def on_renameButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to rename a custom toolbar. """ oldName = self.toolbarComboBox.currentText() newName, ok = KQInputDialog.getText(\ self, self.trUtf8("Rename Toolbar"), self.trUtf8("New Toolbar Name:"), QLineEdit.Normal, oldName) if ok and not newName.isEmpty(): if oldName == newName: return if self.toolbarComboBox.findText(newName) != -1: # toolbar with this name already exists KQMessageBox.critical(self, self.trUtf8("Rename Toolbar"), self.trUtf8("""A toolbar with the name <b>%1</b> already exists.""")\ .arg(newName), QMessageBox.StandardButtons(\ QMessageBox.Abort)) return index = self.toolbarComboBox.currentIndex() self.toolbarComboBox.setItemText(index, newName) tbItem = \ self.__toolbarItems[self.toolbarComboBox.itemData(index).toULongLong()[0]] tbItem.title = newName tbItem.isChanged = True
def on_newButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to create a new toolbar. """ name, ok = KQInputDialog.getText(\ self, self.trUtf8("New Toolbar"), self.trUtf8("Toolbar Name:"), QLineEdit.Normal) if ok and not name.isEmpty(): if self.toolbarComboBox.findText(name) != -1: # toolbar with this name already exists KQMessageBox.critical(self, self.trUtf8("New Toolbar"), self.trUtf8("""A toolbar with the name <b>%1</b> already exists.""")\ .arg(name), QMessageBox.StandardButtons(\ QMessageBox.Abort)) return tbItem = E4ToolBarItem(None, [], False) tbItem.title = name tbItem.isChanged = True self.__toolbarItems[id(tbItem)] = tbItem self.__toolBarItemToWidgetActionID[id(tbItem)] = [] self.toolbarComboBox.addItem(name, QVariant(long(id(tbItem)))) self.toolbarComboBox.model().sort(0) self.toolbarComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.toolbarComboBox.findText(name))
def __sendmail(self, msg): """ Private method to actually send the message. @param msg the message to be sent (string) @return flag indicating success (boolean) """ try: server = smtplib.SMTP(str(Preferences.getUser("MailServer")), Preferences.getUser("MailServerPort")) if Preferences.getUser("MailServerUseTLS"): server.starttls() if Preferences.getUser("MailServerAuthentication"): # mail server needs authentication password = unicode(Preferences.getUser("MailServerPassword")) if not password: password, ok = KQInputDialog.getText( self, self.trUtf8("Mail Server Password"), self.trUtf8("Enter your mail server password"), QLineEdit.Password, ) if not ok: # abort return False try: server.login(unicode(Preferences.getUser("MailServerUser")), str(password)) except (smtplib.SMTPException, socket.error), e: res = KQMessageBox.critical( self, self.trUtf8("Send bug report"), self.trUtf8("""<p>Authentication failed.<br>Reason: %1</p>""").arg(str(e)), QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QMessageBox.Abort | QMessageBox.Retry), QMessageBox.Retry, ) if res == QMessageBox.Retry: return self.__sendmail(msg) else: return False QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) QApplication.processEvents() result = server.sendmail(unicode(Preferences.getUser("Email")), self.__toAddress, msg) server.quit() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def on_addButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to add a new filter. """ filter, ok = KQInputDialog.getText(\ None, self.trUtf8("Add Filter"), self.trUtf8("Filter name:"), QLineEdit.Normal) if filter.isEmpty(): return ufilter = unicode(filter) if ufilter not in self.__filterMap: self.__filterMap[ufilter] = QStringList() self.filtersList.addItem(filter) itm = self.filtersList.findItems(filter, Qt.MatchCaseSensitive)[0] self.filtersList.setCurrentItem(itm)
def on_addAllowedHostButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot called to add a new allowed host. """ allowedHost, ok = KQInputDialog.getText( None, self.trUtf8("Add allowed host"), self.trUtf8("Enter the IP address of an allowed host"), QLineEdit.Normal, ) if ok and not allowedHost.isEmpty(): if QHostAddress(allowedHost).protocol() in [QAbstractSocket.IPv4Protocol, QAbstractSocket.IPv6Protocol]: self.allowedHostsList.addItem(allowedHost) else: KQMessageBox.critical( None, self.trUtf8("Add allowed host"), self.trUtf8( """<p>The entered address <b>%1</b> is not""" """ a valid IP v4 or IP v6 address. Aborting...</p>""" ).arg(allowedHost), )
def start(self, path, tags = True): """ Public slot to start the svn status command. @param path name of directory to be listed (string) @param tags flag indicating a list of tags is requested (False = branches, True = tags) """ self.errorGroup.hide() if not tags: self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Subversion Branches List")) self.activateWindow() QApplication.processEvents() dname, fname = self.vcs.splitPath(path) reposURL = self.vcs.svnGetReposName(dname) if reposURL is None: KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8("Subversion Error"), self.trUtf8("""The URL of the project repository could not be""" """ retrieved from the working copy. The list operation will""" """ be aborted""")) self.close() return False if self.vcs.otherData["standardLayout"]: # determine the base path of the project in the repository rx_base = QRegExp('(.+)/(trunk|tags|branches).*') if not rx_base.exactMatch(reposURL): KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8("Subversion Error"), self.trUtf8("""The URL of the project repository has an""" """ invalid format. The list operation will""" """ be aborted""")) return False reposRoot = unicode(rx_base.cap(1)) if tags: path = "%s/tags" % reposRoot else: path = "%s/branches" % reposRoot else: reposPath, ok = KQInputDialog.getText(\ self, self.trUtf8("Subversion List"), self.trUtf8("Enter the repository URL containing the tags or branches"), QLineEdit.Normal, self.vcs.svnNormalizeURL(reposURL)) if not ok: self.close() return False if reposPath.isEmpty(): KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8("Subversion List"), self.trUtf8("""The repository URL is empty. Aborting...""")) self.close() return False path = unicode(reposPath) locker = QMutexLocker(self.vcs.vcsExecutionMutex) self.tagsList = QStringList() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dname) try: entries = self.client.list(path, recurse = False) for dirent, lock in entries: if dirent["path"] != path: name = dirent["path"].replace(path + '/', "") self.__generateItem(dirent["created_rev"].number, dirent["last_author"], formatTime(dirent["time"]), name) if self.vcs.otherData["standardLayout"]: self.tagsList.append(name) else: self.tagsList.append(path + '/' + name) if self._clientCancelCallback(): break res = True except pysvn.ClientError, e: self.__showError(e.args[0]) res = False
def start(self, path, tags, tagsList, allTagsList): """ Public slot to start the svn status command. @param path name of directory to be listed (string) @param tags flag indicating a list of tags is requested (False = branches, True = tags) @param tagsList reference to string list receiving the tags (QStringList) @param allsTagsLisr reference to string list all tags (QStringList) """ self.errorGroup.hide() self.intercept = False if not tags: self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Subversion Branches List")) self.activateWindow() self.tagsList = tagsList self.allTagsList = allTagsList dname, fname = self.vcs.splitPath(path) self.process.kill() reposURL = self.vcs.svnGetReposName(dname) if reposURL is None: KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8("Subversion Error"), self.trUtf8("""The URL of the project repository could not be""" """ retrieved from the working copy. The list operation will""" """ be aborted""")) self.close() return args = QStringList() args.append('list') self.vcs.addArguments(args, self.vcs.options['global']) args.append('--verbose') if self.vcs.otherData["standardLayout"]: # determine the base path of the project in the repository rx_base = QRegExp('(.+)/(trunk|tags|branches).*') if not rx_base.exactMatch(reposURL): KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8("Subversion Error"), self.trUtf8("""The URL of the project repository has an""" """ invalid format. The list operation will""" """ be aborted""")) return reposRoot = unicode(rx_base.cap(1)) if tags: args.append("%s/tags" % reposRoot) else: args.append("%s/branches" % reposRoot) self.path = None else: reposPath, ok = KQInputDialog.getText(\ self, self.trUtf8("Subversion List"), self.trUtf8("Enter the repository URL containing the tags or branches"), QLineEdit.Normal, self.vcs.svnNormalizeURL(reposURL)) if not ok: self.close() return if reposPath.isEmpty(): KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8("Subversion List"), self.trUtf8("""The repository URL is empty. Aborting...""")) self.close() return args.append(reposPath) self.path = unicode(reposPath) self.process.setWorkingDirectory(dname) self.process.start('svn', args) procStarted = self.process.waitForStarted() if not procStarted: self.inputGroup.setEnabled(False) self.inputGroup.hide() KQMessageBox.critical(None, self.trUtf8('Process Generation Error'), self.trUtf8( 'The process %1 could not be started. ' 'Ensure, that it is in the search path.' ).arg('svn')) else: self.inputGroup.setEnabled(True)