def __init__(self, aircraftPerformance, ICAOcode, atmosphere, earth):

        self.className = self.__class__.__name__
        ''' init mother class '''
        AeroDynamics.__init__(self, aircraftPerformance, atmosphere, earth)

        assert isinstance(atmosphere, Atmosphere)
        self.atmosphere = atmosphere

        assert isinstance(aircraftPerformance, AircraftPerformance)
        self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots = aircraftPerformance.getVmoCasKnots()
        self.MaxOpMachNumber = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpMachNumber()
        self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpAltitudeFeet()

        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet / Meter2Feet
        self.targetCruiseMachNumber = self.MaxOpMachNumber
        self.arrivalAirportFieldElevationMeters = 0.0

        self.StateVector = StateVector(ICAOcode, atmosphere)
        self.departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters = 0.0

        self.approachWayPoint = None
        self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint = None
    def __init__(self, aircraftPerformance, ICAOcode, atmosphere, earth):

        self.className = self.__class__.__name__
        ''' init mother class '''
        AeroDynamics.__init__(self, aircraftPerformance, atmosphere, earth)

        assert isinstance(atmosphere, Atmosphere)
        self.atmosphere = atmosphere
        assert isinstance(aircraftPerformance, AircraftPerformance)
        self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots = aircraftPerformance.getVmoCasKnots()
        self.MaxOpMachNumber = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpMachNumber()
        self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpAltitudeFeet()
        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet / Meter2Feet        
        self.targetCruiseMachNumber = self.MaxOpMachNumber
        self.arrivalAirportFieldElevationMeters = 0.0
        self.StateVector = StateVector(ICAOcode, atmosphere)
        self.departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters = 0.0
        self.approachWayPoint = None
        self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint = None
class FlightEnvelope(AeroDynamics):
    design issue = TAS + altitude (and ISA temperature) => compute CAS

    Calibrated airspeed (CAS) is indicated airspeed corrected for instrument errors and position error 
    (due to incorrect pressure at the static port caused by airflow disruption).

    CAS has two primary applications in aviation:

    for navigation, CAS is traditionally calculated as one of the steps between indicated airspeed (IAS) and true airspeed (TAS);
    for aircraft control, CAS is one of the primary reference points, as it describes the dynamic pressure acting on aircraft surfaces 
    regardless of the existing conditions of temperature, pressure altitude or wind.

    The first application has rapidly decreased in importance due to the widespread use of GPS and inertial navigation systems. 
    With these systems, pilots are able to read TAS and ground-speed directly from cockpit displays. 
    This negates the requirement to calculate TAS from IAS with calibrated airspeed as an intermediate step.
    The second application, however, remains critical. 
    As an example, at a given weight, an aircraft will rotate and climb, stall or fly an approach to a landing at approximately the same calibrated airspeeds, 
    regardless of the elevation, even though the true airspeed and ground speed may differ significantly. 
    These V (vertical) speeds are normally published as IAS rather than CAS so they can be read directly from the airspeed indicator. 
    # VMO - maximum operating speed (CAS), in knots
    MaxOpSpeedCasKnots = 0.0
    # MMO - maximum operational Mach number
    MaxOpMachNumber = 0.0
    # hMO - maximum operating altitude, in feet, above standard MSL
    MaxOpAltitudeFeet = 0.0
    hmax - maximum altitude, in feet, above standard MSL at Max Take-Off Weight under ISA
    conditions (allowing about 300 fpm of residual Rate Of Climb), 
    MaxAltitudeMslFeet = 0.0
    # Gw - mass gradient on hmax , in feet/kg
    # Gt - temperature gradient on hmax in feet/degree Celsius
    ''' speed history - check that speed stays within the flight envelope '''
    StateVector = None

    def __init__(self, aircraftPerformance, ICAOcode, atmosphere, earth):

        self.className = self.__class__.__name__
        ''' init mother class '''
        AeroDynamics.__init__(self, aircraftPerformance, atmosphere, earth)

        assert isinstance(atmosphere, Atmosphere)
        self.atmosphere = atmosphere
        assert isinstance(aircraftPerformance, AircraftPerformance)
        self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots = aircraftPerformance.getVmoCasKnots()
        self.MaxOpMachNumber = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpMachNumber()
        self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpAltitudeFeet()
        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet / Meter2Feet        
        self.targetCruiseMachNumber = self.MaxOpMachNumber
        self.arrivalAirportFieldElevationMeters = 0.0
        self.StateVector = StateVector(ICAOcode, atmosphere)
        self.departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters = 0.0
        self.approachWayPoint = None
        self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint = None

    def setTargetCruiseFlightLevel(self, 
        self.departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters = departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters
        QNHhectoPascals =  1013.25  - (departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters / 8.5344)
        ''' flight level is expressed in hundreds of feet '''
        assert RequestedFlightLevel >= 15.0 and RequestedFlightLevel <= 450.0
        self.targetCruiseFlightLevel = RequestedFlightLevel
        ''' pression de reference  MSL =  1013,25    hecto Pascals '''
        ''' delta meter for each hecto pascal = 8,5344 meter '''
        ''' compute Mean Sea Level altitude expressed in meters '''
        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = ( RequestedFlightLevel * 100.0 * Feet2Meter ) + (1013.25 - QNHhectoPascals) * 8.5344
        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = ( RequestedFlightLevel * 100.0 * Feet2Meter )
        print self.className + ': set Cruise FL= {0} - QNH= {1:.2f} hecto Pascals - computed Altitude MSL=  {2:.2f} meters'.format(RequestedFlightLevel , QNHhectoPascals, self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters)

    def getTargetCruiseFlightLevelMeters(self):
        return self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters
    def setTargetApproachWayPoint(self, approachWayPoint):
        self.approachWayPoint = approachWayPoint
    def getTargetApproachWayPoint(self):
        return self.approachWayPoint
    def getMaxOperationalMach(self):
        return self.MaxOpMachNumber
    def setTargetCruiseMach(self, cruiseMachNumber):
        ''' check that target mach is always lower or equal to Max Operational Mach '''
        if isinstance(cruiseMachNumber, str) and (cruiseMachNumber == 'use-default'):
            cruiseMachNumber = self.MaxOpMachNumber

        assert (cruiseMachNumber <= self.MaxOpMachNumber)
        print self.className + ' ===================================================='
        print self.className + ': set target cruise Mach= {0}'.format(cruiseMachNumber)
        self.targetCruiseMachNumber = cruiseMachNumber
        print self.className + ' ===================================================='

    def getTargetCruiseMach(self):
        return self.targetCruiseMachNumber
    def setArrivalRunwayTouchDownWayPoint(self, arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint):
        ''' target runway touch down way point '''
        self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint = arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint

    def getArrivalRunwayTouchDownWayPoint(self):
        return self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint

    def dump(self):
        print self.className + ': VMO CAS= ' + str(self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots) + ' knots'
        print self.className + ': Max Operational Mach Number= ' + str(self.MaxOpMachNumber)
        print self.className + ': Max Operational Altitude= ' + str(self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet) + ' feet'
    def __str__(self):
        strMsg = self.className + ': VMO CAS= {0} knots'.format(self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots)
        strMsg += ' - Max Operational Mach Number= {0}'.format(self.MaxOpMachNumber)
        strMsg += ' - Max Operational Altitude= {0} feet'.format(self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet)
        return strMsg
    def getMaxAltitudeMslMtowFeet(self):
        return self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet
    def getMaxOpSpeedCasKnots(self):
        return self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots

    def initStateVector(self, 
        altitude and speed changes are modifying the configuration of the aircraft 
        lastAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters = self.StateVector.getCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters()
        targetCruiseAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters = self.getTargetCruiseFlightLevelMeters()
#         self.setCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters(elapsedTimeSeconds, 
#                                                 airportFieldElevationAboveSeaLevelMeters,
#                                                 lastAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters,
#                                                 targetCruiseAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters)

    def updateAircraftStateVector(self,
                                  elapsedTimeSeconds            ,
                                  trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond   ,
                                  altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters    ,
                                  currentDistanceFlownMeters    ,
                                  distanceStillToFlyMeters      ,
                                  aircraftMassKilograms         ,
                                  flightPathAngleDegrees        ,
                                  thrustNewtons                 ,
                                  dragNewtons                   ,
                                  liftNewtons                   ,
        self.StateVector.updateAircraftStateVector(elapsedTimeSeconds           , 
                                                   trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond  , 
                                                   altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters   , 
                                                   currentDistanceFlownMeters   , 
                                                   distanceStillToFlyMeters     , 
                                                   aircraftMassKilograms        , 
                                                   flightPathAngleDegrees       ,
                                                   thrustNewtons                 ,
                                                   dragNewtons                   ,
                                                   liftNewtons                   ,
        calibratedAirSpeedKnots = self.atmosphere.tas2cas(tas = trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond ,
                                                  altitude = altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters,
                                                  speed_units = 'm/s',
                                                  ) * MeterSecond2Knots
        if (calibratedAirSpeedKnots > self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots):
            print self.className + ': CAS= {0:.2f} knots >> higher than Max Op CAS= {1:.2f} knots'.format(calibratedAirSpeedKnots, self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots)
            endOfSimulation = True
        if (altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters * Meter2Feet) > self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet:
            print self.className + ': current altitude= {0:.2f} feet >> higher than Max Operational Altitude= {1:.2f} feet'.format((altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters * Meter2Feet), self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet)
            endOfSimulation = True
        if altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters < 0.0:
            print self.className + ': altitude MSL= {0:.2f} meters is negative => end of simulation'.format(altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters)
            endOfSimulation = True
        if trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond < 0.0:
            print self.className + ': tas= {0:.2f} m/s is negative => end of simulation'.format(trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond)
            endOfSimulation = True

        return endOfSimulation
    def createStateVectorHistoryFile(self):
    def getCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters(self):
        return self.StateVector.getCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters()
    def getCurrentTrueAirSpeedMetersSecond(self):
        return self.StateVector.getCurrentTrueAirSpeedMetersSecond()
    def getCurrentDistanceFlownMeters(self):
        return self.StateVector.getCurrentDistanceFlownMeters()
    def getFlightPathAngleDegrees(self):
        return self.StateVector.getFlightPathAngleDegrees()
class FlightEnvelope(AeroDynamics):
    design issue = TAS + altitude (and ISA temperature) => compute CAS

    Calibrated airspeed (CAS) is indicated airspeed corrected for instrument errors and position error 
    (due to incorrect pressure at the static port caused by airflow disruption).

    CAS has two primary applications in aviation:

    for navigation, CAS is traditionally calculated as one of the steps between indicated airspeed (IAS) and true airspeed (TAS);
    for aircraft control, CAS is one of the primary reference points, as it describes the dynamic pressure acting on aircraft surfaces 
    regardless of the existing conditions of temperature, pressure altitude or wind.

    The first application has rapidly decreased in importance due to the widespread use of GPS and inertial navigation systems. 
    With these systems, pilots are able to read TAS and ground-speed directly from cockpit displays. 
    This negates the requirement to calculate TAS from IAS with calibrated airspeed as an intermediate step.
    The second application, however, remains critical. 
    As an example, at a given weight, an aircraft will rotate and climb, stall or fly an approach to a landing at approximately the same calibrated airspeeds, 
    regardless of the elevation, even though the true airspeed and ground speed may differ significantly. 
    These V (vertical) speeds are normally published as IAS rather than CAS so they can be read directly from the airspeed indicator. 
    # VMO - maximum operating speed (CAS), in knots
    MaxOpSpeedCasKnots = 0.0
    # MMO - maximum operational Mach number
    MaxOpMachNumber = 0.0
    # hMO - maximum operating altitude, in feet, above standard MSL
    MaxOpAltitudeFeet = 0.0
    hmax - maximum altitude, in feet, above standard MSL at Max Take-Off Weight under ISA
    conditions (allowing about 300 fpm of residual Rate Of Climb), 
    MaxAltitudeMslFeet = 0.0
    # Gw - mass gradient on hmax , in feet/kg
    # Gt - temperature gradient on hmax in feet/degree Celsius
    ''' speed history - check that speed stays within the flight envelope '''
    StateVector = None

    def __init__(self, aircraftPerformance, ICAOcode, atmosphere, earth):

        self.className = self.__class__.__name__
        ''' init mother class '''
        AeroDynamics.__init__(self, aircraftPerformance, atmosphere, earth)

        assert isinstance(atmosphere, Atmosphere)
        self.atmosphere = atmosphere

        assert isinstance(aircraftPerformance, AircraftPerformance)
        self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots = aircraftPerformance.getVmoCasKnots()
        self.MaxOpMachNumber = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpMachNumber()
        self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet = aircraftPerformance.getMaxOpAltitudeFeet()

        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet / Meter2Feet
        self.targetCruiseMachNumber = self.MaxOpMachNumber
        self.arrivalAirportFieldElevationMeters = 0.0

        self.StateVector = StateVector(ICAOcode, atmosphere)
        self.departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters = 0.0

        self.approachWayPoint = None
        self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint = None

    def setTargetCruiseFlightLevel(self, RequestedFlightLevel,

        self.departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters = departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters
        QNHhectoPascals = 1013.25 - (departureAirportAltitudeMSLmeters /
        ''' flight level is expressed in hundreds of feet '''
        assert RequestedFlightLevel >= 15.0 and RequestedFlightLevel <= 450.0
        self.targetCruiseFlightLevel = RequestedFlightLevel
        ''' pression de reference  MSL =  1013,25    hecto Pascals '''
        ''' delta meter for each hecto pascal = 8,5344 meter '''
        ''' compute Mean Sea Level altitude expressed in meters '''
        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = (
            RequestedFlightLevel * 100.0 *
            Feet2Meter) + (1013.25 - QNHhectoPascals) * 8.5344
        self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters = (RequestedFlightLevel * 100.0 *
        print(self.className +
              ': set Cruise FL= {0} - QNH= {1:.2f} hecto Pascals - '
              'computed Altitude MSL=  {2:.2f} meters'.format(
                  RequestedFlightLevel, QNHhectoPascals,

    def getTargetCruiseFlightLevelMeters(self):
        return self.targetCruiseAltitudeMslMeters

    def setTargetApproachWayPoint(self, approachWayPoint):
        self.approachWayPoint = approachWayPoint

    def getTargetApproachWayPoint(self):
        return self.approachWayPoint

    def getMaxOperationalMach(self):
        return self.MaxOpMachNumber

    def setTargetCruiseMach(self, cruiseMachNumber):
        ''' check that target mach is always lower or equal to Max Operational Mach '''
        if isinstance(cruiseMachNumber, str) and (cruiseMachNumber
                                                  == 'use-default'):
            cruiseMachNumber = self.MaxOpMachNumber

        assert (cruiseMachNumber <= self.MaxOpMachNumber)
        print(self.className +
        print(self.className +
              ': set target cruise Mach= {0}'.format(cruiseMachNumber))
        self.targetCruiseMachNumber = cruiseMachNumber
        print(self.className +

    def getTargetCruiseMach(self):
        return self.targetCruiseMachNumber

    def setArrivalRunwayTouchDownWayPoint(self,
        ''' target runway touch down way point '''
        self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint = arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint

    def getArrivalRunwayTouchDownWayPoint(self):
        return self.arrivalRunWayTouchDownWayPoint

    def dump(self):
        print(self.className + ': VMO CAS= ' + str(self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots) +
              ' knots')
        print(self.className + ': Max Operational Mach Number= ' +
        print(self.className + ': Max Operational Altitude= ' +
              str(self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet) + ' feet')

    def __str__(self):
        strMsg = self.className + ': VMO CAS= {0} knots'.format(
        strMsg += ' - Max Operational Mach Number= {0}'.format(
        strMsg += ' - Max Operational Altitude= {0} feet'.format(
        return strMsg

    def getMaxAltitudeMslMtowFeet(self):
        return self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet

    def getMaxOpSpeedCasKnots(self):
        return self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots

    def initStateVector(self, elapsedTimeSeconds, trueAirSpeedMetersSecond,
        altitude and speed changes are modifying the configuration of the aircraft 
        lastAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters = self.StateVector.getCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters(
        targetCruiseAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters = self.getTargetCruiseFlightLevelMeters(
        #         self.setCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters(elapsedTimeSeconds,
        #                                                 airportFieldElevationAboveSeaLevelMeters,
        #                                                 lastAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters,
        #                                                 targetCruiseAltitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters)
            elapsedTimeSeconds, trueAirSpeedMetersSecond,
            airportFieldElevationAboveSeaLevelMeters, aircraftMassKilograms)

    def updateAircraftStateVector(
            self, elapsedTimeSeconds, trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond,
            altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters, currentDistanceFlownMeters,
            distanceStillToFlyMeters, aircraftMassKilograms,
            flightPathAngleDegrees, thrustNewtons, dragNewtons, liftNewtons,

            elapsedTimeSeconds, trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond,
            altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters, currentDistanceFlownMeters,
            distanceStillToFlyMeters, aircraftMassKilograms,
            flightPathAngleDegrees, thrustNewtons, dragNewtons, liftNewtons,

        calibratedAirSpeedKnots = self.atmosphere.tas2cas(
            alt_units='m') * MeterSecond2Knots
        if (calibratedAirSpeedKnots > self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots):
                self.className +
                ': CAS= {0:.2f} knots >> higher than Max Op CAS= {1:.2f} knots'
                .format(calibratedAirSpeedKnots, self.MaxOpSpeedCasKnots))
            endOfSimulation = True

        if (altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters * Meter2Feet) > self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet:
                self.className +
                ': current altitude= {0:.2f} feet >> higher than Max Operational Altitude= {1:.2f} feet'
                .format((altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters *
                         Meter2Feet), self.MaxOpAltitudeFeet))
            endOfSimulation = True

        if altitudeMeanSeaLevelMeters < 0.0:
                self.className +
                ': altitude MSL= {0:.2f} meters is negative => end of simulation'
            endOfSimulation = True

        if trueAirSpeedMetersPerSecond < 0.0:
            print(self.className +
                  ': tas= {0:.2f} m/s is negative => end of simulation'.format(
            endOfSimulation = True

        return endOfSimulation

    def createStateVectorHistoryFile(self):

    def getCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters(self):
        return self.StateVector.getCurrentAltitudeSeaLevelMeters()

    def getCurrentTrueAirSpeedMetersSecond(self):
        return self.StateVector.getCurrentTrueAirSpeedMetersSecond()

    def getCurrentDistanceFlownMeters(self):
        return self.StateVector.getCurrentDistanceFlownMeters()

    def getFlightPathAngleDegrees(self):
        return self.StateVector.getFlightPathAngleDegrees()