def new_execute(): global recst global recbtn GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(recbtn, GPIO.IN) GPIO.add_event_detect(recbtn, GPIO.FALLING, callback=btn_th, bouncetime=200) phpath = "./data/rec/" os.makedirs(phpath, exist_ok=True) # Left Camera camera0 = nano.Camera(device_id=0, flip=2, width=224, height=224, fps=60) # Right Camera camera1 = nano.Camera(device_id=1, flip=2, width=224, height=224, fps=60) # wait rec button print("REC wait ...") waitrec() # rec start print("REC START! ...") # recloop_old(camera0, "./data/apex/", 0.1) # recloopDual_old(camera0,camera1, phpathL,phpathR, 0.1) # recloopStereo_old(camera0,camera1, phpathMx, phpathL,phpathR, 0.1) recloopDual(camera0, camera1, phpath, 0.05) # testloop() print("REC END!! ...") camera0.release() camera1.release() # finish del camera0 GPIO.cleanup()
def getDistance(self): # pins setup GPIO.setup(self.trig, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(self.echo, GPIO.IN) # set Trigger to HIGH for 10 us GPIO.output(self.trig, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.00001) # 10 us GPIO.output(self.trig, GPIO.LOW) # start counting time at Echo rising edge GPIO.wait_for_edge(self.echo, GPIO.RISING, timeout=100) # 100 ms startTime = time.time() # stop counting time at Echo falling edge GPIO.wait_for_edge(self.echo, GPIO.FALLING, timeout=100) # 100 ms elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime # in seconds distance = -1 # check if the measurement succeeded if elapsedTime < 0.1: # get the distance in cm using sonic speed (aprox. 34300 cm/s) distance = (elapsedTime * 34300) / 2 GPIO.cleanup([self.trig, self.echo]) return distance
def main(): # Pin Setup: GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # BOARD pin-numbering scheme # GPIO.setup([led_pin_1, led_pin_2], GPIO.IN) # LED pins set as output GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.IN) # button pin set as input #GPIO.setup(led_pin_2, GPIO.IN) # Initial state for LEDs: # GPIO.output(led_pin_1, GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(led_pin_2, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.add_event_detect(12, GPIO.RISING, callback=blink1, bouncetime=10) #GPIO.add_event_detect(led_pin_2, GPIO.RISING, callback=blink2, bouncetime=10) print("Starting demo now! Press CTRL+C to exit") try: while True: input1 = GPIO.input(led_pin_1) #input2 = GPIO.input(led_pin_2) # blink LED 1 slowly print("Value read from pin {} : {}\n".format(input1, ' pin_1 low')) time.sleep(2) #print("Value read from pin {} : {}\n".format(input2, '2down')) # time.sleep(1) finally: GPIO.cleanup() # cleanup all GPIOs
def main(): GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # GPIO.setup([stop, rec, menu], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup([stop, rec, menu], GPIO.IN) # # attach callbacks to events # GPIO.add_event_detect(stop, GPIO.RISING, callback=stop_cb, bouncetime=200) # GPIO.add_event_detect(rec, GPIO.RISING, callback=rec_cb, bouncetime=200) # GPIO.add_event_detect(menu, GPIO.RISING, callback=menu_cb, bouncetime=200) GPIO.add_event_detect(stop, GPIO.RISING) GPIO.add_event_detect(rec, GPIO.RISING) GPIO.add_event_detect(menu, GPIO.RISING) while True: try: if GPIO.event_detected(stop): stop_cb() if GPIO.event_detected(rec): rec_cb() if GPIO.event_detected(menu): menu_cb() pass except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit()
def main(): # Pin Setup: # Board pin-numbering scheme GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set pin as an output pin with optional initial state of LOW GPIO.setup(trig_output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(echo_input_pin, GPIO.IN) #value = GPIO.input(echo_input_pin) #print("Value read from pin {} : {}".format(echo_input_pin,value_str)) print("Starting Measure now! Press CTRL+C to exit") try: while True: # Toggle the output every second GPIO.output(trig_output_pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(trig_output_pin, GPIO.LOW) pulse_start = time.time() while GPIO.input(echo_input_pin)==0: pulse_start = time.time() pulse_end = time.time() while GPIO.input(echo_input_pin)==1: pulse_end = time.time() pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start distance = pulse_duration * 17150 distance = round(distance, 2) print ("Distance" , distance) finally: GPIO.cleanup()
def terminate(signalNumber, frame): # i2c.write_byte(0x71, 0x76) TCPconnection.close() UDPconnection.close() if useHardware: GPIO.cleanup() exit(0)
def main(argv): global output_pin, frequency, state_flag, perma_state, random_flag, random_size, times if len(argv) == 1: print( 'Using default values of: Output Pin = Board 12, Frequency = 30 Hz' ) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "hs:r:f:t:", ["state=", "random=", "frequency=", "times="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ('-s', '--state'): state_flag = True perma_state = get_perma_state(arg) elif opt in ('-f', '--freq'): frequency = int(arg) elif opt in ('-r', '--random'): random_flag = True random_size = int(arg) elif opt in ('-t', '--times'): times = int(arg) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt_handler) if state_flag: GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=perma_state) GPIO.output(output_pin, perma_state) print('Output set to permanent state: {0}'.format(perma_state)) GPIO.cleanup(output_pin) elif random_flag: # logging config # ToDo: Change the filename here if in the future our datasets change logging.basicConfig( filename='DataLog/TXDATA/transmitter_{0}Hz_{1}_cycles-{2}_bits.log' .format(frequency, times, random_size), level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') random_bits = generate_random_bitstream(random_size)"Generated bitstream: {0}".format(random_bits)) transmission = create_transmission(random_bits, times) f = open( 'DataLog/TXDATA/raw_bitsream_{0}Hz_{1}_cycles-{2}_bits.txt'.format( frequency, times, random_size), "w+") f.write(transmission) print("Transmitting")"Starting Transmission") transmit(transmission)"Transmisssion Ended") else: print('No flags set, exiting') GPIO.output(output_pin, GPIO.LOW) usage() sys.exit(0)
def __del__(self): self.set_motion(0, 90, Mode.STOP) if self.softpwm_a.run_flag: self.softpwm_a.stop() if self.softpwm_b.run_flag: self.softpwm_b.stop() GPIO.cleanup()
def init(): global rows global columns global colors A, B, C = GPIO.gpio_pin_data.get_data() GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) try: i2c.scan() except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError("wire configuration incorrect") lcd = character_lcd(i2c, COLUMNS, ROWS) #, backlight_inverted=False) lcd.message = "testing!" time.sleep(1) lcd.clear() lcd.message = "Hi" rows = [16, 6, 12, 13] colors = [18, 23] columns = [19, 20, 21] for color in colors: GPIO.setup(color, GPIO.OUT) for row in rows: GPIO.setup(row, GPIO.OUT) for column in columns: GPIO.setup(column, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
def output_operation(pin, state): """ Perform the OUTPUT operation """ GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(pin, state) GPIO.cleanup()
def shutdown(sig): try: GPIO.cleanup() except: print("Shutdown of Jetson.GPIO failed.") pass sys.exit(0)
def _shutdown(self): """Shutdown the radio. Puts the radio to sleep and cleans up the GPIO connections. """ self._setHighPower(False) self.sleep() GPIO.cleanup()
def main(): server = TcpIp('', 1998) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Done!") camera.release() GPIO.cleanup()
def remove_air_sprays(front_sprayer=None, back_sprayer=None, time_interval=8): try: # Quantity of sprayers sprayers = len(front_sprayer) # Setting initial values for sprayers GPIO.setup(front_sprayer, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(back_sprayer, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # Initiating spray from the last one until the closest to the bar print( f'[WEEDS] OPENING the pin {front_sprayer[-1]} of the blue sprayer') print( f'[WEEDS] OPENING the pin {back_sprayer[-1]} of the red sprayer\n') GPIO.output(front_sprayer[-1], GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(back_sprayer[-1], GPIO.HIGH) sleep(time_interval) for index in range(1, sprayers): print( f'[WEEDS] CLOSING the pin {front_sprayer[-index]} of the blue sprayer' ) print( f'[WEEDS] CLOSING the pin {back_sprayer[-index]} of the red sprayer\n' ) GPIO.output(front_sprayer[-index], GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(back_sprayer[-index], GPIO.LOW) sleep(time_interval) print( f'[WEEDS] OPENING the pin {front_sprayer[-index - 1]} of the blue sprayer' ) print( f'[WEEDS] OPENING the pin {back_sprayer[-index - 1]} of the red \n' ) GPIO.output(front_sprayer[-index - 1], GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(back_sprayer[-index - 1], GPIO.HIGH) sleep(time_interval) print( f'[WEEDS] CLOSING the pin {front_sprayer[-sprayers]} of the blue sprayer' ) print( f'[WEEDS] CLOSING the pin {back_sprayer[-sprayers]} of the red sprayer\n' ) GPIO.output(front_sprayer[-sprayers], GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(back_sprayer[-sprayers], GPIO.LOW) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("[WEEDS] Turning off the sprayers.") GPIO.output(front_sprayer, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(back_sprayer, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit()
def card_tap(): try: while True: id, text = return id sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup() raise
def handler(_signalRecieved, _frame): print("exiting with grace") safeNumber = 7 GPIO.output(safeNumber, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit(0)
def module_exit(): print("spi end") spi.SYSFS_software_spi_end() print("close 5V, Module enters 0 power consumption ...") GPIO.output(RST_PIN, 0) GPIO.output(DC_PIN, 0) GPIO.cleanup()
def __blink(self): GPIO.setmode(self.__pin_type) GPIO.setup(self.__output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) curr_value = GPIO.HIGH try: GPIO.output(self.__output_pin, curr_value) curr_value ^= GPIO.HIGH finally: GPIO.cleanup()
def __del__(self): for pin in self.pinlist: if pin == SERVO: self.setServo(8) self.servo.stop() elif pin == WAVE_ECHO: pass else: GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.cleanup()
def talker(): rospy.init_node('Relay_Switcher') GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) for relay_name, relay_pin in config.items(): GPIO.setup(relay_pin, GPIO.OUT) rospy.Subscriber('/relay/' + relay_name, Bool, callback, (relay_name, relay_pin)) r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): r.sleep() GPIO.cleanup()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) try: enviro = EnviroBoard() rclpy.spin(enviro) except KeyboardInterrupt: enviro.get_logger().info("ctrl-C detected, shutting down") finally: enviro.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() GPIO.cleanup()
def main(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) try: while True: time.sleep(2) GPIO.output(output_pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(output_pin, GPIO.LOW) finally: GPIO.cleanup()
def main(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(LED_Pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) try: while True: GPIO.output(LED_Pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(LED_Pin, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(0.1) finally: GPIO.cleanup()
def turn_on_pumps(left_pump=0, right_punp=0): try: # Setting initial values for sprayers GPIO.setup(left_pump, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.setup(right_punp, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("[WEEDS] Turning off the pumps.") GPIO.output(left_pump, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(right_punp, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit()
def main(): direction_pin = 17 # BOARD12, BCM17 output_pin = 18 # BOARD pin 12, BCM pin 18 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.setup(direction_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) try: print("pulse") pulse(0.0002, output_pin, direction_pin) finally: print("cleanup") GPIO.cleanup()
def setup_button(channel): print("{}: RESET GPIO {} for push".format(time.time(), channel)) GPIO.cleanup(channel) GPIO.remove_event_detect(channel) GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(channel, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup( channel, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN ) # Set pin 10 to be an input pin and set initial value to be pulled low (off) #can use GPIO.RISING / FALLING / BOTH GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING, callback=button_callback, bouncetime=300) # Setup event on pin 10 rising edge
def input_operation(pin): """ Perform the INPUT operation """ GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN) print("Ctrl+C to exit") while 1: try: value = GPIO.input(pin) print(f"GPIO_READ pin {pin}: {value}") time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: break GPIO.cleanup()
def alarm(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(True) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) try: print("LED on") GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(3) #print ("LED off") GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.cleanup() except: KeyboardInterrupt
def cleanup(self): ''' Cleans up the motor controller node, stopping motors and killing all threads no return value ''' rospy.loginfo("Cleaning up the motor_controller node..") self._thread_lock = False self.kill_motors() self.set_estop(1) try: GPIO.cleanup() except: pass
def main(): # Pin Setup: # Board pin-numbering scheme GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set pin as an output pin with optional initial state of HIGH GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) p = GPIO.PWM(output_pin, 100) p.start(50) print("PWM running. Press CTRL+C to exit.") try: while True: time.sleep(.1) finally: p.stop() GPIO.cleanup()