def area_to_tile_list(self, lat, lon, width, height, ground_width, zoom=None): '''return a list of TileInfoScaled objects needed for an area of land, with ground_width in meters, and width/height in pixels. lat/lon is the top left corner. If unspecified, the zoom is automatically chosen to avoid having to grow the tiles ''' pixel_width = ground_width / float(width) ground_height = ground_width * (height/(float(width))) top_right = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, 90, ground_width) bottom_left = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, 180, ground_height) ground_width_bottom = ground_width * cos(radians(lat)) / max(1.0e-15,cos(radians(bottom_left[0]))) bottom_right = mp_util.gps_newpos(bottom_left[0], bottom_left[1], 90, ground_width_bottom) # choose a zoom level if not provided if zoom is None: zooms = range(self.min_zoom, self.max_zoom+1) else: zooms = [zoom] for zoom in zooms: tile_min = self.coord_to_tile(lat, lon, zoom) (twidth,theight) = tile_min.size() tile_pixel_width = twidth / float(TILES_WIDTH) scale = pixel_width / tile_pixel_width if scale >= 1.0: break scaled_tile_width = int(TILES_WIDTH / scale) scaled_tile_height = int(TILES_HEIGHT / scale) # work out the bottom right tile tile_max = self.coord_to_tile(bottom_right[0], bottom_right[1], zoom) ofsx = int(tile_min.offsetx / scale) ofsy = int(tile_min.offsety / scale) srcy = ofsy dsty = 0 ret = [] # place the tiles for y in range(tile_min.y, tile_max.y+1): srcx = ofsx dstx = 0 world_tiles = 1<<zoom lim_x = (tile_max.x+1) % world_tiles x = tile_min.x while x != lim_x: if dstx < width and dsty < height: ret.append(TileInfoScaled((x,y), zoom, scale, (srcx,srcy), (dstx,dsty), self.service)) dstx += scaled_tile_width-srcx srcx = 0 x = (x+1) % world_tiles dsty += scaled_tile_height-srcy srcy = 0 return ret
def draw(self, img, pixmapper, bounds): '''draw a polygon on the image''' if self.hidden: return (lat,lon,w,h) = bounds # note that w and h are in degrees spacing = 1000 while True: start = mp_util.latlon_round((lat,lon), spacing) lat2 = mp_util.constrain(lat+h*0.5,-85,85) lon2 = mp_util.wrap_180(lon+w) dist = mp_util.gps_distance(lat2,lon,lat2,lon2) count = int(dist / spacing) if count < 2: spacing /= 10 elif count > 50: spacing *= 10 else: break count += 10 for i in range(count): # draw vertical lines of constant longitude pos1 = mp_util.gps_newpos(start[0], start[1], 90, i*spacing) pos3 = (pos1[0]+h*2, pos1[1]) self.draw_line(img, pixmapper, pos1, pos3, self.colour, self.linewidth) # draw horizontal lines of constant latitude pos1 = mp_util.gps_newpos(start[0], start[1], 0, i*spacing) pos3 = (pos1[0], pos1[1]+w*2) self.draw_line(img, pixmapper, pos1, pos3, self.colour, self.linewidth)
def draw(self, img, pixmapper, bounds): '''draw a polygon on the image''' if self.hidden: return (x, y, w, h) = bounds spacing = 1000 while True: start = mp_util.latlon_round((x, y), spacing) dist = mp_util.gps_distance(x, y, x + w, y + h) count = int(dist / spacing) if count < 2: spacing /= 10 elif count > 50: spacing *= 10 else: break for i in range(count * 2 + 2): pos1 = mp_util.gps_newpos(start[0], start[1], 90, i * spacing) pos3 = mp_util.gps_newpos(pos1[0], pos1[1], 0, 3 * count * spacing) self.draw_line(img, pixmapper, pos1, pos3, self.colour, self.linewidth) pos1 = mp_util.gps_newpos(start[0], start[1], 0, i * spacing) pos3 = mp_util.gps_newpos(pos1[0], pos1[1], 90, 3 * count * spacing) self.draw_line(img, pixmapper, pos1, pos3, self.colour, self.linewidth)
def draw(self, img, pixmapper, bounds): '''draw a polygon on the image''' if self.hidden: return (x,y,w,h) = bounds spacing = 1000 while True: start = mp_util.latlon_round((x,y), spacing) dist = mp_util.gps_distance(x,y,x+w,y+h) count = int(dist / spacing) if count < 2: spacing /= 10 elif count > 50: spacing *= 10 else: break for i in range(count*2+2): pos1 = mp_util.gps_newpos(start[0], start[1], 90, i*spacing) pos3 = mp_util.gps_newpos(pos1[0], pos1[1], 0, 3*count*spacing) self.draw_line(img, pixmapper, pos1, pos3, self.colour, self.linewidth) pos1 = mp_util.gps_newpos(start[0], start[1], 0, i*spacing) pos3 = mp_util.gps_newpos(pos1[0], pos1[1], 90, 3*count*spacing) self.draw_line(img, pixmapper, pos1, pos3, self.colour, self.linewidth)
def area_to_tile_list(self, lat, lon, width, height, ground_width, zoom=None): '''return a list of TileInfoScaled objects needed for an area of land, with ground_width in meters, and width/height in pixels. lat/lon is the top left corner. If unspecified, the zoom is automatically chosen to avoid having to grow the tiles ''' pixel_width = ground_width / float(width) ground_height = ground_width * (height/(float(width))) top_right = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, 90, ground_width) bottom_left = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, 180, ground_height) bottom_right = mp_util.gps_newpos(bottom_left[0], bottom_left[1], 90, ground_width) # choose a zoom level if not provided if zoom is None: zooms = range(self.min_zoom, self.max_zoom+1) else: zooms = [zoom] for zoom in zooms: tile_min = self.coord_to_tile(lat, lon, zoom) (twidth,theight) = tile_min.size() tile_pixel_width = twidth / float(TILES_WIDTH) scale = pixel_width / tile_pixel_width if scale >= 1.0: break scaled_tile_width = int(TILES_WIDTH / scale) scaled_tile_height = int(TILES_HEIGHT / scale) # work out the bottom right tile tile_max = self.coord_to_tile(bottom_right[0], bottom_right[1], zoom) ofsx = int(tile_min.offsetx / scale) ofsy = int(tile_min.offsety / scale) srcy = ofsy dsty = 0 ret = [] # place the tiles for y in range(tile_min.y, tile_max.y+1): srcx = ofsx dstx = 0 for x in range(tile_min.x, tile_max.x+1): if dstx < width and dsty < height: ret.append(TileInfoScaled((x,y), zoom, scale, (srcx,srcy), (dstx,dsty), self.service)) dstx += scaled_tile_width-srcx srcx = 0 dsty += scaled_tile_height-srcy srcy = 0 return ret
def update_target(self, time_boot_ms): '''update target on map''' if not # don't draw if no map return if not 'HOME_POSITION' in self.master.messages: return home_position = self.master.messages['HOME_POSITION'] now = time_boot_ms * 1.0e-3 dt = now - self.last_update if dt < 0: dt = 0 self.last_update = now self.circle_dist += dt * self.follow_settings.speed # assume a circle for now circumference = math.pi * self.follow_settings.radius * 2 rotations = math.fmod(self.circle_dist, circumference) / circumference angle = math.pi * 2 * rotations self.target_pos = mp_util.gps_newpos(home_position.latitude*1.0e-7, home_position.longitude*1.0e-7, math.degrees(angle), self.follow_settings.radius) icon ='camera-small-red.png') (lat, lon) = (self.target_pos[0], self.target_pos[1])'followtest', (lat, lon), icon, layer='FollowTest', rotation=0, follow=False))
def cmd_wp_move_rel_home(self, args, latlon=None): '''handle wp move to a point relative to home by dist/bearing''' if len(args) < 3: print("usage: wp moverelhome WPNUM dist bearing") return idx = int(args[0]) if idx < 1 or idx > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % idx) return dist = float(args[1]) bearing = float(args[2]) home = self.get_home() if home is None: print("Need home") return wp = self.wploader.wp(idx) if not self.wploader.is_location_command(wp.command): print("Not a nav command") return (newlat, newlon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(home.x, home.y, bearing, dist) wp.x = newlat wp.y = newlon wp.target_system = self.target_system wp.target_component = self.target_component self.wploader.set(wp, idx) self.loading_waypoints = True self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time() self.master.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send(self.target_system, self.target_component, idx, idx+1) print("Moved WP %u %.1fm bearing %.1f from home" % (idx, dist, bearing))
def on_mouse(self, event): '''handle mouse events''' state = self.state pos = event.GetPosition() if event.Leaving(): self.mouse_pos = None else: self.mouse_pos = pos self.update_position() if event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_ANY) or event.ButtonUp(): # send any event with a mouse button to the parent latlon = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) selected = self.selected_objects(pos) state.event_queue.put(SlipMouseEvent(latlon, event, selected)) if event.LeftDown(): self.mouse_down = pos self.last_click_pos = self.click_pos self.click_pos = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) if event.Dragging() and event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT): # drag map to new position newpos = pos dx = (self.mouse_down.x - newpos.x) dy = -(self.mouse_down.y - newpos.y) pdist = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if pdist > state.drag_step: bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(dx, dy)) distance = (state.ground_width/float(state.width)) * pdist newlatlon = mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, bearing, distance) (, state.lon) = newlatlon self.mouse_down = newpos self.redraw_map()
def on_mouse(self, event): '''handle mouse events''' state = self.state pos = event.GetPosition() if event.Leaving(): self.mouse_pos = None else: self.mouse_pos = pos self.update_position() if event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_ANY) or event.ButtonUp(): # send any event with a mouse button to the parent latlon = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) selected = self.selected_objects(pos) state.event_queue.put(SlipMouseEvent(latlon, event, selected)) if event.LeftDown(): self.mouse_down = pos self.last_click_pos = self.click_pos self.click_pos = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) if event.Dragging() and event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT): # drag map to new position newpos = pos dx = (self.mouse_down.x - newpos.x) dy = -(self.mouse_down.y - newpos.y) pdist = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if pdist > state.drag_step: bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(dx, dy)) distance = (state.ground_width / float(state.width)) * pdist newlatlon = mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, bearing, distance) (, state.lon) = newlatlon self.mouse_down = newpos self.redraw_map()
def update_target(self, time_boot_ms): '''update target on map''' if not # don't draw if no map return if not 'HOME_POSITION' in self.master.messages: return home_position = self.master.messages['HOME_POSITION'] now = time_boot_ms * 1.0e-3 dt = now - self.last_update if dt < 0: dt = 0 self.last_update = now self.circle_dist += dt * self.follow_settings.speed # assume a circle for now circumference = math.pi * self.follow_settings.radius * 2 rotations = math.fmod(self.circle_dist, circumference) / circumference angle = math.pi * 2 * rotations self.target_pos = mp_util.gps_newpos(home_position.latitude * 1.0e-7, home_position.longitude * 1.0e-7, math.degrees(angle), self.follow_settings.radius) icon ='camera-small-red.png') (lat, lon) = (self.target_pos[0], self.target_pos[1]) mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('followtest', (lat, lon), icon, layer='FollowTest', rotation=0, follow=False))
def re_center(self, x, y, lat, lon): '''re-center view for pixel x,y''' state = self.state if lat is None or lon is None: return (lat2,lon2) = self.coordinates(x, y) distance = mp_util.gps_distance(lat2, lon2, lat, lon) bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing(lat2, lon2, lat, lon) (, state.lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, bearing, distance)
def mavlink_packet(m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' state = mpstate.cameraview_state if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT':, state.lon =*scale_latlon, m.lon*scale_latlon state.hdg = m.hdg*scale_hdg state.height = m.relative_alt*scale_relative_alt + state.home_height - state.elevation_model.GetElevation(, state.lon) elif m.get_type() == 'ATTITUDE': state.roll, state.pitch, state.yaw = math.degrees(m.roll), math.degrees(m.pitch), math.degrees(m.yaw) elif m.get_type() in ['GPS_RAW', 'GPS_RAW_INT']: if mpstate.wp_state.wploader.count() > 0: home = mpstate.wp_state.wploader.wp(0).x, mpstate.wp_state.wploader.wp(0).y else: home = [mpstate.master().field('HOME', c)*scale_latlon for c in ['lat', 'lon']] old = state.home_height # TODO TMP state.home_height = state.elevation_model.GetElevation(*home) # TODO TMP if state.home_height != old: # tridge said to get home pos from wploader, # but this is not the same as from master() below...!! # using master() gives the right coordinates # (i.e. matches GLOBAL_POSITION_INT coords, and $IMHOME in # and wploader is a bit off print 'home height changed from',old,'to',state.home_height elif m.get_type() == 'SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW': for (axis, attr) in [('ROLL', 'mount_roll'), ('TILT', 'mount_pitch'), ('PAN', 'mount_yaw')]: channel = int(mpstate.mav_param.get('MNT_RC_IN_{0}'.format(axis), 0)) if mpstate.mav_param.get('MNT_STAB_{0}'.format(axis), 0) and channel: # enabled stabilisation on this axis # TODO just guessing that RC_IN_ROLL gives the servo number, but no idea if this is really the case servo = 'servo{0}_raw'.format(channel) centidegrees = scale_rc(getattr(m, servo), mpstate.mav_param.get('MNT_ANGMIN_{0}'.format(axis[:3])), mpstate.mav_param.get('MNT_ANGMAX_{0}'.format(axis[:3])), param='RC{0}'.format(channel)) setattr(state, attr, centidegrees*0.01) #state.mount_roll = min(max(-state.roll,-45),45)#TODO TMP #state.mount_yaw = min(max(-state.yaw,-45),45)#TODO TMP #state.mount_pitch = min(max(-state.pitch,-45),45)#TODO TMP else: return if # if the map module is loaded, redraw polygon # get rid of the old polygon'CameraView')) # camera view polygon determined by projecting corner pixels of the image onto the ground pixel_positions = [cuav_util.pixel_position(px[0],px[1], state.height, state.pitch+state.mount_pitch, state.roll+state.mount_roll, state.yaw+state.mount_yaw, state.camera_params) for px in [(0,0), (state.camera_params.xresolution,0), (state.camera_params.xresolution,state.camera_params.yresolution), (0,state.camera_params.yresolution)]] if any(pixel_position is None for pixel_position in pixel_positions): # at least one of the pixels is not on the ground # so it doesn't make sense to try to draw the polygon return gps_positions = [mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, math.degrees(math.atan2(*pixel_position)), math.hypot(*pixel_position)) for pixel_position in pixel_positions] # draw new polygon'cameraview', gps_positions+[gps_positions[0]], # append first element to close polygon layer='CameraView', linewidth=2, colour=state.col))
def mavlink_packet(self, m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' state = self if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT':, state.lon =*scale_latlon, m.lon*scale_latlon state.hdg = m.hdg*scale_hdg state.height = m.relative_alt*scale_relative_alt + state.home_height - state.elevation_model.GetElevation(, state.lon) elif m.get_type() == 'ATTITUDE': state.roll, state.pitch, state.yaw = math.degrees(m.roll), math.degrees(m.pitch), math.degrees(m.yaw) elif m.get_type() in ['GPS_RAW', 'GPS_RAW_INT']: if self.module('wp').wploader.count() > 0: home = self.module('wp').wploader.wp(0).x, self.module('wp').wploader.wp(0).y else: home = [self.master.field('HOME', c)*scale_latlon for c in ['lat', 'lon']] old = state.home_height # TODO TMP state.home_height = state.elevation_model.GetElevation(*home) # TODO TMP if state.home_height != old: # tridge said to get home pos from wploader, # but this is not the same as from master() below...!! # using master() gives the right coordinates # (i.e. matches GLOBAL_POSITION_INT coords, and $IMHOME in # and wploader is a bit off print 'home height changed from',old,'to',state.home_height elif m.get_type() == 'SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW': for (axis, attr) in [('ROLL', 'mount_roll'), ('TILT', 'mount_pitch'), ('PAN', 'mount_yaw')]: channel = int(self.get_mav_param('MNT_RC_IN_{0}'.format(axis), 0)) if self.get_mav_param('MNT_STAB_{0}'.format(axis), 0) and channel: # enabled stabilisation on this axis # TODO just guessing that RC_IN_ROLL gives the servo number, but no idea if this is really the case servo = 'servo{0}_raw'.format(channel) centidegrees = self.scale_rc(getattr(m, servo), self.get_mav_param('MNT_ANGMIN_{0}'.format(axis[:3])), self.get_mav_param('MNT_ANGMAX_{0}'.format(axis[:3])), param='RC{0}'.format(channel)) setattr(state, attr, centidegrees*0.01) #state.mount_roll = min(max(-state.roll,-45),45)#TODO TMP #state.mount_yaw = min(max(-state.yaw,-45),45)#TODO TMP #state.mount_pitch = min(max(-state.pitch,-45),45)#TODO TMP else: return if # if the map module is loaded, redraw polygon # get rid of the old polygon'CameraView')) # camera view polygon determined by projecting corner pixels of the image onto the ground pixel_positions = [cuav_util.pixel_position(px[0],px[1], state.height, state.pitch+state.mount_pitch, state.roll+state.mount_roll, state.yaw+state.mount_yaw, state.camera_params) for px in [(0,0), (state.camera_params.xresolution,0), (state.camera_params.xresolution,state.camera_params.yresolution), (0,state.camera_params.yresolution)]] if any(pixel_position is None for pixel_position in pixel_positions): # at least one of the pixels is not on the ground # so it doesn't make sense to try to draw the polygon return gps_positions = [mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, math.degrees(math.atan2(*pixel_position)), math.hypot(*pixel_position)) for pixel_position in pixel_positions] # draw new polygon'cameraview', gps_positions+[gps_positions[0]], # append first element to close polygon layer='CameraView', linewidth=2, colour=state.col))
def on_mouse(self, event): '''handle mouse events''' state = self.state pos = event.GetPosition() if event.Leaving(): self.mouse_pos = None else: self.mouse_pos = pos self.update_position() if event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_ANY) or event.ButtonUp(): # send any event with a mouse button to the parent latlon = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) selected = self.selected_objects(pos) state.event_queue.put(SlipMouseEvent(latlon, event, selected)) if event.RightDown(): state.popup_object = None state.popup_latlon = None if len(selected) > 0: obj = state.layers[selected[0].layer][selected[0].objkey] if obj.popup_menu is not None: state.popup_object = obj state.popup_latlon = latlon self.show_popup(obj, pos) state.popup_started = True if not state.popup_started and state.default_popup is not None: state.popup_latlon = latlon self.show_default_popup(pos) state.popup_started = True if not event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT): state.popup_started = False if event.LeftDown() or event.RightDown(): self.mouse_down = pos self.last_click_pos = self.click_pos self.click_pos = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) if event.Dragging() and event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT): # drag map to new position newpos = pos if self.mouse_down and newpos: dx = (self.mouse_down.x - newpos.x) dy = -(self.mouse_down.y - newpos.y) pdist = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if pdist > state.drag_step: bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(dx, dy)) distance = (state.ground_width / float(state.width)) * pdist newlatlon = mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, bearing, distance) (, state.lon) = newlatlon self.mouse_down = newpos self.redraw_map()
def on_mouse(self, event): '''handle mouse events''' state = self.state pos = event.GetPosition() if event.Leaving(): self.mouse_pos = None else: self.mouse_pos = pos self.update_position() if event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_ANY) or event.ButtonUp(): # send any event with a mouse button to the parent latlon = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) selected = self.selected_objects(pos) state.event_queue.put(SlipMouseEvent(latlon, event, selected)) if event.RightDown(): state.popup_object = None state.popup_latlon = None if len(selected) > 0: obj = state.layers[selected[0].layer][selected[0].objkey] if obj.popup_menu is not None: state.popup_object = obj state.popup_latlon = latlon self.show_popup(obj, pos) state.popup_started = True if not state.popup_started and state.default_popup is not None: state.popup_latlon = latlon self.show_default_popup(pos) state.popup_started = True if not event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT): state.popup_started = False if event.LeftDown() or event.RightDown(): self.mouse_down = pos self.last_click_pos = self.click_pos self.click_pos = self.coordinates(pos.x, pos.y) if event.Dragging() and event.ButtonIsDown(wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT): # drag map to new position newpos = pos if self.mouse_down and newpos: dx = (self.mouse_down.x - newpos.x) dy = -(self.mouse_down.y - newpos.y) pdist = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if pdist > state.drag_step: bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(dx, dy)) distance = (state.ground_width/float(state.width)) * pdist newlatlon = mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, bearing, distance) (, state.lon) = newlatlon self.mouse_down = newpos self.redraw_map()
def find_location_by_name(autotest, locname): """Search locations.txt for locname, return GPS coords""" locations_userpath = os.environ.get('ARDUPILOT_LOCATIONS', get_user_locations_path()) locations_filepath = os.path.join(autotest, "locations.txt") swarm_init_filepath = os.path.join(autotest, "locations.txt") comment_regex = re.compile("\s*#.*") for path in [locations_userpath, locations_filepath]: if not os.path.isfile(path): continue with open(path, 'r') as fd: for line in fd: line = re.sub(comment_regex, "", line) line = line.rstrip("\n") if len(line) == 0: continue (name, loc) = line.split("=") if name == locname: if cmd_opts.swarm : (lat, lon, alt, heading)=loc.split(",") for path2 in [swarm_init_filepath]: if os.path.isfile(path2): with open(path2,'r') as swd: for lines in swd: if len(lines) == 0: continue (instance, offset) = lines.split("=") if ((int)(instance) == (int)cmd_opts.instance): (dist, heading) = offset.split(",") g=mp_util.gps_newpos((float)(lat), (float)(lon), (float)(heading), (float)(dist)) loc=str(g[0])+","+str(g[1])+","+str(alt)+","+str(heading) return loc g=mp_util.gps_newpos((float)(lat), (float)(lon), 90, 20*(int)(cmd_opts.instance)) loc=str(g[0])+","+str(g[1])+","+str(alt)+","+str(heading) return loc return loc
def mavlink_packet(m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' state = mpstate.map_state if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE": if not mpstate.map_state.have_simstate: mpstate.map_state.have_simstate = True create_blueplane()'blueplane', (, m.lng), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and not mpstate.map_state.have_simstate: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if is not None and (mpstate.map_state.have_blueplane or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon,, state.lon) > 10): create_blueplane()'blueplane', (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if mpstate.master().flightmode in [ "AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL" ]: trajectory = [ (, state.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist) ]'trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) else:'Trajectory')) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, state.lon, state.heading) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7, m.hdg*0.01) else: return if != 0 or state.lon != 0:'plane', (, state.lon), rotation=state.heading) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay if state.wp_change_time != mpstate.status.wploader.last_change: state.wp_change_time = mpstate.status.wploader.last_change display_waypoints() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if state.fence_change_time != mpstate.status.fenceloader.last_change: state.fence_change_time = mpstate.status.fenceloader.last_change points = mpstate.status.fenceloader.polygon() if len(points) > 1:'fence', points, layer=1, linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0))) # check for any events from the map
def mavlink_packet_distance_sensor(self, vehicle, m): heading = self.heading_for_vehicle.get(vehicle, 0) tlayer = "Distance sensor for %u.%u id=%u" % ( m.get_srcSystem(), m.get_srcComponent(), slipkey = '%s-POS%u' % (tlayer, m.orientation) if not m.get_srcSystem() in self.lat_lon_for_vehicle: return if m.current_distance == m.max_distance: self.foreach_map(lambda a_map : a_map.remove_object(slipkey)) return (lat,lon) = self.lat_lon_for_vehicle[m.get_srcSystem()] mav_sensor_rotation_to_degrees = { mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_NONE: 0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_45: 45, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_90: 90, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_135 : 135, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_180: 180, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_225 : 225, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_270 : 270, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_315 : 315, } if m.orientation in mav_sensor_rotation_to_degrees: degrees = mav_sensor_rotation_to_degrees[m.orientation] else: # print("bad orientation (%u)" % m.orientation) return if m.current_distance >= m.max_distance: return p = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, heading+degrees, 0) # start angle/end angle are either side of the primary axis, # which is rotated to be North start_angle = -22.5 end_angle = 22.5 self.foreach_map(lambda a_map : a_map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipCircle( slipkey, 3, p, m.current_distance/100.0, (255, 127, 0), linewidth=3, start_angle=start_angle, end_angle=end_angle, rotation=(-90+(heading+degrees))%360, )) )
def find_new_spawn(loc, file_path): (lat, lon, alt, heading)=loc.split(",") swarminit_filepath = os.path.join(autotest, "swarminit.txt") for path2 in [file_path, swarminit_filepath]: if os.path.isfile(path2): with open(path2,'r') as swd: next(swd) for lines in swd: if len(lines) == 0: continue (instance, offset) = lines.split("=") if ((int)(instance) == (int)(cmd_opts.instance)): (x,y,z,head) = offset.split(",") g=mp_util.gps_offset((float)(lat), (float)(lon), (float)(x), (float)(y)) loc=str(g[0])+","+str(g[1])+","+str(alt+z)+","+str(head) return loc g=mp_util.gps_newpos((float)(lat), (float)(lon), 90, 20*(int)(cmd_opts.instance)) loc=str(g[0])+","+str(g[1])+","+str(alt)+","+str(heading) return loc
def find_new_spawn(loc, file_path): (lat, lon, alt, heading) = loc.split(",") swarminit_filepath = os.path.join(find_autotest_dir(), "swarminit.txt") for path2 in [file_path, swarminit_filepath]: if os.path.isfile(path2): with open(path2, 'r') as swd: next(swd) for lines in swd: if len(lines) == 0: continue (instance, offset) = lines.split("=") if ((int)(instance) == (int)(cmd_opts.instance)): (x, y, z, head) = offset.split(",") g = mp_util.gps_offset((float)(lat), (float)(lon), (float)(x), (float)(y)) loc = str(g[0])+","+str(g[1])+","+str(alt+z)+","+str(head) return loc g = mp_util.gps_newpos((float)(lat), (float)(lon), 90, 20*(int)(cmd_opts.instance)) loc = str(g[0])+","+str(g[1])+","+str(alt)+","+str(heading) return loc
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) fen = mavwp.MAVFenceLoader() if opts.fence is not None: fen.load(opts.fence) path = [[]] types = ['MISSION_ITEM'] if opts.rawgps: types.extend(['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']) if opts.rawgps2: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW','GPS2']) if opts.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW','GPS2', 'GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS']) if opts.ekf: types.extend(['EKF1']) if len(types) == 1: types.extend(['GPS','GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) print("Looking for types %s" % str(types)) while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break except Exception: break if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': wp.set(m, m.seq) continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower() != opts.mode.lower(): continue if m.get_type() in ['GPS','GPS2']: status = getattr(m, 'Status', None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, 'FixType', None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, 'Lng', None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, 'Lon', None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break elif m.get_type() == 'EKF1': pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue (lat, lng) = pos else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 instance = 0 if opts.dualgps and m.get_type() in ['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2']: instance = 1 if m.get_type() == 'EKF1': if opts.dualgps: instance = 2 else: instance = 1 if lat != 0 or lng != 0: if getattr(mlog, 'flightmode','') in colourmap: colour = colourmap[mlog.flightmode] (r,g,b) = colour (r,g,b) = (r+instance*50,g+instance*50,b+instance*50) if r > 255: r = 205 if g > 255: g = 205 if b > 255: b = 205 colour = (r,g,b) point = (lat, lng, colour) else: point = (lat, lng) while instance >= len(path): path.append([]) path[instance].append(point) if len(path[0]) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat-bounds[2], lon+bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width-20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1]+bounds[3]) >= ground_width-20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i,filename), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) mission = wp.polygon() if len(mission) > 1: mission_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s' % filename, wp.polygon(), layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255,255,255)) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % filename, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0)) else: fence_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat,lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if opts.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug) if opts.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: map.add_object(mission_obj) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) path = [] path2 = [] types = ['MISSION_ITEM'] if opts.rawgps: types.extend(['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']) if opts.rawgps2: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2']) if opts.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2', 'GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS']) if len(types) == 1: types.extend(['GPS', 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': wp.set(m, m.seq) continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower( ) != opts.mode.lower(): continue if m.get_type() in ['GPS', 'GPS2']: status = getattr(m, 'Status', None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, 'FixType', None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, 'Lng', None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, 'Lon', None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 secondary = opts.dualgps and m.get_type() in ['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2'] if lat != 0 or lng != 0: if getattr(mlog, 'flightmode', '') in colourmap: colour = colourmap[mlog.flightmode] if secondary: (r, g, b) = colour (r, g, b) = (r + 50, g + 50, b + 50) if r > 255: r = 205 if g > 255: g = 205 if b > 255: b = 205 colour = (r, g, b) point = (lat, lng, colour) else: point = (lat, lng) if secondary: path2.append(point) else: path.append(point) if len(path) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0] + bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat - bounds[2], lon + bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width - 20 or mp_util.gps_distance( lat, lon, lat, bounds[1] + bounds[3]) >= ground_width - 20): ground_width += 10 path_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath-%s' % filename, path, layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180)) if len(path2) != 0: path2_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath2-%s' % filename, path2, layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180)) else: path2_obj = None mission = wp.polygon() if len(mission) > 1: mission_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s' % filename, wp.polygon(), layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 255, 255)) else: mission_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat, lon), ground_width, path_obj, mission_obj, path2_obj=path2_obj) else: global multi_map if opts.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug) if opts.multi: multi_map = map map.add_object(path_obj) if path2_obj is not None: map.add_object(path2_obj) if mission_obj is not None: map.add_object(mission_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object( mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat), float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
def move(self, bearing, distance): '''move position by bearing and distance''' lat = self.pkt['I105']['Lat']['val'] lon = self.pkt['I105']['Lon']['val'] (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, bearing, distance) self.setpos(lat, lon)
def mavflightview_show(path, wp, fen, options, title=None): if not title: title='MAVFlightView' bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat-bounds[2], lon+bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width-20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1]+bounds[3]) >= ground_width-20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i,title), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s-%u' % (title,i), plist[i], layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255,255,255))) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % title, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0)) else: fence_obj = None if options.imagefile: create_imagefile(options, options.imagefile, (lat,lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if options.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=title, service=options.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=options.debug) if options.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: display_waypoints(wp, map) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in options.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False)) source = getattr(options, "colour_source", "flightmode") if source != "flightmode": print("colour-source: min=%f max=%f" % (colour_source_min, colour_source_max))
def mavlink_packet(m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' state = mpstate.map_state if m.get_type() == "HEARTBEAT": from pymavlink import mavutil if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: state.vehicle_type = 'plane' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE]: state.vehicle_type = 'rover' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER]: state.vehicle_type = 'copter' if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE" and state.settings.showsimpos: create_vehicle_icon('SimVehicle', 'green')'SimVehicle', (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "AHRS2" and state.settings.showahrs2pos: create_vehicle_icon('AHRS2Vehicle', 'blue')'AHRS2Vehicle', (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and state.settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: create_vehicle_icon('GPSVehicle', 'blue')'GPSVehicle', (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == "GPS2_RAW" and state.settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: create_vehicle_icon('GPS2Vehicle', 'green')'GPS2Vehicle', (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, state.lon, state.heading) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7, m.hdg*0.01) if != 0 or state.lon != 0: create_vehicle_icon('PosVehicle', 'red', follow=True)'PosVehicle', (, state.lon), rotation=state.heading) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if mpstate.master().flightmode in [ "AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL" ]: trajectory = [ (, state.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist) ]'trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) else:'Trajectory')) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay if state.wp_change_time != mpstate.status.wploader.last_change: state.wp_change_time = mpstate.status.wploader.last_change display_waypoints() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if state.fence_change_time != mpstate.fence.fenceloader.last_change: state.fence_change_time = mpstate.fence.fenceloader.last_change points = mpstate.fence.fenceloader.polygon() if len(points) > 1:'fence', points, layer=1, linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0))) # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if state.rally_change_time != mpstate.rally_state.rallyloader.last_change: state.rally_change_time = mpstate.rally_state.rallyloader.last_change icon ='rallypoint.png')'RallyPoints')) for i in range(mpstate.rally_state.rallyloader.rally_count()): rp = mpstate.rally_state.rallyloader.rally_point(i)'Rally-%u' % i, (*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7), icon, layer='RallyPoints', rotation=0, follow=False)) # check for any events from the map
def mavlink_packet(self, m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' from MAVProxy.modules.mavproxy_map import mp_slipmap if m.get_type() == "HEARTBEAT": if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'plane' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'rover' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'copter' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'heli' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'antenna' # this is the beginnings of allowing support for multiple vehicles # in the air at the same time vehicle = 'Vehicle%u' % m.get_srcSystem() if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE" and self.map_settings.showsimpos: self.create_vehicle_icon('Sim' + vehicle, 'green')'Sim' + vehicle, (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "AHRS2" and self.map_settings.showahrs2pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS2' + vehicle, 'blue')'AHRS2' + vehicle, (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "AHRS3" and self.map_settings.showahrs3pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS3' + vehicle, 'orange')'AHRS3' + vehicle, (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and self.map_settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS' + vehicle, 'blue')'GPS' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == "GPS2_RAW" and self.map_settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS2' + vehicle, 'green')'GPS2' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, self.lon, self.heading) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7, m.hdg*0.01) if abs( > 1.0e-3 or abs(self.lon) > 1.0e-3: self.have_global_position = True self.create_vehicle_icon('Pos' + vehicle, 'red', follow=True)'Pos' + vehicle, (, self.lon), rotation=self.heading) if m.get_type() == 'LOCAL_POSITION_NED' and not self.have_global_position: (, self.lon) = mp_util.gps_offset(0, 0, m.x, m.y) self.heading = math.degrees(math.atan2(m.vy, m.vx)) self.create_vehicle_icon('Pos' + vehicle, 'red', follow=True)'Pos' + vehicle, (, self.lon), rotation=self.heading) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if (self.master.flightmode in [ "AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL" ] and is not None and self.lon is not None): trajectory = [ (, self.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, self.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist) ]'trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) else:'Trajectory')) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay last_wp_change = self.module('wp').wploader.last_change if self.wp_change_time != last_wp_change and abs(time.time() - last_wp_change) > 1: self.wp_change_time = last_wp_change self.display_waypoints() #this may have affected the landing lines from the rally points: self.rally_change_time = time.time() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if self.fence_change_time != self.module('fence').fenceloader.last_change: self.display_fence() # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if self.rally_change_time != self.module('rally').rallyloader.last_change: self.rally_change_time = self.module('rally').rallyloader.last_change icon ='rallypoint.png')'RallyPoints')) for i in range(self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_count()): rp = self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_point(i) popup = MPMenuSubMenu('Popup', items=[MPMenuItem('Rally Remove', returnkey='popupRallyRemove'), MPMenuItem('Rally Move', returnkey='popupRallyMove')])'Rally %u' % (i+1), (*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7), icon, layer='RallyPoints', rotation=0, follow=False, popup_menu=popup)) loiter_rad = self.get_mav_param('WP_LOITER_RAD') if self.map_settings.rallycircle:'Rally Circ %u' % (i+1), 'RallyPoints', (*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7), abs(loiter_rad), (255,255,0), 2)) #draw a line between rally point and nearest landing point nearest_land_wp = None nearest_distance = 10000000.0 for j in range(self.module('wp').wploader.count()): w = self.module('wp').wploader.wp(j) if (w.command == 21): #if landing waypoint #get distance between rally point and this waypoint dis = mp_util.gps_distance(w.x, w.y,*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7) if (dis < nearest_distance): nearest_land_wp = w nearest_distance = dis if nearest_land_wp != None: points = [] #tangential approach? if self.get_mav_param('LAND_BREAK_PATH') == 0: theta = math.degrees(math.atan(loiter_rad / nearest_distance)) tan_dis = math.sqrt(nearest_distance * nearest_distance - (loiter_rad * loiter_rad)) ral_bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing(nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y,*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7) points.append(mp_util.gps_newpos(nearest_land_wp.x,nearest_land_wp.y, ral_bearing + theta, tan_dis)) else: #not tangential approach points.append((*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7)) points.append((nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y))'Rally Land %u' % (i+1), points, 'RallyPoints', (255,255,0), 2)) # check for any events from the map
wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() wp.load(file) boundary = wp.polygon() sm.add_object(SlipPolygon('mission-%s' % file, boundary, layer=1, linewidth=1, colour=(255,255,255))) if opts.grid: sm.add_object(SlipGrid('grid', layer=3, linewidth=1, colour=(255,255,0))) if opts.thumbnail: thumb = cv.LoadImage(opts.thumbnail) sm.add_object(SlipThumbnail('thumb', (,opts.lon), layer=1, img=thumb, border_width=2, border_colour=(255,0,0))) if opts.icon: icon = cv.LoadImage(opts.icon) sm.add_object(SlipIcon('icon', (,opts.lon), icon, layer=3, rotation=90, follow=True)) sm.set_position('icon', mp_util.gps_newpos(,opts.lon, 180, 100), rotation=45) sm.add_object(SlipInfoImage('detail', icon)) sm.add_object(SlipInfoText('detail text', 'test text')) for flag in opts.flag: (lat,lon) = flag.split(',') icon = sm.icon('flag.png') sm.add_object(SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False)) while sm.is_alive(): while sm.event_count() > 0: obj = sm.get_event() if not opts.verbose: continue if isinstance(obj, SlipMouseEvent): print("Mouse event at %s (X/Y=%u/%u) for %u objects" % (obj.latlon,
def mavlink_packet(self, m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' from MAVProxy.modules.mavproxy_map import mp_slipmap mtype = m.get_type() sysid = m.get_srcSystem() if mtype == "HEARTBEAT": vname = 'plane' if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: vname = 'plane' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER]: vname = 'rover' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE]: vname = 'sub' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT]: vname = 'boat' elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER ]: vname = 'copter' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL]: vname = 'singlecopter' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER]: vname = 'heli' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER]: vname = 'antenna' self.vehicle_type_by_sysid[sysid] = vname if not sysid in self.vehicle_type_by_sysid: self.vehicle_type_by_sysid[sysid] = 'plane' self.vehicle_type_name = self.vehicle_type_by_sysid[sysid] # this is the beginnings of allowing support for multiple vehicles # in the air at the same time vehicle = 'Vehicle%u' % m.get_srcSystem() if mtype == "SIMSTATE" and self.map_settings.showsimpos: self.create_vehicle_icon('Sim' + vehicle, 'green')'Sim' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) elif mtype == "AHRS2" and self.map_settings.showahrs2pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS2' + vehicle, 'blue')'AHRS2' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) elif mtype == "AHRS3" and self.map_settings.showahrs3pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS3' + vehicle, 'orange')'AHRS3' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) elif mtype == "GPS_RAW_INT" and self.map_settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: if m.vel > 300 or 'ATTITUDE' not in self.master.messages: cog = m.cog * 0.01 else: cog = math.degrees(self.master.messages['ATTITUDE'].yaw) self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS' + vehicle, 'blue')'GPS' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=cog) elif mtype == "GPS2_RAW" and self.map_settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS2' + vehicle, 'green')'GPS2' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) elif mtype == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT' and self.map_settings.showahrspos: (lat, lon, heading) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7, m.hdg * 0.01) self.lat_lon[m.get_srcSystem()] = (lat, lon) if abs(lat) > 1.0e-3 or abs(lon) > 1.0e-3: self.have_global_position = True self.create_vehicle_icon('Pos' + vehicle, 'red', follow=True) if len(self.vehicle_type_by_sysid) > 1: label = str(sysid) else: label = None'Pos' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=heading, label=label, colour=(255, 255, 255))'Pos' + vehicle, self.is_primary_vehicle(m)) elif mtype == 'HOME_POSITION': (lat, lon) = (m.latitude * 1.0e-7, m.longitude * 1.0e-7) icon ='home.png') mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('HOME_POSITION', (lat, lon), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False)) elif mtype == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": tlayer = 'Trajectory%u' % m.get_srcSystem() if (self.master.flightmode in [ "AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL", "QRTL", "QLOITER", "QLAND", "FOLLOW" ] and m.get_srcSystem() in self.lat_lon): (lat, lon) = self.lat_lon[m.get_srcSystem()] trajectory = [(lat, lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist)] mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('trajectory', trajectory, layer=tlayer, linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180))) self.trajectory_layers.add(tlayer) else: if tlayer in self.trajectory_layers: self.trajectory_layers.remove(tlayer) elif mtype == "POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT": # FIXME: base this off SYS_STATUS.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_XY_POSITION_CONTROL? if not m.get_srcSystem() in self.lat_lon: return tlayer = 'PostionTarget%u' % m.get_srcSystem() (lat, lon) = self.lat_lon[m.get_srcSystem()] if (self.master.flightmode in [ "AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL", "QRTL", "QLOITER", "QLAND", "FOLLOW" ]): lat_float = m.lat_int * 1e-7 lon_float = m.lon_int * 1e-7 vec = [(lat_float, lon_float), (lat, lon)] mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('position_target', vec, layer=tlayer, linewidth=2, colour=(0, 255, 0))) else: if not self.is_primary_vehicle(m): # the rest should only be done for the primary vehicle return # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay last_wp_change = self.module('wp').wploader.last_change if self.wp_change_time != last_wp_change and abs(time.time() - last_wp_change) > 1: self.wp_change_time = last_wp_change self.display_waypoints() #this may have affected the landing lines from the rally points: self.rally_change_time = time.time() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if (self.module('fence') and self.fence_change_time != self.module('fence').fenceloader.last_change): self.display_fence() # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if (self.module('rally') and self.rally_change_time != self.module('rally').last_change()): self.rally_change_time = self.module('rally').last_change() icon ='rallypoint.png')'RallyPoints')) for i in range(self.module('rally').rally_count()): rp = self.module('rally').rally_point(i) popup = MPMenuSubMenu( 'Popup', items=[ MPMenuItem('Rally Remove', returnkey='popupRallyRemove'), MPMenuItem('Rally Move', returnkey='popupRallyMove') ]) mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('Rally %u' % (i + 1), ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), icon, layer='RallyPoints', rotation=0, follow=False, popup_menu=popup)) loiter_rad = self.get_mav_param('WP_LOITER_RAD') if self.map_settings.rallycircle: mp_slipmap.SlipCircle( 'Rally Circ %u' % (i + 1), 'RallyPoints', ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), loiter_rad, (255, 255, 0), 2, arrow=self.map_settings.showdirection)) #draw a line between rally point and nearest landing point nearest_land_wp = None nearest_distance = 10000000.0 for j in range(self.module('wp').wploader.count()): w = self.module('wp').wploader.wp(j) if (w.command == 21): #if landing waypoint #get distance between rally point and this waypoint dis = mp_util.gps_distance(w.x, w.y, * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7) if (dis < nearest_distance): nearest_land_wp = w nearest_distance = dis if nearest_land_wp is not None: points = [] #tangential approach? if self.get_mav_param('LAND_BREAK_PATH') == 0: theta = math.degrees( math.atan(loiter_rad / nearest_distance)) tan_dis = math.sqrt(nearest_distance * nearest_distance - (loiter_rad * loiter_rad)) ral_bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing( nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y, * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7) points.append( mp_util.gps_newpos(nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y, ral_bearing + theta, tan_dis)) else: #not tangential approach points.append(( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7)) points.append((nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y)) mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Rally Land %u' % (i + 1), points, 'RallyPoints', (255, 255, 0), 2)) # check for any events from the map
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) fen = mavwp.MAVFenceLoader() if opts.fence is not None: fen.load(opts.fence) path = [[]] types = ['MISSION_ITEM', 'CMD'] if opts.rawgps: types.extend(['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']) if opts.rawgps2: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2']) if opts.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2', 'GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS']) if opts.ekf: types.extend(['EKF1', 'GPS']) if opts.ahr2: types.extend(['AHR2', 'GPS']) if len(types) == 2: types.extend(['GPS', 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) print("Looking for types %s" % str(types)) while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break except Exception: break if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if m.get_type() == 'CMD': m = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message( 0, 0, m.CNum, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, m.CId, 0, 1, m.Prm1, m.Prm2, m.Prm3, m.Prm4, m.Lat, m.Lng, m.Alt) try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower( ) != opts.mode.lower(): continue if m.get_type() in ['GPS', 'GPS2']: status = getattr(m, 'Status', None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, 'FixType', None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, 'Lng', None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, 'Lon', None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break elif m.get_type() == 'EKF1': pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue (lat, lng) = pos elif m.get_type() == 'AHR2': (lat, lng) = (m.Lat, m.Lng) else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 instance = 0 if opts.dualgps and m.get_type() in ['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2']: instance = 1 if m.get_type() == 'EKF1': if opts.dualgps: instance = 2 else: instance = 1 if m.get_type() == 'AHR2': if opts.dualgps: instance = 2 else: instance = 1 if abs(lat) > 0.01 or abs(lng) > 0.01: if getattr(mlog, 'flightmode', '') in colourmap: colour = colourmap[mlog.flightmode] (r, g, b) = colour (r, g, b) = (r + instance * 50, g + instance * 50, b + instance * 50) if r > 255: r = 205 if g > 255: g = 205 if b > 255: b = 205 colour = (r, g, b) point = (lat, lng, colour) else: point = (lat, lng) while instance >= len(path): path.append([]) path[instance].append(point) if len(path[0]) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0] + bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat - bounds[2], lon + bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width - 20 or mp_util.gps_distance( lat, lon, lat, bounds[1] + bounds[3]) >= ground_width - 20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append( mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i, filename), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180))) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append( mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s-%u' % (filename, i), plist[i], layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 255, 255))) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % filename, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0, 255, 0)) else: fence_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat, lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if opts.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug) if opts.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: display_waypoints(wp, map) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object( mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat), float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
def cmd_wp_movemulti(self, args): '''handle wp move of multiple waypoints''' if len(args) < 4: print( "usage: wp movemulti WPNUM WPSTART WPEND <rotation> <newLocation>" ) return idx = int(args[0]) if idx < 1 or idx > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % idx) return wpstart = int(args[1]) if wpstart < 1 or wpstart > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % wpstart) return wpend = int(args[2]) if wpend < 1 or wpend > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % wpend) return if idx < wpstart or idx > wpend: print("WPNUM must be between WPSTART and WPEND") return # optional rotation about center point if len(args) > 3: rotation = float(args[3]) else: rotation = 0 # optional --> Override mouse click and use a waypoint for the move location instead if len(args) > 4: wpmove = int(args[4]) if wpmove < 0 or wpmove > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % wpmove) return wp = self.wploader.wp(wpmove) latlon = (wp.x, wp.y) else: try: latlon = self.module('map').click_position except Exception: print("No map available") return if latlon is None: print("No map click position available") return wp = self.wploader.wp(idx) if not self.wploader.is_location_command(wp.command): print("WP must be a location command") return (lat, lon) = latlon distance = mp_util.gps_distance(wp.x, wp.y, lat, lon) bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing(wp.x, wp.y, lat, lon) for wpnum in range(wpstart, wpend + 1): wp = self.wploader.wp(wpnum) if not self.wploader.is_location_command(wp.command): continue (newlat, newlon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(wp.x, wp.y, bearing, distance) if wpnum != idx and rotation != 0: # add in rotation d2 = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, newlat, newlon) b2 = mp_util.gps_bearing(lat, lon, newlat, newlon) (newlat, newlon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, b2 + rotation, d2) if getattr( self.console, 'ElevationMap', None ) is not None and wp.frame != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT: alt1 = self.console.ElevationMap.GetElevation(newlat, newlon) alt2 = self.console.ElevationMap.GetElevation(wp.x, wp.y) if alt1 is not None and alt2 is not None: wp.z += alt1 - alt2 wp.x = newlat wp.y = newlon wp.target_system = self.target_system wp.target_component = self.target_component self.wploader.set(wp, wpnum) self.loading_waypoints = True self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time() self.master.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send( self.target_system, self.target_component, wpstart, wpend + 1) print("Moved WPs %u:%u to %f, %f rotation=%.1f" % (wpstart, wpend, lat, lon, rotation))
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) path = [] while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['MISSION_ITEM', 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) if m is None: break if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT' and mlog.check_condition( opts.condition): if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower( ) != opts.mode.lower(): continue lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 if lat != 0 or lng != 0: if mlog.flightmode in colourmap: point = (lat, lng, colourmap[mlog.flightmode]) else: point = (lat, lng) path.append(point) if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': wp.set(m, m.seq) if len(path) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0] + bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat - bounds[2], lon + bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width - 20 or mp_util.gps_distance( lat, lon, lat, bounds[1] + bounds[3]) >= ground_width - 20): ground_width += 10 path_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath', path, layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180)) mission = wp.polygon() if len(mission) > 1: mission_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission', wp.polygon(), layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 255, 255)) else: mission_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat, lon), ground_width, path_obj, mission_obj) else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon) map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: map.add_object(mission_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object( mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat), float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
def mavlink_packet(self, m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' if m.get_type() == "HEARTBEAT": from pymavlink import mavutil if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'plane' elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE ]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'rover' elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER ]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'copter' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'antenna' # this is the beginnings of allowing support for multiple vehicles # in the air at the same time vehicle = 'Vehicle%u' % m.get_srcSystem() if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE" and self.map_settings.showsimpos: self.create_vehicle_icon('Sim' + vehicle, 'green')'Sim' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "AHRS2" and self.map_settings.showahrs2pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS2' + vehicle, 'blue')'AHRS2' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and self.map_settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS' + vehicle, 'blue')'GPS' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == "GPS2_RAW" and self.map_settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS2' + vehicle, 'green')'GPS2' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, self.lon, self.heading) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7, m.hdg * 0.01) if != 0 or self.lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('Pos' + vehicle, 'red', follow=True)'Pos' + vehicle, (, self.lon), rotation=self.heading) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if self.master.flightmode in ["AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL"]: trajectory = [(, self.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, self.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist)] mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180))) else: mp_slipmap.SlipClearLayer('Trajectory')) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay if self.wp_change_time != self.module('wp').wploader.last_change: self.wp_change_time = self.module('wp').wploader.last_change self.display_waypoints() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if self.fence_change_time != self.module( 'fence').fenceloader.last_change: self.display_fence() # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if self.rally_change_time != self.module( 'rally').rallyloader.last_change: self.rally_change_time = self.module( 'rally').rallyloader.last_change icon ='rallypoint.png') mp_slipmap.SlipClearLayer('RallyPoints')) for i in range(self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_count()): rp = self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_point(i) popup = MPMenuSubMenu( 'Popup', items=[ MPMenuItem('Rally Remove', returnkey='popupRallyRemove'), MPMenuItem('Rally Move', returnkey='popupRallyMove') ]) mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('Rally %u' % (i + 1), ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), icon, layer='RallyPoints', rotation=0, follow=False, popup_menu=popup)) # check for any events from the map
def mavflightview_mav(mlog, options=None, title=None): '''create a map for a log file''' if not title: title = 'MAVFlightView' wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if options.mission is not None: wp.load(options.mission) fen = mavwp.MAVFenceLoader() if options.fence is not None: fen.load(options.fence) path = [[]] instances = {} ekf_counter = 0 nkf_counter = 0 types = ['MISSION_ITEM', 'CMD'] if options.types is not None: types.extend(options.types.split(',')) else: types.extend(['GPS', 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) if options.rawgps or options.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']) if options.rawgps2 or options.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2']) if options.ekf: types.extend(['EKF1', 'GPS']) if options.nkf: types.extend(['NKF1', 'GPS']) if options.ahr2: types.extend(['AHR2', 'AHRS2', 'GPS']) print("Looking for types %s" % str(types)) last_timestamps = {} while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break except Exception: break type = m.get_type() if type == 'MISSION_ITEM': try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if type == 'CMD': m = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message( 0, 0, m.CNum, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, m.CId, 0, 1, m.Prm1, m.Prm2, m.Prm3, m.Prm4, m.Lat, m.Lng, m.Alt) try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if not mlog.check_condition(options.condition): continue if options.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower( ) != options.mode.lower(): continue if type in ['GPS', 'GPS2']: status = getattr(m, 'Status', None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, 'FixType', None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, 'Lng', None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, 'Lon', None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break elif type in ['EKF1', 'ANU1']: pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue ekf_counter += 1 if ekf_counter % options.ekf_sample != 0: continue (lat, lng) = pos elif type in ['NKF1']: pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue nkf_counter += 1 if nkf_counter % options.nkf_sample != 0: continue (lat, lng) = pos elif type in ['ANU5']: (lat, lng) = (m.Alat * 1.0e-7, m.Alng * 1.0e-7) elif type in ['AHR2', 'POS', 'CHEK']: (lat, lng) = (m.Lat, m.Lng) elif type == 'AHRS2': (lat, lng) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7) else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 # automatically add new types to instances if type not in instances: instances[type] = len(instances) while len(instances) >= len(path): path.append([]) instance = instances[type] if abs(lat) > 0.01 or abs(lng) > 0.01: colour = colour_for_point(mlog, (lat, lng), instance, options) point = (lat, lng, colour) if options.rate == 0 or not type in last_timestamps or m._timestamp - last_timestamps[ type] > 1.0 / options.rate: last_timestamps[type] = m._timestamp path[instance].append(point) if len(path[0]) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0] + bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat - bounds[2], lon + bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width - 20 or mp_util.gps_distance( lat, lon, lat, bounds[1] + bounds[3]) >= ground_width - 20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append( mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i, title), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180))) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append( mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s-%u' % (title, i), plist[i], layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 255, 255))) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % title, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0, 255, 0)) else: fence_obj = None if options.imagefile: create_imagefile(options, options.imagefile, (lat, lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if options.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=title, service=options.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=options.debug) if options.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: display_waypoints(wp, map) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in options.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object( mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat), float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False)) source = getattr(options, "colour_source", "flightmode") if source != "flightmode": print("colour-source: min=%f max=%f" % (colour_source_min, colour_source_max))
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) path = [] while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['MISSION_ITEM', 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', 'GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS']) if m is None: break if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': wp.set(m, m.seq) continue if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT' and opts.rawgps: continue if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW_INT' and not opts.rawgps: continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower() != opts.mode.lower(): continue if m.get_type() == 'GPS': if m.Status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = m.Lng else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 if lat != 0 or lng != 0: if getattr(mlog, 'flightmode','') in colourmap: point = (lat, lng, colourmap[mlog.flightmode]) else: point = (lat, lng) path.append(point) if len(path) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat-bounds[2], lon+bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width-20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1]+bounds[3]) >= ground_width-20): ground_width += 10 path_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath', path, layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180)) mission = wp.polygon() if len(mission) > 1: mission_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission', wp.polygon(), layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255,255,255)) else: mission_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat,lon), ground_width, path_obj, mission_obj) else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug) map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: map.add_object(mission_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
def cmd_wp_movemulti(self, args): '''handle wp move of multiple waypoints''' if len(args) < 3: print("usage: wp movemulti WPNUM WPSTART WPEND <rotation>") return idx = int(args[0]) if idx < 1 or idx > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % idx) return wpstart = int(args[1]) if wpstart < 1 or wpstart > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % wpstart) return wpend = int(args[2]) if wpend < 1 or wpend > self.wploader.count(): print("Invalid wp number %u" % wpend) return if idx < wpstart or idx > wpend: print("WPNUM must be between WPSTART and WPEND") return # optional rotation about center point if len(args) > 3: rotation = float(args[3]) else: rotation = 0 try: latlon = self.module('map').click_position except Exception: print("No map available") return if latlon is None: print("No map click position available") return wp = self.wploader.wp(idx) if not self.wploader.is_location_command(wp.command): print("WP must be a location command") return (lat, lon) = latlon distance = mp_util.gps_distance(wp.x, wp.y, lat, lon) bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing(wp.x, wp.y, lat, lon) for wpnum in range(wpstart, wpend+1): wp = self.wploader.wp(wpnum) if not self.wploader.is_location_command(wp.command): continue (newlat, newlon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(wp.x, wp.y, bearing, distance) if wpnum != idx and rotation != 0: # add in rotation d2 = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, newlat, newlon) b2 = mp_util.gps_bearing(lat, lon, newlat, newlon) (newlat, newlon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, b2+rotation, d2) if getattr(self.console, 'ElevationMap', None) is not None and wp.frame != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT: alt1 = self.console.ElevationMap.GetElevation(newlat, newlon) alt2 = self.console.ElevationMap.GetElevation(wp.x, wp.y) if alt1 is not None and alt2 is not None: wp.z += alt1 - alt2 wp.x = newlat wp.y = newlon wp.target_system = self.target_system wp.target_component = self.target_component self.wploader.set(wp, wpnum) self.loading_waypoints = True self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time() self.master.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send(self.target_system, self.target_component, wpstart, wpend+1) print("Moved WPs %u:%u to %f, %f rotation=%.1f" % (wpstart, wpend, lat, lon, rotation))
def mavlink_packet(self, m): """handle an incoming mavlink packet""" if m.get_type() == "HEARTBEAT": from pymavlink import mavutil if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: self.vehicle_type_name = "plane" elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE, ]: self.vehicle_type_name = "rover" elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER, ]: self.vehicle_type_name = "copter" elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER]: self.vehicle_type_name = "antenna" # this is the beginnings of allowing support for multiple vehicles # in the air at the same time vehicle = "Vehicle%u" % m.get_srcSystem() if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE" and self.map_settings.showsimpos: self.create_vehicle_icon("Sim" + vehicle, "green") "Sim" + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw) ) if m.get_type() == "AHRS2" and self.map_settings.showahrs2pos: self.create_vehicle_icon("AHRS2" + vehicle, "blue") "AHRS2" + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw) ) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and self.map_settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon("GPS" + vehicle, "blue")"GPS" + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == "GPS2_RAW" and self.map_settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon("GPS2" + vehicle, "green")"GPS2" + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT": (, self.lon, self.heading) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7, m.hdg * 0.01) if != 0 or self.lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon("Pos" + vehicle, "red", follow=True)"Pos" + vehicle, (, self.lon), rotation=self.heading) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if self.master.flightmode in ["AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL"]: trajectory = [(, self.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, self.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist)] mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon( "trajectory", trajectory, layer="Trajectory", linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180) ) ) else:"Trajectory")) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay last_wp_change = self.module("wp").wploader.last_change if self.wp_change_time != last_wp_change and abs(time.time() - last_wp_change) > 1: self.wp_change_time = last_wp_change self.display_waypoints() # this may have affected the landing lines from the rally points: self.rally_change_time = time.time() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if self.fence_change_time != self.module("fence").fenceloader.last_change: self.display_fence() # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if self.rally_change_time != self.module("rally").rallyloader.last_change: self.rally_change_time = self.module("rally").rallyloader.last_change icon ="rallypoint.png")"RallyPoints")) for i in range(self.module("rally").rallyloader.rally_count()): rp = self.module("rally").rallyloader.rally_point(i) popup = MPMenuSubMenu( "Popup", items=[ MPMenuItem("Rally Remove", returnkey="popupRallyRemove"), MPMenuItem("Rally Move", returnkey="popupRallyMove"), ], ) mp_slipmap.SlipIcon( "Rally %u" % (i + 1), ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), icon, layer="RallyPoints", rotation=0, follow=False, popup_menu=popup, ) ) loiter_rad = self.get_mav_param("WP_LOITER_RAD") if self.map_settings.rallycircle: mp_slipmap.SlipCircle( "Rally Circ %u" % (i + 1), "RallyPoints", ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), abs(loiter_rad), (255, 255, 0), 2, ) ) # draw a line between rally point and nearest landing point nearest_land_wp = None nearest_distance = 10000000.0 for j in range(self.module("wp").wploader.count()): w = self.module("wp").wploader.wp(j) if w.command == 21: # if landing waypoint # get distance between rally point and this waypoint dis = mp_util.gps_distance(w.x, w.y, * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7) if dis < nearest_distance: nearest_land_wp = w nearest_distance = dis if nearest_land_wp != None: points = [] # tangential approach? if self.get_mav_param("LAND_BREAK_PATH") == 0: theta = math.degrees(math.atan(loiter_rad / nearest_distance)) tan_dis = math.sqrt(nearest_distance * nearest_distance - (loiter_rad * loiter_rad)) ral_bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing( nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y, * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7 ) points.append( mp_util.gps_newpos(nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y, ral_bearing + theta, tan_dis) ) else: # not tangential approach points.append(( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7)) points.append((nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y)) mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon("Rally Land %u" % (i + 1), points, "RallyPoints", (255, 255, 0), 2) ) # check for any events from the map
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) fen = mavwp.MAVFenceLoader() if opts.fence is not None: fen.load(opts.fence) path = [[]] instances = {} types = ['MISSION_ITEM','CMD'] if opts.types is not None: types.extend(opts.types.split(',')) else: types.extend(['GPS','GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) if opts.rawgps or opts.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']) if opts.rawgps2 or opts.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW','GPS2']) if opts.ekf: types.extend(['EKF1', 'GPS']) if opts.ahr2: types.extend(['AHR2', 'AHRS2', 'GPS']) print("Looking for types %s" % str(types)) while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break except Exception: break if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if m.get_type() == 'CMD': m = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message(0, 0, m.CNum, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, m.CId, 0, 1, m.Prm1, m.Prm2, m.Prm3, m.Prm4, m.Lat, m.Lng, m.Alt) try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower() != opts.mode.lower(): continue if m.get_type() in ['GPS','GPS2']: status = getattr(m, 'Status', None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, 'FixType', None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, 'Lng', None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, 'Lon', None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break elif m.get_type() == 'EKF1': pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue (lat, lng) = pos elif m.get_type() == 'AHR2': (lat, lng) = (m.Lat, m.Lng) elif m.get_type() == 'AHRS2': (lat, lng) = (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7) else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 # automatically add new types to instances if m.get_type() not in instances: instances[m.get_type()] = len(instances) while len(instances) >= len(path): path.append([]) instance = instances[m.get_type()] if abs(lat)>0.01 or abs(lng)>0.01: if getattr(mlog, 'flightmode','') in colourmap: colour = colourmap[mlog.flightmode] (r,g,b) = colour (r,g,b) = (r+instance*50,g+instance*50,b+instance*50) if r > 255: r = 205 if g > 255: g = 205 if b > 255: b = 205 colour = (r,g,b) point = (lat, lng, colour) else: point = (lat, lng) path[instance].append(point) if len(path[0]) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat-bounds[2], lon+bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width-20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1]+bounds[3]) >= ground_width-20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i,filename), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s-%u' % (filename,i), plist[i], layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255,255,255))) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % filename, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0)) else: fence_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat,lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if opts.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug) if opts.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: display_waypoints(wp, map) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
SlipThumbnail('thumb', (, opts.lon), layer=1, img=thumb, border_width=2, border_colour=(255, 0, 0))) if opts.icon: icon = cv2.imread(opts.icon) sm.add_object( SlipIcon('icon', (, opts.lon), icon, layer=3, rotation=90, follow=True)) sm.set_position('icon', mp_util.gps_newpos(, opts.lon, 180, 100), rotation=45) sm.add_object(SlipInfoImage('detail', icon)) sm.add_object(SlipInfoText('detail text', 'test text')) for flag in opts.flag: (lat, lon) = flag.split(',') icon = sm.icon('flag.png') sm.add_object( SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat), float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False)) while sm.is_alive():
def mavlink_packet(self, m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' if m.get_type() == "HEARTBEAT": from pymavlink import mavutil if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'plane' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'rover' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'copter' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'antenna' # this is the beginnings of allowing support for multiple vehicles # in the air at the same time vehicle = 'Vehicle%u' % m.get_srcSystem() if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE" and self.map_settings.showsimpos: self.create_vehicle_icon('Sim' + vehicle, 'green')'Sim' + vehicle, (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "AHRS2" and self.map_settings.showahrs2pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS2' + vehicle, 'blue')'AHRS2' + vehicle, (*1.0e-7, m.lng*1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and self.map_settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS' + vehicle, 'blue')'GPS' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == "GPS2_RAW" and self.map_settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS2' + vehicle, 'green')'GPS2' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog*0.01) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, self.lon, self.heading) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7, m.hdg*0.01) if != 0 or self.lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('Pos' + vehicle, 'red', follow=True)'Pos' + vehicle, (, self.lon), rotation=self.heading) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if self.master.flightmode in [ "AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL" ]: trajectory = [ (, self.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, self.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist) ]'trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) else:'Trajectory')) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay if self.wp_change_time != self.module('wp').wploader.last_change: self.wp_change_time = self.module('wp').wploader.last_change self.display_waypoints() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if self.fence_change_time != self.module('fence').fenceloader.last_change: self.display_fence() # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if self.rally_change_time != self.module('rally').rallyloader.last_change: self.rally_change_time = self.module('rally').rallyloader.last_change icon ='rallypoint.png')'RallyPoints')) for i in range(self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_count()): rp = self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_point(i) popup = MPMenuSubMenu('Popup', items=[MPMenuItem('Rally Remove', returnkey='popupRallyRemove'), MPMenuItem('Rally Move', returnkey='popupRallyMove')])'Rally %u' % (i+1), (*1.0e-7, rp.lng*1.0e-7), icon, layer='RallyPoints', rotation=0, follow=False, popup_menu=popup)) # check for any events from the map
def move(self, heading, distance): lat = self.pkt['I105']['Lat']['val'] lon = self.pkt['I105']['Lon']['val'] (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, heading, distance) self.setpos(lat, lon)
def mavflightview_show(path, wp, fen, used_flightmodes, mav_type, options, instances, title=None, timelim_pipe=None): if not title: title='MAVFlightView' boundary_path = [] for p in path[0]: boundary_path.append((p[0],p[1])) fence = fen.polygon() if options.fencebounds: for p in fence: boundary_path.append((p[0],p[1])) bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(boundary_path) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat-bounds[2], lon+bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width-20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1]+bounds[3]) >= ground_width-20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i,title), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s-%u' % (title,i), plist[i], layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255,255,255))) else: mission_obj = None if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % title, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0)) else: fence_obj = None kml = getattr(options,'kml',None) if kml is not None: kml_objects = load_kml(kml) else: kml_objects = None if options.imagefile: create_imagefile(options, options.imagefile, (lat,lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj, kml_objects, used_flightmodes=used_flightmodes, mav_type=mav_type) else: global multi_map if options.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=title, service=options.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=options.debug, show_flightmode_legend=options.show_flightmode_legend, timelim_pipe=timelim_pipe) if options.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: display_waypoints(wp, map) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) if kml_objects is not None: for obj in kml_objects: map.add_object(obj) for flag in options.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False)) if options.colour_source == "flightmode": tuples = [ (mode, colour_for_flightmode(mav_type, mode)) for mode in used_flightmodes.keys() ] map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipFlightModeLegend("legend", tuples)) elif options.colour_source == "type": tuples = [ (t, map_colours[instances[t]]) for t in instances.keys() ] map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipFlightModeLegend("legend", tuples)) else: print("colour-source: min=%f max=%f" % (colour_source_min, colour_source_max))
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) fen = mavwp.MAVFenceLoader() if opts.fence is not None: fen.load(opts.fence) path = [[]] instances = {} ekf_counter = 0 types = ["MISSION_ITEM", "CMD"] if opts.types is not None: types.extend(opts.types.split(",")) else: types.extend(["GPS", "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT"]) if opts.rawgps or opts.dualgps: types.extend(["GPS", "GPS_RAW_INT"]) if opts.rawgps2 or opts.dualgps: types.extend(["GPS2_RAW", "GPS2"]) if opts.ekf: types.extend(["EKF1", "GPS"]) if opts.ahr2: types.extend(["AHR2", "AHRS2", "GPS"]) print("Looking for types %s" % str(types)) last_timestamps = {} while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break except Exception: break type = m.get_type() if type == "MISSION_ITEM": try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if type == "CMD": m = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message( 0, 0, m.CNum, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, m.CId, 0, 1, m.Prm1, m.Prm2, m.Prm3, m.Prm4, m.Lat, m.Lng, m.Alt, ) try: while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower() != opts.mode.lower(): continue if type in ["GPS", "GPS2"]: status = getattr(m, "Status", None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, "FixType", None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, "Lng", None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, "Lon", None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break elif type in ["EKF1", "ANU1"]: pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue ekf_counter += 1 if ekf_counter % opts.ekf_sample != 0: continue (lat, lng) = pos elif type in ["ANU5"]: (lat, lng) = (m.Alat * 1.0e-7, m.Alng * 1.0e-7) elif type in ["AHR2", "POS", "CHEK"]: (lat, lng) = (m.Lat, m.Lng) elif type == "AHRS2": (lat, lng) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7) else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 # automatically add new types to instances if type not in instances: instances[type] = len(instances) while len(instances) >= len(path): path.append([]) instance = instances[type] if abs(lat) > 0.01 or abs(lng) > 0.01: fmode = getattr(mlog, "flightmode", "") if fmode in colourmap: colour = colourmap[fmode] else: colour = colourmap["UNKNOWN"] (r, g, b) = colour (r, g, b) = (r + instance * 80, g + instance * 50, b + instance * 70) if r > 255: r = 205 if g > 255: g = 205 if g < 0: g = 0 if b > 255: b = 205 colour = (r, g, b) point = (lat, lng, colour) if opts.rate == 0 or not type in last_timestamps or m._timestamp - last_timestamps[type] > 1.0 / opts.rate: last_timestamps[type] = m._timestamp path[instance].append(point) if len(path[0]) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0] + bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat - bounds[2], lon + bounds[3]) while ( mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width - 20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1] + bounds[3]) >= ground_width - 20 ): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append( mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon( "FlightPath[%u]-%s" % (i, filename), path[i], layer="FlightPath", linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180) ) ) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append( mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon( "Mission-%s-%u" % (filename, i), plist[i], layer="Mission", linewidth=2, colour=(255, 255, 255) ) ) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon( "Fence-%s" % filename, fen.polygon(), layer="Fence", linewidth=2, colour=(0, 255, 0) ) else: fence_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat, lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if opts.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap( title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug, ) if opts.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: display_waypoints(wp, map) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(",") lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = "flag.png" if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + ".png" icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object( mp_slipmap.SlipIcon( "icon - %s" % str(flag), (float(lat), float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False ) )
def mavlink_packet(self, m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' if m.get_type() == "HEARTBEAT": from pymavlink import mavutil if m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'plane' elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE ]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'rover' elif m.type in [ mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER ]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'copter' elif m.type in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER]: self.vehicle_type_name = 'antenna' # this is the beginnings of allowing support for multiple vehicles # in the air at the same time vehicle = 'Vehicle%u' % m.get_srcSystem() if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE" and self.map_settings.showsimpos: self.create_vehicle_icon('Sim' + vehicle, 'green')'Sim' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "AHRS2" and self.map_settings.showahrs2pos: self.create_vehicle_icon('AHRS2' + vehicle, 'blue')'AHRS2' + vehicle, ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and self.map_settings.showgpspos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS' + vehicle, 'blue')'GPS' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == "GPS2_RAW" and self.map_settings.showgps2pos: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if lat != 0 or lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('GPS2' + vehicle, 'green')'GPS2' + vehicle, (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, self.lon, self.heading) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7, m.hdg * 0.01) if != 0 or self.lon != 0: self.create_vehicle_icon('Pos' + vehicle, 'red', follow=True)'Pos' + vehicle, (, self.lon), rotation=self.heading) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if self.master.flightmode in ["AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL"]: trajectory = [(, self.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, self.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist)] mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180))) else: mp_slipmap.SlipClearLayer('Trajectory')) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay last_wp_change = self.module('wp').wploader.last_change if self.wp_change_time != last_wp_change and abs(time.time() - last_wp_change) > 1: self.wp_change_time = last_wp_change self.display_waypoints() #this may have affected the landing lines from the rally points: self.rally_change_time = time.time() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if self.fence_change_time != self.module( 'fence').fenceloader.last_change: self.display_fence() # if the rallypoints have changed, redisplay if self.rally_change_time != self.module( 'rally').rallyloader.last_change: self.rally_change_time = self.module( 'rally').rallyloader.last_change icon ='rallypoint.png') mp_slipmap.SlipClearLayer('RallyPoints')) for i in range(self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_count()): rp = self.module('rally').rallyloader.rally_point(i) popup = MPMenuSubMenu( 'Popup', items=[ MPMenuItem('Rally Remove', returnkey='popupRallyRemove'), MPMenuItem('Rally Move', returnkey='popupRallyMove') ]) mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('Rally %u' % (i + 1), ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), icon, layer='RallyPoints', rotation=0, follow=False, popup_menu=popup)) loiter_rad = self.get_mav_param('WP_LOITER_RAD') if self.map_settings.rallycircle: mp_slipmap.SlipCircle( 'Rally Circ %u' % (i + 1), 'RallyPoints', ( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7), abs(loiter_rad), (255, 255, 0), 2)) #draw a line between rally point and nearest landing point nearest_land_wp = None nearest_distance = 10000000.0 for j in range(self.module('wp').wploader.count()): w = self.module('wp').wploader.wp(j) if (w.command == 21): #if landing waypoint #get distance between rally point and this waypoint dis = mp_util.gps_distance(w.x, w.y, * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7) if (dis < nearest_distance): nearest_land_wp = w nearest_distance = dis if nearest_land_wp != None: points = [] #tangential approach? if self.get_mav_param('LAND_BREAK_PATH') == 0: theta = math.degrees( math.atan(loiter_rad / nearest_distance)) tan_dis = math.sqrt(nearest_distance * nearest_distance - (loiter_rad * loiter_rad)) ral_bearing = mp_util.gps_bearing( nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y, * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7) points.append( mp_util.gps_newpos(nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y, ral_bearing + theta, tan_dis)) else: #not tangential approach points.append(( * 1.0e-7, rp.lng * 1.0e-7)) points.append((nearest_land_wp.x, nearest_land_wp.y)) mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Rally Land %u' % (i + 1), points, 'RallyPoints', (255, 255, 0), 2)) # check for any events from the map
def mavlink_packet(m): '''handle an incoming mavlink packet''' state = mpstate.map_state if m.get_type() == "SIMSTATE": if not mpstate.map_state.have_simstate: mpstate.map_state.have_simstate = True create_blueplane()'blueplane', ( * 1.0e-7, m.lng * 1.0e-7), rotation=math.degrees(m.yaw)) if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and not mpstate.map_state.have_simstate: (lat, lon) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7) if is not None and ( mpstate.map_state.have_blueplane or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon,, state.lon) > 10): create_blueplane()'blueplane', (lat, lon), rotation=m.cog * 0.01) if m.get_type() == "NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT": if mpstate.master().flightmode in ["AUTO", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "RTL"]: trajectory = [(, state.lon), mp_util.gps_newpos(, state.lon, m.target_bearing, m.wp_dist)] mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('trajectory', trajectory, layer='Trajectory', linewidth=2, colour=(255, 0, 180))) else:'Trajectory')) if m.get_type() == 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': (, state.lon, state.heading) = ( * 1.0e-7, m.lon * 1.0e-7, m.hdg * 0.01) else: return if != 0 or state.lon != 0:'plane', (, state.lon), rotation=state.heading) # if the waypoints have changed, redisplay if state.wp_change_time != mpstate.status.wploader.last_change: state.wp_change_time = mpstate.status.wploader.last_change display_waypoints() # if the fence has changed, redisplay if state.fence_change_time != mpstate.status.fenceloader.last_change: state.fence_change_time = mpstate.status.fenceloader.last_change points = mpstate.status.fenceloader.polygon() if len(points) > 1: mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('fence', points, layer=1, linewidth=2, colour=(0, 255, 0))) # check for any events from the map