def convert_to_compact(fname):
    """Converts an interaction model dictionary to "compact" mode.

    This function takes a compressed yield file, where all secondary
    particle types known to the particular model are expected to be
    final state particles (set stable in the MC), and converts it
    to a new compressed yield file which contains only production channels
    to the most important particles (for air-shower and inclusive lepton

    The production of short lived particles and resonances is taken into
    account by executing the convolution with their decay distributions into
    more stable particles, until only final state particles are left. The list
    of "important" particles is defined in the standard_particles variable below.
    This results in a feed-down corretion, for example the process (chain)
    :math:`p + A \\to \\rho + X \\to \\pi + \\pi + X` becomes simply
    :math:`p + A \\to \\pi + \\pi + X`.
    The new interaction yield file obtains the suffix `_compact` and it
    contains only those final state secondary particles:

    .. math::

        \pi^+, K^+, K^0_{S,L}, p, n, \\bar{p}, \\bar{n}, \\Lambda^0,
        \\bar{\Lambda^0}, \\eta, \\phi, \\omega, D^0, D^+, D^+_s +
        {\\rm c.c.} + {\\rm leptons}

    The compact mode has the advantage, that the production spectra stored in
    this dictionary are directly comparable to what accelerators consider as
    stable particles, defined by a minimal life-time requirement. Using the
    compact mode is recommended for most applications, which use
    :func:`MCEq.core.MCEqRun.set_mod_pprod` to modify the spectrum of secondary

    For some interaction models, the performance advantage can be around 50\%.
    The precision loss is negligible at energies below 100 TeV, but can increase
    up to a few \% at higher energies where prompt leptons dominate. This is
    because also very short-lived charmed mesons and baryons with small branching
    ratios into leptons can interact with the atmosphere and lose energy before

    For `QGSJET`, compact and normal mode are identical, since the model does not
    produce resonances or rare mesons by design.

      fname (str): name of compressed yield (.bz2) file

    import os
    import cPickle as pickle
    from bz2 import BZ2File
    import ParticleDataTool

    dpm_di = None
    if fname.endswith('_ledpm.bz2'):

        if dbg > 0:
            print "convert_to_compact(): Low energy extension requested", fname

        dpmpath = os.path.join(
                None, "-.").upper() + '_yields_compact.bz2')

        if dbg > 2:
            print "convert_to_compact(): looking for file", dpmpath

        if not os.path.isfile(dpmpath):
            dpm_di = pickle.load(BZ2File(dpmpath))
        except IOError:
            raise Exception(
                "convert_to_compact(): Error, low-energy model file expected but"
                + "not found.\n", dpmpath)

    # If file name is supplied as ppd or with compact including, modify to
    # expected format
    fn_he = fname.replace('.ppd', '.bz2').replace('_compact',
                                                  '').replace('_ledpm', '')
    if not os.path.isfile(fn_he):
        fn_he = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], fn_he)

    if dbg > 0:
        print "convert_to_compact(): Attempting conversion of", fn_he

    # Load the yield dictionary (without multiplication with bin widths)
    mdi = pickle.load(BZ2File(fn_he))

    # Load the decay dictionary (with bin widths and index)
        ddi = pickle.load(
            open(os.path.join(config["data_dir"], 'decays_v1.ppd'), 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        # In case the ppd file is not yet created, use the DecayYields class to
        # decompress, rotate and weight the yield files
        from MCEq.data import DecayYields
        ds = DecayYields(fname='decays_v1.ppd')
        ddi = ds.decay_dict

    # Define a list of "stable" particles
    # Particles having an anti-partner
    standard_particles = [
        12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 211, 321, 2212, 2112, 3122, 411, 421, 431
    ]  #for EM cascade add 11, 22
    standard_particles += [-pid for pid in standard_particles]

    # unflavored particles
    # append 221, 223, 333, if eta, omega and phi needed directly
    standard_particles += [130, 310]  #, 221, 223, 333]

    # projectiles
    allowed_projectiles = [2212, 2112, 211, 321, 130, 3122]

    import ParticleDataTool as pd
    part_d = pd.PYTHIAParticleData()
    ctau_pr = part_d.ctau(310)

    # Create new dictionary for the compact model version
    compact_di = {}

    def create_secondary_dict(yield_dict):
        """This is a replica of function
        dbgstr = 'convert_to_compact::create_secondary_dict(): '
        if dbg > 2:
            print dbgstr + 'entering...'

        secondary_dict = {}
        for key, mat in sorted(yield_dict.iteritems()):
                proj, sec = key
            except ValueError:
                if dbg > 3:
                    print(dbgstr + 'Skip additional info', key)

            if proj not in secondary_dict:
                secondary_dict[proj] = []
                if dbg > 3:
                    print dbgstr, proj, 'added.'

            if np.sum(mat) > 0:
                assert (sec not in secondary_dict[proj]), (
                    dbgstr +
                    "Error in construction of index array: {0} -> {1}".format(
                        proj, sec))
                if dbg > 3:
                    print dbgstr + 'Zeros for', proj, sec

        return secondary_dict

    def follow_chained_decay(real_mother, mat, interm_mothers, reclev):
        """Follows the chain of decays down to the list of stable particles.

        The function follows the list of daughters of an unstable parrticle
        and computes the feed-down contribution by evaluating the convolution
        of production spectrum and decay spectrum using the formula (24)

            \mathbf{C}^M^p = D^\rho \cdot \ 

        dbgstr = 'convert_to_compact::follow_chained_decay(): '
        tab = 3 * reclev * '--' + '> '

        if dbg > 5 and reclev == 0:
            print dbgstr, 'start recursion with', real_mother, interm_mothers, np.sum(
        elif dbg > 10:
            print tab, 'enter with', real_mother, interm_mothers, np.sum(mat)

        if np.sum(mat) < 1e-30:
            if dbg > 10:
                print tab, 'zero matrix for', real_mother, interm_mothers
        if interm_mothers[-1] not in dec_di or interm_mothers[
                -1] in standard_particles:
            if dbg > 10:
                print tab, 'no further decays of', interm_mothers

        for d in dec_di[interm_mothers[-1]]:
            # Decay matrix
            dmat = ddi[(interm_mothers[-1], d)]
            # Matrix product D x C from the left (convolution)
            mprod = dmat.dot(mat)

            if np.sum(mprod) < 1e-40:
                if dbg > 10:
                    print tab, 'cancel recursion in', real_mother, interm_mothers, d, \
                    'since matrix is zero', np.sum(mat), np.sum(dmat), np.sum(mprod)

            if d not in standard_particles:
                if dbg > 5:
                    print tab, 'Recurse', real_mother, interm_mothers, d, np.sum(

                follow_chained_decay(real_mother, mprod, interm_mothers + [d],
                                     reclev + 1)
                # Track prompt leptons in prompt category
                if abs(d) in [12, 13, 14, 16]:
                    # is_prompt = bool(np.sum([(part_d.ctau(mo) <= ctau_pr or
                    #     4000 < abs(mo) < 7000 or 400 < abs(mo) < 500)
                    #     for mo in interm_mothers]))
                    is_prompt = sum(
                        [part_d.ctau(mo) <= ctau_pr
                         for mo in interm_mothers]) > 0
                    if is_prompt:
                        d = np.sign(d) * (7000 + abs(d))

                if dbg > 5:
                    print tab, 'contribute to', real_mother, interm_mothers, d

                if (real_mother, d) in compact_di.keys():
                    if dbg > 10:
                        print tab, '+=', (real_mother, d), np.sum(mprod)
                    compact_di[(real_mother, d)] += mprod
                    if dbg > 10:
                        print tab, 'new', (real_mother, d), interm_mothers
                    compact_di[(real_mother, d)] = mprod


    # Create index of entries
    pprod_di = create_secondary_dict(mdi)
    dec_di = create_secondary_dict(ddi)

    if dbg > 5:
        print 'Int   dict:\n', sorted(pprod_di)
        print 'Decay dict:\n', sorted(dec_di)

    for proj, lsecs in sorted(pprod_di.iteritems()):

        if abs(proj) not in allowed_projectiles:

        for sec in lsecs:
            # Copy all direct production in first iteration
            if sec in standard_particles:
                compact_di[(proj, sec)] = np.copy(mdi[(proj, sec)])

                if dbg > 2: print 'copied', proj, '->', sec

        for sec in lsecs:
            #Iterate over all remaining secondaries
            if sec in standard_particles:

            if dbg > 3: proj, '->', sec, '->', dec_di[sec]
            #Enter recursion and calculate contribution from decay
            follow_chained_decay(proj, mdi[(proj, sec)], [sec], 0)

    # Copy metadata
    compact_di['ebins'] = np.copy(mdi['ebins'])
    compact_di['evec'] = np.copy(mdi['evec'])
    compact_di['mname'] = mdi['mname']

    if dpm_di:
        compact_di = extend_to_low_energies(compact_di, dpm_di)

    pickle.dump(compact_di, BZ2File(fname, 'wb'), protocol=-1)

    # Delete cached version if it exists
    if os.path.isfile(fname.replace('.bz2', '.ppd')):
        os.unlink(fname.replace('.bz2', '.ppd'))