    def place_beam(self, direction=None):
        # don't make triple joints
        if self.Body.atJoint(): return False

        pivot = self.Body.getLocation()
        # don't place beams with a 2 ft. radius from each other

        nearby_beams = self.get_structure_density(
            pivot, BConstants.beam['joint_distance'])
        if nearby_beams > 1:
            print('TOO CLOSE: ' + str(nearby_beams))
            return False

        build_angle = BConstants.beam['beam_angle']
        end_coordinates = self.get_build_vector(build_angle, direction)
        # try to connect to already present beam
        endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'],\

        density = self.get_structure_density(endpoint)
        # location at end of beam you are about to place is too dense,
        # so do not place it.

        if density > BConstants.beam['max_beam_density']:
            print('TOO DENSE: ' + str(density))
            density_decisions = self.Body.readFromMemory('density_decisions')
            #print('Density Decisions: ', density_decisions)
            if density_decisions >= 10:
                return False
            #elif random() <= (BConstants.prob['build_out']):#**density_decisions):
            #  end_coordinates = self.get_build_vector(build_angle, 'upwards')
            #  endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'], \
            #    helpers.make_unit(end_coordinates)))
                end_coordinates = self.get_build_vector(build_angle, 'outward')
                endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'],\
            self.Body.addToMemory('density_decisions', density_decisions + 1)

        # prevent beams going into the ground (-z)
        if endpoint[2] <= 0:
            dx, dy, dz = helpers.make_unit(end_coordinates)
            factor = endpoint[2] / dz
            dx, dy, dz = dx * factor, dy * factor, dz * factor
            pivot = (pivot[0] - dx, pivot[1] - dy, pivot[2] - dz)
            endpoint = (endpoint[0] - dx, endpoint[1] - dy, endpoint[2] - dz)

        # don't want beams "inside" the beam you are on.
        #if helpers.between_points(pivot,endpoint,self.Body.beam.endpoints.i, False) \
        #or helpers.between_points(pivot,endpoint,self.Body.beam.endpoints.j, False):
        #  return False

        self.Body.addBeam(pivot, endpoint)
        return True
  def place_beam(self, direction=None):
    # don't make triple joints
    if self.Body.atJoint(): return False
    pivot = self.Body.getLocation()
    # don't place beams with a 2 ft. radius from each other
    nearby_beams = self.get_structure_density(pivot, BConstants.beam['joint_distance'])
    if  nearby_beams > 1: 
      print('TOO CLOSE: ' + str(nearby_beams))
      return False
    build_angle = BConstants.beam['beam_angle']
    end_coordinates = self.get_build_vector(build_angle, direction)
    # try to connect to already present beam
    endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'],\
    density = self.get_structure_density(endpoint)
    # location at end of beam you are about to place is too dense,
    # so do not place it.
    if density > BConstants.beam['max_beam_density']: 
      print('TOO DENSE: ' + str(density))
      density_decisions = self.Body.readFromMemory('density_decisions')
      #print('Density Decisions: ', density_decisions)
      if density_decisions >= 10: 
        return False
      #elif random() <= (BConstants.prob['build_out']):#**density_decisions):
      #  end_coordinates = self.get_build_vector(build_angle, 'upwards')
      #  endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'], \
      #    helpers.make_unit(end_coordinates)))
        end_coordinates = self.get_build_vector(build_angle, 'outward')
        endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'],\
      self.Body.addToMemory('density_decisions', density_decisions+1)
    # prevent beams going into the ground (-z)
    if endpoint[2] <= 0:
      dx, dy, dz = helpers.make_unit(end_coordinates)
      factor = endpoint[2]/dz
      dx, dy, dz = dx*factor, dy*factor, dz*factor
      pivot = (pivot[0]-dx, pivot[1]-dy,pivot[2]-dz)
      endpoint = (endpoint[0]-dx, endpoint[1]-dy, endpoint[2]-dz)

    # don't want beams "inside" the beam you are on.
    #if helpers.between_points(pivot,endpoint,self.Body.beam.endpoints.i, False) \
    #or helpers.between_points(pivot,endpoint,self.Body.beam.endpoints.j, False): 
    #  return False

    return True
    def get_repair_beam_direction(self):
    Returns the xy direction at which the support beam should be set (if none is
    found). Currently, we just add a bit of disturbace while remaining within 
    the range that the robot was set to search.
        direction = self.memory["preferred_direction"]

        # No preferred direction, so beam was vertically above use
        if direction is None:
            return None

        # Add a bit of disturbace

            # Project onto xy_plane and make_unit
            xy = helpers.make_unit((direction[0], direction[1], 0))
            xy_perp = (-1 * xy[1], xy[0], 0)

            # Obtain disturbance based on "search_angle"
            limit = helpers.ratio(BConstants.beam["direction_tolerance_angle"])
            scale = random.uniform(-1 * limit, limit)
            disturbance = helpers.scale(scale, xy_perp)

            return helpers.sum_vectors(disturbance, xy)
 def get_disturbance(self):
 Returns the disturbance level for adding a new beam at the tip (in this
 class, the disturbance is random at a level set in BEAM['random'])
     change = BEAM["random"]
     return helpers.make_unit((random.uniform(-change, change), random.uniform(-change, change), 0))
    def get_preferred_direction(self, beam):
        # Obtain the moment vector
        u1, u2, u3 = beam.global_default_axes()
        m11, m22, m33 = self.get_moment_magnitudes(beam.name)

        # Quick debugging - making sure the torsion doesn't get too high
        if not helpers.compare(m11, 0, 4):

        # Sum m22 and m33 (m11 is torsion, which doesn't play a role in the direction)
        moment_vector = helpers.sum_vectors(helpers.scale(m22, u2),
                                            helpers.scale(m33, u3))
    Cross axis-1 with the moment vector to obtain the positive clockwise direction
    This keeps the overall magnitude of moment_vector since u1 is a unit vector
      We are always attempting to repair further up the broken beam (closer to 
      the j-end). The cross will always give us the vector in the right direction
      if we do it this way.
        twist_direction = helpers.cross(moment_vector, u1)

        # Project the twist direction onto the xy-plane and normalize to have a
        # maximum of 45 degree approach (or, as specified in the variables.py)
        # depending on the ratio of moment magnitude to max_magnitude
        xy_change = (twist_direction[0], twist_direction[1], 0)

        # The rotation is parallel to the z-axis, so we don't add disturbance
        if helpers.compare(helpers.length(xy_change), 0):
            # Return the normal direction - which way is the beam leaning???
            return super(MomentAwareBuilder,

        # We know the direction in which the beam is turning
            # Get direction of travel (this is a unit vector)
            travel = super(MomentAwareBuilder,

            # Normalize twist to the maximum moment of force -- structure_check
            normal = helpers.normalize(xy_change,

            # The beam is vertical - check to see how large the normalized moment is
            if travel is None:
                # The change is relatively small, so ignore it
                if helpers.length(normal) <= helpers.ratio(
                    return travel
                    return helpers.make_unit(normal)

                scalar = 1 / helpers.ratio(BConstants.beam['moment_angle_max'])
                scaled_travel = helpers.scale(scalar, travel)
                return helpesr.make_unit(
                    helpers.sum_vectors(normal, scaled_travel))
文件: worker.py 项目: pingss/sap2000
    def min_max_dir(vs,get_min=True):
      unit_list = [helpers.make_unit(v) for v in vs]
      if get_min:
        val = min(unit_list,key=lambda t : t[2])
        val = max(unit_list,key=lambda t : t[2])

      index = unit_list.index(val)
      return index,val
    def support_beam_endpoint(self):
    Returns the endpoint for construction of a support beam
        # Add beam_directions plus vertical change based on angle ratio (tan)
        ratio = helpers.ratio(self.get_angle("support_angle"))
        vertical = self.support_vertical_change()
        xy_dir = self.support_xy_direction()

        if xy_dir is None or vertical is None:
            direction = (0, 0, 1)
            xy_dir = helpers.make_unit(xy_dir)
            direction = helpers.make_unit(helpers.sum_vectors(xy_dir, vertical))

        # Calculate endpoints
        endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location, helpers.scale(BConstants.beam["length"], direction))

        return endpoint
    def wander(self):
    When a robot is not on a structure, it wanders around randomly. The 
    wandering is restricted to the 1st octant in global coordinates. If the 
    robot is near enough a beam to be on it in the next time step, it jumps on 
    the beam. The robots have a tendency to scale the structure, per se, but are
    restricted to their immediate surroundings.
        # Check to see if robot is on a beam. If so, pick between moving on it or
        # off it.
        result = self.ground()

        # Nothign nearby
        if result is None:
            # Get direction
            direction = self.get_ground_direction()
            new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(
                helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction)))

            # Move

        # A beam is nearby
            dist, close_beam, direction = (result['distance'], result['beam'],

            # If close enough, just jump on it
            if dist < self.step:
                self.move(direction, close_beam)

            # Otherwise, walk towards it
                # Scale direction to be step_size
                direction = helpers.scale(self.step,
                new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(
                    helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction)))

                # Move
  def wander(self):
    When a robot is not on a structure, it wanders around randomly. The 
    wandering is restricted to the 1st octant in global coordinates. If the 
    robot is near enough a beam to be on it in the next time step, it jumps on 
    the beam. The robots have a tendency to scale the structure, per se, but are
    restricted to their immediate surroundings.
    # Check to see if robot is on a beam. If so, pick between moving on it or 
    # off it.
    result = self.ground()

    # Nothign nearby
    if result is None:
      # Get direction
      direction = self.get_ground_direction()
      new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location,helpers.scale(self.step,

      # Move

    # A beam is nearby
      dist, close_beam, direction = (result['distance'], result['beam'],

      # If close enough, just jump on it
      if dist < self.step:

      # Otherwise, walk towards it
        # Scale direction to be step_size
        direction = helpers.scale(self.step,helpers.make_unit(direction))
        new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location,helpers.scale(
          self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction)))

        # Move
文件: robot.py 项目: pingss/sap2000
    def getMomentMagnitudes(self, name, pivot=None):
    Returns the moment magnitudes (m11,m22,m33) for the local axes u1,u2,u3 at
    the output station closest to the pivot. If there is no pivot, it returns
    the values from the output station closest to the robot's location.
        # So we can modify the pivot whenever we call the fuction
        pivot = self.location if pivot is None else pivot

        # Format (ret[0], number_results[1], obj_names[2], i_end distances[3],
        # elm_names[4], elm_dist[5], load_cases[6], step_types[7], step_nums[8],
        # Ps[9], V2s[10], V3s[11], Ts[12], M2s[13], M3s[14]
        results = self.model.Results.FrameForce(name, 0)
        if results[0] != 0:
            # pdb.set_trace()
                          "getting frame forces",
            return 0

        # Find index of closest data_point
        close_index, i = 0, 0
        shortest_distance = None
        distances = results[3]
        for i_distance in distances:

            # Get beam endpoints to calculate global position of moment
            i_end, j_end = self.structure.get_endpoints(name, self.location)
            beam_direction = helpers.make_unit(
                helpers.make_vector(i_end, j_end))
            point = helpers.sum_vectors(
                i_end, helpers.scale(i_distance, beam_direction))
            distance = helpers.distance(pivot, point)

            # If closer than the current closes point, update information
            if shortest_distance is None or distance < shortest_distance:
                close_index = i
                shortest_distance = distance

            i += 1

        # Make sure index is indexable
        assert close_index < results[1]

        # Now that we have the closest moment, calculate sqrt(m2^2+m3^2)
        m11 = results[12][close_index]
        m22 = results[13][close_index]
        m33 = results[14][close_index]

        return m11, m22, m33
 def build_base(self):
   pivot = self.Body.getLocation()
   ground_angle = radians(BConstants.beam['ground_angle'])
   random_angle = radians(random()*360)
   height = sin(ground_angle)
   radius = cos(ground_angle)
   x, y, z = radius*cos(random_angle), radius*sin(random_angle), height
   end_coordinates = (x,y,z) #directional unit vector
   endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'],\
   #try to connect to already present beam
   return True
 def go_to_construction_site(self):
   vector_to_site = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(), CONSTRUCTION['center'])
   if helpers.length(vector_to_site) > 10: 
     direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(), CONSTRUCTION['center'])
     new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
                    self.Body.step, helpers.make_unit(direction_construction)))
     return True
     direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(), CONSTRUCTION['center'])
     new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), direction_construction)
     return True
    def global_default_axes(self):
    Returns the default local axes. Later on we might incorporate the ability to return
    rotated axes.
        axis_1 = helpers.make_unit(
            helpers.make_vector(self.endpoints.i, self.endpoints.j))
        vertical = (math.sin(
            math.radians(helpers.smallest_angle(axis_1, (0, 0, 1)))) <= 0.001)

        # Break up axis_1 into unit component vectors on 1-2 plane, along with
        # their maginitudes
        u1, u2 = (axis_1[0], axis_1[1], 0), (0, 0, axis_1[2])
        l1, l2 = helpers.length(u1), helpers.length(u2)
        u1 = helpers.make_unit(u1) if not helpers.compare(l1, 0) else (1, 1, 0)
        u2 = helpers.make_unit(u2) if not helpers.compare(l2, 0) else (0, 0, 1)

        # Calculate axis_2 by negating and flipping componenet vectors of axis_1
        axis_2 = (1, 0, 0) if vertical else helpers.make_unit(
            helpers.sum_vectors(helpers.scale(-1 *
                                              l2, u1), helpers.scale(l1, u2)))

        # Make it have a positive z-component
        axis_2 = axis_2 if axis_2[2] > 0 else helpers.scale(-1, axis_2)

        # Calculate axis_3 by crossing axis 1 with axis 2 (according to right hand
        # rule)
        axis_3 = helpers.cross(axis_1, axis_2)
        axis_3 = helpers.make_unit(
            (axis_3[0], axis_3[1], 0)) if vertical else axis_3

        # Sanity checks
        # Unit length
        assert helpers.compare(helpers.length(axis_3), 1)

        # On the x-y plane
        assert helpers.compare(axis_3[2], 0)

        return axis_1, axis_2, axis_3
  def move(self, direction, beam):
    Moves the robot in direction passed in and onto the beam specified
    length = helpers.length(direction)

    # The direction is smaller than the determined step, so move exactly by 
    # direction
    if length < self.step:
      new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location, direction)
      self.change_location(new_location, beam)

      # call do_action again since we still have some distance left, and update
      # step to reflect how much distance is left to cover
      self.step = self.step - length

      # Reset step in preparation for next timestep
      if helpers.compare(self.step,0):
        self.step == ROBOT['step_length']

      # We still have steps to go, so run an analysis if necessary
      elif self.beam is not None:
        # Run analysis before deciding to get the next direction
        if not self.model.GetModelIsLocked() and self.need_data():
          errors = helpers.run_analysis(self.model)
          if errors != '':
            # pdb.set_trace()

        # Get next direction
        self.next_direction_info = self.get_direction()

        # Unlock the results so that we can actually move
        if self.model.GetModelIsLocked():

        # Move

      # We climbed off
        assert not self.model.GetModelIsLocked()

    # The direction is larger than the usual step, so move only the step in the 
    # specified direction
      movement = helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction))
      new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location, movement)
      self.change_location(new_location, beam)
    def move(self, direction, beam):
    Moves the robot in direction passed in and onto the beam specified
        length = helpers.length(direction)

        # The direction is smaller than the determined step, so move exactly by
        # direction
        if length < self.step:
            new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location, direction)
            self.change_location(new_location, beam)

            # call do_action again since we still have some distance left, and update
            # step to reflect how much distance is left to cover
            self.step = self.step - length

            # Reset step in preparation for next timestep
            if helpers.compare(self.step, 0):
                self.step == ROBOT['step_length']

            # We still have steps to go, so run an analysis if necessary
            elif self.beam is not None:
                # Run analysis before deciding to get the next direction
                if not self.model.GetModelIsLocked() and self.need_data():
                    errors = helpers.run_analysis(self.model)
                    if errors != '':
                        # pdb.set_trace()

                # Get next direction
                self.next_direction_info = self.get_direction()

                # Unlock the results so that we can actually move
                if self.model.GetModelIsLocked():

                # Move

            # We climbed off
                assert not self.model.GetModelIsLocked()


        # The direction is larger than the usual step, so move only the step in the
        # specified direction
            movement = helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction))
            new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location, movement)
            self.change_location(new_location, beam)
 def climb(self, location, beam):
   length = helpers.length(location)
   if length <= self.Body.step:
     new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), location)
     if helpers.compare(new_location[2], 0): 
       beam = None
     else: print('climbing beam', beam.name)
     new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
                    self.Body.step, helpers.make_unit(location)))
     print('climbing beam', beam.name)
   self.Body.changeLocationOnStructure(new_location, beam)
   return True
 def build_base(self):
     pivot = self.Body.getLocation()
     ground_angle = radians(BConstants.beam['ground_angle'])
     random_angle = radians(random() * 360)
     height = sin(ground_angle)
     radius = cos(ground_angle)
     x, y, z = radius * cos(random_angle), radius * sin(
         random_angle), height
     end_coordinates = (x, y, z)  #directional unit vector
     endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(pivot,helpers.scale(BEAM['length'],\
     #try to connect to already present beam
     self.Body.addBeam(pivot, endpoint)
     return True
    def get_ground_direction(self):
    In future classes, this function can be altered to return a preferred 
    direction,  but currently it only returns a random feasable direction if no
    direction is assigned for the robot (self.ground_direction)
        def random_direction():
      Returns a random, new location (direction)
            # obtain a random direction
            direction = (random.uniform(-1 * self.step, self.step),
                         random.uniform(-1 * self.step, self.step), 0)

            # The they can't all be zero!
            if helpers.compare(helpers.length(direction), 0):
                return random_direction()
                step = helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction))
                predicted_location = helpers.sum_vectors(step, self.location)

                # Check the location
                if helpers.check_location(predicted_location):
                    return direction
                    return random_direction()

        # If we have a currently set direction, check to see if we will go out of
        # bounds.
        if self.ground_direction != None:
            step = helpers.scale(self.step,
            predicted_location = helpers.sum_vectors(step, self.location)

            # We are going out of bounds, so set the direction to none and call
            # yourself again (to find a new location)
            if not helpers.check_location(predicted_location):
                self.ground_direction = None
                return self.get_ground_direction()

            # Here, we return the right direction
                assert self.ground_direction != None
                return self.ground_direction

        # We don't have a direction, so pick a random one (it is checked when we
        # pick it)
            self.ground_direction = random_direction()
            return self.ground_direction
  def global_default_axes(self):
    Returns the default local axes. Later on we might incorporate the ability to return
    rotated axes.
    axis_1 = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(self.endpoints.i,
    vertical = (math.sin(math.radians(helpers.smallest_angle(axis_1,(0,0,1)))) 
      <= 0.001)

    # Break up axis_1 into unit component vectors on 1-2 plane, along with 
    # their maginitudes
    u1, u2 = (axis_1[0],axis_1[1],0),(0,0,axis_1[2])
    l1,l2 = helpers.length(u1), helpers.length(u2)
    u1 = helpers.make_unit(u1) if not helpers.compare(l1,0) else (1,1,0) 
    u2 = helpers.make_unit(u2) if not helpers.compare(l2,0) else (0,0,1)

    # Calculate axis_2 by negating and flipping componenet vectors of axis_1
    axis_2 = (1,0,0) if vertical else helpers.make_unit(helpers.sum_vectors(
      helpers.scale(-1 * l2,u1),helpers.scale(l1,u2)))

    # Make it have a positive z-component
    axis_2 = axis_2 if axis_2[2] > 0 else helpers.scale(-1,axis_2)

    # Calculate axis_3 by crossing axis 1 with axis 2 (according to right hand
    # rule)
    axis_3 = helpers.cross(axis_1,axis_2)
    axis_3 = helpers.make_unit((axis_3[0],axis_3[1],0)) if vertical else axis_3

    # Sanity checks
    # Unit length
    assert helpers.compare(helpers.length(axis_3),1)

    # On the x-y plane
    assert helpers.compare(axis_3[2],0)

    return axis_1,axis_2,axis_3
  def get_ground_direction(self):
    In future classes, this function can be altered to return a preferred 
    direction,  but currently it only returns a random feasable direction if no
    direction is assigned for the robot (self.ground_direction)
    def random_direction():
      Returns a random, new location (direction)
      # obtain a random direction
      direction = (random.uniform(-1 * self.step, self.step), random.uniform(
        -1 * self.step, self.step), 0)

      # The they can't all be zero!
      if helpers.compare(helpers.length(direction),0):
        return random_direction()
        step = helpers.scale(self.step,helpers.make_unit(direction))
        predicted_location = helpers.sum_vectors(step, self.location)

        # Check the location
        if helpers.check_location(predicted_location):
          return direction
          return random_direction()

    # If we have a currently set direction, check to see if we will go out of 
    # bounds.
    if self.ground_direction != None:
      step = helpers.scale(self.step,helpers.make_unit(self.ground_direction))
      predicted_location = helpers.sum_vectors(step, self.location)

      # We are going out of bounds, so set the direction to none and call 
      # yourself again (to find a new location)
      if not helpers.check_location(predicted_location):
        self.ground_direction = None
        return self.get_ground_direction()

      # Here, we return the right direction
        assert self.ground_direction != None
        return self.ground_direction

    # We don't have a direction, so pick a random one (it is checked when we 
    # pick it)
      self.ground_direction = random_direction()
      return self.ground_direction
  def get_preferred_direction(self,beam):
    Returns the preferred direction - this is the direction towards which the 
    robot wants to move when looking for an already set support tube.
    The direction is a unit vector
    # Calculate direction of repair (check 0 dist, which means it is perfectly
    # vertical!)
    i, j = beam.endpoints.i, beam.endpoints.j
    v1 = helpers.make_vector(self.location,j)
    v2 = helpers.make_vector(i,self.location)
    l1,l2 = helpers.length(v1), helpers.length(v2)

    # v1 is non-zero and it is not vertical
    if not (helpers.compare(l1,0) or helpers.is_vertical(v1)):
      return helpers.make_unit(v1)

    # v2 is non-zero and it is not vertical
    elif not (helpers.compare(l2,0) or helpers.is_vertical(v2)):
      return helpers.make_unit(v2)

    # No preferred direction because the beam is perfectly vertical
      return None
 def move(self, angle='random', step=10):
   def random_NWSE():
     rand = randint(0,3)
     if rand == 0: return 90   #forward
     if rand == 1: return 180  #left
     if rand == 2: return 270  #backward
     if rand == 3: return 0    #right
   if angle == 'NWSE': angle = random_NWSE()
   if angle == 'random': angle = random()*360
   rad = radians(angle)
   direction = helpers.make_vector((0,0,0),(cos(rad),sin(rad),0))
   new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
     step, helpers.make_unit(direction)))
   return True
    def get_preferred_direction(self, beam):
    Returns the preferred direction - this is the direction towards which the 
    robot wants to move when looking for an already set support tube.
    The direction is a unit vector
        # Calculate direction of repair (check 0 dist, which means it is perfectly
        # vertical!)
        i, j = beam.endpoints.i, beam.endpoints.j
        v1 = helpers.make_vector(self.location, j)
        v2 = helpers.make_vector(i, self.location)
        l1, l2 = helpers.length(v1), helpers.length(v2)

        # v1 is non-zero and it is not vertical
        if not (helpers.compare(l1, 0) or helpers.is_vertical(v1)):
            return helpers.make_unit(v1)

        # v2 is non-zero and it is not vertical
        elif not (helpers.compare(l2, 0) or helpers.is_vertical(v2)):
            return helpers.make_unit(v2)

        # No preferred direction because the beam is perfectly vertical
            return None
文件: robot.py 项目: kandluis/sap2000
  def getMomentMagnitudes(self,name,pivot=None):
    Returns the moment magnitudes (m11,m22,m33) for the local axes u1,u2,u3 at
    the output station closest to the pivot. If there is no pivot, it returns
    the values from the output station closest to the robot's location.
    # So we can modify the pivot whenever we call the fuction
    pivot = self.location if pivot is None else pivot

    # Format (ret[0], number_results[1], obj_names[2], i_end distances[3], 
    # elm_names[4], elm_dist[5], load_cases[6], step_types[7], step_nums[8],
    # Ps[9], V2s[10], V3s[11], Ts[12], M2s[13], M3s[14]
    results = self.model.Results.FrameForce(name,0)
    if results[0] != 0:
      # pdb.set_trace()
      helpers.check(results[0],self,"getting frame forces",results=results,
      return 0

    # Find index of closest data_point
    close_index, i = 0, 0
    shortest_distance = None
    distances = results[3]
    for i_distance in distances:

      # Get beam endpoints to calculate global position of moment
      i_end,j_end = self.structure.get_endpoints(name,self.location)
      beam_direction = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(i_end,j_end))
      point = helpers.sum_vectors(i_end,helpers.scale(i_distance,
      distance = helpers.distance(pivot,point)

      # If closer than the current closes point, update information
      if shortest_distance is None or distance < shortest_distance:
        close_index = i
        shortest_distance = distance

      i += 1

    # Make sure index is indexable
    assert close_index < results[1]

    # Now that we have the closest moment, calculate sqrt(m2^2+m3^2)
    m11 = results[12][close_index]
    m22 = results[13][close_index]
    m33 = results[14][close_index]

    return m11,m22,m33
    def support_xy_direction(self):
    Returns the direction in which the support beam should be constructed
        # Check to see if direction is vertical
        default_direction = self.get_repair_beam_direction()

        # The beam was vertical
        if default_direction is None:
            xy_dir = self.non_zero_xydirection()

        # Use the default direction
            xy_dir = default_direction

        return helpers.make_unit(xy_dir)
    def move(self, angle='random', step=10):
        def random_NWSE():
            rand = randint(0, 3)
            if rand == 0: return 90  #forward
            if rand == 1: return 180  #left
            if rand == 2: return 270  #backward
            if rand == 3: return 0  #right

        if angle == 'NWSE': angle = random_NWSE()
        if angle == 'random': angle = random() * 360
        rad = radians(angle)
        direction = helpers.make_vector((0, 0, 0), (cos(rad), sin(rad), 0))
        new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
          step, helpers.make_unit(direction)))
        return True
    def non_zero_xydirection(self):
    Returns a non_zero list of random floats with zero z component.
    The direction returned is a unit vector.
        # Random list
        tuple_list = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]

        # All are non-zero
        if all(tuple_list):
            tuple_list[2] = 0
            return helpers.make_unit(tuple(tuple_list))

        # All are zero - try again
            return self.non_zero_xydirection()
 def climb(self, location, beam):
     length = helpers.length(location)
     if length <= self.Body.step:
         new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(),
         if helpers.compare(new_location[2], 0):
             beam = None
             print('climbing beam', beam.name)
         new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
                        self.Body.step, helpers.make_unit(location)))
         print('climbing beam', beam.name)
     self.Body.changeLocationOnStructure(new_location, beam)
     return True
 def go_to_construction_site(self):
     vector_to_site = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(),
     if helpers.length(vector_to_site) > 10:
         direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(
             self.Body.getLocation(), CONSTRUCTION['center'])
         new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
                        self.Body.step, helpers.make_unit(direction_construction)))
         return True
         direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(
             self.Body.getLocation(), CONSTRUCTION['center'])
         new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(),
         return True
 def go_home_and_pick_up_beam(self, num_beams = ROBOT['beam_capacity']):
   self.Body.beam = None
   if not self.Body.atHome():
     direction_home = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(), HOME['center'])
     new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
                    self.Body.step, helpers.make_unit(direction_home)))
     self.Body.addToMemory('density_decisions', 0)
     self.Body.addToMemory('climbing_back', 0)
     self.Body.addToMemory('current_beam', None)
     self.Body.addToMemory('prev_beam', None)
     self.Body.addToMemory('same_loc_count', 0)
     self.Body.addToMemory('stuck', False)
   return True
 def go_home_and_pick_up_beam(self, num_beams=ROBOT['beam_capacity']):
     self.Body.beam = None
     if not self.Body.atHome():
         direction_home = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(),
         new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(), helpers.scale( \
                        self.Body.step, helpers.make_unit(direction_home)))
         self.Body.addToMemory('wandering', -1)
         self.Body.addToMemory('density_decisions', 0)
         self.Body.addToMemory('climbing_back', 0)
         self.Body.addToMemory('current_beam', None)
         self.Body.addToMemory('prev_beam', None)
         self.Body.addToMemory('same_loc_count', 0)
         self.Body.addToMemory('stuck', False)
     return True
  def add_beam(self,name,i,j):
    Visualization for the wiggling effect when adding a beam to the structure
    scale = 1
    change = 1
    unit_axis = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(i,j))

    # Create the beam
    self.beams[name] = visual.cylinder(pos=i,axis=unit_axis,

    # Extrude the beam from the robot
    while scale <= BEAM['length']:
      axis = helpers.scale(scale,unit_axis)
      self.beams[name].axis = axis
      scale += change
      time.sleep((change / 120) * self.inverse_speed)
    def add_beam(self, name, i, j):
    Visualization for the wiggling effect when adding a beam to the structure
        scale = 1
        change = 1
        unit_axis = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(i, j))

        # Create the beam
        self.beams[name] = visual.cylinder(pos=i,
                                           color=(0, 1, 0))

        # Extrude the beam from the robot
        while scale <= BEAM['length']:
            axis = helpers.scale(scale, unit_axis)
            self.beams[name].axis = axis
            scale += change
            time.sleep((change / 120) * self.inverse_speed)
    def random_direction():
      Returns a random, new location (direction)
      # obtain a random direction
      direction = (random.uniform(-1 * self.step, self.step), random.uniform(
        -1 * self.step, self.step), 0)

      # The they can't all be zero!
      if helpers.compare(helpers.length(direction),0):
        return random_direction()
        step = helpers.scale(self.step,helpers.make_unit(direction))
        predicted_location = helpers.sum_vectors(step, self.location)

        # Check the location
        if helpers.check_location(predicted_location):
          return direction
          return random_direction()
        def random_direction():
      Returns a random, new location (direction)
            # obtain a random direction
            direction = (random.uniform(-1 * self.step, self.step),
                         random.uniform(-1 * self.step, self.step), 0)

            # The they can't all be zero!
            if helpers.compare(helpers.length(direction), 0):
                return random_direction()
                step = helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction))
                predicted_location = helpers.sum_vectors(step, self.location)

                # Check the location
                if helpers.check_location(predicted_location):
                    return direction
                    return random_direction()
    def get_default(self, ratio_coord, vertical_coord):
    Returns the coordinate onto which the j-point of the beam to construct 
    should lie
        # No vertical coordinate this time, since we will use a leaning one
        coord = super(LeanRepairer, self).get_default(ratio_coord, None)
        if coord is not None:
            return coord
        # We need to return one that leans
            xy_dir = self.non_zero_xydirection()
            scale = 1 / helpers.ratio(BConstants.beam['construction_angle'])
            vertical = helpers.scale(scale,
            direction = helpers.make_unit(helpers.sum_vectors(
                xy_dir, vertical))
            endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(
                helpers.scale(BConstants.beam['length'], direction))

            return endpoint
    def support_beam_endpoint(self):
    Returns the endpoint for a support beam
        # Get broken beam
        e1, e2 = self.structure.get_endpoints(self.memory['broken_beam_name'],

        # Direction
        v = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(e1, e2))

        # Get pivot and repair beam midpoint
        pivot = self.location
        midpoint1 = helpers.midpoint(e1, e2)

        # Upper midpoint to encourate upward building
        midpoint = helpers.midpoint(e2, midpoint1)

        # Add an offset to mimick inability to determine location exactly
        offset = helpers.scale(
            random.uniform(-1 * BEAM['random'], BEAM['random']), v)
        midpoint = (helpers.sum_vectors(midpoint, offset) if random.randint(
            0, 4) == 1 else midpoint)

        # Calculate starting beam_endpoint
        endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot, midpoint)

        # Calculate angle from vertical
        angle_from_vertical = helpers.smallest_angle(
            helpers.make_vector(pivot, endpoint), (0, 0, 1))

        # Get angles
        sorted_angles = self.local_angles(pivot, endpoint)
        min_support_angle, max_support_angle = self.get_angles()
        min_constraining_angle, max_constraining_angle = self.get_angles(

        # Defining here to have access to min,max, etc.
        def acceptable_support(angle, coord):
            # Find beam endpoints
            beam_endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot, coord)

            # Calculate angle from vertical of beam we wish to construct based on the
            # information we've gathered
            from_vertical = (angle_from_vertical +
                             angle if beam_endpoint[2] <= endpoint[2] else
                             angle_from_vertical - angle)

            simple = not (from_vertical < min_constraining_angle
                          or from_vertical > max_constraining_angle)

            # On the ground
            if self.beam is None:
                return simple

            # On a beam, so check our support_angle_difference
                beam_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.beam.endpoints.i,
                support_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.location, coord)
                angle = helpers.smallest_angle(beam_vector, support_vector)
                real_angle = abs(90 - angle) if angle > 90 else angle

                return simple and real_angle > BConstants.beam[

        return_coord = None
        for coord, angle in sorted_angles:
            if acceptable_support(angle, coord) and helpers.on_line(
                    e1, e2, coord):
                self.memory['broken_beam_name'] = ''
                return coord
            elif acceptable_support(angle, coord):
                return_coord = coord

        if return_coord is not None:
            return return_coord
            # Otherwise, do default behaviour
            return super(Repairer, self).support_beam_endpoint()
    def support_xy_direction(self):
    Improves the construction direction so that we take into account the angle
    at which our current beam is located, and the verticality of the beam we
    are attempting to reach. This returns a unit direction (always should!)
        # If we're on the ground, then continue doing as before
        if self.beam is None:
            return super(Repairer, self).support_xy_direction()

            # Get repair beam vector
            b_i, b_j = self.structure.get_endpoints(
                self.memory['broken_beam_name'], self.location)
            repair_vector = helpers.make_vector(b_i, b_j)

            # Get the correct vector for the current beam
            # Remember - we travel in the opposite direction as normal when building
            # the support beam, so that's why this seems opposite of normal
            c_i, c_j = self.beam.endpoints
            current_vector = (helpers.make_vector(c_j, c_i)
                              if self.memory['previous_direction'][1][2] > 0
                              else helpers.make_vector(c_i, c_j))

            angle = helpers.smallest_angle(repair_vector, current_vector)

            # If below the specified angle, then place the beam directly upwards (no
            # change in xy)
            if angle < BConstants.beam['direct_repair_limit']:
                return None
                vertical = (0, 0, 1)
                v1, v2 = helpers.make_vector(b_i, c_i), helpers.make_vector(
                    b_i, c_j)

                # We can't get a direction based on beam locations
                if helpers.parallel(vertical, v1) and helpers.parallel(
                        vertical, v2):
                    return super(Repairer, self).support_xy_direction()

                # We can use the current beam to decide the direction
                elif not helpers.parallel(vertical, current_vector):
                    # pdb.set_trace()

                    # Project onto the xy-plane and negate
                    if current_vector[2] > 0:
                        projection = helpers.make_unit(
                                -1, (current_vector[0], current_vector[1], 0)))
                        projection = helpers.make_unit(
                            (current_vector[0], current_vector[1], 0))

                    # Add some small disturbance
                    disturbance = helpers.scale(random.uniform(
                        -1, 1), (-projection[1], projection[0], projection[2]))
                    result = helpers.sum_vectors(projection, disturbance)

                    # TODO
                    return result

                elif not helpers.parallel(vertical, repair_vector):
                    return super(Repairer, self).support_xy_direction()

                    return super(Repairer, self).support_xy_direction()
    def get_build_vector(self, build_angle, direction):
        current_beam_direction = self.Body.beam.global_default_axes()[0]
        (x_dir, y_dir, z_dir) = current_beam_direction
        (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)
        # convert to complement of polar angle (=angle up from x-y)
        build_angle = radians(90 - build_angle)
        #direction = None
    #connect to nearby beam if possible.
    best_x, best_y, best_z = float('Inf'), float('Inf'), float('Inf')
      height = -1*sin(build_angle)
      radius = cos(build_angle)
      random_angle = radians(random()*360)
      for theta in range(0,360,1):
        rads = radians(theta)
        x, y, z = radius*cos(random_angle+rads), radius*sin(random_angle+rads), height
        x, y, z = helpers.rotate_vector_3D((x, y, z), current_beam_direction)
        x_r, y_r, z_r = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(),helpers.scale(\
          BEAM['length'], helpers.make_unit((x,y,z))))
        if z_r <= 0: return (x,y,z)
        if z_r < best_z: best_x, best_y, best_z = x, y, z
      return (x,y,z)
        if direction == None:
            random_angle = radians(random() * 360)
            height = sin(build_angle)
            radius = cos(build_angle)
            x, y, z = radius * cos(random_angle), radius * sin(
                random_angle), height
            print(x, y, z)

        if direction == 'center':
            height = sin(build_angle)
            radius = cos(build_angle)
            position_center = CONSTRUCTION['center']
            position_center = (position_center[0], \
              position_center[1], self.Body.getLocation()[2])
            direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(
                self.Body.getLocation(), position_center)
            endpoint = helpers.scale(radius,
            x, y, z = endpoint[0], endpoint[1], height

        if direction == 'outward':
            height = sin(build_angle)
            radius = cos(build_angle)
            position_center = CONSTRUCTION['center']
            position_center = (position_center[0], \
              position_center[1], self.Body.getLocation()[2])
            direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(
                self.Body.getLocation(), position_center)
            endpoint = helpers.scale(radius,
            x, y, z = -1 * endpoint[0], -1 * endpoint[1], height

        if direction == 'upwards':
            x, y, z = 0, 0, 1

        if direction == 'ground':
            best_x, best_y, best_z = float('Inf'), float('Inf'), float('Inf')
            height = -1 * sin(build_angle)
            radius = cos(build_angle)
            random_angle = radians(random() * 360)
            for theta in range(0, 360, 1):
                rads = radians(theta)
                x, y, z = radius * cos(random_angle +
                                       rads), radius * sin(random_angle +
                                                           rads), height
                x, y, z = helpers.rotate_vector_3D((x, y, z),
                x_r, y_r, z_r = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(),helpers.scale(\
                  BEAM['length'], helpers.make_unit((x,y,z))))
                if z_r <= 0: return (x, y, z)
                if z_r < best_z: best_x, best_y, best_z = x, y, z
            return (x, y, z)

        x, y, z = helpers.rotate_vector_3D((x, y, z), current_beam_direction)
        # prevent hanging beams that are just above the ground after rotation
        if direction == 'outward' or direction == 'center' and z < 0:
            z = -1 * z

        return (x, y, z)
    def wander(self):
    When a robot is not on a structure, it wanders. The wandering in the working
    class works as follows. The robot moves around randomly with the following 
      The robot moves towards the home location if it has no beams and 
        the home location is detected nearby.
      Otherwise, if it has beams for construction, it moves toward the base 
      specified construction site. If it finds another beam nearby, it has a 
      tendency to climb that beam instead.
        # Check to see if robot is at home location and has no beams
        if self.at_home() and self.num_beams == 0:

        # If we have no beams, set the ground direction to home (TEMP CODE)
        if self.num_beams == 0:
            vector = helpers.make_vector(self.location, HOME["center"])
            self.ground_direction = (
                vector if not helpers.compare(helpers.length(vector), 0) else self.non_zero_xydirection()

        # Find nearby beams to climb on
        result = self.ground()

        # Either there are no nearby beams, we are on repair_mode/search_mode, our beams are 0, or
        # we are constructing a support - so don't mess with direction
        if (
            result == None
            or self.repair_mode
            or self.search_mode
            or self.num_beams == 0
            or self.memory["construct_support"]
            direction = self.get_ground_direction()
            new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(self.location, helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction)))

        # Nearby beam, jump on it
            dist, close_beam, direction = (result["distance"], result["beam"], result["direction"])
            # If the beam is within steping distance, just jump on it
            if self.num_beams > 0 and dist <= self.step:
                # Set the ground direction to None (so we walk randomly if we do get off
                # the beam again)
                self.ground_direction = None

                # Then move on the beam
                self.move(direction, close_beam)

            # If we can "detect" a beam, change the ground direction to approach it
            elif self.num_beams > 0 and dist <= ROBOT["local_radius"]:
                self.ground_direction = direction
                new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(
                    self.location, helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction))

            # Local beams, but could not detect (this is redundant)
                direction = self.get_ground_direction()
                new_location = helpers.sum_vectors(
                    self.location, helpers.scale(self.step, helpers.make_unit(direction))
  def support_beam_endpoint(self):
    Returns the endpoint for a support beam
    # Get broken beam
    e1,e2 = self.structure.get_endpoints(self.memory['broken_beam_name'],

    # Direction
    v = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(e1,e2))

    # Get pivot and repair beam midpoint
    pivot = self.location
    midpoint1 = helpers.midpoint(e1,e2)

    # Upper midpoint to encourate upward building
    midpoint = helpers.midpoint(e2,midpoint1)

    # Add an offset to mimick inability to determine location exactly
    offset = helpers.scale(random.uniform(-1*BEAM['random'],BEAM['random']),v)
    midpoint = (helpers.sum_vectors(midpoint,offset) if random.randint(0,4) == 1
    else midpoint) 

    # Calculate starting beam_endpoint
    endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,midpoint)

    # Calculate angle from vertical
    angle_from_vertical = helpers.smallest_angle(helpers.make_vector(pivot,

    # Get angles
    sorted_angles = self.local_angles(pivot,endpoint)
    min_support_angle,max_support_angle = self.get_angles()
    min_constraining_angle,max_constraining_angle = self.get_angles(

    # Defining here to have access to min,max, etc.
    def acceptable_support(angle,coord):
      # Find beam endpoints
      beam_endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,coord)

      # Calculate angle from vertical of beam we wish to construct based on the
      # information we've gathered
      from_vertical = (angle_from_vertical + angle if beam_endpoint[2] <= 
        endpoint[2] else angle_from_vertical - angle)

      simple = not (from_vertical < min_constraining_angle or from_vertical > 

      # On the ground
      if self.beam is None:
        return simple

      # On a beam, so check our support_angle_difference
        beam_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.beam.endpoints.i,
        support_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.location,coord)
        angle = helpers.smallest_angle(beam_vector,support_vector)
        real_angle = abs(90-angle) if angle > 90 else angle
        return simple and real_angle > BConstants.beam['support_angle_difference']

    return_coord = None
    for coord,angle in sorted_angles:
      if acceptable_support(angle,coord) and helpers.on_line(e1,e2,coord):
        self.memory['broken_beam_name'] = ''
        return coord
      elif acceptable_support(angle,coord):
        return_coord = coord

    if return_coord is not None:
      return return_coord
      # Otherwise, do default behaviour
      return super(Repairer,self).support_beam_endpoint()
  def support_xy_direction(self):
    Improves the construction direction so that we take into account the angle
    at which our current beam is located, and the verticality of the beam we
    are attempting to reach. This returns a unit direction (always should!)
    # If we're on the ground, then continue doing as before
    if self.beam is None:
      return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()

      # Get repair beam vector
      b_i,b_j = self.structure.get_endpoints(self.memory['broken_beam_name'],
      repair_vector = helpers.make_vector(b_i,b_j)

      # Get the correct vector for the current beam
      # Remember - we travel in the opposite direction as normal when building
      # the support beam, so that's why this seems opposite of normal
      c_i,c_j = self.beam.endpoints
      current_vector = (helpers.make_vector(c_j,c_i) if 
        self.memory['previous_direction'][1][2] > 0 else helpers.make_vector(

      angle = helpers.smallest_angle(repair_vector,current_vector)

      # If below the specified angle, then place the beam directly upwards (no
      # change in xy)
      if angle < BConstants.beam['direct_repair_limit']:
        return None
        vertical = (0,0,1)
        v1,v2 = helpers.make_vector(b_i,c_i), helpers.make_vector(b_i,c_j)

        # We can't get a direction based on beam locations
        if helpers.parallel(vertical,v1) and helpers.parallel(vertical,v2):
          return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()

        # We can use the current beam to decide the direction
        elif not helpers.parallel(vertical,current_vector):
          # pdb.set_trace()

          # Project onto the xy-plane and negate
          if current_vector[2] > 0:
            projection = helpers.make_unit(helpers.scale(-1,(current_vector[0],
            projection = helpers.make_unit((current_vector[0],current_vector[1],0))

          # Add some small disturbance
          disturbance = helpers.scale(random.uniform(-1,1),(-projection[1],
          result = helpers.sum_vectors(projection,disturbance)

          # TODO
          return result

        elif not helpers.parallel(vertical,repair_vector):
          return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()

          return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()
  def get_build_vector(self, build_angle, direction):
    current_beam_direction = self.Body.beam.global_default_axes()[0]
    (x_dir, y_dir, z_dir) = current_beam_direction
    (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)
    # convert to complement of polar angle (=angle up from x-y)
    build_angle = radians(90 - build_angle) 
    #direction = None
    #connect to nearby beam if possible.
    best_x, best_y, best_z = float('Inf'), float('Inf'), float('Inf')
      height = -1*sin(build_angle)
      radius = cos(build_angle)
      random_angle = radians(random()*360)
      for theta in range(0,360,1):
        rads = radians(theta)
        x, y, z = radius*cos(random_angle+rads), radius*sin(random_angle+rads), height
        x, y, z = helpers.rotate_vector_3D((x, y, z), current_beam_direction)
        x_r, y_r, z_r = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(),helpers.scale(\
          BEAM['length'], helpers.make_unit((x,y,z))))
        if z_r <= 0: return (x,y,z)
        if z_r < best_z: best_x, best_y, best_z = x, y, z
      return (x,y,z)
    if direction == None:
      random_angle = radians(random()*360)
      height = sin(build_angle)
      radius = cos(build_angle)
      x, y, z = radius*cos(random_angle), radius*sin(random_angle), height

    if direction == 'center': 
      height = sin(build_angle)
      radius = cos(build_angle)
      position_center = CONSTRUCTION['center']
      position_center = (position_center[0], \
        position_center[1], self.Body.getLocation()[2])
      direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(), position_center)
      endpoint = helpers.scale(radius, helpers.make_unit(direction_construction))
      x, y, z = endpoint[0], endpoint[1], height

    if direction == 'outward':
      height = sin(build_angle)
      radius = cos(build_angle)
      position_center = CONSTRUCTION['center']
      position_center = (position_center[0], \
        position_center[1], self.Body.getLocation()[2])
      direction_construction = helpers.make_vector(self.Body.getLocation(), position_center)
      endpoint = helpers.scale(radius, helpers.make_unit(direction_construction))
      x, y, z = -1*endpoint[0], -1*endpoint[1], height

    if direction == 'upwards':
      x, y, z = 0, 0, 1

    if direction == 'ground':
      best_x, best_y, best_z = float('Inf'), float('Inf'), float('Inf')
      height = -1*sin(build_angle)
      radius = cos(build_angle)
      random_angle = radians(random()*360)
      for theta in range(0,360,1):
        rads = radians(theta)
        x, y, z = radius*cos(random_angle+rads), radius*sin(random_angle+rads), height
        x, y, z = helpers.rotate_vector_3D((x, y, z), current_beam_direction)
        x_r, y_r, z_r = helpers.sum_vectors(self.Body.getLocation(),helpers.scale(\
          BEAM['length'], helpers.make_unit((x,y,z))))
        if z_r <= 0: return (x,y,z)
        if z_r < best_z: best_x, best_y, best_z = x, y, z
      return (x,y,z)

    x, y, z = helpers.rotate_vector_3D((x, y, z), current_beam_direction)
    # prevent hanging beams that are just above the ground after rotation
    if direction == 'outward' or direction == 'center' and z < 0:
      z = -1*z

    return (x, y, z)
    def build(self):
    This functions sets down a beam. This means it "wiggles" it around in the 
    air until it finds a connection (programatically, it just finds the 
    connection which makes the smallest angle). Returns false if something went 
    wrong, true otherwise.

        def check(i, j):
      Checks the endpoints and returns two that don't already exist in the 
      structure. If they do already exist, then it returns two endpoints that 
      don't. It does this by changing the j-endpoint. This function also takes 
      into account making sure that the returned value is still within the 
      robot's tendency to build up. (ie, it does not return a beam which would 
      build below the limit angle_constraint)
            # There is already a beam here, so let's move our current beam slightly to
            # some side
            if not self.structure.available(i, j):

                # Create a small disturbace
                lim = BEAM["random"]
                f = random.uniform
                disturbance = (f(-1 * lim, lim), f(-1 * lim, lim), f(-1 * lim, lim))

                # find the new j-point for the beam
                new_j = helpers.beam_endpoint(i, helpers.sum_vectors(j, disturbance))

                return check(i, new_j)


                # Calculate the actual endpoint of the beam (now that we now direction
                # vector)
                return (i, helpers.beam_endpoint(i, j))

        # Sanitiy check
        assert self.num_beams > 0

        # Default pivot is our location
        pivot = self.location

        if self.beam is not None:

            # Obtain any nearby joints, and insert the i/j-end if needed
            all_joints = [coord for coord in self.beam.joints if not helpers.compare(coord[2], 0)]
            if self.beam.endpoints.j not in all_joints and not helpers.compare(self.beam.endpoints.j[2], 0):
            if self.beam.endpoints.i not in all_joints and not helpers.compare(self.beam.endpoints.i[2], 0):

            # Find the nearest one
            joint_coord, dist = min(
                [(coord, helpers.distance(self.location, coord)) for coord in all_joints], key=lambda t: t[1]

            # If the nearest joint is within our error, then use it as the pivot
            if dist <= BConstants.beam["joint_error"]:
                pivot = joint_coord

        # Default vertical endpoint (the ratios are measured from the line created
        # by pivot -> vertical_endpoint)
        vertical_endpoint = helpers.sum_vectors(
            pivot, helpers.scale(BEAM["length"], helpers.make_unit(BConstants.beam["vertical_dir_set"]))

        # Get the ratios
        sorted_angles = self.local_angles(pivot, vertical_endpoint)

        # Find the most vertical position
        final_coord = self.find_nearby_beam_coord(sorted_angles, pivot)

        # Obtain the default endpoints
        default_endpoint = self.get_default(final_coord, vertical_endpoint)
        i, j = check(pivot, default_endpoint)

        # Sanity check
        assert helpers.compare(helpers.distance(i, j), BConstants.beam["length"])

        return self.addbeam(i, j)