def main(opts, moduleSelector, multipleDirs): #Print(CaptionStyle() + "*** Datacard generator ***" + NormalStyle() + "\n") # Definitions signalLabel = "Signal analysis" ewkLabel = "Embedding" qcdInvLabel = "QCD inverted" #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK | gc.DEBUG_STATS) #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) #ROOT.SetMemoryPolicy(ROOT.kMemoryStrict) #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) Verbose("Loading datacard \"%s\"" % (opts.datacard)) # Catch any errors in the input datacard os.system("python %s" % opts.datacard) config = load_module(opts.datacard) # Replace source directory if necessary if multipleDirs != None: config.Path = multipleDirs Verbose("Input directory is \"%s\"" % (config.Path)) # If user insisted on certain QCD method on command line, produce datacards only for that QCD method # Otherwise produce cards for all QCD methods myQCDMethods = [ DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED, DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.MC ] # Obtain dataset creators (also check multicrab directory existence) Verbose("Checking input multicrab directory presence") multicrabPaths = PathFinder.MulticrabPathFinder(config.Path) mcrabInfoOutput = [] mcrabInfoOutput.append("Input directories:") signalDsetCreator = getDsetCreator(signalLabel, multicrabPaths.getSignalPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) embeddingDsetCreator = None if not config.OptionGenuineTauBackgroundSource == "DataDriven": mcrabInfoOutput.append( "- Embedding will be estimated from signal analysis MC") Verbose(WarningLabel() + "Embedding will be estimated from signal analysis MC" + NormalStyle()) else: multicrabPaths.getEWKPath() if multicrabPaths.getEWKPath() == "": raise Exception( ErrorLabel() + "You asked for data driven EWK+tt with taus, but no corresponding multicrab was found!" ) embeddingDsetCreator = getDsetCreator(ewkLabel, multicrabPaths.getEWKPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) qcdInvertedDsetCreator = getDsetCreator( qcdInvLabel, multicrabPaths.getQCDInvertedPath(), mcrabInfoOutput, DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED in myQCDMethods) if qcdInvertedDsetCreator == None: myQCDMethods.remove(DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED) else: myQCDMethods.remove(DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.MC) # Require existence of signal analysis and one QCD measurement if signalDsetCreator == None: msg = ErrorLabel() + " Signal analysis multicrab directory not found!" raise Exception(msg) if len(myQCDMethods) == 0: msg = " QCD measurement (factorised and/or inverted) not found!" Print(WarningLabel() + msg) # Check options that are affecting the validity of the results if not config.OptionIncludeSystematics: msg = " Skipping of shape systematics has been forced (flag OptionIncludeSystematics in the datacard file)" Print(WarningLabel() + msg) if not config.OptionDoControlPlots: msg = " Skipping of data-driven control plot generation been forced (flag OptionDoControlPlots in the datacard file)" Print(WarningLabel() + msg) # Find list of available eras, search modes, and optimization modes common for all multicrab directories Verbose( "Find list of available eras, search modes, and optimization modes common for all multicrab directories", True) moduleSelector.setPrimarySource("Signal analysis", signalDsetCreator) if embeddingDsetCreator != None: moduleSelector.addOtherSource("Embedding", embeddingDsetCreator) #if qcdFactorisedDsetCreator != None: #moduleSelector.addOtherSource("QCD factorised", qcdFactorisedDsetCreator) if qcdInvertedDsetCreator != None: moduleSelector.addOtherSource("QCD inverted", qcdInvertedDsetCreator) moduleSelector.doSelect( opts, printSelections=opts.verbose ) # alex: prints out selected eras, modes, optimisation moduleSelector.closeFiles() # Separate light and heavy masses if they are not separated mySearchModeList = moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes() if ("Light" not in mySearchModeList and len(config.LightMassPoints) > 0 and len(config.HeavyMassPoints) > 0) or \ ("Heavy" not in mySearchModeList and len(config.HeavyMassPoints) > 0 and len(config.LightMassPoints) > 0): mySearchModeList.append(mySearchModeList[0]) # Summarise the consequences of the user choises nEras = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedEras()) nModes = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes()) nOptModes = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes()) nQCDMethods = len(myQCDMethods) nDatacards = nEras * nModes * nOptModes * nQCDMethods msg = "Producing %d set(s) of datacards" % (nDatacards) msg += " [%d era(s) x %d search mode(s) x %d optimization mode(s) x %d QCD measurement(s)]" % ( nEras, nModes, nOptModes, nQCDMethods) Print(HighlightAltStyle() + msg + NormalStyle()) #NoteStyle() # Produce datacards myCounter = 0 myStartTime = time.time() myOriginalName = config.DataCardName myOutputDirectories = [] # For-loop: QCD methods for qcdMethod in myQCDMethods: # For-loop: Data eras for era in moduleSelector.getSelectedEras(): mySearchModeCounter = 0 # For-loop: Search modes for searchMode in mySearchModeList: # Separate light and heavy mass points into their own subdirectories if len(mySearchModeList) > 1: if mySearchModeList[0] == mySearchModeList[1]: if mySearchModeCounter == 0: config.MassPoints = config.LightMassPoints config.DataCardName = myOriginalName + "_LightHplus" elif mySearchModeCounter == 1: config.MassPoints = config.HeavyMassPoints config.DataCardName = myOriginalName + "_HeavyHplus" # print config.MassPoints mySearchModeCounter += 1 # For-loop: Optimization modes for optimizationMode in moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes( ): if hasattr(ROOT.gROOT, "CloseFiles"): ROOT.gROOT.CloseFiles() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Delete() # After these, three histograms are still left in memory # Worst memory leak seems to come from storing and not freeing the main counters # Create the dataset creator managers separately for each module signalDsetCreator = getDsetCreator( signalLabel, multicrabPaths.getSignalPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) embeddingDsetCreator = None if not config.OptionGenuineTauBackgroundSource == "DataDriven": mcrabInfoOutput.append( "- Embedding will be estimated from signal analysis MC" ) msg = "Embedding will be estimated from signal analysis MC" Verbose(WarningLabel() + msg) #fixme: is this obsolete? else: embeddingDsetCreator = getDsetCreator( ewkLabel, multicrabPaths.getEWKPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) myQCDDsetCreator = None # if qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.FACTORISED: # enabled = DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.FACTORISED in myQCDMethods # myQCDDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("QCD factorised", multicrabPaths.getQCDFactorisedPath(), mcrabInfoOutput, enabled) # if myQCDDsetCreator == None: # raise Exception(ErrorLabel()+"Could not find factorised QCD pseudomulticrab!"+NormalStyle()) if qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED: enabled = DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED in myQCDMethods myQCDDsetCreator = getDsetCreator( qcdInvLabel, multicrabPaths.getQCDInvertedPath(), mcrabInfoOutput, enabled) if myQCDDsetCreator == None: msg = "Could not find inverted QCD pseudomulticrab" raise Exception(ErrorLabel() + msg + NormalStyle()) Verbose( "Create the datacard generator & check config file contents" ) dcgen = DataCard.DataCardGenerator(opts, config, qcdMethod, verbose=opts.verbose) # Tweak to provide the correct datasetMgrCreator to the generator qcd = "Unset" if qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.FACTORISED: qcd = "factorised" elif qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED: qcd = "inverted" # Print settings to user PrintEraModeOptQCDMethod(era, searchMode, optimizationMode, qcd) #Print("era=%s, searchMode=%s, optimizationMode=%s, QCD method=%s" % (era, searchMode, optimizationMode, qcd)) dcgen.setDsetMgrCreators(signalDsetCreator, embeddingDsetCreator, myQCDDsetCreator) # Print progress info myCounter += 1 msg = "Producing datacard %d/%d" % (myCounter, nDatacards) Print(HighlightAltStyle() + msg + NormalStyle()) #CaptionStyle # Do the heavy stuff myDir = dcgen.doDatacard(era, searchMode, optimizationMode, mcrabInfoOutput) myOutputDirectories.append(myDir) # Do tail fit for heavy H+ if asked if opts.dotailfit: Print("Performing tail fit for heavy H+ ...") myHeavyStatus = True for m in config.MassPoints: if m < 175: myHeavyStatus = False if myHeavyStatus: Print("Doing tail fit ...") os.chdir(myDir) os.system( "../ -x ../" ) os.chdir("..") Verbose("Datacard generator is done!") # Timing calculations myEndTime = time.time() myTotTime = (myEndTime - myStartTime) myAvgTime = (myTotTime) / float(nDatacards) Verbose( "Running took on average %.1f s per datacard (elapsed time = %.1f s, datacards = %d) " % (myAvgTime, myTotTime, nDatacards)) # Generate plots for systematics if opts.systAnalysis: for d in myOutputDirectories: Print("Generating systematics plots for %s" (d)) os.chdir(d) os.system("../") os.chdir("..") # Make tar file myTimestamp = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.gmtime(time.time())) myLimitCode = None if opts.lands: myLimitCode = "lands" elif opts.combine: myLimitCode = "combine" myFilename = "datacards_%s_archive_%s.tgz" % (myLimitCode, myTimestamp) fTar =, mode="w:gz") # For-loop: All output dirs for d in myOutputDirectories: fTar.add(d) fTar.close() msg = "Created archive of results directories to " Print(msg + SuccessStyle() + myFilename + NormalStyle())
def main(opts, moduleSelector, multipleDirs): # Fixme: Is this used/needed? if 0: gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK | gc.DEBUG_STATS) gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) ROOT.SetMemoryPolicy(ROOT.kMemoryStrict) gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) # Catch any errors in the input datacard (options added to avoid double printouts from the template card; if there are any!) if opts.pyValidate: Verbose("Validating datacard \"%s\"" % (opts.datacard)) os.system("python %s" % opts.datacard) # Load the datacard Verbose("Loading datacard \"%s\"" % (opts.datacard)) config = aux.load_module(opts.datacard) # Replace source directory if necessary if multipleDirs != None: config.Path = multipleDirs Verbose("Input directory is \"%s\"" % (config.Path)) # Obtain dataset creators (also check multicrab directory existence) Verbose("Checking input multicrab directory presence") multicrabPaths = PathFinder.MulticrabPathFinder(config.Path, opts.h2tb, opts.verbose) mcrabInfoOutput = [] mcrabInfoOutput.append("Input directories:") if opts.verbose: multicrabPaths.PrintInfo() # Determine dataset labels. Fixme: adopt global names (e.g. fakes, genuine) if opts.h2tb: fakesFromData = (config.OptionFakeBMeasurementSource == "DataDriven") else: fakesFromData = ( config.OptionGenuineTauBackgroundSource == "DataDriven") signalLabel, bkg1Label, bkg2Label = GetDatasetLabels( config, fakesFromData, opts) # Create signal/bkg datasets creator Verbose("Creating signal & bkg datasets") signalDsetCreator = getSignalDsetCreator(multicrabPaths, signalLabel, mcrabInfoOutput) bkg1DsetCreator, bkg2DsetCreator = getBkgDsetCreators( multicrabPaths, bkg1Label, bkg2Label, fakesFromData, mcrabInfoOutput) # Set signal/bkg datasets creator labels signalDsetCreator.setLabel(signalLabel) bkg1DsetCreator.setLabel(bkg1Label) bkg2DsetCreator.setLabel(bkg2Label) PrintDsetInfo( [signalDsetCreator, bkg1DsetCreator, bkg2DsetCreator], True ) #opts.verbose) #bkg1 = EWK MC, bkg2 = FakeB if (data-driven==True) # Check options that are affecting the validity of the results CheckOptions(config) # Find list of available eras, search modes, and optimization modes common for all multicrab directories Verbose( "Find list of available eras, search modes, and optimization modes common for all multicrab directories", True) SetModuleSelectorSources( moduleSelector, signalLabel, signalDsetCreator, bkg1Label, bkg1DsetCreator, bkg2Label, bkg2DsetCreator, opts) #fixme: santeri check. bkg1=Genuine, bkg2=Fake # Summarise the consequences of the user choises PrintOptions(moduleSelector) # Produce datacards myCounter = 0 myStartTime = time.time() myOriginalName = config.DataCardName myOutputDirectories = [] nDatacards = 0 nEras = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedEras()) nModes = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes()) nOpts = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes()) # For-loop: Data eras for i, era in enumerate(moduleSelector.getSelectedEras(), 1): msg = "{:<9} {:>3} {:<1} {:<3} {:<50}".format("Era", "%i" % i, "/", "%s:" % (nEras), era) Print(HighlightAltStyle() + msg + NormalStyle(), i == 1) # For-loop: Search modes for j, searchMode in enumerate(moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes(), 1): msg = "{:<9} {:>3} {:<1} {:<3} {:<50}".format( "Mode", "%i" % j, "/", "%s:" % (nModes), searchMode) Print(HighlightAltStyle() + msg + NormalStyle(), False) # For-loop: Optimization modes for k, optimizationMode in enumerate( moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes(), 1): nDatacards += 1 msg = "{:<9} {:>3} {:<1} {:<3} {:<50}".format( "Opt", "%i" % k, "/", "%s:" % (nOpts), optimizationMode) Print(HighlightAltStyle() + msg + NormalStyle(), False) # FIXME: Crashes! #if hasattr(ROOT.gROOT, "CloseFiles"): # ROOT.gROOT.CloseFiles() #ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Delete() Verbose( "Create the datacard generator & check config file contents" ) dcgen = DataCard.DataCardGenerator(opts, config, verbose=opts.verbose, h2tb=opts.h2tb) dcgen.setDsetMgrCreators(signalDsetCreator, bkg1DsetCreator, bkg2DsetCreator) # Do the heavy stuff myDir = dcgen.doDatacard(era, searchMode, optimizationMode, mcrabInfoOutput) myOutputDirectories.append(myDir) # Do tail fit for heavy H+ if asked if opts.dotailfit: Print("Performing tail fit for heavy H+ ...") myHeavyStatus = True for m in config.MassPoints: if m < 161: myHeavyStatus = False if myHeavyStatus: Print("Doing tail fit ...") os.chdir(myDir) os.system( "../ -x ../" ) os.chdir("..") # Timing calculations myEndTime = time.time() myTotTime = (myEndTime - myStartTime) myAvgTime = (myTotTime) / float(nDatacards) Verbose( "Running took on average %.1f s per datacard (elapsed time = %.1f s, datacards = %d) " % (myAvgTime, myTotTime, nDatacards)) # Generate plots for systematics if opts.systAnalysis: for d in myOutputDirectories: Print("Generating systematics plots for %s" (d)) os.chdir(d) os.system("../") os.chdir("..") # Inform user for d in myOutputDirectories: msg = "Created results dir %s" % (SuccessStyle() + d + NormalStyle()) Print(msg) # Optionally, create a tarball with all the results CreateTarball(myOutputDirectories, opts) if 0: gc.collect() ROOT.SetMemoryPolicy(ROOT.kMemoryHeuristics) memoryDump() return
def main(opts, moduleSelector, multipleDirs): print CaptionStyle()+"*** Datacard generator ***"+NormalStyle()+"\n" #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK | gc.DEBUG_STATS) #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) #ROOT.SetMemoryPolicy(ROOT.kMemoryStrict) #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) print "Loading datacard:",opts.datacard os.system("python %s"%opts.datacard) # Catch any errors in the input datacard config = load_module(opts.datacard) # Replace source directory if necessary if multipleDirs != None: config.Path = multipleDirs print "Input directory:",config.Path # If user insisted on certain QCD method on command line, produce datacards only for that QCD method # Otherwise produce cards for all QCD methods myQCDMethods = [DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED, DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.MC] # Obtain dataset creators (also check multicrab directory existence) print "\nChecking input multicrab directory presence:" multicrabPaths = PathFinder.MulticrabPathFinder(config.Path) mcrabInfoOutput = [] mcrabInfoOutput.append("Input directories:") signalDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("Signal analysis", multicrabPaths.getSignalPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) embeddingDsetCreator = None if not config.OptionGenuineTauBackgroundSource == "DataDriven": mcrabInfoOutput.append("- Embedding: estimated from signal analysis MC") print "- %sWarning:%s Embedding: estimated from signal analysis MC"%(WarningStyle(),NormalStyle()) else: multicrabPaths.getEWKPath() if multicrabPaths.getEWKPath() == "": raise Exception(ErrorLabel()+"You asked for data driven EWK+tt with taus, but no corresponding multicrab was found!") embeddingDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("Embedding", multicrabPaths.getEWKPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) qcdInvertedDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("QCD inverted", multicrabPaths.getQCDInvertedPath(), mcrabInfoOutput, DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED in myQCDMethods) if qcdInvertedDsetCreator == None: myQCDMethods.remove(DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED) else: myQCDMethods.remove(DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.MC) # Require existence of signal analysis and one QCD measurement if signalDsetCreator == None: raise Exception(ErrorStyle()+"Error:"+NormalStyle()+" Signal analysis multicrab directory not found!") if len(myQCDMethods) == 0: print (WarningLabel()+" QCD measurement (factorised and/or inverted) not found!") # Check options that are affecting the validity of the results if not config.OptionIncludeSystematics: print "\n%sWarning%s: skipping of shape systematics has been forced (flag OptionIncludeSystematics in the datacard file)"%(WarningStyle(),NormalStyle()) if not config.OptionDoControlPlots: print "\n%sWarning%s: skipping of data driven control plot generation been forced (flag OptionDoControlPlots in the datacard file)"%(WarningStyle(),NormalStyle()) # Find list of available eras, search modes, and optimization modes common for all multicrab directories moduleSelector.setPrimarySource("Signal analysis", signalDsetCreator) if embeddingDsetCreator != None: moduleSelector.addOtherSource("Embedding", embeddingDsetCreator) #if qcdFactorisedDsetCreator != None: #moduleSelector.addOtherSource("QCD factorised", qcdFactorisedDsetCreator) if qcdInvertedDsetCreator != None: moduleSelector.addOtherSource("QCD inverted", qcdInvertedDsetCreator) moduleSelector.doSelect(opts) moduleSelector.closeFiles() # Separate light and heavy masses if they are not separated mySearchModeList = moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes() if ("Light" not in mySearchModeList and len(config.LightMassPoints) > 0 and len(config.HeavyMassPoints) > 0) or \ ("Heavy" not in mySearchModeList and len(config.HeavyMassPoints) > 0 and len(config.LightMassPoints) > 0): mySearchModeList.append(mySearchModeList[0]) # Summarise the consequences of the user choises myDatacardCount = len(moduleSelector.getSelectedEras())*len(moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes())*len(moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes())*len(myQCDMethods) print "\nProducing %s%d sets of datacards%s (%d era(s) x %d search mode(s) x %d optimization mode(s) x %d QCD measurement(s))\n"%(HighlightStyle(),myDatacardCount,NormalStyle(),len(moduleSelector.getSelectedEras()),len(moduleSelector.getSelectedSearchModes()),len(moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes()),len(myQCDMethods)) # Produce datacards myCounter = 0 myStartTime = time.time() myOriginalName = config.DataCardName myOutputDirectories = [] for qcdMethod in myQCDMethods: for era in moduleSelector.getSelectedEras(): mySearchModeCounter = 0 for searchMode in mySearchModeList: # Separate light and heavy mass points into their own subdirectories if len(mySearchModeList) > 1: if mySearchModeList[0] == mySearchModeList[1]: if mySearchModeCounter == 0: config.MassPoints = config.LightMassPoints config.DataCardName = myOriginalName + "_LightHplus" elif mySearchModeCounter == 1: config.MassPoints = config.HeavyMassPoints config.DataCardName = myOriginalName + "_HeavyHplus" mySearchModeCounter += 1 for optimizationMode in moduleSelector.getSelectedOptimizationModes(): if hasattr(ROOT.gROOT, "CloseFiles"): ROOT.gROOT.CloseFiles() ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfCanvases().Delete() # After these, three histograms are still left in memory # Worst memory leak seems to come from storing and not freeing the main counters # Create the dataset creator managers separately for each module signalDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("Signal analysis", multicrabPaths.getSignalPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) embeddingDsetCreator = None if not config.OptionGenuineTauBackgroundSource == "DataDriven": mcrabInfoOutput.append("- Embedding: estimated from signal analysis MC") print "- %sWarning:%s Embedding: estimated from signal analysis MC"%(WarningStyle(),NormalStyle()) else: embeddingDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("Embedding", multicrabPaths.getEWKPath(), mcrabInfoOutput) myQCDDsetCreator = None #if qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.FACTORISED: #myQCDDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("QCD factorised", multicrabPaths.getQCDFactorisedPath(), mcrabInfoOutput, DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.FACTORISED in myQCDMethods) #if myQCDDsetCreator == None: #raise Exception(ErrorLabel()+"Could not find factorised QCD pseudomulticrab!"+NormalStyle()) if qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED: myQCDDsetCreator = getDsetCreator("QCD inverted", multicrabPaths.getQCDInvertedPath(), mcrabInfoOutput, DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED in myQCDMethods) if myQCDDsetCreator == None: raise Exception(ErrorLabel()+"Could not find inverted QCD pseudomulticrab!"+NormalStyle()) # Print progress info myCounter += 1 print "%sProducing datacard %d/%d ...%s\n"%(CaptionStyle(),myCounter,myDatacardCount,NormalStyle()) # Create the generator, check config file contents dcgen = DataCard.DataCardGenerator(opts, config, qcdMethod) # Tweak to provide the correct datasetMgrCreator to the generator if qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.FACTORISED: print "era=%s%s%s, searchMode=%s%s%s, optimizationMode=%s%s%s, QCD method=%sfactorised%s\n"%(HighlightStyle(),era,NormalStyle(),HighlightStyle(),searchMode,NormalStyle(),HighlightStyle(),optimizationMode,NormalStyle(),HighlightStyle(),NormalStyle()) elif qcdMethod == DataCard.DatacardQCDMethod.INVERTED: print "era=%s%s%s, searchMode=%s%s%s, optimizationMode=%s%s%s, QCD method=%sinverted%s\n"%(HighlightStyle(),era,NormalStyle(),HighlightStyle(),searchMode,NormalStyle(),HighlightStyle(),optimizationMode,NormalStyle(),HighlightStyle(),NormalStyle()) dcgen.setDsetMgrCreators(signalDsetCreator,embeddingDsetCreator,myQCDDsetCreator) # Do the heavy stuff myDir = dcgen.doDatacard(era,searchMode,optimizationMode,mcrabInfoOutput) myOutputDirectories.append(myDir) # Do tail fit for heavy H+ if asked if opts.dotailfit: myHeavyStatus = True for m in config.MassPoints: if m < 175: myHeavyStatus = False if myHeavyStatus: print "Doing tail fit ..." os.chdir(myDir) os.system("../ -x ../") os.chdir("..") print "\nDatacard generator is done." myEndTime = time.time() print "Running took on average %.1f s / datacard (total elapsed time: %.1f s)"%((myEndTime-myStartTime)/float(myDatacardCount), (myEndTime-myStartTime)) # Generate plots for systematics if opts.systAnalysis: for d in myOutputDirectories: print "\nGenerating systematics plots for",d os.chdir(d) os.system("../") os.chdir("..") # Make tar file myTimestamp = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.gmtime(time.time())) myLimitCode = None if opts.lands: myLimitCode = "lands" elif opts.combine: myLimitCode = "combine" myFilename = "datacards_%s_archive_%s.tgz"%(myLimitCode,myTimestamp) fTar =, mode="w:gz") for d in myOutputDirectories: fTar.add(d) fTar.close() print "Created archive of results directories to: %s%s%s"%(HighlightStyle(),myFilename,NormalStyle())