 def GetTangentPoint(self, x, y, outx, outy):
         Get the tangent from an axternal point
             x,y is a point near the circle
             xout,yout is a point far from the circle
             a tuple(x,y,x1,xy) that define the tangent line
     firstPoint = Point(x, y)
     fromPoint = Point(outx, outy)
     twoPointDistance = self.center.Dist(fromPoint)
     if (twoPointDistance < self.radius):
         return None, None
     originPoint = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     tanMod = math.sqrt(pow(twoPointDistance, 2) - pow(self.radius, 2))
     tgAngle = math.asin(self.radius / twoPointDistance)
     #Compute the x versor
     xPoint = point.Point(1.0, 0.0)
     xVector = Vector(originPoint, xPoint)
     twoPointVector = Vector(fromPoint, self.center)
     rightAngle = twoPointVector.Ang(xVector)
     cx, cy = self.center.getCoords()
     if (outy > cy):  #stupid situation
         rightAngle = -rightAngle
     posAngle = rightAngle + tgAngle
     negAngle = rightAngle - tgAngle
     #Compute the Positive Tangent
     xCord = math.cos(posAngle)
     yCord = math.sin(posAngle)
     dirPoint = Point(xCord, yCord)  #Versor that point at the tangentPoint
     ver = Vector(originPoint, dirPoint)
     tangVectorPoint = ver.Point()
     posPoint = Point(tangVectorPoint + (outx, outy))
     #Compute the Negative Tangent
     xCord = math.cos(negAngle)
     yCord = math.sin(negAngle)
     dirPoint = Point(xCord, yCord)  #Versor that point at the tangentPoint
     ver = Vector(originPoint, dirPoint)
     tangVectorPoint = ver.Point()
     negPoint = Point(tangVectorPoint + (outx, outy))
     if firstPoint.Dist(posPoint) < firstPoint.Dist(negPoint):
         return posPoint.getCoords()
         return negPoint.getCoords()