def saveImage(data, nodeAllocations, opts): global WIDTH global HEIGHT global PAGESIZE # Collapse "step" rows that are completely empty. step = 4 collapser = numpy.zeros(WIDTH*HEIGHT, numpy.uint32) for begin, end in ((WIDTH*y, WIDTH*y + WIDTH*step) for y in xrange(0, HEIGHT, step)): if any(data[begin:end]): collapser[begin:end] = 1 data = data.compress(collapser) # Create the output false colors picture. Rescale the values in the # data array so that they are normalised to 245 and convert the array # to 8 bit so that it can be easily used with the paletted mode. # Notice that we leave the last ten colors (245 - 255) to highlight # fragmented memory allocations coming from a unique stacktrace node. # Determine the 10 most fragmented allocations coming from the same symbol # and highlight the pages they touch. # Reshape the array to be bidimensional rather than linear. data *= 245 data /= PAGESIZE # Calculate an highlight mask to hightlight top MEM_LIVE allocations. if topTen[0]: highlightNode, highlighNodeName = topTen[4][0] for (pos, size) in nodeAllocations[highlightNode]: paintAllocation(data, pos, size, 246) WIDTH = int(sqrt(len(data))) data = numpy.reshape(data, (len(data)/WIDTH, WIDTH)) HEIGHT, WIDTH = data.shape pilImage = fromarray(numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.uint8), 'P') lut = [0,0,0] for x in (int(i / 245. * 255.) for i in range(245)): lut.extend([x*0.8, x*0.8 , x*0.8]) # Extra colors are all purple. for x in range(10): lut.extend([186., 7., 17.]) pilImage.putpalette(lut) d = ImageDraw(pilImage) for c in xrange(256): w, h = WIDTH*0.8 / 256, HEIGHT*0.01 x, y = c * w+WIDTH*0.1, HEIGHT*0.9 - h d.rectangle((x, y, x+w, y+h), fill=c) pilImage = pilImage.resize((WIDTH*2, HEIGHT*2))
def saveImage(data, nodeAllocations, opts): global WIDTH global HEIGHT global PAGESIZE # Collapse "step" rows that are completely empty. step = 4 collapser = numpy.zeros(WIDTH * HEIGHT, numpy.uint32) for begin, end in ((WIDTH * y, WIDTH * y + WIDTH * step) for y in xrange(0, HEIGHT, step)): if any(data[begin:end]): collapser[begin:end] = 1 data = data.compress(collapser) # Create the output false colors picture. Rescale the values in the # data array so that they are normalised to 245 and convert the array # to 8 bit so that it can be easily used with the paletted mode. # Notice that we leave the last ten colors (245 - 255) to highlight # fragmented memory allocations coming from a unique stacktrace node. # Determine the 10 most fragmented allocations coming from the same symbol # and highlight the pages they touch. # Reshape the array to be bidimensional rather than linear. data *= 245 data /= PAGESIZE # Calculate an highlight mask to hightlight top MEM_LIVE allocations. if topTen[0]: highlightNode, highlighNodeName = topTen[4][0] for (pos, size) in nodeAllocations[highlightNode]: paintAllocation(data, pos, size, 246) WIDTH = int(sqrt(len(data))) data = numpy.reshape(data, (len(data) / WIDTH, WIDTH)) HEIGHT, WIDTH = data.shape pilImage = fromarray(numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.uint8), 'P') lut = [0, 0, 0] for x in (int(i / 245. * 255.) for i in range(245)): lut.extend([x * 0.8, x * 0.8, x * 0.8]) # Extra colors are all purple. for x in range(10): lut.extend([186., 7., 17.]) pilImage.putpalette(lut) d = ImageDraw(pilImage) for c in xrange(256): w, h = WIDTH * 0.8 / 256, HEIGHT * 0.01 x, y = c * w + WIDTH * 0.1, HEIGHT * 0.9 - h d.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), fill=c) pilImage = pilImage.resize((WIDTH * 2, HEIGHT * 2))
def save_to_image(filename, img): """ Save to ".jpg", the image """ # Append ".jpg" to filename if not present filename = append_type(filename, '.jpg') # If img is numpy array, convert it to PIL image if isinstance(img, ndarray): img = fromarray(uint8(img)) # Convert the image as necessary if not img.mode == 'L': img = img.convert('L'), 'jpeg')
def make(**kw): step, noise, decay = [float(kw[k]) for k in ['--step','--noise','--decay']] X, Y = [int(kw[k]) for k in ['--width', '--height']] H = X/2 gray = ones((Y,X),dtype=float) for x in range(H): dI = step * exp(-decay*float(H-x)) gray[:,0+x+0] += dI gray[:,X-x-1] -= dI scatter = ((random.random((Y,X))*2)-1) * noise image = (gray+scatter)*127 saved = fromarray(image) name = 'egray/egray.s.%f.n.%f.d.%f.gif' % (step, noise, decay) toimage(saved)
def make(**kw): step = kw.get( 'step', 3e-2) scale = kw.get('scale', 3e-1) shape = (Y, X) = [kw.get(edge, 512) for edge in ['Y', 'X']] X0, X1, X2, X3 = 0, X/2-1, X/2, X-1 gray = ones(shape, dtype=float) gray[:,X0:X1] -= step gray[:,X2:X3] += step noise = ((random.random((Y,X))*2)-1) * scale image = (gray+noise)*127 print gray.max(), noise.max(), image.max() print gray.min(), noise.min(), image.min() saved = fromarray(image) name = 'gray/gray.step.%f.scale.%f.gif' % (step, scale) print name
def save(self, kernel, R, dx=0, dy=0, **kw): rescaled = (255.0 * kernel).astype('uint8') name = "kernels/Airy/kernel.Airy.R%d.dx%1.2f.dy%1.2f" % (R, dx, dy) image = fromarray(rescaled)".png")".npy", kernel)
pos3 = line.rfind(' ') pos4 = line.find(')') extent.append(float(line[4:pos1])) extent.append(float(line[pos1+1:pos2])) extent.append(float(line[pos2+1:pos3])) extent.append(float(line[pos3+1:pos4])) f2.close() """ if cellsize == "": w = extent[2] - extent[0] h = extent[1] - extent[3] image_w = 600 image_h = h * image_w / w cellsize = max(w / image_w, h / image_h) std_x = std(x) std_y = std(y) Q_x = quantile(x) Q_y = quantile(y) IQR_x = Q_x[2] - Q_x[0] IQR_y = Q_y[2] - Q_y[0] h_x = 0.9 * min(std_x, IQR_x / 1.34) * pow(n, -0.2) h_y = 0.9 * min(std_y, IQR_y / 1.34) * pow(n, -0.2) bandwidth = max(h_x, h_y) * 2 else: cellsize = float(cellsize) bandwidth = float(bandwidth) itv_pts_ids = range(n) arr, rows, cols, gmin, gmax = call_kde(n, x, y, itv_pts_ids, extent, bandwidth, cellsize, kernel, gradient, opaque) fromarray(arr).save("test1.png")
def shaded_relief(in_file, raster_band, color_file, out_file_name, azimuth=315, angle_altitude=45): ''' The main function. Reads the input image block by block to improve the performance, and calculates the shaded relief image ''' if exists(in_file) is False: raise Exception('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'' + in_file + '\'') dataset = gdal.Open(in_file, GA_ReadOnly ) if dataset == None: raise Exception("Unable to read the data file") band = dataset.GetRasterBand(raster_band) block_sizes = band.GetBlockSize() x_block_size = block_sizes[0] y_block_size = block_sizes[1] #If the block y size is 1, as in a GeoTIFF image, the gradient can't be calculated, #so more than one block is used. In this case, using8 lines gives a similar #result as taking the whole array. if y_block_size < 8: y_block_size = 8 xsize = band.XSize ysize = band.YSize max_value = band.GetMaximum() min_value = band.GetMinimum() #Reading the color table color_table = readColorTable(color_file) #Adding an extra value to avoid problems with the last & first entry if sorted(color_table.keys())[0] > min_value: color_table[min_value - 1] = color_table[sorted(color_table.keys())[0]] if sorted(color_table.keys())[-1] < max_value: color_table[max_value + 1] = color_table[sorted(color_table.keys())[-1]] #Preparing the color table classification_values = color_table.keys() classification_values.sort() max_value = band.GetMaximum() min_value = band.GetMinimum() if max_value == None or min_value == None: stats = band.GetStatistics(0, 1) max_value = stats[1] min_value = stats[0] out_array = zeros((3, ysize, xsize), 'uint8') #The iteration over the blocks starts here for i in range(0, ysize, y_block_size): if i + y_block_size < ysize: rows = y_block_size else: rows = ysize - i for j in range(0, xsize, x_block_size): if j + x_block_size < xsize: cols = x_block_size else: cols = xsize - j dem_array = band.ReadAsArray(j, i, cols, rows) hs_array = hillshade(dem_array, azimuth, angle_altitude) rgb_array = values2rgba(dem_array, color_table, classification_values, max_value, min_value) hsv_array = rgb_to_hsv(rgb_array[:, :, 0], rgb_array[:, :, 1], rgb_array[:, :, 2]) hsv_adjusted = asarray( [hsv_array[0], hsv_array[1], hs_array] ) shaded_array = hsv_to_rgb( hsv_adjusted ) out_array[:,i:i+rows,j:j+cols] = shaded_array #Saving the image using the PIL library im = fromarray(transpose(out_array, (1,2,0)), mode='RGB')
pos4 = line.find(')') extent.append(float(line[4:pos1])) extent.append(float(line[pos1+1:pos2])) extent.append(float(line[pos2+1:pos3])) extent.append(float(line[pos3+1:pos4])) f2.close() """ if cellsize == "": w = extent[2] - extent[0] h = extent[1] - extent[3] image_w = 600 image_h = h * image_w / w cellsize = max(w / image_w, h / image_h) std_x = std(x) std_y = std(y) Q_x = quantile(x) Q_y = quantile(y) IQR_x = Q_x[2] - Q_x[0] IQR_y = Q_y[2] - Q_y[0] h_x = 0.9 * min(std_x, IQR_x / 1.34) * pow(n, -0.2) h_y = 0.9 * min(std_y, IQR_y / 1.34) * pow(n, -0.2) bandwidth = max(h_x, h_y) * 2 else: cellsize = float(cellsize) bandwidth = float(bandwidth) itv_pts_ids = range(n) arr, rows, cols, gmin, gmax = call_kde(n, x, y, itv_pts_ids, extent, bandwidth, cellsize, kernel, gradient, opaque) fromarray(arr).save("test1.png")
def RingTracking2D(data, n_centers, threshold = 0.5, draw_dots = False, draw_mean = False, return_dots = False, outfolder = None, static = True): # tracks a ring pattern in 2D. Locates particles using the Hough transfrom algorithm (center_find) # data is a stack of images to track particles in, stored as xyt hyperstack # n_centers is the number of ring patterns to track # theshold is the treshold used in center_find # draw_dots = True draws a label and a spot on each image from data where each center was found # draw_mean = True Uses the mean coordinate from each track as the position of the spot to be drawn # return_dots = True, retrun the images with the spots drawn on them # outfolder = location to save images with spots/labels # static = True uses first location of a particle to link tracks. Use False if the particle is moving # # # returns an array containing the coordinates of the ring centers at each frame # Also returns the images with a tracks labeled if return_dots = True #find centers from holopy.core.process.centerfinder import center_find coords = [] print('finding particles') #loop through each frame for i in np.arange(0,data.shape[-1]): if i%50 == 0: print(i) coord = center_find(data[:,:,i], centers = n_centers, threshold = threshold) if n_centers ==1: coord = np.reshape(coord, (1,2)) coords.append(coord) coords = np.array(coords) #link up particles between frames print('linking tracks') def get_distance(coords1, coords2): return np.sqrt( (coords1[0]-coords2[0])**2 + (coords1[1]-coords2[1])**2 ) tracks = np.empty(coords.shape) #loop through each particle for particle in np.arange(0,coords.shape[1]): #set initial point tracks[0,particle,:] = coords[0,particle,:] known_coord = tracks[0,particle,:] #location of the particle for comparison #look in subsequent frames to find the closest particle to known_coord for frame in np.arange(1,coords.shape[0]): min_distance = 10000 if not static: known_coord = tracks[frame-1,particle,:] #compare to all center locations for i in np.arange(0,coords.shape[1]): distance = get_distance(known_coord, coords[frame,i,:]) if distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance closest_particle_index = i #set track coordinate tracks[frame,particle,:] = coords[frame, closest_particle_index, :] if not draw_dots: return tracks #Draw a spot at each point that was found else: print('drawing tracks') from Image import fromarray from ImageDraw import Draw #used for scaling images im_max = data.max() im_min = data.min() if return_dots: spot_images = [] if draw_mean: tracksmean = np.mean(tracks,0) #loop through each frame for i in np.arange(0,data.shape[-1]): #convert to an RGB image spot_image = fromarray( 255*(data[:,:,i]-im_min)/(im_max-im_min) ) spot_image = spot_image.convert('RGB') #draw spots and labels draw = Draw(spot_image) for j in np.arange(0,tracks.shape[1]): if draw_mean: spot_coord = [np.round(tracksmean[j,1]), np.round(tracksmean[j,0])] else: spot_coord = [np.round(tracks[i,j,1]), np.round(tracks[i,j,0])] draw.point( (spot_coord[0],spot_coord[1]), (255,0,0)) draw.text( (spot_coord[0]-10,spot_coord[1]-10), str(j),(255,0,0)) if return_dots: spot_images.append(spot_image) if outfolder != None: + 'spot_image' + str(i).zfill(5) +'.png') if return_dots: return [tracks, spot_images] else: return tracks
def frompil(src): return pil_to_ipl(fromarray(src))
def shaded_relief(in_file, raster_band, color_file, out_file_name, azimuth=315, angle_altitude=45): ''' The main function. Reads the input image block by block to improve the performance, and calculates the shaded relief image ''' if exists(in_file) is False: raise Exception('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'' + in_file + '\'') dataset = gdal.Open(in_file, GA_ReadOnly) if dataset == None: raise Exception("Unable to read the data file") band = dataset.GetRasterBand(raster_band) block_sizes = band.GetBlockSize() x_block_size = block_sizes[0] y_block_size = block_sizes[1] #If the block y size is 1, as in a GeoTIFF image, the gradient can't be calculated, #so more than one block is used. In this case, using8 lines gives a similar #result as taking the whole array. if y_block_size < 8: y_block_size = 8 xsize = band.XSize ysize = band.YSize max_value = band.GetMaximum() min_value = band.GetMinimum() #Reading the color table color_table = readColorTable(color_file) #Adding an extra value to avoid problems with the last & first entry if sorted(color_table.keys())[0] > min_value: color_table[min_value - 1] = color_table[sorted(color_table.keys())[0]] if sorted(color_table.keys())[-1] < max_value: color_table[max_value + 1] = color_table[sorted( color_table.keys())[-1]] #Preparing the color table classification_values = color_table.keys() classification_values.sort() max_value = band.GetMaximum() min_value = band.GetMinimum() if max_value == None or min_value == None: stats = band.GetStatistics(0, 1) max_value = stats[1] min_value = stats[0] out_array = zeros((3, ysize, xsize), 'uint8') #The iteration over the blocks starts here for i in range(0, ysize, y_block_size): if i + y_block_size < ysize: rows = y_block_size else: rows = ysize - i for j in range(0, xsize, x_block_size): if j + x_block_size < xsize: cols = x_block_size else: cols = xsize - j dem_array = band.ReadAsArray(j, i, cols, rows) hs_array = hillshade(dem_array, azimuth, angle_altitude) rgb_array = values2rgba(dem_array, color_table, classification_values, max_value, min_value) hsv_array = rgb_to_hsv(rgb_array[:, :, 0], rgb_array[:, :, 1], rgb_array[:, :, 2]) hsv_adjusted = asarray([hsv_array[0], hsv_array[1], hs_array]) shaded_array = hsv_to_rgb(hsv_adjusted) out_array[:, i:i + rows, j:j + cols] = shaded_array #Saving the image using the PIL library im = fromarray(transpose(out_array, (1, 2, 0)), mode='RGB')