def plot_nominal_mmgmass_with_shape_and_fit(): """Plot the nominal MC mmg mass data overlayed with the pdf shape and fit."""'NominalMmgMassWithShapeAndFit') plot = mmgMass.frame(roo.Range(75, 105)) plot.SetTitle("m(#mu#mu#gamma) overlayed with PDF shape (blue) " "and it's parametrized fit (dashed red)") data.plotOn(plot) ## Define the mmg mass model. mmgMassPdf = ParametrizedKeysPdf('mmgMassPdf', 'mmgMassPdf', mmgMass, massPeak, massWidth, data, ROOT.RooKeysPdf.NoMirror, 1.5) ## PDF shape mmgMassPdf.shape.plotOn(plot) ## Parametrized fit of the PDF shape mmgMassPdf.fitTo(data, roo.Range(60, 120), roo.PrintLevel(-1)) mmgMassPdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed), roo.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed)) plot.Draw() sshape = 100 * (mmgMassPdf.shapemode / mZ.getVal() - 1) rshape = 100 * mmgMassPdf.shapewidth / mmgMassPdf.shapemode Latex([ 's_{shape}: %.3f %%' % sshape, 's_{fit}: %.3f #pm %.3f %%' % (massScale.getVal(), massScale.getError()), 's_{fit} - s_{shape}: %.4f #pm %.4f %%' % (massScale.getVal() - sshape, massScale.getError()), 'r_{shape}: %.3f %%' % rshape, 'r_{fit}: %.3f #pm %.3f %%' % (massRes.getVal(), massRes.getError()), 'r_{fit} - r_{shape}: %.4f #pm %.4f %%' % (massRes.getVal() - rshape, massRes.getError()), 'r_{fit}/r_{shape}: %.4f #pm %.4f' % (massRes.getVal() / rshape, massRes.getError() / rshape), ], position=(0.2, 0.8)).draw()
def plot_training_phoeres_with_shape_and_fit(): """Plot the nominal MC photon energy smearing overlayed with the pdf shape and fit."""'TrainingPhoEResWithShapeAndFit') plot = phoERes.frame(roo.Range(-7.5, 5)) plot.SetTitle("Photon energy smearing overlayed with PDF shape (blue) " "and it's parametrized fit (dashed red)") data.plotOn(plot) ## Define model for the photon energy smearing function Ereco/Etrue - 1. phoEResPdf = ParametrizedKeysPdf('phoEResPdf', 'phoEResPdf', phoERes, phoScale, phoRes, data, ROOT.RooKeysPdf.NoMirror, 1.5) ## PDF shape phoEResPdf.shape.plotOn(plot) ## Parametrized fit of the PDF shape phoEResPdf.fitTo(data, roo.Range(-50, 50), roo.PrintLevel(-1)) phoEResPdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed), roo.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed)) plot.Draw() Latex([ 's_{shape}: %.3f %%' % phoEResPdf.shapemode, 's_{fit}: %.3f #pm %.3f %%' % (phoScale.getVal(), phoScale.getError()), 's_{fit} - s_{shape}: %.4f #pm %.4f %%' % (phoScale.getVal() - phoEResPdf.shapemode, phoScale.getError()), 'r_{shape}: %.3f %%' % phoEResPdf.shapewidth, 'r_{fit}: %.3f #pm %.3f %%' % (phoRes.getVal(), phoRes.getError()), 'r_{fit} - r_{shape}: %.4f #pm %.4f %%' % (phoRes.getVal() - phoEResPdf.shapewidth, phoRes.getError()), 'r_{fit}/r_{shape}: %.4f #pm %.4f' % (phoRes.getVal() / phoEResPdf.shapewidth, phoRes.getError() / phoEResPdf.shapewidth), ], position=(0.2, 0.8)).draw()
def _get_mctruth_scale_and_resolution(self): ## Enlarge the range of the observable to get vanishing tails for ## the photon energy scale resolution # savrange = (self.phoERes.getMin(), self.phoERes.getMax()) # self.phoERes.setRange(savrange[0] - 10, savrange[1] + 10) ## Build the model for the photon energy resolution. self.phoEResPdf = ParametrizedKeysPdf('phoEResPdf', 'phoEResPdf', self.phoERes, self.s, self.r,, ROOT.RooKeysPdf.NoMirror, self.rho) # self.phoERes.setRange(*savrange) ## Set sensible initial values self.s.setVal(self.phoEResPdf.shapemode) self.r.setVal(self.phoEResPdf.shapewidth) ## Extract the MC truth scale and resolution from MC self.fitresult_mctruth = self.phoEResPdf.fitTo(, roo.PrintLevel(self.printlevel), roo.SumW2Error(False), roo.Range(-50, 50), roo.Save(), roo.Strategy(2)) self.w.Import(self.fitresult_mctruth) ## Store the MC truth scale and resolution for source, target in zip([self.s, self.r], [self.s0, self.r0]): target.setVal(source.getVal()) target.setError(source.getError()) target.setAsymError(source.getErrorLo(), source.getErrorHi()) # self.s0.setVal(self.s.getVal()) # self.r0.setVal(self.r.getVal()) self.w.saveSnapshot('sr_mctruth', self.w.saveSnapshot('sr0_mctruth', self.sr0) self.s0.setConstant(True) self.r0.setConstant(True)
def _fit_smeared_data(self, name): 'Fit the current smeared data to get the smeared s and r.' self.fitresult_sdata = self.phoEResPdf.fitTo( self.sdata, roo.PrintLevel(self.printlevel), roo.SumW2Error(False), roo.Range(-50, 50), roo.Save(), roo.Strategy(2)) self.w.saveSnapshot(name + '_sr', self.w.Import(self.fitresult_sdata, name + '_fitresult')
def plot_smeared_phoeres_with_fit(): phoEResPdf.fitTo(datasmeared, roo.PrintLevel(-1), roo.SumW2Error(False))'SmearedSampleWithFit') plot = phoERes.frame(roo.Range(-30, 30)) plot.SetTitle("Smeared MC with paremetrized fit") datasmeared.plotOn(plot) phoEResPdf.plotOn(plot) phoEResPdf.paramOn(plot) plot.Draw() Latex([ 'target s: %.3g %%' % targets, 'target r: %.3g %%' % targetr, ], position=(0.2, 0.75)).draw()
phoScale = w.factory('phoScale[0,-50,50]') phoRes = w.factory('phoRes[5,0.01,50]') for x in [phoScale, phoRes]: x.setUnit('%') range_save = (phoERes.getMin(), phoERes.getMax()) ## Enlarge the range of the observable to get vanishing tails. phoERes.setRange(-90, 150) phoEResPdf = ParametrizedKeysPdf('phoEResPdf', 'phoEResPdf', phoERes, phoScale, phoRes, data, ROOT.RooKeysPdf.NoMirror, 1.5) phoERes.setRange(*range_save) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Extract the MC truth scale and resolution from MC phoEResPdf.fitTo(data, roo.PrintLevel(-1), roo.SumW2Error(False)) phoScaleRef = phoScale.getVal() phoResRef = phoRes.getVal() ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Define the smearing formulas for photon energy and mmg invariant mass phoEResSmear = w.factory('phoEResSmear[-100,200]') phoEResSmearFunc = w.factory('''expr::phoEResSmearFunc( "{m} + {s} * ({x} - {m0}) / {s0}", {{{x}}} )'''.format(x='phoERes', m=targets, s=targetr, m0=phoScaleRef, s0=phoResRef))