class FakeBNormalizationManager: ''' Base class for QCD measurement normalization from which specialized algorithm classes inherit ''' def __init__(self, binLabels, resultDirName, moduleInfoString, verbose=False): self._verbose = verbose self._templates = {} self._binLabels = binLabels self._sources = {} self._commentLines = [] self._BinLabelMap = {} self._TF = {} # Transfer Factor (TF) self._TF_Error = {} self._TF_Up = {} self._TF_Down = {} self._dqmKeys = OrderedDict() self._myPath = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots") if not isinstance(binLabels, list): raise Exception("Error: binLabels needs to be a list of strings") self.Verbose("__init__") # No optimisation mode if moduleInfoString == "": moduleInfoString = "Default" if not os.path.exists(self._myPath): self.Print("Creating new directory %s" % (self._myPath), True) os.mkdir(self._myPath) self._plotDirName = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots", moduleInfoString) # If already exists, Delete an entire directory tree if os.path.exists(self._plotDirName): msg = "Removing directory tree %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose( ShellStyles.NoteStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) shutil.rmtree(self._plotDirName) msg = "Creating directory %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose( ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), False) os.mkdir(self._plotDirName) return def Print(self, msg, printHeader=False): fName = __file__.split("/")[-1] if printHeader == True: print "=== ", fName + ": class " + self.__class__.__name__ print "\t", msg else: print "\t", msg return def Verbose(self, msg, printHeader=True, verbose=False): if not self._verbose: return self.Print(msg, printHeader) return def GetQCDNormalization(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF.keys(): return self._TF[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! " % (binLabel)) def GetTransferFactor(self, binLabel): return self.GetQCDNormalization(binLabel) def GetQCDNormalizationError(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF_Error.keys(): return self._TF_Error[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! " % (binLabel)) def CalculateTransferFactor(self, binLabel, hFakeB_Baseline, hFakeB_Inverted, verbose=False): ''' Calculates the combined normalization and, if specified, varies it up or down by factor (1+variation) TF = Transfer Factor SR = Signal Region CR = Control Region VR = Verification Region ''' self.verbose = verbose # Obtain counts for QCD and EWK fakes lines = [] # NOTES: Add EWKGenuineB TF, Add Data TF, add QCD TF, Add EWK TF, add MCONLY TFs nSR_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) # nTotalError = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(nSRerror**2 + nCRError**2) nSR = hFakeB_Baseline.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_Baseline.GetNbinsX() + 1, nSR_Error) nCR = hFakeB_Inverted.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_Inverted.GetNbinsX() + 1, nCR_Error) # nTotal = nSR + nCR # Calculate Transfer Factor (TF) from Control Region (R) to Signal Region (SR): R = N_CR1/ N_CR2 TF = None TF_Up = None TF_Down = None TF_Error = None if 1: ## nTotal > 0.0: TF = nSR / nCR TF_Error = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForDivision( nSR, nSR_Error, nCR, nCR_Error) TF_Up = TF + TF_Error if TF_Up > 1.0: TF_Up = 1.0 TF_Down = TF - TF_Error if TF_Down < 0.0: TF_Down = 0.0 lines.append("TF (bin=%s) = N_CR1 / N_CR2 = %f / %f = %f +- %f" % (binLabel, nSR, nCR, TF, TF_Error)) # Calculate the combined normalization factor (f_fakes = w*f_QCD + (1-w)*f_EWKfakes) fakeRate = None fakeRateError = None fakeRateUp = None fakeRateDown = None if TF != None: # fakeRate = w*self._TF[binLabel] + (1.0-w)*self._ewkNormalization[binLabel] # fakeRateUp = wUp*self._TF[binLabel] + (1.0-wUp)*self._ewkNormalization[binLabel] # fakeRateDown = wDown*self._TF[binLabel] + (1.0-wDown)*self._ewkNormalization[binLabel] # fakeRateErrorPart1 = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForProduct(w, wError, self._TF[binLabel], self._TFError[binLabel]) # fakeRateErrorPart2 = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForProduct(w, wError, self._ewkNormalization[binLabel], self._ewkNormalizationError[binLabel]) # fakeRateError = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(fakeRateErrorPart1**2 + fakeRateErrorPart2**2) # Replace bin label with histo title (has exact binning info) self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] = hFakeB_Inverted.GetTitle() self._TF[binLabel] = TF self._TF_Error[binLabel] = TF_Error self._TF_Up[binLabel] = TF_Up self._TF_Down[binLabel] = TF_Down # self._combinedFakesNormalizationError[binLabel] = fakeRateError # self._combinedFakesNormalizationUp[binLabel] = fakeRateUp # self._combinedFakesNormalizationDown[binLabel] = fakeRateDown # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) # Print output and store comments if 0: for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1): Print(line, i == 1) return def writeNormFactorFile(self, filename, opts): ''' Save the fit results for QCD and EWK. The results will are stored in a python file starting with name: "QCDInvertedNormalizationFactors_" + moduleInfoString The script also summarizes warnings and errors encountered: - Green means deviation from normal is 0-3 %, - Yellow means deviation of 3-10 %, and - Red means deviation of >10 % (i.e. something is clearly wrong). If necessary, do adjustments to stabilize the fits to get rid of the errors/warnings. The first things to work with are: a) Make sure enough events are in the histograms used b) Adjust fit parameters and/or fit functions and re-fit results Move on only once you are pleased with the normalisation coefficients ''' s = "" s += "# Generated on %s\n" % s += "# by %s\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) s += "\n" s += "import sys\n" s += "\n" s += "def QCDInvertedNormalizationSafetyCheck(era, searchMode, optimizationMode):\n" s += " validForEra = \"%s\"\n" % opts.dataEra s += " validForSearchMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.searchMode s += " validForOptMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.optMode s += " if not era == validForEra:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent era, normalisation factors valid for\",validForEra,\"but trying to use with\",era)\n" s += " if not searchMode == validForSearchMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent search mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForSearchMode,\"but trying to use with\",searchMode)\n" s += " if not optimizationMode == validForOptMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent optimization mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForOptMode,\"but trying to use with\",optimizationMode)\n" s += " return" s += "\n" s += "QCDNormalization = {\n" for k in self._TF: if 0: print "key = %s, value = %s" % (k, self._TF[k]) s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (k, self._TF[k]) s += "}\n" s += "QCDNormalizationError = {\n" for k in self._TF_Error: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (k, self._TF_Error[k]) s += "}\n" s += "QCDNormalizationErrorUp = {\n" for k in self._TF_Up: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (k, self._TF_Up[k]) s += "}\n" s += "QCDNormalizationErrorDown = {\n" for k in self._TF_Down: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (k, self._TF_Down[k]) s += "}\n" self.Verbose("Writing results in file %s" % filename, True) fOUT = open(filename, "w") fOUT.write(s) fOUT.write("'''\n") for l in self._commentLines: fOUT.write(l + "\n") fOUT.write("'''\n") fOUT.close() msg = "Results written in file %s" % ( ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + filename + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, True) # Create the transfer factors plot (for each bin of FakeB measurement) self._generateCoefficientPlot() # self._generateDQMplot() return def _generateCoefficientPlot(self): ''' This probably is needed in the case the measurement is done in bins of a correlated quantity (e.g. pT in the case of inverted tau isolation ''' def makeGraph(markerStyle, color, binList, valueDict, upDict, downDict): g = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(binList)) for i in range(len(binList)): g.SetPoint(i, i + 0.5, valueDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, upDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYlow(i, downDict[binList[i]]) g.SetMarkerSize(1.2) g.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) g.SetLineColor(color) g.SetLineWidth(3) g.SetMarkerColor(color) return g # Obtain bin list in right order keyList = [] keys = self._TF.keys() keys.sort() # for k in keys: # if "lt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "eq" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "gt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # For-loop: All Fake-b measurement bins for k in keys: keyList.append(k) #if "Inclusive" in keys: # keyList.append("Inclusive") # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() style.setOptStat(False) style.setGridX(True) style.setGridY(True) # Create graphs gFakeB = makeGraph(ROOT.kFullCircle, ROOT.kRed, keyList, self._TF, self._TF_Error, self._TF_Error) # Make plot hFrame = ROOT.TH1F("frame", "frame", len(keyList), 0, len(keyList)) # Change bin labels to text for i, binLabel in enumerate(keyList, 1): # for i in range(len(keyList)): binLabelText = self.getFormattedBinLabelString(binLabel) #hFrame.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, binLabelText) hFrame.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, binLabelText) # Set axes names hFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("transfer factor ") # hFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("transfer factors (R_{i})") # hFrame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Fake-b bin") # Customise axes hFrame.SetMinimum(0.6e-1) hFrame.SetMaximum(2e0) if len(self._BinLabelMap) > 12: lSize = 8 elif len(self._BinLabelMap) > 8: lSize = 12 else: lSize = 16 hFrame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(lSize) # 20 hFrame.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("d") # Label Style options # "a" sort by alphabetic order # ">" sort by decreasing values # "<" sort by increasing values # "h" draw labels horizonthal # "v" draw labels vertical # "u" draw labels up (end of label right adjusted) # "d" draw labels down (start of label left adjusted) # Create canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetLogy(True) c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() hFrame.Draw() gFakeB.Draw("p same") histograms.addStandardTexts(cmsTextPosition="outframe") # Create the legend & draw it l = ROOT.TLegend(0.65, 0.80, 0.90, 0.90) l.SetFillStyle(-1) l.SetBorderSize(0) # l.AddEntry(gFakeB, "Fake-#it{b} #pm Stat.", "LP") l.AddEntry(gFakeB, "Value #pm Stat.", "LP") l.SetTextSize(0.035) l.Draw() # Store ROOT ignore level to normal before changing it backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning # Save the plot for item in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: c.Print(self._plotDirName + "/QCDNormalisationCoefficients.%s" % item) # Reset the ROOT ignore level to normal ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup # Inform user msg = "Transfer-factors written in %s " % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + self._plotDirName + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, False) return def getFormattedBinLabelString(self, binLabel): ''' Dirty trick to get what I want ''' if binLabel not in self._BinLabelMap: # for k in self._BinLabelMap: # print k raise Exception("Got unexpected bin label \"%s\"!" % binLabel) newLabel = self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] newLabel = newLabel.replace("abs(", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace(")", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace("..", "-") newLabel = newLabel.replace(":", ",") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBjet", "") #"b^{ldg} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Pt", "p_{T} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Eta", "#eta ") if "inclusive" in binLabel.lower(): newLabel = "Inclusive" return newLabel def _generateDQMplot(self): ''' Create a DQM style plot ''' # Check the uncertainties on the normalization factors for k in self._dqmKeys.keys(): self._addDqmEntry(k, "norm.coeff.uncert::QCD", self._TFError[k], 0.03, 0.10) self._addDqmEntry(k, "norm.coeff.uncert::fake", self._ewkNormalizationError[k], 0.03, 0.10) value = abs(self._combinedFakesNormalizationUp[k] - self._combinedFakesNormalization[k]) value = max( value, abs(self._combinedFakesNormalizationDown[k] - self._combinedFakesNormalizationUp[k])) self._addDqmEntry(k, "norm.coeff.uncert::combined", value, 0.03, 0.10) # Construct the DQM histogram h = ROOT.TH2F("QCD DQM", "QCD DQM", len(self._dqmKeys[self._dqmKeys.keys()[0]].keys()), 0, len(self._dqmKeys[self._dqmKeys.keys()[0]].keys()), len(self._dqmKeys.keys()), 0, len(self._dqmKeys.keys())) h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) h.SetMinimum(0) h.SetMaximum(3) #h.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("v") nWarnings = 0 nErrors = 0 for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): for j in range(h.GetNbinsY()): ykey = self._dqmKeys.keys()[j] xkey = self._dqmKeys[ykey].keys()[i] h.SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey]) h.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(j + 1, ykey) h.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, xkey) if self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 2: nErrors += 1 elif self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 1: nWarnings += 1 palette = array.array("i", [ROOT.kGreen + 1, ROOT.kYellow, ROOT.kRed]) ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(3, palette) c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetBottomMargin(0.2) c.SetLeftMargin(0.2) c.SetRightMargin(0.2) h.Draw("colz") backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning for item in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: c.Print(self._plotDirName + "/QCDNormalisationDQM.%s" % item) ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) print "Obtained %d warnings and %d errors for the normalization" % ( nWarnings, nErrors) if nWarnings > 0 or nErrors > 0: print "Please have a look at %s/QCDNormalisationDQM.png to see the origin of the warning(s) and error(s)" % self._plotDirName return def _addDqmEntry(self, binLabel, name, value, okTolerance, warnTolerance): if not binLabel in self._dqmKeys.keys(): self._dqmKeys[binLabel] = OrderedDict() result = 2.5 if abs(value) < okTolerance: result = 0.5 elif abs(value) < warnTolerance: result = 1.5 self._dqmKeys[binLabel][name] = result return def _getSanityCheckTextForFractions(self, dataTemplate, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients NOTE: Should one divide the fractions with dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[0] ? Right now not because the correction is so small. ''' self.Verbose("_getSanityCheckTextForFractions()", True) # Get variables label = "QCD" fraction = dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[1] fractionError = dataTemplate.getFittedParameterErrors()[1] nBaseline = self._templates["%s_Baseline" % label].getNeventsFromHisto(False) nCalculated = fraction * dataTemplate.getNeventsFromHisto(False) if nCalculated > 0: ratio = nBaseline / nCalculated else: ratio = 0 lines = [] lines.append("Fitted %s fraction: %f +- %f" % (label, fraction, fractionError)) lines.append( "Sanity check: ratio = %.3f: baseline = %.1f vs. fitted = %.1f" % (ratio, nBaseline, nCalculated)) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines def _checkOverallNormalization(self, template, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients ''' self.Verbose("_checkOverallNormalization()") # Calculatotions value = template.getFittedParameters()[0] error = template.getFittedParameterErrors()[0] # Definitions lines = [] lines.append( "The fitted overall normalization factor for purity is: (should be 1.0)" ) lines.append("NormFactor = %f +/- %f" % (value, error)) self._addDqmEntry(binLabel, "OverallNormalization(par0)", value - 1.0, 0.03, 0.10) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines ## Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients def _getResultOutput(self, binLabel): lines = [] lines.append(" Normalization factor (QCD): %f +- %f" % (self._TF[binLabel], self._TFError[binLabel])) lines.append(" Normalization factor (EWK fake taus): %f +- %f" % (self._ewkNormalization[binLabel], self._ewkNormalizationError[binLabel])) lines.append(" Combined norm. factor: %f +- %f" % (self._combinedFakesNormalization[binLabel], self._combinedFakesNormalizationError[binLabel])) # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines
class SystTopBDTNormalizationManager: ''' Base class for QCD measurement normalization from which specialized algorithm classes inherit ''' def __init__(self, resultDirName, moduleInfoString, verbose=False): self._verbose = verbose self._templates = {} self._sources = {} self._commentLines = [] self._BinLabelMap = {} self._TF = {} # Transfer Factor (TF) self._TF_Error = {} self._TF_Up = {} self._TF_Down = {} self._dqmKeys = OrderedDict() self._myPath = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots") self.Verbose("__init__") # No optimisation mode if moduleInfoString == "": moduleInfoString = "Default" if not os.path.exists(self._myPath): self.Print("Creating new directory %s" % (self._myPath), True ) os.mkdir(self._myPath) self._plotDirName = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots", moduleInfoString) # If already exists, Delete an entire directory tree if os.path.exists(self._plotDirName): msg = "Removing directory tree %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose(ShellStyles.NoteStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) shutil.rmtree(self._plotDirName) msg = "Creating directory %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose(ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), False) os.mkdir(self._plotDirName) return def Print(self, msg, printHeader=False): fName = __file__.split("/")[-1] if printHeader==True: print "=== ", fName + ": class " + self.__class__.__name__ print "\t", msg else: print "\t", msg return def Verbose(self, msg, printHeader=True, verbose=False): if not self._verbose: return self.Print(msg, printHeader) return def GetQCDNormalization(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF.keys(): return self._TF[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! "% (binLabel) ) def GetTransferFactor(self, binLabel): return self.GetQCDNormalization(binLabel) def GetQCDNormalizationError(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF_Error.keys(): return self._TF_Error[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! "% (binLabel) ) def CalculateTransferFactor(self, binLabel, hFakeB_Baseline, hFakeB_Inverted, verbose=False): ''' Calculates the combined normalization and, if specified, varies it up or down by factor (1+variation) TF = Transfer Factor SR = Signal Region CR = Control Region VR = Verification Region ''' self.verbose = verbose print "======= Calculate TransferFactor " # Obtain counts for QCD and EWK fakes lines = [] # NOTES: Add EWKGenuineB TF, Add Data TF, add QCD TF, Add EWK TF, add MCONLY TFs nSR_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) # nTotalError = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(nSRerror**2 + nCRError**2) nSR = hFakeB_Baseline.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_Baseline.GetNbinsX()+1, nSR_Error) nCR = hFakeB_Inverted.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_Inverted.GetNbinsX()+1, nCR_Error) # nTotal = nSR + nCR # Calculate Transfer Factor (TF) from Control Region (R) to Signal Region (SR): R = N_CR1/ N_CR2 TF = None TF_Up = None TF_Down = None TF_Error = None if 1: ## nTotal > 0.0: TF = nSR / nCR TF_Error = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForDivision(nSR, nSR_Error, nCR, nCR_Error) TF_Up = TF + TF_Error if TF_Up > 1.0: TF_Up = 1.0 TF_Down = TF - TF_Error if TF_Down < 0.0: TF_Down = 0.0 lines.append("TF (bin=%s) = N_CR1 / N_CR2 = %f / %f = %f +- %f" % (binLabel, nSR, nCR, TF, TF_Error) ) # Calculate the combined normalization factor (f_fakes = w*f_QCD + (1-w)*f_EWKfakes) fakeRate = None fakeRateError = None fakeRateUp = None fakeRateDown = None if TF != None: # fakeRate = w*self._TF[binLabel] + (1.0-w)*self._ewkNormalization[binLabel] # fakeRateUp = wUp*self._TF[binLabel] + (1.0-wUp)*self._ewkNormalization[binLabel] # fakeRateDown = wDown*self._TF[binLabel] + (1.0-wDown)*self._ewkNormalization[binLabel] # fakeRateErrorPart1 = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForProduct(w, wError, self._TF[binLabel], self._TFError[binLabel]) # fakeRateErrorPart2 = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForProduct(w, wError, self._ewkNormalization[binLabel], self._ewkNormalizationError[binLabel]) # fakeRateError = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(fakeRateErrorPart1**2 + fakeRateErrorPart2**2) # Replace bin label with histo title (has exact binning info) self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] = hFakeB_Inverted.GetTitle() self._TF[binLabel ] = TF self._TF_Error[binLabel] = TF_Error self._TF_Up[binLabel] = TF_Up self._TF_Down[binLabel] = TF_Down # self._combinedFakesNormalizationError[binLabel] = fakeRateError # self._combinedFakesNormalizationUp[binLabel] = fakeRateUp # self._combinedFakesNormalizationDown[binLabel] = fakeRateDown # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) # Print output and store comments if 1: for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1): Print(line, i==1) return def writeNormFactorFile(self, filename, opts): ''' Save the fit results for QCD and EWK. The results will are stored in a python file starting with name: "QCDInvertedNormalizationFactors_" + moduleInfoString The script also summarizes warnings and errors encountered: - Green means deviation from normal is 0-3 %, - Yellow means deviation of 3-10 %, and - Red means deviation of >10 % (i.e. something is clearly wrong). If necessary, do adjustments to stabilize the fits to get rid of the errors/warnings. The first things to work with are: a) Make sure enough events are in the histograms used b) Adjust fit parameters and/or fit functions and re-fit results Move on only once you are pleased with the normalisation coefficients ''' s = "" s += "# Generated on %s\n"% s += "# by %s\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) s += "\n" s += "import sys\n" s += "\n" s += "def QCDInvertedNormalizationSafetyCheck(era, searchMode, optimizationMode):\n" s += " validForEra = \"%s\"\n" % opts.dataEra s += " validForSearchMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.searchMode s += " validForOptMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.optMode s += " if not era == validForEra:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent era, normalisation factors valid for\",validForEra,\"but trying to use with\",era)\n" s += " if not searchMode == validForSearchMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent search mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForSearchMode,\"but trying to use with\",searchMode)\n" s += " if not optimizationMode == validForOptMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent optimization mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForOptMode,\"but trying to use with\",optimizationMode)\n" s += " return" s += "\n" s += "QCDNormalization = {\n" for k in self._TF: if 0: print "key = %s, value = %s" % (k, self._TF[k]) s += ' "%s": %f,\n'%(k, self._TF[k]) s += "}\n" s += "QCDNormalizationError = {\n" for k in self._TF_Error: s += ' "%s": %f,\n'%(k, self._TF_Error[k]) s += "}\n" s += "QCDNormalizationErrorUp = {\n" for k in self._TF_Up: s += ' "%s": %f,\n'%(k, self._TF_Up[k]) s += "}\n" s += "QCDNormalizationErrorDown = {\n" for k in self._TF_Down: s += ' "%s": %f,\n'%(k, self._TF_Down[k]) s += "}\n" self.Verbose("Writing results in file %s" % filename, True) fOUT = open(filename,"w") fOUT.write(s) fOUT.write("'''\n") for l in self._commentLines: fOUT.write(l + "\n") fOUT.write("'''\n") fOUT.close() msg = "Results written in file %s" % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + filename + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, True) # Create the transfer factors plot (for each bin of FakeB measurement) self._generateCoefficientPlot() # self._generateDQMplot() return def _generateCoefficientPlot(self): ''' This probably is needed in the case the measurement is done in bins of a correlated quantity (e.g. pT in the case of inverted tau isolation ''' def makeGraph(markerStyle, color, binList, valueDict, upDict, downDict): g = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(binList)) for i in range(len(binList)): g.SetPoint(i, i+0.5, valueDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, upDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYlow(i, downDict[binList[i]]) g.SetMarkerSize(1.2) g.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) g.SetLineColor(color) g.SetLineWidth(3) g.SetMarkerColor(color) return g # Obtain bin list in right order keyList = [] keys = self._TF.keys() keys.sort() # for k in keys: # if "lt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "eq" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "gt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # For-loop: All Fake-b measurement bins for k in keys: keyList.append(k) #if "Inclusive" in keys: # keyList.append("Inclusive") # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() style.setOptStat(False) style.setGridX(True) style.setGridY(True) # Create graphs gFakeB = makeGraph(ROOT.kFullCircle, ROOT.kRed, keyList, self._TF, self._TF_Error, self._TF_Error) # Make plot hFrame = ROOT.TH1F("frame","frame", len(keyList), 0, len(keyList)) # Change bin labels to text for i, binLabel in enumerate(keyList, 1): # for i in range(len(keyList)): binLabelText = self.getFormattedBinLabelString(binLabel) #hFrame.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, binLabelText) hFrame.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, binLabelText) # Set axes names hFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("transfer factor ") # hFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("transfer factors (R_{i})") # hFrame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Fake-b bin") # Customise axes hFrame.SetMinimum(0.6e-1) hFrame.SetMaximum(2e0) if len(self._BinLabelMap) > 12: lSize = 8 elif len(self._BinLabelMap) > 8: lSize = 12 else: lSize = 16 hFrame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(lSize) # 20 hFrame.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("d") # Label Style options # "a" sort by alphabetic order # ">" sort by decreasing values # "<" sort by increasing values # "h" draw labels horizonthal # "v" draw labels vertical # "u" draw labels up (end of label right adjusted) # "d" draw labels down (start of label left adjusted) # Create canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetLogy(True) c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() hFrame.Draw() gFakeB.Draw("p same") histograms.addStandardTexts(cmsTextPosition="outframe") # Create the legend & draw it l = ROOT.TLegend(0.65, 0.80, 0.90, 0.90) l.SetFillStyle(-1) l.SetBorderSize(0) # l.AddEntry(gFakeB, "Fake-#it{b} #pm Stat.", "LP") l.AddEntry(gFakeB, "Value #pm Stat.", "LP") l.SetTextSize(0.035) l.Draw() # Store ROOT ignore level to normal before changing it backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning # Save the plot for item in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: c.Print(self._plotDirName + "/QCDNormalisationCoefficients.%s" % item) # Reset the ROOT ignore level to normal ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup # Inform user msg = "Transfer-factors written in %s " % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + self._plotDirName + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, False) return def getFormattedBinLabelString(self, binLabel): ''' Dirty trick to get what I want ''' if binLabel not in self._BinLabelMap: # for k in self._BinLabelMap: # print k raise Exception("Got unexpected bin label \"%s\"!" % binLabel) newLabel = self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] newLabel = newLabel.replace("abs(", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace(")", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace("..", "-") newLabel = newLabel.replace(":", ",") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBjet", "") #"b^{ldg} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Pt", "p_{T} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Eta", "#eta ") if "inclusive" in binLabel.lower(): newLabel = "Inclusive" return newLabel def _generateDQMplot(self): ''' Create a DQM style plot ''' # Check the uncertainties on the normalization factors for k in self._dqmKeys.keys(): self._addDqmEntry(k, "norm.coeff.uncert::QCD" , self._TFError[k], 0.03, 0.10) self._addDqmEntry(k, "norm.coeff.uncert::fake", self._ewkNormalizationError[k], 0.03, 0.10) value = abs(self._combinedFakesNormalizationUp[k]-self._combinedFakesNormalization[k]) value = max(value, abs(self._combinedFakesNormalizationDown[k]-self._combinedFakesNormalizationUp[k])) self._addDqmEntry(k, "norm.coeff.uncert::combined", value, 0.03, 0.10) # Construct the DQM histogram h = ROOT.TH2F("QCD DQM", "QCD DQM", len(self._dqmKeys[self._dqmKeys.keys()[0]].keys()), 0, len(self._dqmKeys[self._dqmKeys.keys()[0]].keys()), len(self._dqmKeys.keys()), 0, len(self._dqmKeys.keys())) h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) h.SetMinimum(0) h.SetMaximum(3) #h.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("v") nWarnings = 0 nErrors = 0 for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): for j in range(h.GetNbinsY()): ykey = self._dqmKeys.keys()[j] xkey = self._dqmKeys[ykey].keys()[i] h.SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey]) h.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(j+1, ykey) h.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, xkey) if self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 2: nErrors += 1 elif self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 1: nWarnings += 1 palette = array.array("i", [ROOT.kGreen+1, ROOT.kYellow, ROOT.kRed]) ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(3, palette) c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetBottomMargin(0.2) c.SetLeftMargin(0.2) c.SetRightMargin(0.2) h.Draw("colz") backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning for item in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: c.Print(self._plotDirName+"/QCDNormalisationDQM.%s"%item) ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) print "Obtained %d warnings and %d errors for the normalization"%(nWarnings, nErrors) if nWarnings > 0 or nErrors > 0: print "Please have a look at %s/QCDNormalisationDQM.png to see the origin of the warning(s) and error(s)"%self._plotDirName return def _addDqmEntry(self, binLabel, name, value, okTolerance, warnTolerance): if not binLabel in self._dqmKeys.keys(): self._dqmKeys[binLabel] = OrderedDict() result = 2.5 if abs(value) < okTolerance: result = 0.5 elif abs(value) < warnTolerance: result = 1.5 self._dqmKeys[binLabel][name] = result return def _getSanityCheckTextForFractions(self, dataTemplate, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients NOTE: Should one divide the fractions with dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[0] ? Right now not because the correction is so small. ''' self.Verbose("_getSanityCheckTextForFractions()", True) # Get variables label = "QCD" fraction = dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[1] fractionError = dataTemplate.getFittedParameterErrors()[1] nBaseline = self._templates["%s_Baseline" % label].getNeventsFromHisto(False) nCalculated = fraction * dataTemplate.getNeventsFromHisto(False) if nCalculated > 0: ratio = nBaseline / nCalculated else: ratio = 0 lines = [] lines.append("Fitted %s fraction: %f +- %f" % (label, fraction, fractionError)) lines.append("Sanity check: ratio = %.3f: baseline = %.1f vs. fitted = %.1f" % (ratio, nBaseline, nCalculated)) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines def _checkOverallNormalization(self, template, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients ''' self.Verbose("_checkOverallNormalization()") # Calculatotions value = template.getFittedParameters()[0] error = template.getFittedParameterErrors()[0] # Definitions lines = [] lines.append("The fitted overall normalization factor for purity is: (should be 1.0)") lines.append("NormFactor = %f +/- %f" % (value, error)) self._addDqmEntry(binLabel, "OverallNormalization(par0)", value-1.0, 0.03, 0.10) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines ## Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients def _getResultOutput(self, binLabel): lines = [] lines.append(" Normalization factor (QCD): %f +- %f"%(self._TF[binLabel], self._TFError[binLabel])) lines.append(" Normalization factor (EWK fake taus): %f +- %f"%(self._ewkNormalization[binLabel], self._ewkNormalizationError[binLabel])) lines.append(" Combined norm. factor: %f +- %f"%(self._combinedFakesNormalization[binLabel], self._combinedFakesNormalizationError[binLabel])) # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines
class FakeBNormalizationManager: ''' Base class for QCD measurement normalization from which specialized algorithm classes inherit ''' def __init__(self, binLabels, resultDirName, moduleInfoString, verbose=False): self._verbose = verbose self._templates = {} self._binLabels = binLabels self._sources = {} self._commentLines = [] self._NEvtsCR1 = {} self._NEvtsCR1_Error = {} self._NEvtsCR2 = {} self._NEvtsCR2_Error = {} self._NEvtsCR3 = {} self._NEvtsCR3_Error = {} self._NEvtsCR4 = {} self._NEvtsCR4_Error = {} self._TF = {} # Transfer Factor (TF) self._TF_Error = {} self._TF_Up = {} self._TF_Down = {} self._TF_Up2x = {} self._TF_Down2x = {} self._TF_Up3x = {} self._TF_Down3x = {} self._dqmKeys = OrderedDict() self._myPath = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots") self._BinLabelMap = {} self._FakeBNormalization = {} # for the time being same as TF self._FakeBNormalizationError = {} # for the time being same as TF_Error self._FakeBNormalizationUp = {} # for the time being same as TF_Up self._FakeBNormalizationUp2x = {} self._FakeBNormalizationUp3x = {} self._FakeBNormalizationDown = {} # for the time being same as TF_Down self._FakeBNormalizationDown2x = {} self._FakeBNormalizationDown3x = {} if not isinstance(binLabels, list): raise Exception("Error: binLabels needs to be a list of strings") self.Verbose("__init__") # No optimisation mode if moduleInfoString == "": moduleInfoString = "Default" if not os.path.exists(self._myPath): self.Print("Creating new directory %s" % (self._myPath), True ) os.mkdir(self._myPath) self._plotDirName = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots", moduleInfoString) # If already exists, Delete an entire directory tree if os.path.exists(self._plotDirName): msg = "Removing directory tree %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose(ShellStyles.NoteStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) shutil.rmtree(self._plotDirName) msg = "Creating directory %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose(ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), False) os.mkdir(self._plotDirName) return def Print(self, msg, printHeader=False): fName = __file__.split("/")[-1] if printHeader==True: # print "=== ", fName + ": class " + self.__class__.__name__ print "=== ", fName print "\t", msg else: print "\t", msg return def Verbose(self, msg, printHeader=True, verbose=False): if not self._verbose: return self.Print(msg, printHeader) return def GetQCDNormalization(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF.keys(): return self._TF[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! "% (binLabel) ) def GetTransferFactor(self, binLabel): return self.GetQCDNormalization(binLabel) def GetQCDNormalizationError(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF_Error.keys(): return self._TF_Error[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! "% (binLabel) ) def CalculateTransferFactor(self, binLabel, hFakeB_CR1, hFakeB_CR2, hFakeB_CR3, hFakeB_CR4, verbose=False): ''' Calculates the combined normalization and, if specified, varies it up or down by factor (1+variation) TF = Transfer Factor SR = Signal Region CR = Control Region VR = Verification Region ''' self.verbose = verbose # Obtain counts for QCD and EWK fakes lines = [] # NOTES: Add EWKGenuineB TF, Add Data TF, add QCD TF, Add EWK TF, add MCONLY TFs nCR1_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR2_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR3_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR4_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) # Get Events in all CRs and their associated errors nCR1 = hFakeB_CR1.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR1.GetNbinsX()+1, nCR1_Error) nCR2 = hFakeB_CR2.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR2.GetNbinsX()+1, nCR2_Error) nCR3 = hFakeB_CR3.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR3.GetNbinsX()+1, nCR3_Error) nCR4 = hFakeB_CR4.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR4.GetNbinsX()+1, nCR4_Error) # Calculate Transfer Factor (TF) from Control Region (R) to Signal Region (SR): R = N_CR1/ N_CR2 TF = None TF_Up = None TF_Up2x = None TF_Up3x = None TF_Down = None TF_Down2x = None TF_Down3x = None TF_Error = None TF = (nCR1 / nCR2) TF_Error = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForDivision(nCR1, nCR1_Error, nCR2, nCR2_Error) # Up variations TF_Up = TF + TF_Error TF_Up2x = TF + 2*TF_Error TF_Up3x = TF + 3*TF_Error if TF_Up > 1.0: Print("Forcing TF_Up (=%.3f) to be equal to 1!" % ( TF_Up), True) # added 23 Oct 2018 TF_Up = 1.0 if TF_Up2x > 1.0: Print("Forcing TF_Up2x (=%.3f) to be equal to 1!" % ( TF_Up2x), True) # added 23 Oct 2018 TF_Up2x = 1.0 if TF_Up3x > 1.0: Print("Forcing TF_Up3x (=%.3f) to be equal to 1!" % ( TF_Up3x), True) # added 23 Oct 2018 TF_Up3x = 1.0 # Down variations TF_Down = TF - TF_Error TF_Down2x = TF - 2*TF_Error TF_Down3x = TF - 3*TF_Error if TF_Down < 0.0: Print("Forcing TF_Down (=%.3f) to be equal to 0" % (TF_Down), True) # added 23 Oct 2018 TF_Down = 0.0 if TF_Down2x < 0.0: Print("Forcing TF_Down2x (=%.3f) to be equal to 0" % (TF_Down2x), True) # added 23 Oct 2018 TF_Down2x = 0.0 if TF_Down3x < 0.0: Print("Forcing TF_Down3x (=%.3f) to be equal to 0" % (TF_Down3x), True) # added 23 Oct 2018 TF_Down3x = 0.0 lines.append("TF (bin=%s) = N_CR1 / N_CR2 = %f / %f = %f +- %f" % (binLabel, nCR1, nCR2, TF, TF_Error) ) # Calculate the transfer factors (R_{i}) where i is index of bin the Fake-b measurement is made in (pT and/or eta of ldg b-jet) if TF != None: # Replace bin label with histo title (has exact binning info) self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] = self.getNiceBinLabel(hFakeB_CR2.GetTitle()) self._NEvtsCR1[binLabel] = nCR1 self._NEvtsCR1_Error[binLabel] = nCR1_Error self._NEvtsCR2[binLabel] = nCR2 self._NEvtsCR2_Error[binLabel] = nCR2_Error self._NEvtsCR3[binLabel] = nCR3 self._NEvtsCR3_Error[binLabel] = nCR3_Error self._NEvtsCR4[binLabel] = nCR4 self._NEvtsCR4_Error[binLabel] = nCR4_Error self._TF[binLabel ] = TF self._TF_Error[binLabel] = TF_Error self._TF_Up[binLabel] = TF_Up self._TF_Up2x[binLabel] = TF_Up2x self._TF_Up3x[binLabel] = TF_Up3x self._TF_Down[binLabel] = TF_Down self._TF_Down2x[binLabel] = TF_Down2x self._TF_Down3x[binLabel] = TF_Down3x self._FakeBNormalization[binLabel] = TF # TF self._FakeBNormalizationError[binLabel] = TF_Error # Error(TF) self._FakeBNormalizationUp[binLabel] = TF_Up # TF + Error self._FakeBNormalizationUp2x[binLabel] = TF_Up2x # TF + 2*Error self._FakeBNormalizationUp3x[binLabel] = TF_Up3x # TF + 3*Error self._FakeBNormalizationDown[binLabel] = TF_Down # TF - Error self._FakeBNormalizationDown2x[binLabel] = TF_Down2x # TF - 2*Error self._FakeBNormalizationDown3x[binLabel] = TF_Down3x # TF - 3*Error # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) # Print output and store comments if 0: for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1): Print(line, i==1) return def getNiceBinLabel(self, binLabel): newLabel = binLabel.replace("abs", "") if 1: newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBjet", " ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBJet", " ") else: #more room newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBjet", "b-jet ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBJet", "b-jet ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("_", " ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("(", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace(")", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Eta", "#eta") newLabel = newLabel.replace("..", "-") newLabel = newLabel.replace("CRtwo", "") return newLabel def writeTransferFactorsToFile(self, filename, opts): ''' Save the fit results for QCD and EWK. The results will are stored in a python file starting with name: "QCDInvertedNormalizationFactors_" + moduleInfoString The script also summarizes warnings and errors encountered: - Green means deviation from normal is 0-3 %, - Yellow means deviation of 3-10 %, and - Red means deviation of >10 % (i.e. something is clearly wrong). If necessary, do adjustments to stabilize the fits to get rid of the errors/warnings. The first things to work with are: a) Make sure enough events are in the histograms used b) Adjust fit parameters and/or fit functions and re-fit results Move on only once you are pleased with the normalisation coefficients ''' s = "" s += "# Generated on %s\n"% s += "# by %s\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) s += "\n" s += "import sys\n" s += "\n" s += "def FakeBNormalisationSafetyCheck(era, searchMode, optimizationMode):\n" s += " validForEra = \"%s\"\n" % opts.dataEra s += " validForSearchMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.searchMode s += " validForOptMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.optMode s += " if not era == validForEra:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent era, normalisation factors valid for\",validForEra,\"but trying to use with\",era)\n" s += " if not searchMode == validForSearchMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent search mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForSearchMode,\"but trying to use with\",searchMode)\n" s += " if not optimizationMode == validForOptMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent optimization mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForOptMode,\"but trying to use with\",optimizationMode)\n" s += " return" s += "\n" s += "\n" # First write the transfer factor (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_Value = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factor error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_Error = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Error: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Error[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors + error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorUp = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Up: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Up[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors + 2*error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorUp2x = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Up2x: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Up2x[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors + 3*error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorUp3x = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Up3x: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Up3x[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors - error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorDown = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Down: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Down[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors - 2*error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorDown2x = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Down2x: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Down2x[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors - 3*error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorDown3x = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Down3x: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Down3x[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write bin label map s += "BinLabelMap = {\n" for binLabel in self._BinLabelMap: s += ' "%s": \"%s\",\n' % (binLabel, self._BinLabelMap[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" self.Verbose("Writing results in file %s" % filename, True) fOUT = open(filename,"w") fOUT.write(s) fOUT.write("'''\n") for l in self._commentLines: fOUT.write(l + "\n") fOUT.write("'''\n") fOUT.close() msg = "Results written in file %s" % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + filename + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, True) # Create the transfer factors plot (for each bin of FakeB measurement) self._generateTransferFactorsPlot() self._generateDQMPlot() return def _generateTransferFactorsPlot(self): ''' The resulting plot will contain the transfer factors (y-axis) for a given measurement bin (x-axis) This is needed in the case the Fake-b measurement is done in bins of a correlated quantity (e.g. eta of leading b-jet in Fake-b for HToTB, and tau-pT in the case of inverted tau isolatio for HToTau) ''' def makeGraph(markerStyle, color, binList, valueDict, upDict, downDict): g = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(binList)) for i in range(len(binList)): g.SetPoint(i, i+0.5, valueDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, upDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYlow(i, downDict[binList[i]]) g.SetMarkerSize(1.2) g.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) g.SetLineColor(color) g.SetLineWidth(3) g.SetMarkerColor(color) return g # Obtain bin list in right order keyList = [] keys = self._TF.keys() keys.sort() # for k in keys: # if "lt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "eq" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "gt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # For-loop: All Fake-b measurement bins for k in keys: keyList.append(k) #if "Inclusive" in keys: # keyList.append("Inclusive") # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() style.setGridX(False) style.setGridY(False) style.setOptStat(False) # Create graphs gFakeB = makeGraph(ROOT.kFullCircle, ROOT.kAzure, keyList, self._TF, self._TF_Error, self._TF_Error) # Make plot hFrame = ROOT.TH1F("frame","frame", len(keyList), 0, len(keyList)) # Change bin labels to text for i, binLabel in enumerate(keyList, 1): binLabelText = self.getFormattedBinLabelString(binLabel) hFrame.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, binLabelText) # Set axes names hFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("transfer factor") #R_{i} # hFrame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Fake-b bin") # Customise axes logy = False if logy: hFrame.SetMinimum(0.6e-1) hFrame.SetMaximum(2e0) else: hFrame.SetMinimum(0.0) hFrame.SetMaximum(1.0) if len(self._BinLabelMap) > 12: lSize = 8 elif len(self._BinLabelMap) > 8: lSize = 12 else: lSize = 16 hFrame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(lSize) # 20 hFrame.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("d") # Label Style options # "a" sort by alphabetic order # ">" sort by decreasing values # "<" sort by increasing values # "h" draw labels horizonthal # "v" draw labels vertical # "u" draw labels up (end of label right adjusted) # "d" draw labels down (start of label left adjusted) # Create canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetLogy(logy) c.SetGridx(False) c.SetGridy(False) hFrame.Draw() gFakeB.Draw("p same") histograms.addStandardTexts(cmsTextPosition="outframe") # Create the legend & draw it l = ROOT.TLegend(0.65, 0.80, 0.90, 0.90) l.SetFillStyle(-1) l.SetBorderSize(0) l.AddEntry(gFakeB, "Value #pm stat.", "LP") # "Fake-#it{b} #pm Stat.", "LP" l.SetTextSize(0.035) if 0: l.Draw() # Store ROOT ignore level to normal before changing it backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning # Save the plot for item in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: c.Print(self._plotDirName + "/FakeBNormalisationCoefficients.%s" % item) # Reset the ROOT ignore level to normal ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup # Inform user msg = "Plot saved under %s" % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + self._plotDirName + "/" + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, True) return def getFormattedBinLabelString(self, binLabel): ''' Dirty trick to get what I want ''' if binLabel not in self._BinLabelMap: raise Exception("Got unexpected bin label \"%s\"!" % binLabel) newLabel = self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] newLabel = newLabel.replace("abs(", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace(")", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace("..", "-") newLabel = newLabel.replace(":", ",") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBJet", "") #"b^{ldg} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Pt", "p_{T} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Eta", "#eta ") if "inclusive" in binLabel.lower(): newLabel = "Inclusive" return newLabel def _generateDQMPlot(self): ''' Create a Data Quality Monitor (DQM) style plot to easily check the error for each transfer factor and whether it is within an acceptable relative error ''' # Define error warning/tolerance on relative errors okay = 1.0/(len(self._BinLabelMap.keys())) warn = 0.5*okay NEvts = [] # Check the uncertainties on the normalization factors for k in self._BinLabelMap: relErrorUp = abs(self._TF_Up[k])/(self._TF[k]) relErrorDown = abs(self._TF_Down[k])/(self._TF[k]) relError = self._TF_Error[k]/self._TF[k] if 0: print "bin = %s , relErrorUp = %s, relErrorDown = %s " % (k, relErrorUp, relErrorDown) # Add DQM entries NCR1 = 0 NCR2 = 0 NCR3 = 0 NCR4 = 0 for j in self._NEvtsCR1: NCR1 += self._NEvtsCR1[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR1[j]) for j in self._NEvtsCR2: NCR2 += self._NEvtsCR2[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR2[j]) for j in self._NEvtsCR3: NCR3 += self._NEvtsCR3[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR3[j]) for j in self._NEvtsCR4: NCR4 += self._NEvtsCR4[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR4[j]) if 0: print "NCR1[%s] = %0.1f, NCR2[%s] = %0.1f, k = %s" % (k, self._NEvtsCR1[k], k, self._NEvtsCR2[k], k) print "NCR1 = %s, NCR2 = %s, k = %s" % (NCR1, NCR2, k) print "error/NCR1[%s] = %0.2f, error/NCR2[%s] = %0.2f" % (k, self._NEvtsCR1_Error[k]/self._NEvtsCR1[k], k, self._NEvtsCR2_Error[k]/self._NEvtsCR2[k]) # Add DQM plot entries self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR1}", self._NEvtsCR1[k], NCR1*okay, NCR1*warn) self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR2}", self._NEvtsCR2[k], NCR2*okay, NCR2*warn) self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR3}", self._NEvtsCR3[k], NCR3*okay, NCR3*warn) self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR4}", self._NEvtsCR4[k], NCR4*okay, NCR4*warn) # self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "#frac{#sigma_{CR1}}{N_{CR1}}", self._NEvtsCR1_Error[k]/NCR1, 0.05, 0.15) # self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "#frac{#sigma_{CR2}}{N_{CR2}}", self._NEvtsCR2_Error[k]/NCR2, 0.05, 0.15) # Construct the DQM histogram nBinsX = len(self._dqmKeys[self._dqmKeys.keys()[0]].keys()) nBinsY = len(self._dqmKeys.keys()) h = ROOT.TH2F("FakeB DQM", "FakeB DQM", nBinsX, 0, nBinsX, nBinsY, 0, nBinsY) # Customise axes h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(10) # Set Min and Max of z-axis if 0: # red, yellow, green for DQM h.SetMinimum(0) h.SetMaximum(3) else: # pure entries instead of red, yellow, green h.SetMinimum(min(NEvts)*0.25) h.SetMaximum(round(max(NCR1, NCR2, NCR3, NCR4))) h.SetContour(10) #h.SetContour(3) if 0: h.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("v") h.GetYaxis().LabelsOption("v") nWarnings = 0 nErrors = 0 # For-loop: All x-axis bins for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): # For-loop: All y-axis bins for j in range(h.GetNbinsY()): ykey = self._dqmKeys.keys()[j] xkey = self._dqmKeys[ykey].keys()[i] # Set the bin content h.SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey]) h.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, xkey) h.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(j+1, ykey) if self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 2: nErrors += 1 elif self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 1: nWarnings += 1 # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() style.setOptStat(False) style.setGridX(False) style.setGridY(False) style.setWide(True, 0.15) # Set the colour styling (red, yellow, green) if 0: palette = array.array("i", [ROOT.kGreen+1, ROOT.kYellow, ROOT.kRed]) ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(3, palette) else: # ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kLightTemperature) # ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kColorPrintableOnGrey) #tdrstyle.setRainBowPalette() #tdrstyle.setDeepSeaPalette() # Create canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetLogx(False) c.SetLogy(False) c.SetLogz(True) c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() h.Draw("COLZ") #"COLZ TEXT" # Add CMS text and text with colour keys histograms.addStandardTexts(cmsTextPosition="outframe") if 0: histograms.addText(0.55, 0.80, "green < %.0f %%" % (okay*100), size=20) histograms.addText(0.55, 0.84, "yellow < %.0f %%" % (warn*100), size=20) histograms.addText(0.55, 0.88, "red > %.0f %%" % (warn*100), size=20) # Save the canvas to a file backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning plotName = os.path.join(self._plotDirName, "FakeBNormalisationDQM") # For-loop: Save formats for ext in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: saveName ="%s.%s" % (plotName, ext) c.Print(saveName) ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) msg = "Obtained %d warnings and %d errors for the normalisation" % (nWarnings, nErrors) self.Verbose(msg) if nWarnings > 0: msg = "DQM has %d warnings and %d errors! Please have a look at %s.png." % (nWarnings, nErrors, os.path.basename(plotName)) self.Verbose(ShellStyles.ErrorStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) #if nWarnings > 0 or nErrors > 0: if nErrors > 0: msg = "DQM has %d warnings and %d errors! Please have a look at %s.png." % (nWarnings, nErrors, os.path.basename(plotName)) self.Verbose(ShellStyles.ErrorStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) return def _addDqmEntry(self, binLabel, name, value, okTolerance, warnTolerance): # Define colour codes red = 2.5 yellow = 1.5 green = 0.5 if not binLabel in self._dqmKeys.keys(): self._dqmKeys[binLabel] = OrderedDict() result = red if abs(value) > okTolerance: result = green elif abs(value) > warnTolerance: result = yellow else: pass #self._dqmKeys[binLabel][name] = result self._dqmKeys[binLabel][name] = value return def _getSanityCheckTextForFractions(self, dataTemplate, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients NOTE: Should one divide the fractions with dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[0] ? Right now not because the correction is so small. ''' self.Verbose("_getSanityCheckTextForFractions()", True) # Get variables label = "QCD" fraction = dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[1] fractionError = dataTemplate.getFittedParameterErrors()[1] nBaseline = self._templates["%s_Baseline" % label].getNeventsFromHisto(False) nCalculated = fraction * dataTemplate.getNeventsFromHisto(False) if nCalculated > 0: ratio = nBaseline / nCalculated else: ratio = 0 lines = [] lines.append("Fitted %s fraction: %f +- %f" % (label, fraction, fractionError)) lines.append("Sanity check: ratio = %.3f: baseline = %.1f vs. fitted = %.1f" % (ratio, nBaseline, nCalculated)) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines def _checkOverallNormalization(self, template, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients ''' self.Verbose("_checkOverallNormalization()") # Calculatotions value = template.getFittedParameters()[0] error = template.getFittedParameterErrors()[0] # Definitions lines = [] lines.append("The fitted overall normalization factor for purity is: (should be 1.0)") lines.append("NormFactor = %f +/- %f" % (value, error)) self._addDqmEntry(binLabel, "OverallNormalization(par0)", value-1.0, 0.03, 0.10) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines ## Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients def _getResultOutput(self, binLabel): lines = [] lines.append("Transfer Factor (bin=%s): %f +- %f" % (binLabel, self._TF[binLabel], self._TFError[binLabel]) ) lines.append("Normalisation (bin=%s) : %f +- %f" % (binLabel, self._FakeBNormalization[binLabel], self._FakeBNormalizationError[binLabel])) # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines
class FakeBNormalizationManager: ''' Base class for QCD measurement normalization from which specialized algorithm classes inherit ''' def __init__(self, binLabels, resultDirName, moduleInfoString, verbose=False): self._verbose = verbose self._templates = {} self._binLabels = binLabels self._sources = {} self._commentLines = [] self._NEvtsCR1 = {} self._NEvtsCR1_Error = {} self._NEvtsCR2 = {} self._NEvtsCR2_Error = {} self._NEvtsCR3 = {} self._NEvtsCR3_Error = {} self._NEvtsCR4 = {} self._NEvtsCR4_Error = {} self._TF = {} # Transfer Factor (TF) self._TF_Error = {} self._TF_Up = {} self._TF_Down = {} self._dqmKeys = OrderedDict() self._myPath = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots") self._BinLabelMap = {} self._FakeBNormalization = {} # for the time being same as TF self._FakeBNormalizationError = { } # for the time being same as TF_Error self._FakeBNormalizationUp = {} # for the time being same as TF_Up self._FakeBNormalizationDown = {} # for the time being same as TF_Down if not isinstance(binLabels, list): raise Exception("Error: binLabels needs to be a list of strings") self.Verbose("__init__") # No optimisation mode if moduleInfoString == "": moduleInfoString = "Default" if not os.path.exists(self._myPath): self.Print("Creating new directory %s" % (self._myPath), True) os.mkdir(self._myPath) self._plotDirName = os.path.join(resultDirName, "normalisationPlots", moduleInfoString) # If already exists, Delete an entire directory tree if os.path.exists(self._plotDirName): msg = "Removing directory tree %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose( ShellStyles.NoteStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) shutil.rmtree(self._plotDirName) msg = "Creating directory %s" % (self._plotDirName) self.Verbose( ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), False) os.mkdir(self._plotDirName) return def Print(self, msg, printHeader=False): fName = __file__.split("/")[-1] if printHeader == True: # print "=== ", fName + ": class " + self.__class__.__name__ print "=== ", fName print "\t", msg else: print "\t", msg return def Verbose(self, msg, printHeader=True, verbose=False): if not self._verbose: return self.Print(msg, printHeader) return def GetQCDNormalization(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF.keys(): return self._TF[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! " % (binLabel)) def GetTransferFactor(self, binLabel): return self.GetQCDNormalization(binLabel) def GetQCDNormalizationError(self, binLabel): if binLabel in self._TF_Error.keys(): return self._TF_Error[binLabel] else: raise Exception("Error: _TF dictionary has no key \"%s\"! " % (binLabel)) def CalculateTransferFactor(self, binLabel, hFakeB_CR1, hFakeB_CR2, hFakeB_CR3, hFakeB_CR4, verbose=False): ''' Calculates the combined normalization and, if specified, varies it up or down by factor (1+variation) TF = Transfer Factor SR = Signal Region CR = Control Region VR = Verification Region ''' self.verbose = verbose # Obtain counts for QCD and EWK fakes lines = [] # NOTES: Add EWKGenuineB TF, Add Data TF, add QCD TF, Add EWK TF, add MCONLY TFs nCR1_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR2_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR3_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) nCR4_Error = ROOT.Double(0.0) # Get Events in all CRs and their associated errors nCR1 = hFakeB_CR1.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR1.GetNbinsX() + 1, nCR1_Error) nCR2 = hFakeB_CR2.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR2.GetNbinsX() + 1, nCR2_Error) nCR3 = hFakeB_CR3.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR3.GetNbinsX() + 1, nCR3_Error) nCR4 = hFakeB_CR4.IntegralAndError(1, hFakeB_CR4.GetNbinsX() + 1, nCR4_Error) # Calculate Transfer Factor (TF) from Control Region (R) to Signal Region (SR): R = N_CR1/ N_CR2 TF = None TF_Up = None TF_Down = None TF_Error = None TF = (nCR1 / nCR2) TF_Error = errorPropagation.errorPropagationForDivision( nCR1, nCR1_Error, nCR2, nCR2_Error) TF_Up = TF + TF_Error if TF_Up > 1.0: TF_Up = 1.0 TF_Down = TF - TF_Error if TF_Down < 0.0: TF_Down = 0.0 lines.append("TF (bin=%s) = N_CR1 / N_CR2 = %f / %f = %f +- %f" % (binLabel, nCR1, nCR2, TF, TF_Error)) # Calculate the transfer factors (R_{i}) where i is index of bin the Fake-b measurement is made in (pT and/or eta of ldg b-jet) if TF != None: # Replace bin label with histo title (has exact binning info) self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] = self.getNiceBinLabel( hFakeB_CR2.GetTitle()) self._NEvtsCR1[binLabel] = nCR1 self._NEvtsCR1_Error[binLabel] = nCR1_Error self._NEvtsCR2[binLabel] = nCR2 self._NEvtsCR2_Error[binLabel] = nCR2_Error self._NEvtsCR3[binLabel] = nCR3 self._NEvtsCR3_Error[binLabel] = nCR3_Error self._NEvtsCR4[binLabel] = nCR4 self._NEvtsCR4_Error[binLabel] = nCR4_Error self._TF[binLabel] = TF self._TF_Error[binLabel] = TF_Error self._TF_Up[binLabel] = TF_Up self._TF_Down[binLabel] = TF_Down self._FakeBNormalization[binLabel] = TF # TF self._FakeBNormalizationError[binLabel] = TF_Error # Error(TF) self._FakeBNormalizationUp[binLabel] = TF_Up # TF + Error self._FakeBNormalizationDown[binLabel] = TF_Down # TF - Error # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) # Print output and store comments if 0: for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1): Print(line, i == 1) return def getNiceBinLabel(self, binLabel): newLabel = binLabel.replace("abs", "") if 1: newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBjet", " ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBJet", " ") else: #more room newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBjet", "b-jet ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBJet", "b-jet ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("_", " ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("(", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace(")", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Eta", "#eta") newLabel = newLabel.replace("..", "-") newLabel = newLabel.replace("CRtwo", "") return newLabel def writeTransferFactorsToFile(self, filename, opts): ''' Save the fit results for QCD and EWK. The results will are stored in a python file starting with name: "QCDInvertedNormalizationFactors_" + moduleInfoString The script also summarizes warnings and errors encountered: - Green means deviation from normal is 0-3 %, - Yellow means deviation of 3-10 %, and - Red means deviation of >10 % (i.e. something is clearly wrong). If necessary, do adjustments to stabilize the fits to get rid of the errors/warnings. The first things to work with are: a) Make sure enough events are in the histograms used b) Adjust fit parameters and/or fit functions and re-fit results Move on only once you are pleased with the normalisation coefficients ''' s = "" s += "# Generated on %s\n" % s += "# by %s\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) s += "\n" s += "import sys\n" s += "\n" s += "def FakeBNormalisationSafetyCheck(era, searchMode, optimizationMode):\n" s += " validForEra = \"%s\"\n" % opts.dataEra s += " validForSearchMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.searchMode s += " validForOptMode = \"%s\"\n" % opts.optMode s += " if not era == validForEra:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent era, normalisation factors valid for\",validForEra,\"but trying to use with\",era)\n" s += " if not searchMode == validForSearchMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent search mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForSearchMode,\"but trying to use with\",searchMode)\n" s += " if not optimizationMode == validForOptMode:\n" s += " raise Exception(\"Error: inconsistent optimization mode, normalisation factors valid for\",validForOptMode,\"but trying to use with\",optimizationMode)\n" s += " return" s += "\n" s += "\n" # First write the transfer factor (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_Value = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factor error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_Error = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Error: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Error[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors + error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorUp = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Up: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Up[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors - error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "FakeBNormalisation_ErrorDown = {\n" for binLabel in self._TF_Down: s += ' "%s": %f,\n' % (binLabel, self._TF_Down[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" # Then write the transfer factors - error (for each Fake-b measurement bin) s += "BinLabelMap = {\n" for binLabel in self._BinLabelMap: s += ' "%s": \"%s\",\n' % (binLabel, self._BinLabelMap[binLabel]) s += "}\n" s += "\n" self.Verbose("Writing results in file %s" % filename, True) fOUT = open(filename, "w") fOUT.write(s) fOUT.write("'''\n") for l in self._commentLines: fOUT.write(l + "\n") fOUT.write("'''\n") fOUT.close() msg = "Results written in file %s" % ( ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + filename + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, True) # Create the transfer factors plot (for each bin of FakeB measurement) self._generateTransferFactorsPlot() self._generateDQMPlot() return def _generateTransferFactorsPlot(self): ''' The resulting plot will contain the transfer factors (y-axis) for a given measurement bin (x-axis) This is needed in the case the Fake-b measurement is done in bins of a correlated quantity (e.g. eta of leading b-jet in Fake-b for HToTB, and tau-pT in the case of inverted tau isolatio for HToTau) ''' def makeGraph(markerStyle, color, binList, valueDict, upDict, downDict): g = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(binList)) for i in range(len(binList)): g.SetPoint(i, i + 0.5, valueDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, upDict[binList[i]]) g.SetPointEYlow(i, downDict[binList[i]]) g.SetMarkerSize(1.2) g.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) g.SetLineColor(color) g.SetLineWidth(3) g.SetMarkerColor(color) return g # Obtain bin list in right order keyList = [] keys = self._TF.keys() keys.sort() # for k in keys: # if "lt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "eq" in k: # keyList.append(k) # for k in keys: # if "gt" in k: # keyList.append(k) # For-loop: All Fake-b measurement bins for k in keys: keyList.append(k) #if "Inclusive" in keys: # keyList.append("Inclusive") # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() style.setGridX(False) style.setGridY(False) style.setOptStat(False) # Create graphs gFakeB = makeGraph(ROOT.kFullCircle, ROOT.kAzure, keyList, self._TF, self._TF_Error, self._TF_Error) # Make plot hFrame = ROOT.TH1F("frame", "frame", len(keyList), 0, len(keyList)) # Change bin labels to text for i, binLabel in enumerate(keyList, 1): binLabelText = self.getFormattedBinLabelString(binLabel) hFrame.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, binLabelText) # Set axes names hFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("transfer factor") #R_{i} # hFrame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Fake-b bin") # Customise axes logy = False if logy: hFrame.SetMinimum(0.6e-1) hFrame.SetMaximum(2e0) else: hFrame.SetMinimum(0.0) hFrame.SetMaximum(1.0) if len(self._BinLabelMap) > 12: lSize = 8 elif len(self._BinLabelMap) > 8: lSize = 12 else: lSize = 16 hFrame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(lSize) # 20 hFrame.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("d") # Label Style options # "a" sort by alphabetic order # ">" sort by decreasing values # "<" sort by increasing values # "h" draw labels horizonthal # "v" draw labels vertical # "u" draw labels up (end of label right adjusted) # "d" draw labels down (start of label left adjusted) # Create canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetLogy(logy) c.SetGridx(False) c.SetGridy(False) hFrame.Draw() gFakeB.Draw("p same") histograms.addStandardTexts(cmsTextPosition="outframe") # Create the legend & draw it l = ROOT.TLegend(0.65, 0.80, 0.90, 0.90) l.SetFillStyle(-1) l.SetBorderSize(0) l.AddEntry(gFakeB, "Value #pm stat.", "LP") # "Fake-#it{b} #pm Stat.", "LP" l.SetTextSize(0.035) if 0: l.Draw() # Store ROOT ignore level to normal before changing it backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning # Save the plot for item in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: c.Print(self._plotDirName + "/FakeBNormalisationCoefficients.%s" % item) # Reset the ROOT ignore level to normal ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup # Inform user msg = "Plot saved under %s" % (ShellStyles.SuccessStyle() + self._plotDirName + "/" + ShellStyles.NormalStyle()) self.Print(msg, True) return def getFormattedBinLabelString(self, binLabel): ''' Dirty trick to get what I want ''' if binLabel not in self._BinLabelMap: raise Exception("Got unexpected bin label \"%s\"!" % binLabel) newLabel = self._BinLabelMap[binLabel] newLabel = newLabel.replace("abs(", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace(")", "|") newLabel = newLabel.replace("..", "-") newLabel = newLabel.replace(":", ",") newLabel = newLabel.replace("TetrajetBJet", "") #"b^{ldg} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Pt", "p_{T} ") newLabel = newLabel.replace("Eta", "#eta ") if "inclusive" in binLabel.lower(): newLabel = "Inclusive" return newLabel def _generateDQMPlot(self): ''' Create a Data Quality Monitor (DQM) style plot to easily check the error for each transfer factor and whether it is within an acceptable relative error ''' # Define error warning/tolerance on relative errors okay = 1.0 / (len(self._BinLabelMap.keys())) warn = 0.5 * okay NEvts = [] # Check the uncertainties on the normalization factors for k in self._BinLabelMap: relErrorUp = abs(self._TF_Up[k]) / (self._TF[k]) relErrorDown = abs(self._TF_Down[k]) / (self._TF[k]) relError = self._TF_Error[k] / self._TF[k] if 0: print "bin = %s , relErrorUp = %s, relErrorDown = %s " % ( k, relErrorUp, relErrorDown) # Add DQM entries NCR1 = 0 NCR2 = 0 NCR3 = 0 NCR4 = 0 for j in self._NEvtsCR1: NCR1 += self._NEvtsCR1[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR1[j]) for j in self._NEvtsCR2: NCR2 += self._NEvtsCR2[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR2[j]) for j in self._NEvtsCR3: NCR3 += self._NEvtsCR3[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR3[j]) for j in self._NEvtsCR4: NCR4 += self._NEvtsCR4[j] NEvts.append(self._NEvtsCR4[j]) if 0: print "NCR1[%s] = %0.1f, NCR2[%s] = %0.1f, k = %s" % ( k, self._NEvtsCR1[k], k, self._NEvtsCR2[k], k) print "NCR1 = %s, NCR2 = %s, k = %s" % (NCR1, NCR2, k) print "error/NCR1[%s] = %0.2f, error/NCR2[%s] = %0.2f" % ( k, self._NEvtsCR1_Error[k] / self._NEvtsCR1[k], k, self._NEvtsCR2_Error[k] / self._NEvtsCR2[k]) # Add DQM plot entries self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR1}", self._NEvtsCR1[k], NCR1 * okay, NCR1 * warn) self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR2}", self._NEvtsCR2[k], NCR2 * okay, NCR2 * warn) self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR3}", self._NEvtsCR3[k], NCR3 * okay, NCR3 * warn) self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "N_{CR4}", self._NEvtsCR4[k], NCR4 * okay, NCR4 * warn) # self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "#frac{#sigma_{CR1}}{N_{CR1}}", self._NEvtsCR1_Error[k]/NCR1, 0.05, 0.15) # self._addDqmEntry(self._BinLabelMap[k], "#frac{#sigma_{CR2}}{N_{CR2}}", self._NEvtsCR2_Error[k]/NCR2, 0.05, 0.15) # Construct the DQM histogram nBinsX = len(self._dqmKeys[self._dqmKeys.keys()[0]].keys()) nBinsY = len(self._dqmKeys.keys()) h = ROOT.TH2F("FakeB DQM", "FakeB DQM", nBinsX, 0, nBinsX, nBinsY, 0, nBinsY) # Customise axes h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(10) # Set Min and Max of z-axis if 0: # red, yellow, green for DQM h.SetMinimum(0) h.SetMaximum(3) else: # pure entries instead of red, yellow, green h.SetMinimum(min(NEvts) * 0.25) h.SetMaximum(round(max(NCR1, NCR2, NCR3, NCR4))) h.SetContour(10) #h.SetContour(3) if 0: h.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("v") h.GetYaxis().LabelsOption("v") nWarnings = 0 nErrors = 0 # For-loop: All x-axis bins for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): # For-loop: All y-axis bins for j in range(h.GetNbinsY()): ykey = self._dqmKeys.keys()[j] xkey = self._dqmKeys[ykey].keys()[i] # Set the bin content h.SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey]) h.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, xkey) h.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(j + 1, ykey) if self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 2: nErrors += 1 elif self._dqmKeys[ykey][xkey] > 1: nWarnings += 1 # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() style.setOptStat(False) style.setGridX(False) style.setGridY(False) style.setWide(True, 0.15) # Set the colour styling (red, yellow, green) if 0: palette = array.array("i", [ROOT.kGreen + 1, ROOT.kYellow, ROOT.kRed]) ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(3, palette) else: # ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kLightTemperature) # ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kColorPrintableOnGrey) #tdrstyle.setRainBowPalette() #tdrstyle.setDeepSeaPalette() # Create canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas() c.SetLogx(False) c.SetLogy(False) c.SetLogz(True) c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() h.Draw("COLZ") #"COLZ TEXT" # Add CMS text and text with colour keys histograms.addStandardTexts(cmsTextPosition="outframe") if 0: histograms.addText(0.55, 0.80, "green < %.0f %%" % (okay * 100), size=20) histograms.addText(0.55, 0.84, "yellow < %.0f %%" % (warn * 100), size=20) histograms.addText(0.55, 0.88, "red > %.0f %%" % (warn * 100), size=20) # Save the canvas to a file backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning plotName = os.path.join(self._plotDirName, "FakeBNormalisationDQM") # For-loop: Save formats for ext in ["png", "C", "pdf"]: saveName = "%s.%s" % (plotName, ext) c.Print(saveName) ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) msg = "Obtained %d warnings and %d errors for the normalisation" % ( nWarnings, nErrors) self.Verbose(msg) if nWarnings > 0: msg = "DQM has %d warnings and %d errors! Please have a look at %s.png." % ( nWarnings, nErrors, os.path.basename(plotName)) self.Verbose( ShellStyles.ErrorStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) #if nWarnings > 0 or nErrors > 0: if nErrors > 0: msg = "DQM has %d warnings and %d errors! Please have a look at %s.png." % ( nWarnings, nErrors, os.path.basename(plotName)) self.Verbose( ShellStyles.ErrorStyle() + msg + ShellStyles.NormalStyle(), True) return def _addDqmEntry(self, binLabel, name, value, okTolerance, warnTolerance): # Define colour codes red = 2.5 yellow = 1.5 green = 0.5 if not binLabel in self._dqmKeys.keys(): self._dqmKeys[binLabel] = OrderedDict() result = red if abs(value) > okTolerance: result = green elif abs(value) > warnTolerance: result = yellow else: pass #self._dqmKeys[binLabel][name] = result self._dqmKeys[binLabel][name] = value #iro return def _getSanityCheckTextForFractions(self, dataTemplate, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients NOTE: Should one divide the fractions with dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[0] ? Right now not because the correction is so small. ''' self.Verbose("_getSanityCheckTextForFractions()", True) # Get variables label = "QCD" fraction = dataTemplate.getFittedParameters()[1] fractionError = dataTemplate.getFittedParameterErrors()[1] nBaseline = self._templates["%s_Baseline" % label].getNeventsFromHisto(False) nCalculated = fraction * dataTemplate.getNeventsFromHisto(False) if nCalculated > 0: ratio = nBaseline / nCalculated else: ratio = 0 lines = [] lines.append("Fitted %s fraction: %f +- %f" % (label, fraction, fractionError)) lines.append( "Sanity check: ratio = %.3f: baseline = %.1f vs. fitted = %.1f" % (ratio, nBaseline, nCalculated)) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines def _checkOverallNormalization(self, template, binLabel, saveToComments=False): ''' Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients ''' self.Verbose("_checkOverallNormalization()") # Calculatotions value = template.getFittedParameters()[0] error = template.getFittedParameterErrors()[0] # Definitions lines = [] lines.append( "The fitted overall normalization factor for purity is: (should be 1.0)" ) lines.append("NormFactor = %f +/- %f" % (value, error)) self._addDqmEntry(binLabel, "OverallNormalization(par0)", value - 1.0, 0.03, 0.10) # Store all information for later used (write to file) if saveToComments: self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines ## Helper method to be called from parent class when calculating norm.coefficients def _getResultOutput(self, binLabel): lines = [] lines.append("Transfer Factor (bin=%s): %f +- %f" % (binLabel, self._TF[binLabel], self._TFError[binLabel])) lines.append("Normalisation (bin=%s) : %f +- %f" % (binLabel, self._FakeBNormalization[binLabel], self._FakeBNormalizationError[binLabel])) # Store all information for later used (write to file) self._commentLines.extend(lines) return lines