def plot_mean_landscape(q_interp, splines, ax=None,color='c',label=None, fill_between=True): """ :param q_interp: where to interpolate the splines :param splines: LstSqUnivariateSpline objects :param ax: which axis to add to :return: """ mean_energy, std_energy = _mean_and_stdev_landcapes(splines,q_interp) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) if (ax is None) else ax plt.subplot(ax) plt.plot(q_interp, mean_energy, color=color,label=label) if fill_between: plt.fill_between(q_interp, mean_energy - std_energy, mean_energy + std_energy, color=color, alpha=0.2) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("q (nm)", "$\Delta G_0$ (kcal/mol)", "") return mean_energy, std_energy
def run(): """ <Description> Args: param1: This is the first param. Returns: This is a description of what is returned. """ n = 1000 pts = np.linspace(-1,1,num=n) f = lambda x: -1 * x**2 - 0.5 * x + 3 * x**3 + 10 * x**4 + \ np.sin(2 * np.pi * x * 3) * 0.5 / (1+abs(x/3)) f_pts = f(pts) max_f = max(f(pts)) f_pts /= max_f brute_sample_n = 15 dict_brute = dict(markersize=3) brute_pts = pts[::int(n/brute_sample_n)] brute_f_pts = f(brute_pts) / max_f # get the 'zoom in' region best_idx = np.argmin(brute_f_pts) pts_zoom = np.linspace(brute_pts[best_idx-1],brute_pts[best_idx+1], num=10,endpoint=True) f_zoom = f(pts_zoom) / max_f fig = PlotUtilities.figure((3,4)) ax1 = plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(pts,f_pts) plt.plot(brute_pts,brute_f_pts,'ro',**dict_brute) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("","Error","") PlotUtilities.no_x_label(ax1) ax2 = plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(pts,f_pts) xmin, xmax = min(pts_zoom),max(pts_zoom) ymin, ymax = min(f_zoom),max(f_zoom) y_range = ymax-ymin plt.xlim(xmin,xmax) plt.ylim(ymin - y_range * 0.1,ymax + y_range * 0.1) plt.axvline(pts_zoom[np.argmin(f_zoom)],label="Found\nmin", color='g',linestyle='--') Annotations.zoom_effect01(ax1, ax2, xmin, xmax) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("X (au)","Error","") PlotUtilities.savefig(fig,"./out.png")
def run(): """ <Description> Args: param1: This is the first param. Returns: This is a description of what is returned. """ base_dir = "../../../../Data/FECs180307/" read_f = FigureUtil.read_sample_landscapes gallery = CheckpointUtilities.getCheckpoint("./caches.pkl", read_f,False,base_dir) lab_plot = [ ["BR-PEG3400",gallery.PEG3400], ["BO-PEG3400",gallery.BO_PEG3400] ] fig = PlotUtilities.figure(figsize=(4,6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=1,nrows=2,height_ratios=[3,1]) gs_pipeline= gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(ncols=2,nrows=3,hspace=0.03, subplot_spec=gs[0,:]) colors = ['r','rebeccapurple'] xlim,_,ylm_W = xlim_ylim() mean_works_info = [] for i,(label,to_use) in enumerate(lab_plot): pipeline = FigureUtil._alignment_pipeline(to_use) fecs = pipeline.blacklisted.fec_list # calculate all the works x_arr = [f.Separation for f in fecs] f_arr = [f.Force for f in fecs] works = _calculate_work(x_arr,f_arr) works_kcal = np.array(works) * kcal_per_mol_per_J() c = colors[i] _make_work_plot(fecs, x_arr, works_kcal,gs_pipeline,col=i,color=c, title=label) x_interp, mean_W, std_W= _mean_work(x_arr,works_kcal) plt.subplot(gs[-1, :]) _plot_mean_works(x_interp, mean_W, std_W, color=c, title=label) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylm_W) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("Extension (nm)" , "$W$ (kcal/mol)","", useLegend=False) PlotUtilities.savefig(fig, "FigureS_Work.png".format(label))
def _make_plots(pre_str,W_of_interest,beta,fit_info,ext_list,work_list): work_all = np.array(work_list) Ws_kT = W_of_interest * beta min_W_kT, max_W_kT = min(Ws_kT), max(Ws_kT) x_final = fit_info.x_final kw_common = fit_info.kw_common eq_5_B_REM = palassini_2011_eq_5(fit_info) range_W_kT = (max_W_kT - min_W_kT) model_W = np.linspace(min_W_kT - range_W_kT, max_W_kT + range_W_kT, num=50) model_P_not_norm = unnormalized_prob(model_W, *x_final, **kw_common) model_P = model_P_not_norm / trapz(x=model_W, y=model_P_not_norm) fig = PlotUtilities.figure() plt.hist(Ws_kT, normed=True) plt.plot(model_W, model_P,label="Model") title = "Bias = {:.2f} kT".format(eq_5_B_REM) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("W (kT)","$N$",title) PlotUtilities.savefig(fig,pre_str + "outhist.png") fig = PlotUtilities.figure() for e,w in zip(ext_list,work_all): plt.plot(e,w * beta) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("Ext (m)","W (kT)","") PlotUtilities.savefig(fig,pre_str + "out.png")
def make_comparison_plot(): plot_inf = WLC.peg_contribution(model_f=WLC.Hao_PEGModel) ext_grid = plot_inf.q plot_info_hao, plot_inf_hao_polypeptide = hao_plot_inf(ext_grid) # plot all of Hao's data label_hao_total = "Hao's FJC+WLC" plt.plot(plot_info_hao.q, plot_info_hao.f, 'k-', label=label_hao_total) wlc_color = 'b' # plot Hao's polypeptide model plt.plot(*WLC.read_hao_polypeptide(base="../../FigData/"), color=wlc_color, marker='o', linestyle='None', markersize=4, label="Hao's WLC") plt.plot(ext_grid, plot_inf.f, color='r', label="My model") labels = ["My FJC", "My WLC"] colors = ['darkgoldenrod', wlc_color] for q, l, c in zip(plot_inf.qs, labels, colors): plt.plot(q, plot_inf.f, label=l, color=c) plt.xlim([0, 50]) plt.ylim([0, 400]) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("Extension (nm)", "Force (pN)", "")
def plot_landscapes(data,energy_obj,ax1=None,ax2=None): if ax1 is None: ax1 = plt.subplot(3,1,1) if ax2 is None: ax2 = plt.subplot(3,1,2) energy_obj = RetinalUtil.valid_landscape(energy_obj) q = energy_obj.q q_nm = q * 1e9 xlim_nm = [min(q_nm), max(q_nm)] G0_plot = energy_obj.G0_kcal_per_mol spline_G0 = RetinalUtil.spline_fit(q=q, G0=energy_obj.G0) to_kcal_per_mol = Conversions.kcal_per_mol_per_J() for d in data: plt.plot(d.Separation * 1e9, d.Force * 1e12, markevery=50) plt.xlim(xlim_nm) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("", "$F$ (pN)", "") PlotUtilities.no_x_label(ax=ax1) plt.plot(q_nm, G0_plot) plt.plot(q_nm, spline_G0(q) * to_kcal_per_mol, 'r--') PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("", "$\Delta G_\mathrm{0}$\n(kcal/mol)", "") PlotUtilities.no_x_label(ax=ax2) plt.xlim(xlim_nm)
def make_model_plot(plot_inf, title): gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=2, ncols=1) gs_ext = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows=2, ncols=1, subplot_spec=gs[0], width_ratios=[1], height_ratios=[2, 1], hspace=0.02, wspace=0.02) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs_ext[0]) print("For {:s}...".format(title)) for k, v in print("{:s}={:.5g}".format(k, v)) labels = ["PEG", "Unfolded\npeptide"] color_final = 'k' colors = ['b', 'r'] for q, l, c in zip(plot_inf.qs, labels, colors): plt.plot(q, plot_inf.f, label=l, color=c) plt.plot(plot_inf.q, plot_inf.f, label="Both", color=color_final) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("", "$F$ (pN)", title, legend_kwargs=dict(frameon=True)) PlotUtilities.no_x_label(ax1) W_str = "$W_{\mathbf{PEG}}" if len(labels) == 1 else \ "$W_{\mathbf{PEG+POLY}}$" plt.subplot(gs_ext[1]) plt.plot(plot_inf.q, plot_inf.w, color=color_final) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("Extension (nm)", W_str + "\n(kcal/mol)", "") plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.plot(plot_inf.f, plot_inf.w, color=color_final) colors = ['m', 'g'] for i, f_tmp in enumerate([149, 249]): W_int = plot_inf.W_at_f(f_tmp) label = "{:d} kcal/mol at {:d} pN".format(W_int, f_tmp) plt.axhline(W_int, label=label, color=colors[i], linestyle='--') xlabel = "$F$ (pN) [! not extension !]" PlotUtilities.lazyLabel(xlabel, W_str + "\n(kcal/mol)", "")
def make_retinal_subplot(gs, energy_list_arr, shifts, skip_arrow=True, limit_plot=None): q_interp_nm = energy_list_arr[0].q_nm means = [e.G0_kcal_per_mol for e in energy_list_arr] # fit a second order polynomial and subtract from each point q_fit_nm_relative = 7 max_fit_idx = \ np.argmin(np.abs((q_interp_nm - q_interp_nm[0]) - q_fit_nm_relative)) fits = [] fit_pred_arr = [] for m in means: fit = np.polyfit(x=q_interp_nm[:max_fit_idx], y=m[:max_fit_idx], deg=2) fits.append(fit) fit_pred = np.polyval(fit, x=q_interp_nm) fit_pred_arr.append(fit_pred) stdevs = [e.G_err_kcal for e in energy_list_arr] ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) common_error = dict(capsize=0) style_dicts = [ dict(color=FigureUtil.color_BR(), label=r"with retinal"), dict(color=FigureUtil.color_BO(), label=r"w/o retinal") ] markers = ['v', 'x'] deltas, deltas_std = [], [] delta_styles = [ dict(color=style_dicts[i]['color'], markersize=5, linestyle='None', marker=markers[i], **common_error) for i in range(len(energy_list_arr)) ] xlim = [None, 27] ylim = [-25, 450] q_arr = [] round_energy = -1 max_q_nm = max(q_interp_nm) # add the 'shifted' energies for i, (mean, stdev) in enumerate(zip(means[:limit_plot], stdevs[:limit_plot])): tmp_style = style_dicts[i] style_fit = dict(**tmp_style) style_fit['linestyle'] = '--' style_fit['label'] = None corrected = mean - fit_pred_arr[i] plt.plot(q_interp_nm, mean, **tmp_style) plt.fill_between(x=q_interp_nm, y1=mean - stdev, y2=mean + stdev, color=tmp_style['color'], linewidth=0, alpha=0.3) energy_error = np.mean(stdev) max_idx = -1 q_at_max_energy = q_interp_nm[max_idx] max_energy_mean = corrected[max_idx] # for the error, use the mean error over all interpolation max_energy_std = energy_error deltas.append(max_energy_mean) deltas_std.append(max_energy_std) q_arr.append(q_at_max_energy) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) PlotUtilities.lazyLabel("Extension (nm)", "$\mathbf{\Delta}G$ (kcal/mol)", "") leg = PlotUtilities.legend(loc='lower right') colors_leg = [s['color'] for s in style_dicts] PlotUtilities.color_legend_items(leg, colors=colors_leg[:limit_plot]) return ax1, means, stdevs