def from_prod_id(prod_ids, file_type): if not isinstance(prod_ids, list): prod_ids = [prod_ids] from LHCbDIRAC.BookkeepingSystem.Client.BookkeepingClient import BookkeepingClient files = [] for prod_id in prod_ids: bk_client = BookkeepingClient() result = bk_client.getProductionFiles(prod_id, file_type) if not result['OK']: print('ERROR getting the files', result['Message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) files.extend([DiracFile(lfn) for lfn in result['Value']]) if not files: raise ValueError('No files found for BK query:', prod_id) print(len(files), 'files found') return files
Script.parseCommandLine() args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if not len(args) == 2: Script.showHelp() try: prodID = int(args[0]) except: Script.showHelp() filetype = args[1] from LHCbDIRAC.BookkeepingSystem.Client.BookkeepingClient import BookkeepingClient client = BookkeepingClient() res = client.getProductionFiles(prodID, filetype) if not res['OK']: print 'ERROR: Failed to retrieve production files: %s' % res['Message'] else: if not res['Value']: print 'No files found for production %s with type %s' % (prodID, filetype) else: print '%s %s %s %s %s' % ('FileName'.ljust(100), 'Size'.ljust(10), 'GUID'.ljust(40), 'Replica'.ljust(8), 'Visible'.ljust(8)) for lfn in sorted(res['Value']): size = res['Value'][lfn]['FileSize'] guid = res['Value'][lfn]['GUID'] hasReplica = res['Value'][lfn]['GotReplica'] visible = res['Value'][lfn]['Visible']
class TransformationCleaningAgent(DiracTCAgent): """ .. class:: TransformationCleaningAgent """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ c'tor """ DiracTCAgent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.directoryLocations = ['TransformationDB', 'StorageUsage'] self.archiveAfter = 7 self.fileTypesToKeep = ['GAUSSHIST'] self.bkClient = None self.transClient = None self.storageUsageClient = None ############################################################################# def initialize(self): """ Standard initialize method for agents """ DiracTCAgent.initialize(self) self.directoryLocations = sorted( self.am_getOption('DirectoryLocations', self.directoryLocations)) self.archiveAfter = self.am_getOption('ArchiveAfter', self.archiveAfter) # days self.fileTypesToKeep = Operations().getValue( 'Transformations/FileTypesToKeep', self.fileTypesToKeep) self.bkClient = BookkeepingClient() self.transClient = TransformationClient() self.storageUsageClient = StorageUsageClient() return S_OK() def cleanMetadataCatalogFiles(self, transID): """ clean the metadata using BKK and Data Manager. This method is a replacement of the one from base class :param self: self reference :param int transID: transformation ID """ res = self.bkClient.getProductionFiles(transID, 'ALL', 'Yes') if not res['OK']: return res bkMetadata = res['Value'] fileToRemove = [] yesReplica = [] "Found a total of %d files in the BK for transformation %d" % (len(bkMetadata), transID)) for lfn, metadata in bkMetadata.iteritems(): if metadata['FileType'] != 'LOG': fileToRemove.append(lfn) if metadata['GotReplica'] == 'Yes': yesReplica.append(lfn) if fileToRemove: "Attempting to remove %d possible remnants from the catalog and storage" % len(fileToRemove)) # Executing with shifter proxy gConfigurationData.setOptionInCFG( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'false') res = DataManager().removeFile(fileToRemove, force=True) gConfigurationData.setOptionInCFG( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'true') if not res['OK']: return res for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].iteritems(): self.log.error("Failed to remove file found in BK", "%s %s" % (lfn, reason)) if res['Value']['Failed']: return S_ERROR("Failed to remove all files found in the BK") if yesReplica: "Ensuring that %d files are removed from the BK" % (len(yesReplica))) res = FileCatalog( catalogs=['BookkeepingDB']).removeFile(yesReplica) if not res['OK']: return res for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].iteritems(): self.log.error("Failed to remove file from BK", "%s %s" % (lfn, reason)) if res['Value']['Failed']: return S_ERROR("Failed to remove all files from the BK")"Successfully removed all files found in the BK") return S_OK() def getTransformationDirectories(self, transID): """ get the directories for the supplied transformation from the transformation system :param self: self reference :param int transID: transformation ID """ res = DiracTCAgent.getTransformationDirectories(self, transID) if not res['OK']: return res directories = res['Value'] if isinstance(directories, basestring): # Check for (stupid) formats directories = ast.literal_eval(directories) if not isinstance(directories, list): return S_ERROR("Wrong format of output directories") if 'StorageUsage' in self.directoryLocations: res = self.storageUsageClient.getStorageDirectories( '', '', transID, []) if not res['OK']: self.log.error("Failed to obtain storage usage directories", res['Message']) return res transDirectories = res['Value'] directories = self._addDirs(transID, transDirectories, directories) if not directories:"No output directories found") # We should be removing from the list of directories # those directories created for file types that are part of those: # - uploaded (as output files) # - not merged by subsequent steps # but this is pretty difficult to identify at run time, so we better remove the "RemovingFiles" production status # and replace it with a flush (this applies only to MC). # So we just have a created list. fileTypesToKeepDirs = [] for fileTypeToKeep in self.fileTypesToKeep: fileTypesToKeepDirs.extend( [x for x in directories if fileTypeToKeep in x]) directories = list( set(directories).difference(set(fileTypesToKeepDirs))) directories = sorted(directories) return S_OK(directories)