def wigner_distribution(fname_output,nsample, make_file=True): 
    # read the hessian from output file 
    outp = OutputMOLPRO(fname_output)
    mol = outp.get_mol_info()
    hess_mw, q_eq = outp.get_hessian_and_eqcoord()
    q_eq = np.ravel(q_eq)

    # diagonalization
    eig, trs_mw = linalg.eigh(hess_mw)  
    eig = eig/amu2me
    hess_mw = hess_mw/amu2me
    eig = np.sqrt(eig[6:])
    print np.sum(eig*au2cm) # print the frequency in cm-1

    # sampling mass-weighted normal-mode coordinates and momenta 
    q_rand = np.sqrt(0.5/eig)[:,np.newaxis]*np.random.randn(len(eig),nsample)
    p_rand = np.sqrt(0.5*eig)[:,np.newaxis]*np.random.randn(len(eig),nsample)
    # translate to mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates and momenta 
    trs_mw =  trs_mw[:,6:]
    q_mw = np.dot(trs_mw,q_rand) 
    p_mw = np.dot(trs_mw,p_rand) 

    # translate to mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates and momenta 
    #mass_3row = np.ravel(np.ones((len(mol),3))*mol.get_atomic_masses()[:,np.newaxis])
    mass_3row = np.ravel(np.ones((len(mol),3))*mol.get_masses()[:,np.newaxis])
    q = q_mw/np.sqrt(mass_3row)[:,np.newaxis] + q_eq[:,np.newaxis]
    p = p_mw*np.sqrt(mass_3row)[:,np.newaxis] 
    v = p/mass_3row[:,np.newaxis] 

    #if as_instance:
    #    return q.T.reshape(nsample, len(mol),3),\
    #           v.T.reshape(nsample, len(mol),3)

    # print coordinates and velocities
    if make_file: 
        for i in xrange(nsample):
            fq_name = "coord" + str(i+1) 
            fv_name = "velocity" + str(i+1)  
            fq = open(fq_name,"w")
            fv = open(fv_name,"w")
            for j in xrange(len(mol)):
                fq.write("{0: 10.8f} {1: 10.8f} {2: 10.8f}\n".format(*q.T[i].reshape(len(mol),3)[j]))
                fv.write("{0: 10.8f} {1: 10.8f} {2: 10.8f}\n".format(*v.T[i].reshape(len(mol),3)[j]))

    # obtain the kintic and potential energy  
    ene_kin = 0.5*np.sum(p_mw*p_mw,axis=0)
    ene_pot = 0.5*np.sum(q_mw*np.dot(hess_mw,q_mw),axis=0)
    ene_tot = ene_kin + ene_pot
    print 0.5*np.sum(eig)
    print np.average(ene_kin)
    print np.average(ene_pot)
    print np.average(ene_tot)
def set_zero_energy_velocities(fname_output,nsample, make_file=True): 
    # This method is modified such that the kinetic energy is 
    # set to zero point energy and the structure is the eq coordinate

    # read the hessian from output file 
    outp = OutputMOLPRO(fname_output)
    mol = outp.get_mol_info()
    hess_mw, q_eq = outp.get_hessian_and_eqcoord()
    q_eq = np.ravel(q_eq)

    # diagonalization
    eig, trs_mw = linalg.eigh(hess_mw)  
    eig = eig/amu2me
    hess_mw = hess_mw/amu2me
    eig = np.sqrt(eig[6:])
    print np.sum(eig*au2cm) # print the frequency in cm-1

    # sampling mass-weighted normal-mode coordinates and momenta 
    #p_rand = np.sqrt(1.0*eig)[:,np.newaxis]*np.random.randn(len(eig),nsample)
    p_rand = np.sqrt(1.0*eig)[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((len(eig),nsample))
    # translate to mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates and momenta 
    trs_mw =  trs_mw[:,6:]
    p_mw = np.dot(trs_mw,p_rand) 

    # translate to mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates and momenta 
    #mass_3row = np.ravel(np.ones((len(mol),3))*mol.get_atomic_masses()[:,np.newaxis])
    mass_3row = np.ravel(np.ones((len(mol),3))*mol.get_masses()[:,np.newaxis])
    p = p_mw*np.sqrt(mass_3row)[:,np.newaxis] 
    v = p/mass_3row[:,np.newaxis] 

    #if as_instance:
    #    return q.T.reshape(nsample, len(mol),3),\
    #           v.T.reshape(nsample, len(mol),3)

    # print coordinates and velocities
    if make_file: 
        for i in xrange(nsample):
            fv_name = "velocity" + str(i+1)  
            fv = open(fv_name,"w")
            for j in xrange(len(mol)):
                fv.write("{0: 10.8f} {1: 10.8f} {2: 10.8f}\n".format(*v.T[i].reshape(len(mol),3)[j]))

    # obtain the kintic and potential energy  
    ene_kin = 0.5*np.sum(p_mw*p_mw,axis=0)
    print ene_kin 
    print 0.5*np.sum(eig)
    print np.average(ene_kin)