def testInvalidInput6(self): self.assertEqual( getGitHubInfo({ 'kristen': 'junior', 'kevin': 'freshman' }), 'gitHubUserId must be a string', 'Only a string may be passed to getGitHubInfo().')
def testValidInput2(self): self.assertEqual( getGitHubInfo('richkempinski'), [['hellogitworld', 30], ['helloworld', 2], ['Project1', 2], ['threads-of-life', 1]], 'richkempinski has the folllowing repos and commits: hellogitworld - 30, helloworld - 2, Project1 - 2, threads-of-life - 1.' )
def testValidInput1(self): self.assertEqual( getGitHubInfo('bsb226'), [['GuessingGame', 3], ['GuessingGame2', 2], ['hello-world', 3], ['HelloJava', 4], ['ud851-Exercises', 30]], 'bsb226 has the following repos and commits: GuessingGame - 3, GuessingGame2 - 2, hello-world - 3, HelloJava - 4, ud851-Exercises - 30.' )
def testInvalidInput5(self): self.assertEqual(getGitHubInfo( (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), 'gitHubUserId must be a string', 'Only a string may be passed to getGitHubInfo().')
def testInvalidInput2(self): self.assertEqual(getGitHubInfo(False), 'gitHubUserId must be a string', 'Only a string may be passed to getGitHubInfo().')
def testValidInput3(self): self.assertEqual( getGitHubInfo('Simoa33'), [['LaundryDetector', 2], ['uunite', 8]], 'Simoa33 has the folllowing repos and commits: LaundryDetector - 2, uunite - 8.' )