1, exception = (t, v, tb), logfile = new_name) dlg.ShowModal() comment = dlg._TCTRL_comment.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if (comment is not None) and (comment.strip() != u''): _log2.error(u'user comment: %s', comment.strip()) _log2.warning('syncing log file for backup to [%s]', new_name) gmLog2.flush() # keep a copy around shutil.copy2(_logfile_name, new_name)
def handle_uncaught_exception_wx(t, v, tb): _log2.debug("unhandled exception caught:", exc_info=(t, v, tb)) if __handle_ctrl_c(t, v, tb): return if __handle_exceptions_on_shutdown(t, v, tb): return if __ignore_dead_objects_from_async(t, v, tb): return if __handle_import_error(t, v, tb): return if __handle_access_violation(t, v, tb): return # other exceptions _cfg = gmCfg2.gmCfgData() if _cfg.get(option="debug") is False: _log2.error("enabling debug mode") _cfg.set_option(option="debug", value=True) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _log2.debug("unhandled exception caught:", exc_info=(t, v, tb)) if __handle_lost_db_connection(t, v, tb): return gmLog2.log_stack_trace(None, t, v, tb) # only do this here or else we can invalidate the stack trace # by Windows throwing an exception ... |-( # careful: MSW does reference counting on Begin/End* :-( wx.EndBusyCursor() name = os.path.basename(_logfile_name) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) new_name = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join( "~", ".gnumed", "error_logs", "%s_%s%s" % (name,"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"), ext) ) ) dlg = cUnhandledExceptionDlg(parent=None, id=-1, exception=(t, v, tb), logfile=new_name) dlg.ShowModal() comment = dlg._TCTRL_comment.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if (comment is not None) and (comment.strip() != u""): _log2.error(u"user comment: %s", comment.strip()) _log2.warning("syncing log file for backup to [%s]", new_name) gmLog2.flush() # keep a copy around shutil.copy2(_logfile_name, new_name)
def __handle_lost_db_connection(t, v, tb): if t not in [gmPG2.dbapi.OperationalError, gmPG2.dbapi.InterfaceError]: return False try: msg = gmPG2.extract_msg_from_pg_exception(exc = v) except: msg = u'cannot extract message from PostgreSQL exception' print msg print v return False conn_lost = False if t == gmPG2.dbapi.OperationalError: conn_lost = ( ('erver' in msg) and ( ('term' in msg) or ('abnorm' in msg) or ('end' in msg) or ('oute' in msg) ) ) if t == gmPG2.dbapi.InterfaceError: conn_lost = ( ('onnect' in msg) and (('close' in msg) or ('end' in msg)) ) if not conn_lost: return False gmLog2.log_stack_trace('lost connection', t, v, tb) wx.EndBusyCursor() gmLog2.flush() gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error ( aTitle = _('Lost connection'), aMessage = _( 'Since you were last working in GNUmed,\n' 'your database connection timed out.\n' '\n' 'This GNUmed session is now expired.\n' '\n' 'You will have to close this client and\n' 'restart a new GNUmed session.' ) ) return True
def _on_close_gnumed_button_pressed(self, evt): comment = self._TCTRL_comment.GetValue() if (comment is not None) and (comment.strip() != ''): _log.error('user comment: %s', comment.strip()) _log.warning('syncing log file for backup to [%s]', self.logfile) gmLog2.flush() try: shutil.copy2(_logfile_name, self.logfile) except IOError: _log.error('cannot backup log file') top_win = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() wx.CallAfter(top_win.Close) evt.Skip()
def _on_close_gnumed_button_pressed(self, evt): evt.Skip() comment = self._TCTRL_comment.GetValue() if (comment is not None) and (comment.strip() != ''): _log.error('user comment: %s', comment.strip()) _log.warning('syncing log file for backup to [%s]', self.logfile) gmLog2.flush() try: shutil.copy2(_logfile_name, self.logfile) except IOError: _log.error('cannot backup log file') top_win = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() wx.CallAfter(top_win.Close)
def __handle_lost_db_connection(t, v, tb): if not gmPG2.exception_is_connection_loss(v): return False gmPG2.log_pg_exception_details(v) gmLog2.log_stack_trace('lost connection', t, v, tb) wx.EndBusyCursor() gmLog2.flush() gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error(aTitle=_('Lost connection'), aMessage=_( 'Since you were last working in GNUmed,\n' 'your database connection timed out.\n' '\n' 'This GNUmed session is now expired.\n' '\n' 'You will have to close this client and\n' 'restart a new GNUmed session.')) return True
def __handle_lost_db_connection(t, v, tb): if t not in [gmPG2.dbapi.OperationalError, gmPG2.dbapi.InterfaceError]: return False try: msg = gmPG2.extract_msg_from_pg_exception(exc=v) except: msg = u"cannot extract message from PostgreSQL exception" print msg print v return False conn_lost = False if t == gmPG2.dbapi.OperationalError: conn_lost = ("erver" in msg) and (("term" in msg) or ("abnorm" in msg) or ("end" in msg) or ("oute" in msg)) if t == gmPG2.dbapi.InterfaceError: conn_lost = ("onnect" in msg) and (("close" in msg) or ("end" in msg)) if not conn_lost: return False gmLog2.log_stack_trace("lost connection", t, v, tb) wx.EndBusyCursor() gmLog2.flush() gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error( aTitle=_("Lost connection"), aMessage=_( "Since you were last working in GNUmed,\n" "your database connection timed out.\n" "\n" "This GNUmed session is now expired.\n" "\n" "You will have to close this client and\n" "restart a new GNUmed session." ), ) return True
def __handle_lost_db_connection(t, v, tb): if not gmPG2.exception_is_connection_loss(v): return False gmPG2.log_pg_exception_details(v) gmLog2.log_stack_trace('lost connection', t, v, tb) wx.EndBusyCursor() gmLog2.flush() gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error ( aTitle = _('Lost connection'), aMessage = _( 'Since you were last working in GNUmed,\n' 'your database connection timed out.\n' '\n' 'This GNUmed session is now expired.\n' '\n' 'You will have to close this client and\n' 'restart a new GNUmed session.' ) ) return True
def _on_view_log_button_pressed(self, evt): from Gnumed.pycommon import gmMimeLib gmLog2.flush() gmMimeLib.call_viewer_on_file(_logfile_name, block = False) evt.Skip()
def mail_log(parent=None, comment=None, helpdesk=None, sender=None): if (comment is None) or (comment.strip() == ''): comment = wx.GetTextFromUser ( message = _( 'Please enter a short note on what you\n' 'were about to do in GNUmed:' ), caption = _('Sending bug report'), parent = parent ) if comment.strip() == '': comment = '<user did not comment on bug report>' receivers = [] if helpdesk is not None: receivers = regex.findall ( '[\S]+@[\S]+', helpdesk.strip(), flags = regex.UNICODE ) if len(receivers) == 0: if _is_public_database: receivers = ['*****@*****.**'] receiver_string = wx.GetTextFromUser ( message = _( 'Edit the list of email addresses to send the\n' 'bug report to (separate addresses by spaces).\n' '\n' 'Note that <*****@*****.**> refers to\n' 'the public (!) GNUmed bugs mailing list.' ), caption = _('Sending bug report'), default_value = ','.join(receivers), parent = parent ) if receiver_string.strip() == '': return receivers = regex.findall ( '[\S]+@[\S]+', receiver_string, flags = regex.UNICODE ) dlg = gmGuiHelpers.c2ButtonQuestionDlg ( parent, -1, caption = _('Sending bug report'), question = _( 'Your bug report will be sent to:\n' '\n' '%s\n' '\n' 'Make sure you have reviewed the log file for potentially\n' 'sensitive information before sending out the bug report.\n' '\n' 'Note that emailing the report may take a while depending\n' 'on the speed of your internet connection.\n' ) % '\n'.join(receivers), button_defs = [ {'label': _('Send report'), 'tooltip': _('Yes, send the bug report.')}, {'label': _('Cancel'), 'tooltip': _('No, do not send the bug report.')} ], show_checkbox = True, checkbox_msg = _('include log file in bug report') ) dlg._CHBOX_dont_ask_again.SetValue(_is_public_database) go_ahead = dlg.ShowModal() if go_ahead == wx.ID_NO: dlg.DestroyLater() return include_log = dlg._CHBOX_dont_ask_again.GetValue() if not _is_public_database: if include_log: result = gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_question ( _( 'The database you are connected to is marked as\n' '"in-production with controlled access".\n' '\n' 'You indicated that you want to include the log\n' 'file in your bug report. While this is often\n' 'useful for debugging the log file might contain\n' 'bits of patient data which must not be sent out\n' 'without de-identification.\n' '\n' 'Please confirm that you want to include the log !' ), _('Sending bug report') ) include_log = (result is True) if sender is None: sender = _('<not supplied>') else: if sender.strip() == '': sender = _('<not supplied>') msg = """\ Report sent via GNUmed's handler for unexpected exceptions. user comment : %s client version: %s system account: %s staff member : %s sender email : %s # enable Launchpad bug tracking affects gnumed tag automatic-report importance medium """ % (comment, _client_version, _local_account, _staff_name, sender) if include_log: _log.error(comment) _log.warning('syncing log file for emailing') gmLog2.flush() attachments = [ [_logfile_name, 'text/plain', 'quoted-printable'] ] else: attachments = None dlg.DestroyLater() wx.BeginBusyCursor() _cfg = gmCfg2.gmCfgData() try: gmNetworkTools.compose_and_send_email ( sender = '%s <%s>' % (_staff_name, gmNetworkTools.default_mail_sender), receiver = receivers, subject = '<bug>: %s' % comment, message = msg, server = gmNetworkTools.default_mail_server, auth = {'user': gmNetworkTools.default_mail_sender, 'password': '******'}, debug = _cfg.get(option = 'debug'), attachments = attachments ) gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg = _('Bug report has been emailed.')) except: _log.exception('cannot send bug report') gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg = _('Bug report COULD NOT be emailed.')) wx.EndBusyCursor()
def _on_view_log_button_pressed(self, evt): evt.Skip() from Gnumed.pycommon import gmMimeLib gmLog2.flush() gmMimeLib.call_viewer_on_file(_logfile_name, block=False)
def mail_log(parent=None, comment=None, helpdesk=None, sender=None): if (comment is None) or (comment.strip() == ''): comment = wx.GetTextFromUser(message=_( 'Please enter a short note on what you\n' 'were about to do in GNUmed:'), caption=_('Sending bug report'), parent=parent) if comment.strip() == '': comment = '<user did not comment on bug report>' receivers = [] if helpdesk is not None: receivers = regex.findall('[\S]+@[\S]+', helpdesk.strip(), flags=regex.UNICODE) if len(receivers) == 0: if _is_public_database: receivers = ['*****@*****.**'] receiver_string = wx.GetTextFromUser(message=_( 'Edit the list of email addresses to send the\n' 'bug report to (separate addresses by spaces).\n' '\n' 'Note that <*****@*****.**> refers to\n' 'the public (!) GNUmed bugs mailing list.'), caption=_('Sending bug report'), default_value=','.join(receivers), parent=parent) if receiver_string.strip() == '': return receivers = regex.findall('[\S]+@[\S]+', receiver_string, flags=regex.UNICODE) dlg = gmGuiHelpers.c2ButtonQuestionDlg( parent, -1, caption=_('Sending bug report'), question=_('Your bug report will be sent to:\n' '\n' '%s\n' '\n' 'Make sure you have reviewed the log file for potentially\n' 'sensitive information before sending out the bug report.\n' '\n' 'Note that emailing the report may take a while depending\n' 'on the speed of your internet connection.\n') % '\n'.join(receivers), button_defs=[{ 'label': _('Send report'), 'tooltip': _('Yes, send the bug report.') }, { 'label': _('Cancel'), 'tooltip': _('No, do not send the bug report.') }], show_checkbox=True, checkbox_msg=_('include log file in bug report')) dlg._CHBOX_dont_ask_again.SetValue(_is_public_database) go_ahead = dlg.ShowModal() if go_ahead == wx.ID_NO: dlg.DestroyLater() return include_log = dlg._CHBOX_dont_ask_again.GetValue() if not _is_public_database: if include_log: result = gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_question( _('The database you are connected to is marked as\n' '"in-production with controlled access".\n' '\n' 'You indicated that you want to include the log\n' 'file in your bug report. While this is often\n' 'useful for debugging the log file might contain\n' 'bits of patient data which must not be sent out\n' 'without de-identification.\n' '\n' 'Please confirm that you want to include the log !'), _('Sending bug report')) include_log = (result is True) if sender is None: sender = _('<not supplied>') else: if sender.strip() == '': sender = _('<not supplied>') msg = """\ Report sent via GNUmed's handler for unexpected exceptions. user comment : %s client version: %s system account: %s staff member : %s sender email : %s # enable Launchpad bug tracking affects gnumed tag automatic-report importance medium """ % (comment, _client_version, _local_account, _staff_name, sender) if include_log: _log.error(comment) _log.warning('syncing log file for emailing') gmLog2.flush() attachments = [[_logfile_name, 'text/plain', 'quoted-printable']] else: attachments = None dlg.DestroyLater() wx.BeginBusyCursor() _cfg = gmCfg2.gmCfgData() try: gmNetworkTools.compose_and_send_email( sender='%s <%s>' % (_staff_name, gmNetworkTools.default_mail_sender), receiver=receivers, subject='<bug>: %s' % comment, message=msg, server=gmNetworkTools.default_mail_server, auth={ 'user': gmNetworkTools.default_mail_sender, 'password': '******' }, debug=_cfg.get(option='debug'), attachments=attachments) gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('Bug report has been emailed.')) except: _log.exception('cannot send bug report') gmDispatcher.send(signal='statustext', msg=_('Bug report COULD NOT be emailed.')) wx.EndBusyCursor()
def mail_log(parent=None, comment=None, helpdesk=None, sender=None): if (comment is None) or (comment.strip() == u""): comment = wx.GetTextFromUser( message=_("Please enter a short note on what you\n" "were about to do in GNUmed:"), caption=_("Sending bug report"), parent=parent, ) if comment.strip() == u"": comment = u"<user did not comment on bug report>" receivers = [] if helpdesk is not None: receivers = regex.findall("[\S]+@[\S]+", helpdesk.strip(), flags=regex.UNICODE | regex.LOCALE) if len(receivers) == 0: if _is_public_database: receivers = [u"*****@*****.**"] receiver_string = wx.GetTextFromUser( message=_( "Edit the list of email addresses to send the\n" "bug report to (separate addresses by spaces).\n" "\n" "Note that <*****@*****.**> refers to\n" "the public (!) GNUmed bugs mailing list." ), caption=_("Sending bug report"), default_value=",".join(receivers), parent=parent, ) if receiver_string.strip() == u"": return receivers = regex.findall("[\S]+@[\S]+", receiver_string, flags=regex.UNICODE | regex.LOCALE) dlg = gmGuiHelpers.c2ButtonQuestionDlg( parent, -1, caption=_("Sending bug report"), question=_( "Your bug report will be sent to:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Make sure you have reviewed the log file for potentially\n" "sensitive information before sending out the bug report.\n" "\n" "Note that emailing the report may take a while depending\n" "on the speed of your internet connection.\n" ) % u"\n".join(receivers), button_defs=[ {"label": _("Send report"), "tooltip": _("Yes, send the bug report.")}, {"label": _("Cancel"), "tooltip": _("No, do not send the bug report.")}, ], show_checkbox=True, checkbox_msg=_("include log file in bug report"), ) dlg._CHBOX_dont_ask_again.SetValue(_is_public_database) go_ahead = dlg.ShowModal() if go_ahead == wx.ID_NO: dlg.Destroy() return include_log = dlg._CHBOX_dont_ask_again.GetValue() if not _is_public_database: if include_log: result = gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_question( _( "The database you are connected to is marked as\n" '"in-production with controlled access".\n' "\n" "You indicated that you want to include the log\n" "file in your bug report. While this is often\n" "useful for debugging the log file might contain\n" "bits of patient data which must not be sent out\n" "without de-identification.\n" "\n" "Please confirm that you want to include the log !" ), _("Sending bug report"), ) include_log = result is True if sender is None: sender = _("<not supplied>") else: if sender.strip() == u"": sender = _("<not supplied>") msg = u"""\ Report sent via GNUmed's handler for unexpected exceptions. user comment : %s client version: %s system account: %s staff member : %s sender email : %s # enable Launchpad bug tracking affects gnumed tag automatic-report importance medium """ % ( comment, _client_version, _local_account, _staff_name, sender, ) if include_log: _log2.error(comment) _log2.warning("syncing log file for emailing") gmLog2.flush() attachments = [[_logfile_name, "text/plain", "quoted-printable"]] else: attachments = None dlg.Destroy() wx.BeginBusyCursor() try: gmNetworkTools.send_mail( sender="%s <%s>" % (_staff_name, gmNetworkTools.default_mail_sender), receiver=receivers, subject=u"<bug>: %s" % comment, message=msg, encoding=gmI18N.get_encoding(), server=gmNetworkTools.default_mail_server, auth={"user": gmNetworkTools.default_mail_sender, "password": u"gnumed-at-gmx-net"}, attachments=attachments, ) gmDispatcher.send(signal="statustext", msg=_("Bug report has been emailed.")) except: _log2.exception("cannot send bug report") gmDispatcher.send(signal="statustext", msg=_("Bug report COULD NOT be emailed.")) wx.EndBusyCursor()