def __init__(self, datapath): """ Builds dictionary to store paths and create output directories in ``datapath`` if they do not exist. :param: datapath: path to data folder :type: datapath: str :raise: FileNotFoundError: if datapath is invalid """ if not os.path.exists(datapath): raise FileNotFoundError( "{} not found. " "Please create /raw path and put chess data in there".format( datapath)) self.paths_dict = { 'data': datapath, 'raw': oshelper.pathjoin(datapath, "raw"), 'processed': oshelper.pathjoin(datapath, "processed", "processed.json"), 'arrays': oshelper.pathjoin(datapath, "arrays") } = {'games': [], 'length': 0} oshelper.create_if_not_exists(self.paths_dict['processed'], is_file=True) oshelper.create_if_not_exists(self.paths_dict['arrays'], is_file=False)
def current_run_directory(tmp_path, run_name='knight'): """ Sets correct tensorboard directory dynamically based on number of runs. Delete tensorboard directory to start count over """ runpath = oshelper.pathjoin(tmp_path, run_name) print(runpath) oshelper.create_if_not_exists(runpath) count = _incr_tb_run_number(runpath) return oshelper.pathjoin(runpath, count)
def convert_to_arrays(self): """ Converts to two arrays, X and y. X is the list of all chess positions in feature_list form Y is the list of evaluations in the form [good for white, draw, good for black] :return: X and y """ features, labels = [], [] color_dict = {color.white: 0, 1} with open(self.paths_dict['processed'], 'r') as processed: for i, line in enumerate(processed): print("On game number {}".format(i)) if line[0:3] == "1/2": # Game is drawn result = [0, 1, 0] game_str = line[4:] else: # Victor exists result = [1, 0, 0] if int(line[0:1]) == 0 else [0, 0, 1] game_str = line[2:] print("Result of the game was {}".format(result)) move_list = game_str.split(' ') print(move_list) data_board = Board.init_default() color_itr = itertools.cycle([color.white,]) for move_str in move_list: current_color = next(color_itr) print(move_str) print(data_board) print(color_dict[current_color]) try: move = converter.incomplete_alg(move_str, current_color) if move is not None: move = converter.make_legal(move, data_board) except AttributeError as error: print(error) break if move is None: print("Move is None") break data_board.update(move) features.append(extract_features(data_board)) labels.append(result)['arrays'], 'features'), np.array(features))['arrays'], 'labels'), np.array(labels)) return features, labels
def __init__(self, tmp_path, run_name='knight', run_tracking_file='count.txt'): """ Returns correct tensorboard directory which is set dynamically based on number of runs. Delete tensorboard directory to start count over """ self._path = oshelper.pathjoin(tmp_path, run_name) self._run_tracking_file_path = oshelper.pathjoin(self._path, run_tracking_file) print(self._path) if not os.path.exists(self._run_tracking_file_path): oshelper.create_if_not_exists(self._run_tracking_file_path, is_file=True) with open(self._run_tracking_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(str(1))
def __init__(self, datapath): """ Creates object that processes data and converts it to numpy arrays. Requires original PGN files to be from FICS database and in ``/data/raw``. Saves processed PGN in ``/data/processed`` and np arrays in ``/data/arrays``. :param datapath: path to data folder """ if not os.path.exists(datapath): raise FileNotFoundError("create /data/raw and put data in there") self.paths_dict = {'data': datapath, 'raw': oshelper.pathjoin(datapath, "raw"), 'processed': oshelper.pathjoin(datapath, "processed", "processed.pgn"), 'arrays': oshelper.pathjoin(datapath, "arrays")} oshelper.create_if_not_exists(self.paths_dict['processed']) oshelper.create_if_not_exists(self.paths_dict['raw'])
def _incr_tb_run_number(runpath): """ Increments tensorboard count by 1 for the new run. If no runs are present, create the directory itself. :param tbpath: path of tensorboard :return: The number of runs plus 1 for use as the name of the new run """ countfilename = oshelper.pathjoin(runpath, 'count.txt') if not os.path.exists(countfilename): with open(countfilename, 'w') as f: f.write('1') return '1' else: with open(countfilename, 'r') as f: current = int(f.readline()) with open(countfilename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(current + 1)) return str(current + 1)
def __init__(self, tmp_path): # Tensorboard Setup self.tmp_path = tmp_path self.save_path = oshelper.pathjoin(self.tmp_path, 'saved', 'model') oshelper.create_if_not_exists(tmp_path) self.tb_dir = tensorboardsetup.current_run_directory(tmp_path) # Placholder initialization self.X_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.BOARD_SIZE], name="X") self.y_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.NUMBER_OF_CLASSES], name="y") self.keep_prob_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # Model creation self.optimizer = None self.evaluate = None self.accuracy = None self._create_model()
def __init__(self, tmp_path): # Tensorboard Setup self.tmp_path = tmp_path self.save_path = oshelper.pathjoin(self.tmp_path, 'saved', 'model.ckpt') oshelper.create_if_not_exists(tmp_path, is_file=False) self.tb_manager = TensorboardManager(tmp_path) # Placholder initialization self.X_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.BOARD_SIZE], name="X") self.y_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.NUMBER_OF_CLASSES], name="y") self.keep_prob_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # Model creation self.optimizer = None self.predict_op = None self.accuracy = None self._create_model()
def convert_to_arrays(self, label_type='material'): """ Converts to two arrays, X and y. ``features`` is the list of all chess positions in the form [number of games, 64 (number of squares on the board)] ``labels`` is the list of evaluations in the form [number of games, 3 (good for white, draw, good for black)] ``labels`` examples: [0, 0, 1] if white is doing better [1, 0, 0] if black is doing better [0, 1, 0] if the game is even. Saves output in ``data/arrays`` and returns it. :return: features, labels :rtype: tuple(np.array, np.array) """ with open(self.paths_dict['processed'], 'r') as f: = json.load(f) features = [] labels = [] # resets every game game_increment = 0 # decrements when Exception is raised number_of_games = len(['games']) for i, game_dict in enumerate(['games']): data_board = Board.init_default() print("On game number {} out of {}".format(i, number_of_games)) for move in game_dict['moves']: if game_increment % 2 == 0: current_color = color.white else: current_color = print("Raw: {}".format(move)) move = converter.incomplete_alg(move, current_color, data_board) move = converter.make_legal(move, data_board) data_board.update(move) features.append( featurehelper.extract_features_from_position( data_board)) if label_type == 'turn': if current_color == color.white: # white has just moved labels.append([1, 0, 0]) else: # black has just moved labels.append([0, 0, 1]) elif label_type == 'result': if int(game_dict['result']) == 0: # white wins labels.append([1, 0, 0]) elif int(game_dict['result']) == 1: # black wins labels.append([0, 0, 1]) else: # draw labels.append([0, 1, 0]) elif label_type == 'material': material_imbalance = np.sum(np.array(features[-1])) if material_imbalance > 0: # white holds material advantage labels.append([1, 0, 0]) elif material_imbalance < 0: # black holds material advantage labels.append([0, 0, 1]) else: # material even labels.append([0, 1, 0]) else: raise ValueError( "label_type {} is invalid " "\nlabel_type must be \'turn\', \'result\', or \'material\'" .format(label_type)) game_increment += 1 print(".", end='') game_increment = 0 print() print(data_board) oshelper.pathjoin(self.paths_dict['arrays'], 'features-{}'.format(label_type)), np.array(features)) oshelper.pathjoin(self.paths_dict['arrays'], 'labels-{}'.format(label_type)), np.array(labels)) return np.array(features), np.array(labels)
def train_on(self, data_or_path, array_folder_name='arrays', epochs=300, batch_size=100, learning_rate=0.5, train_keep_prob=0.5, test_keep_prob=1.0): """ Trains on data in the form of a tuple of np arrays stored as (X, y), or the path to a folder containing 2 npy files wih X named ``features.npy`` and y named ``labels.npy``. :param data_or_path: training data :type: str or np.array :param array_folder_name: name of folder where arrays are stored. Defaults to ``arrays`` :param epochs: Number of epochs to run when training. Defaults to 300. :param batch_size: Size of individual batches to :param learning_rate: :param train_keep_prob: :param test_keep_prob: """ if isinstance(data_or_path, str): features = np.load( oshelper.pathjoin(data_or_path, array_folder_name, 'features.npy')) labels = np.load( oshelper.pathjoin(data_or_path, array_folder_name, 'labels.npy')) else: features, labels = data_or_path train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = randomly_assign_train_test( features, labels) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: print("Session starting") # Initialization merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.tb_dir) writer.add_graph(sess.graph) # Training loop for epoch in range(epochs): for i, (batch_X, batch_y) in \ enumerate(next_batch(train_features, train_labels, batch_size=batch_size)): # Dict fed to train model train_dict = { self.X_placeholder: batch_X, self.y_placeholder: batch_y, self.keep_prob_placeholder: train_keep_prob, self.learning_rate: learning_rate }, feed_dict=train_dict) # Write to tensorboard if i % 5 == 0: s =, feed_dict=train_dict) writer.add_summary(s, i) accuracy_dict = { self.X_placeholder: train_features, self.y_placeholder: train_labels, self.keep_prob_placeholder: train_keep_prob } print("Train accuracy {}".format( self.accuracy.eval(accuracy_dict))) accuracy_dict[self.keep_prob_placeholder] = test_keep_prob print("Test accuracy {}".format( self.accuracy.eval(accuracy_dict))), self.save_path)
with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, self.save_path) # self.evaluate = tf.get_collection('evaluate')[0] advantages = self.predict_op.eval(feed_dict={ self.X_placeholder: positions, self.keep_prob_placeholder: 1.0 }) print("Position evaluation is {}".format(advantages)) return advantages if __name__ == '__main__': tmp_folder_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tmp') data_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'data') features = np.load(os.path.join(data_path, 'arrays', 'features-result.npy')) labels = np.load( oshelper.pathjoin(data_path, 'arrays', 'labels-result.npy')) train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = split.randomly_assign_train_test( features, labels) evaluator = BoardEvaluator(tmp_folder_path), labels), testing_data=(test_features, test_labels), epochs=20, learning_rate=0.01) evaluator.predict(test_features)