def eval_aerodynamics_design(aircraft):
    Defines high lift movable deflection settings
    HLDconf varies from 0 (clean) to 1 (full deflected)
    Typically : HLDconf = 1 ==> CzmaxLD
              : HLDconf = 0.1 to 0.5 ==> CzmaxTO

    design_driver = aircraft.design_driver
    wing = aircraft.wing

    aerodynamics = aircraft.aerodynamics

    mach = design_driver.cruise_mach
    altp = design_driver.ref_cruise_altp
    disa = 0

    pamb, tamb, tstd, dtodz = earth.atmosphere(altp, disa)

    aerodynamics.cruise_lod_max, aerodynamics.cz_cruise_lod_max = craft_aero.lod_max(
        aircraft, pamb, tamb, mach)

    aerodynamics.hld_conf_clean = 0  # By definition (0=<hld_conf=<1)
    aerodynamics.cz_max_clean, Cz0 = craft_aero.high_lift(
        wing, aerodynamics.hld_conf_clean)

    aerodynamics.hld_conf_to = 0.3  # Take off (empirical setting)
    aerodynamics.cz_max_to, Cz0 = craft_aero.high_lift(
        wing, aerodynamics.hld_conf_to)

    aerodynamics.hld_conf_ld = 1  # By definition (0=<hld_conf=<1), 1 is full landing
    aerodynamics.cz_max_ld, Cz0 = craft_aero.high_lift(
        wing, aerodynamics.hld_conf_ld)

def eval_wing_mass(aircraft):
    Wing mass & CG estimation

    weights = aircraft.weights
    aerodynamics = aircraft.aerodynamics

    wing = aircraft.wing

    (cz_max_ld, cz0) = craft_aero.high_lift(wing, aerodynamics.hld_conf_ld)

    A = 32 * wing.area**1.1
    B = 4 * wing.span**2 * numpy.sqrt(weights.mtow * weights.mzfw)
    C = 1.1e-6 * (1 + 2 * wing.aspect_ratio) / (1 + wing.aspect_ratio)
    D = (0.6 * wing.t_o_c_r + 0.3 * wing.t_o_c_k +
         0.1 * wing.t_o_c_t) * (wing.area / wing.span)
    E = numpy.cos(wing.sweep)**2
    F = 1200 * (cz_max_ld - 1.8)**1.5

    wing.mass = A + (B * C) / (
        D * E) + F  # Shevell formula + high lift device regression

    wing.c_g =  0.25*(wing.x_root + 0.40*wing.c_root) \
              + 0.55*(wing.x_kink + 0.40*wing.c_kink) \
              + 0.20*(wing.x_tip + 0.40*wing.c_tip)

def forward_cg_stall(aircraft, altp, disa, nei, hld_conf, speed_mode, mass):
    Computes max forward trimmable CG position at stall speed

    wing = aircraft.wing
    htp = aircraft.horizontal_tail

    gam = earth.heat_ratio()

    [pamb, tamb, tstd, dtodz] = earth.atmosphere(altp, disa)

    [cz_max_wing, cz0] = craft_aero.high_lift(
        wing, hld_conf)  # Wing maximum lift coefficient without margin

    [cza_htp, xlc_htp, aoa_max_htp,
     ki_htp] = frame_aero.htp_aero_data(aircraft)

    cz_max_htp = cza_htp * aoa_max_htp

    c_z = cz_max_wing - cz_max_htp  # Max forward Cg assumed, HTP has down lift

    mach = flight.speed_from_lift(aircraft, pamb, c_z, mass)

    [cza_wo_htp, xlc_wo_htp,
     ki_wing] = frame_aero.wing_aero_data(aircraft, mach, hld_conf)

    if (nei > 0):
        dcx_oei = nei * propu.oei_drag(pamb, mach)
        dcx_oei = 0

    dw_angle = frame_aero.wing_downwash(
        aircraft, cz_max_wing)  # Downwash angle due to the wing
    cx_basic, lod_trash = craft_aero.drag(
        aircraft, pamb, tamb, mach,
        cz_max_wing)  # By definition of the drag_ function
    cxi_htp = (ki_htp * cz_max_htp**2) * (htp.area / wing.area
                                          )  # Induced drag generated by HTP
    cx_inter = cz_max_htp * dw_angle  # Interaction drag (due to downwash)
    cx_trimmed = cx_basic + cxi_htp + cx_inter + dcx_oei

    fn = 0.5 * gam * pamb * mach**2 * wing.area * cx_trimmed

    cm_prop = propu.thrust_pitch_moment(aircraft, fn, pamb, mach, dcx_oei)

    cg_max_fwd_stall = (cm_prop + xlc_wo_htp * cz_max_wing -
                        xlc_htp * cz_max_htp) / (cz_max_wing - cz_max_htp)

    aoa_wing = (cz_max_wing - cz0) / cza_wo_htp  # Wing angle of attack
    aoa = aoa_wing - wing.setting  # Reference angle of attack (fuselage axis versus air speed)
    ih = -aoa + dw_angle - aoa_max_htp  # HTP trim setting

    speed = flight.get_speed(pamb, speed_mode, mach)

    return cg_max_fwd_stall, speed, fn, aoa, ih, c_z, cx_trimmed
def approach_speed(aircraft, altp, disa, mass, hld_conf):
    Minimum approach speed (VLS)

    wing = aircraft.wing

    g = earth.gravity()

    czmax, trash = craft_aero.high_lift(wing, hld_conf)

    stall_margin = regul.kvs1g_min_landing()

    [pamb, tamb, tstd, dtodz] = earth.atmosphere(altp, disa)

    [rho, sig] = earth.air_density(pamb, tamb)

    vapp = numpy.sqrt(
        (mass * g) / (0.5 * rho * wing.area * (czmax / stall_margin**2)))

    return vapp
def take_off(aircraft, kvs1g, altp, disa, mass, hld_conf):
    Take off field length and climb path at 35 ft depending on stall margin (kVs1g)

    wing = aircraft.wing
    propulsion = aircraft.propulsion

    (MTO, MCN, MCL, MCR, FID) = propulsion.rating_code

    czmax, cz_0 = craft_aero.high_lift(wing, hld_conf)

    rating = MTO

    [pamb, tamb, tstd, dtodz] = earth.atmosphere(altp, disa)

    [rho, sig] = earth.air_density(pamb, tamb)

    cz_to = czmax / kvs1g**2

    mach = flight.speed_from_lift(aircraft, pamb, cz_to, mass)

    nei = 0  # For Magic Line factor computation

    fn, trash = propu.thrust(aircraft, pamb, tamb, mach, rating, nei)

    ml_factor = mass**2 / (cz_to * fn * wing.area * sig**0.8
                           )  # Magic Line factor

    tofl = 14.23 * ml_factor + 97.58

    nei = 1  # For 2nd segment computation
    speed_mode = 1
    speed = flight.get_speed(pamb, speed_mode, mach)

    seg2path, vz = flight.air_path(aircraft, nei, altp, disa, speed_mode,
                                   speed, mass, rating)

    return seg2path, tofl