def filter_pairs( h1h2, c2a, B, BI, tol = 1e-5):
    order = np.argsort( c2a ) # increasing
    h1, h2 = h1h2[order[0]]
    BT     = BTmat( h1, h2, B, BI )
    UBI    = np.array( (np.dot(B, h1), np.dot(B,h2), (0,0,0)), float )
    cImageD11.quickorient( UBI,  BT )
    UB = np.linalg.inv( UBI )
    pairs = [ (h1, h2), ]
    cangs = [ c2a[order[0]], ]
    matrs = [ BT, ]
    gvecs = [ np.dot( UB, HKL0 ).T.copy(), ]
    nhkl = len(HKL0[0])
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    for i in order[1:]:
        h1, h2 = h1h2[i]
        BT     = BTmat( h1, h2, B, BI )
        UBI    = np.array( (np.dot(B, h1), np.dot(B,h2), (0,0,0)), float )
        cImageD11.quickorient( UBI,  BT )
        j = len(pairs)-1
        while j>=0 and fabs(c2a[order[i]] - cangs[j]) < 1e-6:
            if cImageD11.score( UBI, gvecs[j], 1e-8 ) < nhkl+1:
                pairs += [ (h1, h2), ]
                cangs += [ c2a[i], ]
                matrs += [ BT, ]
                gvecs += [ np.dot( np.linalg.inv(UBI) , HKL0 ).T.copy(), ]
                j = -1 # break
                j -= 1
    return pairs, cangs, matrs
def gridgrains(
    trn = transformer.transformer()
    trn.parameterobj = parameters.parameters(**pars)

    peaks = [trn.getcolumn(trn.xname), trn.getcolumn(trn.yname)]
    peaks_xyz = transform.compute_xyz_lab(peaks,

    omega = trn.getcolumn(trn.omeganame)
    tx = minx - stepx
    n = 0
    sys.stderr.write("Using tol = %f\n" % (tol))
    while tx <= maxx:
        tx = tx + stepx
        ty = miny - stepy
        while ty <= maxy:
            ty = ty + stepy
            trn.parameterobj.set_parameters({'t_x': tx, 't_y': ty})
            pars = trn.parameterobj.get_parameters()
            tth, eta = transform.compute_tth_eta_from_xyz(
                peaks_xyz, omega, **pars)
            if 'omegasign' in pars:
                om_sgn = float(pars["omegasign"])
                om_sgn = 1.0

            gv = transform.compute_g_vectors(tth, eta, omega * om_sgn, **pars)
            print(tx, ty, end=' ')
            for ubi in ul:
                ns = score(ubi, gv.T, tol)
                print(ns, end=' ')
                n += ns
    return n
uniq_ubis = []
names = ubi_all.keys()
#dsu = [ (int( np.split(".")[0].split("_")[-1] ), n) for n in names ]
#names = [d[1] for d in dsu]

tol = 0.05
for name in names[15:]:
    this_list = ubi_all[name]
    for ubi, i in zip(this_list, range(len(this_list))):
        gv = np.dot(np.linal.inv(ubi), hkl)
        seen = 0
        for j in range(len(uniq_ubis)):
            u = uniq_ubis[j][0]
            npk = cImageD11.score(u, gv.T, tol)
            if npk == len(pks):
                # seen you before
                uniq_ubis[j][1].append((name, i))
                seen += 1
            if npk > 12 and npk < len(pks):
                print "close...", npk,
        if seen == 0:
            uniq_ubis.append([ubi, [(name, i)]])
        if seen > 1:
            print "uniq seen more than once", ubi, i, name

print "Found", len(uniq_ubis), "unique ubi matrices"

z = {}
for line in open("job_z.txt", "r").readlines():
    def pairs(self, hkl1, hkl2, cos_tol=0.02, hkl_tol=0.1):
        We only look for reflection pairs matching a single hkl pairing
        import time
        start = time.time()
        w = self.transformpars.get("wavelength")
        tth1 = get_tth(self.unitcell.ds(hkl1), w)
        tth2 = get_tth(self.unitcell.ds(hkl2), w)
        tthtol = self.transformpars.get("fit_tolerance")
        allinds = np.arange(self.cf.nrows)
        ind1 = allinds[abs(self.cf.tth - tth1) < tthtol]
        ind2 = allinds[abs(self.cf.tth - tth2) < tthtol]
        angle, cosangle = self.unitcell.anglehkls(hkl1, hkl2)
        print("Angle, cosangle", angle, cosangle, hkl1, hkl2)
        assert angle > 1 and angle < 179, "hkls are parallel"
        g = np.array((self.cf.gx, self.cf.gy, self.cf.gz), np.float)
        n = g / self.cf.modg
        gvf = g.T.copy()
        n1 = n[:, ind1]
        n2 = n[:, ind2]
        pairs = []
        j = np.arange(n2.shape[1])
        # from unitcell.orient
        h1c = unit(np.dot(self.unitcell.B, hkl1))
        h2c = unit(np.dot(self.unitcell.B, hkl2))
        t1c = unit(h1c)
        t3c = unit(np.cross(h1c, h2c))
        t2c = unit(np.cross(h1c, t3c))
        T_c = np.array([t1c, t2c, t3c])
        T_g = np.zeros((3, 3))
        for i, this_n1 in enumerate(n1.T):
            cosa = np.dot(this_n1, n2)
            goodones = j[abs(cosa - cosangle) < cos_tol]
            # t1 is along g1
            # t2 is plane of both: g1x(g1xg2)
            # t3 is perpendicular to both
            #if i%100==0:
            #   print i,time.time()-start,len(n1.T)
            for k in goodones:
                this_n2 = n2[:, k]
                T_g[0] = this_n1
                T_g[2] = unit(np.cross(this_n1, this_n2))
                T_g[1] = unit(np.cross(this_n1, T_g[2]))
                U = np.dot(T_g.T, T_c)
                ub = np.dot(U, self.unitcell.B)
                ubi = np.linalg.inv(ub)
                ubio = ubi.copy()
                npks = cImageD11.score(ubi, gvf, hkl_tol)
                pairs.append((ind1[i], ind2[k], U, ubi))
                print(npks, end=' ')

                ubi, trans = self.refine(ubi,
                                         np.zeros(3, np.float),
                inds, hkls = self.assign(ubi, trans, hkl_tol)
                ubi, trans = self.refine(ubi,
                print(npks, ubi)
                print("cell: ", 6 * "%.6f " % (indexing.ubitocellpars(ubi)))
                print("position: ", trans)
        self.pairscache = pairs
        print(time.time() - start, "for", len(pairs), n1.shape, n2.shape)
        return pairs
def filter_pairs( h1, h2, c2a, B, BI, tol = 1e-5):
    """ remove duplicate pairs for orientation searches
    h1 = reflections of ring1, N1 peaks
    h2 = reflections of ring2, N2 peaks
    c2a  = cos angle between them, N1xN2
    B = B matrix in reciprocal space
    BI = inverse in real space
    assert c2a.shape == (len(h1), len(h2))
    order = np.argsort( c2a.ravel() ) # increasing in cosine of angle
    c2as = c2a.flat[order]
    hi, hj= np.mgrid[0:len(h1),0:len(h2)]
    hi = hi.ravel()[order]  # to get back the peaks
    hj = hj.ravel()[order]
    # Results holders:
    pairs = [  ]
    cangs = [  ]
    matrs = [  ]
    # cluster the cangs assuming a sensible threshold
    dc = (c2as[1:] - c2as[:-1]) > 1e-8  # differences
    inds = list(np.arange( 1, len(dc) + 1, dtype=int )[dc]) + [len(c2as)-1,]
    p = 0 # previous
    for i in inds:
        c = c2as[p:i]   # block is p:i
        if abs(c2as[p]) < 0.98: # always keep the first one
            ha = h1[hi[p]]
            hb = h2[hj[p]]
            pairs.append( (ha, hb) )
            cangs.append( c2as[p] )
            BT = BTmat( ha, hb, B, BI)
            matrs.append( BT )
            p = i
        if len(c) == 1:
            p = i
        assert (c.max()-c.min()) < 2.1e-8, "Angles blocking error in filter_pairs"
        # here we have a bunch of hkl pairs which all give the same angle
        # between them. They are not all the same. We generate a pair of peaks
        # from the first one and see which other pairs index differently
        ga = np.dot(B, ha )
        gb = np.dot(B, hb )
        assert abs( np.dot(ga,gb)/np.sqrt(np.dot(ga,ga)*np.dot(gb,gb)) - c2as[p] ) < 2e-8, "mixup in filter_pairs"
        gobs = np.array( (ga, gb, (0,0,0)), float)
        UBI = gobs.copy()
        cImageD11.quickorient( UBI, BT )
        gtest = [ np.dot( np.linalg.inv(UBI), HKL0 ).T, ]
        for j in range(p+1,i):
            ha = h1[hi[j]]
            hb = h2[hj[j]]
            BT = BTmat( ha, hb, B, BI)
            newpair = True
            for gt in gtest:
                UBI = gobs.copy()
                cImageD11.quickorient( UBI, BT )
                npk = cImageD11.score(UBI, gt, 1e-6)
                if npk == len(HKL0[0]):
                    newpair = False
            if newpair:
                pairs.append( (ha, hb) )
                cangs.append( c2as[j] )
                matrs.append( BT )
                gtest.append( np.dot( np.linalg.inv(UBI), HKL0 ).T )
        p = i
    return pairs, cangs, matrs

ubi0 = np.linalg.inv( ub0 )
hkl0 = np.array((h0,k0,l0),float)
unitH = hkl0 / np.sqrt( np.dot(hkl0,hkl0)  )
unitG = gtest / np.sqrt( np.dot(gtest,gtest)  )
angles_to_test = np.linspace( -np.pi, np.pi, 360 )

testmats = [ np.dot( ubi0, Rotation.from_rotvec( unitG*x ).as_dcm() ) for x in angles_to_test ]
rmats    = [ Rotation.from_rotvec( unitG*x ).as_dcm() for x in angles_to_test ]

gobs = gcalc.T.copy()
import timeit
start = timeit.default_timer()
npk = [cImageD11.score( m, gobs, 0.05) for m in testmats] 
print("Scoring takes", timeit.default_timer()-start)

pl.plot( angles_to_test, npk,"-")

# Conclusion: This appears to work. It takes a while to test all the potential orientations however. 
# Perhaps we can expand the mathematics to try to figure out some contributions a bit quicker?
# Our equation is:
# hkl = integer =  UBI0 . rotation_on_g0 . gvobs 
# Each g-vector has a component along the g0 axis which will be invariant.
# The other components could be found in an axis/angle expansion.
# - gaxis + gs.sin(angle) + gc.cos(angle)