def turn_code_on_off_html(): string = '''<script type="text/javascript"> code_hide=true; function code_toggle() { if (code_hide){ $('div.output_prompt').css("color","#FFFFFF"); $('div.input').hide(); } else { $('div.output_prompt').css("color","#8b0000"); $('div.input').show(); } code_hide = !code_hide } $( document ).ready(code_toggle) </script> <script> // define a handler function doc_keyUp(e) { // this would test for the 'h' key, the 'ctrl' key and the 'shift' key at the same time if (e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 72) { code_toggle(); } } // register the handler // document.removeEventListener('keyup', doc_keyUp, false); document.addEventListener('keyup', doc_keyUp, false); </script> The raw code for this IPython notebook is by default hidden for easier reading. <form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Click here or press CRTL+ALT+H to toggle the code on/off."></form>''' return _HTML(string)
def publish_to_datasette(df, name='this', table_name='table', db_root=datasette_path): db_path = tools.pandas_to_sqlite(df, name, table_name, db_root) _display(_HTML(f'''<div class="alert alert-info">DataFrame sent to Jupyter Datasette folder as: <ul> <li><b>db</b>: {name}</li> <li><b>table</b>: {table_name}</li> </ul> <i>Reload Datasette to pick up new files</i></div>'''))
def start_datasette(db_path, jupyter, **kwargs): ''' Pass in cmdline flags as kwargs: port=8080, reload=True ''' port = kwargs.get('port',kwargs.get('p',None)) host = _socket.gethostbyname(_socket.gethostname()) # keep the kwargs alive flags = [f'--{key}' if value is True else f'--{key} {value}' for key,value in kwargs.items()] flags = ' '.join(flags) cmd = f'datasette {db_path} {flags}' cmd = re.sub(' +', ' ', cmd) if jupyter: _display(_HTML(f'''<div class="alert alert-info><b>Datasette Launching at <a target="_blank" href="http://{host}:{port}">http://{host}:{port}</a></b><br/> <pre>{cmd}</pre></div>''')) try: process = _subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '), stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE) return process except: #catch KeyboardInterrupt and whatever other calamity might befall our process process.terminate()
def _create_animation(od, time, plot_func, func_kwargs, display, **kwargs): """ Create animation using oceanspy plot functions. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset used to plot. time: DataArray DataArray corresponding to time. plot_func: function Alias referring to the plot function. func_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plot_func. display: bool If True, display the animation. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for py:class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` Returns ------- anim: matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation Animation object References ---------- """ # Check parameters _check_instance( { "od": od, "time": time, "func_kwargs": func_kwargs, "display": display }, { "od": "oceanspy.OceanDataset", "time": "xarray.DataArray", "func_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "display": ["bool"], }, ) # Handle kwargs if func_kwargs is None: func_kwargs = {} func_kwargs = dict(func_kwargs) # Animate function def animate(i): _plt.clf() func_kwargs["cutout_kwargs"] = { "timeRange": time.isel({ time.dims[0]: i }).values, "dropAxes": "time", } with _io.capture_output() as captured: plot_func(od, **func_kwargs) if "pbar" in locals(): pbar.update(1) # Create animation object anim = _FuncAnimation(**{ "fig": _plt.gcf(), "func": animate, "frames": len(time), **kwargs }) # Display if display is True: pbar = _tqdm(total=len(time)) _display(_HTML(anim.to_html5_video())) pbar.close() del pbar return anim
def write(self, filename=None, f="gb"): """Writes the Dseqrecord to a file using the format f, which must be a format supported by Biopython SeqIO for writing [#]_. Default is "gb" which is short for Genbank. Note that Biopython SeqIO reads more formats than it writes. Filename is the path to the file where the sequece is to be written. The filename is optional, if it is not given, the description property (string) is used together with the format. If obj is the Dseqrecord object, the default file name will be: ``<>.<f>`` Where <f> is "gb" by default. If the filename already exists and AND the sequence it contains is different, a new file name will be used so that the old file is not lost: ``<>_NEW.<f>`` References ---------- .. [#] """ msg = "" if not filename: filename = "{name}.{type}".format(, type=f) # generate a name if no name was given if not isinstance(filename, str): # is filename a string??? raise ValueError("filename has to be a string, got", type(filename)) name, ext = _os.path.splitext(filename) msg = "<font face=monospace><a href='{filename}' target='_blank'>{filename}</a></font><br>".format( filename=filename) if not _os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(self.format(f)) else: from pydna.readers import read old_file = read(filename) if self.seq != old_file.seq: # If new sequence is different, the old file is renamed with "_OLD" suffix: # TODO: add this timestamp so that all old versions are stored # int(time.time() * 1000000) = 1512035297658778 old_filename = "{}_OLD{}".format(name, ext) _os.rename(filename, old_filename) msg = ( "<font color='DarkOrange ' face=monospace>" "Sequence changed.<br>" "</font>" "<font color='red' face=monospace>" "new: <a href='{filename}' target='_blank'>{filename}</a>     size: {nlen}bp topology: {ntop} SEGUID: {ns}<br>" "</font>" "<font color='green' face=monospace>" "old: <a href='{oldfname}' target='_blank'>{oldfname}</a> size: {olen}bp topology: {otop} SEGUID: {os}<br>" "</font>").format( filename=filename, oldfname=old_filename, nlen=len(self), olen=len(old_file), ns=self.seguid(), os=old_file.seguid(), ntop={ True: "-", False: "o" }[self.linear], otop={ True: "-", False: "o" }[old_file.linear], ) with open(filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(self.format(f)) elif "SEGUID" in old_file.description: pattern = r"(lSEGUID|cSEGUID|SEGUID)_(\S{27})(_[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{6}){0,1}" oldstamp =, old_file.description) newstamp =, self.description) newdescription = self.description # print(oldstamp, newstamp) if oldstamp and newstamp: if[:35] ==[:35]: newdescription = newdescription.replace(, elif oldstamp: newdescription += " " + newobj = _copy.copy(self) newobj.description = newdescription with open(filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(newobj.format(f)) else: with open(filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(self.format(f)) return _display_html(_HTML(msg))
def _create_animation(od, time, plot_func, func_kwargs, display, **kwargs): """ Create animation using oceanspy plot functions. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset used to plot. time: DataArray DataArray corresponding to time. plot_func: function Alias referring to the plot function. func_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plot_func. display: bool If True, display the animation. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for py:class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` Returns ------- anim: matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation Animation object References ---------- """ # Check parameters _check_instance({'od': od, 'time': time, 'func_kwargs': func_kwargs, 'display': display}, {'od': 'oceanspy.OceanDataset', 'time': 'xarray.DataArray', 'func_kwargs': ['type(None)', 'dict'], 'display': ['bool']}) # Handle kwargs if func_kwargs is None: func_kwargs = {} func_kwargs = dict(func_kwargs) # Animate function def animate(i): _plt.clf() func_kwargs['cutout_kwargs'] = {'timeRange': time.isel({time.dims[0]: i}).values, 'dropAxes': 'time'} with _io.capture_output() as captured: plot_func(od, **func_kwargs) if 'pbar' in locals(): pbar.update(1) # Create animation object anim = _FuncAnimation(**{'fig': _plt.gcf(), 'func': animate, 'frames': len(time), **kwargs}) # Display if display is True: pbar = _tqdm(total=len(time)) _display(_HTML(anim.to_html5_video())) pbar.close() del pbar return anim
def _create_animation(od, time, plot_func, func_kwargs, display, **kwargs): """ Create animation using oceanspy plot functions. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset to check for missing variables time: DataArray DataArray corresponding to time plot_func: function Alias referring to the plot function func_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plot_func display: bool If True, display the animation **kwargs: Keyword arguments for matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation Returns ------- Animation object See also -------- subsample.coutout References ---------- """ # Check input if not isinstance(od, _ospy.OceanDataset): raise TypeError('`od` must be OceanDataset') if not isinstance(time, _xr.DataArray): raise TypeError('`time` must be a DataArray') elif len(time.dims) != 1: raise TypeError('`time` must have one dimension only') # TODO: check plot function if not isinstance(func_kwargs, (type(None), dict)): raise TypeError('`func_kwargs` must be None or dict') if not isinstance(display, bool): raise TypeError('`display` must be bool') # Handle kwargs if func_kwargs is None: func_kwargs = {} # Animate function def animate(i): _plt.clf() func_kwargs['cutout_kwargs'] = { 'timeRange': time.isel({ time.dims[0]: i }).values, 'dropAxes': 'time' } with _io.capture_output() as captured: plot_func(od, **func_kwargs) if 'pbar' in locals(): pbar.update(1) # Create animation object anim = _FuncAnimation(**{ 'fig': _plt.gcf(), 'func': animate, 'frames': len(time), **kwargs }) # Display if display is True: pbar = _tqdm(total=len(time)) _display(_HTML(anim.to_html5_video())) pbar.close() del pbar return anim