def _startFactory(self): log.msg('Starting the main apt_p2p application') self.cache_dir = FilePath(config.get('DEFAULT', 'CACHE_DIR')) if not self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).exists(): self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).makedirs() if not self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).exists(): self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).makedirs() self.db = DB(self.cache_dir.child('apt-p2p.db')) self.dht = DHT(self.dhtClass, self.db) df = self.dht.start() df.addCallback(self._dhtStarted) self.stats = StatsLogger(self.db) self.http_server = TopLevel(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self) self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().startFactory() self.peers = PeerManager(self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir), self.dht, self.stats) self.mirrors = MirrorManager(self.cache_dir) self.cache = CacheManager(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self)
class AptP2P(protocol.Factory): """The main code object that does all of the work. Contains all of the sub-components that do all the low-level work, and coordinates communication between them. @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT} @ivar dhtClass: the DHT class to use @type cache_dir: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files @type db: L{db.DB} @ivar db: the database to use for tracking files and hashes @type dht: L{DHTManager.DHT} @ivar dht: the manager for DHT requests @type stats: L{stats.StatsLogger} @ivar stats: the statistics logger to record sent data to @type http_server: L{HTTPServer.TopLevel} @ivar http_server: the web server that will handle all requests from apt and from other peers @type peers: L{PeerManager.PeerManager} @ivar peers: the manager of all downloads from mirrors and other peers @type mirrors: L{MirrorManager.MirrorManager} @ivar mirrors: the manager of downloaded information about mirrors which can be queried to get hashes from file names @type cache: L{CacheManager.CacheManager} @ivar cache: the manager of all downloaded files @type my_addr: C{string}, C{int} @ivar my_addr: the IP address and port of this peer """ def __init__(self, dhtClass): """Initialize all the sub-components. @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT} @param dhtClass: the DHT class to use """ log.msg('Initializing the main apt_p2p application') self.dhtClass = dhtClass self.my_addr = None #{ Factory interface def startFactory(self): reactor.callLater(0, self._startFactory) def _startFactory(self): log.msg('Starting the main apt_p2p application') self.cache_dir = FilePath(config.get('DEFAULT', 'CACHE_DIR')) if not self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).exists(): self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).makedirs() if not self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).exists(): self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).makedirs() self.db = DB(self.cache_dir.child('apt-p2p.db')) self.dht = DHT(self.dhtClass, self.db) df = self.dht.start() df.addCallback(self._dhtStarted) self.stats = StatsLogger(self.db) self.http_server = TopLevel(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self) self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().startFactory() self.peers = PeerManager(self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir), self.dht, self.stats) self.mirrors = MirrorManager(self.cache_dir) self.cache = CacheManager(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self) def _dhtStarted(self, result): """Save the returned address and start scanning the cache.""" self.my_addr = result self.cache.scanDirectories() def stopFactory(self): log.msg('Stoppping the main apt_p2p application') self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().stopFactory() self.mirrors.cleanup() self.db.close() def buildProtocol(self, addr): return self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().buildProtocol(addr) #{ Other functions def getStats(self): """Retrieve and format the statistics for the program. @rtype: C{string} @return: the formatted HTML page containing the statistics """ out = '<html><body>\n\n' out += self.stats.formatHTML(self.my_addr) out += '\n\n' out += self.dht.getStats() out += '\n</body></html>\n' return out #{ Main workflow def get_resp(self, req, url, orig_resp=None): """Lookup a hash for the file in the local mirror info. Starts the process of getting a response to an apt request. @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request @type orig_resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param orig_resp: the response from the cache to be sent to apt (optional, ignored if missing) @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} @return: a deferred that will be called back with the response """ d = defer.Deferred() log.msg('Trying to find hash for %s' % url) findDefer = self.mirrors.findHash(unquote(url)) findDefer.addCallbacks(self.findHash_done, self.findHash_error, callbackArgs=(req, url, orig_resp, d), errbackArgs=(req, url, orig_resp, d)) return d def findHash_error(self, failure, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Process the error in hash lookup by returning an empty L{HashObject}.""" log.msg('Hash lookup for %s resulted in an error: %s' % (url, failure.getErrorMessage())) self.findHash_done(HashObject(), req, url, orig_resp, d) def findHash_done(self, hash, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Use the returned hash to lookup the file in the cache. If the hash was not found, the workflow skips down to download from the mirror (L{startDownload}), or checks the freshness of an old response if there is one. @type hash: L{Hash.HashObject} @param hash: the hash object containing the expected hash for the file """ if hash.expected() is None: log.msg('Hash for %s was not found' % url) # Send the old response or get a new one if orig_resp: self.check_freshness(req, url, orig_resp, d) else: self.startDownload([], req, hash, url, d) else: log.msg('Found hash %s for %s' % (hash.hexexpected(), url)) # Lookup hash in cache locations = self.db.lookupHash(hash.expected(), filesOnly=True) self.getCachedFile(hash, req, url, d, locations) def check_freshness(self, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Send a HEAD to the mirror to check if the response from the cache is still valid. @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request @type orig_resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param orig_resp: the response from the cache to be sent to apt """ log.msg('Checking if %s is still fresh' % url) modtime = orig_resp.headers.getHeader('Last-Modified') headDefer = self.peers.get(HashObject(), url, method="HEAD", modtime=modtime) headDefer.addCallbacks(self.check_freshness_done, self.check_freshness_error, callbackArgs=(req, url, orig_resp, d), errbackArgs=(req, url, d)) def check_freshness_done(self, resp, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Return the fresh response, if stale start to redownload. @type resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param resp: the response from the mirror to the HEAD request @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request @type orig_resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param orig_resp: the response from the cache to be sent to apt """ if resp.code == 304: log.msg('Still fresh, returning: %s' % url) d.callback(orig_resp) else: log.msg('Stale, need to redownload: %s' % url) self.startDownload([], req, HashObject(), url, d) def check_freshness_error(self, err, req, url, d): """Mirror request failed, continue with download. @param err: the response from the mirror to the HEAD request @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request """ log.err(err) self.startDownload([], req, HashObject(), url, d) def getCachedFile(self, hash, req, url, d, locations): """Try to return the file from the cache, otherwise move on to a DHT lookup. @type locations: C{list} of C{dictionary} @param locations: the files in the cache that match the hash, the dictionary contains a key 'path' whose value is a L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} object for the file. """ if not locations: log.msg('Failed to return file from cache: %s' % url) self.lookupHash(req, hash, url, d) return # Get the first possible location from the list file = locations.pop(0)['path'] log.msg('Returning cached file: %s' % file.path) # Get it's response resp = static.File(file.path).renderHTTP(req) if isinstance(resp, defer.Deferred): resp.addBoth(self._getCachedFile, hash, req, url, d, locations) else: self._getCachedFile(resp, hash, req, url, d, locations) def _getCachedFile(self, resp, hash, req, url, d, locations): """Check the returned response to be sure it is valid.""" if isinstance(resp, failure.Failure): log.msg('Got error trying to get cached file') log.err(resp) # Try the next possible location self.getCachedFile(hash, req, url, d, locations) return log.msg('Cached response: %r' % resp) if resp.code >= 200 and resp.code < 400: d.callback(resp) else: # Try the next possible location self.getCachedFile(hash, req, url, d, locations) def lookupHash(self, req, hash, url, d): """Lookup the hash in the DHT.""" log.msg('Looking up hash in DHT for file: %s' % url) key = hash.expected() lookupDefer = self.dht.get(key) lookupDefer.addBoth(self.startDownload, req, hash, url, d) def startDownload(self, values, req, hash, url, d): """Start the download of the file. The download will be from peers if the DHT lookup succeeded, or from the mirror otherwise. @type values: C{list} of C{dictionary} @param values: the returned values from the DHT containing peer download information """ # Remove some headers Apt sets in the request req.headers.removeHeader('If-Modified-Since') req.headers.removeHeader('Range') req.headers.removeHeader('If-Range') if not isinstance(values, list) or not values: if not isinstance(values, list): log.msg('DHT lookup for %s failed with error %r' % (url, values)) else: log.msg('Peers for %s were not found' % url) getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url) # getDefer.addErrback(self.final_fallback, hash, url) getDefer.addCallback(self.cache.save_file, hash, url) getDefer.addErrback(self.cache.save_error, url) getDefer.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback) else: log.msg('Found peers for %s: %r' % (url, values)) # Download from the found peers getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url, values) getDefer.addCallback(self.check_response, hash, url) getDefer.addCallback(self.cache.save_file, hash, url) getDefer.addErrback(self.cache.save_error, url) getDefer.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback) def check_response(self, response, hash, url): """Check the response from peers, and download from the mirror if it is not.""" if response.code < 200 or response.code >= 300: log.msg( 'Download from peers failed, going to direct download: %s' % url) getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url) # getDefer.addErrback(self.final_fallback, hash, url) return getDefer return response def final_fallback(self, err, hash, url): """Final retry if the mirror still generated an error.""" log.msg('Download from mirror failed, retrying once only: %s' % url) log.err(err) getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url) return getDefer def new_cached_file(self, file_path, hash, new_hash, url=None, forceDHT=False): """Add a newly cached file to the mirror info and/or the DHT. If the file was downloaded, set url to the path it was downloaded for. Doesn't add a file to the DHT unless a hash was found for it (but does add it anyway if forceDHT is True). @type file_path: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @param file_path: the location of the file in the local cache @type hash: L{Hash.HashObject} @param hash: the original (expected) hash object containing also the hash of the downloaded file @type new_hash: C{boolean} @param new_hash: whether the has was new to this peer, and so should be added to the DHT @type url: C{string} @param url: the URI of the location of the file in the mirror (optional, defaults to not adding the file to the mirror info) @type forceDHT: C{boolean} @param forceDHT: whether to force addition of the file to the DHT even if the hash was not found in a mirror (optional, defaults to False) """ if url: self.mirrors.updatedFile(url, file_path) if self.my_addr and hash and new_hash and (hash.expected() is not None or forceDHT): return return None
class AptP2P(protocol.Factory): """The main code object that does all of the work. Contains all of the sub-components that do all the low-level work, and coordinates communication between them. @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT} @ivar dhtClass: the DHT class to use @type cache_dir: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files @type db: L{db.DB} @ivar db: the database to use for tracking files and hashes @type dht: L{DHTManager.DHT} @ivar dht: the manager for DHT requests @type stats: L{stats.StatsLogger} @ivar stats: the statistics logger to record sent data to @type http_server: L{HTTPServer.TopLevel} @ivar http_server: the web server that will handle all requests from apt and from other peers @type peers: L{PeerManager.PeerManager} @ivar peers: the manager of all downloads from mirrors and other peers @type mirrors: L{MirrorManager.MirrorManager} @ivar mirrors: the manager of downloaded information about mirrors which can be queried to get hashes from file names @type cache: L{CacheManager.CacheManager} @ivar cache: the manager of all downloaded files @type my_addr: C{string}, C{int} @ivar my_addr: the IP address and port of this peer """ def __init__(self, dhtClass): """Initialize all the sub-components. @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT} @param dhtClass: the DHT class to use """ log.msg('Initializing the main apt_p2p application') self.dhtClass = dhtClass self.my_addr = None #{ Factory interface def startFactory(self): reactor.callLater(0, self._startFactory) def _startFactory(self): log.msg('Starting the main apt_p2p application') self.cache_dir = FilePath(config.get('DEFAULT', 'CACHE_DIR')) if not self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).exists(): self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).makedirs() if not self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).exists(): self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).makedirs() self.db = DB(self.cache_dir.child('apt-p2p.db')) self.dht = DHT(self.dhtClass, self.db) df = self.dht.start() df.addCallback(self._dhtStarted) self.stats = StatsLogger(self.db) self.http_server = TopLevel(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self) self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().startFactory() self.peers = PeerManager(self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir), self.dht, self.stats) self.mirrors = MirrorManager(self.cache_dir) self.cache = CacheManager(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self) def _dhtStarted(self, result): """Save the returned address and start scanning the cache.""" self.my_addr = result self.cache.scanDirectories() def stopFactory(self): log.msg('Stoppping the main apt_p2p application') self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().stopFactory() self.mirrors.cleanup() self.db.close() def buildProtocol(self, addr): return self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().buildProtocol(addr) #{ Other functions def getStats(self): """Retrieve and format the statistics for the program. @rtype: C{string} @return: the formatted HTML page containing the statistics """ out = '<html><body>\n\n' out += self.stats.formatHTML(self.my_addr) out += '\n\n' out += self.dht.getStats() out += '\n</body></html>\n' return out #{ Main workflow def get_resp(self, req, url, orig_resp = None): """Lookup a hash for the file in the local mirror info. Starts the process of getting a response to an apt request. @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request @type orig_resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param orig_resp: the response from the cache to be sent to apt (optional, ignored if missing) @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} @return: a deferred that will be called back with the response """ d = defer.Deferred() log.msg('Trying to find hash for %s' % url) findDefer = self.mirrors.findHash(unquote(url)) findDefer.addCallbacks(self.findHash_done, self.findHash_error, callbackArgs=(req, url, orig_resp, d), errbackArgs=(req, url, orig_resp, d)) return d def findHash_error(self, failure, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Process the error in hash lookup by returning an empty L{HashObject}.""" log.msg('Hash lookup for %s resulted in an error: %s' % (url, failure.getErrorMessage())) self.findHash_done(HashObject(), req, url, orig_resp, d) def findHash_done(self, hash, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Use the returned hash to lookup the file in the cache. If the hash was not found, the workflow skips down to download from the mirror (L{startDownload}), or checks the freshness of an old response if there is one. @type hash: L{Hash.HashObject} @param hash: the hash object containing the expected hash for the file """ if hash.expected() is None: log.msg('Hash for %s was not found' % url) # Send the old response or get a new one if orig_resp: self.check_freshness(req, url, orig_resp, d) else: self.startDownload([], req, hash, url, d) else: log.msg('Found hash %s for %s' % (hash.hexexpected(), url)) # Lookup hash in cache locations = self.db.lookupHash(hash.expected(), filesOnly = True) self.getCachedFile(hash, req, url, d, locations) def check_freshness(self, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Send a HEAD to the mirror to check if the response from the cache is still valid. @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request @type orig_resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param orig_resp: the response from the cache to be sent to apt """ log.msg('Checking if %s is still fresh' % url) modtime = orig_resp.headers.getHeader('Last-Modified') headDefer = self.peers.get(HashObject(), url, method = "HEAD", modtime = modtime) headDefer.addCallbacks(self.check_freshness_done, self.check_freshness_error, callbackArgs = (req, url, orig_resp, d), errbackArgs = (req, url, d)) def check_freshness_done(self, resp, req, url, orig_resp, d): """Return the fresh response, if stale start to redownload. @type resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param resp: the response from the mirror to the HEAD request @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request @type orig_resp: L{twisted.web2.http.Response} @param orig_resp: the response from the cache to be sent to apt """ if resp.code == 304: log.msg('Still fresh, returning: %s' % url) d.callback(orig_resp) else: log.msg('Stale, need to redownload: %s' % url) self.startDownload([], req, HashObject(), url, d) def check_freshness_error(self, err, req, url, d): """Mirror request failed, continue with download. @param err: the response from the mirror to the HEAD request @type req: L{twisted.web2.http.Request} @param req: the initial request sent to the HTTP server by apt @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request """ log.err(err) self.startDownload([], req, HashObject(), url, d) def getCachedFile(self, hash, req, url, d, locations): """Try to return the file from the cache, otherwise move on to a DHT lookup. @type locations: C{list} of C{dictionary} @param locations: the files in the cache that match the hash, the dictionary contains a key 'path' whose value is a L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} object for the file. """ if not locations: log.msg('Failed to return file from cache: %s' % url) self.lookupHash(req, hash, url, d) return # Get the first possible location from the list file = locations.pop(0)['path'] log.msg('Returning cached file: %s' % file.path) # Get it's response resp = static.File(file.path).renderHTTP(req) if isinstance(resp, defer.Deferred): resp.addBoth(self._getCachedFile, hash, req, url, d, locations) else: self._getCachedFile(resp, hash, req, url, d, locations) def _getCachedFile(self, resp, hash, req, url, d, locations): """Check the returned response to be sure it is valid.""" if isinstance(resp, failure.Failure): log.msg('Got error trying to get cached file') log.err(resp) # Try the next possible location self.getCachedFile(hash, req, url, d, locations) return log.msg('Cached response: %r' % resp) if resp.code >= 200 and resp.code < 400: d.callback(resp) else: # Try the next possible location self.getCachedFile(hash, req, url, d, locations) def lookupHash(self, req, hash, url, d): """Lookup the hash in the DHT.""" log.msg('Looking up hash in DHT for file: %s' % url) key = hash.expected() lookupDefer = self.dht.get(key) lookupDefer.addBoth(self.startDownload, req, hash, url, d) def startDownload(self, values, req, hash, url, d): """Start the download of the file. The download will be from peers if the DHT lookup succeeded, or from the mirror otherwise. @type values: C{list} of C{dictionary} @param values: the returned values from the DHT containing peer download information """ # Remove some headers Apt sets in the request req.headers.removeHeader('If-Modified-Since') req.headers.removeHeader('Range') req.headers.removeHeader('If-Range') if not isinstance(values, list) or not values: if not isinstance(values, list): log.msg('DHT lookup for %s failed with error %r' % (url, values)) else: log.msg('Peers for %s were not found' % url) getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url) # getDefer.addErrback(self.final_fallback, hash, url) getDefer.addCallback(self.cache.save_file, hash, url) getDefer.addErrback(self.cache.save_error, url) getDefer.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback) else: log.msg('Found peers for %s: %r' % (url, values)) # Download from the found peers getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url, values) getDefer.addCallback(self.check_response, hash, url) getDefer.addCallback(self.cache.save_file, hash, url) getDefer.addErrback(self.cache.save_error, url) getDefer.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback) def check_response(self, response, hash, url): """Check the response from peers, and download from the mirror if it is not.""" if response.code < 200 or response.code >= 300: log.msg('Download from peers failed, going to direct download: %s' % url) getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url) # getDefer.addErrback(self.final_fallback, hash, url) return getDefer return response def final_fallback(self, err, hash, url): """Final retry if the mirror still generated an error.""" log.msg('Download from mirror failed, retrying once only: %s' % url) log.err(err) getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url) return getDefer def new_cached_file(self, file_path, hash, new_hash, url = None, forceDHT = False): """Add a newly cached file to the mirror info and/or the DHT. If the file was downloaded, set url to the path it was downloaded for. Doesn't add a file to the DHT unless a hash was found for it (but does add it anyway if forceDHT is True). @type file_path: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @param file_path: the location of the file in the local cache @type hash: L{Hash.HashObject} @param hash: the original (expected) hash object containing also the hash of the downloaded file @type new_hash: C{boolean} @param new_hash: whether the has was new to this peer, and so should be added to the DHT @type url: C{string} @param url: the URI of the location of the file in the mirror (optional, defaults to not adding the file to the mirror info) @type forceDHT: C{boolean} @param forceDHT: whether to force addition of the file to the DHT even if the hash was not found in a mirror (optional, defaults to False) """ if url: self.mirrors.updatedFile(url, file_path) if self.my_addr and hash and new_hash and (hash.expected() is not None or forceDHT): return return None