def addLog(self, txt): """ Append log to the logsEdit widget """ Logger.instance().debug(txt) self.logsEdit.insertHtml( "%s - %s<br />" % (self.formatTimestamp(time.time()), unicode(self.strip_html(txt)))) self.autoScrollOnTextEdit()
def addLogError(self, txt): """ Add log error """ Logger.instance().error(txt) self.logsEdit.insertHtml( "<span style='color:red'>%s - %s</span><br />" % (self.formatTimestamp(time.time()), self.strip_html(txt))) self.autoScrollOnTextEdit()
def addLogWarning(self, txt): """ Add log warning """ Logger.instance().info(txt) self.logsEdit.insertHtml( "<span style='color:darkorange'>%s - %s</span><br />" % (self.formatTimestamp(time.time()), self.strip_html(txt))) self.autoScrollOnTextEdit()
def sendMessage(self, cmd, data='', more={}): """ Send a message to the client """ inData = False msg = {'cmd': cmd} # save data to temp area idFile = '' if len(data): try: idFile = "%s" % uuid.uuid4() pluginDataFile = '%s/%s' % (self.clientTmpPath, idFile) with open(pluginDataFile, mode='w') as myfile: myfile.write(json.dumps(data)) inData = True except Exception as e: print("unable to write data file from plugin: %s" % e) Logger.instance().error( "unable to write data file from plugin: %s" % e) self.debug().addLogError("internal error on send message") msg.update({'in-data': inData}) # add data parameters if inData: msg.update({'data-id': idFile}) # add more params msg.update(more) # adding reference msg.update({ 'id': self.pluginName, 'name': self.pluginName, 'type': self.pluginType }) Logger.instance().debug("%s" % msg) # encode message and send to stdout datagram = json.dumps(msg) datagramEncoded = base64.b64encode(bytes(datagram, "utf8")) print(str(datagramEncoded, "utf8")) sys.stdout.flush()
def prepare(self): """ """ Logger.instance().debug("preparing plugin") # convert qicon to base64 pixmapIcon = self.pluginIcon.pixmap(64, 64, mode=QIcon.Normal, state=QIcon.Off) byteArray = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(byteArray), "png", quality=100) iconBase64 = byteArray.toBase64().data() Logger.instance().debug("icon converted to base64") self.sendMessage(cmd='configure', data=str(iconBase64, 'utf8'), more={"description": self.pluginDescription})
def onPluginMessage(self, msg): """ On message received from the client """ try: if not self.isRegistered and msg['cmd'] == 'registered': Logger.instance().debug("plugin registered") self.clientTmpPath = msg['tmp-path'] self.debugPage.addLogSuccess( txt="plugin registered [Type=%s]" % self.pluginType) self.isRegistered = True self.prepare() elif msg['cmd'] == 'keepalive': self.aliveClient.lastTimestamp = time.time() Logger.instance().debug("keepalive received") elif msg['cmd'] == 'run': data = None #read data if msg['in-data']: # read the file f = open("%s/%s" % (self.clientTmpPath, msg['data-id']), 'r') all = f.close() dataJson = json.loads(all) # delete them os.remove("%s/%s" % (self.clientTmpPath, msg['data-id'])) self.__onPluginRun(data=dataJson) elif msg['cmd'] == 'open-main': if self.mainPage is None: return if self.TAB_MAIN_PAGE is not None: self.mainTab.setCurrentIndex(self.TAB_MAIN_PAGE) self.__showWindows() if msg['in-data']: # read the file f = open("%s/%s" % (self.clientTmpPath, msg['data-id']), 'r') all = f.close() dataJson = json.loads(all) self.mainPage.insertData(data=dataJson) # delete them os.remove("%s/%s" % (self.clientTmpPath, msg['data-id'])) else: pass except Exception as e: self.debugPage.addLogError(txt="error: %s" % e) self.mainTab.setCurrentIndex(TAB_DEBUG_PAGE) self.__showWindows()