def _barrowmanAeroFunc(self, rocketState, time, environment, precomputedData, CG=Vector(0, 0, 0), finDeflectionAngle=None): ''' Precomputed Data is a named tuple (PreComputedFinAeroData) which contains data/results from the parts of the fin aerodynamics calculation that are common to all fins in a FinSet (drag calculations mostly). These calculations are performed at the FinSet level. Only the parts of the Fin Aero Computation that change from fin to fin (normal force mostly, since different fins can have different angles of attack) are computed here ''' Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment) dynamicPressure = AeroParameters.getDynamicPressure( rocketState, environment) if finDeflectionAngle == None: finDeflectionAngle = self.finAngle # Adjusted by parent finset during each timestep, when the FinSet is controlled # Unpack precomputedData airVelRelativeToFin, CPXPos, totalDragCoefficient = precomputedData #### Compute normal force----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find fin normal vector after fin deflection finDeflectionRotation = Quaternion( axisOfRotation=self.spanwiseDirection, angle=radians(finDeflectionAngle)) finNormal = finDeflectionRotation.rotate(self.undeflectedFinNormal) # Get the tangential velocity component vector, per unit radial distance from the rocket centerline rollAngVel = AngularVelocity(0, 0, rocketState.angularVelocity.Z) unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity = rollAngVel.crossProduct( self.spanwiseDirection) * (-1) def subsonicNormalForce(Mach): # Subsonic linear method tempBeta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach) CnAlpha = getFinCnAlpha_Subsonic_Barrowman(self.span, self.planformArea, tempBeta, self.midChordSweep) return getSubsonicFinNormalForce(airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, self.spanwiseDirection, self.CPSpanWisePosition.length(), CnAlpha, self) def supersonicNormalForce(Mach): # Supersonic Busemann method gamma = AeroFunctions.getGamma() tempBeta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach) K1, K2, K3, Kstar = getBusemannCoefficients(Mach, tempBeta, gamma) # Mach Cone coords machAngle = asin(1 / Mach) machCone_negZPerRadius = 1 / tan(machAngle) machConeEdgeZPos = [] outerRadius = self.spanSliceRadii[-1] for i in range(len(self.spanSliceRadii)): machConeAtCurrentRadius = ( outerRadius - self.spanSliceRadii[i] ) * machCone_negZPerRadius + self.tipPosition machConeEdgeZPos.append(machConeAtCurrentRadius) return getSupersonicFinNormalForce( airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, machConeEdgeZPos, self.spanwiseDirection, self.CPSpanWisePosition.length(), K1, K2, K3, Kstar, self) if Mach <= 0.8: normalForceMagnitude, finMoment = subsonicNormalForce(Mach) elif Mach < 1.4: # Interpolate in transonic region # TODO: Do this with less function evaluations? Perhaps precompute AOA and Mach combinations and simply interpolate? Lazy precompute? Cython? x1, x2 = 0.8, 1.4 # Start, end pts of interpolated region dx = 0.001 # Find normal force and derivative at start of interpolation interval f_x1, m_x1 = subsonicNormalForce(x1) f_x12, m_x12 = subsonicNormalForce(x1 + dx) # Find normal force and derivative at end of interpolation interval f_x2, m_x2 = supersonicNormalForce(x2) f_x22, m_x22 = supersonicNormalForce(x2 + dx) normalForceMagnitude = Interpolation.cubicInterp( Mach, x1, x2, f_x1, f_x2, f_x12, f_x22, dx) finMoment = Interpolation.cubicInterp(Mach, x1, x2, m_x1, m_x2, m_x12, m_x22, dx) else: normalForceMagnitude, finMoment = supersonicNormalForce(Mach) # Complete redimensionalization of normal force coefficients by multiplying by dynamic pressure # Direct the normal force along the fin's normal direction normalForce = normalForceMagnitude * dynamicPressure * finNormal finMoment *= dynamicPressure #### Get axial force----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- avgAOA = getFinSliceAngleOfAttack( self.spanSliceRadii[round(len(self.spanSliceAreas) / 2)], airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, self.spanwiseDirection, self.stallAngle) # Approximate average fin AOA totalAxialForceCoefficient = AeroFunctions.getDragToAxialForceFactor( avgAOA) * totalDragCoefficient axialForceMagnitude = totalAxialForceCoefficient * self.rocket.Aref * dynamicPressure axialForceDirection = self.spanwiseDirection.crossProduct(finNormal) axialForce = axialForceDirection * axialForceMagnitude #### Get CP Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPChordWisePosition = self.position - Vector( 0, 0, CPXPos ) # Ignoring the change in CP position due to fin deflection for now globalCP = self.CPSpanWisePosition + CPChordWisePosition #### Assemble total force moment system objects-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- totalForce = normalForce + axialForce return ForceMomentSystem(totalForce, globalCP, moment=Vector(0, 0, finMoment)), globalCP
def getVelocity(self, time): pos = self.getPosition(time) angVel = AngularVelocity(0, 0, self.earthAngVel) return angVel.crossProduct(pos)