def shardProc(dummy, shard_id, dataset_split, dataset_mix, numShards, dsQueue, itemType, isRemoveBG=False, fileListIn=None): if dataset_mix == datasetMix.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: dsCurr = datasetHo3dMultiCamera('', 0, isRemoveBG=isRemoveBG, fileListIn=fileListIn) else: raise NotImplementedError num_images = dsCurr.getNumFiles() num_per_shard = int(np.ceil(float(num_images) / float(numShards))) start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) dsCurr.setStartEndFiles(start_idx, end_idx) print('Launching thread %d' % (shard_id)) for i in range(end_idx - start_idx): _, ds = dsCurr.createTFExample(itemType=itemType) dsQueue.put(ds)
def dataGen(w, h): configFile = join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq, 'configs/configHandPose.json') with open(configFile) as config_file: data = yaml.safe_load(config_file) base_dir = os.path.join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq) objAliasLabelList = [] objLabel = data['objLabel'] if 'camID' in data: camID = data['camID'] else: camID = None camera_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'camera') # raw_seg_folder = os.path.join(base_dir, 'hand_only', 'mask') raw_seg_folder = os.path.join(base_dir, 'segmentation', 'raw_seg_results') handSegDir = os.path.join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq, 'segmentation', FLAGS.camID, 'raw_seg_results') if useAutoInit: if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: autoInitDir = join(base_dir, 'handInit', camID, 'globalFit') elif datasetName == datasetType.HO3D: autoInitDir = join(base_dir, 'handInit', 'globalFit') else: raise NotImplementedError files = os.listdir(autoInitDir) files = [f[:-7] for f in files if 'pickle' in f] fileTuple = {f: np.sum(cv2.imread(join(base_dir, 'segmentation', camID, 'raw_seg_results', f + '.png'))==objLabel) for f in files} sorted_files = sorted(fileTuple.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True) files = [f[0] for f in sorted_files] # files = sorted(files) files = files[:numAutoInitFiles] files = files if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: dataset = datasetHo3dMultiCamera(FLAGS.seq, FLAGS.camID) # w = 640 // dscale # h = 480 // dscale frameIDList = [] handObjMaskList = [] handObjDepthList = [] handObjImgList = [] maskList = [] for file in files: if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D: imgName = os.path.join(camera_dir, 'color_' + file) dptName = os.path.join(camera_dir, 'depth_' + file) segName = os.path.join(raw_seg_folder, 'color_' + file) segHandName = os.path.join(raw_seg_folder, 'color_' + file) img = cv2.imread(imgName)[:, :, [2,1,0]] dpt = cv2.imread(dptName)[:, :, [2,1,0]] seg = cv2.imread(segName)[:, :, 0] segH = cv2.imread(segHandName)[:, :, 0] frameIDList.append(file[:-4]) elif datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: seq = base_dir.split('/')[-1] _, ds = dataset.createTFExample(itemType='hand', fileIn=join(seq, camID, file)) img = ds.imgRaw[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] dpt = ds.depth # reading the seg from file because the seg in ds has no objAliasLabel info seg = cv2.imread(join(base_dir, 'segmentation', camID, 'raw_seg_results', file + '.png'))[:, :, 0] segH = cv2.imread(join(handSegDir, file + '.png'))[:,:,0] assert seg.shape == segH.shape segH[segH == 255] = handLabel frameIDList.append(file) else: raise NotImplementedError dpt = dpt[:, :, 0] + dpt[:, :, 1] * 256 dpt = dpt * depthScale dptMask = np.logical_or(dpt > 0.75, dpt == 0.0) dpt[dptMask] = bgDepth seg[dptMask] = 0 segH[dptMask] = 0 seg[segH == handLabel] = handLabel # because object segmetation is not accurate always, might say hand is part of object for alias in objAliasLabelList: seg[seg == alias] = objLabel objMask = (seg == objLabel) handMask = (segH == handLabel) objImg = img * np.expand_dims(objMask, 2) handImg = img * np.expand_dims(handMask, 2) objDepth = dpt * objMask objDepth[np.logical_not(objMask)] = bgDepth handDepth = dpt * handMask handDepth[np.logical_not(handMask)] = bgDepth # handDepth = handDepth*np.logical_or(handMask,objMask) # handDepth[np.logical_not(np.logical_or(handMask,objMask))] = bgDepth handMask = np.stack([handMask, handMask, handMask], axis=2).astype(np.float32) * handSegColor objMask = np.stack([objMask, objMask, objMask], axis=2).astype(np.float32) * objSegColor handObjMask = handMask + objMask handObjDepth = dpt * (np.sum(handObjMask, 2)>0).astype(np.float32) handObjDepth[np.sum(handObjMask, 2)==0] = bgDepth handObjImg = img #* np.expand_dims((np.sum(handObjMask, 2)>0).astype(np.float32), 2) mask = np.logical_not(np.zeros_like(objMask, dtype=np.bool)) handObjDepth = cv2.resize(handObjDepth, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handObjMask = cv2.resize(handObjMask, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) mask = cv2.resize(mask.astype(np.float32), (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handObjImg = cv2.resize(handObjImg, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) handObjMaskList.append(handObjMask) handObjDepth = np.stack([handObjDepth, handObjDepth, handObjDepth], axis=2) handObjDepthList.append(handObjDepth) maskList.append(mask) handObjImg = handObjImg.astype(np.float32)/255.#np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float32) handObjImgList.append(handObjImg) # realObservs = observables(frameID=file[:-4], seg=handMask, depth=handDepth, col=None, mask=mask, isReal=True) yield (np.stack(frameIDList,0), np.stack(handObjMaskList,0), np.stack(handObjDepthList,0), np.stack(handObjImgList,0), np.stack(maskList,0))
def getJointsVisAndRend(fileList, camMat, hoPoseDir, objModelPath, camTransMat=np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32), w=640, h=480, addBG=True, addObject=True): # camInd = cam2Ind # camTransMat = np.linalg.inv(camPose12) # python renderer for rendering object texture pyRend = renderScene(h, w) if addObject: pyRend.addObjectFromMeshFile(objModelPath, 'obj') pyRend.addCamera() pyRend.creatcamProjMat([camMat[0, 0], camMat[1, 1]], [camMat[0, 2], camMat[1, 2]], 0.001, 2.0) bg = cv2.imread('/home/shreyas/Desktop/checkCrop.jpg') bg = cv2.resize(bg, (w, h)) bg = np.zeros_like(bg) + 255 numImgs = len(fileList) rendImgs = np.zeros((numImgs, h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) jointVisImgs = np.zeros((numImgs, h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) dataset = datasetHo3dMultiCamera(splitType.TEST, fileListIn=fileList) for cntr, f in enumerate(fileList): fileID = f.split('/')[-1] _, ds = dataset.createTFExample() img1 = ds.imgRaw poseData = gutils.loadPickleData(join(hoPoseDir, fileID + '.pkl')) # superimpose joints on image coordChangMat = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0.], [0., 0., -1.]]) handJoints3DHomo = np.concatenate([ np.squeeze(poseData['JTransformed']), np.ones((21, 1), dtype=np.float32) ], axis=1).T handJointProj = \ cv2.projectPoints([:3,:]).T, np.zeros((3,)), np.zeros((3,)), camMat, np.zeros((4,)))[0][:, 0, :] img1Joints = gutils.showHandJoints( img1.copy(), np.round(handJointProj[gutils.jointsMapManoToObman]).astype( np.int32), estIn=None, filename=None, upscale=1, lineThickness=2) objCorners3DHomo = np.concatenate([ np.squeeze(poseData['objCornersTransormed']), np.ones((8, 1), dtype=np.float32) ], axis=1).T objCornersProj = \ cv2.projectPoints([:3,:]).T, np.zeros((3,)), np.zeros((3,)), camMat, np.zeros((4,)))[0][:, 0, :] img1Joints = gutils.showObjJoints(img1Joints, objCornersProj, lineThickness=2) # render the synthetic image if addObject: poseMat = np.concatenate([ cv2.Rodrigues(poseData['rotObj'])[0], np.reshape(poseData['transObj'], [3, 1]) ], axis=1) poseMat = np.concatenate( [poseMat, np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])], axis=0) pyRend.setObjectPose('obj', if poseData['fullpose'].shape == (16, 3, 3): fullpose = gutils.convertFullposeMatToVec(poseData['fullpose']) else: fullpose = poseData['fullpose'] # fullpose[5] = 0.8 # fullpose[12] = -1.6 # fullpose[14] = 0.4 # fullpose[23] = 0.8 # poseData['trans'][2] = poseData['trans'][2] + 0.05 # fullpose[32] = 0.8 _, handMesh = gutils.forwardKinematics(fullpose, poseData['trans'], poseData['beta']) handVertHomo = np.concatenate([ handMesh.r.copy(), np.ones((handMesh.r.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) ], axis=1).T pyRend.addObjectFromDict( { 'vertices':[:3, :].T, 'faces': handMesh.f.copy(), 'vertex_colors': getHandVertexCols()[:, [2, 1, 0]] }, 'hand') # add background cRend1, dRend1 = pyRend.render() pyRend.scene.remove_node(pyRend.nodesDict['hand']) if addBG: mask = (dRend1 == 0) mask = np.stack([mask, mask, mask], axis=2) cRend1 = bg * mask + cRend1 * (1 - mask) rendImgs[cntr] = cRend1.copy() jointVisImgs[cntr] = img1Joints # plt.imshow(img1Joints[:,:,[2,1,0]]) # print(f) return rendImgs, jointVisImgs
def dataGen(w, h, batchSize): with open(configFile) as config_file: data = yaml.safe_load(config_file) obj = data['obj'] objAliasLabelList = [] objLabel = data['objLabel'] startAt = data['startAt'] endAt = data['endAt'] skip = data['skip'] if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: files = os.listdir(join(base_dir, 'rgb', camID)) files = [FLAGS.seq + '/' + camID + '/' + f1[:-4] for f1 in files if 'png' in f1] files = sorted(files) fileListIn = sorted(files) dataset = datasetHo3dMultiCamera(FLAGS.seq, 0, fileListIn=fileListIn) if isinstance(startAt, str): for i, f in enumerate(files): if f.split('/')[-1] == startAt: break files = files[i::skip] # print(files) else: files = files[startAt:endAt:skip] else: raise NotImplementedError numBatches = len(files)//batchSize # w = 640 // dscale # h = 480 // dscale for i in range(numBatches): frameIDList = [] handObjMaskList = [] handObjDepthList = [] handObjImgList = [] maskList = [] currBatchFiles = files[i*batchSize:(i+1)*batchSize] for file in currBatchFiles: if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: seq = file.split('/')[0] camInd = file.split('/')[1] id = file.split('/')[2] _, ds = dataset.createTFExample(itemType='hand', fileIn=file) img = ds.imgRaw[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] dpt = ds.depth # reading the seg from file because the seg in ds has no objAliasLabel info seg = cv2.imread(join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, seq, 'segmentation', camInd, 'raw_seg_results', id + '.png'))[ :, :, 0] frameID = np.array([id]) else: raise NotImplementedError dpt = dpt[:, :, 0] + dpt[:, :, 1] * 256 dpt = dpt * depthScale dptMask = np.logical_or(dpt > DEPTH_THRESH, dpt == 0.0) dpt[dptMask] = bgDepth seg[dpt > DEPTH_THRESH] = 0 for alias in objAliasLabelList: seg[seg == alias] = objLabel objMask = (seg == objLabel) handMask = (seg == handLabel) objImg = img * np.expand_dims(objMask, 2) handImg = img * np.expand_dims(handMask, 2) objDepth = dpt * objMask objDepth[np.logical_not(objMask)] = bgDepth handDepth = dpt * handMask handDepth[np.logical_not(handMask)] = bgDepth # handDepth = handDepth*np.logical_or(handMask,objMask) # handDepth[np.logical_not(np.logical_or(handMask,objMask))] = bgDepth handMask = np.stack([handMask, handMask, handMask], axis=2).astype(np.float32) * handSegColor objMask = np.stack([objMask, objMask, objMask], axis=2).astype(np.float32) * objSegColor handObjMask = handMask + objMask handObjDepth = dpt * (np.sum(handObjMask, 2)>0).astype(np.float32) handObjDepth[np.sum(handObjMask, 2)==0] = bgDepth handObjImg = img #* np.expand_dims((np.sum(handObjMask, 2)>0).astype(np.float32), 2) mask = np.logical_not(np.zeros_like(objMask, dtype=np.bool)) handObjDepth = cv2.resize(handObjDepth, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handObjMask = cv2.resize(handObjMask, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) mask = cv2.resize(mask.astype(np.float32), (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handObjImg = cv2.resize(handObjImg, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) handObjMaskList.append(handObjMask) handObjDepth = np.stack([handObjDepth, handObjDepth, handObjDepth], axis=2) handObjDepthList.append(handObjDepth) maskList.append(mask) frameIDList.append(frameID[0]) handObjImg = handObjImg.astype(np.float32)/255.#np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float32) handObjImgList.append(handObjImg) # realObservs = observables(frameID=file[:-4], seg=handMask, depth=handDepth, col=None, mask=mask, isReal=True) yield (np.stack(frameIDList,0), np.stack(handObjMaskList,0), np.stack(handObjDepthList,0), np.stack(handObjImgList,0), np.stack(maskList,0))
def dataGen(w, h): with open(configFile) as config_file: data = yaml.safe_load(config_file) objAliasLabelList = [] objLabel = data['objLabel'] startAt = data['startAt'] endAt = data['endAt'] skip = data['skip'] if 'camID' in data: camID = data['camID'] else: camID = '0' handSegDir = os.path.join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq, 'segmentation', FLAGS.camID, 'raw_seg_results') if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: files = os.listdir(join(base_dir, 'rgb', camID)) files = [ FLAGS.seq + '/' + camID + '/' + f1[:-4] for f1 in files if 'png' in f1 ] files = sorted(files) fileListIn = sorted(files) dataset = datasetHo3dMultiCamera(FLAGS.seq, 0, fileListIn=fileListIn) if isinstance(startAt, str): for i, f in enumerate(files): if f.split('/')[-1] == startAt: break files = files[i::skip] # print(files) else: files = files[startAt:endAt + 1:skip] else: raise NotImplementedError for file in files: if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: seq = file.split('/')[0] camInd = file.split('/')[1] id = file.split('/')[2] _, ds = dataset.createTFExample(itemType='hand', fileIn=file) img = ds.imgRaw[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] dpt = ds.depth seg = cv2.imread( join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, seq, 'segmentation', camInd, 'raw_seg_results', id + '.png'))[:, :, 0] frameID = np.array([join(id)]) else: raise NotImplementedError dpt = dpt[:, :, 0] + dpt[:, :, 1] * 256 dpt = dpt * depthScale dptMask = np.logical_or(dpt > DEPTH_THRESH, dpt == 0.0) dpt[dptMask] = bgDepth seg[dpt > DEPTH_THRESH] = 0 objMask = (seg == objLabel) handMask = (seg == handLabel) objImg = img * np.expand_dims(objMask, 2) handImg = img * np.expand_dims(handMask, 2) objDepth = dpt * objMask objDepth[np.logical_not(objMask)] = bgDepth handDepth = dpt * handMask handDepth[np.logical_not(handMask)] = bgDepth handMask = np.stack([handMask, handMask, handMask], axis=2).astype( np.float32) * handSegColor objMask = np.stack([objMask, objMask, objMask], axis=2).astype( np.float32) * objSegColor handObjMask = handMask + objMask handObjDepth = dpt * (np.sum(handObjMask, 2) > 0).astype(np.float32) handObjDepth[np.sum(handObjMask, 2) == 0] = bgDepth handObjImg = img #* np.expand_dims((np.sum(handObjMask, 2)>0).astype(np.float32), 2) mask = np.logical_not(np.zeros_like(objMask, dtype=np.bool)) handObjDepth = cv2.resize(handObjDepth, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handObjDepth = np.stack([handObjDepth, handObjDepth, handObjDepth], axis=2) handObjDepth = np.expand_dims(handObjDepth, 0).astype(np.float32) handObjMask = cv2.resize(handObjMask, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handObjMask = np.expand_dims(handObjMask, 0).astype(np.float32) mask = cv2.resize(mask.astype(np.float32), (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) mask = np.expand_dims(mask, 0).astype(np.float32) handObjImg = cv2.resize(handObjImg, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) handObjImg = np.expand_dims(handObjImg, 0).astype(np.float32) handObjImg = handObjImg.astype( np.float32) / 255. #np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float32) yield (frameID, handObjMask, handObjDepth, handObjImg, mask)
def dataGen(w, h, datasetName): ''' Generator which provides rgb, depth and segmentation data for each frame ''' configFile = join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq, 'configs/configObjPose.json') # read the config file with open(configFile) as config_file: data = yaml.safe_load(config_file) base_dir = os.path.join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq) obj = data['obj'] objAliasLabelList = [] objLabel = data['objLabel'] startAt = data['startAt'] endAt = data['endAt'] skip = data['skip'] # set some paths modelPath = os.path.join(YCB_MODELS_DIR, obj) plt.ion() # get list of filenames if datasetName == datasetType.HO3D_MULTICAMERA: fileListIn = os.listdir( join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, FLAGS.seq, 'rgb', '0')) fileListIn = [ join(FLAGS.seq, '0', f[:-4]) for f in fileListIn if 'png' in f ] fileListIn = sorted(fileListIn) dataset = datasetHo3dMultiCamera(FLAGS.seq, 0, fileListIn=fileListIn) files = dataset.fileList if isinstance(startAt, str): for i, f in enumerate(files): if f.split('/')[-1] == startAt: break files = files[i::skip] # print(files) else: files = files[startAt:endAt + 1:skip] else: raise Exception('Unsupported datasetName') for i, file in enumerate(files): # read RGB. depth and segmentations for current fileID seq = file.split('/')[0] camInd = file.split('/')[1] id = file.split('/')[2] _, ds = dataset.createTFExample(itemType='hand', fileIn=file) img = ds.imgRaw[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] dpt = ds.depth # reading the seg from file because the seg in ds has no objAliasLabel info seg = cv2.imread( join(HO3D_MULTI_CAMERA_DIR, seq, 'segmentation', camInd, 'raw_seg_results', id + '.png'))[:, :, 0] frameID = np.array([join(camInd, id)]) # decode depth map dpt = dpt[:, :, 0] + dpt[:, :, 1] * 256 dpt = dpt * depthScale # clean up depth map dptMask = np.logical_or(dpt > DEPTH_THRESH, dpt == 0.0) dpt[dptMask] = bgDepth # clean up seg map seg[dptMask] = 0 for alias in objAliasLabelList: seg[seg == alias] = objLabel # Extract the object image in the image using the mask objMask = (seg == objLabel) handMask = (seg == handLabel) objImg = img * np.expand_dims(objMask, 2) handImg = img * np.expand_dims(handMask, 2) # plt.imshow(seg) # # Extract the object depth in the depth map using the mask objDepth = dpt * objMask objDepth[np.logical_not(objMask)] = bgDepth handDepth = dpt * handMask handDepth[np.logical_not(handMask)] = bgDepth # skip the file if object is too small (occluded heavily) maskPc = float(np.sum(objMask)) / float( (objMask.shape[0] * objMask.shape[0])) print('maskPC for Image %s is %f' % (file, maskPc)) if maskPc < .005: continue # resizing objDepth = cv2.resize(objDepth, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) objMask = cv2.resize(objMask.astype(np.uint8), (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) handMask = cv2.resize(handMask.astype(np.uint8), (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) objImg = cv2.resize(objImg.astype(np.uint8), (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # minor changes to the dimensions as required by TF objMask = np.stack([objMask, objMask, objMask], axis=2) objMask = np.expand_dims(objMask, 0).astype(np.float32) objDepth = np.stack([objDepth, objDepth, objDepth], axis=2) objDepth = np.expand_dims(objDepth, 0) handMask = np.stack([handMask, handMask, handMask], axis=2) handMask = np.expand_dims(handMask, 0).astype(np.float32) objImg = np.expand_dims(objImg, 0).astype( np.float32) / 255. # np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float32) yield (frameID, objMask, objDepth, objImg, handMask)