def turbofan_thrust(aircraft, Pamb, Tamb, Mach, rating, nei):
    Calculation of thrust for pure turbofan airplane
    Warning : ALL engine thrust returned

    engine = aircraft.turbofan_engine
    nacelle = aircraft.turbofan_nacelle

    factor = engine.rating_factor  # [MTO,MCN,MCL,MCR,FID]

    kth =  0.475*Mach**2 + 0.091*(engine.bpr/10)**2 \
         - 0.283*Mach*engine.bpr/10 \
         - 0.633*Mach - 0.081*engine.bpr/10 + 1.192

    (rho, sig) = earth.air_density(Pamb, Tamb)

    fn0 = factor[rating] * kth * engine.reference_thrust * sig**0.75

    fn_core = fn0 * engine.core_thrust_ratio  # Core thrust

    fn_fan0 = fn0 * (1 - engine.core_thrust_ratio)  # Fan thrust

    Vsnd = earth.sound_speed(Tamb)
    Vair = Vsnd * Mach

    shaft_power0 = fn_fan0 * Vair / nacelle.efficiency_prop  # Available total shaft power for one engine

    fn = fn0 * (engine.n_engine - nei)  # All turbofan thrust

    data = (fn_core, fn_fan0, fn0, shaft_power0
            )  # Data for ONE turbofan engine

    return fn, data
def approach_speed(aircraft, altp, disa, mass, hld_conf):
    Minimum approach speed (VLS)

    wing = aircraft.wing

    g = earth.gravity()

    czmax, trash = craft_aero.high_lift(wing, hld_conf)

    stall_margin = regul.kvs1g_min_landing()

    [pamb, tamb, tstd, dtodz] = earth.atmosphere(altp, disa)

    [rho, sig] = earth.air_density(pamb, tamb)

    vapp = numpy.sqrt(
        (mass * g) / (0.5 * rho * wing.area * (czmax / stall_margin**2)))

    return vapp
def take_off(aircraft, kvs1g, altp, disa, mass, hld_conf):
    Take off field length and climb path at 35 ft depending on stall margin (kVs1g)

    wing = aircraft.wing
    propulsion = aircraft.propulsion

    (MTO, MCN, MCL, MCR, FID) = propulsion.rating_code

    czmax, cz_0 = craft_aero.high_lift(wing, hld_conf)

    rating = MTO

    [pamb, tamb, tstd, dtodz] = earth.atmosphere(altp, disa)

    [rho, sig] = earth.air_density(pamb, tamb)

    cz_to = czmax / kvs1g**2

    mach = flight.speed_from_lift(aircraft, pamb, cz_to, mass)

    nei = 0  # For Magic Line factor computation

    fn, trash = propu.thrust(aircraft, pamb, tamb, mach, rating, nei)

    ml_factor = mass**2 / (cz_to * fn * wing.area * sig**0.8
                           )  # Magic Line factor

    tofl = 14.23 * ml_factor + 97.58

    nei = 1  # For 2nd segment computation
    speed_mode = 1
    speed = flight.get_speed(pamb, speed_mode, mach)

    seg2path, vz = flight.air_path(aircraft, nei, altp, disa, speed_mode,
                                   speed, mass, rating)

    return seg2path, tofl
def eval_bli_nacelle_design(this_nacelle, Pamb, Tamb, Mach, shaft_power,
                            hub_width, body_length, body_width):
    BLI nacelle design

    gam = earth.heat_ratio()
    r = earth.gaz_constant()
    Cp = earth.heat_constant(gam, r)

    (rho, sig) = earth.air_density(Pamb, Tamb)
    Vsnd = earth.sound_speed(Tamb)
    Re = craft_aero.reynolds_number(Pamb, Tamb, Mach)
    Vair = Vsnd * Mach

    # Precalculation of the relation between d0 and d1

    body_bnd_layer = eval_boundary_layer(body_width, hub_width)

    # Electrical nacelle geometry : e-nacelle diameter is size by cruise conditions
    r0 = 0.5 * body_width  # Radius of the fuselage, supposed constant
    d0 = craft_aero.boundary_layer(
        Re, body_length
    )  # theoritical thickness of the boundary layer without taking account of fuselage tapering
    r1 = 0.5 * hub_width  # Radius of the hub of the efan nacelle
    d1 = lin_interp_1d(d0, body_bnd_layer[:, 0],
                                      1])  # Thickness of the BL around the hub

    deltaV = 2. * Vair * (
        this_nacelle.efficiency_fan / this_nacelle.efficiency_prop - 1.
    )  # speed variation produced by the fan

    PwInput = this_nacelle.efficiency_fan * shaft_power  # kinetic energy produced by the fan

    def fct_power_1(y, PwInput, deltaV, rho, Vair, r1, d1):
        (q0, q1, q2, v1, dVbli) = craft_aero.air_flows(rho, Vair, r1, d1, y)
        Vinlet = Vair - dVbli
        Vjet = Vinlet + deltaV
        Pw = 0.5 * q1 * (Vjet**2 - Vinlet**2)
        y = PwInput - Pw
        return y


    fct_arg = (PwInput, deltaV, rho, Vair, r1, d1)

    # Computation of y1 : thickness of the vein swallowed by the inlet
    output_dict = fsolve(fct_power_1, x0=d1, args=fct_arg, full_output=True)

    y1 = output_dict[0][0]

    (q0, q1, q2, v1, dVbli) = craft_aero.air_flows(rho, Vair, r1, d1, y1)

    MachInlet = v1 / Vsnd  # Mean Mach number at inlet position

    Ptot = earth.total_pressure(
        Pamb, MachInlet)  # Stagnation pressure at inlet position

    Ttot = earth.total_temperature(
        Tamb, MachInlet)  # Stagnation temperature at inlet position

    MachFan = 0.5  # required Mach number at fan position

    CQoA1 = craft_aero.corrected_air_flow(
        Ptot, Ttot, MachFan)  # Corrected air flow per area at fan position

    eFanArea = q1 / CQoA1  # Fan area around the hub

    fan_width = math.sqrt(hub_width**2 +
                          4 * eFanArea / math.pi)  # Fan diameter

    Vjet = v1 + deltaV  # Jet velocity

    TtotJet = Ttot + shaft_power / (
        q1 * Cp)  # Stagnation pressure increases due to introduced work

    Tstat = TtotJet - 0.5 * Vjet**2 / Cp  # static temperature

    VsndJet = math.sqrt(gam * r * Tstat)  # Sound velocity at nozzle exhaust

    MachJet = Vjet / VsndJet  # Mach number at nozzle output

    PtotJet = earth.total_pressure(
        Pamb, MachJet)  # total pressure at nozzle exhaust (P = Pamb)

    CQoA2 = craft_aero.corrected_air_flow(
        PtotJet, TtotJet,
        MachJet)  # Corrected air flow per area at nozzle output

    nozzle_area = q1 / CQoA2  # Fan area around the hub

    nozzle_width = math.sqrt(4 * nozzle_area / math.pi)  # Nozzle diameter

    this_nacelle.hub_width = hub_width

    this_nacelle.fan_width = fan_width

    this_nacelle.nozzle_width = nozzle_width

    this_nacelle.nozzle_area = nozzle_area

    this_nacelle.width = 1.19 * fan_width  # Surrounding structure

    this_nacelle.length = 1.68 * this_nacelle.width

    this_nacelle.net_wetted_area = math.pi * this_nacelle.width * this_nacelle.length  # Nacelle wetted area

    this_nacelle.bnd_layer = body_bnd_layer

    this_nacelle.body_length = body_length

def fan_thrust(nacelle, Pamb, Tamb, Mach, Vair, PwShaft):
    Compute the thrust of a fan of given geometry swallowing
    the boundary layer (BL) of a body of given geometry
    The amount of swallowed BL depends on the given shaft power
    and flying conditions

    bnd_layer = nacelle.bnd_layer

    Re = craft_aero.reynolds_number(Pamb, Tamb, Mach)
    (rho, sig) = earth.air_density(Pamb, Tamb)
    Vsnd = earth.sound_speed(Tamb)

    d0 = craft_aero.boundary_layer(
        Re, nacelle.body_length
    )  #Theoritical thickness of the boundary layer without taking account of fuselage tapering
    d1 = lin_interp_1d(d0, bnd_layer[:, 0],
                       bnd_layer[:, 1])  # Using the precomputed relation
    r1 = 0.5 * nacelle.hub_width  # Radius of the hub of the eFan nacelle

    PwInput = nacelle.efficiency_fan * PwShaft

    def fct_power(q, PwInput, Vair, Vsnd, eNozzleArea):

        Vinlet = Vair
        MachInlet = Vinlet / Vsnd  # Mean Mach number at inlet position
        Ptot = earth.total_pressure(
            Pamb, MachInlet)  #total pressure at inlet position
        Ttot = earth.total_temperature(
            Tamb, MachInlet)  # Total temperature at inlet position
        Vjet = math.sqrt(2. * PwInput / q + Vinlet**2)
        MachJet = Vjet / Vsnd
        CQoA1 = craft_aero.corrected_air_flow(
            Ptot, Ttot, MachJet)  # Corrected air flow per area at fan position
        q0 = CQoA1 * eNozzleArea

        y = q - q0

        return y


    eNozzleArea = nacelle.nozzle_area

    fct_arg = (PwInput, Vair, Vsnd, eNozzleArea)

    (q0init, q1, q2, V1, dV) = craft_aero.air_flows(rho, Vair, r1, d1, 1.00)

    # Computation of y1 : thikness of the vein swallowed by the inlet
    output_dict = fsolve(fct_power, x0=q0init, args=fct_arg, full_output=True)

    q0 = output_dict[0][0]

    Vinlet = Vair
    Vjet = math.sqrt(2. * PwInput / q0 + Vinlet**2)

    eFn = q0 * (Vjet - Vinlet)

    return (eFn, q0)
def fan_thrust_with_bli(nacelle, Pamb, Tamb, Mach, Vair, PwShaft):
    Compute the thrust of a fan of a given geometry swallowing
    the boundary layer (BL) of a body of a given geometry
    The amount of swallowed BL depends on the given shaft power and flying

    bnd_layer = nacelle.bnd_layer

    gam = earth.heat_ratio()
    r = earth.gaz_constant()
    Cp = earth.heat_constant(gam, r)

    Re = craft_aero.reynolds_number(Pamb, Tamb, Mach)
    (rho, sig) = earth.air_density(Pamb, Tamb)
    Vsnd = earth.sound_speed(Tamb)

    d0 = craft_aero.boundary_layer(
        Re, nacelle.body_length
    )  # theorical thickness of the boundary layer without taking account of fuselage tapering
    r1 = 0.5 * nacelle.hub_width  # Radius of the hub of the eFan nacelle
    d1 = lin_interp_1d(d0, bnd_layer[:, 0],
                       bnd_layer[:, 1])  # Using the precomputed relation

    def fct_power_bli(y, PwShaft, Tamb, Pamb, rho, Mach, Vair, Vsnd, r1, d1,

        Ttot = earth.total_temperature(
            Tamb, Mach)  # Stagnation temperature at inlet position
        (q0, q1, q2, Vinlet,
         dVbli) = craft_aero.air_flows(rho, Vair, r1, d1, y)
        Tstat = Ttot - 0.5 * Vinlet**2 / Cp  # Static temperature at inlet position
        Vsnd_inlet = earth.sound_speed(Tstat)  # Sound speed at inlet position
        MachInlet = Vinlet / Vsnd_inlet  # Mean Mach number at inlet position
        PwInput = nacelle.efficiency_fan * PwShaft
        Vjet = math.sqrt(2. * PwInput / q1 + Vinlet**2)
        TtotJet = Ttot + PwShaft / (
            q1 * Cp)  # Stagnation temperature increases due to introduced work
        Tstat = TtotJet - 0.5 * Vjet**2 / Cp  # Static temperature
        VsndJet = earth.sound_speed(Tstat)  # Sound speed at nozzle exhaust
        MachJet = Vjet / VsndJet  # Mach number at nozzle output
        PtotJet = earth.total_pressure(
            Pamb, MachJet)  # total pressure at nozzle exhaust (P = Pamb)
        CQoA1 = craft_aero.corrected_air_flow(
            PtotJet, TtotJet,
            MachJet)  # Corrected air flow per area at fan position
        q = CQoA1 * nozzle_area

        y = q1 - q

        return y


    nozzle_area = nacelle.nozzle_area

    fct_arg = (PwShaft, Tamb, Pamb, rho, Mach, Vair, Vsnd, r1, d1, nozzle_area)

    # Computation of y1 : thikness of the vein swallowed by the inlet
    output_dict = fsolve(fct_power_bli,

    y = output_dict[0][0]

    Ttot = earth.total_temperature(
        Tamb, Mach)  # Stagnation temperature at inlet position
    (q0, q1, q2, Vinlet, dVbli) = craft_aero.air_flows(rho, Vair, r1, d1, y)
    Tstat = Ttot - 0.5 * Vinlet**2 / Cp  # Static temperature at inlet position
    Vsnd_inlet = earth.sound_speed(Tstat)  # Sound speed at inlet position
    MachInlet = Vinlet / Vsnd_inlet  # Mean Mach number at inlet position
    PwInput = nacelle.efficiency_fan * PwShaft
    Vjet = math.sqrt(2. * PwInput / q1 + Vinlet**2)

    eFn = q1 * (Vjet - Vinlet)

    return (eFn, q1, dVbli)