for nid, vid in enumerate(node_set):
    node_hash[vid] = nid

trsn_g = snap.TNEANet.New()
#node_id: 0 to n-1
for vid, nid in node_hash.iteritems():
    trsn_g.AddStrAttrDatN(nid, vid, 'vid')

#freq: frequncy(cnt) of edge
print trsn_g.GetNodes()
for idx, trsn in enumerate(trsn_list):
    src_nid = node_hash[trsn[0]]
    dst_nid = node_hash[trsn[1]]
    print src_nid, dst_nid
    #TODO: add timestamp filter
    if not trsn_g.IsEdge(src_nid, dst_nid):
        GH.add_edge_attrs(trsn_g, src_nid, dst_nid, time_list[idx])
        GH.add_node_attrs(trsn_g, src_nid, dst_nid, time_list[idx])
        print "add a new edge, hoho~"
        GH.update_edge_attrs(trsn_g, src_nid, dst_nid, time_list[idx])
        GH.update_node_attrs(trsn_g, src_nid, dst_nid, time_list[idx])
        print "update node info, haha~"
    print idx, trsn
    print len(trsn_list)    

GH.save_graph(trsn_g, graph_path, 'sf_trsn_graph')
print "succesfully build the graph!"