    def __init__(self, fluid_model_part, structure_model_part,
                 combined_model_part, compute_reactions, box_corner1,
                 box_corner2, domain_size, add_nodes):
        self.domain_size = domain_size
        self.compute_reactions = compute_reactions
        self.echo_level = 0

        # saving the different model parts
        self.combined_model_part = combined_model_part
        # contains both structure and fluid
        self.fluid_model_part = fluid_model_part
        # contains only fluid elements
        self.structure_model_part = structure_model_part
        # contains only structural elements

        # adaptivity options
        self.add_nodes = bool(add_nodes)
        print("Add nodes? ", self.add_nodes)
        # time integration scheme
        damp_factor = -0.3
        self.time_scheme = ResidualBasedPredictorCorrectorBossakScheme(

        # definition of the solvers
        #        self.model_linear_solver =  SkylineLUFactorizationSolver()
        pDiagPrecond = DiagonalPreconditioner()
        self.model_linear_solver = BICGSTABSolver(1e-9, 5000, pDiagPrecond)

        # definition of the convergence criteria
        self.conv_criteria = DisplacementCriteria(1e-6, 1e-9)

        self.pressure_calculate_process = PressureCalculateProcess(
            fluid_model_part, domain_size)
        self.ulf_apply_bc_process = UlfApplyBCProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.ulf_time_step_dec_process = UlfTimeStepDecProcess(
        self.mark_fluid_process = MarkFluidProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.mark_close_nodes_process = MarkCloseNodesProcess(fluid_model_part)

        self.mark_outer_nodes_process = MarkOuterNodesProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.node_erase_process = NodeEraseProcess(fluid_model_part)

        # tools to save and merge the structural contributions
        self.save_structure_model_part_process = SaveStructureModelPartProcess(
        self.save_structure_conditions_process = SaveStructureConditionsProcess(

        self.merge_model_parts_process = MergeModelPartsProcess()

        # temporary ... i need it to calculate the nodal area
        self.UlfUtils = UlfUtils()
        self.PfemUtils = PfemUtils()

        # self.save_structural_elements
        self.alpha_shape = 1.5
        self.h_multiplier = 0.1

        # saving the limits of the box (all the nodes external to this will be erased)
        self.box_corner1 = box_corner1
        self.box_corner2 = box_corner2

        if (domain_size == 2):
            self.Mesher = TriGenPFEMModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                combined_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 9, 18)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 2, 10)

        elif (domain_size == 3):
            # self.Mesher = TetGenModeler()
            # improved mesher
            self.Mesher = TetGenPfemModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                combined_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 20, 30)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 3, 20)

        print("after reading all the model contains:")

        # detect initial size distribution - note that initially the fluid model part contains
        # all the elements of both structure and fluid ... this is only true after reading the input
        Hfinder = FindNodalHProcess(fluid_model_part)
class ULF_FSISolver:
    def __init__(self, fluid_model_part, structure_model_part,
                 combined_model_part, compute_reactions, box_corner1,
                 box_corner2, domain_size, add_nodes):
        self.domain_size = domain_size
        self.compute_reactions = compute_reactions
        self.echo_level = 0

        # saving the different model parts
        self.combined_model_part = combined_model_part
        # contains both structure and fluid
        self.fluid_model_part = fluid_model_part
        # contains only fluid elements
        self.structure_model_part = structure_model_part
        # contains only structural elements

        # adaptivity options
        self.add_nodes = bool(add_nodes)
        print("Add nodes? ", self.add_nodes)
        # time integration scheme
        damp_factor = -0.3
        self.time_scheme = ResidualBasedPredictorCorrectorBossakScheme(

        # definition of the solvers
        #        self.model_linear_solver =  SkylineLUFactorizationSolver()
        pDiagPrecond = DiagonalPreconditioner()
        self.model_linear_solver = BICGSTABSolver(1e-9, 5000, pDiagPrecond)

        # definition of the convergence criteria
        self.conv_criteria = DisplacementCriteria(1e-6, 1e-9)

        self.pressure_calculate_process = PressureCalculateProcess(
            fluid_model_part, domain_size)
        self.ulf_apply_bc_process = UlfApplyBCProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.ulf_time_step_dec_process = UlfTimeStepDecProcess(
        self.mark_fluid_process = MarkFluidProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.mark_close_nodes_process = MarkCloseNodesProcess(fluid_model_part)

        self.mark_outer_nodes_process = MarkOuterNodesProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.node_erase_process = NodeEraseProcess(fluid_model_part)

        # tools to save and merge the structural contributions
        self.save_structure_model_part_process = SaveStructureModelPartProcess(
        self.save_structure_conditions_process = SaveStructureConditionsProcess(

        self.merge_model_parts_process = MergeModelPartsProcess()

        # temporary ... i need it to calculate the nodal area
        self.UlfUtils = UlfUtils()
        self.PfemUtils = PfemUtils()

        # self.save_structural_elements
        self.alpha_shape = 1.5
        self.h_multiplier = 0.1

        # saving the limits of the box (all the nodes external to this will be erased)
        self.box_corner1 = box_corner1
        self.box_corner2 = box_corner2

        if (domain_size == 2):
            self.Mesher = TriGenPFEMModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                combined_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 9, 18)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 2, 10)

        elif (domain_size == 3):
            # self.Mesher = TetGenModeler()
            # improved mesher
            self.Mesher = TetGenPfemModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                combined_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 20, 30)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 3, 20)

        print("after reading all the model contains:")

        # detect initial size distribution - note that initially the fluid model part contains
        # all the elements of both structure and fluid ... this is only true after reading the input
        Hfinder = FindNodalHProcess(fluid_model_part)

    # delta time estimation based on the non-negativity of the jacobian
    def EstimateDeltaTime(self, max_dt, domain_size):
        # return (self.UlfUtils).EstimateDeltaTime(min_dt,max_dt,self.combined_model_part)
        return (self.ulf_time_step_dec_process).EstimateDeltaTime(
            max_dt, domain_size)

    def Initialize(self):

        # creating the solution strategy
        CalculateReactionFlag = bool(self.compute_reactions)
        ReformDofSetAtEachStep = True
        MoveMeshFlag = True
        import ulf_strategy_python
        self.solver = ulf_strategy_python.ULFStrategyPython(
            self.combined_model_part, self.time_scheme,
            self.model_linear_solver, self.conv_criteria,
            CalculateReactionFlag, ReformDofSetAtEachStep, MoveMeshFlag,

        print("self.echo_level = ", self.echo_level)
        print("finished initialization of the fluid strategy")

        # saving the structural elements
        # we need this before saving the structrural elements
        print("Saving STRUCTURE")
            self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part)
            self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part)

        # marking the fluid

        # remeshing before the first solution
        for node in self.fluid_model_part.Nodes:
            node.SetSolutionStepValue(IS_FREE_SURFACE, 0, 0.0)

    def CheckForInvertedElements(self):
        # volume = (self.UlfUtils).CalculateVolume(self.combined_model_part,self.domain_size)
        volume = (self.UlfUtils).CalculateVolume(self.fluid_model_part,
        inverted_elements = False
        if (volume < 0.0):
            volume = -volume
            inverted_elements = True
        return [inverted_elements, volume]

    def Solve(self, lagrangian_inlet_process):

        print("solving the fluid problem")
        inverted_elements = (self.solver).Solve(self.domain_size,
        print("successful solution of the fluid ")
        self.lagrangian_inlet_process = lagrangian_inlet_process

        reduction_factor = 0.5
        max_reduction_steps = 5
        time_reduction_step = 0
        while (inverted_elements
               and time_reduction_step <= max_reduction_steps):
            print(" *************************************************** ")
            print("inverted element found ... reducing the time step")
            print("reduction_step = ", time_reduction_step)
            time_reduction_step = time_reduction_step + 1

            # copying vars from the old step
            # for node in (self.combined_model_part).Nodes:
            # pold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,1);
            # dispold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,1);
            # velold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
            # accold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,1);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,0,pold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,0,dispold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,0,velold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,0,accold);

            print("time step reduction completed")
            print(" *************************************************** ")

            (self.solver).Solve(self.domain_size, self.UlfUtils)
            [inverted_elements, vol] = self.CheckForInvertedElements()

        if (inverted_elements):

                "CRITICAL: ... element is still inverted after reducing the time step"
            factor = 2.0**5  # this is the original time step
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.combined_model_part, factor)
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.fluid_model_part, factor)
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.structure_model_part, factor)

            # for node in (self.combined_model_part).Nodes:
            # pold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,1);
            # dispold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,1);
            # velold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
            # accold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,1);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,0,pold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,0,dispold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,0,velold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,0,accold);


            print("advancing in time without doing anything...")
            (self.solver).PredictionStep(self.domain_size, self.UlfUtils)

        # print "pressure contribution process" - to be executed using exclusively fluid elements
        # and neighbouring relationships


        # self.lagrangian_inlet_process.Execute()
        # print "remeshing"


    def Remesh(self):

        # self.PfemUtils.MarkNodesTouchingWall(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size, 0.15)
                                             self.domain_size, 0.05)

        # erase all conditions and elements prior to remeshing

        # self.UlfUtils.DeleteFreeSurfaceNodesBladder(self.fluid_model_part)
        # marking nodes outside of the bounding box

        h_factor = 0.1
        # remesh CHECK for 3D or 2D
        if (self.domain_size == 2):
            #(self.Mesher).ReGenerateMesh("UpdatedLagrangianFluid2Dinc", self.fluid_model_part, self.node_erase_process, self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape)
                                         "Condition2D", self.fluid_model_part,
                                         self.node_erase_process, True,
                                         self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape,
        elif (self.domain_size == 3):
                                         "Condition3D", self.fluid_model_part,
                                         self.node_erase_process, True,
                                         self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape,

        # calculating fluid neighbours before applying boundary conditions

        # print "marking fluid" and applying fluid boundary conditions
        # merging the structural elements back (they are saved in the Initialize)

        # calculating the neighbours for the overall model

        # self.UlfUtils.MarkLonelyNodesForErasing(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size)
        # self.node_erase_process.Execute()

        print("end of remesh fucntion")


    def FindNeighbours(self):
    def __init__(self, out_file, fluid_only_model_part, fluid_model_part, structure_model_part, combined_model_part, FSI, compute_reactions, box_corner1, box_corner2, domain_size, add_nodes, bulk_modulus, density):
        self.out_file = out_file

        self.compute_reactions = compute_reactions
        self.domain_size = domain_size;
        self.echo_level = 0
        self.counter = int(0)

        # TO REMESH OR NOT: 0 - no remeshing, 1 - remeshing
        self.add_nodes = bool(add_nodes)
        self.FSI = bool(FSI)
        # K - the bulk modulus
        self.bulk_modulus = bulk_modulus
        self.density = density

        # saving the different model parts
        self.combined_model_part = combined_model_part;  # contains both structure and fluid
        self.fluid_model_part = fluid_model_part;  # contains only fluid elements, but all nodes!
        self.structure_model_part = structure_model_part;  # contains only structural elements

        self.fluid_only_model_part = fluid_only_model_part;  # contains only fluid elements and nodes

        # time integration scheme (dam_factor= alpha_bossak)
        self.damp_factor = -0.3
        self.time_scheme = ResidualBasedPredictorCorrectorBossakScheme(self.damp_factor)

        # definition of the solvers
        self.pres_time_scheme = ResidualBasedIncrementalUpdateStaticScheme()
        self.pres_linear_solver = CGSolver(1e-3, 1000)  # SkylineLUFactorizationSolver()

        # definition of the convergence criteria
        self.conv_criteria = DisplacementCriteria(1e-6,1e-9)
        #self.conv_criteria = IncrementalDisplacementCriteria(1e-3, 1e-6)

        # self.pressure_calculate_process = PressureCalculateProcess(fluid_model_part,domain_size);
        self.ulf_apply_bc_process = UlfApplyBCProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.ulf_time_step_dec_process = UlfTimeStepDecProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.mark_fluid_process = MarkFluidProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.mark_close_nodes_process = MarkCloseNodesProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.mark_outer_nodes_process = MarkOuterNodesProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.node_erase_process = NodeEraseProcess(fluid_model_part);

        # tools to save and merge the structural contributions
        self.save_structure_model_part_process = SaveStructureModelPartProcess();
        self.save_structure_conditions_process = SaveStructureConditionsProcess();
        self.merge_model_parts_process = MergeModelPartsProcess();
        # this will save fluid only model part
        self.save_fluid_only_process = SaveFluidOnlyProcess();

        # temporary ... i need it to calculate the nodal area
        self.UlfUtils = UlfUtils()
        self.PfemUtils = PfemUtils()

        # self.save_structural_elements
        self.alpha_shape = 1.5;
        self.h_multiplier = 0.1

        # saving the limits of the box (all the nodes external to this will be erased)
        self.box_corner1 = box_corner1
        self.box_corner2 = box_corner2

        if(domain_size == 2):
            # self.Mesher = TriGenModeler()
            self.Mesher = TriGenPFEMModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(combined_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_only_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_only_model_part, 9, 18)
             # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 2, 10)
        elif (domain_size == 3):
            # improved mesher
            self.Mesher = TetGenPfemModeler()
            # self.Mesher = TetGenModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(combined_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_only_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_only_model_part, 20, 30)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 3, 20)

        print("after reading all the model contains:")

        # detect initial size distribution - note that initially the fluid model part contains
        # all the elements of both structure and fluid ... this is only true after reading the input
        self.Hfinder = FindNodalHProcess(fluid_model_part);
        #assigning average nodal h to lonely nodes
class ULF_FSISolver:
    def __init__(self, out_file, fluid_model_part, structure_model_part,
                 combined_model_part, compute_reactions, box_corner1,
                 box_corner2, domain_size, add_nodes, bulk_modulus, density):
        self.out_file = out_file
        self.compute_reactions = compute_reactions
        self.domain_size = domain_size
        self.echo_level = 0
        self.counter = int(0)

        # TO REMESH OR NOT: 0 - no remeshing, 1 - remeshing
        self.add_nodes = bool(add_nodes)
        # K - the bulk modulus
        self.bulk_modulus = bulk_modulus
        self.density = density

        # saving the different model parts
        self.combined_model_part = combined_model_part
        # contains both structure and fluid
        self.fluid_model_part = fluid_model_part
        # contains only fluid elements
        self.structure_model_part = structure_model_part
        # contains only structural elements

        # time integration scheme
        damp_factor = -0.3
        self.time_scheme = ResidualBasedPredictorCorrectorBossakScheme(

        # definition of the solvers
        # self.model_linear_solver =  SkylineLUFactorizationSolver()
        pDiagPrecond = DiagonalPreconditioner()
        self.model_linear_solver = BICGSTABSolver(1e-8, 5000, pDiagPrecond)

        # definition of the convergence criteria
        self.conv_criteria = DisplacementCriteria(1e-6, 1e-9)

        # self.pressure_calculate_process = PressureCalculateProcess(fluid_model_part,domain_size);
        self.ulf_apply_bc_process = UlfApplyBCProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.ulf_time_step_dec_process = UlfTimeStepDecProcess(
        self.mark_fluid_process = MarkFluidProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.mark_close_nodes_process = MarkCloseNodesProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.mark_outer_nodes_process = MarkOuterNodesProcess(fluid_model_part)
        self.node_erase_process = NodeEraseProcess(fluid_model_part)

        # tools to save and merge the structural contributions
        self.save_structure_model_part_process = SaveStructureModelPartProcess(
        self.save_structure_conditions_process = SaveStructureConditionsProcess(
        self.merge_model_parts_process = MergeModelPartsProcess()

        # temporary ... i need it to calculate the nodal area
        self.UlfUtils = UlfUtils()
        self.PfemUtils = PfemUtils()

        # self.save_structural_elements
        self.alpha_shape = 1.5
        self.h_multiplier = 0.3

        # saving the limits of the box (all the nodes external to this will be erased)
        self.box_corner1 = box_corner1
        self.box_corner2 = box_corner2

        if (domain_size == 2):
            # self.Mesher = TriGenModeler()
            self.Mesher = TriGenPFEMModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                combined_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 9, 18)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 2, 10)
        elif (domain_size == 3):
            # improved mesher
            self.Mesher = TetGenPfemModeler()
            # self.Mesher = TetGenModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                combined_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 20, 30)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(
                fluid_model_part, 3, 20)

        print("after reading all the model contains:")

        # detect initial size distribution - note that initially the fluid model part contains
        # all the elements of both structure and fluid ... this is only true after reading the input
        Hfinder = FindNodalHProcess(fluid_model_part)

    # delta time estimation based on the non-negativity of the jacobian
    def EstimateDeltaTime(self, max_dt, domain_size):
        # return (self.UlfUtils).EstimateDeltaTime(min_dt,max_dt,self.combined_model_part)
        return (self.ulf_time_step_dec_process).EstimateDeltaTime(
            max_dt, domain_size)

    # this function is needed only in case there is a lagrangian nodes-inlet in the problem
    # three numbers - are veolicties in x y and z directions
    # def MoveInletNodes(self, model_part):
    #    (self.UlfUtils).MoveInletNodes(self.fluid_model_part, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0)

    def Initialize(self):

        # creating the solution strategy
        CalculateReactionFlag = bool(self.compute_reactions)
        ReformDofSetAtEachStep = True
        MoveMeshFlag = True
        import ulf_strategy_python_inc
        self.solver = ulf_strategy_python_inc.ULFStrategyPythonInc(
            self.out_file, self.combined_model_part, self.fluid_model_part,
            self.time_scheme, self.model_linear_solver, self.conv_criteria,
            CalculateReactionFlag, ReformDofSetAtEachStep, MoveMeshFlag,
            self.domain_size, self.bulk_modulus, self.density)

        print("self.echo_level = ", self.echo_level)
        print("finished initialization of the fluid strategy")

        # saving the structural elements
        # we need this before saving the structrural elements

        # we specify domain size, to deal with problems involving membarnes in 3D in a specific way (see save_structure_model_part_process.h
            self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part)
            self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part)

        # creating initially empty container for lagrangian inlet-nodes

        # lagrangian_inlet_model_part = ModelPart("LagrangianInletPart");
        # self.lagrangian_inlet_model_part = lagrangian_inlet_model_part;
        # saving the lagrangian inlet-nodes if they exist
        #(self.UlfUtils).SaveLagrangianInlet(self.fluid_model_part, self.lagrangian_inlet_model_part)

        # marking the fluid

        # caluclating nodal area in order to calculate pressures
        # remeshing before the first solution


    def CheckForInvertedElements(self):
        volume = (self.UlfUtils).CalculateVolume(self.combined_model_part,
        inverted_elements = False
        if (volume < 0.0):
            volume = -volume
            inverted_elements = True
        return [inverted_elements, volume]

    def Solve(self, lagrangian_inlet_process):
        # next lines serve only in case of lagrangian inlet
        # for node in self.fluid_model_part.Nodes:
        # if (node.GetSolutionStepValue(IS_LAGRANGIAN_INLET)!=1 and (node.GetSolutionStepValue(IS_STRUCTURE)!=1)):
        # node.Free(DISPLACEMENT_X)
        # node.Free(DISPLACEMENT_Y)
        # node.Free(DISPLACEMENT_Z)

        print("solving the fluid problem")
        inverted_elements = (self.solver).Solve(self.domain_size,
        print("successful solution of the fluid ")
        self.lagrangian_inlet_process = lagrangian_inlet_process

        reduction_factor = 0.5
        max_reduction_steps = 0
        time_reduction_step = 0
        while (inverted_elements
               and time_reduction_step <= max_reduction_steps):
            print(" *************************************************** ")
            print("inverted element found ... reducing the time step")
            print("reduction_step = ", time_reduction_step)
            time_reduction_step = time_reduction_step + 1

            # copying vars from the old step
            # for node in (self.combined_model_part).Nodes:
            # pold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,1);
            # dispold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,1);
            # velold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
            # accold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,1);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,0,pold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,0,dispold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,0,velold);
            # node.SetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,0,accold);

            print("time step reduction completed")
            print(" *************************************************** ")

            (self.solver).Solve(self.domain_size, self.UlfUtils)
            [inverted_elements, vol] = self.CheckForInvertedElements()

# if(inverted_elements == True):
# print "***********************************************************************"
# print "***********************************************************************"
# print "CRITICAL: ... element is still inverted after reducing the time step"
# print "***********************************************************************"
# print "***********************************************************************"
# factor = 2.0**5 #this is the original time step
# (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.combined_model_part,factor);
# (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.fluid_model_part,factor);
# (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.structure_model_part,factor);
# for node in (self.combined_model_part).Nodes:
# pold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,1);
# dispold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,1);
# velold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
# accold = node.GetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,1);
# node.SetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE,0,pold);
# node.SetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT,0,dispold);
# node.SetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,0,velold);
# node.SetSolutionStepValue(ACCELERATION,0,accold);
# self.solver.MoveMesh()
# print "advancing in time without doing anything..."
# (self.solver).PredictionStep(self.domain_size,self.UlfUtils)

# print "pressure contribution process" - to be executed using exclusively fluid elements
# and neighbouring relationships
        # print "injecting lagrangian inlet nodes - if given"
        #(self.UlfUtils).InjectNodesAtInlet(self.fluid_model_part, self.lagrangian_inlet_model_part, 0.50, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01)
        # moving the nodes
        #(self.UlfUtils).MoveInletNodes(self.fluid_model_part, 0.50, 0.0, 0.0)


#  the parameter in this function is set to 1 IN CASE WE DO NOT WANT TO CREATE THE NEW MESH, BUT JUST
#  the operations on model part
#  This is done to make switching off/on of remeshing easier

    def Remesh(self):
        # erase all conditions and elements prior to remeshing
        # self.UlfUtils.MarkNodesCloseToWall(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size, 2.50)
                                             self.domain_size, 0.1)

        # if (self.remeshing_flag==1.0):

        # mark outer nodes for erasing
        # adaptivity=True
        h_factor = 0.2  # 5 #0.5
        # if (self.remeshing_flag==1.0):
        if (self.domain_size == 2):
                                         "Condition2D", self.fluid_model_part,
                                         self.node_erase_process, True,
                                         self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape,
        elif (self.domain_size == 3):
                                         "Condition3D", self.fluid_model_part,
                                         self.node_erase_process, True,
                                         self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape,

            # remesh CHECK for 3D or 2D
        # calculating fluid neighbours before applying boundary conditions

        # (self.UlfUtils).CalculateNodalArea(self.fluid_model_part,self.domain_size);

        # print "marking fluid" and applying fluid boundary conditions

        # saving structural conditions - walls
        #(self.save_structure_conditions_process).SaveStructureConditions(self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part, self.domain_size);
        # merging the structural elements back (they are saved in the Initialize)

        # calculating the neighbours for the overall model
        # only for the bladder example, remove next 2 lines otherwise (there I delete lonely nodes)
        # self.UlfUtils.MarkLonelyNodesForErasing(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size)
        # self.node_erase_process.Execute()
        print("end of remesh fucntion")

    def FindNeighbours(self):
class ULF_FSISolver:

    def __init__(self, out_file, fluid_only_model_part, fluid_model_part, structure_model_part, combined_model_part, FSI, compute_reactions, box_corner1, box_corner2, domain_size, add_nodes, bulk_modulus, density):
        self.out_file = out_file

        self.compute_reactions = compute_reactions
        self.domain_size = domain_size;
        self.echo_level = 0
        self.counter = int(0)

        # TO REMESH OR NOT: 0 - no remeshing, 1 - remeshing
        self.add_nodes = bool(add_nodes)
        self.FSI = bool(FSI)
        # K - the bulk modulus
        self.bulk_modulus = bulk_modulus
        self.density = density

        # saving the different model parts
        self.combined_model_part = combined_model_part;  # contains both structure and fluid
        self.fluid_model_part = fluid_model_part;  # contains only fluid elements, but all nodes!
        self.structure_model_part = structure_model_part;  # contains only structural elements

        self.fluid_only_model_part = fluid_only_model_part;  # contains only fluid elements and nodes

        # time integration scheme (dam_factor= alpha_bossak)
        self.damp_factor = -0.3
        self.time_scheme = ResidualBasedPredictorCorrectorBossakScheme(self.damp_factor)

        # definition of the solvers
        self.pres_time_scheme = ResidualBasedIncrementalUpdateStaticScheme()
        self.pres_linear_solver = CGSolver(1e-3, 1000)  # SkylineLUFactorizationSolver()

        # definition of the convergence criteria
        self.conv_criteria = DisplacementCriteria(1e-6,1e-9)
        #self.conv_criteria = IncrementalDisplacementCriteria(1e-3, 1e-6)

        # self.pressure_calculate_process = PressureCalculateProcess(fluid_model_part,domain_size);
        self.ulf_apply_bc_process = UlfApplyBCProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.ulf_time_step_dec_process = UlfTimeStepDecProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.mark_fluid_process = MarkFluidProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.mark_close_nodes_process = MarkCloseNodesProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.mark_outer_nodes_process = MarkOuterNodesProcess(fluid_model_part);
        self.node_erase_process = NodeEraseProcess(fluid_model_part);

        # tools to save and merge the structural contributions
        self.save_structure_model_part_process = SaveStructureModelPartProcess();
        self.save_structure_conditions_process = SaveStructureConditionsProcess();
        self.merge_model_parts_process = MergeModelPartsProcess();
        # this will save fluid only model part
        self.save_fluid_only_process = SaveFluidOnlyProcess();

        # temporary ... i need it to calculate the nodal area
        self.UlfUtils = UlfUtils()
        self.PfemUtils = PfemUtils()

        # self.save_structural_elements
        self.alpha_shape = 1.5;
        self.h_multiplier = 0.1

        # saving the limits of the box (all the nodes external to this will be erased)
        self.box_corner1 = box_corner1
        self.box_corner2 = box_corner2

        if(domain_size == 2):
            # self.Mesher = TriGenModeler()
            self.Mesher = TriGenPFEMModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(combined_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 9, 18)
            self.fluid_only_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_only_model_part, 9, 18)
             # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 2, 10)
        elif (domain_size == 3):
            # improved mesher
            self.Mesher = TetGenPfemModeler()
            # self.Mesher = TetGenModeler()
            self.combined_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(combined_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 20, 30)
            self.fluid_only_neigh_finder = FindNodalNeighboursProcess(fluid_only_model_part, 20, 30)
            # this is needed if we want to also store the conditions a node belongs to
            self.condition_neigh_finder = FindConditionsNeighboursProcess(fluid_model_part, 3, 20)

        print("after reading all the model contains:")

        # detect initial size distribution - note that initially the fluid model part contains
        # all the elements of both structure and fluid ... this is only true after reading the input
        self.Hfinder = FindNodalHProcess(fluid_model_part);
        #assigning average nodal h to lonely nodes

    # delta time estimation based on the non-negativity of the jacobian
    def EstimateDeltaTime(self, max_dt, domain_size):
        # return (self.UlfUtils).EstimateDeltaTime(min_dt,max_dt,self.combined_model_part)
        return (self.ulf_time_step_dec_process).EstimateDeltaTime(max_dt, domain_size)

    # this function is needed only in case there is a lagrangian nodes-inlet in the problem
    # three numbers - are veolicties in x y and z directions
    # def MoveInletNodes(self, model_part):
    #    (self.UlfUtils).MoveInletNodes(self.fluid_model_part, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0)

    def Initialize(self):

        # creating the solution strategy
        CalculateReactionFlag = bool(self.compute_reactions)
        ReformDofSetAtEachStep = True
        MoveMeshFlag = True

        import ulf_frac_strategy

        self.solver = ulf_frac_strategy.ULFFracStrategyPython(self.fluid_only_model_part, self.combined_model_part, self.fluid_model_part, self.time_scheme, self.pres_time_scheme, self.pres_linear_solver, self.conv_criteria, CalculateReactionFlag, ReformDofSetAtEachStep, MoveMeshFlag, self.domain_size, self.bulk_modulus, self.density)

        print("self.echo_level = ", self.echo_level)
        print("finished initialization of the fluid strategy")

        # saving the structural elements
        (self.mark_fluid_process).Execute();  # we need this before saving the structrural elements

        # we specify domain size, to deal with problems involving membarnes in 3D in a specific way (see save_structure_model_part_process.h
        (self.save_structure_model_part_process).SaveStructure(self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part);
        print("STRUCTURE PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", self.structure_model_part)
        #(self.save_structure_conditions_process).SaveStructureConditions(self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part, self.domain_size);

        # creating initially empty container for lagrangian inlet-nodes

        # marking the fluid

        # caluclating nodal area in order to calculate pressures
        (self.UlfUtils).CalculateNodalArea(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size);
        # remeshing before the first solution


    def CheckForInvertedElements(self):
        volume = (self.UlfUtils).CalculateVolume(self.combined_model_part, self.domain_size)
        inverted_elements = False
        if(volume < 0.0):
            volume = - volume
            inverted_elements = True
        return [inverted_elements, volume]

    def Solve(self, lagrangian_inlet_process):

        self.lagrangian_inlet_process = lagrangian_inlet_process

        print("solving the fluid problem")
        inverted_elements = (self.solver).Solve(self.domain_size, self.UlfUtils, self.FSI)
        print("successful solution of the fluid ")

        reduction_factor = 0.5
        max_reduction_steps = 5
        time_reduction_step = 0
        while(inverted_elements and time_reduction_step <= max_reduction_steps):
            print(" *************************************************** ")
            print("inverted element found ... reducing the time step")
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.combined_model_part, reduction_factor);
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.fluid_model_part, reduction_factor);
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.structure_model_part, reduction_factor);
            print("reduction_step = ", time_reduction_step)
            time_reduction_step = time_reduction_step + 1

            print("time step reduction completed")
            print(" *************************************************** ")

            (self.solver).Solve(self.domain_size, self.UlfUtils, self.FSI)
            [inverted_elements, vol] = self.CheckForInvertedElements()


            print("CRITICAL: ... element is still inverted after reducing the time step")
            factor = 2.0 ** 5  # this is the original time step
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.combined_model_part, factor);
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.fluid_model_part, factor);
            (self.UlfUtils).ReduceTimeStep(self.structure_model_part, factor);


            print("advancing in time without doing anything...")
            (self.solver).PredictionStep(self.domain_size, self.UlfUtils)



   #  the parameter in this function is set to 1 IN CASE WE DO NOT WANT TO CREATE THE NEW MESH, BUT JUST
   #  the operations on model part
   #  This is done to make switching off/on of remeshing easier
    def Remesh(self):
        timeRemesh = time.time()
        # preventing the nodes from coming tooo close to wall
        self.PfemUtils.MarkNodesTouchingWall(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size, 0.08)
        # erase all conditions and elements prior to remeshing

        # self.UlfUtils.MarkNodesCloseToWall(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size, 2.5000)
        # mark outer nodes for erasing
        (self.mark_outer_nodes_process).MarkOuterNodes(self.box_corner1, self.box_corner2);
        # adaptivity=True

        h_factor = 0.2
        if (self.domain_size == 2):
            h_factor = 0.25
            (self.Mesher).ReGenerateMesh("UlfFrac2D", "Condition2D", self.fluid_model_part, self.node_erase_process, True, self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape, h_factor)
        elif (self.domain_size == 3):
            (self.Mesher).ReGenerateMesh("UlfFrac3D", "Condition3D", self.fluid_model_part, self.node_erase_process, True, self.add_nodes, self.alpha_shape, h_factor)

        # calculating fluid neighbours before applying boundary conditions

        # print "marking fluid" and applying fluid boundary conditions

        # merging the structural elements back (they are saved in the Initialize)
        (self.merge_model_parts_process).MergeParts(self.fluid_model_part, self.structure_model_part, self.combined_model_part);
        # this one is used to perfrom some operations exclusively on the fluid elements/nodes
        (self.save_fluid_only_process).SaveFluidOnly(self.fluid_model_part, self.fluid_only_model_part);

        # calculating the neighbours for the overall model
        (self.UlfUtils).CalculateNodalArea(self.fluid_model_part, self.domain_size);

        timeRemeshEnd = time.time()
        print("Remeshing took ", str(timeRemeshEnd - timeRemesh))
        print("end of remesh function")

    def FindNeighbours(self):
    #this function is included since at the findNodalHProcess of Kratos core assigns max value (1.7*e^309) to all nodes
    #and then computes the correct value only for the nodes of elements. Thus lonely nodes remain with this enormous values
    def ResetNodalHAtLonelyNodes(self):
       for node in self.fluid_model_part.Nodes:
          if (node.GetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_H)>100000000.0):
    def AssignHtoLonelyStructureNodes(self):
        for node in self.fluid_model_part.Nodes:
            if (node.GetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_H)!=0.0):

        for node in self.fluid_model_part.Nodes:
           if (node.GetSolutionStepValue(IS_STRUCTURE)==1.0 and node.GetSolutionStepValue(IS_FLUID)==0.0):
              node.SetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_H, av_nodal_h)