def view_Booking_Page(): bookings = root.child('bookings').get() list = [] #store booking objects for typeid in bookings: eachbooking = bookings[typeid] if eachbooking['type'] == 'idoctor': doctor = Doctor(eachbooking['name'], eachbooking['age'], eachbooking['phoneNumber'], eachbooking['email'], eachbooking['startingDateAndTime'], eachbooking['type'], eachbooking['specialization1']) doctor.set_typeid(typeid) print(doctor.get_typeid()) list.append(doctor) elif eachbooking['type'] == 'iinstructor': instructor = Instructor(eachbooking['name'], eachbooking['age'], eachbooking['phoneNumber'], eachbooking['email'], eachbooking['startingDateAndTime'], eachbooking['type'], eachbooking['specialization2']) instructor.set_typeid(typeid) print(instructor.get_typeid()) list.append(instructor) else: flash("You have no appointments.") return render_template('viewBookingPage.html', bookings=list)
def instructor_cp(): user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) course_data = instructor.show_courses( ) # Can use this to show course data for instructor #student_list = instructor.show_students('cid1') #assignment_list = instructor.show_assignments('cid1') #ta_list = instructor.show_tas('cid1') #resource_list = instructor.show_resources('cid1') # submission_list = instructor.show_submissions('cid1') return render_template('instructor_cp.html', user=user, course_data=course_data)
def load_instructors(self, file): '''Load the instructors data from the specified file.''' try: for i in line_values(file, 3, "\t"): self._instructors[i[0]] = Instructor(i[0], i[1], i[2]) except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: Instructors file {} was not found.".format(file))
def signin(): studentid = 1000 in1 = input( " select your status 1-student 2-instructor 3-esducation secretary ") name = input("enter your name : ") lastname = input("enter your last name: ") fathersname = input("enter your fathersname") username = input("enter your user name: ") password = input("enter your password:"******"1": studentid += 1 print("your studentid is: " + str(studentid)) student = Student(name, lastname, fathersname, username, password, studentid) members.append(student) if in1 == "2": instructor = Instructor(name, lastname, fathersname, username, password) members.append(instructor) if in1 == "3": educationsecretary = Educationsecretary(name, lastname, fathersname, username, password) members.append(educationsecretary)
def remove_submission(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') id = request.args.get('id') assign_id = request.args.get('assign_id') assign_id = int(assign_id) user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) course_data = instructor.get_course_data(course_id) sub_list = instructor.show_submissions(course_id) sub_ids = [] for sub in sub_list: sub_ids.append(sub[3]) student_list = instructor.show_students(course_id) student_ids = [] for student in student_list: student_ids.append(student[0]) if sub_ids.__contains__(assign_id) and student_ids.__contains__(id): instructor.remove_submission(id, assign_id, course_id) return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) else: return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) return render_template('instructor_cp.html', user=user, course_data=course_data)
def edit_grade(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') id = request.args.get('id') assign_id = request.args.get('assign_id') file_path = request.args.get('file_path') user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) if request.method == 'POST': grade = request.form['grade'] if grade > 0: instructor.grade_submission(id, assign_id, file_path, grade, course_id) return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) else: return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) return render_template('instr_edit_grade.html')
def enroll_ta(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) user2 = current_user username2 = user2.get_id() admin = Admin(username2) course_data = instructor.get_course_data(course_id) ta_list = instructor.show_tas(course_id) ta_ids = [] for ta in ta_list: ta_ids.append(ta[0]) user_list = admin.show_all_users() user_ids = [] for use in user_list: user_ids.append(use[0]) if request.method == 'POST': taID = request.form['taID'] if taID not in ta_ids and len(taID) < 7 and taID in user_ids: instructor.enroll_ta_in_course(taID, course_id) return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) else: return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) return render_template('instr_enroll_ta.html')
def setUp(self): i = Instructor(1) squad = Squadron() stud = Student(2, squad) q = Qual('C-172') stud.quals.append(q) e = Event(1) r = Rule('onwing') e.rules.append(r) ss = StudentSortie() ss.student = stud ss.event = e sor = Sortie() sor.studentSorties.append(ss) sor.instructor = i return sor
def read_instructors(path): ''' this reads instructors.txt with help of file_reader() from ''' instructor_list = list() try: for file in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, file)): if file == "instructors.txt" : completepath=os.path.join(path+"\\"+file) for value in file_reader(completepath, num_fields=3, sep='\t', header=False): instructor_list.append(Instructor(value[0],value[1],value[2])) except Exception as e: print(f"Exception while reading instructors data : {e}") return list() return instructor_list
def test_instructor(self): '''Test the Instructor class''' i1 = Instructor() self.assertEqual(i1._cwid, '') self.assertEqual(i1._name, '') self.assertEqual(i1._department, '') self.assertEqual(i1._courses, {}) i2 = Instructor('123456', 'Martin, Marty', 'MATH') i2.increment_student_count('SSW-540') i2.increment_student_count('SSW-555') i2.increment_student_count('SSW-555') self.assertEqual(i2._cwid, '123456') self.assertEqual(i2._name, 'Martin, Marty') self.assertEqual(i2._department, 'MATH') self.assertEqual(i2._courses, {'SSW-540':1, 'SSW-555':2})
def crewrest_pairs(self, day, resource_type): pairs = [] if resource_type == "Student": s = Student(id="Sample", squadron=self) elif resource_type == "Instructor": s = Instructor(id="Sample") else: s = Flyer(id="Sample") for wave1 in self.schedules[day].waves.values(): rest = Sniv() rest.begin = wave1.times[resource_type].end rest.end = rest.begin + s.crewRest() s.snivs[0] = rest if day + 1 in self.schedules: for wave2 in self.schedules[day + 1].waves.values(): if not s.available(self.schedules[day + 1].day, wave2): pairs.append((wave1, wave2)) return pairs
def generateCrewrestExclusion(self,day1,day2,resourceType): w={} if resourceType=="Student": s=Student("Sample",self) elif resourceType=="Instructor": s=Instructor("Sample") else: s=Flyer("Sample") for w1 in self.schedules[day1].waves: w[w1]=[] wave1=self.schedules[day1].waves[w1] rest=Sniv() rest.begin = wave1.times[resourceType].end rest.end = rest.begin + s.crewRest s.snivs[0]=rest for w2 in self.schedules[day2].waves: wave2=self.schedules[day2].waves[w2] if not s.available(self.schedules[day2].date,wave2): w[w1].append(w2) return w
def modify_course(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) course_data = instructor.get_course_data(course_id) student_list = instructor.show_students(course_id) ta_list = instructor.show_tas(course_id) assignment_list = instructor.show_assignments(course_id) resource_list = instructor.show_resources(course_id) submission_list = instructor.show_submissions(course_id) if course_id is not None: return render_template('instr_view_course.html', user=user, course_id=course_id, course_data=course_data, student_list=student_list, ta_list=ta_list, assignment_list=assignment_list, resource_list=resource_list, submission_list=submission_list) return 'Error: No query string.'
def add_resource(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) course_data = instructor.get_course_data(course_id) res_list = instructor.show_resources(course_id) res_ids = [] for res in res_list: res_ids.append(res[0]) if request.method == 'POST': resName = request.form['resName'] filepath = request.form['filepath'] if resName not in res_ids: instructor.create_resource(course_id, resName, filepath) return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) else: return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) return render_template('instr_add_resource.html')
def add_assignment(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) course_data = instructor.get_course_data(course_id) assign_list = instructor.show_assignments(course_id) assign_ids = [] for assign in assign_list: assign_ids.append(assign[0]) if request.method == 'POST': assignID = request.form['assignID'] filepath = request.form['filepath'] if assignID not in assign_ids: instructor.create_assignment(assignID, course_id, filepath) return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) else: return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) return render_template('instr_add_assignment.html')
def unenroll_ta(): # URL requested will look like /control/instructor_cp/modify_course/?cid=some-value course_id = request.args.get('cid') ta_id = request.args.get('id') user = current_user username = user.get_id() instructor = Instructor(username) course_data = instructor.get_course_data(course_id) ta_list = instructor.show_tas(course_id) ta_ids = [] for ta in ta_list: ta_ids.append(ta[0]) if ta_id in ta_ids: instructor.unenroll_ta_in_course(ta_id, course_id) return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) else: return redirect(url_for('instructor_cp')) return render_template('instructor_cp.html', user=user, course_data=course_data)
def load(vtna, config): con = mdb.connect(host=config['host'], port=config['port'], user=config['user'], passwd=config['password'], db=config['database']) with con: # cur = con.cursor() # cur = con.cursor(dictionary=True) cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor) days = config['days'] if days > 3: vtna.calculateMaintenance = True # Loop over schedule table where not published and flight_day != NULL and add schedules for each flight_day # Ought to sort by date and not pull past schedules - day >=! query = "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE published = FALSE ORDER BY day ASC LIMIT %d" % days cur.execute(query) # AND NOT flight_day = NULL i = 1 rows = cur.fetchall() # .fetchmany(size=days) for row in rows: sked = Schedule(row) sked.flyDay = i # Set priority sked.priority = i**(-0.5) # priorities[i] if verbose: print 'Computing schedule for schedule ID %d, flight day %d, day %s, with priority %s' % (, sked.flyDay,, sked.priority) vtna.schedules[i] = sked i += 1 vtna.days = len(rows) #Find waves cur.execute("SELECT * FROM wave") rows = cur.fetchall() waves = {} for row in rows: waves[int(row["wave_ID"])] = row #Create waves for each schedule for d in vtna.schedules: sked = vtna.schedules[d] if not sked.blank: sked.waves = {} # %(emp_no)s" # cursor.execute(select_stmt, { 'emp_no': 2 }) cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %(schedule_ID)s", {'schedule_ID':}) rows = cur.fetchall() createWaves(sked, rows, waves) if verbose: print "Waves loaded" #Create events for squadron cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = int(row["event_ID"]) e = Event(event_ID=i) if row["check_instructor_req"]: e.check = True if row["onwing_req"]: e.onwing = True elif row["not_onwing_req"]: e.offwing = True e.flightHours = float(row["dual_flight_hours"]) + float( row["solo_flight_hours"]) e.planeHours = float(row["ground_plane_hours"]) total_inst = float( row["ground_nonplane_hours"]) + e.planeHours + e.flightHours e.instructionalHours = total_inst e.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"]) e.max_students = int(row["max_students"]) if row["follows_immediately"] != None and int( row["follows_immediately"]) == 1: e.followsImmediately = True vtna.syllabus[i] = e #Set event precedence and following cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event_precedence") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = int(row["following_event_ID"]) j = int(row["preceding_event_ID"]) if verbose: print i, ' follows ', j vtna.syllabus[i].precedingEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[j]) vtna.syllabus[j].followingEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[i]) if verbose: print "Events loaded" #Loop over planes cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane WHERE active=TRUE") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: # if verbose: # print row["tail_number"],row["plane_type_ID"],row["max_cargo"] p = row["tail_number"] plane = Plane(id=p) plane.planetype = row["plane_type_ID"] ni = None tach = None if row["next_inspection"] != None: ni = float(row["next_inspection"]) if row["tach"] != None: tach = float(row["tach"]) if ni != None and tach != None and ni >= tach: plane.hours = ni - tach if ni != None and tach != None and ni < tach: plane.hours = 0.0 if (row["max_cargo"] != 0 and row["max_cargo"] != None): plane.maxWeight = row["max_cargo"] if row["priority"] != None: plane.priority = row["priority"] vtna.planes[p] = plane #Add plane types #Add plane availability cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM plane_unavail WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s)", (vtna.schedules[1].day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), (vtna.schedules[vtna.days].day + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) rows = cur.fetchall() i = 1 for row in rows: p = row["plane_tail_number"] #if verbose: print p,row["start"],row["end"] if p in vtna.planes: plane = vtna.planes[p] s = Sniv() s.begin = row["start"] s.end = row["end"] plane.snivs[i] = s i = i + 1 if verbose: print "Planes loaded" #Loop over instructors, adding them cur.execute("SELECT * FROM cfi WHERE active = TRUE") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: c = int(row["CFI_ID"]) if verbose: print c inst = Instructor(id=c) inst.max_events = row["max_events"] if row["C990"]: inst.check = True if row["paid"]: inst.paid = 1 vtna.instructors[c] = inst if verbose: print "Instructors loaded" #Loop over students, adding them cur.execute("SELECT * FROM student WHERE status = 'active'") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: s = int(row["student_ID"]) if verbose: print 'Student id ', s stud = Student(id=s, squadron=vtna) stud.crewRestHours = 12 # stud.crewRest = timedelta(hours=12) stud.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"]) if row["priority"] is not None: stud.priority = float(row["priority"]) if row["last_flight"] is not None: stud.last_flight = row["last_flight"] cfi = row["onwing_CFI_ID"] if cfi in vtna.instructors: #if verbose: print "Add instructor",cfi stud.onwing = vtna.instructors[cfi] elif cfi != None: print 'CFI %d onwing for student %d not in instructors!' % ( cfi, s) else: print 'no cfi for student %d' % (s) vtna.students[s] = stud # print vtna.students[s].__dict__ partner_ID = row["partner_student_ID"] if partner_ID in vtna.students: #if verbose: print "Add partners",s,partner_ID stud.partner = vtna.students[partner_ID] vtna.students[partner_ID].partner = stud if verbose: print "Students loaded" #Add weight for students & CFIs cur.execute("SELECT * FROM user") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: id = row["user_ID"] if row["weight"] != None: if id in vtna.students: vtna.students[id].weight = int(row["weight"]) elif id in vtna.instructors: vtna.instructors[id].weight = int(row["weight"]) if verbose: print "Weights loaded" #Add plane quals for students & CFIs cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane_quals") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: id = row["user_ID"] if id in vtna.students: vtna.students[id].quals.append(row["plane_type_ID"]) elif id in vtna.instructors: vtna.instructors[id].quals.append(row["plane_type_ID"]) if verbose: print "Quals loaded" #Add snivs for students & CFIs cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM sniv WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s and approval=TRUE)", (vtna.schedules[1].day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), (vtna.schedules[vtna.days].day + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) rows = cur.fetchall() i = 1 for row in rows: id = row["user_ID"] if verbose: print id, row["start"], row["end"] s = Sniv(row) if id in vtna.students: vtna.students[id].snivs[i] = s i += 1 elif id in vtna.instructors: vtna.instructors[id].snivs[i] = s i += 1 if verbose: print "Snivs loaded" #Load most recent published schedule as cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE published=TRUE ORDER BY day DESC LIMIT 1" ) row = cur.fetchone() = int(row["schedule_ID"]) = row["day"] midnight = datetime.combine(, time(0)) query = "SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %d" % cur.execute(query) rows = cur.fetchall() createWaves(, rows, waves) query = "SELECT * FROM sortie WHERE schedule_ID = %s" % cur.execute(query) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: s = Sortie() id = int(row["sortie_ID"]) if verbose: print id, row["CFI_ID"] s.brief = row["brief"] cfi_id = int(row["CFI_ID"]) if cfi_id in vtna.instructors and row["wave_ID"] != None: s.instructor = vtna.instructors[cfi_id] #Instructor s.studentSorties = [] s.takeoff = row["scheduled_takeoff"] = row["scheduled_land"] if row["wave_ID"] in s.wave =[int( row["wave_ID"])] #Wave ojbect[id] = s #Create sorties and studentSorties from the entries in those table corresponding to the most recent published sked cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM student_sortie WHERE (status = 'pass' OR status = 'marginal' OR status = 'scheduled')" ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: if row["student_ID"] != None: s = int(row["student_ID"]) if s in vtna.students: stud = vtna.students[s] event = vtna.syllabus[int(row["event_ID"])] if row["status"] == "scheduled": stud.scheduledEvents.add(event) else: stud.completedEvents.add(event) if row["sortie_ID"] in sortie =[row["sortie_ID"]] ss = StudentSortie() ss.student = vtna.students[s] ss.event = event if row["plane_tail_number"] in vtna.planes: sortie.plane = vtna.planes[ row["plane_tail_number"]] sortie.studentSorties.append(ss) if == (vtna.schedules[1].day - timedelta(days=1)): #print "happy dance",, takeoff = row["actual_takeoff"] if not takeoff: takeoff = midnight + sortie.takeoff land = row["actual_land"] if not land: land = midnight + sniv = Sniv() sniv.begin = takeoff sniv.end = land + timedelta( hours=event.debrief_hours) + stud.crewRest() stud.snivs[0] = sniv instructor_sniv = Sniv() instructor_sniv.begin = takeoff instructor_sniv.end = land + timedelta( hours=event.debrief_hours ) + sortie.instructor.crewRest() sortie.instructor.snivs['crewrest' + str( row['student_sortie_ID'])] = instructor_sniv p = row["plane_tail_number"] if row["status"] == 'scheduled' and p in vtna.planes and row[ "sked_flight_hours"] != None: if (vtna.planes[p].hours - float(row["sked_flight_hours"])) >= 0: vtna.planes[p].hours -= float(row["sked_flight_hours"]) else: vtna.planes[p].hours = 0.0 """for s in vtna.students: stud = vtna.students[s] print 'Student: ', if stud.findPossible(1,True): print 'Next event: ', stud.getNextEvent() for event in stud.findPossible(1,True): if verbose: print 'student ', s, 'possible event ',""" #Loop over instructor preferences cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM instructor_preference LEFT JOIN cfi ON instructor_preference.cfi_CFI_ID = cfi.CFI_ID WHERE = TRUE" ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: c = int(row["cfi_CFI_ID"]) pref = row["preference"] inst = vtna.instructors[c] begin = row["start"] end = row["end"] for d, sked in vtna.schedules.iteritems(): midnight = datetime.combine(, time(0)) start_time = midnight + begin end_time = midnight + end s = Sniv() s.begin = start_time s.end = end_time r = Instructor(id='sample') r.snivs[0] = s for w, wave in sked.waves.iteritems(): if not r.available(, wave): inst.setPreference(d, w, pref) if verbose: print "Set preference for instructor %d, day %d, wave %d for value %d" % ( c, d, w, pref)
def instructor_setup(self, squadron, count): for i in range(-count, 0): squadron.instructors[i] = Instructor(i) squadron.instructors[i].quals.append(Qual('C-172'))
def AddInstructor(self, args): s = Instructor() s.idx = len(self.instructors) if "infoName" in args: s.infoName = args["infoName"] if "subjectAssign" in args: s.subjectAssign = args["subjectAssign"] if "subjectEnroll" in args: s.subjectEnroll = args["subjectEnroll"] if "timeImpossible" in args: s.timeImpossible = args["timeImpossible"] if "timePrefer1st" in args: s.timePrefer1st = args["timePrefer1st"] if "timePrefer2nd" in args: s.timePrefer2nd = args["timePrefer2nd"] if "timePrefer3rd" in args: s.timePrefer3rd = args["timePrefer3rd"] s.parent = self self.instructors.append(s)
def update_bookings(id): form = bookingPage(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if == "idoctor": name = age = phoneNumber = email = specialization1 = startingDateAndTime = type = doctor = Doctor(name, age, phoneNumber, email, startingDateAndTime, type, specialization1) book_db = root.child('bookings/' + id) book_db.set({ 'name': doctor.get_name(), 'age': doctor.get_age(), 'phoneNumber': doctor.get_phoneNumber(), 'email': doctor.get_email(), 'startingDateAndTime': doctor.get_startingDateAndTime(), 'type': doctor.get_type(), 'specialization1': doctor.get_specialization1(), }) flash("Your appointment has been rescheduled", 'success') elif == "iinstructor": name = age = phoneNumber = email = specialization2 = startingDateAndTime = type = instructor = Instructor(name, age, phoneNumber, email, startingDateAndTime, type, specialization2) book_db = root.child('bookings/' + id) book_db.set({ 'name': instructor.get_name(), 'age': instructor.get_age(), 'phoneNumber': instructor.get_phoneNumber(), 'email': instructor.get_email(), 'startingDateAndTime': instructor.get_startingDateAndTime(), 'type': instructor.get_type(), 'specialization2': instructor.get_specialization2(), }) flash('Your appointment has been rescheduled.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('view_Booking_Page')) else: url = 'bookings/' + id eachbook = root.child(url).get() if eachbook['type'] == 'idoctor': doctor = Doctor(eachbook['name'], eachbook['age'], eachbook['phoneNumber'], eachbook['email'], eachbook['startingDateAndTime'], eachbook['type'], eachbook['specialization1']) doctor.set_typeid(id) = doctor.get_name() = doctor.get_age() = doctor.get_phoneNumber() = doctor.get_email() = doctor.get_specialization1() = doctor.get_startingDateAndTime() = doctor.get_type() else: instructor = Instructor(eachbook['name'], eachbook['age'], eachbook['phoneNumber'], eachbook['email'], eachbook['startingDateAndTime'], eachbook['type'], eachbook['specialization2']) instructor.set_typeid(id) = instructor.get_name() = instructor.get_age() = instructor.get_phoneNumber() = instructor.get_email() = instructor.get_specialization2() = instructor.get_startingDateAndTime( ) = instructor.get_type() return render_template('updateBookingPage.html', form=form)
# instructor,course,matrix lecture*course wi element hours array in array from Course import Course from Instructor import Instructor from department import Department instructors_hours = {'ahmed':{"network": 2, "electronics": 6, "selected": 4},'mohamed': {"operating_system": 2, "database2": 6, "selected": 4},'ali': {"operating_system": 4, "network": 4, "ethics": 4}} instructor_names=['ahmed','ali','mohamed'] instructors_hours_empty = {'ahmed':{"network": 0, "electronics": 0, "selected": 0},'mohamed': {"operating_system": 0, "database2": 0, "selected": 0},'ali': {"operating_system": 0, "network": 0, "ethics": 0}} ahmed = Instructor(0, "ahmed", instructors_hours.get("ahmed")) mohamed = Instructor(1, "mohamed", instructors_hours.get("mohamed")) ali = Instructor(2, "ali", instructors_hours.get("ali")) network = Course(0, "network") electronics = Course(1, "electronics") database2 = Course(2, "database2") ethics = Course(3, "ethics") selected = Course(4, "selected") operating_system = Course(5, "operating_system") network.set_instructors(ahmed) electronics.set_instructors(ahmed) selected.set_instructors(ahmed) operating_system.set_instructors(mohamed) database2.set_instructors(mohamed) selected.set_instructors(mohamed) operating_system.set_instructors(ali) network.set_instructors(ali) ethics.set_instructors(ali) sum_hours=sum(instructors_hours.get('ahmed').values())+sum(instructors_hours.get('mohamed').values())+sum(instructors_hours.get('ali').values())
def main(): config = {} execfile(sys.argv[1], config) with open(sys.argv[2]) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) con = mysql.connector.connect(host=config['host'], port=config['port'], user=config['user'], passwd=config['password'], db=config['database']) cur = con.cursor(dictionary=True) print '4' for crow in reader: print(crow['first_name'], crow['last_name']) # Look for instructor in user db, return instructor_ID cur.execute("SELECT user_ID FROM user WHERE last_name = %(last_name)s " "AND (middle_name = %(middle_name)s OR middle_name IS NULL) " "AND first_name = %(first_name)s " "AND title = %(title)s " "LIMIT 1", crow) row = cur.fetchone() print row if row is None: # Create resource entries cur.execute("INSERT INTO resource(`created_at`, `type`, `airfield_ID`) VALUES " "(NOW(),'user',4)") instructor_ID = cur.lastrowid else: instructor_ID = row['user_ID'] print instructor_ID instructor = Instructor(instructor_ID=instructor_ID) # Enter user information cur.execute("SELECT count(1) FROM user WHERE user_ID = %(id)s;", {'id': instructor_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: crow['id'] = instructor_ID cur.execute("INSERT INTO user(user_ID, last_name, first_name, middle_name, title, role) VALUES (" "%(id)s, %(last_name)s, %(first_name)s, %(middle_name)s, %(title)s, 'instructor')", crow) # Enter instructor information cur.execute("SELECT count(1) FROM instructor WHERE instructor_ID = %(id)s;", {'id': instructor_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute("INSERT INTO instructor(instructor_ID, active) VALUES (%(id)s, 1)", {'id': instructor_ID}) # Associate instructor with VT-35 cur.execute("SELECT count(1) FROM hierarchy WHERE child = %(id)s LIMIT 1;", {'id': instructor_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute("INSERT INTO hierarchy(parent, child) VALUES (5, %(id)s)", {'id': instructor_ID}) # Insert resource_tags cur.execute("SELECT count(1) FROM resource_tag WHERE resource_ID = %(id)s LIMIT 1;", {'id': instructor_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute("""INSERT INTO resource_tag(resource_ID, tag_ID) VALUES (%(id)s, 1), (%(id)s, 3), (%(id)s, 4), (%(id)s, 5), (%(id)s, 7), (%(id)s, 8), (%(id)s, 10)""", {'id': instructor_ID}) con.commit() con.close()
courses.append([]) while len(s) > 0: s = s.split(', ') s[len(s) - 1] = s[len(s) - 1][:-1] courseName = s[0][0:s[0].find('{') - 1] sessionName = s[0][s[0].find('{') + 1:s[0].find('}')] groups = s[2].split('/') for x in groups: if x not in allGroups: allGroups.append(x) A = findInstructor(s[1]) if A == None: A = Instructor(instructorIDS, s[1]) instructorIDS = instructorIDS + 1 instructors.append(A) C = findCourse(courseName, 0) if C == None: C = Course(courseIDS, courseName, "core") courseIDS = courseIDS + 1 courses[0].append(C) session = Session(sessionIDS, sessionName, C, sessionIDS = sessionIDS + 1 A.addSession(session) C.addSession(session)
imgaug.seed(RANDOM_SEED) torch.manual_seed(RANDOM_SEED) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False if __name__ == '__main__': # timestamp = "20201205-030029" timestamp ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") model_name = "Resnet50-BS32-BigLR-MoreFC-Dropout-Noised-WeightedLoss-Epoch50-Version-27" model_name = timestamp + '-' + model_name use_model = 'cbam_resnet' # 'svm' or 'resnet' or 'cbam_resnet' from Instructor import Instructor instructor = Instructor(model_name, args) if use_model == 'svm': instructor.trainAutoEncoder() instructor.generateAutoEncoderTestResultSamples(sample_cnt=20) instructor.trainSVM(load=False) instructor.genTestResult(from_svm=True) elif use_model == 'cbam_resnet': from run_cbam_resnet import run_cbam_resnet, genTestResult cbam_resnet_ckpt_path = run_cbam_resnet(args.CBAM_CONFIG_PATH) # cbam_resnet_ckpt_path = "saved/checkpoints/cbam_resnet50__n_2020Dec15_01.31" genTestResult(args.CBAM_CONFIG_PATH, cbam_resnet_ckpt_path, args=args) elif use_model == 'resnet': instructor.trainResnet() instructor.loadResnet(epoch=args.epochs) instructor.genTestResult(from_svm=False)
parser.add_argument('--eps', default=EPS, type=float) parser.add_argument('--epoch', default=EPOCH, type=int) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=BATCH_SIZE, type=int) parser.add_argument('--num_workers', default=NUM_WORKERS, type=int) parser.add_argument('--disp_period', default=DISP_PERIOD, type=int) parser.add_argument('--max_norm', default=MAX_NORM, type=float) parser.add_argument('--cumul_batch', default=CUMUL_BATCH, type=int) parser.add_argument('--warmup_rate', default=WARMUP_RATE, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() args.DATA_PATH = DATA_PATH args.RAW_PATH = RAW_PATH args.CKPT_PATH = CKPT_PATH args.LOG_PATH = LOG_PATH args.DEVICE = torch.device( 'cuda:0' if args.cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') torch.cuda.set_device(args.DEVICE) random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) if __name__ == '__main__': # timestamp = "20201225-171648" timestamp ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") model_name = timestamp + '-' + "RoBERTa-large-Cumulbatch-Alldata-Warmup-Batchlarger-MoreEpoch" instructor = Instructor(model_name, args) instructor.trainModel(use_all=True) instructor.testModel(load_pretrain=True, epoch=args.epoch)
def load(vtna, config): con = mdb.connect(host=config['host'], port=config['port'], user=config['user'], passwd=config['password'], db=config['db']) with con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT VERSION()") ver = cur.fetchone() if verbose: print "Database version : %s " % ver cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor) #Loop over schedule table where not published and flight_day != NULL and add schedules for each flight_day cur.execute("SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE (published = FALSE)" ) # AND NOT flight_day = NULL rows = cur.fetchall() i = 1 priorities = {} priorities[1] = 1.0 priorities[2] = 0.5 priorities[3] = 0.3 priorities[4] = 0.2 priorities[5] = 0.2 priorities[6] = 0.2 priorities[7] = 0.2 days = config['days'] for row in rows: if i <= days: #i = int(row["flight_day"]) day = row["day"] sked = Schedule(day) sked.flyDay = i = int(row["schedule_ID"]) #Set priority """if row["priority"]!=None: sked.priority = float(row["priority"])""" sked.priority = priorities[i] if verbose: print 'Computing schedule for schedule ID %d, flight day %d, day %s, with priority %s ' % (, sked.flyDay, day, sked.priority) vtna.schedules[i] = sked i = i + 1 vtna.totalFlightDays = days #Find waves cur.execute("SELECT * FROM wave") rows = cur.fetchall() waves = {} for row in rows: waves[int(row["wave_ID"])] = row #Create waves for each schedule. Having no waves makes the schedule blank. for d in vtna.schedules: sked = vtna.schedules[d] sked.waves = {} cur.execute("SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %s", ( rows = cur.fetchall() createWaves(sked, rows, waves) if verbose: print "Waves loaded" #Create events for squadron cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = int(row["event_ID"]) e = Event(i) if row["check_instructor_req"]: e.check = True if row["onwing_req"]: e.onwing = True elif row["not_onwing_req"]: e.offwing = True e.flightHours = float(row["dual_flight_hours"]) + float( row["solo_flight_hours"]) e.planeHours = float(row["ground_plane_hours"]) total_inst = float( row["ground_nonplane_hours"]) + e.planeHours + e.flightHours e.instructionalHours = total_inst e.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"]) e.maxStudents = int(row["max_students"]) if row["follows_immediately"]: e.followsImmediately = True vtna.syllabus[i] = e #Set event precedence and following cur.execute("SELECT * FROM event_precedence") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = int(row["following_event_ID"]) j = int(row["preceding_event_ID"]) if verbose: print i, ' follows ', j vtna.syllabus[i].precedingEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[j]) vtna.syllabus[j].followingEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[i]) if verbose: print "Events loaded" #Loop over planes cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane WHERE active=TRUE") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: #if verbose: print row["tail_number"],row["plane_type_ID"],row["max_cargo"] p = row["tail_number"] plane = Plane(p) plane.planetype = row["plane_type_ID"] if row["next_inspection"] != None and row["tach"] != None: plane.hours = float(row["next_inspection"]) - float( row["tach"]) if (row["max_cargo"] != 0 and row["max_cargo"] != None): plane.maxWeight = row["max_cargo"] if row["priority"] != None: plane.priority = row["priority"] vtna.planes[p] = plane #Add plane types #Add plane availability cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM plane_unavail WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s)", (vtna.schedules[1].date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), vtna.schedules[vtna.totalFlightDays].date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) rows = cur.fetchall() i = 1 for row in rows: p = row["plane_tail_number"] #if verbose: print p,row["start"],row["end"] if p in vtna.planes: plane = vtna.planes[p] s = Sniv() s.begin = row["start"] s.end = row["end"] plane.snivs[i] = s i = i + 1 if verbose: print "Planes loaded" #Loop over instructors, adding them cur.execute("SELECT * FROM cfi WHERE active = TRUE") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: c = int(row["CFI_ID"]) if verbose: print c inst = Instructor(c) inst.maxEvents = row["max_events"] if row["C990"]: inst.check = True vtna.instructors[c] = inst if verbose: print "Instructors loaded" #Loop over students, adding them cur.execute("SELECT * FROM student WHERE status = 'active'") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: s = int(row["student_ID"]) if verbose: print 'Student id ', s stud = Student(s, vtna) stud.syllabus = int(row["syllabus_ID"]) if row["priority"] != None: stud.priority = float(row["priority"]) cfi = row["onwing_CFI_ID"] if cfi in vtna.instructors: #if verbose: print "Add instructor",cfi stud.onwing = vtna.instructors[cfi] elif cfi != None: print 'CFI %d onwing for student %d not in instructors!' % ( cfi, s) else: print 'no cfi for student %d' % (s) vtna.students[s] = stud partner_ID = row["partner_student_ID"] if partner_ID in vtna.students: #if verbose: print "Add partners",s,partner_ID stud.partner = vtna.students[partner_ID] vtna.students[partner_ID].partner = stud if verbose: print "Students loaded" #Add weight for students & CFIs cur.execute("SELECT * FROM user") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: id = row["user_ID"] if row["weight"] != None: if id in vtna.students: vtna.students[id].weight = int(row["weight"]) elif id in vtna.instructors: vtna.instructors[id].weight = int(row["weight"]) if verbose: print "Weights loaded" #Add plane quals for students & CFIs cur.execute("SELECT * FROM plane_quals") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: id = row["user_ID"] if id in vtna.students: vtna.students[id].quals.append(row["plane_type_ID"]) elif id in vtna.instructors: vtna.instructors[id].quals.append(row["plane_type_ID"]) if verbose: print "Quals loaded" #Add snivs for students & CFIs cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM sniv WHERE (end >= %s and start <= %s and approval=TRUE)", (vtna.schedules[1].date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), vtna.schedules[vtna.totalFlightDays].date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) rows = cur.fetchall() i = 1 for row in rows: id = row["user_ID"] if verbose: print id, row["start"], row["end"] if id in vtna.students: s = Sniv() s.begin = row["start"] s.end = row["end"] vtna.students[id].snivs[i] = s i = i + 1 elif id in vtna.instructors: s = Sniv() s.begin = row["start"] s.end = row["end"] vtna.instructors[id].snivs[i] = s i = i + 1 if verbose: print "Snivs loaded" #Load most recent published schedule as cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE published=TRUE ORDER BY day DESC") row = cur.fetchone() = int(row["schedule_ID"]) = row["day"] cur.execute("SELECT * FROM schedule_wave WHERE schedule_ID = %s", ( rows = cur.fetchall() createWaves(, rows, waves) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM sortie WHERE schedule_ID = %s", ( rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: s = Sortie() id = int(row["sortie_ID"]) if verbose: print id, row["CFI_ID"] s.brief = row["brief"] cfi_id = int(row["CFI_ID"]) if cfi_id in vtna.instructors and row["wave_ID"] != None: s.instructor = vtna.instructors[cfi_id] #Instructor s.studentSorties = [] s.takeoff = row["scheduled_takeoff"] = row["scheduled_land"] if row["wave_ID"] != None: s.wave =[int( row["wave_ID"])] #Wave ojbect else: s.wave =[ 1] #This is a bad hack. Ought to use a function to determine nearest wave in today's set of waves[id] = s #Create sorties and studentSorties from the entries in those table corresponding to the most recent published sked cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM student_sortie WHERE (status = 'pass' OR status = 'marginal' OR status = 'scheduled')" ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: if row["student_ID"] != None: s = int(row["student_ID"]) if s in vtna.students: stud = vtna.students[s] event = vtna.syllabus[int(row["event_ID"])] if row["status"] == "scheduled": stud.scheduledEvents.add(event) else: stud.completedEvents.add(event) if row["sortie_ID"] in sortie =[row["sortie_ID"]] ss = StudentSortie() ss.student = vtna.students[s] ss.event = event if row["plane_tail_number"] in vtna.planes: sortie.plane = vtna.planes[ row["plane_tail_number"]] sortie.studentSorties.append(ss) if == vtna.schedules[ 1].date + timedelta(days=1): sniv = Sniv() sniv.begin = sortie.brief sniv.end = sortie.wave.times[ "Flyer"].end + stud.crewRest stud.snivs[0] = sniv p = row["plane_tail_number"] if row["status"] == 'scheduled' and p in vtna.planes and row[ "sked_flight_hours"] != None: vtna.planes[p].hours -= float(row["sked_flight_hours"]) for s in vtna.students: stud = vtna.students[s] i = 1 for event in stud.findPossible(1, True): if verbose: print 'student ', s, 'possible event ', if i == 1: stud.nextEvent = event i = i + 1 #Loop over instructor preferences cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM instructor_preference LEFT JOIN cfi ON instructor_preference.cfi_CFI_ID = cfi.CFI_ID WHERE = TRUE" ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: c = int(row["cfi_CFI_ID"]) pref = row["preference"] inst = vtna.instructors[c] begin = row["start"] end = row["end"] for d, sked in vtna.schedules.iteritems(): midnight = datetime.combine(, time(0)) start_time = midnight + begin end_time = midnight + end s = Sniv() s.begin = start_time s.end = end_time r = Instructor(0) r.snivs[0] = s for w, wave in sked.waves.iteritems(): if not r.available(, wave): inst.setPreference(d, w, pref) if verbose: print "Set preference for instructor %d, day %d, wave %d for value %d" % ( c, d, w, pref)
def main(): config = {} execfile(sys.argv[1], config) vt = TrainingSquadron(config) vtSqlScheduler.load(vt, config) # Load csv with open(sys.argv[2]) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) con = mysql.connector.connect(host=config['host'], port=config['port'], user=config['user'], passwd=config['password'], db=config['database']) cur = con.cursor(dictionary=True) # Create validation sortie s = Sortie(instructor=Instructor(instructor_ID=11)) s.schedule_ID = 113 s.takeoff = = s.brief = s.wave = Wave(1) for crow in reader: progressing = set() print(crow['first_name'], crow['last_name']) # Look for student in user db, return student_ID cur.execute( "SELECT user_ID FROM user WHERE last_name = %(last_name)s " "AND (middle_name = %(middle_name)s OR middle_name IS NULL) " "AND first_name = %(first_name)s " "AND title = %(title)s " "LIMIT 1", crow) row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: # Create resource entries cur.execute( "INSERT INTO resource(`created_at`, `type`, `airfield_ID`) VALUES " "(NOW(),'user',4)") student_ID = cur.lastrowid else: student_ID = row['user_ID'] student = Student(student_ID=student_ID) # Enter user information cur.execute("SELECT count(1) FROM user WHERE user_ID = %(id)s;", {'id': student_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: crow['id'] = student_ID cur.execute( "INSERT INTO user(user_ID, last_name, first_name, middle_name, title) VALUES (" "%(id)s, %(last_name)s, %(first_name)s, %(middle_name)s, %(title)s)", crow) # Enter student information cur.execute( "SELECT count(1) FROM student WHERE student_ID = %(id)s;", {'id': student_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO student(student_ID, status, training_end_date) VALUES (" "%(id)s, 'active', %(end)s)", { 'id': student_ID, 'end': crow['training_end_date'] }) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO student_syllabus(student_ID, syllabus_ID) " "VALUES (%(id)s, %(syll)s)", { 'id': student_ID, 'syll': int(crow['syllabus_ID']) }) student_syllabus_ID = cur.lastrowid else: cur.execute( "SELECT student_syllabus_ID FROM student_syllabus WHERE student_ID = %(id)s LIMIT 1;", {'id': student_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() student_syllabus_ID = row['student_syllabus_ID'] student.student_syllabus_ID = student_syllabus_ID # Create class if not there cur.execute( "SELECT count(1), organization_ID FROM organization WHERE name = %(class_name)s LIMIT 1;", {'class_name': "Class " + crow['class']}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO resource(`created_at`, `type`, `airfield_ID`) VALUES " "(NOW(),'organization',4)") class_ID = cur.lastrowid cur.execute( """INSERT INTO organization(organization_ID, name, scheduling) VALUES (%(id)s, %(class_name)s, 0)""", { 'id': class_ID, 'class_name': "Class " + crow['class'] }) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO hierarchy(parent, child) VALUES (5, %(id)s)", {'id': class_ID}) else: class_ID = row['organization_ID'] # Associate student with VT-35 cur.execute( "SELECT count(1) FROM hierarchy WHERE child = %(id)s LIMIT 1;", {'id': student_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO hierarchy(parent, child) VALUES (5, %(id)s)", {'id': student_ID}) # Insert resource_tags cur.execute( "SELECT count(1) FROM resource_tag WHERE resource_ID = %(id)s LIMIT 1;", {'id': student_ID}) row = cur.fetchone() if row['count(1)'] == 0: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO resource_tag(resource_ID, tag_ID) VALUES (%(id)s, 1), (%(id)s, 2), (%(id)s, 3), (%(id)s, 4), (%(id)s, 5), (%(id)s, 7), (%(id)s, 8), (%(id)s, 9), (%(id)s, 10)""", {'id': student_ID}) """# Pull progressing events cur.execute("SELECT * FROM student_sortie " "LEFT JOIN student ON student.student_ID = student_sortie.student_ID " "LEFT JOIN hierarchy ON student.student_ID = child " "LEFT JOIN student_syllabus " "ON student_sortie.student_syllabus_ID = student_syllabus.student_syllabus_ID " "LEFT JOIN sortie ON sortie.sortie_ID = student_sortie.sortie_ID " "LEFT JOIN schedule ON schedule.schedule_ID = student_sortie.schedule_ID " "WHERE student.student_ID = %(id)s " "AND (hierarchy.stop > NOW() OR hierarchy.stop IS NULL) " "AND student_syllabus.outcome IS NULL AND student_sortie.progressing_event = 1 " "AND schedule.published = TRUE", {'id': student_ID})""" # Create student sorties for each ancestor event event =[int(crow['latest_event_ID'])] ss = StudentSortie() ss.student = student ss.event = event s.studentSorties.append(ss) for a, syllabus in vt.syllabus[int( crow['syllabus_ID'])].ancestors(event): ss = StudentSortie() ss.student = student ss.event = a s.studentSorties.append(ss) print ss for i in range(1, 4): ss = StudentSortie() ss.student = Student(student_ID=student_ID) ss.event =[i] s.studentSorties.append(ss) print ss write(s, cur) con.commit() con.close()
def load(vtna,importName): book = xlrd.open_workbook(importName) sh = book.sheet_by_name("Multi") #vtna = Squadron() #Create a squadron object to hold the data dates = [date(2015,3,27),date(2015,3,28),date(2015,3,29)] #Dates to write schedules for. Should be passed via sys.argv Assume unlisted gap dates are blank schedules. #Dealing with blank schedules needs more work. Schedules need to know if crew rests constraints apply from the previous day i=1 for day in dates: sked=Schedule(day) sked.flyDay = i vtna.schedules[i]=sked i=i+1 vtna.totalFlightDays = len(dates) #Creates the events in the syllabus. Would be replaced by call to data if necessary. for i in range(-3,11): e = Event(i) if i > -3: vtna.syllabus[i-1].followingEvents.add(e) e.precedingEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[i-1]) if i>0: e.flightHours=1.0 if i != 5 and i !=9: e.onwing=True vtna.syllabus[i]=e vtna.syllabus[5].offwing=True vtna.syllabus[9].offwing=True vtna.syllabus[9].check=True vtna.syllabus[10].followsImmediately=True #Could modify any schedule data for any day as necessary """days = range(1,numdays+1) events = range(-3,11) numwaves = int(sh.cell_value(0,1)) waves = range(1,numwaves+1) maxstuds = int(sh.cell_value(3,1)) maxweight = int(sh.cell_value(4,1)) limitweight = int(sh.cell_value(5,2)) dcoeff = {} wcoeff = {} icoeff = {} for d in days: dcoeff[d]=float(sh.cell_value(7+d,8)) for w in waves: wcoeff[w]=float(sh.cell_value(7+w,5)) #maxstuds = {} #i=8 #for e in events: # maxstuds[e] = int(sh.cell_value(i,2)) # i = i+1""" sh = book.sheet_by_name("pavail") """planes = [] pavail = {} planetype = {}""" j=2 while True: try: plane = sh.cell_value(j,0) plane = plane.encode('utf8') #planes.append(plane) p = Plane(plane) p.planetype = sh.cell_value(j,1).encode('utf8') vtna.planes[plane]=p j = j+1 except IndexError: break print "Planes loaded" i=2 for p in vtna.planes: plane = vtna.planes[p] d=0 for day in vtna.schedules: plane._available[day]={} j=2 for w in vtna.schedules[day].waves: wave = vtna.schedules[day].waves[w] if int(sh.cell_value(i,5*d+j)) == 1: plane._available[day][wave]=True else: plane._available[day][wave]=False j=j+1 d=d+1 i=i+1 #pavail[planes[i],days[d],waves[j]]=int(sh.cell_value(i+2,5*d+j+2)) print "Plane availability loaded" sh = book.sheet_by_name("inst") """insts = [] imax = {} check = {} iweight = {} iqual = {} itype = {}""" i = 1 while True: try: inst = sh.cell_value(i, 0) inst = inst.encode('utf8') #insts.append(inst) vtna.instructors[inst]=Instructor(inst) #imax[inst]= int(sh.cell_value(i,1)) vtna.instructors[inst].maxEvents=int(sh.cell_value(i,1)) #check[inst]=int(sh.cell_value(i,2)) vtna.instructors[inst].check = int(sh.cell_value(i,2)) #iweight[inst]=int(sh.cell_value(i,3)) vtna.instructors[inst].weight = int(sh.cell_value(i,3)) if (int(sh.cell_value(i,4))==1): vtna.instructors[inst].quals.append('C-172-N') vtna.instructors[inst].quals.append('C-172-SP') vtna.instructors[inst].quals.append('C-172') if (int(sh.cell_value(i,5))==1): vtna.instructors[inst].quals.append('PA-28') """ itype[inst,'C-172-SP'] = int(sh.cell_value(i,4)) itype[inst,'C-172-N'] = int(sh.cell_value(i,4)) itype[inst,'PA-28'] = int(sh.cell_value(i,5)) #pc = 4 for p in planes: if itype[inst,planetype[p]]==1: iqual[inst,p] = 1 else: iqual[inst,p] = 0 # pc = pc+1""" i = i + 1 except IndexError: break print "Instructors loaded" sh = book.sheet_by_name("stud") """ studs = [] syll = {} sweight = {} squal = {} sprior = {}""" i = 1 while True: try: stud = sh.cell_value(i,0) stud = stud.encode('utf8') #studs.append(stud) vtna.students[stud]=Student(stud,vtna) #syll[stud]=int(sh.cell_value(i,1)) eventID = int(sh.cell_value(i,1)) vtna.students[stud].syllabus = 1 vtna.students[stud].nextEvent = vtna.syllabus[eventID] if eventID > -3: vtna.students[stud].scheduledEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[eventID-1]) for x in range(-3,eventID-1): vtna.students[stud].completedEvents.add(vtna.syllabus[x]) #sweight[stud]=int(sh.cell_value(i,2)) vtna.students[stud].weight = int(sh.cell_value(i,2)) vtna.students[stud].quals.append(sh.cell_value(i,3).encode('utf8')) """stype = sh.cell_value(i,3) stype = stype.encode('utf8') sprior[stud] = int(sh.cell_value(i,4)) for p in planes: #print p if planetype[p]==stype: squal[stud,p] = 1 else: squal[stud,p] = 0 # pc = pc+1""" i=i+1 except IndexError: break print "Students loaded" """ sh = book.sheet_by_name("iavail") iavail = {} for i in range(len(insts)): for d in range(len(days)): for w in range(len(waves)): iavail[insts[i],days[d],waves[w]] = int(sh.cell_value(i+2,5*d+w+1)) sh = book.sheet_by_name("ipref") for i in range(len(insts)): for d in range(len(days)): for w in range(len(waves)): icoeff[insts[i],days[d],waves[w]] = int(sh.cell_value(i+2,5*d+w+1)) sh = book.sheet_by_name("savail") savail = {} for s in range(len(studs)): for d in range(len(days)): for w in range(len(waves)): savail[studs[s], days[d], waves[w]]= int(sh.cell_value(s+2,5*d+w+1)) stud1 = [] onwingpair = {} onwinginst = {} """ sh = book.sheet_by_name("onwing") i = 1 while True: try: stud = sh.cell_value(i,0) stud=stud.encode('utf8') #stud1.append(stud) pair = sh.cell_value(i,1) pair = pair.encode('utf8') instructor = sh.cell_value(i,3).encode('utf8') #onwinginst[stud] = instructor #onwinginst[pair] = instructor vtna.students[stud].onwing = vtna.instructors[instructor] #onwingpair[stud]=pair if (pair != ''): vtna.students[stud].partner = vtna.students[pair] vtna.students[pair].partner = vtna.students[stud] vtna.students[pair].onwing = vtna.instructors[instructor] #t = sh.cell_value(i,2) #t = t.encode('utf8') #squal[stud]=t #squal[pair]=t i=i+1 except IndexError: break #istart = [] #sstart = [] sh = book.sheet_by_name("start") i=0 while True: try: wave = int(sh.cell_value(i,0)) plane = sh.cell_value(i,4).encode('utf8') inst = sh.cell_value(i,6).encode('utf8') stud = sh.cell_value(i,7).encode('utf8') event = int(sh.cell_value(i,9)) #istart.append((inst,plane,wave)) #sstart.append((stud,plane,wave,event)) vtna.students[stud].last['wave']=wave vtna.students[stud].last['plane']=plane vtna.instructors[inst].last['wave']=wave vtna.instructors[inst].last['plane']=plane s = Sortie() s.instructor = vtna.instructors[inst] s.plane = vtna.planes[plane] #Plane id s.wave =[wave] #Wave id ss = StudentSortie ss.student=vtna.students[stud] ss.event=event s.studentSorties.append(ss)[i]=s i=i+1 except IndexError: break print "Ending load" """
def bookingpage(): form = bookingPage(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if == "idoctor": name = age = phoneNumber = email = specialization1 = startingDateAndTime = type = doctor = Doctor(name, age, phoneNumber, email, startingDateAndTime, type, specialization1) book_db = root.child('bookings') book_db.push({ 'name': doctor.get_name(), 'age': doctor.get_age(), 'phoneNumber': doctor.get_phoneNumber(), 'email': doctor.get_email(), 'startingDateAndTime': doctor.get_startingDateAndTime(), 'type': doctor.get_type(), 'specialization1': doctor.get_specialization1(), }) flash("Your appointment is registered.", 'success') elif == "iinstructor": name = age = phoneNumber = email = specialization2 = startingDateAndTime = type = instructor = Instructor(name, age, phoneNumber, email, startingDateAndTime, type, specialization2) book_db = root.child('bookings') book_db.push({ 'name': instructor.get_name(), 'age': instructor.get_age(), 'phoneNumber': instructor.get_phoneNumber(), 'email': instructor.get_email(), 'startingDateAndTime': instructor.get_startingDateAndTime(), 'type': instructor.get_type(), 'specialization2': instructor.get_specialization2() }) flash('Your appointment is registered.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('view_Booking_Page')) # return render_template('view_Booking_Page.html',form=form) return render_template('BookingPage.html', form=form)
def main(): debug = False root = Tk() root.withdraw() run_time ='%Y%m%d%H%M') # used for file extensions, makes sorting easy print("\nMathnasium Scheduler Launched") default_directory = "C:\\ProgramData\\MathnasiumScheduler" FILEOPENOPTIONS = dict(defaultextension='.csv', filetypes=[('XLSX', '*.xlsx'), ('CSV file', '*.csv')]) # Todo-jerry add center name picklist, get center names from configuraton file center_name = simpledialog.askstring("Name prompt", "Enter Center Name") schedule_start_date = simpledialog.askstring("Schedule Start Prompt", "Enter Schedule Start Date (MM/DD/YY)") # center_name = "aaaa.TestRun" #Eliminates need to select files for successive test runs importer = Importer().import_all(run_time, default_directory, center_name, FILEOPENOPTIONS) #Create Schedule Workbook # Create Run Workbook run_wb_path = default_directory + "\\" + center_name + "." + run_time + ".xlsx" run_wb = Workbook() schedule_by_name_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Schedule By Name", index=0) schedule_by_day_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Schedule By Day", index=1) forecast_summary_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Summary Forecast", index=2) forecast_detailed_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Detailed Forecast", index=3) run_log_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Runlog", index=4) #ToDo Write run_log to run_log_ws run_log = [] instructors = Instructor.create_instructors(run_log) students = Student.initialize_students(importer.attendance_ws, importer.student_data_ws, run_log) #Create Events print("\nCreating events from student arrivals and departures\n") events = [] for each_student in Student.students: events.append(Event('Arrival', each_student.arrival_time, each_student)) events.append(Event('Departure', each_student.departure_time, each_student)) events.sort() #Executing Events print("Executing events and collecting information") # Gather events by week day #ToDo refactor this into Common and use common # define days consistent with datetime.weekday() mon = 0 tue = 1 wed = 2 thu = 3 fri = 4 sat = 5 sun = 6 # Group events by day event_groups = {sun: [], mon: [], tue: [], wed: [], thu: [], fri: [], sat: []} for each_event in events: event_groups[each_event.event_time.weekday()].append(each_event) print("\tDetermining cost of each day") costsOfEventGroups = {} for each_day in event_groups.keys(): cost = 0.0 for each_event in event_groups[each_day]: if each_event.is_arrival_event: cost = cost + each_event.cost() costsOfEventGroups[each_day] = round(cost, 1) print("\t\tDay: ", each_day, "Cost: ", costsOfEventGroups[each_day]) # Sort and process each group of events for each_day in event_groups.keys(): print("\n\tProcessing Day: ", str(each_day)) event_groups[each_day].sort() instructorsMinimum = 2.0 # ToDo remove hard coded variable the minimum staffing level instructorsRequired = 0.0 # actual number of instructors required to meet student demand event_number = 1 # first event number student_count = 0 # start with zero students for each_event in event_groups[each_day]: # Set event number each_event.event_number = event_number # Set event's previous and next events if event_number != 1: each_event.prev = events[events.index(each_event) - 1] if event_number != len(event_groups[each_day]): = event_groups[each_day][ event_groups[each_day].index(each_event) + 1] event_number = event_number + 1 # next event number # Maintain student count if (each_event.is_arrival_event): student_count = student_count + 1 elif (each_event.is_departure_event): student_count = student_count - 1 each_event.student_count = student_count # Compute/maintain the actual number of instructors required instructorsRequired = instructorsRequired + each_event.cost() # Compute/maintain the number of instructors to staff (minimum is instructorsMinimum) each_event.instructor_count = max(instructorsMinimum, math.ceil(instructorsRequired)) print("\t\tCollecting Instructor Change Events") instructor_change_events = [] for each_event in event_groups[each_day]: if each_event.is_instructor_change_event(): instructor_change_events.append(each_event) print("\t\tMarking Churn Events") tolerance = 360 # seconds (6 minutes) for i in range(len(instructor_change_events) - 1): event = instructor_change_events[i] next_event = instructor_change_events[i + 1] event.isChurnEvent = event.is_peak_event() and next_event.is_valley_event() \ and (next_event.event_time - event.event_time).seconds < tolerance print("\t\tScheduling Instructors") # instructors = Instructor.instructors instructors.sort() if debug: for eachInstructor in instructors: print(eachInstructor) inactive_instructors = instructors active_instructors = [] dateChangeEvents = 0 for each_event in event_groups[each_day]: if each_event.is_date_change_event(): dateChangeEvents = dateChangeEvents + 1 # Activate minimum number of instructors needed to open if necessary active_instructor_count = 0 inactive_instructors.sort() instructors_changed = [] for this_instructor in inactive_instructors: if this_instructor.isAvailableToOpen(each_event) and (active_instructor_count < instructorsMinimum): active_instructor_count = active_instructor_count + 1 this_instructor.startWorkWhenOpen(each_event) active_instructors.append(this_instructor) # save pointers to instructors for removal from unscheduled list instructors_changed.append(this_instructor) for i in instructors_changed: inactive_instructors.remove(i) # Check for and remove departing Instructors departed_instructors = [] for this_instructor in active_instructors: departed = False if this_instructor.mustDepart(each_event): this_instructor.departWork(each_event) departed_instructors.append(this_instructor) instructor_change_needed = each_event.instructor_count - len(active_instructors) if not each_event.is_churn_event and instructor_change_needed > 0: # Schedule available instructors # print("\t\t\tActivate Instructor") active_instructor_count = 0 inactive_instructors.sort() # print("Inactive Instructors: " + str(len(inactive_instructors))) while (active_instructor_count < instructor_change_needed): # print('while') # Find instructor and schedule instructor instructors_changed = [] #ToDo inside the while loop (inconsistent see line 215) for this_instructor in inactive_instructors: if this_instructor.isAvailable(each_event) and (active_instructor_count < instructor_change_needed): active_instructor_count = active_instructor_count + 1 this_instructor.startWork(each_event) active_instructors.append(this_instructor) # Save pointers to newly scheduled instructors for removal from unscheduled list instructors_changed.append(this_instructor) # Remove newly activated (scheduled) instructors from inactive list for i in instructors_changed: inactive_instructors.remove(i) if not each_event.is_churn_event and instructor_change_needed < 0: # Deactivate instructors # print("\t\t\tDeactivate Instructor") deactivated_instructor_count = 0 instructors_deactivated = [] #ToDo outside the while loop (inconsistent see line 200) active_instructors.sort() # print("Printing Reversed Rank List") # for this in reversed(active_instructors): # print(, this.rank) while deactivated_instructor_count < abs(instructor_change_needed): for this_instructor in reversed(active_instructors): if deactivated_instructor_count < abs(instructor_change_needed): deactivated_instructor_count = deactivated_instructor_count + 1 this_instructor.stopWork(each_event) inactive_instructors.append(this_instructor) instructors_deactivated.append(this_instructor) for i in instructors_deactivated: active_instructors.remove(i) # Finalize schedules after last departure or final event of the day if (each_event == event_groups[each_day][len(event_groups[each_day]) - 1]) or instructors_changed = [] for this_instructor in active_instructors: this_instructor.isScheduled = False inactive_instructors.append(this_instructor) instructors_changed.append(this_instructor) for i in instructors_changed: active_instructors.remove(i) for i in inactive_instructors: i.finalizeSchedule() Reporter().write_all(events, instructors, forecast_detailed_ws, forecast_summary_ws, schedule_by_name_ws) print("\nReview, edit, and approve schedules") # Todo code to review, edit, and approve schedules print("\nFormating and Closing Workbooks") Importer().close_workbooks() Reporter().format_sheets(run_wb) run_wb.close() print("\nLaunching Excel") os.system("start excel " + run_wb_path ) # Todo code up individual schedule emails including mapping to email addresses and instructor first names. print("\nEmailing Schedules to Instructors") # Gmailer().send_instructor_schedules(instructors) # Todo code up scheduling individual work events on master schedule calendar and instructor calendars. print("\nAdding Work Events to Instructor Google Calendars") # GoogleEventScheduler().insert_events(instructors) print("\nScheduler Run Completed")
def main(): print("This tests instructor class\n") MAXINSTRUCTORS = 4 #create instructors instructors = [] for i in range(MAXINSTRUCTORS): info = makePersonInfo() officeHrs = makeHours() instructors.append( Instructor(info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], officeHrs)) print("Faculty ") print( " shoud show 4 instructors with names, ages, Lnumbers, and office hours\n" ) print(" Name Age LNumber Office Hours ") for i in range(MAXINSTRUCTORS): fName = instructors[i].getFirstName() lName = instructors[i].getLastName() age = instructors[i].getAge() lNum = instructors[i].getLNumber() officeHrs = instructors[i].getOfficeHours() print(f'{fName:7}' + f'{lName:8}' + f'{age:3}' + " " + f'{lNum:12}' + f'{officeHrs:10}') print("\nThis tests student class") MAXSTUDENTS = 8 #create students students = [] for i in range(MAXSTUDENTS): info = makePersonInfo() gpa = makeGPA() students.append(Student(info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], gpa)) print("Students ") print(" should show 8 students with names, ages, Lnumbers, and GPAS\n") print(" Name Age LNumber GPA ") for i in range(MAXSTUDENTS): fName = students[i].getFirstName() lName = students[i].getLastName() age = students[i].getAge() lNum = students[i].getLNumber() gpa = students[i].getGPA() print(f'{fName:7} {lName:8} {age:4} {lNum:10} {gpa:.2f}') print("\nThis displays polymorphism of getJob") # create three persons MAXPERSONS = 3 persons = [] print("Showing jobs ") print( "should output Test One Undefined, Test Two Instructor, Test Three Student" ) persons.append(Person("Test", "One", 42, "L00000001")) persons.append(Instructor("Test", "Two", 55, "L00000002")) persons.append(Student("Test", "Three", 21, "L00000003")) for person in persons: print(person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() + " " + person.getJob())