class NoteFilter(HttpRequestResponser, Formatter):
    def __init__(self):
        self.sql = SQLExecuter()

    def getValuesBasedonKey(self, valueset, key):
        result = []
        for row in valueset:
        return result

    def getKeywordString(self, data):
        result, keywordset, sql = [{}, [], ""]
        keywords = string.split(data["keywords"], " ")

        # log keywords the user uses and his location
        Log_Keywords().logUserKeywords(data, keywords)

        # make query string
        for word in keywords:
            keywordset.append("%" + word + "%")
            keywordset.append("%" + word + "%")
            sql += "(a.note like %s Or c.tag_name like %s) And "

        result["sql"] = "(" + sql[: len(sql) - 5] + ")"
        result["keywords"] = keywordset
        result["n_keywords"] = len(keywordset)
        return result

    def getNoteInfoListByKewords(self, data, currenttime):
        # data['keywords'] = '%' + data['keywords'] + '%'
        keywordset = self.getKeywordString(data)
        # strSQL = "Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=0) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And (a.note like %s Or c.tag_name like %s) Union Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=1) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And (a.note like %s Or c.tag_name like %s)"
        strSQL = (
            "Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=0) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And %s Union Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=1) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And %s"
            % ("%s", keywordset["sql"], "%s", keywordset["sql"])

        values = keywordset["keywords"] * 2
        values.insert(0, currenttime)
        values.insert(int(keywordset["n_keywords"]) + 1, currenttime)
        # print values
        noteslist = self.sql.doRawSQL(strSQL, values)
        return noteslist

    def getNoteInfoList(self, currenttime):
        # retrieve every detail of notes
        strSQL = "Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=0) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid Union Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=1) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid"
        noteslist = self.sql.doRawSQL(strSQL, [currenttime, currenttime])
        return noteslist

    def getUserCategoryTagsList(self, data):
        args = {}
        args["columns"] = ["b.*, c.sys_tagid"]
        args["tables"] = ["state as a", "filter as b", "tag as c"]
        args["joins"] = ["a.stateid=b.stateid And a.uid=b.uid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.is_current=1 And is_checked=1"]
        args["conditions"] = [{"criteria": "b.uid=", "logic": "And"}]
        args["values"] = [data["uid"]]
        uCTags = self.sql.doSelectData(args)
        return uCTags

    def computeDistance(self, data, n_longitude, n_latitude):
        Calculate the great circle distance between two points 
        on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)
        # convert decimal degrees to radians
        lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(
            radians, [float(n_longitude), float(n_latitude), float(data["u_longitude"]), float(data["u_latitude"])]

        # haversine formula
        dlon = lon2 - lon1
        dlat = lat2 - lat1
        a = sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2) ** 2
        c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
        dist = (6367 * c) * 1093.61  # km to yard
        return dist

    def filterByTags(self, uProfile, noteslist):
        result = []
        passset = self.getValuesBasedonKey(uProfile, "sys_tagid")
        for note in noteslist:
            if note["sys_tagid"] in passset:
        return result

    def filterByTime(self, uProfile, noteslist, currenttime):
        result = []
        sys_tagset = []
        currenttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(currenttime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        for filter in uProfile:
            if filter["f_repeat"]:
                current = currenttime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
                start = filter["f_start_time"].strftime("%H:%M:%S")
                end = filter["f_stop_time"].strftime("%H:%M:%S")
                current = currenttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                start = filter["f_start_time"]
                end = filter["f_stop_time"]
            # print "current %s" % current
            # print "start %s" % start
            # print "end %s" % end
            if current >= start and current <= end:

        # print "active sys_tagset"
        # print sys_tagset

        for note in noteslist:
            # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " has sys:" + str(note['sys_tagid'])
            if note["sys_tagid"] in sys_tagset:
                # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed"
        return result

    def filterByVisibility(self, data, uProfile, noteslist):
        friendslist = Friend().getFriendsList(data)

        # print "friendslist"
        # print friendslist
        # generalize visibility of user tags based on sys_tags
        sys_visset = {}
        result = []
        # print "current uProfile"
        # print uProfile
        for ufilter in uProfile:
            sys_tag = ufilter["sys_tagid"]
            visibility = ufilter["f_visibility"]
            if (sys_tag in sys_visset and sys_visset[sys_tag] < visibility) or (sys_tag not in sys_visset):
                sys_visset[sys_tag] = visibility
        # print "visibility of sys_tag"
        # print sys_visset

        for note in noteslist:
            # print "with sys:" + str(note['sys_tagid']) + ", note " + str(note['noteid']) + " has vis:" + str(note['n_visibility']) + " while user has vis:" + str(sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']])
            case_a, case_b, case_c, case_d, case_e, case_f, case_g = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
            if note["sys_tagid"] in sys_visset:
                # print str(note['uid']) in friendslist
                # if both of them have visibilities of public
                if sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 0 and note["n_visibility"] == 0:
                    case_a = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_a"

                # if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 0 and note['n_visibility'] == 1 and (str(note['uid']) != str(data['uid']) and note['uid'] in friendslist):
                if (
                    sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 0
                    and note["n_visibility"] == 1
                    and not ((str(note["uid"]) != str(data["uid"]) and note["uid"] not in friendslist))
                    case_b = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_b"

                if (
                    sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 0
                    and note["n_visibility"] == 2
                    and str(note["uid"]) == str(data["uid"])
                    case_c = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_c"

                if (
                    sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 1
                    and note["n_visibility"] == 0
                    and not (str(note["uid"]) != str(data["uid"]) and note["uid"] not in friendslist)
                    case_d = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_d"

                if (
                    sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 1
                    and note["n_visibility"] == 1
                    and not (str(note["uid"]) != str(data["uid"]) and note["uid"] not in friendslist)
                    case_e = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_e"

                if (
                    sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 1
                    and note["n_visibility"] == 2
                    and str(note["uid"]) == str(data["uid"])
                    case_f = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_f"

                # if reader has private and he is poster also
                # print data['uid']
                # print note['uid']
                if sys_visset[note["sys_tagid"]] == 2 and str(note["uid"]) == str(data["uid"]):
                    case_g = True
                    # print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_g"

                if case_a or case_b or case_c or case_d or case_e or case_f or case_g:

            if note['sys_tagid'] in sys_visset and sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == note['n_visibility']:
                if (note['n_visibility'] == 1 and note['uid'] in friendslist) or note['n_visibility'] == 0:
        # print "after visibility"
        # print result
        return result

    def filterByLocation(self, data, noteslist):
        result = []
        for note in noteslist:
            dist = self.computeDistance(data, note["n_longitude"], note["n_latitude"])
            if dist <= note["radius"]:
        return result

    def filterNotes(self, data, mode="normal"):
        localtime = JingoTimezone().getLocalTime()
        currenttime = localtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        if mode == "normal":
            noteslist = self.getNoteInfoList(currenttime)
            noteslist = self.getNoteInfoListByKewords(data, currenttime)
        uProfile = self.getUserCategoryTagsList(data)

        # filter by user's tags
        noteslist = self.filterByTags(uProfile, noteslist)

        # filter by user's time range
        noteslist = self.filterByTime(uProfile, noteslist, currenttime)

        # filter by visibility and friendship
        noteslist = self.filterByVisibility(data, uProfile, noteslist)

        # filter by location
        noteslist = self.filterByLocation(data, noteslist)
        # print noteslist
        return noteslist

    def retrieveNotesByKeywords(self, data):
        return self.filterNotes(data, "keyword")
class NoteFilter(HttpRequestResponser, Formatter):
    def __init__(self):
        self.sql = SQLExecuter()

    def getValuesBasedonKey(self, valueset, key):
        result = []
        for row in valueset:
        return result

    def getKeywordString(self, data):
        result, keywordset, sql = [{}, [], '']
        keywords = string.split(data['keywords'], ' ')

        # log keywords the user uses and his location
        Log_Keywords().logUserKeywords(data, keywords)

        # make query string
        for word in keywords:
            keywordset.append('%' + word + '%')
            keywordset.append('%' + word + '%')
            sql += '(a.note like %s Or c.tag_name like %s) And '

        result['sql'] = '(' + sql[:len(sql) - 5] + ')'
        result['keywords'] = keywordset
        result['n_keywords'] = len(keywordset)
        return result

    def getNoteInfoListByKewords(self, data, currenttime):
        #data['keywords'] = '%' + data['keywords'] + '%'
        keywordset = self.getKeywordString(data)
        #strSQL = "Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=0) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And (a.note like %s Or c.tag_name like %s) Union Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=1) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And (a.note like %s Or c.tag_name like %s)"
        strSQL = "Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=0) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And %s Union Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, c.tag_name, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=1) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid And %s" % (
            '%s', keywordset['sql'], '%s', keywordset['sql'])

        values = keywordset['keywords'] * 2
        values.insert(0, currenttime)
        values.insert(int(keywordset['n_keywords']) + 1, currenttime)
        #print values
        noteslist = self.sql.doRawSQL(strSQL, values)
        return noteslist

    def getNoteInfoList(self, currenttime):
        # retrieve every detail of notes
        strSQL = 'Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=0) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid Union Select a.*, b.tagid, c.sys_tagid, d.n_start_time, d.n_stop_time, n_repeat From note as a, note_tag as b, tag as c, (Select * From note_time Where %s between n_start_time And n_stop_time And n_repeat=1) as d Where a.noteid=b.noteid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.noteid=d.noteid'
        noteslist = self.sql.doRawSQL(strSQL, [currenttime, currenttime])
        return noteslist

    def getUserCategoryTagsList(self, data):
        args = {}
        args['columns'] = ['b.*, c.sys_tagid']
        args['tables'] = ['state as a', 'filter as b', 'tag as c']
        args['joins'] = [
            'a.stateid=b.stateid And a.uid=b.uid And b.tagid=c.tagid And a.is_current=1 And is_checked=1'
        args['conditions'] = [{'criteria': 'b.uid=', 'logic': 'And'}]
        args['values'] = [data['uid']]
        uCTags = self.sql.doSelectData(args)
        return uCTags

    def computeDistance(self, data, n_longitude, n_latitude):
        Calculate the great circle distance between two points 
        on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)
        # convert decimal degrees to radians
        lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [

        # haversine formula
        dlon = lon2 - lon1
        dlat = lat2 - lat1
        a = sin(dlat / 2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2)**2
        c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
        dist = (6367 * c) * 1093.61  # km to yard
        return dist

    def filterByTags(self, uProfile, noteslist):
        result = []
        passset = self.getValuesBasedonKey(uProfile, 'sys_tagid')
        for note in noteslist:
            if note['sys_tagid'] in passset:
        return result

    def filterByTime(self, uProfile, noteslist, currenttime):
        result = []
        sys_tagset = []
        currenttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(currenttime,
                                                 '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

        for filter in uProfile:
            if filter['f_repeat']:
                current = currenttime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
                start = filter['f_start_time'].strftime('%H:%M:%S')
                end = filter['f_stop_time'].strftime('%H:%M:%S')
                current = currenttime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                start = filter['f_start_time']
                end = filter['f_stop_time']
            #print "current %s" % current
            #print "start %s" % start
            #print "end %s" % end
            if current >= start and current <= end:

        #print "active sys_tagset"
        #print sys_tagset

        for note in noteslist:
            #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " has sys:" + str(note['sys_tagid'])
            if note['sys_tagid'] in sys_tagset:
                #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed"
        return result

    def filterByVisibility(self, data, uProfile, noteslist):
        friendslist = Friend().getFriendsList(data)

        #print "friendslist"
        #print friendslist
        # generalize visibility of user tags based on sys_tags
        sys_visset = {}
        result = []
        #print "current uProfile"
        #print uProfile
        for ufilter in uProfile:
            sys_tag = ufilter['sys_tagid']
            visibility = ufilter['f_visibility']
            if (sys_tag in sys_visset and
                    sys_visset[sys_tag] < visibility) or (sys_tag
                                                          not in sys_visset):
                sys_visset[sys_tag] = visibility
        #print "visibility of sys_tag"
        #print sys_visset

        for note in noteslist:
            #print "with sys:" + str(note['sys_tagid']) + ", note " + str(note['noteid']) + " has vis:" + str(note['n_visibility']) + " while user has vis:" + str(sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']])
            case_a, case_b, case_c, case_d, case_e, case_f, case_g = [
                False, False, False, False, False, False, False
            if note['sys_tagid'] in sys_visset:
                #print str(note['uid']) in friendslist
                # if both of them have visibilities of public
                if sys_visset[
                        note['sys_tagid']] == 0 and note['n_visibility'] == 0:
                    case_a = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_a"

                #if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 0 and note['n_visibility'] == 1 and (str(note['uid']) != str(data['uid']) and note['uid'] in friendslist):
                if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 0 and note[
                        'n_visibility'] == 1 and not (
                            (str(note['uid']) != str(data['uid'])
                             and note['uid'] not in friendslist)):
                    case_b = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_b"

                if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 0 and note[
                        'n_visibility'] == 2 and str(note['uid']) == str(
                    case_c = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_c"

                if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 1 and note[
                        'n_visibility'] == 0 and not (str(note['uid']) != str(
                            data['uid']) and note['uid'] not in friendslist):
                    case_d = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_d"

                if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 1 and note[
                        'n_visibility'] == 1 and not (str(note['uid']) != str(
                            data['uid']) and note['uid'] not in friendslist):
                    case_e = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_e"

                if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 1 and note[
                        'n_visibility'] == 2 and str(note['uid']) == str(
                    case_f = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_f"

                # if reader has private and he is poster also
                #print data['uid']
                #print note['uid']
                if sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == 2 and str(
                        note['uid']) == str(data['uid']):
                    case_g = True
                    #print "note " + str(note['noteid']) + " passed because of case_g"

                if case_a or case_b or case_c or case_d or case_e or case_f or case_g:
            if note['sys_tagid'] in sys_visset and sys_visset[note['sys_tagid']] == note['n_visibility']:
                if (note['n_visibility'] == 1 and note['uid'] in friendslist) or note['n_visibility'] == 0:
        #print "after visibility"
        #print result
        return result

    def filterByLocation(self, data, noteslist):
        result = []
        for note in noteslist:
            dist = self.computeDistance(data, note['n_longitude'],
            if dist <= note['radius']:
        return result

    def filterNotes(self, data, mode='normal'):
        localtime = JingoTimezone().getLocalTime()
        currenttime = localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        if mode == 'normal':
            noteslist = self.getNoteInfoList(currenttime)
            noteslist = self.getNoteInfoListByKewords(data, currenttime)
        uProfile = self.getUserCategoryTagsList(data)

        # filter by user's tags
        noteslist = self.filterByTags(uProfile, noteslist)

        # filter by user's time range
        noteslist = self.filterByTime(uProfile, noteslist, currenttime)

        # filter by visibility and friendship
        noteslist = self.filterByVisibility(data, uProfile, noteslist)

        # filter by location
        noteslist = self.filterByLocation(data, noteslist)
        #print noteslist
        return noteslist

    def retrieveNotesByKeywords(self, data):
        return self.filterNotes(data, 'keyword')