def test_Iteration_Empty(self): """Attempts to iterate over no items returns no items""" x=Chooser([]) try: x.getCurrentChoice() except IndexError: self.assert_(True, "Can't iterate over empty")
def test_Iteration_Empty(self): """Attempts to iterate over no items returns no items""" x = Chooser([]) try: x.getCurrentChoice() except IndexError: self.assert_(True, "Can't iterate over empty")
def test_Iteration_backwardsPastStart(self): """Backstepping past the start of the set still returns the first item""" fruitlist = ["apple","banana","cherry"] x=Chooser(fruitlist) result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is first item") x.gotoPrev() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is still first item")
def test_Iterate_gotoLast(self): fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] x = Chooser(fruitlist) self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoLast() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoLast() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is correct")
def test_Iterate_gotoLast(self): fruitlist = ["apple","banana","cherry"] x=Chooser(fruitlist) self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoLast() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoLast() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is correct")
def test_Iteration_iteratePastEnd(self): """Advancing past the end of the set still returns the last item""" fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] x = Chooser(fruitlist) x.gotoNext() x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is 3rd item") x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is 3rd item")
def test_Iteration_iteratePastEnd(self): """Advancing past the end of the set still returns the last item""" fruitlist = ["apple","banana","cherry"] x=Chooser(fruitlist) x.gotoNext() x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is 3rd item") x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is 3rd item")
def test_Iteration_backwardsPastStart(self): """Backstepping past the start of the set still returns the first item""" fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] x = Chooser(fruitlist) result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is first item") x.gotoPrev() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is still first item")
## Copyright (C) 2007 British Broadcasting Corporation and Kamaelia Contributors(1) ## All Rights Reserved. ## from Kamaelia.Chassis.Carousel import Carousel from Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline import Graphline from Kamaelia.Util.Chooser import Chooser from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Text import TextDisplayer from Kamaelia.File.ReadFileAdaptor import ReadFileAdaptor files = ["1.txt", "2.txt", "3.txt", "4.txt"] def makeFileReader(filename): return ReadFileAdaptor(filename=filename) Graphline(NEXT=Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(72, 8)), PREVIOUS=Button(caption="Previous", msg="PREV", position=(8, 8)), CHOOSER=Chooser(items=files), READER=Carousel(componentFactory=makeFileReader), DISPLAY=TextDisplayer(position=(20, 90), screen_width=800, screen_height=600), linkages={ ("NEXT", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("PREVIOUS", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("CHOOSER", "outbox"): ("READER", "next"), ("READER", "outbox"): ("DISPLAY", "inbox"), }).run()
# from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Image import Image from Kamaelia.Util.Chooser import Chooser from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import Pipeline from Kamaelia.Chassis.PAR import PAR import os path = "Slides" extn = ".gif" allfiles = os.listdir(path) files = list() for fname in allfiles: if fname[-len(extn):] == extn: files.append(os.path.join(path, fname)) files.sort() Pipeline( PAR( Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(72, 8)), Button(caption="Previous", msg="PREV", position=(8, 8)), Button(caption="First", msg="FIRST", position=(256, 8)), Button(caption="Last", msg="LAST", position=(320, 8)), ), Chooser(items=files), Image(size=(800, 600), position=(8, 48)), ).run()
pygame.K_g: ("TOGGLE", "primaryslidefadesignal"), # Toggle Fade pygame.K_h: ("TOGGLE", "graphfadesignal"), # Toggle Fade pygame.K_j: ("TOGGLE", "secondaryslidefadesignal"), # Toggle Fade pygame.K_PAGEDOWN: ("NEXT", "graphcontrol"), # Advance "graph slides" pygame.K_RETURN: ("NEXT", "secondaryslidecontrol"), # Advance slides pygame.K_SPACE: ("NEXT", "primaryslidecontrol"), # Advance slides pygame.K_BACKSPACE: ("PREV", "slidecontrol"), # Advance slides }), MOUSECLICKS=Multiclick(caption="", position=(50, 50), transparent=True, msgs=["", "", "PREV", "NEXT", "PREV", "NEXT"], size=(700, 500)), PRIMARYSLIDES=Chooser(items=PrimarySlides), PRIMARYDISPLAYFADER=BounceRange(255, 0, -10), # Initially we want to fade PRIMARYDISPLAY=Image( size=(800, 600), position=(0, 0), displayExtra={"transparency": (255, 255, 255)}, ), SECONDARYSLIDES=Chooser(items=SecondarySlides), SECONDARYDISPLAYFADER=BounceRange(255, 0, -10), # Initially we want to fade SECONDARYDISPLAY=Image( size=(800, 600), position=(0, 0), displayExtra={"transparency": (255, 255, 255)}, ), GRAPHSLIDES=Pipeline(
def test_Iteration_iterateForwards(self): """Iterating forwards advances forwards through the set""" fruitlist = ["apple","banana","cherry"] x=Chooser(fruitlist) result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is first item") result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is still first item") x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is second item") result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is still second item") x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is 3rd item") result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is still 3rd item")
def test_Instantiate_NoArgs(self): "__init__ - Creating empty chooser is fine" x = Chooser() self.assert_(iter_eq(x.items, []), "__init__ list of items stored internally")
def test_Instantiate_ArgList(self): "__init__ - Creating, passing list is fine" fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] x = Chooser(fruitlist) self.assert_(iter_eq(x.items, fruitlist), "__init__ list of items stored internally")
def test_Instantiate_ArgIterator(self): "__init__ - Creating, passing iterator is fine" x = Chooser(xrange(0, 5)) self.assert_(iter_eq(x.items, xrange(0, 5)), "__init__ right number of items")
def test_Iterate_forwardsBackwardsForwards(self): fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] x = Chooser(fruitlist) self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoNext() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoNext() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoPrev() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoPrev() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoNext() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is correct")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button from Kamaelia.Util.Chooser import Chooser from Kamaelia.Visualisation.PhysicsGraph.lines_to_tokenlists import lines_to_tokenlists from Kamaelia.Visualisation.PhysicsGraph.TopologyViewer import TopologyViewer from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import Pipeline graph = """\ ADD NODE TCPClient TCPClient auto - ADD NODE VorbisDecode VorbisDecode auto - ADD NODE AOPlayer AOPlayer auto - ADD LINK TCPClient VorbisDecode ADD LINK VorbisDecode AOPlayer ADD NODE Multicast_Transceiver Multicast_Transceiver auto - ADD NODE detuple detuple auto - ADD LINK Multicast_Transceiver detuple DEL NODE TCPClient ADD LINK detuple VorbisDecode DEL ALL """.split("\n") Pipeline( Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(72,8)), Chooser(items = graph), lines_to_tokenlists(), TopologyViewer(transparency = (255,255,255), showGrid = False), ).run()
def test_Iteration_iterateForwards(self): """Iterating forwards advances forwards through the set""" fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] x = Chooser(fruitlist) result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is first item") result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is still first item") x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is second item") result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is still second item") x.gotoNext() result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is 3rd item") result = x.getCurrentChoice() self.assert_(result == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is still 3rd item")
path = "Slides" extn = ".gif" #files = os.listdir(path) #files = [ os.path.join(path,fname) for fname in files if fname[-len(extn):]==extn ] #files.sort() allfiles = os.listdir(path) files = list() for fname in allfiles: if fname[-len(extn):] == extn: files.append(os.path.join(path, fname)) files.sort() Graphline(CHOOSER=Chooser(items=files), IMAGE=Image(size=(800, 600), position=(0, 0)), NEXT=Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(64, 0), transparent=True), PREVIOUS=Button(caption="Previous", msg="PREV", position=(0, 0), transparent=True), FIRST=Button(caption="First", msg="FIRST", position=(256, 0), transparent=True), LAST=Button(caption="Last", msg="LAST",
def test_Iterate_forwardsBackwardsForwards(self): fruitlist = ["apple","banana","cherry"] x=Chooser(fruitlist) self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoNext() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoNext() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[2], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoPrev() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoPrev() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[0], "Current choice is correct") x.gotoNext() self.assert_(x.getCurrentChoice() == fruitlist[1], "Current choice is correct")