def evolvemembers(xold, tstep_truth, o2t, parout=None):
    """Evolving the members.
 Inputs:  - xold, a [N,M] array of initial conditions for the
            M members and N variables
          - tstep_truth, the time step used in the nature run
          - o2t, frequency of observations in time steps
 Outputs: - xnew, a [o2t+1,N,M] array with the evolved members"""
    t_anal = o2t * tstep_truth
    N, M = np.shape(xold)
    xnew = np.empty((o2t + 1, N, M))
    for j in range(M):
        if parout is None:
            taux, xaux = lorenz63(xold[:, j], t_anal)  # [o2t+1,N]
            taux, xaux = lorenz63(xold[:, j], t_anal, parout[:,
                                                             j])  # [o2t+1,N]
        xnew[:, :, j] = xaux
    del j
    return xnew
    def costfun(xa):
        xavec = np.mat(xa).T
        Jback = (xavec - x0bvec).T * invB * (xavec - x0bvec)

        if model == 'lor63':
            taux, xaaux = lorenz63(xa, o2t * anawin * tstep_truth)
        #elif model=='lor96':
        #    taux,xaaux = lorenz96(o2t*anawin*tstep_truth,xa,N)

        indobs = range(o2t, anawin * o2t + 1, o2t)
        xobs = xaaux[indobs, :]
        xobs = np.mat(xobs).T
        Jobs = np.empty(len(indobs))
        for iJobs in range(len(indobs)):
            Jobs[iJobs] = (y[:,iJobs]-H*(xobs[:,iJobs])).T*invR \
        J = Jback + np.sum(Jobs)
        return J
def getBsimple(model,N):
    """A very simple method to obtain the background error covariance.

    Obtained from a long run of a model.

    Inputs:  - model, the name of the model 'lor63' or 'lor96'
             - N, the number of variables
    Outputs: - B, the covariance matrix
             - Bcorr, the correlation matrix"""

    if model=='lor63':
        total_steps = 10000
        tstep = 0.01
        tmax = tstep*total_steps
        x0 = np.array([-10,-10,25])
        t,xt = lorenz63(x0,tmax)
        samfreq = 16
        err2 = 2
#    elif model=='lor96':
#        total_steps = 5000
#        tstep = 0.025
#        tmax = tstep*total_steps
#        x0 = None
#        t,xt = lorenz96(tmax,x0,N)
#        samfreq = 2
#        err2 = 2

    # Precreate the matrix
    ind_sample = range(0,total_steps,samfreq)
    x_sample = xt[ind_sample,:]
    Bcorr = np.mat(np.corrcoef(x_sample,rowvar=0))

    B = np.mat(np.cov(x_sample,rowvar=0))
    alpha = err2/np.amax(np.diag(B))
    B = alpha*B

    return B,Bcorr
def var3d(x0, t, tobs, y, H, B, R, model, N):
    """Data assimilation routine for both Lorenz 1963 & 1996 using 3DVar.
    Inputs:  - x0, the real initial conditions
             - t, time array of the model (should be evenly spaced)
             - tobs, time array of the observations (should be evenly
               spaced with a timestep that is a multiple of the model
             - y, the observations
             - H, observation matrix
             - B, the background error covariance matrix
             - R, the observational error covariance matrix
             - model, a string indicating the name of the model: 'lor63'
               or 'lor96'
             - N, the number of variables
    Outputs: - x_b, the background
             - x_a, the analysis"""

    # General settings
    # For the true time
    tstep_truth = t[1] - t[0]
    # For the analysis
    tstep_obs = tobs[1] - tobs[0]
    # The ratio
    o2t = int(tstep_obs / tstep_truth + 0.5)

    # Precreate the arrays for background and analysis
    x_b = np.empty((len(t), N))
    x_a = np.empty((len(t), N))

    # For the original background ensemble let's start close from the truth
    orig_bgd = 'fixed'
    #orig_bgd = 'random'

    if orig_bgd == 'fixed':
        indaux = np.arange(N)
        x0_aux = x0 + (-1)**indaux
    elif orig_bgd == 'random':
        x0_aux = x0 + np.random.randn(N)

    # For the first instant b and a are equal
    x_b[0, :] = x0_aux
    x_a[0, :] = x0_aux

    # The following cycle contains evolution and assimilation
    for j in range(len(tobs) - 1):
        yaux = y[j + 1, :]

        # First compute background; our initial condition is the
        # forecast from the analysis at the previous observational
        # time
        xb0 = x_a[j * o2t, :]
        if model == 'lor63':
            taux, xbaux = lorenz63(xb0, o2t * tstep_truth)
        #elif model=='lor96':
        #    taux,xbaux = lorenz96(o2t*tstep_truth,xb0,N)

        x_b[j * o2t + 1:(j + 1) * o2t + 1, :] = xbaux[1:, :]
        x_a[j * o2t + 1:(j + 1) * o2t + 1, :] = xbaux[1:, :]

        xa_aux = one3dvar(xbaux[o2t, :], yaux, H, B, R)
        x_a[(j + 1) * o2t, :] = xa_aux
        print 't =', t[o2t * (j + 1)]

    return x_b, x_a
def var4d(x0, t, tobs, anawin, y, H, B, R, model, N):
    """Data assimilation routine for both Lorenz 1963 & 1996 using 4DVar.
    Inputs:  - x0, the real initial conditions
             - t, time array of the model (should be evenly spaced)
             - tobs, time array of the observations (should be evenly
               spaced with a timestep that is a multiple of the model
             - anawin, length of the 4D assim window, expressed as
               number of future obs included
             - y, the observations
             - H, observation matrix
             - B, the background error covariance matrix
             - R, the observational error covariance matrix
             - model, a string indicating the name of the model: 'lor63'
               or 'lor96'
             - N, the number of variables
    Outputs: - x_b, the background
             - x_a, the analysis"""

    # General settings
    # For the true time
    tstep_truth = t[1] - t[0]
    # For the analysis
    tstep_obs = tobs[1] - tobs[0]
    # The ratio
    o2t = int(tstep_obs / tstep_truth + 0.5)

    totana = (len(tobs) - 1) / anawin

    # Precreate the arrays for background and analysis
    x_b = np.empty((len(t), N))
    x_a = np.empty((len(t), N))

    # For the original background ensemble let's start close from the truth
    orig_bgd = 'fixed'
    #orig_bgd = 'random'

    if orig_bgd == 'fixed':
        indaux = np.arange(N)
        x0_aux = x0 + (-1)**indaux
    elif orig_bgd == 'random':
        x0_aux = x0 + np.random.randn(N)

    # For the first instant b and a are equal
    x_b[0, :] = x0_aux
    x_a[0, :] = x0_aux

    # The following cycle contains evolution and assimilation
    for j in range(totana):
        # Get the observations; these are distributed all over the
        # assimilation window
        yaux = y[anawin * j + 1:anawin * (j + 1) + 1, :]  # [anawin,L]

        # First compute background; our background is the forecast
        # from the analysis
        xb0 = x_a[j * anawin * o2t, :]
        if model == 'lor63':
            taux, xbaux = lorenz63(xb0, o2t * anawin * tstep_truth)
        #elif model=='lor96':
        #    taux,xbaux = lorenz96(o2t*anawin*tstep_truth,xb0,N)

        x_b[j * o2t * anawin:(j + 1) * o2t * anawin + 1, :] = xbaux
        xa0 = one4dvar(tstep_truth, o2t, anawin, xb0, yaux, H, B, R, model, N)

        if model == 'lor63':
            taux, xaaux = lorenz63(xa0, o2t * anawin * tstep_truth)
        #elif model=='lor96':
        #    taux,xaaux = lorenz96(o2t*anawin*tstep_truth,xa0,N)

        x_a[j * o2t * anawin:(j + 1) * o2t * anawin + 1, :] = xaaux
        print 't =', tobs[anawin * (j + 1)]

    return x_b, x_a
from L63_model import lorenz63
from L63_misc import gen_obs, rmse_spread, createH, getBsimple
from L63_var import var3d, var4d
from L63_plots import plotL63, plotL63obs, plotL63DA_var, plotRMSP, tileplotB

### 1.The Nature Run
# Let us perform a 'free' run of the model, which we will consider the truth
# The initial conditions
x0 = [-10, -10, 20]
Nx = np.size(x0)
# The final time
tmax = 10
# Computing the nature run
paramtrue = [10.0, 8 / 3.0, 28.0]
t, xt = lorenz63(x0, tmax, paramtrue)
plotL63(t, xt)
# A guess to start from in our assimilation experiments
x0guess = [-11, -12, 10]

### 2. The observations
# Decide what variables to observe
obsgrid = 'xyz'
H, observed_vars = createH(obsgrid)
period_obs = 10
var_obs = 1
# Generating the observations
tobs, y, R = gen_obs(t, xt, period_obs, H, var_obs)
plotL63obs(t, xt, tobs, y, observed_vars)